@Detroit Pistons

Cade Cunningham To Miss A Few Games With Knee Strain, Troy Weaver Speaks On The Woj Pod

Cade Cunningham To Miss A Few Games With Knee Strain, Troy Weaver Speaks On The Woj Pod

K Cunningham has gone down with a knee injury doesn’t sound like it’s too serious but sounds like he’s probably going to miss the next few games we’re going to talk about that and Troy Weaver appearing on the W podcast over the last week we’re going to break that down on

Today’s episode of the lockdown Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day Johnson with second what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lockon Pistons podcast per usual I am your host cah Hill you can find me over on Twitter at Cahill I want to thank you guys for making lockon Pistons your first to listen of every single day free

Available on your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode was brought to you

By prize picks the easiest most EX exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to lockon NBA use code all lowercase lockon NBA for first deposit match up to $100 today we are joined by friend of the podcast sham mohill you know we’ve talked about sham

A lot uh on the podcast you guys who have followed me for a long time for the last few years even before I was the host lock on Pistons know that sham was the one who originally got me into all this brought me over at piston powered

Back I believe in like 2017 or 18 um so he he’s been my mentor for years former site expert at piston powered former Pistons content contributor now he’s retired into his career and making millions of dollars and you know just not yeah but yeah I don’t know about

That last part but you know but I will say I respect what you do on a day-to-day basis just doing lock on pods looking at this team and trying to come up a new content every single day I respect it I was there in that in that

Seat before I I know what it’s like to try and create content out of nothing so you’re doing a great job um and I I hope for your sake it gets better but it’s nice to be on the retired life and just comment when I want to as opposed to

When I have to yeah you know some of us some of us AR aren’t aren’t so lucky but you know sham sham is living it up out there he’s living up out there in Minnesota but um so we got we had to start the podcast with some tough news

Though because k Cunningham has went down with an injury um they’re calling it I don’t know if it’s a left or right knee strain but it’s a knee strain is what we initially have been told we don’t know what exactly it is obviously he’s gotten MRI I know that’s for sure

He I know I’ve heard that he’s gotten an MRI they’re waiting on the results um so he and he’s already listed out for the game that when you guys listen would probably be tonight on Tuesday night um for the Detroit pance uh sham what’s your immediate reaction to um K going

Down obviously every everyone you know whether it’s minor or not who cares you know everyone’s rooting for him to be straight and and hope hoping that he is all right um and can come back soon but what is your like immediate reaction outside the obvious wishing he’s okay

What is your immediate reaction to him going down I mean first of all like you said like I just hope he’s okay um to be very Frank I there have been a few plays that have been floated as like the reasons for like oh that that was the

Play that he hurt himself at um I saw one from just just real quick I can speak to that I did speak with some people um it it did first uh it first started like not this past game but a game ago there war yes there was a clip from the Warriors

Game that is indeed when it first okay that’s what I figured bothered him go yeah so I from that clip I think it was that he like bumped knees or got like a knee to the side of the you know to the side of the knee um and anytime you get

Any sort of trauma or any sort of like bump or anything like that to the knee it’s a I mean the knee is a is an amalgamation of a bunch of different joints and ligaments right so any sort of trauma to it is going to impact the

Stability and I think another clip that I saw in the last game against the Nuggets was that his knee almost like bent inwards a little bit and I think that initial shot on the you know at the Warriors game kind of limited its ability to stay stable um so I think

It’s good that he’s taking time off to be very honest I I would be shocked if it’s anything super serious um but I think injuries aside I think now is a really good opportunity for well it’s going to stink as a fan right to watch the one thing that was

Going right for the Pistons and a sea of mediocrity the one thing that was going right was Cade and his development so it’ll be tough to see like now him not being there um and in a way the Silver Lining is now we get to see

Who’s really going to be a part of this franchise who’s now that the now that our Shining Light is going to be gone for at least a game who’s going to be that guy to step up who’s going to be the guy to shoulder that load and I

Think this group probably needs a more than one person to step up but now they’re going to have to step up yeah and you know I’m gonna take it a different route here my first immediate reaction to him you know I going down maybe is the wrong word because going

Down makes it sound like that he’s down for the season or it’s some serious injury but he’s probably going to miss a game I mean I know that one of his goals this year I was you know to play he wanted to play all 82 this year after

Coming back from injury his goal one of his goals was to play all 82 games um and that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen now so unfortunate for him um but my first reaction I don’t even know if it’s fair or not because this is one of those

Situations like you can bump knes at any point like and that you know it’s basketball that happens all the time um but my immediate reaction was man because a month ago about a month and a half ago I recorded a podcast and said not only are the Pistons losing a ton

They are asking Kade to do way too much Cage being asked to create literally everything and it almost reminded me of when I used to go on our friend Joe truck’s podcast and he would with the hashtag Pistons during Blake Griffin season at the beginning of that year I

Remember we used to talk about hey Blake you know showing us some good things but he’s being you know he’s going to break down it looks like he you’re asked him to do a ton and at the beginning of this year I didn’t say k was going to break

Down but I did bring up that like hey you know I am worried that they’re going to be asking him to do a little bit too much and it may weigh on him and you know wear him down toward as the season goes on and like I said I don’t know if

This is a fair example or a fair situation to bring it up because like I said it is list a KNE to KN you know that could really happen at you know any play in in the NBA and playing basketball but that is where my mind

Went to First is that dude like he’s he’s really being asked to do a ton and I wouldn’t be shocked I don’t want this to happen I wouldn’t be shocked if it like starts to weigh on him the amount of load that he’s having to carry to

Give effort how much effort he’s having to give offensively how much load he’s carrying offensively then to also give effort on defense and I they’re asking him to do a ton in a losing effort too by the way but just he’s being asked to do quite a bit um and I think even

Though this situation may not be the best one to use it as example hopefully this is a point where they could be like okay well you know they can look forward because there was a moment when they started to use him off ball a little bit they started to play him with kilan

Hayes and Jane ivy in the starting lineup and he looked good Kade that’s one of the great things about Kade when they draft him is that he can play off ball and on Ball but we haven’t seen it much then since then so I’m hoping that

You know after this maybe we see a little bit more off ball Cade because he is effective in that role still while also trying to take some of that load off of him yeah and I think you’re absolutely right right just to to have that thought of yeah like this is is

Just a bump knee right so it just that just happens but you know much like the Blake Griffin situation just simply being on the court for that long there’s an inevitable wear and tear that all these players go through and maybe somebody of Cade’s youth can be able to

Handle it but you know after how many years of doing this is it gon to eventually lead to something catastrophic you know I I know it’s not the same at all um but you know I can’t help but think of like the Derrick Rose situation right where Tom thida was

Running that dude like 30 plus minutes a night to have that team have a chance at success and eventually things just broke down for him now I know the style of play is very very different but just simply being on the court and playing basketball for that long no matter how

Conditioned you are things are going to happen and these bumps and bruises those are going to happen too and your ability to rebound is going to be really important from those injuries and um just simply just wearing yourself down is going to it is going to eventually

Cause problems um so that’s why I think it’s really important for somebody else to step up and this is a good opportunity for them to do so yeah and to to end this topic off the positive something you can hopefully take as a positive from this situation because you

Got to try to find some kind of Silver Linings and you know and something with this season so hopefully you know Kade misses maybe a week two weeks three however long he misses hopefully we get to see some more Jane ivy with the ball in his hands and maybe he starts to

Flourish with that he starts to look a little better than he has been this year I thought he looked better at the end of last season with the ball in his hands this year when he has gotten that those reps I don’t think he’s been as good and

Maybe that has to do with the fact it’s been on off he hasn’t gotten you know as many reps as as you know he did last year so maybe he gets more reps starts to look a little better maybe kilan Hayes starts to look a little better you

Can try to flip him for something maybe Marcus Sasser starts and he starts to look good with these extra reps so hopefully one of these guards hopefully Jay Ivy but hopefully there’s one of of these guards can you know in the time whether it’s one game two games three

Games 10 games however long you know Kade misses with what what we’re calling right now KNE strain one of those guys starts to look better takes advantage of the opportunity um and whether it’s Jay ivy for the future or one of these other guys that maybe could get flipped in in

You know a week or whatever um hopefully that Alec Burks too hopefully he continues to play well and maybe he gets more shots and continues to look like the Human Torch out there maybe they’re able to flip guys just hopefully you can get something positive out of it

Um last thing I’ll say before we move on to Troy Weaver on the podcast on the W podcast is you know Kade was playing 40 minutes a night just to you know lose by four to like these teams he’s playing 40 minutes A Night to lose by 20 to these teams like

That that should not be even though like I said this is just a bump knee it can happen anytime this should be a time for them to look at and be like hey we’re playing Kade 40 plus minutes just to lose by 15 to these teams every single

Night that’s not okay we need to get him some help to where like this is not happening still so hopefully that happens um when we come back though we’ll talk about Troy Weaver finally has spoken he has spoken he won on the wge podcast Kate actually spoke on the first

Half of that podcast then the second half they talked with Troy that’s what we’re going to focus on um what did he have to say first time we’ve heard from him everyone’s been wanting to hear from him what did he have to say we’ll talk

About our reaction to what he had to say when we come back but first I’ve got to tell you guys about one of our sponsors I’ve got to tell you guys about my favorite sponsor price piic price Pi is the largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America we are the

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So I want to thank you guys again for making lock on Pistons your first listen of every single day we’re free and available on all your podcast platforms if you haven’t ready head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star

Review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to us on that’s another great way to support the podcast all right sham so Troy Weaver finally has spoken we heard from Tom Gores a few weeks ago haven’t had any changes by the way Tom Gores told us changes were coming soon

Nothing happened it’s been a few weeks we’ve seen absolutely they added a new coach to the coaching staff I guess that’s something but has nothing has happened now we’ve heard from Troy Weaver on the Welch podcast before I give my thoughts I want to hear your thoughts um obviously Kade spoke in the

First half of this um we can maybe hit on that a little bit later just real quick thoughts on what he had to say um but sham I want to hear from you what did you think about what Weaver said on it and if you want to give a brief

Explanation before you get into what your reaction was of it to give a brief explanation of what it was um that really caught your eye for those you for those of you out there who did not get to listen um to his interview on the podcast um

So for for those who don’t know Kade and Troy Weaver both went on the W podcast as C mentioned Kade did the first half of the podcast and I think just a real quick my thoughts on that that dude for 21 22 years old is acting like a 32y old

Veteran in the league right but he’s acting like Blake Griffin did when the team was losing behind him he’s the guy who’s putting the team on his back both on the court and now it seems like off the court so I was very impressed with his responses and his discourse with

With W in the first half that brings me to to Troy Troy much like the letter that he penned back in in April bunch of nothing just a bunch of propaganda just just good talking points um he talked about the leadership qualities that Cade had he talked about

Seeing him at USA basketball but at the end of the day there was no talk about what are they actually going to do from a roster construction a lineup construction from a basketball or not basketball perspective to make these make pistons fans want to go to games

Something that the end of the day that’s the that’s the ultimate goal for Troy and Tom and Kate for that matter is to have a winning product on the court so that you can sell merch and have fans go to games and make the playoffs and make

A bunch of money at the end of the day it’s a business I know it’s really hard for us to think of it that way but it is a business and so like a business like a failing business Troy as opposed to taking accountability for the things that have happened there

Was propaganda that was fed to us through that podcast for to to make you feel better about the future of this team there was talk about you know the veter needing veterans to come in and and compliment Cade but at the same time these veterans like when you look at it

On the surface these veterans are aside from Buon and Burks haven’t really done anything for the Pistons even Burks until late has done nothing for the Pistons so although I’m happy that he came out and put himself out there I felt like he had a a very uh tame host because I

Don’t think wo is asking the tough questions to Troy and B I think he didn’t make fans feel better about the team or the direction of the team and they and there was no talk about accountability there was talk about trusting like the the three people Tom gor Monty Williams and

Troy and Troy Weaver having trust amongst each other and holding each other accountable but at the end of the day when all of them are failing and they’re all holding each other accountable who’s really holding anybody accountable it’s a blind leading the blind leading the blind that’s truly how

I felt and I felt like the podcast is a bunch of nothing just a bunch big nothing Burger yeah I I completely agree with that I think this and and a lot of the things that we’ve heard I tweeted this out after I listened to the podcast I

Was at work and I I saw it pop up someone DMD me on one of you guys one of the listeners dm’d me it um I listened to it at work and after listening to it all I thought to myself was like every time I hear this franchise talk someone

From this franchise speak about the situation it gets more crazy and crazy like it gets more insane listening to them talk because it’s like if one it feels as though they have not accepted or just like deluded and just don’t understand a grasp that the fact that they are three and

33 they are about to have the worst season in professional sports history that’s not me exaggerating they are on Pace to have the worst season in sports history in professional sports they’re on Pace to have the worst professional NBA season in history the League’s been around for nearly a hundred years I

Don’t know if they’re gonna hit 10 wins and for them to come out which Troy did like you said on the podcast there was a lot of uh we have trust in our plan we have a lot of cap space this offseason they continue to talk about

The cap space we have flexibility in the off season we’re going to be able to make moves at that point you know we like our young core still our young core is nice like there’s a there’s still a bunch of it just felt like a lot of PR

Speak a lot of like you said propaganda to try and make fans feel better hey it’s not actually that bad we’re 3 and 33 but look if you look through these glasses actually is not that bad I promise like it was it just it doesn’t feel like anyone really is is fully

Taking accountability and why should you no one’s no one’s being held accountable no jobs are being lost no one’s you know why why does anyone have to take accountability but there’s no like like it just doesn’t feel like they realize or at least want to realize that

Hey we’re three and thir and3 we’re we have possibly assembled the worst team ever like this is bad like this is historically historically bad and I didn’t hear anything on that podcast that sound like they were acknowledging that and doing something to change that instantly the only CH the only the only

Part that he suggested or even brought up making changes soon he kind of you know oh we just got an update from Shams on K Cunningham’s injury let’s let’s make sure let’s go ahead and uh get into that real quick um Pistons believe star Kade our star guard K Cunningham has

Avoided any Serious injury to his left knee C for Detroit Cunningham could miss at least a few games that’s what we expected yeah right didn’t look that bad yeah I was told earlier by by people you know close around it that cable was all right he’s in good spirits um probably

Going to miss a few games but he just waiting on the MRI but it sound like he was all good um so that’s good news kade’s going to be straight um miss a few games um not gonna play all 82 games but a few games for maybe Jane Ivy

Marcus Sasser to you know try to show off some stuff um but what I was saying about Weaver there’s only one part of the podcast where I feel like he even suggested anything of the sort of change um and that was when he said no we are going to be aggressive we’ll be

Aggressive I promise but then right after saying that he said now does that mean we’re going to make big moves I don’t I don’t know I don’t know yet so basically hey we’re going to be aggressive am I going to make an aggressive move I don’t know but we’re

Going to be aggressive yeah I’m gonna paint my house today am I actually gonna paint it I don’t know but I’m going to I’m gonna eventually paint my like it just sound like everything he said I didn’t take anything from what what he really said it was just a bunch of PR

Speak if you haven’t listened to the podcast definitely listen to it just so you know you can hear for yourself what he had to say and obviously like sham said um Cade was really great in the first half of the podcast as well so definitely go check it out um but yeah

Weaver basically offered up like you said nothing burer like it was it’s not what fans want to hear and you know I I I don’t think there’s anything that fans are going to hear that and rightly so that they’re going to hear that they’ll be happy about that doesn’t involve fire

Trade sign like well and it’s it’s insulting it’s it’s honestly insulting right there are not only the near like in the in the past two three years since in Troy Weaver’s tenure right like he needs to apologize for that just for the failure that he’s had over the past four

Years but also there are high school sophomores right now who have never even seen the Pistons be better than that CH than the uh Reggie Jackson Blake Griffin team there are there are honestly they thought that was the peak of of of Pistons this Pistons franchise it is

Really a shame to be to you know both you and I grew up in the 04 going to work era Pistons right we saw what a good franchise look like just have a culture and to have players who maybe weren’t making top dollar buy into a

Culture and to and to work together for a common goal that’s not happening right now and Troy Weaver Monty Williams Tom Gores nobody has built a culture of winning here and it’s it’s honestly insulting for people in Detroit who who work hard every day for their dollar to

Then spend their money spend their time um bring their family to games and see this product on the court it is truly insulting and then the worst thing for me about this whole podcast there was and Co correct me if I’m wrong if you felt differently but it felt to me like

There was zero sense of Shame exactly that’s why I was trying to get like you’re 3 and 33 about to have the worst season NBA history and it felt like it was just like another day like oh we’re just it was like there he feels it’s like this organization feels like

They’re just like a regular bad like they’re just like regular tanking young team like bad they’re acting like they’ve been on like a three- game losing streak right and yeah like they’re they’re three and 33 historically bad and now their star is going to be out for a few games

Like what is the plan now I I I understand right like you can’t come out as a GM and say oh yeah I’m going to have all these these all these players are on the Block and here’s the thing that we want and I understand there’s a lot of conversations that happened

Behind closed doors but the timing of Tom gor’s press conference which was right after the selda team chance went viral the timing of the Troy Weaver podcast um very conveniently after the streak ended um he jumped on the podcast and then even going back to the letter back in April right which was

Conveniently around the time of season ticket renewals it’s all PR it’s all to make you feel better about the product that’s on the court as opposed to actual work to actually improve the product on the court you can’t collect four big men and expect your six seven point guard to

Have the spacing that he needs to to succeed and you can expect the two draft picks that you had that followed who shooting is not their strong suit getting to the rim is and playing defenses you you you can’t just continue on just putting these pieces together

And expecting it all to happen you have to actually like do your job and you can’t look at a 3 and 33 team and not do anything it is it is shameful and I honestly feel bad for anybody who lives in Detroit um as C said I live in

Minnesota so I get this like National perspective on the Pistons let me tell you we are a laughing stock in every other City when when the Pistons come to down that’s a guaranteed dub that’s like tickets are cheap go to the game see your your team you know kick butt and go

Home happy that’s that’s truly how it is with other other other markets when the Pistons come to town yeah it’s it’s it’s tough man it’s tough but we’re g to try to spin this into some kind of positivity how can this get better how how possibly can this get better we’ll

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You haven’t already headed to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a f star view whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast so sham before we get into how this can get better I want to say this real

Quickly and reading into this how you guys want Pistons fans but what I want to say is on that podcast when Kade spoke I have I had Canon on the podcast this off season I you know I’ve talked with his you know some people close with

Him before um one of the main things I’ve gotten from Kade and his Camp over the last few years is I want the pressure I want the pressure uh I’m good enough if I’m I’m good enough to to make up for everything else if this team’s

Not that good it won’t be a problem I’m good enough I that’s what I wanted with the first overall pick I wanted this pressure Canon said this on the podcast Kay said this multiple times I’ve had it said to me multiple times I want the pressure I’m good enough to make this

Work even if everything else isn’t good enough I’m K Cunningham I believe in myself so much that everything’s going to be all right and as you guys have saw on the podcast in the offseason when I talked with K I had said hey you know that’s all fing Danny to feel like that

But there’s only so much you can do and that’s when I was trying to temper expectations for the team because I you know I didn’t feel like the team around him was that good you know I was doing all that and I kept getting tell no don’t make excuses don’t lower

Expectations this is what we wanted with the number one overall pick this is what I wanted Kade this is what I wanted with this first overall pick I’m good enough to make this work it’s fine in that wge podcast I think you saw the first crack

Of armor in that which I think is a good thing for him to come to the realization that’s not that it’s just not gonna be able happen like that but I this is all I’m gonna say Cade I don’t think in no way even a little bit

Wants to leave Detroit not even a little bit not even a little bit he wants to be the savior in Detroit he wants to be Detroit’s icon he wants to be the guy that brought the Pistons back to Glory like that is his goal 100% and he has no

Thoughts of leaving Detroit however for me for me in four five six years from now whenever if he were to ask out things weren’t to go well and he were to eventually ask out this moment is when I’ll go back and say I first saw the potential change coming because all

Until this time it’s always been I’m good enough I’m good enough I can make this happen I’m going to save everybody I you know even if the help isn’t great I’m Cade I can make it work it is what it is I can do it and now I think you

Saw it change a little bit I think I think you see if you listen to his podc the podcast appearance with W when he says that and everything else he said it felt like it was acknowledgement of I need help I’m not getting help now he didn’t come out and throw his teammates

Under the bus it wasn’t in those that kind of manner but you definitely got the sense of in the most professional way possible he said he was BAS basically had said I feel like I’m good I need help though with that and I’m not getting it and that’s I I don’t think he

Said it in a malicious way or I hate Detroit I don’t want to be with the Piston I don’t think that’s on his mind at all but I do think he’s at the point right now and as anyone should be where he’s like hey okay I was wrong I was

Naive I can’t do it all by myself I need some help can you give me some help please and that’s all I’m gonna say I feel like in a few years if stuff were to go south this will be the day that moment that

I’ll go back to and be like oh I saw the first crack in the armor right there and nothing was done about it but read into it how you however you guys want um sham to end off the podcast how can this get better how can what what is there any

Kind of possi positivity to the rest of the season we got like three months uh three and a half months left of the Season how can this get better I see you smirking already what are you about to say well okay so there’s there’s two main ways it

Can get better for the first you touched on right you have a franchise player who is not not making excuses um acknowledges his own shortcomings but then acknowledges that the that the front office maybe hasn’t given him the best tools to succeed and I think like I

Said like at the beginning of the podcast right this is a 21 or 22 year old however old he is now Who’s acting like a 10-year vet in the league and that kind of maturity is what makes me feel good about him leading this team for as long as he wants to

That’s the that’s the negative part of it but but as long as he’s here I feel confident that he’s the guy right also the other part it can’t get much worse I mean like very to be I mean that’s kind of tongue and- Chek but to be very Frank

It can get much worse right the cap that we have like the cap space we have is good in the summer that’s what we had last year granted but it’s good again this year we’re going to get a top five pick most likely I hope it’s not five

But it could be five and in this draft it’s a weak draft but it’s you know a top five pick is a top five pick we also have a good Core group of young guys and so if you look at the positives right if you look at each

Individual young guy you look back that from when they first joined the team you know when they first were drafted each and every one of them has shown progress including osar right in different ways uh and you know maybe they’re not as up to speed as some of the other people in

Their class but if you look at them in a vacuum the each and every one of them has gotten significantly better and has accustomed the league very very well the problem is is like I don’t know if all those guys fit together or if they do fit together you need complimentary PES

That make them fit together such as shooting and Troy you know alluded to this in the podcast as well so how does it get better there are a few ways I think first you need to get shooting however way you can you need to get shooting

Into this lineup the Pistons are one of the worst three-point shooting teams in the league and for a player like Cade who operates very very well in the mid-range in terms of not only creating a shop for himself but also collapsing the defense and finding opportunities

For others I think you really need at the minimum a good Corner shooter at the at the very best you need an elite three-point shooter and there are those guys available now it comes at the compromise of defense and it probably comes at the compromise of a bad

Contract so guys like Duncan Robinson come to mind right that’s a guy that’s very attainable for the Pistons if the if the heat want to part with him I know he’s playing well as of late but if they he want to part with him that is a guy

That would make a lot of sense for our team um and so you have the assets to go and get these guys you have the cap space to accommodate their bad contract and you have a thing that’s you know you you need shooting right so

You can find that in the draft you can find that in free agency you can find that via trade it’s not a very unique skill set that only you know certain people have it’s not like we needed playmaking or we needed shot creation right those are very unique traits that

Players have that I don’t think are that easy to find but shooting for the most part is especially catch and shoot spot up shooting which is exactly what we need um the second thing I think our defense has the ability to be elite eventually I think a lot I

Think there needs to be a lot of growth from our youth but I think I I see flashes of an elite defense and then running in transition say what you want about the talent of our team we are a hella athletic team when we’re running in transition we’re

Dangerous so that those two pieces give me hope that this is the right group moving forward but if it’s not the other piece that’s a positive is these these pieces aside from Kate are also very much movable there are teams who are calling about Isaiah Stewart there are teams calling

About Jaden Ivy and assar I’m sure if you put them on the Block I’m sure they would get interest so there is the ability to have roster movement roster additions roster subtractions the real question I have that I keep coming back to is do you want Troy Weaver to be that

Guy to make that decision my answer would be no and I agree sure that’s the answer for a lot of people yeah see that’s the that’s the problem though so I like I agree with all the positives you point out all the positives but my concern is and like

I’ve said many times then we can wrap up the podcast I’ve said this many times if Troy Weaver can come out and tell me why he thinks he deserves to keep his job or someone who’s defensive of Troy Weaver can come out and give me a reason why he

Should keep his job I will I will stop coming on here and saying he shouldn’t have a job but after a 3 and 33 start with how horrifically bad this team is and year four of rebuild he should not have his job and there’s no reason I there is no reason why anyone

Should trust him to be the one to make those decisions you’re talking about this off season and that’s why it’s even I agree with all the positives you laid out but that’s why it’s even scary for me to look ahead of the future and try to bring up a positive because even when

You think about those positives the person who’s going to be making those decisions have not has not earned the trust now maybe in this offseason if he’s still around maybe Weaver makes the the Right Moves it’s completely possible but nothing we’ve seen to this point suggests that we should believe that

Can’t that will be what happens so that’s why even when you try to look at the positive it’s just like a it’s just a tough situation why it’s this always it’s this dark cloudy just situation around a 3 33 team that even when you try to look at the

Young core andp you know try to look at it positively it’s it’s like there’s just the P the decision makers around that just leave a lot to be left or to ask for right now and makes it hard to trust any of them to you know do their

Job so I mean we’ll see what happens and hopefully this offseason they do a lot of stuff and yeah and I think just real quick before you wrap right like there are a few key dates that have either just passed or are upcoming right there’s the December 15th date where all

The guys who signed free well most of the guys who signed free agent contracts in the off season are now eligible to be traded so that opens up the pool of potential people that could find their way to Detroit in some some way um January 15th is the next date um that’s

That’s upcoming and that’s yet another date where more free agents who sign the extensions can now be traded U we just passed the mark for 10day contracts to be allowed um and the trade deadline is less than a month away so we are at the doorstep of a very should be a very

Active time for the Pistons and what how can it get better by making the Right Moves In the next month and then once the season is over to make the Right Moves then but if Troy Weaver is the guy doing it he to me he only has this month

And a half to make those moves I completely agree if he’s not able to make moves that make you feel better about him moving into the offseason they should move on he should get this month and a half to do something before the deadline if he doesn’t do anything by

Then there’s no way that you can keep him to the offseason I just don’t see how but I I didn’t think do nothing until this point I didn’t see how then and that that’s happened so who knows um that’s all we’ve got today man thank you

Sham for joining us on the podcast man you can follow him over on Twitter sham shamod appreciate you man thanks appreciate all of you guys making lock on piss since your first list of every single day fre Avail on all your podcast platforms hit that subscribe button the

YouTube channel leave us a five star review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on until next time I’ll see you guys later stay safe out there until next time peace out

Cade Cunningham left the Detroit Pistons last game with a knee strain and underwent an MRI that showed no serious damage; the Pistons star is reportedly only expected to miss a few games. Also, Troy Weaver appeared on The Woj Pod to discuss the teams season, the future, and why fans should still be hopeful for the future of The Motor City.

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  1. They should have added healthy consistent veterans at all positions to help the younger core and provide some stability and better decisions on the court

  2. Troy Weaver should NOT get another month to screw up this team further. He has destroyed this franchise and should have already been fired.

  3. Don’t worry, guys. I’ve been reading plenty of work lately from Pistons beat writers (who are among the most well-respected reporters in the business that always remain impartial and totally do NOT act as a PR branch of the team), and they’ve been reassuring the notion that Troy, Arn and the entire front office are no doubt on the job and will fix our issues relatively quickly. All they ask is that we remain patient until Monte Morris is activated so that they can fairly assess the roster.

    And for those of you who think the masterminds behind this rebuild should be fired—which is utter nonsense in of and itself—are you forgetting who runs the franchise from the top? Tom Gores has always been about putting a winning product together at all costs and will stop at nothing until this team is hoisting the Larry O’Brien trophy. If Tom says no changes to the front office are required then so be it. He’s one of the most hands-on and proactive owners in the league. Why shouldn’t we trust his judgement?

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