
NBA Fantasy Basketball: Haliburton’s Injury & Morant Surgery – Monday Recap #NBA #fantasybasketball

NBA Fantasy Basketball: Haliburton’s Injury & Morant Surgery – Monday Recap #NBA #fantasybasketball

What a day of Chaos in the NBA season ending injury to jaran long-term injury to tyres Halton I don’t know six games on all crazy stuff happening we’re going to break it all down Michael Bolton thanks Josh it’s Michael Bolton here and it’s time for another episode of the locked on Fantasy

Basketball podcast let’s get to it let’s get to it indeed you are locked on Fantasy Basketball your daily fantasy basketball podcast part of the locked on podcast Network hello and welcome to the locked on Fantasy Basketball podcast brought to you by basketball monster my name is Josh Lloyd and a big congratulations to the University of Michigan and their football team for winning the national championship huge game from Tyrone Wheatley and Tim Baka Uka I’m also the

Lead fantasy Analyst at basketball and you can find me on Twitter as always red rockball on Tik Tok at Redrock bball and on Instagram @ lockon fantasy basketball today’s episode is brought to you by Fel make every moment more right now new customers get $150 in bonus bets if you

Place a $5 bet that’s it place a $5 bet get $150 in bonus bets win or lose go to lockon to get started thank you also for making locked on Fantasy Basketball your first listen every day we are free we are available on all platforms are you a double Banger should

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Comment down below um just do something I lost jar today man my team’s got a hle I’m screwed I don’t I’m W like whatever put something down there w r Gat whatever drop it in the comments we’re all good and ready to go let’s talk

About the re action that we did have on Mon did I say Tuesday before it is Monday it’s Tuesday here it is Monday but just news banging everywhere and so many like um forums that I’m looking to contribute not to contribute to like tweets and baskball monster and stuff

Just all over the place I’m a little a little frazzled here we are ready to do this show though and we will start with the news that we do know that uh tetus Jamal marant is out for the season we saw him yesterday out with that shoulder

Issue and said oh he’s in a sling that’s it’s little weird isn’t it and then it was announced that he was out for tomorrow okay he’s in a sling and then the Grizzlies just dropped the bomb like n he’s actually out for the season surgery Tor labam okay that is obviously

Not great now there’s a couple things we can talk about here with Mor we have seen this team with 25 games or playing without Mor for 25 games so we’ve got an idea part of the problem is is that in a lot of that time there was no Luke

Canard there was no Marcus Smart and they’re back we’re still going to have so much [ __ ] around with this team it’s not going to be funny the number one thing to look at is Marcus Smart is not 100% rossed he is a must gra player

You got to go and at him the next guy that I would look at is Vince Williams we saw we we had a pretty good look at things yesterday now there was Center Shenanigans with the three minutes of Xavier Tillman and then bbo coming in off the bench but we saw Vince Williams

Play 36 minutes and Canard play like 25 I’d be very much interested in having a look at Vince especially in a 14 Team league Canard doesn’t really have gigantic upside neither does Vince to be fair he’s not a high-scoring player he’s like a a defensive stat accumulated sort

Of a guy they’re both if 14 Team league ads Canard and Vince Williams with maybe some 12 value Marcus might you just add everywhere deeper leagues well Derrick Rose is out I guess they’re going to have to have to recall Jacob gillad um that’ be deeper League stuff

Only and yeah then you’ll get like just more rotation nonsense you get bigger minutes for Z Williams but that’s not a 12 team League player that’s like a 14 to 16 team guy you might get some Rody in there at times but what this does

Mean is this team is going to be trash obviously now the speculation is going to come through while they’re going to shut down Desmond Bane or there goes Jaren Jackson all these blocks are going to go away I don’t think we can look at those things and think that they’re

They’re going to happen or likely to happen or anything like that jiren can still get blocks without jar there he did get a little boost of blocks the last couple of games I don’t think you need to sell off Bane and Jaren in fact it’s the worst time to do that because

Everyone that you try to sell them to at the moment it’s going to be go well they’re obviously dropping them off because they think there’s something bad going on so in general I’d probably just hold those play is I think the awards 65 game threshold also jiren by the way

Questionable tomorrow too Sanel D doubtful the awards threshold might keep things going as well as the player participation policy where they’re going to crack down on fake injuries at the end of the season allegedly so I think I think Mo for most of the cases I’m just

Going to hold on to ban I’m just going to hold on to jiren if weird stuff happens in April then so be it like we shouldn’t be playing then anyway but we’ll see so I think this one is is not super complicated just make sure that

Mark is smart is not available and then we go down to a Williams and Canard combination deeper leagues Gillard and zier Williams maybe there are more injuries later in the season and that would mean GG Jackson Gregory Jackson thei is the guy that we take a look at

Who could have a two-e run of a top 70 player in April do not stash him but we keep that idea in our heads for GJ said jaren’s already questionable for tomorrow which is not great obviously we got an update on Kate Cunningham at least it wasn’t terrible W

And Sham saying avoided Serious injury which I think we sort of speculated that he might miss this week he missed several games what they said but given that they said it wasn’t a they C it a strain and not a sprain my fear was that

It was going to be a patal ATT tendon strain which would probably have ended the season but it doesn’t appear that’s the case so it’s some sort of muscular thing around the knee inside outside I’m not sure I would expect Kade to be out for this week I would prioritize Jaden

Ivy over kilan Hayes over Alec Burks Burks and Ivy are more likely to have long-term value when Cunningham Returns versus Hayes but they’re the guys that we can take a look at we are going to talk and we’ll talk about it when we get into the Pacers game later about the

Injury to tyres halberton but let me just State this now Marcus Smart is your number one priority ad Timothy John is your next Timothy John McConnell is the next priority ad out of Cades Replacements iys and your hazes and your zers and your Vince whatever it’s smart

And then it’s McConnell they are your priorities without really too much hesitation I don’t think and then just to Annoy Us out of nowhere yakob purle is out tomorrow with ankle sprain apparently sprained it at the end of the Golden State Warriors game stayed in and played through it but

He’s out I don’t know whether it costs him more time but there’s no pressur to Che jont Porter will be a deeper League I I added him in 30 deep today actually had to start him because I had so many guys out but uh Chris buet is the 12

Team Stream there for the Raptors with yakob purle uh out at the moment just we’re getting smashed with news all over the shop today let’s take a look at some waiver wire Trends who are the most added players over the last 24 hours in fact let’s look at the top six players

Number one is dwap wath up 26% a easy drop for T.J McConnell or Andrew nard he’s fine but Eight’s upgraded to doubtful so I think he’s going to return this week Jabari Walker will have an impact on wath he’s not going to be a long-term 12 Team league guy l d up 21%

We talked about the value or um struggles of the value of D plenty of times he had the uh he had the [ __ ] one today but they’ve got a strong schedule coming up so Okay Kevin Love really putting up good numbers Draymond Green probably returning of this week

Fine you can add him he’s up 7% Ben Maan really strong game from him he does have an opportunity here to step up he is in a real hot streak at the moment I’m not the biggest nine cat fan of what mathine does because he is usually pretty empty

But this likely absence of halberton will help so that’s okay and then n Smith up 6% yeah he should be rosted I’m guessing he was added today because there’s only six games on the Pacers were involved in one of them but that’s fine a lot of people bailing on Larry n

I’m guessing they streamed him in for yesterday’s game only he’s more of a 14 team leager no problem with with jacking off Jen McDaniels get that garbage out of here Tim Hardway fine tan Prince the Lakers have got a good schedule coming up but he’s not a must roster PJ

Washington’s injured you can drop him and drron sharp down 8% we haven’t had a diagnosis on drron Sharp’s knee injury all we know is at this point he still hasn’t joined the team in Paris I don’t think he will but we haven’t had an update on that so we’re still um still

Waiting for that to come through today’s episode is brought to you by better help 2023 over 2024 has started with a bang for Fantasy injuries as well which is not great but you did something good in 2023 and now 20124 it’s time to build on that doesn’t have to be sweeping changes

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NBA okay we are what are we going to get into I think we’re no we’re straight into the games now aren’t we um yeah let’s do it all right the first game is the tyres halberton game so we’re going to talk about it they they win somehow

Against Boston 133 131 we’ll start with the Celtics who had no Jason Tatum and Sam Hower um Pingas 38 minutes 196 and 7 with three blocks with his poked eye Jaylen had 40 with 3 threes in 38 minutes and holiday played 38 minutes as well they’re in a stretch of a lot of

Games here as well so just be aware of this 216 and six for Drew Derek white who’d been obviously just cranking he is uh sliding he’s 85th over his last five games he’s 45th over the last two weeks he’s down to 31st for the season and and

I talked a lot about this how I was off on on white which is crazy for me to be too low on derck white but there were a lot of things he would doing he was doing which were just crazy like insane best shoo ever best deals ever best

Blocks ever crazy numbers I still think he’s had a really good season but we”re seeing some stuff fall off 133 and six 25% shooting dropping down we not don’t do anything stupid with it but he dropped off 32 for Al haford 32 minutes 11 and six with 3 threes they’re going

To back toback for their next set of games so Horford’s going to sit one of those whether it’s Wednesday or Thursday I’m not sure he also shot horribly 25% we got 23 minutes out of pton prit chart as well 14- 7 with 4 threes they were

Getting a bit funky with the SHA brette playing 16 minutes so yeah let’s let’s talk about how but no I don’t know what happened that’s not true I know what happened he slipped and sort of legs a Kimbo and strained something and it was bad he was in significant pain he

Couldn’t walk he had to be carried to the locker room he looked like he was in tears I can’t confirm that cuz I wasn’t up there rubbing under his eyes to see if it was wet but it looked like it hurt a lot the diagnosis from the paces is

Hamstring strainer let’s get a couple I’ve already had these discussions SL arguments with people on Twitter already let’s get this let’s let’s get this done a hamstring injury I don’t know the severity of it we’ll find out tomorrow at some point given the nature of it the

Fact that he couldn’t walk most people you’re ping a hammy and you can sort of walk and Limp off this looked terrible the fact that you can’t walk with a hamstring is is a bad sign I don’t know what that means I don’t know I don’t know that that means

He’s out long long term but it is a bad sign normally ping a hammy you sort of Limp off and you’re like you’re there it hurts and you’re out right but this was bad so a hamstring strain is a tear of your hamstring I would say this is a minimum

A minimum bare minimum of two weeks absolute be I’ll actually be relatively stunned if it’s two I’m going to say three to four seems almost best case let’s say 3 weeks best case there is a significant fear that this is a full 3 to 6month injury and you’ll say I’ve

Never heard of a hamstring strain costing someone six months the man that played in one of the games later on Chris Middleton literally had this happen four years ago or five 20 uh 2016 I think it was he tore his hamstring he was out for six months you do a full

Grade three all the way through tear of your hamstring tendon you are done you need surgery and it is season over I don’t know that that is what happened to tyres halberton at all if it’s like a grade two you’re talking six seven weeks we saw Zion Williamson and his hamstring

Was you know a six or seven week one then he had a set back on it there is no way that this is like two days in his back I just can’t see how that is possible on a hamstring this just no that looks like this as well so

I’d be preparing for something significant it sucks for the Pacers for the NBA for halberton for Fantasy managers it’s terrible he was on in track on track to start in an allstar game in Indiana um I don’t know that he’s going to be available for that he may he may

Not I would say it’s there’s doubt about it um I I I don’t don’t know all I know is that the range of this injury is going to be minimum 2 weeks all the way up to whole season and I would I would be putting minimum like three three ises where I’d

Be looking around that Mark three to four and you feel pretty good about it but the fact that he couldn’t walk makes me go I’m expecting longer we will find out tomorrow but just be just be once they come out and say strain you know go guess they avoided something serious

No that’s not how that works they can’t tell you what actually happened to it the term tear is like a layman’s term which is a Grade Three strain and if they come out and see a Grade Three strain they will say tus Hilton tore his hamstring off the bone

Tore through his tender and he’s out for the season for surgery that is what they would say but they didn’t have an MRI yet so they couldn’t do that evaluation all they could say is it’s a hamstring strain that’s all they can say at this point and that’s what they came out with

On the release so we will get more information on this tomorrow hopefully gets released tomorrow might be the day after but we’ll get on it tomorrow so the question you ask is who is the pickup it’s Timothy John McConnell they started Andrew nard in the second half

This is what they did last year as well but if neod plays 31 and McConnell plays 25 then McConnell is the ad absolutely everywhere and you are going to ask me this question Josh what about a 10 Team league yes what about an eight Team

League yes Josh do I burn wave yes I don’t care what number the waiver priorities I value those nothing at all I don’t care about a wave of priority you add Tyrus Halton as [ __ ] of course you add Tes H you add um Timothy John McConnell if you can’t get McConnell you

Go to Andrew nard in a 12 team League nard had opportunities to start last season I would say he was relatively mid his usage didn’t really bump up but he was all right the problem was this whole team went to absolute [ __ ] last season when halberton was out so I would say

That the ad is clearly McConnell it is nire next and then we go to a um a mathine who played 29 minutes and had 26 four and three with two steals shot really well he’s on a nice little run at the moment mathine it is coming on some interesting efficiency which I’m not

Sure sticks but there is a few more shots to go around we also saw buddy he played 25 minutes he had 15 four and three with two blocks I don’t think this is going to mean that buddy moves back into the starting lineup but they ran an

11 man rotation today so obviously it’s going to be one man less with Halle Burton out at Hal’s 37 minutes or so will go through to nard and go through to mcconell and then some of it will go onto heeld as well and he moves into

More of a 25 minute 27 minute player which is interesting enough so all of that is something to watch there’s so much to talk about in this Paces team honestly because my old Nemesis the man that I will not stand by Jaylen Smith decided it was time for him

To pop off and have 11 and N in three blocks in 27 minutes further adding to my frustration of this guy being an unbelievably interesting permanent fantasy player and then he comes out and dicks us over with 27 minutes like I guess we’ve got to consider him again so

He’s back on the 12 team menu as for McConnell he 124 and S with two steals in 25 minutes that’s a must roster player nard you look at his sets go what’s so exciting there was nothing exciting he’s not an exciting player Andrew he played 12 minutes he had 90

And three but he did have like four fouls so he was like four fouls in seven minutes so that’s why his minutes were limited luckily his coach fouled him out Bruce brown maybe he gets more minutes but he played only 21 here so maybe the riseing healed and mathine is due to

Brown versus Halton that’s why I’m prioritizing nard and McConnell other way around McConnell then nard over H and mathine N Smith only the 26 minutes these are the frustrations with n Smith is there enough there in 26 minutes he keeps proving me wrong and doing good things

He had 17 points with three threes in 26 minutes and he’s a 12 teer so we’ve got McConnell we’ve got Empire we’ve got Maan maybe we’ve got Smith we’ve got n Smith I wouldn’t hold on to Bruce brown but it’s hard to drop in when all this

Stuff’s going on then the other question is going to come what do I do if I’ve got Miles Turner nothing you can’t really do anything Turner had and eight like not a bad game played 35 minutes but this whole team is going to grind down McConnell is an interesting really

Solid relief player but he’s not tyres halberton so [ __ ] is going to grind down for this team and it’s really unfortunate and this honestly if htt’s out for the season this team won’t make the playoffs I I know they won today I don’t think they make the playoffs he

Just drives everything of what they do and they folded like a wet piece of toilet paper last season when he was out we’ll see what ends up happening um here but that is your your number one absolute must TJ McConnell add I add him over nard do I add him over Marcus Smart

Probably not cuz I know that Jan’s out for the season and I don’t know that Hal Burton is but he could be and I’m expecting three two to three weeks minimum and by the look of it it looked bad man it looked like more and it’s not

Even just about the mechanism cuz that’s going to be fine it’s the response it’s the fact that he couldn’t walk on it that is bad news that’s the bad part of it I think and that’s where I get the worry with it hopefully hopefully it’s all right cuz man he’s

Fun who doesn’t like him some [ __ ] out there won’t like him I know but he’s bloody fun and it’s not going to be it’s not going to be great today’s episode is brought to you by fan juel Sportsbook the NFL regular season is over but there is still time

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Maybe you want to do a parlay of props for the Pacers next game and use your knowledge of the value that T.J McConnell brings you to same game parlay some interesting numbers you can find other people’s popular parlays in there as well create your own parlays you can

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City Thunder eventually pull away from the Wizards you’ll also notice a ton of transactions in the NBA at the moment like for example the Wizards um just cut Ryan Rollins today the Jazz waved Josh Christopher um millions of two-way guys going I also got this question Skyler

May signed a two-way with the Lakers what do we do there absolutely nothing he’s a two-way player who won’t play very much unless there are injuries or other trades and even then we’re not doing anything with any of these sort of backend moves but that did happen that did happen

Um all right we uh Thunder it was a lot of the same a lot of the same Shay 326 and5 with three steals the he’s on a massive hot streak Jaylen Williams 217 and 10 with two steals assists are up usage is up efficiency’s up he’s 27th

Over the last two weeks that is a big sell High there I think Chad had 31 points with five assists and two blocks continues to be ridiculous and Josh giddy only the 26 minutes that’s going to be standed he’s not hitting ADP I think we’re okay with that now 96 and9

With two Steals on 36% rough game but some good counters probably worth a spot and then of course the lud D it has to happen 7 points 27 minutes 40% shooting three rebounds no steal the frustration in this guy’s inconsistency is always going to be there just stream him when the schedule

Makes sense to stream him not much else going on is Joe knocked in four threes for 16 points in 21 minutes he’s always at least on that stream board for threes along with slam and Sammy Merill slam and Sami Hower Norman pal Timmy Hardaway Ley Beasley there’s so many of these

Guys that you can look to for that well Aaron Wiggins chipped in with 13 points in 23 minutes better than the other Wiggins for the old Wizards Jordan Paul started off pretty bad and then it ended with a line that is good but also not I

I just I don’t know what to do 24 points that’s good four threes that’s good the yogurt is cursed zero rebounds that’s bad five assists that’s good zero steals zero blocks that’s bad 47 from the field it’s okay at 80 from the line it’s okay

So like it’s a sign of Life at least but I don’t know what to do with it and of course I’ll mate W onel Jr just continues to do nonsense he was running small with kosmer at Center Gafford played only 26 minutes didn’t really play in the fourth I don’t even know if

He did it all N9 and N for him kma they just say well you’re the king of Washington now just do everything 37 minutes for him 22 and 15 with no defensive stats typical Kyle kma and then Ty Stones had 18 with nine assists and three Steals and continues to be

Solid they’re also back on the we’re going to give minutes of den ABIA train 33 of them 17 4 and four with two threes if I could if anyone could explain why he had a run of like five games with 20 minutes I’d love to hear what it is and

There are a lot of people still rostering B K now he’s he’s a stream guy for sure but he had Five Points in 25 minutes with two blocks the two blocks are nice but he’s not anything that I’m super excited about even for stashing he is still over represented on was rosters

Also shout out to Landry shamut for having the game of his life 15 points he with eight of nine from the line with two Steals and two blocks and I’ve never seen something that I want to ignore More Than This Landry shamut performance I do not care he will not continue to do

It and yeah like sick let’s talk about the next one it was an overtime game your Chicago Bulls 119 beat your Charlotte Hornets 112 the Bulls decided they were going to continue to start Drummond uh over v as they ramp V up but 23 minutes for drmo 21 and 15 big

Numbers helps when you play the Hornets but only 23 minutes again if you are in this position I said this yesterday I think there’s a 1% chance that they it’s a slow ramp up and Drummond might even hold a little bit of value here but if

You do need to drop to add a McConnell or an empart or a smart or or someone who’s benefited from these injuries today then do it although this is a really good game I’m a little confused of the vich minutes limit did they deliberately play 5 minutes under his

Minutes limit and then just happened to have 5 minutes laying over so he could play in overtime did they mismanage the minutes limit that much or did they just say screw it when they got to overtime and played it either way something doesn’t add up V ended up with 30

Minutes 21 and 10 pretty good game no free throws of course Deen style but pretty good game I would expect that he’s going to be starting relatively soon while shoulder saus Legend Zack LaVine dealing with the questionable tag played 36 minutes cool good good uh good

Use of coming off the bench good minutes limit there as well medical uh modern medical Marvel playing through right to the tip of that minutes limit perfectly planned out by Bill Donovan as well nine points for LaVine on 22% that obviously stinks he had five assists and two

Blocks it’s actually a pretty good by lad chance for LaVine he is just mailing in turds at the moment but it’s a good opportunity here you can jack off uh Pat Williams get that gabbage out of here re him later if trades go down whatever I think I’d still hold Caruso here Five

Points in 34 minutes 34 minutes is key he had two Steals and a block but will keep reassessing it while Kobe white played 42 minutes he had 276 and5 didn’t have any defensive stats but so far LaVine hasn’t really impacted him now lavine’s not starting obviously but he

Still played 36 minutes and one of the things that we saw that was wrong with Kobe at the start of the season was not necessarily LaVine next to him it was that he couldn’t get any shots to fall and now they are and it’s all right all right cool we’re clearly still rostering

Him D rozan had 187 and seven with three steals bad on the percentages which has been a common thing for D rozan this season which is weird to say but some good counting stats there nonetheless with uh all these guys back to sumu 18 minutes not surprising you go and drop

Him for the Hornets they were without everyone lamelo ball Mark Williams PJ Washington Gordon Haywood Cody Martin everyone was out ball there’s a sneaky chance he is back maybe weekend but who knows Mark Williams he’s they’ve said he’s out at least another week so finally we got some sort of an update

That wasn’t doubtful congratulations Charlotte Nick Rich had 10 and8 with three blocks in 39 minutes he should be a 12 team rosted player roier had cool off somewhat but this was a big game 39 73s eight assists while Bridges played 40 minutes for 248 and5 with one steel

And two blocks really good numbers there but the one we do want to watch on this team is Nick Smith 32 minutes 154 and three with 3 threes look at who’s out ball Williams Washington Haywood Martin that is key but he was better than Brandon Miller Miller today now they

Said after the game that Miller was dealing with an illness but he’s been bad like he had 4 Points in 31 minutes 18% shooting he’s 175th ranked player this season he’s 187th over the last two weeks and this is with every opportunity being afforded to I don’t see how he’s a

Must hold player I would feel bad dropping him given who is out but one of these blocks is back then he’s out of here pretty quickly I think Smith I’m watching for late season Shenanigans he’s sort of pushing up at the moment and playing decently well and should remain in the

Rotation JT Thor grabbed eight rebounds with two blocks with the absence of PJ that’s just a deeper League one but it is something you’ll need to watch while I started Bryce mcgall and he has um he’s been really really bad hasn’t he like I thought there was something there

With Bryce definitely haven’t seen it this season have not been impressed by him really at all the Houston Rockets they took on the Miami Heat the Heat win at 1213 at home for Houston let’s start with Cam Whitmore there was no e and no Brooks but Whitmore did it again again

17 minutes 11 and six with a steal 63% in the last 2 weeks he’s played 14 minutes a game have a guess where he might be ranked fantasy wise well you don’t have to I’ll tell you 159th in 14 minutes you should be just go H you

Should do that thing like when you talk to a dog and they like lean their head and you do that and you just go ah let me keep an eye on that I said this the other day I think that I think he’s a better than Jaylen green already

And by next season I can see cam Whitmore being a 12 team League player he’s a better Prospect I believe than tar een E’s still out don’t know when he’s coming back I am not adding Whitmore in 12 team leagues but I am not far away I probably wouldn’t and I don’t

Think he’s going to have that value but I’m adding in deeper leagues for sure he’s been great as for Jaylen green 11 five and six like the six assists are nice but 20% shooting again really hard for me to look at him as a must roster player while Jabari Smith didn’t do

Anything fact he was [ __ ] out 10 and six 23% with nothing else cracking there and the Wild Thing J sh had n points in 34 minutes the good players were V van who had 325 and S with seven threes and shenon who had 22 and 11 with three

Steals good games from those two not much else cracking with the rest you can still drop amen Thompson you don’t hold him in 12 team leags please for the Miami Heat Jim Butler out Caleb Martin out um don’t know when Jim’s going to be back I’m going to Mark him doubtful for

Wednesday hero had 28 with three rebounds and three assists at a bio had 22 and 12 won some bad free throws and Kevin Love continues to play well 157 and four in 23 minutes and while Jimmy and Caleb are out you can use him in TW amazingly Duncan Robinson another solid

Game 143 and seven he’s okay to be 12 team streamed and Hom hakz OR H hakz played 39 minutes he is getting so many minutes with Butler out they are basically just straight swapping those guys I still do not believe that HZ is going to remain as a 12 team League guy

If players return he’s been like pretty good but still given the minutes and the opportunities much like a Brandon Miller much better than Brandon Miller but still not like wow these are like unbelievable numbers and when he calls off you when opportunities dry up he should be okay he’s

Doing good numbers solid numbers but in huge opportunity 144 and4 is solid it’s not great it’s solid and he’s still rostering for now but if anyone wanted to offer me a top 100 player I’d snap it really quickly nicovic big not big chungus little chungus he only had six

Points but eight rebounds six assists two Steals and two blocks that’s bloody interesting he started the last couple of games even this one with Hayward heith back he started I don’t think it’s going to stick when Butler and Martin return but those defensive stats and those assists are really

Interesting he’s been [ __ ] most games that he’s played in the NBA but outside of the shooting here this could have been an unbelievably good game it’s at least something to look at in deeper leagues while joshu Richardson played 29 this team is still on a real like what

Do we do when everyone’s back rotation wise Kyle Larry sprained his hand that’s why he played 16 minutes he’s just a stream guy but that hurts obviously six points in 16 minutes is not a good result at all the next one upset time the Utah Jazz go into Milwaukee and they

Knock off the Bucks 132 116 the final score Chrissy dun 24 minutes five points that stinks but what about the rest four rebounds 13 assist one steel two blocks this starting lineup is now I think won five out of the last six games so there’s no real sign of that changing

Dunn is an interesting deep League guy marinan 21 and 14 with four threes and two blocks didn’t shoot well but still good numbers hon Tucker remains out of the rotation some people are still holding on in 12 team leagues guys what are you doing stop that I talked about

This on a show the other day saying it hasn’t hasn’t been paid attention to but K George has sort of fixed the shooting stuff 196 and4 54% shooting with 43s that’s really interesting there’s still a glot with zon and Clarkson and dun and George but

George is like hm all that a lot of the stuff early on when he was starting was like this guy is killing me in percentages he sort of fixed it I don’t know if it it’s going to hold but it’s been like 11 12 straight games a pretty

Good numbers so just keep an eye on kont there maybe a 14 team M seon only played 18 minutes he had 19 points a hold Clarkson had 214 and 16 in 31 minutes a hold but the problem is I I still don’t know is Clarks going to play 30 or 18 or

Is seon going to do 26 or 16 or what’s going to happen it’s all over the shop and the same goes with Walker Kesler eight points six rebounds two blocks in 21 minutes I’m holding him but I wouldn’t be holding my breath for him to get back into the starting lineup the

Baptist had 19 points with not much else Johnny Collins he’s a streamer not a must roster and Simon F on Teo yeah we can uh my prediction on him came to fruition get that gabbage out of here Five Points triple one 32 minutes absolutely not a 12 team League guy so

He can be jacked into Oblivion OA B is bad also by the way just in case you’re wondering for the bucks there was no Damen L there was no Cameron Payne so they started Andre Jackson at point guard he had 7 points in 26 minutes and we can thankfully ignore him for Fantasy

As we move forward chrisy Middleton 34 minutes 233 and8 two steals in a block Yanni had 25 10 and 11 with bad free throws and no no defensive stats so not a great game Lopez 38 minutes 13 points two blocks which is solid and leaky Beasley had 17 with 5 threes but they

Lost without lard terrible should have could have won this easily we didn’t get any increase in minutes for marj BOS we actually got Bobby Porter minutes decrease I know they got a good schedule they play a Thursday Saturday Sunday triple quality game three and four

Nights to end the week but there is no way you are looking at Bobby Porter as a 12 team must get that gabage out of here 8 and three in 16 minutes conon had six points in 22 minutes and so Beasley was pretty good but I don’t think we need to

Hold Porter or Beasley outside of that little stream value section at the end of this week there’s just there’s just not enough going on that is good in what they are doing and this team still needs answers and then we go to the final game the Clippers on a

Backto back beat the Suns on a back toback the Suns woses continue 138 Clippers 111 Phoenix Kevin Durant did in fact play on the backto back idiots 35 minutes 30 and 7 with 33s on 59% shooting really good game from Durant fantastic too risky 20 points for Booker

With five assists and Bradley be stri 15 and 3 with two steals he’s in a bit of a slump at the moment below it’s always to be expected playing alongside these guys I think he could be slightly better than this he’s definitely a guy that we want

To hold and Grayson Allen didn’t have his best game 83 and two in 31 minutes but he played 31 minutes and I’m still holding him I’m not dropping him if I had to make the decision to drop Grayson Allen to add Marcus Smart I would if I

Had to make the decision to drop Grayson Allen to add T.J McConnell I probably would Eric Gordon was all right 12 points in his 25 but that’s just a stream out situation while we got a change to the backup center wasn’t chimzi metu anymore they went back to

Drew Eubanks who had zero points in 16 minutes with two blocks while metu did a bit of garbage time work for four points in eight while nurkic played 21 he was just not very good 83 and two for the Clippers Jimmy Harden was great 197 and 10 Kawai those extra 90 seconds from

Yesterday were fantastic he had 173 and two with five Steals and a block and Paulie George 25- S zubats pretty good as well 19 and8 not really a huge amount to talk about here uh maybe we should Jack Russell Westbrook get that g get out of here 15 minutes nine points seven

Assists two steals is good he’s like kilan Hayes when he comes off the bench I guess you what stop it stop rostering him please Norman pal good streamer 14 points with two threes and was finally a good game from Terrence man this is peak teren man basically though on this team

And he is only a deep League player 14 points for man in those 28 minutes yeah really not a lot to talk about in that um in that last game at all and now we go into the end of the show let’s do a stream of the day recap let’s look at

The lines of the night as well our 10 Team Stream of the day was big dick Nick Richards here had 10 and8 an assist with three blocks I’m pretty happy with that Mark Williams still out at least another week the 12 Team Stream of the day not

Particularly happy and I did say this yesterday on the stream show I said yeah I’m I’m never going to be confident recommending l d but there you go 73 and one with a block for daughter but the rest worked out all right the old 14 team streamer was

Sticks Jaylen Smith had 11 to n with three blocks I don’t mind him as a 12 te ad we’ve probably got some other priorities there but he’s always going to be annoying to try and Trust and Believe in the 16 team streamer was Chris D he only had five points but who

Cares cuz he had 13 rebounds four four rebounds 13 assists one steel and two blocks and our points League streams were Nick Richards on Yahoo for 30.1 which is good and for ESPN it was 36 fantasy points and can’t complain about any of that stuff that’s all really

Really good love it love getting things that are good um let’s do the Monstrous line of the night who do you think it’s going to be who is your prediction for the Monstrous this is a guy that doesn’t win these very often but he won it today

And that is the man in Charlotte Terry roier 393 and8 and let me just Soliloquy on Terry for a second his nickname makes zero sense in my accent because we don’t say those words anything remotely the same one is scary and one is Terry it’s not scary scary ter or scary

Ter but but I know you guys say them the same over in America so I will never refer to him as scary Terry because it doesn’t make any sense in my accent hairy Terry that sounds like scary anyway anyway the Big F Terry roia 39 points eight assists sell High maybe

Sell High by low show coming tomorrow pay attention be ready uh what else we got the waiver wire line of the night the best performing player rosted in under 50% of leagues and this man is just rosted in no leagues whatsoever really and it’s Christopher Dunn who had

Had 13 assist one steel two blocks he’s at least a 16 Team league guy maybe even a 14 Team league guy the Jazz someone tweeted this at me today just before I was recording this segment the Jazz are 8 and0 in games that Talon Horton Tucker

Doesn’t play H is he [ __ ] yes very people are still rostering ton H and tuer in 12 10 leagues give it up guys it’s over I’m not saying that he’s the cause of all their losses and the reason he they’re winning is because of not not

Him but I’m not ruling it completely out the Young Gun of the night best first or second year player on the day and that one does go to a player who was awesome today and that is the Bronco Jaylen Williams 21 points 10 assists

Maybe a bit of a sell high as well on a huge assist streak big usage streak big efficiency streak as well and then the more fun one let’s do the DT of the night who was it someone rosted in 70% of leagues or more who was the shittest

Of the day and this guy was rosted in exactly bang on 70% so I’m glad I could sneak him in punch Bob Bob Porter 8 points three rebound zero assists under 20 minutes trending way down he struggled in the majority of this season the only reason to hold him is the buck

Schedule at end of this week otherwise he is jacked all the way off let’s look at the top six players on today’s schedule of games who were they number one well we already know who number one was it was scary Terry he had uh we already had his numbers I don’t need to

Do with them again roier was number one van vet two guilis Alexander Three Jaylen Williams four Jimmy at five and Christy Middleton comes in at number six your top six players Rost in under 50% Chris Dunn pton Pritchard that’s like a uh artifact of no Hower and no Tatum

Sticks jayen Smith interesting konto George playing very well probably not going to be a 12 te for a little bit of time but definitely on the way up big dick Nick yes and then Malik Beasley schedule wise sure but not considering him a must roster player your top six

Players in Yahoo points scoring format today number one was Shay followed by roia Van vet marinan Yanni and Chet Holmgren and let’s go through our final wrap-up final wrap up of the day of what we need to be paying some attention to here we are adding Timothy John

McConnell simple these are only from things that that really did happen today although I did sneak Vince Williams in there we’re obviously adding marus smart right Jazz injury but smart is roster most spots we’re adding Andrew nard you can make Arguments for Math and Jaylen Smith there as well McConnell nard Vince

Williams as ads Vince more of a 14 Team league guy but there were quite a few ads that popped up all through the course of the show and someone asked me if we’re dropping J rant like abs of course we are just go ahead and move on

They’re very easy and I just I lost my screen who was the bottom one on my list of guys to drop was it Russell Westbrook could have been you’re dropping him oh yeah the bottom one got it back up the bottom one was U Mark Williams who with

This uncertainty around his return I don’t think you don’t have to drop Mark Williams but it’s lingered on enough we got no timetable it’s it’s at least another week if you do need to make that move you make that move cuz it’s not feeling like there’s anything going to

Be happening unfortunately um anytime soon and that is the official end of the show today don’t forget be a double Banger listen on audio watch on video thumb up leave comments ring the bell all that stuff apologies if your team has jar I wouldn’t have drafted him because

I think he was going too high in most spots anyway and yeah that didn’t work out for completely different reasons to the suspension apologies if you’ve got Tes halberton maybe more apologies will be in order if we find out a that the injury is serious let fingers crossed

That we’re getting a two weer fingers crossed I don’t think so but fingers crossed we’ll see um and you know what to do all the ways that you can support have been awesome and I have loved them guys we are done here thank you so much for listening slatch everyone see You

In this episode of NBA Fantasy Basketball, Josh Lloyd recaps the events of Monday’s NBA games, including Tyrese Haliburton’s serious hamstring injury and Ja Morant’s announcement of season-ending shoulder surgery. We also discuss the importance of adding Marcus Smart and TJ McConnell, the impact of these injuries on fantasy leagues, and the standout performances from Terry Rozier, Jalen Williams, and Kris Dunn. “Your team, every day” – stay updated with our expert analysis for your fantasy basketball success. #NBAFantasy #InjuryReport #GameRecap

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  1. Josh can you help me understand why Big Dick Nick is 12-team must-roster? Big Dick has been getting good minutes but outside of rebounds, I'm not sure what I've been holding him for

    For instance, hasn't Kevin Love been a better category producer than Big Dick? (more points + 3s + assists, comparable rebounds)

  2. Why would Jalen Williams be a sell high? What is happening with OKC that you think is going to change? They are winning. His numbers are not a result of any injuries on the team. He is playing well and getting good minutes. Maybe this is who he is and we should just ride the bronco into the sunset.

  3. I traded Doncic & Clax for Haliburton & Bam last week 🙉🙉🙉 as of now I took a L. I'm #3 in my league

  4. After starting the season 0-3, I won 8 in a row and was riding high. However, I had Tyrese and Ja on my team, so safe to say, today was a bit of a bummer.

  5. Beware of tanking teams and their players, every season! Josh, you led me wrong last pre-season when I asked you if you were concerned about teams tanking for Wemby. You said you weren't, then my #1 team through the whole season absolutely fell apart during the playoffs and cost me the Championship due to BS injuries/tank captains on the bench.

  6. Wanting to add T.J in a 12T ESPN pts, have killian as my worst player, worth giving up the b2b killian games for T.J???

  7. Hey Josh, not sure if you know this guy Brian Sutterer. He breaks down player injuries at a closer look with his expertise in physiatry. He said in his video today that Haliburton is at best out for multiple weeks.

  8. Starting the season with Hali, Lillard, Beal, Claxton, Kawhi, Ben Simmons, Rudy and Kyrie I was happy with having almost a full week with everybody healthy (I dropped Simmons at some point). Shame on me for being so positive

  9. Keynote actually is still the man who is inconsistent and shots poorly overall at this point…

  10. I got offered jjj for j Williams and Dereck lively. I’m punting assist and ft do I take it?

  11. Is it worth trading my Melton for TJ? I need assists bad but might lose a valuable asset if Hali isn't out long. What we think?

  12. Is LaVert gonna be a drop when Garland comes back? Looking for someone to drop for TJ, LaVert, Bruce Brown or Keyonte George. 12t 9cat

  13. Would be a hamstring rupture if it's torn off the bone, grade 2 likely 4-6 weeks would be surprised to see someone who can't walk off the court to be back in less than 6 weeks.

  14. I want to thank you for doing this video… I was working late doing the dishes and put in my wireless headphones on and listened to this… It helped me when I rushed home at 79mph (just enough to not get pulled over) on interstate to get home at 1:45am CST and put in bunches of bids for TJ McConnell before that nightly FAAB cutoff add time of 2am CST… 15 MINUTES!!! Your video helped me determine the set of priorities. (Nick Richards too of course, since last week I actually had to cut him for streaming since he was on my bench not playing in a few spots) But yeah, this night is one of the biggest waiver days in a very long time!!! Possibly will be the biggest of all season!!! Truly a big thank you!!! 🙂 🙂 PS. I think Kris Dunn is better than you give him credit for and is another option for Morant/Haliburton owners.

  15. Thanks for the shout out to UofM! In addition to being a diehard Pistons fan, I'm also a triple-banger University of Michigan graduate. I was able to move fast and pick up both McConnel and Vince Williams, and I'm also facing my buddy who has Tyrese on his team, so things are looking up…

  16. I drafted Steven Adams and Mitchell Robinson. I held ja with no IL+ slot for 8 weeks. Dont think I'll be playing fantasy next year 😭

  17. I know he will be on sell high show but for dynasty Jalen Williams is still a buy low in my opinion. Since February 7th last season in 58 games he is averaging 18.3ppg 4.6reb 4.2ast 1.4stl .4blk 1.9TO 1.3threes/gm 54.2/44.2/86 shooting splits 👀 A young player has never had that type of scoring efficiency and he’s an elite athlete all the signs are there for him being a superstar level player eventually

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