@Utah Jazz

Utah Jazz Post Game: Collin Sexton and Keyonte George crush Giannis

Utah Jazz Post Game: Collin Sexton and Keyonte George crush Giannis

All right what an impressive win for this Utah Jazz team that is showing they are much more than we expected about two months ago we thought this team would be good they’re showing it now let’s talk about it’s the Hoops nerd Show All right before we get into this let’s just give a shout out to our sponsor prize picks guys go to use promo code Hoops nerd if you haven’t already go do it you will enjoy it if you bet the over on Chris D assists that

Would have been a smart thing because he had 13 tonight these are things you can do during you know right before the game go do your homework and then you have something more to look for during the game it’s a lot of fun go do it I know I

Enjoy it I don’t know how good I am at it but I certainly enjoy it anyways go to it supports the channel I would really appreciate it all right guys that is now the Jazz have won eight of their last 10 I believe uh let’s

Bring this down and Shrink my ugly mug all right let’s shrink me and let’s just talk about this this go we this is a big win for the Utah Jazz and I know that uh Damen Lillard didn’t play in this one so was actually a harder game to play no

Just kidding uh but there was there is an element of the Bucks being a better defensive team without Damen Lillard but it didn’t really matter because this Utah Jazz team just came out absolutely smoked the Bucks in the first quarter I did not get to watch this one live with

You guys I had to watch the replay after the fact by the way Jazz plus can you get that replay up faster and can you allow fast forwards in it my goodness sometimes the replay is there and it’s great sometimes it’s not you know what would be nice some consistency from the

Jazz Plus app okay that would be nice all right anyways absolutely impressive I come back um I had to my boy plays Junior Jazz I was at Junior Jazz anyways I come back I noticed the Jazz had like a 31o lead at halftime I like to watch it all the way through I

There’s no DVR option so anyways add wait that’s why we’re later tonight I apologize but anyways I kind of knew what I was to watch because of what people had been saying tweeting and all these different things and you know a lot of people talked about the shooting but one thing

I was really impressed with with this Jazz team was the defense in the first half and the first quarter too it was impressive defense by this Utah Jazz team to keep this Bucks team in check in the first half it was impressive the shooting was awesome as well but I think

The defense has really been the thing that has been impressive to me with this Jazz team and their recent uptick in Play It’s been fantastic and they’ve done a great job uh Bobby poris who likes to be big and tough and all these different things went four for 11 so for

All his talk and all his Bluster and his technical foul he created after he got into it with Kelly oin by the way can we talk about that really fast and then we’ll go into the Regular Show where we talk about every player Bobby poris is

Is overrated I mean he goes four for 11 and honestly that was such garbage what those refs did when Kelly o lenx just trying to guard Bobby poris they don’t let him defend him they call a foul on him two times in a row NBA referees are

Garbage they are garbage to not allow Kelly o to defend is ridiculous and so they had to make up another call a after they go to break and call a technical on Bobby Porters that was a joke like what a joke of officiating by these NBA officials sometimes they are so bad at

Controlling a game it’s unbelievable but anyways for all his talk and all he his you know chest pounding and all that stuff Bobby poris is just four for 11 and what did Kelly o Lin do oh Kelly o lenck was let’s see four for six two for

Two from three three for four from the free throw line six rebounds three assists 13 points he was good Bobby poris wasn’t and you know who was better than Bobby poris and I hope Steve Kerr is watching this you know Steve Kerr the absolute genius because he inherited the

Two best Shooters in the history of the league and one of the best defenders of this generation and somehow Steve Kerr’s the genius because he decided to pass the ball to Steph Curry and Clay Thompson from Draymond Green because Draymond couldn’t shoot and he’s you know steep Steve Kerr the absolute

Genius of the century makes Einstein look dumb because he decided that he wanted the ball to get past to Steph Curry yeah now some of us you know some of us might be smart enough to realize that Steph Curry is the greatest shooter that ever stepped on this planet but you

Know what we got to give credit to Steve Curry for telling everyone to pass that guy the ball makes him an absolute genius absolute you know mega mind of a man I don’t know if anyone of us could ever get to that level of intellect like

Steve Kerr as he did when he decided that people should pass the ball to Steph Curry more I know I know he’s an absolute genius but you know what the absolute Genius of this planet could not figure out is that Walker Kessler is a vastly more impactful player than Bobby

Poris Bobby Portis playing with Team USA cost the Team USA an Olympic gold medal and Steve Kerr the absolute Genius of the planet who had more Talent on Team USA than any other team out there couldn’t figure out that Walker Kessler was a better player than Bobby poris considering that Team USA couldn’t

Rebound the ball for garbage for garbage Steve cerr was you know in all his Brilliance decided that fixing their rebounding problem in a league where rebounding and size matters the most he went small so I’m sorry you know I don’t know if I’m on that same level of Steve Kerr absolute Brilliance

And intellect and and smart dominance but he couldn’t figure out that Walker Kessler is a vastly more impactful player than Bobby Portis is that it I don’t know I don’t know guys I I think Steve Kerr takes about 20 smart pills in the morning but he probably needs to take 25 more I

Don’t know key himself $2 what if Jazz go three in one on this road trip go to bed I can’t go to bed I got to talk about this we do we’re consistent in what we do it’s what we do on this Hoops nerd

Channel if I can talk and if I can turn on this computer I’m gonna talk about the Jazz but thank you key I appreciate it $2 super super uh generous of you my friend by the way just buckets JB is back to the allstars everyone give a

Shout out to just buckets JB oh by the way I think I got to pop this chat out because oh no it’s working fine uh anyways have weed talked enough about Steve Kerr and how smart he is how incredibly brilliant and smart and just everyone else is dumb except for Steve

Kerr I don’t know have we talked about that enough tonight Walker Kessler was a plus 10 three for four from the field six rebounds two block shots dominant inside changed the game you know I I don’t want to step on Steve Ker’s toes but maybe he could have

Decided that rebounding was important in the Olympics when they were the worst rebounding team in that tournament and Walker Kessler couldn’t get on the floor I don’t know I you know it takes a smart guy to pass the ball have I got enough on this tangent there is not

Enough slander to throw at Steve cerr there is not enough on this planet and by the way Stockton smoked your booty your little crying got punched in the face by Michael Jordan CU you’re annoying Steve Kerr you loser you bum you absolute moocher of stth Curry and Klay Thompson you bum you

Bum you’re a bum Steve cerr all right let’s do the show all right I had to get that off my chest I just did by the way I hope the sound is Good Hope is the sound okay there was a little bit of rasp before uh Simone fonio gets in this one

He starts he had to leave at some point and then came back uh he was just just one for five from three uh you know it’s give or take with Simone we talked about this last time the big thing for Simone fono is consistency you know like Steve

Cerr learned to consistently pass the ball to Steph Curry and makes him a genius if Simone fono can just consistently knock down those threes more effectively it would be good and the goal we gave on the Hoops nerd Channel I don’t know if Simone fonio listens to the Hoops nerd Channel but if

You are Simone my one thing is two threes a game I want Simone to make two threes a game that’s the goal we did not hit it tonight one for five that is the consistency goal to a game come on come on Simone you can do it two a game you

Can make two two a game that’s what we’re asking if you take eight and you make two is fine but you got to make two uh lri marinan did not shoot the ball that well from the field in this one and yet he was impactful plus eight

In this game he scores 21 and 14 14 rebounds we talked about this before I think Larry marinan should be a 10 rebounded game guy because he is an elite level rebounder and one of the reasons why the Jazz can kind of start John Collins and get away with it at

Center to get that offensive punch from the three-point line is marinan is an elite rebounder at his position one of the best in fact arguably the best at the small forward position marinan is just an excellent rebounder and that’s why you can slide him over to the power

Forward and be fine because look at this he put up big time rebounding numbers and guess what this is against Giannis and this is against Brook Lopez those those are some big guys they have some size and muscle and will push you around they’re not afraid to get in your face

And move you over and so this type of rebounding in a game like this is impressive stuff the Bucks are big and for marinin to grab 14 rebounds in fact look at this no one else was even close to double digits and so it just shows

How good of a rebounder he is and what an impact he is having on these games and I think some of this you know the three-point percentage was good tonight and he did knock down the free throws which nice to see he’s playing hard marinin is upping

His game in fact you know the shooting we’ll talk about you know someone who just doesn’t watch games and just looks at box score May say oh what’s wrong with marinan markkanen’s playing impactful basketball the last three games like this three-game road trip marinin came out ready to win these

Games I know the Boston game is kind of just a wash I I don’t really know what happened I mean we do know what happened the Jazz shot 6% from three at one point in that game but marinan has come into this you know the Miami game that they

Won they beat the the Sixers and I know they didn’t have EMB in Tobias Harris but they went and this game tonight he went into this and said we’re going to play hard and that’s what he’s doing it’s impressive to see he’s taking his game to another level quietly quietly

Evolving into another level of jazz Pikachu the Marin in becoming supermark in or I don’t know how does Pokemon work I don’t know uh John Collins continues to start and it continues to work you know whether he’s off the bench or starting he you know I don’t know if

You’re going to really change things right now the Jazz are winning basketball games and one thing we know about Will Hardy is he’s going to go with what works Until It Breaks until someone else makes it so incredibly obvious you need to change it kind of

Like Keon George did at the beginning of the year before he got injured that they needed to put him in the starting lineup uh Chris Dunn starting with with John Collins at the center is working it’s working and then marinan has come in I think this has built back or not marinan

Uh Walker Kessler has come in Off the Bench and I do think that it has improved his confidence he is getting that back he’s getting that Swagger back eventually Walker Kessler will start again and if he doesn’t does it really matter the Jazz are winning games you know I did a video yesterday

Go check it out I it’s the first produced video I’ve done in a little bit and I’m happy because I’m going to start trying to get more and more of those up but the Jazz can make a ton of Trades this trade line deadline they also don’t

Have to trade anybody they can just keep things going if they want to convey the pick and they want to make the playoffs and they’re happy with this lineup that they’re running they don’t have to trade anybody I do think they’ll probably move somebody but they don’t have to they

Don’t there’s no there’s nothing out there saying the Jazz have to make a trade they don’t uh they probably will but they don’t have to and right now they’re winning and if the Jazz the most important thing for the jazz is to convey that pick which certainly seems

Like the number one goal this year do you really have to make a trade I mean I would like to see more time for keontay George to play because I think he has to defer to Jordan Clarkson a little too much and I personally would like to see Taylor Hendrick get minutes

To develop but you know what they will get those minutes eventually Hendrick is getting minutes with the Stars and keante is playing awesome off the bench we’re going to talk about Keon tonight he was freaking awesome is rbe the man from Down Under 799 Australian dollars

Thank you so much my friend didn’t let me donate nine but imagine I did here’s $ N9 for Steve Kerr’s nine Champion sh Steve Curry ain’t won anything without one of the best players on the planet all right how many rings does Steve cerr have if he doesn’t have Kevin

Durant and Michael Jordan and and Scotti Pippen and Steph Curry and Klay Thompson and Draymond Green come on now has there ever been a guy that has rode the coattails more than Steve Kerr I don’t know I don’t know I just would like to say that uh I

Don’t know if Steve cerr has all those Rings if he wasn’t on the court with literal Michael Jordan you know that probably helped him a little bit but thank you ezle I I appreciate it very much um let’s see who did we stop on oh John Collins gotta rub my

Eye I will never stop beating that drum I will never stop beating that drum all right well dirty Jazz Car Wash Channel you’re back my man welcome back to Car Wash Channel you left then you came back dirty Jazz I’m I’m glad you’re here um let’s see Chris Dunn by the way

There was some stats tonight Chris Dunn is the first player to shoot 100% from the field and have like 13 assists or more or 10 plus assists or more while shooting 100% from the field since who John Stockton so pretty impressive night from Chris Dunn he’s playing really well

Uh he scores just five points but perfect from the field and he is dishing the ball playing good defense look at that plus 11 best plus minus of the starting unit uh so what he does is just all the winning plays you want he moves the ball plays hard I love the

Leadership of Chris Dunn that’s basically all you got to say I mean I hope Chris Dunn is someone they don’t trade at all I really don’t I think honestly he might be Untouchable for this Jazz team because of the culture the effort the leadership he plays hard

Plays the right way makes the right plays you know he’s just the type of guy you want in your basketball team for forever I mean honestly okay let’s see here Colin seon had a big time night tonight he only plays 18 minutes but man he hit those he

Was three for six from three he missed three in a row after he but he knocked down these three in a row and that was really the thing that started that run for the Jazz in that first half I mean three in a row it was like a 90 Colin

Ston run it was impressive impressive uh he got he was sat down for a little bit cuz I think he started to make a little bit too many of you know bad habit calling seon and and he also got hit in the face I think he may have just been

Taken out because of concussion protocols uh so that may have be and that’s something to watch actually like is he going to be in concussion protocol probably not I don’t think the Jazz have said anything um but I guess that’s something to monitor he has been so good

And we talked a lot last show about col seon so I don’t know if we need to go into it too much but he has just become such an impressive story for this Jazz team look at this 19 points 18 minutes that’s pretty good when you’re scoring more

Points than minutes on the floor it’s pretty impressive stuff all right let’s talk about the Jazz backup uh backup backcourt Jordan Clarkson and keontay George have turned into quite the duo look at this almost the exact same line there uh Jordan Clarkson had a nice night tonight he was

Knocking down the threes and one thing that’s nice is he’s knocking down catch and shoot threes he’s being set up by whether it’s keontay George whether it’s you know Kelly o lenck or whoever on that jazz offense he’s knocking those down and he’s taking good shots his play

Since he has gone to the bench the Jazz showed a graphic I mean he’s averaging like more assists higher percentage his plus minus has gone like 10o swing with his plus minus he’s playing in his where he in his position basically you know sometimes when you’re playing out a position whether it’s basketball

Football whatever it takes time to learn that different position and sometimes it just never really works and we really found out that Jordan Clarkson as a playmaking point guard it doesn’t really work he is a shooting guard that can set someone up here and there if he needs to

We’ve seen it he got the triple double sorry um but what he is good at is being a six-man getting buckets and scoring in in just in in bunches and he has been awesome since he has gone to that six-man role again and I think he’d probably feels good about it it’s just

Working it’s why he won six man of the year he’s honestly I mean there’s going to be a come a point if he keeps doing this where he might get in the running for the Sixth Man of the Year I mean I don’t know who else is going to take

That from him I mean you look at Boston there you know Payton Pritchard is he going to take it I don’t know the Jaz are winning a lot of games and it’s coming to a point now where why can’t Jordan Clarkson win six Man of the Year

Again why can’t he he playing awesome if he if the Jazz trade him he probably doesn’t but if they don’t if they’re the Jazz are like you know what we can always trade him this off season uh and that’s the other thing with the trades

By the way side note the Jazz don’t have to make any moves this trade deadline they don’t have to there is not some requiring them to make a trade if there if other teams want to trade for the Jazz players you call us we ain’t calling you you know someone in one of

The replies to one of my videos gave me a trade for Colin seon that was like a bunch of bad players in a second round pick it’s like no no if you want Colin sexon you’re going to have to give at least a first and a good one and you’re

Going to need matching salary you know so you’re either giving the Jazz a a nice expiring contract that can remove Clarkson’s you know contract or Colin seon’s contract plus I want a good first round pick my friend or you’re not getting them and by the way I don’t

Think the Jazz are really all that interested in getting picks in this draft it’s just not a very good draft you know there’s some guys I like if the Jazz got lucky and won the draft I’d go think about like uh Castle or whatever his name Stefan Castle I kind of like

Him you know there’s some guys that you know I kind of like but there’s no one where you’re like like man I really want that guy you know you can always get like it’s just not that good of a draft there’s going to be some rotation

Players and I’m sure there will be a guy in this draft that just absolutely blows everyone away because that’s kind of what happens every draft but for the most part you’re done there’s not a lot of guys you’re expecting at like last year’s draft there just not so the Jazz

Don’t have to make a trade and if you want Jordan Clarkson if you want Colin seon if you want Kelly oin you call the Jazz right you can call us we ain’t losing any sleep because guess what we’re winning basketball games the goal is to get out of the lottery I mean at

This point the Jazz are looking like a legitimate playoff team you call me I I’m not calling you all right and I may leave your text on red okay anyways Jordan Clarkson why can’t he win uh six-man the year why can’t Will Hardy win coach of the year if the Jazz make

The playoffs or get like a decent seed after how they started I mean are you kidding why not why not I mean Chris Finch is probably going to be up there uh uh eme udoka with the with the Houston Rockets is is doing a great job

And that team is playing great but you know what why you know Houston is only a game and a half ahead of Utah why is Oka immediately better than will hardy will Hardy’s doing great the Jazz have a great head coach the Jazz have a great Sixth Man and the Jazz

Have great young talent and the Jazz have an all Allstar caliber guy and Larry marinin they need to get one more guy I I’m not going to lie you know who you know how I know I’m with weirdo Hoops nerd while I was making the thumbnail

For this video I just I watched a Cooper flag video I just like watching Cooper flag and dreaming of it okay that’s just what I like to do in my free time is watch Cooper flag and dream my little dreams and sleep my little sleeps and you know

What if if if we get Cooper flag and we do our live draft show and he’s on the ja I will literally start crying I’ll just weep like a little baby on the channel if it happens like a little baby I will cry and I will cry even now I’m

Getting emotional just thinking about what that would feel like it would be cool all right and anyways that’s something for next year and it’s going to be fun to watch but let’s talk about our current really impressive rookie there’s some things that need to be said

And we’ve gone 23 I don’t know how long we’re going to go tonight but I got things to say Keon George is incredible Keon George has it I was listening to someone I can’t remember who it was I think it was JJ reick I it was a former NBA

Player I might have been someone else they were talking about just how taxing it is when you’re playing point guard in the NBA to just dribble the ball up and initiate the offense and doing that every single play it is tiring and when you have NBA athletes guarding you and

He by the way he has been playing a lot of starting minutes against a lot of starting guards guys like Drew holiday Derek white some of these guys that are just beasts and he is having to work his way up the floor it’s exhausting he has already played more like think about

Where Keon George has come from he played with Baylor he missed half the season with injury he is already played more games with this Utah Jazz team than a full College season and he didn’t even play a full College season because he was injured he hurt his ankle you know

He missed like how many games with this Jazz team he’s missed I’m I’m let’s just look at it um let’s go look at keante only Keon in history baby um but anyways so this season he has play he he’s only missed one two three four five six games he has

Played in every single game this season except for that one where we were scared that he might have gotten a real serious injury and he is playing Big Time minutes like he’s not play I mean he plays 12 minutes here but for the most part keante is playing upper 20s lower

30s you know he’s getting a little less time in these games 16 minutes against Philadelphia but they were trying to rest him uh it’s exhausting it’s absolutely exhausting what he is doing and so he I what the moral of what I’m trying to say is he’s getting his sea

Legs back right he is starting to figure things out things are slowing down a little bit and I think there’s a point for all these rookies especially rookie guards like that’s why you got to give um scoot Henderson a a a break because he hasn’t even had a chance to play

Consistently and now we’re starting to see scoot Henderson turning it around uh keontay George is starting to have Big Time games the last three four nights he is knocking down the threes he is assisting the ball he quietly hads 16 points in like three and three last game

Tonight keonte goes seven for 13 from the the field four for n from three 19 points six rebounds four assists and I’m telling you right now he was as important of to this win tonight as anybody you know they get the big lead in the first quarter and that’s behind

Colin ston knocking down threes who else was knocking down threes John Collins hit a few three for seven um Chris Dunn hit one four for 10 for Lowry but when the Milwaukee Bucks were coming back and that game was getting a little hairy and the crowd’s going wild hostile environment everyone’s screaming

You know the refs are against you because they’re giving fouls to Kelly o linck in favor of body poris it’s a wild environment and who knocks down Big Time shots Keon George he goes four for9 from three 7 for 13 19 points he was a plus seven it’s Big Time stuff

And he looks exhausted at times like he honestly like sometimes when I’m picking these photos I get to go through the Getty Images and you half the photos of Keon tonight he looks absolutely gassed like honestly gassed and he is playing and he is giving effort you the thing

That I love about this kid too I mean aside from the fact that he’s just Uber talented he has got absolutely all the skill set you want I mean he is a skilled player that’s one thing you want to fill your team with if you can fill your team with athletes and

Skill and then by the way if you have an athlete with skill that’s where you get the absolute Superstar that’s when things get absolutely Bonkers and that’s what we got with Keon is athlete skill uh let’s see Gabriel I love that ke plays with some swag that was what I was going to

Say next he’s kind of got that leadership a little bit you know he’s got the attitude you want on the floor he is not afraid of these I mean that crowd was hostile tonight that was playoff type stuff they wanted that win this Bucks team is on a backslide they

Are not playing well you know Giannis makes the comments that everyone has to play better they wanted this win and that second half it got crazy and for Keon he has the swag he has the confidence nothing rattles this kid he was knocking down Big Time shots and the

Other thing is he’s rooting on his other players other teammates just rooting them on you know he’s got a great locker room attitude swag leadership he’s got everything you want it’s fantastic he is absolutely the point guard of the future you know people were talking about

Emanuel quickly get out of here why why you have keante George okay and he has the swag leadership mentality you want he’s not there yet he’s got years to develop but that’s the thing that’s crazy he’s a rookie he is going to get better the percentages are going to

Improve he is going to learn the little nuances of the game little things like that one play there was one play where he got held up and the ball’s behind his back too far he gets leaned back thorough made a comment about it the little things like that he’s going to

Learn not to do the turnovers are going to go down the the understanding of the offense the nuances he’s going to learn the little nuances of every player that’s another thing that happens with these rookies people don’t realize is these guys just learn every player in the NBA because you play against them

You know if you’ve never played against Giannis the first time you play against Giannis it’s going to be eye openening but guess what the second and third and fourth time you play Giannis you’re going to learn a few things you’re going to do a few things differently you know

Same things goes with every guard like every time you’re playing against Drew holiday or or or whoever you know Devin Booker every time you play these guys the first time is the worst but guess what second third and fourth time you’re going to learn you’re going to get a

Refresher of that of that scouting report and you’re are going to do a better job and he’s only going to get better he is only going to get better we have already seen his defensive prove recently we are seeing the three-point shot improved because guess what he’s

Learning how to calm down and just shoot the ball you know some times it’s learning how to just calm down everything is going 100 miles an hour Colton DOD 499 thank you my friend Mavs fan here Colton do a donation from a Mavericks fan thank you so much Mavs fan

Here been following you since 2021 what would you all want for Kelly linic well first off uh would you would you give us Luca just kidding um I think you can get Kelly Lin for a first round pick if you give the Jazz a a first- round pick he’s yours I think

The Jazz would love to um we have Luca at home by the way uh Colton Luca at home we have Luca salonic it’s called Luca at home because everyone wants the Jazz to go trade for Luca donic and just like all our parents said when you wanted McDonald’s you that my parents

Would say we have food at home that’s why we have Luke at home it’s my favorite joke of the Year anyways um what would the Jazz what would it take for Kelly oin I Kelly O’s an expiring contract but he’s really solid player moves the ball he’s a nice

Player to play off of I mean he honestly I didn’t really think about the Mavericks and Kelly oen but makes a lot of sense because oin shoots it well he actually can play a little off the ball he’s kind of a perfect connector between um Kyrie and Luca because Kyrie can kind

Of spot up if if you know if Luca’s on the bench having Kelly o linic on the floor with Kyrie actually makes a ton of sense because one thing the Jazz do they the Jazz have even run pick and rolls where Kelly oen runs it with Walker Kessler and it’s worth that’s what’s

Crazy oen is a very unique unique player so I think if you guys gave the Jazz a first round pick one that the Jazz liked and I guess matching salary of some sort that doesn’t stay long term for the Jazz then you could probably have them you

Know I I don’t know what players you would want to give so but anyways hopefully that answers that um we need Luca for Kelly that’s what we want Colton uh also M for one month thank you dirty Jazz I don’t think the Mavericks are giving the Jazz uh Luca donic for Kelly

Ock unless they somehow made uh Professor Xavier from the X-Men are GM that you know I think that would probably be a good idea for the jazz is if can they just go get Professor Xavier and then you just change the minds of everyone you’re talking to and then say

Hey we would like to give you Kelly o Lin for uh for Victor wanyama and you know what I’d also like Giannis and you know uh that that joic guy’s pretty good we’ll take him I don’t know I’m just kidding all right let’s get back on track

Here uh keontay George is awesome he’s figuring it out it’s fun to watch and I do think the Jazz would like to get him more minutes and I honestly I think it’ll make them a better team but Jordan Clarkson’s playing pretty well right now so like I said the Jazz don’t have to

Make any trades so for example the Mavericks the Mavericks if they want Kelly o linic you got to call the Jazz now I do think the Jazz probably are a little more inclined to trade Kelly oin just because he’s an expiring and I don’t know if the Jazz really want

To resign him next year for a long-term thing because I think Kelly oen got a lot of value and I think he’s going to age pretty well I mean he’s a guy that I could see playing for another 3 four years at least he’s not even that old

Honestly let’s see what is Kelly early 30s um let’s just see I’m curious o lenck is 32 I could see him playing till he’s 35 or 36 pretty easily why not his game is not completely based on athleticism you know he moves pretty slow but he’s smart and he passes the

Ball he’s like a 40% three-point shooter what is his three-point shot right now I mean honestly when he shoots those open threes I honestly expect to go in every time look at that he’s shooting 42% from three this season and that’s 1.8 attempts a game the thing that’s crazy

Is he’s so unselfish you’re like Kelly shoot the ball because he has four and a half assists per game I mean Kelly olenic is quietly having quite the season and so I yeah I think you probably have to Pony up a nice first round pick and maybe a maybe a a player

That’s not terrible you know I don’t know we’ll see anyways I guess that’s our Kelly Lin segment he was awesome tonight and he just helps you win basketball games now the only downside with Kelly Lin is defensively he’s just not a very good Defender he’s not I mean

He can rebound a little bit you can see he tries against poris he tries and you know forced him into a turnaround jumper that of course he made uh but JC to triple double $2 thank you my man kg to swaggy leader that’s right he’s the Swaggy

Leader there we go oh uh we mentioned Walker Kessler at the beginning he is if if stupid Steve cerr would have played him theet the Team USA probably wins gold and I’m not even exaggerating that was so ridiculous but his impact on the game he you know scores eight points six

Rebounds and he was a big- time player in this game just impacted the game in the big in a big way and by the way kind of what we talked about with keante do you remember the first time Walker Kessler played against Brook Lopez he got smoked

Brook Lopez was laughing at him like it was bad news guess what things are different why he’s played him two or three times kind of knows how to do things knows what what to and what not to do Brook Lopez is a big strong dude who’s really skilled like the people

Don’t forget that he scored 20 a game in the post with Brooklyn you know and now he’s added the three he’s big strong and skilled and he’s a defensive monster protecting the rim and so you know Walker Kessler played well tonight and why well he’s played Brook Lopez two or

Three times you figure things out and that’s the same thing that’s going to happen with keante keontay George he’s going to have to just get those reps get that time and he’s getting it so it’s pretty freaking cool and to see him get this type of this is Monster stuff in

Just 22 minutes he scores 19 points and he absolutely helped the Jazz win this game awesome to see a rookie impacting games like this is Big Time stuff he is the point guard of the future for sure for sure um anyways oai baji hit that one mid-range jumper I don’t know what’s you

Know uh I don’t know what’s going on with oaji I wish he was shooting the ball better it’s just not quite going perfectly I would not be surprised if he’s honestly on the trade block too if you know his value I mean I think he’s going to get better and you don’t give

Up on players like him and so you know you just got to have patience but it would be nice to see him doing this uh more often than not and right now it’s a lot of not and so and I know he’s in a slump and all these different things I

Think I don’t know oai is one of those guys where the idea of oai might be better than what’s actually going on and then he’ll come out and have really nice games but some of this thing that’s going on with the jazzes look at how many players played again we’ve talked

About this 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10man rotation it’s just hard to get all these guys minutes and that’s why someone like Kelly Ock could be had uh it you know John Collins they’re trying to trade him and that will shake up the lineup I bet

The Jazz will find something for him um the the report from W that he said is that most trades are going to happen on trade deadline day I don’t think I you know the Jazz don’t have I I think honestly you’re going to be waiting till February 8th

And that’s when the trades are going to happen because the Jazz don’t have to make a trade and honestly I think the Jazz want to wait till February 8th can they run this score up and by the way that’s how we’re going to the end look

At this the Jazz are now at number 12 they have jumped the Golden State Warriors thanks Steve cerr wo bye don’t uh don’t let our dust get up your nose but anyways uh the Jazz are at 12 now they will play the Denver Nuggets next

If they win that game I’m going to go crazy I mean the fact that the jazz on this road trip go two for three is so impressive if they beat the Denver Nuggets too oh my gosh you know what Denver if you want to give Nicola yic

The night off I’m not going to be offended give him some PTO come on give him some rest but anyways Utah is now in the 12th spot and they’re going to continue to rise I mean the Lakers are three of three and seven in their last 10 the

Jazz are 8 and2 in their last 10 the Jazz right now are up there with Denver and Boston in their last 10 games and we know what happened with Boston but things are going really well and the point I’m trying to make here is that the Jazz probably want to keep rolling

With these wins up until February 8th trade deadline right why not you’re winning games keep going you know if you’re going to try to get more minutes for Maybe Taylor Hendricks maybe after trade deadline you do that when some teams may start you know throwing it in I mean one thing that

Happened tonight Memphis lost John Mor for the season he is going to have season uring ending surgery they are not going to pass up the Jazz now what a disasterous season for them uh I don’t know I think the Jazz it’s smart for them to wait till February 8th they

Don’t need to and you know unless someone starts calling them and gives them a crazy offer that they want Jordan Clarkson now you say well okay let me call around and see what other people want and you can trade them now but the Jazz don’t have to and they can wait

Till February 8th and that gives them even more leverage honestly the Jazz have all the leverage at this point because they don’t have to make a move they have all these nice picks I’m sure they’d like more nice picks I would I would especially a 2025 pick can the

Jazz get a 2025 pick from somebody yes please an unprotected 2025 would be certainly nice um but anyways I think they’re going to wait because February 8th is a month away and it just forces other teams to struggle like you know Golden State might want Kelly Ock golden you

Know who would help Golden State Kelly oin like a lot he would help them a lot uh but they’re going to have to call the Jazz you know who else could use Kelly oen the Los Angeles Lakers could sure use Kelly oin I was talking about it

Last year I don’t know why they didn’t trade for him last year he’s shooting 42% from three he passes the ball he would take so much of that weight off of LeBron James kind of like he does for the Jazz I don’t know Danny a is there to

Make the is there to take your calls all you got to do is call him he’s always there ready to take your calls um all right guys I think that’s it but look at this number 12 the Jazz are creeping close in fact let’s go look NBA playoff

Well let’s just go to and look at it so let’s look at the standings Eastern Conference look at this by is it at this point it’s just mean at this point it’s mean I don’t care though the Atlanta Hawks are 14 and 21 how pathetic the Jazz are so much better

Than the Hawks it’s not even funny but look at this the Jazz are just a half game out of the playin a half game and I tell you what these are all teams the Jazz can beat so pretty fun this season is far from over far from over we’re not even

Halfway what is the Jazz record 1820 we’re not even halfway yet baby February it’s coming and you know what it’s going to be really interesting to see what the jazs do because they can do whatever they want there is no rush you know the Jazz right now are playing with house

Money that’s what make is making this season fun it is house money right now house money they do not have to do anything they are not you know they don’t have the championship or bust mandate like a team like the Suns do and look what the suns are doing five and

Five they’re not they had a bad bad loss tonight house money Smith Money absolutely by the way Ryan Smith’s making some money cuz this Jazz team is not over the cap they are making money and they are Ryan Smith’s doing okay and this plan is working out pretty well and

The Jazz are only going to gradually get better oh I don’t know what you guys can do to get Cooper flag on this Jazz team but if they do oh my gosh that guy he is going to be awesome he’s going to be awesome anyone who says in the comments he’s not

Going to be good go watch that guy that guy is like 610 I mean he’s just as big as Pao bangero probably a better shooter already I mean that shot is looking pretty good and he is a passer he is like a monster defensively he is going

To be like one thing that’s freaking cool about Cooper flag is he is going to be the complete package at that 610 I mean you know it’s just I’m sorry I’m going to start salivating he just brings it all the size the talent the skill the mentality the defense he’s going to be

Like the Swiss army knife guy that is going to POS probably take someone to a championship just like wanyama is going to take someone there the San Antonio Spurs are probably unless they just screw up the next 10 years Cooper flag is the type of guy

That’s going to take somebody to the to the Western or Eastern Conference Finals at least a couple times he’s going to be awesome he really is okay well we don’t do it because guess what our picks going to OKC successful season so far for the Jazz completely successful look at this

The Jazz are almost 500 they’re 18 and 20 just two games under 500 who would have thought eight- two in their last 10 pretty darn cool all right let’s see it’s time to give a shout out to our Allstars but before I do that if you’re

A jazz fan and you haven’t sub subcribed yet what are you doing what are you doing it’s a Utah Jazz Channel and you’re not subscribed are you serial are you for serial all right let’s do this welcome back dirty Jazz and welcome back just buckets JB it’s appreciated I appreciate

All of you though thank you for being a part of this channel you guys are freaking awesome this late night jazz Extravaganza all right what am I even doing here oh by the way I did want to mention the Jazz have climbed to number 22 offense defensive rating Now 23 baby

Yes yes yes don’t worry dirty Jazz I’m about to all right let’s give a shout out to our Allstar let’s give a shout out to dirty Jazz Car Wash Channel just bucking JB baby Elliot Madson dangerous danger FC Christian house money toos The Outlaw Jesse James jelson Jesse James

Let’s fix that the outlaw Jesse James Nelson all the Josh you need just Josh in your pod Ryan Perry the legend is rice the man from Down Under yes Jake C can baby see you Lex built Ford tough Alexander toughs built for toughs Alexander tsig Jordan the goat best R tgd total

Game domination Tyson price The Price is Right it’s always right with tyon price get it right ausar grant the editor of all editors the extraordinary the absolute dominant of all dominants Austin AR Grant JC to triple double baby Patrick akubo connoisseur absolutely knows the taste of the greatest of all Vineyards and the

OG Robert Hall of Fame absolutely dominant performance by all the allstars tonight if you have not subscribed and you’re a jazz fan then I just think that you might want to think about well subscribing that’s what I would say guys I will talk to you next

Time I’m out that’s the end I got to find the end button where’s the end button I got to find it I got to find it

Behind monster games from Collin Sexton and Keyonte George the Utah Jazz destroyed Giannis Antetokounmpo and the Milwaukee Bucks with a barrage of three point shots in the first half alongside incredible defense.

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  1. Such an exciting game. Thanks for the late night broadcast. If Dame played the offense would have been even better.

  2. Steve Kerr was coaching US team at world championship, not Olympics. Olympics are this year in France. hope i'll get some tickets btw 🙂
    you can argue that R. Horry rode more coat tails than S. Kerr, but its debatable 😀
    what is great, is like nerd says jazz does not have to sell anybody. depth is our strength. we can play 12 players if we want , and give them almost equal time on the floor, which makes them fresher, more dynamic and it improves scoring efficiency alongside defensive effort too.
    Ochai is a K Dunn version for wings. great addition, but you don't need to have him scoring to be happy. I downplayed his defensive abilities at the start of the season, but boy, he proved me wrong 🙂

  3. What Will Hardy has done with Colin Sexton is so impressive. His coaching last night was immaculate. Quin Snyder loses that game even with the 33 point lead

  4. a very small but great change to this would be if you zoomed in on your browser just 1x or 2x so the stats sheet fills up the screen a bit more and it's more readable on mobile cheers mate u rock WILL HARDY OUR FUTURE STATUE

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