@Chicago Bulls

Chicago Bulls Out Last The Charlotte Hornets In OT

Chicago Bulls Out Last The Charlotte Hornets In OT

You found yourself on another episode of Locked on bulls in today’s episode we’re going to talk about the Chicago Bulls getting an overtime victory over the Charlotte Hornets Demar rosen’s fourth quarter which between him and Billy Donovan there were some questionable things in that fourth quarter and then

Also uh reportedly from Billy Donovan Zack and Vu will be moving back into the starting lineup we’re going to talk about it all and more on today’s locked on bulls you are locked on bulls your daily podcast on the Chicago Bulls part of the locked on podcast cast network your team every Day thank you for tuning in to locked on bulls member of the lock on podcast Network where it’s your team every single day that’s Pat the designer host and creator of the windy city Breeze and host of the Chicago Bears podcast over at ESPN 1000 I’m Hayes host creator of

Chicago Bulls and Chicago Bears centrals YouTube pages and podcasts and today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning five money line bet that’s 150 bucks if your team wins visit lockon to

Get started Pat the Bulls OT win against the Charlotte Hornets man there are a lot of things that could have avoided this for the Chicago which will get into some of it but I am glad that they got the victory LED Again by Kobe white who

Goes 10 of 19 from the field six rebounds five assists 27 points only one turnover in this game he played extremely well in this game but you also got to talk about the two big men drum and Vu both with 21 points drum has 15 rebounds V has 10 rebounds four assists

One still and one block how’ you feel overall about the Bulls pulling out the victory against the charot Hornets I I thought the big men is really where you needed to start I I nope no you got to hit it got to hit it that was crazy uh I I thought

That uh looking at the centers on this team was really the place that you got to start here um because at the end of the day seeing this kind of contribution in a team that runs small ball so much excited me tonight I’m not gonna lie I was a little bit giddy

Watching centers play basketball rebound the ball put the ball back in the basket like I don’t know if people know this but tall people matter in basketball and we saw that ton night and again Andre Drummond still giving you some really good production and I I I had asked how

Are you going to find a way to work Andre Drummond still into this lineup you kind of did find that I think a little bit tonight right Vu played 30 minutes uh and and Andre Drummond played 22 I would love to see that kind of play moving forward if Andre Drummond could

Stay out of foul trouble because to me that that’s the perfect matchup and the perfect mix of okay I’ve got V I’ve got the guy that shoot I’ve got the guy that can get down low gives you options on the pick and roll and also no you know

What we need right now we need pure dominance rebounding the basketball let’s go out there and get Andre Drummond I think you saw a little bit of all of that on both uh uh uh fronts from these guys and of course getting the rebounding uh uh numbers from both niik

Lavich and Andre Drummond I love seeing that um and at the end of the day that just accentuated everything that this Bulls team was able to do then you look at everybody else that’s in there Kobe white the the night that he had uh I’ll tell you this right now he’s back the

The the shooting slump is over boys uh Kobe white absolutely cooking tonight did a good job creating shots at the foul line as well getting downhill knocking down the three ball three for seven tonight love to see that from Kobe and and you know I I just it really felt

Like this team had control all until that fourth quarter got here definitely definitely we’ll talk a little bit about that fourth quarter um I love the way that the Bulls rebounded in the second half of the game and I don’t mean like rebound rebounds I mean how they bounce back the first half

Of the game they were getting killed on the offensive boards they come back they end up re winning the rebounding battle 51 to 44 in this game and they also end up getting 12 offensive rebounding and if I’m not mistaken they won second chance points yeah 17 to 14 in that area

And 62 points in the paint I love the way the Bulls were in attack mode in this game and that’s something that you really like to see like you said the fourth collapse that’s a story for another day we’ll talk about that here in story for the day but we’ll talk

About yeah uh but overall like I I I like the way that the Bulls played as a team and I like the way even the bench the the again Zack LaVine shooting kind of questionable in this game two for nine for for nine points um having V and

How they use Vu and drum and I love what you said as far as this as long as Vu is playing well there’s no reason he shouldn’t be playing 21 22 minutes a game um and I think that alleviates some of the stuff from yeah drumming

Eliminates some of the stuff from Vu uh also and it just depends on that match up you may even see a couple of games where not to say that Vu plays bad but depending on the match up if you just need what drums brings and he’s playing

Well you may even see drum play 28 minutes and maybe V play 25 minutes and that’s fine right as long as you’re going with what that the story of that game is telling you and what you need in that specific game but one thing that I

Do want to point out from again in this one follows up from the episode we did yesterday um Javon Carter only played four minutes in this game Billy Donovan finally realized it was what did he miss a three and it was almost immediately Billy Donovan looked

At him and was like Hey man come on bro just go ahead go go ahead and clock out for me just go ahead and clock out for me that’s basically what he told Javon Carter is is Javon Carter Cash considerations for for for every trade pretty much is that yes is that what

Javon Carter is for the rest of this season bro yes I’m not gonna lie like you know like you’re just like well he he’ll find his way he hasn’t found I’m just like bro like what aren’t you in control of that you’re doing like the these are wide openen shots that you’re

Airballing on brother like it’s not like what are we what what’s happening with Javon I don’t I don’t know what’s happening he’s fallen off cliff maybe the pressure of playing in his hometown has uh caused him some struggle early maybe he’s gonna be one of those guys

That gets hot end of the season and he’s there and we need him but I’ll tell you what he ain’t hot right now and uh it’s it’s so bad that like you said dude like four minutes and 20 second you know what it is to Javon Carter’s become the new

Player that when he’s on the court I’m just like who’s the sh oh yeah that is Javon Carter I for I I kind of forgot about that and that’s never the guy you want to be like that that’s just somebody said Jay LW said Carter is an

OP for Milwaukee I got a new rule in Chicago no more players no more players from Milwaukee Milwaukee for everybody no no more coaches no more players from Milwaukee for every unless Giannis want to come if Giannis want to come no I still wouldn’t trusted Hey listen I trust that

You go get honest he’ll come here and the first thing he’ll do is is he’ll have a foot injury and be out the whole season you don’t go get Dame or Chris Middleton how about you leave them right there um you know I hope that Javon Carter is possibly traded for at least

Buddy Hill’s teeth and uh I think that in the long run the teeth the teeth can defend better than Javon like I said before the teeth can defend better than buddy heill let’s be real I mean you’re a point guard who was supposed to bring defense and three-point shooting and you

Can’t pass play defense or shoot the three ball it’s to sit down hey you basically said he not an NBA player and JK listen to JK’s point he said Carter can’t even match his shoes right uh you can’t come with mismatched shoes if you’re not hooping maybe that’s the

Problem maybe if he puts on matching shoes maybe that’s that like you got you’re trying to get too zesty out there my guy he’s leaning too far one way with Le like just hey all I can say is the fact that dalen Terry has now officially passed up Javon Carter on the depth

Chart says a lot bro I mean listen and I think it’s tough too right because you you got to look at kind of how this game ends and the skill set that Javon Carter is supposed to bring would have been huge in this game um especially as it

Got down the stretch it felt like things were getting away from the Bulls and then you end up going into an overtime period and you’re like okay we literally just need defense and three-point shooting heading out here who can we put out here you look at the lineup that

They throw out there right like not to say it’s a bad lineup I I like what we saw there but those are the moments where I’m looking for literally just defense and three-point shooting and the guy that we had to throw out there because of it is Alex Caruso with Demar

Of course Kobe stuff like that like I just those are the moments where I’m like the role that you were supposed to play here I don’t have for you anymore and unfortunately I mean I guess fortunately I if if anybody’s gonna take a step I’d rather it be dalen over Javon car

Javon’s just more irritating because we paid him $6 million yeah I can I can pocket that well I can’t pocket it but the Bulls can pocket yeah the bull I was about to say you you you foot the bill on6 million there my gu ESP must be looking nice

Listen we get $6 million brother we’re podcasting in lobbies every night I not even like Studios just taking mic setups to random lobbies because we got the money to get in we be like we just G set up right here and you gonna get out his

His $ thousand do get out my face that’s crazy uh but yeah like Javon cter is trash um but outside of that I really like the way that the Bulls play like the minutes that Patrick Williams gave as well defensively um in this game did it started off really aggressive like

Patrick Williams started off this game and I was like oh we’re GNA get a a aggressive Patrick Williams game he ended up with eight points but you know what he did defensively doesn’t always show up on the stats I think he played some really good defense out there in

Some possessions but we do need to get back to that Pat that we’re talking about had really good defensive nights and still gave us a little bit offensively in in in those games but uh you know we got the dub that’s the most important thing yeah he’s falling

Completely out of it I I don’t know what to say about Pat anymore like it’s like okay like their back can you still like defensively he’s still there I love that but it’s just like am I I guess here’s the question with Pat and and maybe this goes into

The next top not really but we could talk about well no it goes to the last topic so we’ll save it for that but I got to remember it then uh how long are we supposed to wait for p will to become the option that allows him to score a

Basketball how we think he can when he’s at least thir who they are it’s it’s completely possible he’s never going to be that guy yeah I just I and remember that’s why I had the video over on Central it was a month month and a half

Ago where I said I I no longer care about the potential Patrick Williams not to say that I think he’s a bus not to say I don’t want to see Patrick Williams hit it I’m not saying that he could definitely probably still hit that potential but at the end of the day I

Can’t bet on it anymore potential okay yeah the potential potential but like I I said potential before that you gotta reference back anyway anyway as English major I expect more out of you um who was an English major I know I was about to say like who

Me I didn’t even minor in English bro they was like just get out of the school and we’ll get but at this point like when it comes down to Pat bro we can ask our question question all day about wi this wi that wi this I don’t care just

Positively impact the game at this point it is what it is at that point may not have a job heading into uh heading into much sooner he’s gonna have a job job Ro yeah uh but you know next up we’re going to be talking about uh Demar rosen’s fourth quarter because I tell

You what between him and Billy Donovan we got some things that we need to talk about but before we get into that I want to remind you guys that this show is sponsored by better help around New Year’s we get obsessed with how to change ourselves instead of just

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There now I want to I want to put this in perspective right because demard Rosen still did score seven points in the in the fourth quarter him Kobe and who was the other one I think Drummond or the only players that scored in the fourth quarter uh him Kobe well they the

Only players that scored seven in the fourth quarter Z got a free throw V got a a layup okay um so but down the stretch of this game DeMar dear dear and Billy Donovan refusal to call what did you make of the last few possessions of this game for the Chicago

B glasses got to come off of this uh uh listen what what what did I make of it you you had two dudes trying to fight on who could lose the game worse like hey look like this it was just like oh you’re not going to call a

Timeout that’s okay I’m not going to play no defense baby we just going to see who could figure out how to lose the game worse that was horrible that was a horrible fourth quarter that like literally and and here’s the thing again again guys listen the reason the Chicago Bulls won this

Game is because the Charlotte Hornets are literally bad at the sport that they pay millions of dollars to for people to play like they’re literally they also are missing some ke parts of it but they’re they’re bad either way but this this is uni well listen I mean

With with uh lamelo ball and Gordon Hayward who are never out there possibly out there like they’re literally still bad at the sport that their team plays that they’re not good at that Sport and so for me I the fourth quarter was God awful yeah yeah I mean like it was it

Was just like but it still was the Charlotte Hornets are bad enough for them not to win this game because they had so many opportunities to go out there and be able to take this game from the Bulls and they just didn’t and I

I’ll take it yeah I mean a win is a win in my book right you get it the overtime you finish things off in overtime because of how bad they are but my God that’s some of the worst basketball I’ve seen this season I also Hey listen this

Is how I was looking at the G I literally was just like I don’t want to see it I’m gonna take my glasses off I don’t want to see it anymore yeah Billy Donovan man uh listen there much is I got to give credit for Billy Donovan and his coaching over this

Recent stretch which the Chicago Bulls have won 10 out of their last 12 games uh this was one of those games where it felt like old school Billy not in a good way I’m like what are we doing here Billy what are we doing here um but I

Will say this and see this over on Central as well Billy Donovan so bad at at drawing up inbounds plays is that’s maybe why he didn’t call a timeout I’m just saying listen I it’s not great but players be executing it the dumbest ways they can too like I mean

Yeah I mean we how many times could we not even we couldn’t even get the ball inbounded to even know what the play was going to be in you what I mean like like I I I I feel like billy gets a bad rap on the inbound plays because so many

Times it’s just like hey bro why’ you throw that off for the dude in front of you’s face like why was that but this goes further than Chicago bro we we saying the same thing about his inbound plays in OKC bro they were been saying the same thing about everything Billy

Donovan since OKC Billy Donovan has not changed he has not improved or or or gotten worse as a coach in any areas like he’s literally Billy Donovan I told y’all what y’all was getting when this man showed up in the city of Chicago over on the windy city breeze so it’s

It’s I I think here’s the thing when you look at that fourth quarter uh sometimes you just got to get through some bad basketball but the part that I I don’t want the Chicago Bulls to continue to do is it felt like at the end of that

Game we went back to just ISO ball yeah it felt like right like this is why the core three is possibly breaking up you got Zack LaVine standing wide open and and I get it if you’re down I bet let’s go uh uh let’s go demard de ro in who is Elite at

Gamewinners who is Elite at knocking in mid-range jumpers he got a good shot for dear not for everybody else for Demar and that’s pretty much what it ends up being but it’s 107 107 you’re not down move the ball around V is wide open at the

Top of the key he’s not taking a shot but Zack LaVine was so wide open in the corner that like all you had to do is just swing the ball to the left side and let him pull a wide open Catch and shoot three I’m willing to take my chances with that

Well here’s the bigger question in that and and this question I want to ask and we’ve seen him do it more so I want to act like it’s not happening at all but do you think that Billy Donovan is trusting Kobe white enough in fourth quarter scenarios whether it be the

Score to pass or to find the right do you think he’s trusting Kobe wide enough for your liking um dude as he trusting Kobe wide I think that I think Kobe got some good good run but it all it it felt like everything was ISO like I I feel like the team

Broke down like the team became like the balls in dear’s hands all right let’s get out of his way not the balls in Kobe’s hands let’s get out of his way and there are moments where you need that but at the same time you don’t need that all the

Time right like you need to know when you need those moments you need to know when you need to go back to team basketball you need to know when you need to go to the iso ball and it feels like Chicago Bulls when they have every everybody at their full disposal never

Are able to figure that out and that’s the biggest problem to me when we see all three of these guys on the court we’ve seeing the Bulls move the basketball well with with Zack and V back in the lineup but that to me was a

It was a random moment of like what the heck why’ we just revert back to what we were and when I I mean listen how long have we been saying on this podcast when things get tough you go back to who you always were h i mean I’m glad they didn’t lose the

Game because of it because I I would not have wanted to read the think pieces for the next 24 hours over if the Bulls would have lost still need to be trading I mean I mean well that’s gonna happen regardless like that’s G yeah it doesn’t change nothing like this game wouldn’t

Have changed my opinion one way or the other it’s not like if Zach had a 50-point game I was like he’s back baby balling out against Charlotte like Charlotte literally might as well be playing rugby out there uh before we get into the uh final topic talking about

The changes that are going to happen to the starting five for the Chicago Bulls which may irritate some people heading into after the fourth quarter that we just saw we do have to tell you guys all about FanDuel the NFL season is wrapping up if

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Time you think it was a little bit too soon I know we both expected them to move back into the starting lineup sooner rather than later I thought it could be early as this game it didn’t happen uh but how you feel about those two guys moving back into I mean listen

We knew that this was coming it doesn’t seem like they’re in a rush to trade anybody away it doesn’t seem like they’re in a rush to move anybody we talked about on yesterday’s episode um you know some of the teams that are interested now the Warriors the Kings

Different things like that but at the end of the day right like if Zack LaVine is healthy you’re not going to keep bringing Zack LaVine off of the bench you want to put Zack LaVine out there to show what he’s going to be able to do

And that’s that’s kind of the the that’s the situation that you’ve put yourself in by waiting until this point to be able to move Zack Le now the the deadline that we’re all waiting for is coming next week I believe he’ll have we have two games next week two games going

Into next week I believe that Zack LaVine will be able to will be able to show off and showcase kind of what he can do next week how many games we have next week well we have you made it through this week why you worried about next

Week oh I’m tweaking no when no when is the when is the uh deadline oh the trade deadline the trade deadline is until February trade deadline the the January what is it January uh 15th right 15 January 15 that’s that’s what I’m that’s why I’m saying okay got so you

You got a couple of games this week still you’re right though I did skip a whole week like we week games it’s Friday in my mind bro it’s a lot of content it’s Friday you interviewed Mike single ter today bro give you a little bro I’m I’m having

A day bro Samurai Mike was on the uh on the podcast over on the breeze accidentally called him Mike Tyson for some reason I don’t know what the heck that was you called Michael single ter Mike Tyson yeah I definitely did bro I definitely that’s crazy hey bro they got

The same eyes bro they got the same eyes they got the same eyes you could tell that they’ve that they’ve both rans some people into the ground for sure tell that both of them have beat people down before yeah I mean fair fair fair but uh it was one slip up don’t

Worry about it iron mic Samurai mic same thing uh but no at the end of the day um I you’ve got a little bit of time here uh heading in over this next couple of weeks until you get to that deadline where seems like everything will open up

Is there going to be you know some kind of a push for Zack LaVine at that point that’s kind of what we’re waiting to see and so this the the change to get Zack LaVine into the starting lineup we know V is going back in there that’s not a

Question but the change that put Zack LaVine back in the starting lineup how long is that going to last is the real question I mean at least until February 8th right theoretically I mean I I still put it at I still the trade deadline trade right

Like yeah yeah I mean January 10th is the day that we all have talked about where everything is available I mean 15 I’m all over the place bro it’s been a it’s been a day for you bro it’s okay no judgment here no judgment there’s a lot

Of judgment not for me not for me it’s the check it’s the check I mean the came in called me Alp sure yeah I mean it’s a good that’s still one of the one of the best but that that was pretty good when it comes down to it I look at it this

Way like um we got one one okay game and then this game today from Zack LaVine they still do need to up his trade value some uh so I mean he’s going to be back in the starting lineup for a while I don’t think anything happens January

15th I think it is closer to the trade deadline I could be wrong on that one but I’m still giving it about a 40% chance Zack ends up staying out through throughout the season and maybe something gets done in the offseason just by the off chance that something

Goes left I want to leave a little bit in there so yeah I mean I mean yeah yeah I’m trying to move past it look yeah yeah yeah it is what it is bro it is what it is I’m not perfect found out that the play by play guy for lot

For uh the Boston Celtics listens to all these shows I’m glad we ain’t got Boston on the schedule for a little while bro that’s that’s funny uh but no man thank you I was waiting for it and I appreciate you for getting to it uh but

No I I just now it’s I I think now when you look at the starting lineup the biggest question is what’s going to be the impact of them um putting Zack LaVine and and ni lavich back into the starting lineup right like what what’s gonna happen here B clearly like I’m

Sorry if you guys on the trade Vu Train shut up like the passing game that V has brought back is ridiculous I don’t care about nothing El yes great rebounder can score points he theend well shut up uh the Bulls literally pass three times better when he’s on the

Court they facilitate the basketball so much better because the ball doesn’t stick in his hands and it gives you more options I love the fact that uh you got V back in the starting lineup what’s going to be the impact though of Zack LaVine coming back into the lineup and

What is that going to do to white in the long run even though I mean it kind of feels like Kobe is who he is at this point I’m not going to lie like I’m hey I’m i’mm minut it I know you slow to to come around might a little bit we two

Months into this and uh outside outside of like a a four game bad shooting slump which he still was scoring close to 20 points in his games Kobe White’s legit bro Co Kobe white might uh that might be that might be a legit pick might be a

Legit pick here’s the tough part right you everever think about the fact and this is don’t think about about it too hard guys you ever think about the fact that like garpa might have got it right if we if we just wait out Kobe white and Larry

Marinan and we have Zack LaVine already like they kind of got no because again the thing that I say no with that is because they still would have help Jim boing would still be the head coach of the Chicago Bulls right now this is true they would not have they might not have

Developed shout out to for making it appearance kot just that was all back bro that all back he is huge back here dog uh look hey big a gang big a gang hey you know what I will the KE will debut next week on the show there you

You bringing them I’ll bring I’ll bring out I’ll bring out the I I got to show you the pictures I took of Cota all until he was too big for me to take him where I used to put him over my shoulder every three months and then one day he

Like disembed me when I was trying to get him up there you cracked yourself bro no he like claw straight across the stomach I it felt like remember that scene in Jurassic Park where he was like they’ll cut you right across here and he had like the Raptor claw that’s pretty much

What it was I sto picking him up yeah it was it was great uh but no it’s it’s the Finish to this season or the Finish to this portion of the season is going to be so interesting because it feels like you have guys that are actually

Developing at a really really good pace is that going to be hindered by Zack LaVine coming back into the starting lineup well we’ll see and we may see that as soon as uh Wednesday against the Houston Rockets which are the second best defense in the league that feels

Wrong hey but I’ve been telling y’all for years about alarin shenon hey bro I’m beating my chest on that one that boy I I’ve been telling y’all best back to the basket footwork in the NBA so you’re saying you like the way sing goon backs it down is that what

You’re saying no I like his footwork like his I like his footwork for somebody who’s been talking about dipping toes in people for two months I don’t know if that really well you know that’s not I like not the kind of toe I like what what did he say not that’s a

Toe I don’t like that’s not a toe that I like that’s that’s a toe I don’t like that was that’s a great line by Rex Ryan Hey man appreciate you guys for tuning in the show whenever we start talk about toes we got to get up out of here man oh

Before we do that though we do got to uh hold on hold on before you do that J says something about J don’t nobody care about them Capricorns them watered down Sagittarius it’s now hit the music bro let’s get wa what what don’t worry about it sad cat beef don’t worry about

It I don’t even know what the music Isy see Zack LaVine you look at Me dear you shot the ball too far that’s all I got I don’t know it’s we we we we wanted overtime versus the Hornets it wasn’t that good exactly you gotta bring out your best for that man guys thank you so much for tuning in man

Y’all can follow pat p the designer you can follow me at CEO ha man can follow us collectively at lockon Bulls you remind you guys that lockon Bulls is free and available in every podcasting app and platform of your choice as well as YouTube for Pat I’m Hayes it’s been

Locked on bulls peace y’all Peace is that a the bull playing Pickle pretty good Jim Harbaugh really won the N uh

Haize & Pat The Designer discuss the Bulls win over the Hornets & Coby White’s big game. The guys also talk about DeMar DeRozan’s play down the stretch of the 4th quarter & Vooch & Zach moving back to the starting lineup

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  1. Man I cannot believe we are actually in play in contention. Been great to be a Bulls fan
    Lately . Hope we can keep it up

  2. Watching Zach try to pass first, play defense and look lost as hell out there looks like when will Ferrell and his brother tried to hug each other at the end of step brothers. Bro needs a compass on defense and everything non – him shooting

  3. It's games like this that make me ask WHY THE F*** DID THE BULLS SIGN DONOVAN TO AN EXTENSION?

    Even if/when the Bulls get into the postseason I have close to zero confidence that Coach Donovan can get the Bulls to go on a nice postseason run when the game gets tight or within doubt.

  4. Drummond should be starter for the rest of the season VOOCH plays good from the bench thats his role in my opinion

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