@Los Angeles Lakers

If Wood continues to play as good as he did against the Clippers, do you think that would solve the “no backup Center” problem?

10 rebounds + 2 blocks

by gbcolor2024


  1. Jealous-Repair3444

    Not entirely, but partially. As Trevor Lane has stated, we could still use a thicker-bodied bruiser type that can at least genuinely bang with bulkier guys like Jokic.

  2. just_one_random_guy

    To an extent, I think he gives good effort defensively but that doesn’t necessarily mean it translates into great defense, he’s just giving all the effort he can which we see flashes of occasionally. At the very least he’s a more than capable scoring big which is already much better than Hayes. Hayes probably shouldn’t have been signed and instead a more defensive oriented center should have been picked up so the rotation can switch between Wood and another backup big depending on what the situation needs

  3. Rude-Manufacturer-86

    Yes but he’s proven throughout his career to be inconsistent, including when the Lakers needed this play earlier in the season.

    He’s always has the talent. Consistency? No. That’s why Dallas let him go.

  4. Jealous-Repair3444

    I actually believe we’re sorely underutilizing him.

    For instance, we’re not often enough taking advantage of mismatches he can create in the post. He’s a very skilled offensive player as well as in isolation, but we are not making a concerted effort to get more out of his skillset such as Dallas did last season and in a lot of other instances amongst other stops he’s made throughout his career. I suppose sadly, that’s mostly on some of the incompetence of Ham.

  5. eateralum

    He’s on the team. Work on the guys we have here.

  6. flowermoon24

    i still think they need a big body center, wood looks small next to guys like zubac, let alone kat, embiid, gobert, jokic etc

  7. foozbinjex

    He looks nice next to AD, but not so much without AD. It would still be nice to have a traditional rim protector when AD is out.

  8. We have a good roster. Our coach insists on starting multiple vet minimum players

  9. Benotheking

    Yeah no the Lakers need another Center and play Wood 15-20 min a night with AD or the other Center.

  10. Klaxosaur

    I honestly don’t get Hams philosophy about how if a player can’t play defense they can’t get PT. The same leash he holds Rui with.

    Meanwhile Cam out there doing cardio for 30+ min.

  11. SixGunChimp

    Nope. I like Christian Wood, but we’re gonna need somebody who can compete with Jokic, Embiid etc. physically. Wood might be better suited for the 4 than the 5.

  12. Southern-Lie-9684

    My buddy’s a Mav fan and we talk about this alot.

    I’m not sold on him at the five. He’s not that big. At 6’8″ hes smaller then lebron. Can he play center? Absolutely. But we needs a defensive center. Defensive skill have been lacking because this man has had the pressure to score on him in past seasons. He could totally develop it. He’s clearly willing to work.

    I feel his real value atm is as our starting power forward. His ability to rebound for lebron and AD is…almost what we need? If lebron plays point it gives the team way more options to score then with Cam and TP that’s for sure.

    I feel him and reaves chemistry is flat. That’s an issue for me.

  13. His ability to get to the rim if spaced out is awesome. good touch near the basket

  14. LudwigNasche

    No, he isn’t the kind of center we are missing, but he has space to play more minutes.

    Wood is at his best playing alongside Davis while we need someone able to protect the basket when Davis sits.

    Wood is also unable to guard the few elite centers that give Davis problems.

  15. HenryGrosmont

    Judging by his history, he will not. And that means it won’t solve any Lakers’ problems.

  16. Not at all. We need a mobile, defensive anchor ala Javale MGee in 2019-20.

  17. To OP’s question yes. As long as Ham will continue to give him minutes.

  18. Not really. He can do a lot for us, but can’t defend big centers.

  19. Fatsandinfo2

    He’s not really a center imo. I said this before they signed him he’s better at the 4 than the 5 specially against bigger 5s. I’d still rather have him backup AD over hayes but they could still probably use a legit backup 5

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