@Phoenix Suns

The Phoenix Suns Lack Pride & Structure In Familiar Road Loss to Clippers

The Phoenix Suns Lack Pride & Structure In Familiar Road Loss to Clippers

The Phoenix Suns drop another one in disappointing fashion to the Los Angeles Clippers late at night on the road in Los Angeles on today’s episode of Locked on suns why are the fourth quarters not better now that the team is healthy how have the Clippers owned the Sun so bad

And where’s the conversation headed with this team we’ll break it all down let’s go you are locked on suns your daily Phoenix Suns podcast part of the lock on podcast Network your team every Day we are back this is locked on Phoenix Suns we are part of the locked on podcast Network I’m your host Brendan clean a credential media member covering the Suns for the past seven seasons a writer at and the host of the just BAS basketball show wherever you

Get your podcast say big thank you for making locked on suns your first listen post game after another disappointing L by the Phoenix Suns if you’re finding us for the first time or if you have not done so already just hit that follow or subscribe button wherever you’re getting

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One simple button free shows every single day the final score was 138 to 111 joining us to break it all down is Brandon dwas as he does every week Today’s Show brought to you by the FanDuel sports book make every moment more right now new customers get $150 in

Bonus Bets with any winning $5 money line bet that’s 150 bucks if your team wins visit lockon to get started okay Brandon I want to talk about the fourth quarter we normally do the moment of the game here and I think the fourth quarter was obviously the

Turning Point the Clippers outscore the Suns by 17 obviously they had a big lead already but the Suns had a chance to grab this game back they did not do so my question to you though rather than having the same conversation about the fourth quarters that I think we’re all

Exhausted by at this point would just be are there any different things you’re seeing Within These fourth quarter breakdowns or failures whatever you want to call it that is different than maybe early in the season when we noticed this trend with the Suns or is it more of the same just every single

Night honestly it’s it’s more of the same which is more concerning I wish it was something different I wish there was something that was like standing out that was like this wasn’t happening like happening earlier but the fact that yeah it’s kind of the same issues over and

Over even at full strength uh that’s more concerning to me so I wish I could give you an more optim optimistic answer but honestly it’s just like it almost feels like they’re waiting for it like it’s like okay it’s fourth quarter like this is going to happen like uh they’re

Just sitting around waiting and like just the effort drops off it’s just kind of like a domino effect that it we’re it’s kind of baked into like the Suns this season for like almost 50% of their games just fourth quarter collapses so um it just feels like this the norm at

This point like you said it’s we could talk we’ve talked about it all season long and uh you’ve highlighted it a lot yourself as well so it’s just kind of um I don’t know what needs a change but there’s there’s definitely some we’re pass a point of like the small sample

Size let’s let’s just get that out of the way like this is not this is who they are at this point of the Season we talked about like we need to get like a bigger sample size to see like what their identity is before we make

Judgments and all this and at this point of the year like this is what their identity is teams know that they’re going to collapse in the fourth quarter they’re uh they just they’re not locked in defensively they can be exposed on that end and it’s showing yeah uh I don’t disagree with

Anything you said I agree that it feels like a mentality thing at this point and the Suns I don’t think this includes tonight’s game um no it does after tonight’s game minus 14.6 net rating in the fourth quarter shockingly the Miami heat are actually also a really bad fourth

Quarter team even though they have a pretty solid record I guess being in the East will help you there uh but the suns are behind the Pistons the Pelicans the Wizards the Spurs um Charlotte somehow actually almost cracked the top 20 but this is not company the Suns want to be in and

It’s been there all year and they’re not even in that company they’re like welcoming new people to the company they’re the leaders of it they’re the the bottom of the bottom and they are the worst of the worst so I tend to agree with you that it’s not

Necessarily anything new but I guess what I would say is that obviously the new component in general is Beal and what I think is the most concerning part of this is when Beal Got Back That was supposed to bring some order to the offense right like that was supposed to prevent

The sloppy turnovers the lack of a plan the carelessness and that not being fixed is it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me and obviously the turnovers the sloppiness the mentality like those are the things that maybe as the you make you pull your

Hair out but the part of it that throws me completely is why they are not there’s no structure they’re not running offense they’re not even it looks like they’ve Sometimes some possessions it’s like have you guys ever not played basketball together have you ever played basketball like what is happening here

You’re just dribbling out the air and then chucking a jumper like that’s the part that I can’t get my mind around with the team that has so much talent and can look so good in some stretches yeah and this like you said it pretty well there I think they

Especially like they have high IQ players it’s not like we’re like these are guys that can’t make reads offensively like they’re they’re Durant Booker and be are all great Playmakers I think they know what they have to do to win like they know the ball needs to be

Moving um for an optimal offense and we’re just not seeing it so it’s just it’s very confusing honestly it it feels feels like something’s off um I don’t know maybe I’m obviously like with a new big three and all like all this turnover there’s going to be that that growing

Pain of like yes they need to figure it out but at the same time it shouldn’t be this ugly in the process like I I would take a competitive loss U that Grizzlies game really is the one that uh kind of did it for me where I’m just like this

Team is just not getting it and like this this game like if they would have lost this after being the the Grizzlies like I think most fans would kind of expect that second back toback it was for the Clippers too though they just lost to the Lakers uh the night before

So it’s uh I think you know the just there’s no excuses yes they’ve played six games in in nine nights like all that stuff and they’re still trying to figure out their ident and this and that but like it there needs to be more competitive fire I think the things that

They can control that’s like we’re not seeing that and that’s what’s concerning because that’s just kind of it’s just I don’t know if it’s coaching I don’t know if it’s I just don’t know what it is there just there’s something there that’s just not clicking well yeah and and it’s like I

Brought this up on the grizzly show because I agree that one felt bad obviously no jaw and everything thing but the point that I made in that show was teams aren’t even respecting the Suns right now and that’s been a that that’s been something you could feel

Since the Dallas series to me um yeah it feels like the Mavs in that second round series just cracked something and I don’t think it’s ever come back but obviously the roster knew so you know I don’t really know what to say there but it was certainly clear in that Memphis

Game and I think it was true again tonight and you saw like the the parts of the game that I think kind of showed it were I mean the offensive rebounding in the second half but especially I think when Westbrook came in a couple possessions and got stops against both Booker and

KD it’s just like make Westbrook look like what he is which is a guy playing 15 minutes a night you know what I mean but he he like team like players just seem to get this boost honestly from playing this team that should be the opposite like this team should be so

Talented and so so scary that it’s like teams are nervous to play the Suns and it’s the opposite right now and I just like your your point about kind of the the the pride of it all I think is maybe the best place to land here which is

Like okay they were down 10 heading into the fourth quarter it is a second night of back toback six and nine nights the Clippers are playing great competitive loss would have been not probably acceptable to most fans but at least understandable but they they dig themselves a bigger hole

They just fall apart that’s the part that I just like that’s where it starts to be like okay something has to be done something has to change it’s not tolerable anymore yeah here here’s how I’m going to put it is like teams treat them like they’re a Powerhouse like they get up

For them like that they show up for them like you know that’s and and the problem is they’re not playing like it at all they’re not backing up to talk like like you see uh if you’re if you’re the Grizzlies like a young team coming in uh

You want to make a name for yourself you want to beat Devon Booker you want to beat Kevin Durant and the suns are playing like they’ve already proven something with a roster that has not proven anything like they have a lot of talented individuals but they need to

Get back to the basics and realize that in this league like if you want to win you’re GNA have to do the dirty work you’re going to have to share the ball you’re going to have to play selflessly and as a unit and play on both ends and

They’re they’re not doing the things that uh you know that revive this franchise in the first place and I think that’s uh just getting away from that and uh just that combination of teams also showing up for you know with a little more of a pep in their step and

Kind of disrespecting the sun sometimes like they deserve it they’re playing soft and and until they step it up and protect their home court or take things personally like it’s it’s going to keep happening it’s not going to stop like when you have that star power uh you’re

Going to get everyone’s best uh it doesn’t matter how you’re playing they’re going to show up so it’s time for them to start taking things personally so I think it’s at this point it’s Pride like we know it’s not Talent they have the talent to win games they

Just gota they got to show up uh for 48 minutes and uh just try to weather the storm and just hope that you know now NBA scheduling they have six games and nine nights and now they have three games or three days off before the Lakers game and then two days off after

That before they go play Portland so it’s just gotta love uh how inconsistent the schedule is but uh you know just get the confidence back up and hopefully uh we look back at this as a low point of the season but I feel like I’ve already

Said that like three times so uh at this point optimism is gone it’s just like I’m I’m done defending them like you have they have to prove it uh that they’re a legitimate team otherwise you know have fun in the play and if you make it yeah Ro Rock Bottom has come multiple

Times this year so we’ll see uh we’ll see where it goes from here but certainly not looking great I want to talk more specifically though about how this matchup has fared for the Suns last game was a little more competitive at home this one not so much but I would

Say really the Clippers owned most of all of these eight quarters they’ve played why why is this team so difficult it’s somebody they’re going to have to beat if they want to get anywhere near where they want to this season if that’s even still in play so we’ll get into

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NBA okay Brandon so the Clippers I saw you Tweeting the other night during the home game last week that this was a brutal matchup obviously these teams have played each other in the postseason two out of the past three years and different versions of those teams but that continues this

Team there’s a lot of reasons the Clippers are a tough matchup for a lot of teams but why do you think the Suns in particular struggle so much against them yeah so there’s the roster construction is the first thing uh that comes to mind a lot of people but for me

It starts with tyo I think he’s a great uh just he’s great making Devin Booker specifically very uncomfortable um and kind of eliminating him at times and and frustrating him and I think that the ripple effect that has offensively that’s that should also be a factor but then you look at all these

Wings they have uh that can defend they can shoot uh they can guard multiple positions the Suns don’t have that like yes we have some some versatile guards that are uh multidimensional but we it’s just they’re just a bigger version of the Suns with with uh more shooting more

Defense and I think it’s just it’s a tough match up for anyone but for the sun specifically uh they’re looking at a team that’s essentially built similar on star power but they just have more size and shooting and a little more Firepower Off the Bench too so you factor that in

And and we don’t know like the Clippers and being healthy in the playoffs are not uh synonymous like it’s not exactly something to expect like I I highly I’m not going to sit here and say like they’re going to enter full strength but

If they do to me uh I I respect Denver I think they’re great but I think the Clippers are the team to beat in the west if they’re healthy that’s just that’s how I feel about them talent-wise at this point um but the odds of that

Happening as we as we all know are not very high so but at full strength yeah the Clippers are just a nightmare match up for anyone Sun specifically they just they just match up so well because they can expose them and make them uncomfortable and on both

Ends so I did a ranking thing a few right before that last game last week and said that the Clippers were the one I was hung up on the most and a lot of people in the comments didn’t know I had so many Clipper fans listening to the show Welcome hello

Everybody but they told me I was crazy okay that’s fine obviously you like your team but I kind of had the same doubts as you did just health and all that but that can be kind of simple it’s like okay well you could say that about any team

Obviously these guys it’s easy to say that about cuz they have history but well whatever judge them on what they are and I think they’ve proven I mean not that they had to provve it against the Suns but they’ve continued to prove against pretty much anybody that they’ve

Had to face up with that they’re a dominant team and I think all of what you said I would agree with I think with L specifically it just feels like he can press like we always say that about coaches right they can press the right buttons they kind of know how to deploy

Each of their players they know the combinations and the Styles and just sort of maximizing every little bit of everything but it’s almost to me like he knows how much to press each Button as as much as he knows which buttons to press where it’s like it

Seems like they’ll run zone for the exact right amount of possessions and exactly Russ is playing the exact right amount of minutes you know what I mean and like I think a lot of credit to the players too like the way that they’ve integrated Harden where he’ll just cook

For a few minutes and then all of a sudden kind of passes on to somebody else but it doesn’t feel as clunky as like it does with the Suns or some of these other teams that have been built this way so you know they’re just they’re just

Very fluid and and I mean that in a good way but the thing that just killed me watching them against the Suns the past couple games over the course of this basically a week is that the Suns like I think of the Clippers as one of the things that’s hard about them is

They slow the game down usually but they didn’t even have to do that in this case they just beat the Suns at the Suns game and it wasn’t even that hard for them you know what I mean and that like on the one hand is a bad says something bad

About the Suns but it also is kind of a new wrinkle for the Clippers to me like they can win that way they can put up 140 not that I didn’t think they could do that before but I would have thought it had to be a huge ISO game from Kawai

Or something but you look at the box score and it’s like they had five guys in double figures two other guys who scored nine points and they got to 138 pretty balanced and that makes them even more scary to me yeah that combined with uh that first game specifically like I mean obviously

This game they had 30 points or 30 plus points in every quarter and had that massive fourth quarter but uh the game before that I thought the Suns played pretty good defense against them especially on their Closeouts and they were just hitting everything and that’s that’s just shows how dangerous they

Could be like it you could you could play with high intensity defensively but they just have so many uh they have the size and the tough shot making and even a guy like Norm pal who can just get hot and just break a game open for you on

Top of what their wings already do so uh yeah they’re they’re a dangerous team and I think that the Suns just uh unfortunately do not match up well with them and uh I hope if uh if the Suns even make the playoffs at this point uh

We we’ll see but uh if they do that uh the Clippers and Nuggets play each other early so they can kind of beat up on each other because to me those are the two toughest uh teams in the west right now and uh until proven otherwise and health permitted obviously like you said

You could say that about any team uh and it’s also important to know here’s a little I’ll try to be a little positive I guess is like when the Clippers first got hardened uh they definitely had some struggles early on this season too try to figure out how like how to make that

Work and now they’re hitting their stride and you just got to hope you know we have to kind of zoom out a little bit and realize like yes Beal Booker and Durant have not played that many minutes together yet like they still have to kind of figure out uh how to click and

Hopefully once they click it’s like as permanent as this Clippers team feels um that’s that’s a big if though there’s there’s it’s not just about those three it’s about the rest of the team and settling into roles and all that so um I still think there’s hope in terms of

Like yes they have they have obviously have the talent it’s just now can they figure it out and stay healthy that’s that’s the main reason these injuries suck it’s not about the record it’s like these guys need to learn how to play off each other yeah I mean you mentioned with the

Depth too right like that’s one of the things that you notice watching the Clippers the past really couple years I mean both playoff series I think you would have said this about them one I mean obviously they spend so it helps but they you get the benefit of building

Around two Max salaried players for multiple Years cuz you can pay somebody with bird rights you can bring in a minimum guy or a buyout guy who then stays on your team and you see that they’re kind of a wing away like they’re playing air coffee they were playing

Kobe Brown earlier in the year but they pretty much have like eight guys that are vets that are legit contributors whereas the suns are trying to rely on young guys but uh yeah uh we’ll see about the playoffs but the Clippers had 62 points in the paint tonight and 45

Points on threes that’s 107 just in the paint and from Deep you add in the free throws and you’re to 122 and that didn’t include any mid-range jumpers so like that’s just scary I mean that’s obviously the sun’s defense a little bit there too but um it just kind of shows

The Firepower that they’re working with but let’s uh get to a little more positive I do have one legitimate observation from this rough backto back that is a positive so we’ll get to that and our Phoenix son’s pretake to get you out of here all that next first Today’s

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Partner of the NFL and the NBA all right we’re closing out the show Brandon I have a positive thing to piggy back off of yours I think that the backtack we just saw Grizzlies and Clippers I felt like we’re pretty promising for Josh aogi I would actually the Heat game is

The one where he got to the line a bunch so I’ll include that one too I’ll say this these three games um because I think we’re starting to see him get comfortable operating off the ball on offense without having to take a bunch of Threes And he feels a little more

Playable lately to me even when the three balls knock going in because it just feels like he kind of knows what he wants to do attack the clothes out okay there’s a a swarm of people at the basket can I get a foul called get to

The free throw line can I find an open teammate do I just touch pass it to the next guy immediately and not even stop the ball at all it just feels like his processing of those decisions is better than I can remember in his son’s uniform which probably means better than he’s

Played with that in his career and I think it it can be sustainable because it’s just decision making at the end of the day am I am I am I too optimistic about J here are you saying the same thing what do you what do you

Got for me yeah way too optimistic come on man I’m just kidding uh yeah no actually I think I’ve seen some encouraging flashes too like I could see I think using him more of like a downhill threat just uh because like he is quick in terms of like if he’s

Bringing the ball up he can dribble right past his Defender he’s not going to like Shake anyone in like a half court setting but he’s quick enough to where you know he could handle it and get by his guy and make a quick read so I think uh there’s some there’s some

Interesting things they could try to do with him just in terms of getting downhill attacking the rim and just a drive and kick fashion almost using him like uh obviously he’s not similar archetype at all but just like in a very micro setting just being like a Russell

Westbrook in terms of just like a reckless drive to the rim try to make something happen and kick it out to to one of the big three like that’s I think in that role uh it’s more enticing than him just sitting in the corner with the defense kind of Daring him to shoot

Because like as you said when it gets to him sometimes he’s indecisive or it freezes the offense um I’d rather have him just you know just use him in a position where he’s just attacking constantly and not even worried about shooting really um because his defense is really the only thing that’s

Consistent on this team on that end at this point so um he will be a factor he kind of has to be at this point given how the rest of the how disappointing the rest of these uh veteran minimum guys have been um but my positive I

Guess will just be Grayson Allen get him in Three-Point Contest ASAP he’s he’s been I don’t know where they’d be without him at this point this season so uh couple bright spots there to kind ofh not make it completely doomsday here after this uh disappointing

Loss yeah well we’re going to end it on doomsday I think but uh yeah I I I should have prefaced that was our our young forward breakout watch which uh has not had a lot to of breaking out to be watching lately but I wanted to ask

You this because I think uh nir little if he can get this knee thing right is somebody that more and more I think could get traded um but my question for you is how many players do you think Frank vogle trusts on this roster right

Now five maybe six at this point I would say six is probably my confident answer the starters in Gordon yes does he trust ner yeah that’s why I kind of hesitated a little bit like it depends on the game uh and Gordon kind of depends on the

Game I mean tonight he wasn’t great yeah so there’s yeah I I don’t I don’t know vogul has uh this rotation it just it feels like it changes every night in terms of not only like just who he trusts but who shows up too so it’s kind

Of uh it’s a tough question I’d say I’ll say like five with like five and a half with like Gordon and nurkic kind of sharing yeah yeah it’s it’s like four and two halves or something like yeah yeah I uh I don’t know I was texting about that with a

Suns fan friend and I didn’t even know my answer necessarily but listen soon as he goes down everything just goes down the drain so I don’t know what to say if he had been healthy two W’s uh okay Phoenix Sun’s pre-t take will close here I just think and we

Don’t have to spend a ton of time on this cuz obviously if it does become the take we will get to respond to it but I think patience to whatever ENT any national NBA analyst type people had patience for this team is wearing thin and and close to being gone I just don’t

Think they’re going to be taken seriously I think that you’re going to start to just see jokes and this type of thing was never going to work the KD trade the be trade mistakes and I know we all can argue with that but if the end result is

This it’s kind of hard to argue with the overall IDE idea that this didn’t work out it’s not over I’m not trying to say that but we know how these things go and so I think Suns fan should be prepared for a heavy dose of doubt and negativity and questioning of kind of

The whole organization in the next few days if they don’t start to turn back toward the five in one stretch they had and beat some good teams and finally prove it but this is sort of Do or Die time at least for their reputation and that’ll lead to you know trade decisions

And all the rest yeah there there’s going to be a lot of outside noise if this continues they got very lucky that this loss happened the night of the champ the national championship and you know NFL playoffs are here so it’s there’s going to be some distractions to kind of keep

That at Bay for now I think it’s not going to be a as crazy on like the Stephen A stuff like try Durant or whatever but like if if this stuff’s still happening once football season’s done and we’re getting close to the trade deadline it would not Shock me if

There’s some stuff that comes out on on the trade front like big picture stuff that and it’s just a lot of noise that we’ll have to block out because it’s it’s it’s whatever but uh but yeah right now I don’t think the Suns you said they’re gonna there’s gonna be jokes and

They shouldn’t be taken seriously and I don’t think they deserve to be taken seriously at this point until they uh prove they should so uh you know it’s it’s not really like uh we’ve seen the media be unfair to you know a lot of teams in the past but I think if they

Start taking shots at the Suns it’s it’s deserved at this point there I don’t think there there’s going to be a lot of backlash even from Suns fans obviously though people probably defend the trades and all that and and I still would I think I I would still take the shot

Anytime you trade for Durant you do it Beal still on board with it it doesn’t mean it’s a guaranteed to work out it’s not over it’s it’s February or was it January sorry uh but if if things are still looking this this poor in you know February March then uh

Yeah that’s I think the the ship will start sinking a little bit more so we’ll we’ll just have to sit tight Lakers on Thursday perfect timing always great to play the team that your fan base hates the most on national TV right after two ugly losses so that’ll

Be the rest of the week and we’ll see how it goes but thank you for joining us here as you hopefully do every day just hit follow or subscribe if you haven’t already get a new show in your feed Monday through Friday be coming every day or get locked on to the Suns

Right here with the show all season long we will catch you guys tomorrow

Even with Bradley Beal joining Kevin Durant and Devin Booker in the Phoenix Suns lineup, the team lost to the Los Angeles Clippers in the same way they’ve lost all year.

Brendon Kleen of @justbasketballfans and Brandon Dueñas of Bright Side of the Sun discuss the continued fourth quarter woes, why the Clippers are a bad matchup, and why the NBA world will start to turn on the Suns if this continues.


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#PhoenixSuns #KevinDurant #DevinBooker #NBA #BradleyBeal


  1. Start Metu at the 4 and bring Grayson off the bench will help with defense and rebounding …while giving the bench more fire power.

  2. ONCE AGAIN THE SUNS WILL SCORE 120 BUT GIVE UP 140. You’ve accomplished nothing!! Suns better have some pride on the defensive end or they can kiss they’re playoff hopes goodbye

  3. Give us our man back – KD

    You get – CP3, Wiggins, CJ, Kuminga

    Good deal, no power struggle, unlock DB, he is back with CP3 & happy

  4. Pride comes when you draft players and develop and compete for 💍

    Not just buy few guy and ask for a 💍 that why @LAClippers @Suns will not be Champions.


  6. Westbrook, Harden, and PG are all below 44% career FG shooters. The Suns allowed the Clips to shoot over 62%! There is no D is Phoenix.

  7. Every time this team plays a good game team I kinda accept they are losing that game. They don't have a lot of size, they need a wing Beal and Grayson don't look good together.

  8. This isn’t a team, this just a group of players on the same team… nobody knows their role on the team? So all they can do is play hero ball with the best players trying to score as many points as they can to try and Win. Talk about missing CP3? 😂

  9. Im from phoenix born and raise came off jason kidd and steve nesh when we actually had good guard play this team is garbage made stupid trades to chase a title giving up 7 first rounders should tell everything u need to know anout thus ownership and leadership

  10. John Wall could be of service. Neither Booker or Brad are real PG’s. Wall could set the offense up and help push pace. And his dog attitude and energy would help. 💯💯💯

  11. If they keep unraveling what do you do. So many holes to fill no draft capital, You cant tell me they did not get fleeced on the Ayton matter what you say about him in the playoffs and his effort, He still gave you 18 and 11 inside and out and when the three's werent falling where'd the ball go? .To think the Suns coulda had Sabonis.. Pascal and OG would of been better options then Beal. 30ppg on a bad team is always deceiving

  12. Coming from a lakers fan frank vogel is the reason why the offense isn’t where it should be he’s inept offensively

  13. To be completely honest with CP3 and KD book having a full year together you guys would be 3 in west no worse.. Who is your point guard ? The suns play like it’s All-Star game

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