@Denver Nuggets

Magic Do The IMPOSSIBLE In Denver | Orlando Magic vs Denver Nuggets Game Reaction and Highlights

Magic Do The IMPOSSIBLE In Denver | Orlando Magic vs Denver Nuggets Game Reaction and Highlights

Welcome back I guess I did not expect to go into this video uh with this reaction um particularly I was going to make a video tonight just to you know just laugh at the fact of what this team is currently going through and instead your Orlando Magic

Take down the Denver Nuggets 122 to 120 in a night where they were missing eight eight rotational players now keep in mind how many roster spots are on NBA team we were down eight players we were down Marquel folz Gary Harris uh Jonathan Isaac Wendell Carter France vogner uh

Anthony black played for like a a minute and a half and checked himself out cuz he was sick go go baz like we were we are rough and I didn’t expect anything out of the game tonight I’m going be honest I didn’t expect anything I mean maybe I’m wrong though cuz apparently

All you need is PA b car on the court and anything anything is possible after taking three just absolutely heartbreaking losses on a road trip that just has been terrible all around um we come into Denver probably the team that we looked at if you looked at this road

Trip beforehand you would probably look at Denver be like okay like this is probably the loss if we maybe we have a chance verus the other three teams this is most likely our loss we uh we come out and we just fire away with nothing

To lose and you know all and come to the four Court we find ourselves just in a back and forth game with the literal defending champions full health this time we beat them earlier in the season but they didn’t have Jamal Murray they were fully healthy and we

Gave it to him and I think we just need to give our props all around everyone just first of all everyone that stepped on the court tonight just amazing job uh in my opinion most importantly I I think Jamal Mosley this dude was already put in such a tough spot beforehand because

We we already knew we had a bunch of players out beforehand but then like an hour before tip off we get this report that you know players were feeling ill there was three more players that were now game time decisions Goa uh Wendell and Anthony black Goa and Wendell both

Got ruled out and Anthony black tried to play a little bit but I he was just way too sick and had to sit up the rest of the game and now it’s like you have literally no options you just got to work with what you got and he you could

See him on the sideline tonight he gave it his all and that’s a term you could just use for everyone tonight they just they gave it their all and and the work thank you thankfully the work paid off because it would just really hurt to see

Them do this for a second straight time obviously what happened in Denver and it was even worse tonight than what happened in Denver we were just we were even more banged up the Sacramento loss was absolutely heartbreaking uh just everything that Paulo did and you know losing frons uh

The efforts from everyone it was just hard breaking to lose that game and then we come out tonight and you know we I we grew give that same energy and pretty much repeat the product this time with a win involved before we get to the obvious man of the night there is

One player that I need to give an absolute huge shout out to and that is our two-way player Trevin Queen because I can almost promise you going into this week there is no way that this dude thought that he was not only going to play 38 minutes the previous game but

Now another 35 minutes tonight and in those 30 minutes 35 minutes he was a real contribution to this team especially on the defensive event I was like shocked uh how well he played on that side of the ball and not only his perimeter defense cuz remember he’s a

Guard but his shot blocking has been pretty uh impressive I think he had one today he had a really big one in Sacramento so yeah just one of many players tonight that have stepped up and that’s pretty much the theme for everybody I’m going to go over like this

Stepping up starting off with chumo Kiki tonight did only play 28 minutes he was inserted into the starting lineup didn’t really shoot the ball too much he did have a really impressive game versus Sacramento I’m pretty sure he knocked went almost perfect from the three-point

Line he did give us a block in a steal also seven rebounds which was a big deal tonight because we really didn’t have any bigs uh Mo vogner was the only Center on the roster and in 37 minutes tonight he gave us 19 points 11 rebounds three assists two steals while also

Being pretty efficient along the way but most importantly taking on the joic matchup obviously nobody can stop joic you could only you know just hope to contain him and you can say he did a pretty good job of that you know 29 Points tonight that’s just whatever

But he he only had four rebounds and eight assists and you know for a guy of jokic’s caliber that is doing a pretty good job and then another huge player who stepped up for us tonight uh retaining his six-man role Cole Anthony Off the Bench 31 minutes 23 points two

Rebounds four assists and just provided a bunch of huge shot making you know in important times when needed you know sparked the I believe 18-point comeback and just a great time for Cole to step up he you know he went went through a little couple game slump and you know it

Is what it is you can’t go back and fix those but tonight he he just he overpowers it and you know gives us his performance and a huge factor for the win and then we cannot forget about Jaylen Suggs Paulo was not the only one who had a career night tonight Jaylen

Suggs gave us a new career high for him in both points and three-pointers made seven of nine from the three-point line tonight seven threes for Jaylen Suggs 20 27 points that is a new career high and I might be wrong but I believe that’s back-to-back career highs from three

From Jaylen now I believe last game he had six which was uh the record for him at that point now tonight comes out and just breaks it again with seven but most importantly what we got have Jaylen tonight was just his contagious energy I mean he had a rebound late in the fourth

Uh after by the way stopping joic on a one-on-one in the poe he then comes down and you know he just grabs this insane rebound Runs Out to the the corner they kind of Trapped him and he just draws the foul with Simpson to the free throw

Line and it was just a huge play all around but not only just that just all game just throwing his body around diving for balls when needed to applying pressure trying to read Lane getet steals he had another possession I know I’m uh he had another possession where

On Jamal Murray once again late in the fourth and it was just like it was Picture Perfect Defense I believe Jamal Murray went up for like a floater ended up banking in off glass didn’t even touch Rim so yeah man I know some of you

Are quick to uh you know get on the Jaylen for some rough shooting performances but a lot of Shooters a lot of the best Shooters have off nights I’m not saying he’s on that caliber yet but like you just got to be patient and understand that this is just how it

Works uh when you know when he’s off it might not be pretty but when he’s on he’s on and you know you have games like this and here we go the man of the hour hollo Bano after coming off a heartbreaking career high 43 points in a

Loss where he was just hitting clutch shot after clutch shot 18 straight points from four minutes left in the fourth quarter all the way to the start of second overtime I’m sure that loss was way more sickening to him than it was to me and I was like oh uh but he

Comes out tonight and he backs it up with a career first triple double in only three quarters by the way 32 points 10 rebounds 11 assists three Steals and man the tear that he is on right now like you probably know my expectations for Paulo are very high and like what

We’ve seen from him you know going against this you know adversity it somehow brought these expectations up even higher for me like I’m seeing him now like it feels like on a completely different level like last game what we saw from him was straight up just

Amazing and then to follow it up tonight on even a shorter handed team a performance like this is just it’s amazing this is like reminiscent of some like LeBron James stuff going on right now I might be you know overreacting a little bit I’m sorry I’m just I’m excited right now but like

There’s a little bit of Truth to everything I’m saying I can almost certainly say at this point if there was any doubts of him not making an All-Star team this year you could probably throw this out the window after these past two games like we all expected his All-Star

Appearance is going to rely on Coach voting I don’t think a lot of people I don’t think anyone really thought that he was going to get voted in you kind of have to be a different level of Superstar to be voted in I’m always saying this because the first return of

Votes did come back he was on the list but he was 10th under some names that he definitely shouldn’t be under but like that’s just how the NBA works like you can’t really do much about that but I feel insanely confident in saying that

He is going to be a lock to make the coach’s vote so yeah that is that’s the game the magic come out with a improbable win I don’t think I wonder what the betting odds were going to this game I wish I saw as great as this was

Can I just can we just please get healthy like I’m so sick sick of these injuries um this was great but you know we can’t do this every single night you know eventually uh we have to get bodies back on the floor fron Vagner was a really painful one to watch uh obviously

We don’t know how long he’ll be out apparently I heard that he after the game he was on crutches and then the morning after he was walking fine today I even saw him on the bench he was wearing just a regular pair of Jordans and we know from the past how you know

France’s ankle is a little stronger than most it seems like you know we saw him in last season uh we saw him in the World Cup get the ankle injury he was out for a couple games there came back seems just fine so hopefully isn’t as bad as you know some

May have thought it would be but it just feels like right now the fron injury is just you know like the tip of the iceberg obviously some players were out for illness that has been kind of spread out throughout the entire league you’ve seen it a lot on teams a lot of players

Missing games due to illnesses but I would be lying if I said there wasn’t starting to be some concern for some certain players on this roster uh Marquel Foltz I I don’t know what’s even going on with him anymore he he every day it just feels like a different

Blockage to his return uh then we have Joe Les who was an ankle sprain that I don’t even remember when it happened I believe he’s missed now 11 games straight Jonathan Isaac continues to deal with some hamstring injury uh it was once again after a game that he

Played didn’t look injured at all all of a sudden you know it apparently tightened up a little bit they held him out and now it’s been I think it’s been like six straight for him and then even windowell Carter is getting hit with it like this the same thing as Marco Voltz

Nintendius I don’t know how but apparently nintend Nittis was contagious in our locker room um you know he was out for a lot of this season so far with this hand injury he finally comes back and now he’s dealing with this n tendonitis and he’s you know he played

Last game he missed the game before that he misses tonight and I know I saw some reports crawling around today about uh uh you know potentially him being shopped by the magic I don’t know how true that is obviously you know the magic don’t really leak that much but

You know other teams do so you know I’m not going to blow off anything I hear but it is definitely an interesting thing and I do not envy our front office right now they have some very difficult decisions that will need to be made soon

Here in the past couple days I’ve seen a couple players you know names thrown out for trade that have been linked to the magic it seems like guards particularly you know obviously there are players around the league who are starting to you know come to a decision of what they

Want to do or even you know things lashing out like I don’t even know what’s going on with the Golden State situation with kaminga and Moody today speaking out so yeah it’s definitely going to be a next interesting month I think the trade deadline is February 8th

It’s it’s January 5th so you know we have a little over a month to that so it’s definitely going to be uh interesting to see what comes from then but with that thankfully we do head back home for our next game Sunday versus the Atlanta Hawks I think we have a two game

Home span cuz I think it’s the Hawks and then the Timberwolves so two more tougher opponents the Timberwolves obviously a different level of tough I think the PO got blown out by like 50 tonight so obviously us being their next game you know we have to be on our toes

Because they are going to want to you know make up for that loss hopefully maybe please we can get some bodies back and honestly at this point just most importantly don’t lose anymore we can’t we physically cannot uh deal with more injuries we have borderline minimal

Players so yeah while this was fun it’s definitely not uh downhill from here but as always we will celebrate until then cuz I’m not going to take anything away this was an absolutely amazing win for us but on that note if you guys did enjoy the video please feel free to like

Comment and subscribe and as always I’ll catch you guys in the next one and I’m out peace

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  1. Great win by the good guys. I've been lamenting weekly about our lack of shooting but it's more than obvious that we have shooters. You don't make it to the NBA without being the best in your state or country. After listening to Jalen Suggs post game interview I will not bang on him when he has a bad shooting night anymore. This team is showing great chemistry, mental fortitude and perseverance. Health is the one thing we can't control. The Orlando Magic are coming. Great job as always Mr. Gray Zone. Blessings. #MagicTogether

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