@Boston Celtics

LIVE: Celtics vs Pacers Postgame Show | Garden Report

LIVE: Celtics vs Pacers Postgame Show | Garden Report

Can you say hard hats folks hard hats lunch pal steel to a boots anything show of a championship this year is a fail it’s look at this Boomer right here you’ve just got so much talent here somebody said we need to apologize for J can I call the John what do we

Apologizing for what’ we say what’ we Do oh boy we have a lot time pack in this one welcome in everybody it’s Jimmy Tuscano here with the real Bobby Manning in the one and only asod Blakeley after a 133 131 Celtics loss to the Indiana Pacers this was an unreal game from start to about the finish uh I

Think you have to backtrack a few seconds because unfortunately um a lot went down that we’re going to try to break down here for everybody I know people are filing in and there’s probably a lot of heated uh people here watching the show um after a controversial uh overturned call on a

Jaylen Brown Baseline jumper that um originally and we got already from Joe Missoula here Jimmy said buddy heel told him he followed Brown Yeah well so spoiler alert Bobby gez I was trying to uh bring us into this here kid I imagine everybody on watching the show knows what happened but Jaylen Brown

Goes up for um you know potentially uh game game winning game yeah game Baseline go ahead B yeah go ahead basket and gets called uh foul gets called on him um the play gets challenged by the Pacers and the replay specifically or clearly shows that buddy heel while going up to block

Jaylen Brown’s shot while he did touch the ball his arm hit the back of Jaylen Brown’s head plain as day the broadcast saw it scalabrini was uh you know never been been more sure of himself that Jaylen Brown was going to line for two and sure enough the refs overturned the call

Um we don’t know why yet um I imagine we’re going to get some answers I would hope we don’t know if there’s going to be a pull report from this one Shad but U there is going to be the last two-minute report that will come up the

Next day a lot of good that’s gonna do right it’s not going to change the outcome um you know and so frustrating one um we’ll start there Bobby and there’s a lot more to this game and to the ending than this but obviously this is the thing that everybody wants to

Talk about right now um so Bobby your thoughts yeah certainly uh buddy heeld admitting he followed him it’s tough to get a better affirmation than that on what happened on that play the refs obviously said in the review there that the contact with the ball happened first and

From behind there I I can’t pull up exactly what the call was initially on the floor but obviously they looked at it and uh went with the block however they called that brown just ends up missing there so it’s it’s a tough call certainly especially looking back

On it over and over again here but you go down the other end you have an opportunity to stop and force overtime I know you didn’t love to contest Jimmy getting in too close by porzingis on Maan pretty clear foul call there and you end up losing the game at the free

Throw line a pretty good L play after with next to no time on the clock for cornette to potentially tie it there after but that was just three plays and what honestly was one of the first times this season I felt like the Celtics look down on the competition and let their

Foot off the gas and relax the defense in that third quarter just atrocious would they give a 40 there I know that’s what Joe’s probably gonna talk about but he’s pretty upset about the call two obviously looking at his press conference there but halberton goes down

In this game and you get outscored by about double digits the rest of the way you lose this third quarter by 11 tie the fourth it’s it’s not great you got to play better defense than that I thought some of the schemes they went to didn’t

Work very well uh and especially on the glass and uh in transition and stuff they got out hustled down the stretch of this game ignored key guys on the Indiana side that burn them this wasn’t a great performance and it’s always the case but I think especially in this one

This this had a lot more to do with the middle portion of the game than how the game ended Sher I I want to go before we break down the whole game I just I do want to focus on just the end here so just your

Thoughts on you know the last few plays the Celtics decision to go to Jaylen Brown on those back-to-back possessions there your thoughts on Brown’s shot selection and I guess the the call or the non- call well first and foremost uh it shouldn’t have came down to those

Last two or three minutes uh the Celtics even without Jason Tatum should have won this game uh when you look at the Miss free throws you look at the missed opportunities you missed you look at the the blown assignments defensively uh there’s countless mistakes that they made in the

Second half that put them in the POS in the predicament where you needed the referees to see what 99.9% of the rest of us saw which was Jaylen Brown get hit on the head now was it a smack him outside the head knock him on his ass

Type of foul no but the multiple replays that that I saw on TV and the ones that the broadcasters who were watching the game Saw and I’m not talking about I’m talking about both Indiana their their radio folks as well as the Celtics everyone pretty much thought that jayen

Was going to the line and shoot a couple free throws and the the foul on porzingis at the end that was a no-brainer I mean he he clearly was in the guy’s space and he he followed that was legit call but to me the there and

Again I I’ve been I’ve been singing this tune for a while and I I wish that at some point the NBA would step in and do something about this when referees make mistakes that means they’re human I get it but there are certain mistakes that are blatantly obvious just like when you

Hit a guy between his legs as a player you’re gonna get fine for that right but if let’s say I’m reaching for and there’s a scrum down there and and I just accidentally maybe elel you down there you’re probably not gonna get a f for that because that’s a that’s a it

Just happened to go that way missing this call is it’s Greg this is how do you miss this call um when L when literally everyone else who saw that call who had a comment on it whether you were for the Pacers or against the Pacers felt that he follow him and the

Man who got away with the call admitt it to and those guys that he real and so so when a two-minute report comes out and it says that oh you know we got that call wrong there should be more than just the my bad for the r there should

Be some punitive punishment for blowing a call like this and this is the problem with not just the NBA but the n now too they’ve they’ve basically scared players and coaches and everybody and they find them enough where these guys feel like they can’t say anything and there are no

Repercussions what what was the repercussions for the officials uh in the Cowboys Lions game when the when the officials blew that one right and and the Lions players after the game they knew exactly who reported it and when and why and how and they still felt like

They couldn’t say boo about it because they were scared about you know what was going to happen to them if they said the wrong thing the NBA I don’t know Jaylen Brown hopefully says he might say something after the game but again is he gonna get fine for telling the truth yes

So it’s like exactly so you don’t even know what you can say anymore but it it’s pretty obvious that that was a Miss call and it’s one thing to miss it live but to go to a review to go to a review the call on the overturn it and you have

To overturn it on top of it so always frustrated me Jimmy with the NBA replay I feel like NFL leans more toward the play on the field and I don’t know if that’s necessarily the rule in the NBA shod it probably should be that the call

On the court gets the benefit of the doubt there and there’s certainly nothing inconclusive about that Replay that says no foul plenty of contact there on the head to suggest a foul and I’m sure as we mentioned in the two-minute report that they’re GNA say

It was a fou there but it’s tough for me to focus on that too much in a game like this we’re not going to focus on it for the whole time obviously but we do have to talk about it because that’s what everyone’s hot on

Right now so we’re we’re not going to go back to yeah we’re not going to go back to the beginning of the third quarter and break down like the defense right to start the show but we will get to all that but to end the show I mean Joe

Missou is obviously hot about it I guarantee every single player that gets interviewed the first thing the first question they’re going to be asked is about this play and so we have to talk about it so I think it was good for us

To get it out of the way now is it the reason they lost no not the only reason they lost but Factor but it wasn’t the only reason of course and and like you said earlier shro it shouldn’t have gotten to that point um you know one of

The things and again if we’re gonna talk about the foul that wasn’t um we should talk about the shot I I hated the shot to begin with and when the whistle was blown I was like wow that’s a bailout before I saw the replay um I didn’t

Think it was I didn’t think either possession from Jaylen Brown was a smart one and it’s not just because he missed but both shots were with people in his face off balance um rushed and it almost feels again remind me this is supposed to be the best starting lineup in the

NBA and I know they didn’t have Tatum tonight which is a big part of that but there are options on this team why does it just assume that the ball has to go to jayen Brown it was like the broadcast basically said well I guess you’re going

To jayen Brown here see why why is that the case here’s the problem I have with that and and and you know Jimmy I’m not a big analytics guy I I understand their value and they do have a purpose purpose but the one analytics number that I do

Tend to pay attention to particularly with the Celtics is who performs in a clutch when games are tight late in the game who’s their best clutch player and the ey tests and the analytics tell me the same thing it’s Derek freaking white Derek freaking white he’s he is your

Best player in the clutch I don’t understand why you are not running sets that give him the ball with 10 seconds or less on a shot clock that’s what I want because I know in that moment he’s going to make the right decision that doesn’t mean he’s always going to score

But he’s going to make the right basketball play and he’s been with this team long enough he’s proven himself many many times that he is the best fit for that and it it it drives me mad when I see that and I love Jaylen he’s a

Great player he’s he look all the praise that Jaylen has earned through the years is just that he’s earned that but damn it when when I got the game on the line I need one basket or one play that’s going to give get us over the hump I

Want Derek white to make that call why because he is literally statistically and it testwise the best player with ball handling skills in that situation I don’t I don’t understand it I keep telling myself that maybe Joe was just giving guys this you know equal opportunity Democratic Little D

Democratic way of doing this and that he’s saving Derek white for the playoffs and and and Derrick’s going to be the guy in in the late game situations in the playoffs and there’s a part of me that says that would be really really a very utopian like way of looking at this

But that ain’t reality this is this is who they are they’re going to lean on Tatum and brown in those end of the game late game situations because for three quarters they’ve been either the first second third best player on the floor but when the game is at when all the

Chips are at the center of the table and I got one hand to play I want that hand to be the one that Derek white is playing yeah and honestly all three of their big biggest concern shro honestly reared their head in this game you’re down to rotation players you didn’t get

Great Play From the Bench in this one thought pitchard was solid but other guys got out Sparks tonight I hate to say it he got out Sparks he got by his Dopp linger yep yeah Indiana’s Indiana’s bench owned them tonight so that’s one concern out of this game second the lack

Of free throw attempts certainly in this one another issue for the Celtics they just continue to struggle to exploit that against this Indiana team uh you know finished with 29 but early in that first half it took them a while to get going there and then they missed nine so

He couldn’t beat them at the free throw line that was certainly another area where you could have taken advantage of Indiana in this game and then the late game offense as you mentioned there sherro why stop running offense in those situations and I know Missoula called the timeout to reign in one possession

There but Brown again after that comes right out after seemingly hurting himself on that play I know it was his left arm but goes right into a SP brought up pull up two in N Smith’s face misses it the play before the foul play there right yeah the last two

Possessions that they had yeah and then the Pacers go down the floor and you know score and then Brown comes back up and takes that shot guys around and and here’s the thing I I I want to be absolutely crystal clear when when I say this uh my issue isn’t with how Jaylen

Played my issue is that they didn’t go to Derek white that’s my issue it’s about Derek White and how in those late game critical situations you don’t lean on the one player who is consistently delivered in those moments who from an analytic standpoint delivers in those moments from watching this damn team

Play delivers in those moments and it’s it’s FR that for me is my where my frustration is at with this one it isn’t the fact that the refs screwed the Celtics down the stretches is it the fact that Indiana got some home cooking type calls that stuff happened so what

It is what it is my issue is the Celtics you need to focus on what you can control and you absolutely can control who is carrying you down the stretch and yes Jaylen had a great game and he made big shots he was efficient he did all

Those things but why should you C just go to that when you got a guy who In This Moment he’s your best player and until he goes through a stretch where he’s not that guy I’m I I want to lean on Derrick in those moments he’s giving

Me he’s giving me no reason not to lean on yeah and and just to piggyback off that even if it’s not Derek white it it shouldn’t just be automatically Jaylen brown or automatically Jason Tatum there there should be options there should be option

A option b run a play get a guy open off the inbounds they’re great off in the chat Tatum’s in the chat there he is um I’ll read this since it’s up here Bobby the point is the point is it was a blatant blown call that potentially decided the game everything else from

Before that doesn’t matter when the ref swings the outcome of the game sure bad shot I don’t care um so that’s that’s uh Tatum that is our our chat Tatum’s opinion I’m sure it’s not shared by everybody and and it does matter it does matter matter what happens up to that

Point sure that that in a vacuum yes that matters but everything that leading up to that point matters too and if they shoot better from the free throw line we’re probably talking about a different game if if they executed two three more plays better on defense where they got

To stop instead of giving up a bucket it’s a different game so yeah everything that stuff does matter um and then again all matters you know white missed some Shots tonight but he you know he’s still doing the right things out there especially late in the game porzingis

Missed some bunnies tonight but give it give porzingis a shot with the ball on the post he was Jimmy all all the way down the stretch he just hit everything again and when he drew fouls he drained the free throws bullying he’s playing Bully ball it’s just incomprehensive hens to not

Run offense in these late game situations just fly up the court and launch up a shot without even passing it once and that’s on Brown I I know you’ll get on Joe and he certainly could step in in these situations but we know what his mindset and approach is let these

Guys handle it now so they can learn a mentality for later and brown in that situation just took two awful shots and you can nitpick the follow call there it’s a bad shot there’s no way around it I think three guys were flying around them healed from behind and mathine in

Front of them and I think another guy was coming in from the side they’re just brutal shots in that situation and this is another game Jimmy where they lose in crunch time I think they’ve only lost one game outside of crunch time all year and their seven other losses here came

Down the stretch of game so they have good numbers in those situations I feel like they’ve overall played well in those spots this year but you have just as many situations effectively here where they haven’t the ones that come down to a possession are too late you

Know I think I’ll probably parse through some of those here tonight to you see how many of them actually came down in the last couple possessions here but you had something that was working there Jimmy with porzingis yep and letting him attack mismatches and you completely bail out the Pacers by

Playing oneon-one offense in those situations that’s not what got you in the position to win this game right when you start to play head down you know herob ball ISO mode it’s again you’re not going to get get away with it I want to um follow up with a question you’re

Talking about how the celic got away from things that were working for them and maybe went in the wrong direction late in games is this a Joe loss I’ll ask you first shot is this is this one that we can pin on Missoula not just for the

Last few possessions but you can go back to the beginning of the fourth quarter I I don’t necessarily agree with the lineup choices that he went with in that fourth quarter I know you got to give guys rest but do you have to give Brown porzingis H do those guys all have to

Sit together for an extended period of time because those have maybe been spaced out a little bit in theory in theory you could have conell run around them I mean you but Jimmy here’s the thing in this particular game when you’re missing two rotational players with with Hower and

Tatum out I think you probably do some funky things with your rotation that you normally wouldn’t do because you’d have those guys available and the domino effect that having them available creates so I I don’t know if I would put this one on Joe individually I think

That there was a good bit of blame pie to go around with this one certainly yeah I think I mean Joe gets some of that I think Jaylen who had hold on let’s play all right let’s play the blame pie here we are we’ve got an updated blame pie for this loss

Specifically guys as you can see we’ve added Adam Silver to the mix we’ve added the referee the official who blew the call he’s there in the blue we’ve got Missoula we’ve we got I don’t know why porzingis is on the claim oh yeah because of the foul at the end of the

Game yeah so we we’ve got a few options here um take your slice sherod I would say if I had to give a big a big slice to any one of these folks wait is that is that what the hell is he you know barely got on the floor he gets blamed because

He’s part of that rotation that these part of that lineup that shouldn’t have been in there in the fourth quarter that’s screwed thing you know what I he actually played if I if had to give a big the biggest slice of this to I would probably give it to uh moula uh just

Because again I don’t think he was fully to blame but I I think there are certain buttons that he he neglected to push that might have been key to them getting over this I it’s interesting too some of the looks they went to In the Zone I

Thought allowed Pacers to get on the offensive glass um you you certainly weren’t having any success ignoring certain guys I know you had the back and and forth there between Andrew nard and Joe it sounded like that was stemming from the Celtics kind of ignoring him out there with Luke cornet through those

Stretches and nard didn’t kill them but other guys did when they played away from them Matan at the three-point line and this one was amazing he had his shot going and yeah not enough coverage on him as he got going here in this game other guys Turner on the offensive glass

Um Jaylen Smith on those post UPS hurt the at point so they were off balance all night defensively and they couldn’t find an answer so that’s probably what you pin on Joe so are you are you taking the Joe slice or what slice you I gotta get this

Blame pie off the screen at some point probably the biggest just eat the damn pie Bobby come on he probably gets the biggest I mean Jaylen he’s right there with Joe though I I mean it’s a phenomenal scorer night right and it’s one of the best we’ve

Seen from him in terms of just hitting tough shots and getting to the line and dominating Miss matches but you go into the fourth quarter and I don’t know what he finished with but he went in the fourth quarter with one assist and five turnovers we got Jaylen statline I’ll

Toss it up here he had a 40 Point 17 for 26 40 points uh I can’t give I can’t give him a huge slash of B because he literally kept him in the game I’m not giving him the blame I’m he doesn’t get he doesn’t get the blame pie but he

Deserves to be on in in the pie because of I think the decision Mak the shot selection decision making in the game it’s not his fault that the call was overturned and you know maybe how about the bench they’re up there too put him put him well I think I think was was

He’s representing face yeah yeah even though he came in and got two offensive rebounds but those weren see that’s M see that’s messed up that he’s the face considering he played the least amount of minutes by the way Bon those were also in his 16th game his first four free throw attempts of

The year so he probably has he missed one I think right he missed there you go so that’s why he’s getting the blame pie but it’s to me it is a Joe game and it’s for all the reasons you guys mentioned and it it’s not just the final few plays

Or anything like that it’s they got into a bit of a track meet Bobby again and that is what they didn’t do on uh that’s why John didn’t show up tonight exactly this is exactly what they they they should not have done that second half point shootout started to happen

And you just it’s hard to go toe-to-toe with these guys man that’s why they’re the top of the offensive efficiency list and they’re historically good at it you can’t fight fire with fire in that situation and the celic got away and again maybe we’re seeing a little bit of

J of of Jason Tatum’s value in another in another area on the defensive side of things right because we do know what he’s capable of at points when he does focus on that defensive end and and the celex didn’t have that tonight now would be remiss to mention or not to mention

That the Pacers lost their MVP player in the middle of this one and teres Halbert and we don’t know the extent of that injury we’re obviously hoping for the best because we don’t want to see anybody go down especially an electric electric player like him and

You know a favorite I think of a lot of NBA fans um and so he left the game in the second um pretty pretty pretty ugly um you know just did a basically a split you know and really I think what do they call it strained left hamstring it was the official injur

Designation so I guess we’ll have to find out what grade strain that is but he had to be carried off the court and uh they even put a t they put a towel over his head so it was it was sad to see that happen but the door was wide

Open for the Celtics at that point they went up what 11 right after that yeah and then what happened in that second half the Pacers go on their run M McConnell comes into the game and he he caught them off guard he starts a track meet out there he’s running laps around

Porzingis I mean if you want to put porzingis on the blame pie that’d be one one aspect of it was a defensive end yeah and that’s what Indiana they that that’s something that Rick Carlile has recognized in their scouting report that causes the Celtics problems when they

Run their offense and they get that match up where McConnell is being guarded by porzingis it’s hell for poring is to try to keep up with him and and M you know TJ does what TJ does he either makes them pay with a bucket at The Rim which should never happen or

Short jumper or he finds someone else because the Celtics are scrambling to try to keep him from just running all over the damn place uh this this you know this is a we we’re going to lock in on the officiating and the impact that that had on this game but there were

There were troubling signs well before that that the Celtics needed to address that those things put them in position where it was a game when frankly when halberton went out that was when you should have put your you the back heel on her neck and just put this team away

And just absolutely batter them uh and that didn’t happen I thought the worst stretch of the game was the end of the third there and Joe’s talked about the end of quarters they had a pretty bad end of the second on Saturday they could have cost them but they give up a heel

Three porzingis drops a rebound out of bounds and they get a top in alyo to tied the game so a nice 5-0 push for Indy there uh Jaylen Smith blocked Jaylen and brassette took an awful foul in the back court uh after the block there so they get two free free throws

Off of that uh Brown turns it over on the inbounds right after that uh I don’t know what the hell happened there but they give it right back to Indy and then McConnell hits another two so Indie takes a four-point lead there on a with

70 push so that as much as the end of the fourth cost you the game too they did some just brutal stretches defensively in this game the turnovers were out of control how many do they end up with um 15 you had a nice little stretch at the

End of December where you weren’t turning it over as much and they got out of control with it there too I mean there’s just reasons up and down why you lost this game and when halberton goes down I want to look at his onoff numbers

But they were minus four I mean with him on the floor in this game and it was limited minutes so it’s not like his presence was absolutely getting it done this is a team sherad that I feel like relies on him more than any other team

Relies on their star I mean we remember when he sat in Boston the Celtics beat them by like 50 so he goes down and you have a golden opportunity from the shock alone on the other side of seeing that injury for Indiana to extend the lead

And they did but then they just came out in the third Jimmy and I can’t think of any other reason why they slipped up there other than up H Burton’s out we’re good yeah they just thought Indiana was going to roll over and and I don’t know

What the hell made them think that because this team the way they’re built the way they play with or without halberton that’s just not who they are this coach the way he coaches teams that’s not what Rick does uh his teams don’t just show up uh and you know

Suffer set back and call it a day they keep fighting and the again we go back to the blame pie that’s where your coach has to tell you has to if he doesn’t tell you he has to show you the importance and value of okay this is our

Moment to put this damn game away I know we got a quarter and some change left to play but this moment we need to get dirty we need to be feisty we need to put this team in their place we’re the best team in the damn NBA now it’s time

To show it we can’t talk about it we got to show it now and they didn’t they they didn’t have whatever Mojo they needed to remind them that this Indiana team may be down their best player but they are wounded they are wounded team and wounded those are some of the scariest

Opponents you can face because you literally have no idea how they’re going to come they’re they have nothing to lose at that point and that’s a scary opponent home remember Saturday sherro the physicality Boston played with offensively and they have moments in this game but this Indiana team is so

Bad defensively again you can get a mismatch on any play with any guy and I felt like they took heal out of this game attacking him he he had a pretty rough night but Matan that’s a guy you probably could have attacked more and made him work and fatigued them so he

Wouldn’t kill you on the offensive end I felt like they let other guys on the lineup up and down there just go free offensively I mean defensively and when you’re running offense that’s just attacking head on you’re not putting in actions you’re not making the defense work and that’s the

Story of this game for me is that they weren’t able to make some of the guys further down the lineup work there like you know uh brown or matthan or some of the guys off their bench that’s the difference in this game especially in the second units and on obviously you’re

Putting bench units out there Jimmy that don’t have the same kind of facilitating and scoring ability that you’d have at full strength I think that’s pretty obvious a big part of this loss is probably missing Hower and Tatum alone but you still had Brown you still had

Holiday you still had white as shod mentions white definitely underutilized in this game to be able to make guys work and foul and just be uncomfortable I thought this was a really good holiday game I didn’t think this was oh was one of his best games yeah I agree I mean

When you talk about other options tonight at least holiday is an option white to me tonight off he didn’t have it which is fine and maybe that was part of the reason why they were pretty dead set on going to Brown Brown got them to that point in the game and they were

Going to either win it or lose it with brown I didn’t like the shot selection on the LA on his last shot again foul aside he dribbled it into the basically into the corner and then had to rush a shot up with you know guys in his face

So that’s the knock on Brown it’s not it’s not the 40 points and everything that he did to get them there um but I I I just think that there were other options now if you want to really talk about it one assist Jimmy through three quarters but that’s and again you know

What and I’ve said this and I don’t want to talk I don’t want to have an assist discussion tonight we’ve killed that over the last month or two he’s not a passer he’s not a GU a point guard he’s not a distributor he’s not a facilitator

Let’s stop trying to make him one and and getting upset when he isn’t Jaylen Brown should score you 40 points before he should give you 10 assists so if we can all just be happy with that then we can move forward and not get into these

Debates about if he’s a good passer or not that’s not his game his game is to score 40 points and dunk on your head so everyone should just be happy when he does that and not worry about the hockey assist and the potential assist and try to justify him being at this great

Passer he’s not and that’s okay right and you’re right Jimmy I I the thing I would have liked to seen and the reason I I keep bringing Derek White’s name up is because Derek is a great facilitator setup guy for his teammates and that’s what that that was my point with Derk

That he should have been involved more involved in that final play I would love to have seen him and Jaylen run some type of pick and roll action or some action where Dereck was attacking and Jaylen would be in position where his Defender would either stay with Jaylen

Or Converge on Dereck white which would allow Derek to do what he does well and give Jaylen to a chance to do what he does well particularly well this night which was make shots that was my issue with Jaylen Jaylen always gets in trouble when he dribbles too much or

When he decides that I’m going to shoot come hell or high water even if there are three Defenders I mean you go back and look at you know those shots down the stretch none of them were great looks and if you go back and look at the

Way he’d been playing for the most part he was getting great looks and making Indiana pay for that so if you’re if they’re not giving you great looks maybe you shouldn’t take that shot maybe you should I don’t know kick it to the guy who’s top of the key wide open named

Derrick White who is who at that point was more than overdue the knockdown an open shot if he got an opportunity to um but again I would have liked to seen Derrick more involved in late game activity and action with Jaylen taking advantage of his skills as a setup man

Playmaker and making the most of Jaylen you know having an obviously really good night scoring the ball right and the and the other thing we haven’t really touched it on yet and again I I don’t this was a great game I mean yeah it was great Tatum out halberton out these guys

Were going toe-to-toe um you know the fourth quarter was super entertaining I think it did come down to the bench ultimately Bobby um when you look at the production from the Pacers bench tonight that was the difference I mean they were the ones who really stepped up in their

Stars absence so you go down the line uh Muran McConnell and heeld I mean those three guys greatly outplayed anybody uh that came off the Celtics bench tonight and again they’re missing a couple players but I don’t care uh so this is an interesting discussion a month out from

The trade deadline do you have enough depth here if you’re down one or two guys in the playoffs particularly when you’re not even sure if your top end depth is ready for the postseason between Hower cornette and Pritchard who don’t have a long run of playoff success

P as that 2022 run where he play buter and cornette haven’t played playoff basketball at all and then down the line you’d be very worried if any of those guys got into a play well you gotta be healthy if they’re aren healthy it’s over you know right but you you you do

Potentially need one guy who could be insurance and that’s what Mike muscala was last year right if Rob was gonna go down their plan was to put him in the mix and it never happened everybody drink muscala refence no but I mean a month out from the deadline seeing game

Like this I think is important and probably a reason why the Celtics rest in a place like this is can your depth step up and sustain with multiple guys out and obviously Tatum’s an extreme example if Tatum’s down you’re done but you know a Hower going down you put

Banton in that first half and he was a disaster three quick fouls I think he had a Miss inside they couldn’t go back to him again and then s you know played with some energy there but the couple free throw misses so that was tough

Cornette one of four he was F he was okay not not nothing great easy at times bad defensively so this wasn’t a great match up for him and you know you might see Indiana in the playoffs all of a sudden you don’t have God you don’t have

A depth Center who can give you good minutes there so it’s gonna be interesting Jimmy and we’ve had this debate over and over again they’re probably fine at full strength I don’t think they need to make a move but what can you anticipate happening down the

Line you probably need to add that but we’ kind of talked about the fact that they can’t really way way that it shakes out they they’d have to trade like what three or four of their bench guys including Pritchard or I mean you’ve to that’s what you’ve I think you’ve kind of yeah

If you’re gonna go and get a and by the way I have no qualms with trading Pritchard my point is you’re gonna trade three or four guys on your bench you already have a thinned bench I mean we’re they’re going to be they’re going to be looking for guys off the street at

Some point if they if they trade to many more of these guys right I don’t think you can do that and I know Jake fiser threw out their interest in Chris bu I think like o l I think like Isaiah stort just too expensive you can’t give up a Pritchard

For a center so you’re looking for I think the grant level TP guy and it’s gonna be like a fonio uh it’s gonna be one of those guys that you really never even heard of or think about but might be important if they can give you some minutes there in the back end

But the I I think what’s tough for the Celtics right now shirro is that they really do like these bench guys and many of them have been playing well honestly I thought Bret got off to a really good start in this game and then miss free throws and shots killed him

So right an energy guy though right I mean he’s gonna come in there and play defense and grab some rebounds and try to keep some plays alive Second Chance opportunities but he’s not a guy Bobby or sherro that’s gonna come in like you know Muran did tonight and drain threes

In your face and drop 26 on your head out of nowhere and fill in commendably for the star player and basic win them the game the problem for the the bench guys for the Celtics I think the the biggest problem is that they come here they look who’s ahead of them and they

See okay he does XYZ one two and three so my role is going to be this and when the opportunity to step outside of that role like tonight they don’t don’t seem comfortable making that change like on if if if I am brette and I know that

Tatum is out I know that you know Sam is out I’m probably gonna look for ways to get some points when I’m out there whether and that doesn’t mean I’m taking a bunch of shots from three-point range but that hustle plays that I make you know when I grab the offensive rebound

And I kick it back out or the defensive rebound that I will you know I might start the break myself and get it up to half court the Drew quick and then we run our office quicker and maybe I’ll get it back I’m going to do something different and in theory because what

They need from me in that moment is different and there seems to be a disconnect when these players have opportunities to play more significant minutes to tweak whatever role that they’re they’re usually in to the role that they need to be in they they seem to struggle making that transition

Whereas you look at Point these are all good complimentary guys for yeah but they’re not dep vill guys if you do lose a piece or two here in the playoff if you want a big meal These are nice side dishes but this is not the steak this is

Not the caviar this is not the leftover you know and we said that with cornette too in all our debates like when he’s your third dep guy it’s awesome and I think he’s really good but if he’s filling in for Horford and porzingis you’re done so listen Jimmy

You’re right you have a top heavy team that’s how you built this roster this year great everybody understands that but I also think you have to position yourself if something did happen for even one game in the playoffs right some guys you know just recovering from a bumper bruis

The night before and just really can’t give it a go or he’s really struggling to play through something you don’t have guys that you can turn to further down the lineup to step up and fill in those positions at least two down like one down you can probably survive outside of

Brown and Tatum two guys like you were tonight gets really difficult because you’re playing sh you’re playing Bon you’re playing br at Big minutes so this was a tough spot for those guys who I think have overall fared well this year but tonight against a tricky

Matchup a tricky match up it’s a good team they’re just a good team we don’t too Jimmy well why because they just play Up Tempo out the Up Tempo and the way they guard too I Know Carl was talking about shro but they did some really good things defensively on Saturday that I

Felt like tricked the Celtics who want to drive and kick but the Pacers are leaving that Rim open more often than not and the Celtics don’t feel super comfortable taking that it feels like they want to be able to drive and kick and produce threes Joe had and if we’re gonna put

Anything on Joe in a situation like this it’s the adaptability to be able to go inside aggressively and credit to brown right he did that on Saturday he did that tonight but no one else in the roster looks super comfortable going to that outside of porzingis when they got

Him the ball so this is a weird match up Jimmy this would be a very challenging playoff series for them depending on worst scenario yeah so um shod you mentioned Entre and that got me thinking about our good friends at hellofresh let me get that comment off there our good

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FanDuel the chat’s mad I brought up Grant I didn’t even bring up Grant I brought up the grant TP you did say his name though you said his name and that is enough to get everybody fired up you said name oh man you said who else did

You say mca’s name you said cornett’s name you’re you’re batting a thousand to get people pissed off tonight hey how about that tip by cornette real quick it didn’t go in Bobby it did not go in it was a good play though it was a great

Call Great call and it I mean we got Bobby on cornette can right now how you enjoying those uh snacks down there shirro wonderful I didn’t know I I’ll wear my lemon squares yeah oh they’re there they’re there I got everything about my lemon squares and that was

Talking cornette now I’m gonna talk to you guys oh that’s not it Jesus now look at me now Look at me Bob you got me all over okay fuel guys the NFL season has concluded but the playoffs are upon us and what better way to get involved than

To fire up a little betting right so you want to go to Boston all you have to do is place a five bet you don’t even have to win it you can be as bad of a gambler as I am and just lose all of your bets and you’ll still get

$150 in bonus bets that you can use for the we got a nice football playoff slate coming up we’ve got an NBA obviously NBA games are going strong um I guess you just wanna National Championship live right now yeah I mean clearly the Pacers had had taken Pac sorry clearly the

Officials in tonight’s game had bet on the Pacers for this one um so maybe they did their $ Five Dollar Bet on the Pacers and and that’s why this uh game ended the way it did um I want to make sure I hit the uh the points here so right now again new

Customers get 100 $150 in bonus bets guaranteed when you place a $5 bet that’s 150 bucks in bonus bets win or lose easy to use and fun to play you can do live same game parlays find bets in the new Explorer tab make a parlay

People love the parlays and is that is a national championship game on that game that 20 to3 Michigan okay that’s a fun one maybe a little live bet on that one get your bet I have uh I have wased in five and a half Jimmy FanDuel I do too

Actually Bobby I like that number we’re riding together it looked kind of sketchy to start but it looks like Washington’s right R of the ship a little bit yeah um and uh yeah again that’s um that’s $150 in bonus betch when you place a $

Five bets and let’s put this up here on the screen for everybody to see can read the fine print there B21 plus and present in select States all that good stuff you guys you guys get the gist of it anyways let’s reset here a little bit guys um Jimmy had to

Lean in to see that yeah I had to wasn’t happening but we’re gonna have to blow that blow that screen up but sh I I want to Circle back to the trade stuff here hold on you want to talk trades right now can we let’s let’s put the trade

Stuff on we put a bow on the game yeah let’s put a bow I just want to bring us back around and then we’ll go back to the trades but again okay amit’s got a couple of things here we were talking about Halle Burton’s injury um tonight

Oh just a quick just a quick recap he went down in the second quarter he slipped on the floor he did like uh a split that nobody wants to no guy wants to do and unfortunately um needed to be carried off so it looked nasty you know

You talk about player Pacers in the playoffs it’s probably GNA hinge on the severity of that um of that injury so he’s gonna have an MRI they’re saying if it’s a grade one it’s about a one to two week uh recovery grade two 4 to eight

And grade three um you know nobody wants to hear grade three that’s 12 plus weeks and it could be could mean surgery if the tear is you know off the bone we’re talking about a hamstring I mean a groin or whatever so um hamstring tear is devastating yeah early early indication

There obviously strain they’ll get the MRI didn’t look good not being able to walk off looks awful right but you know no little bit time and that wasn’t even and that wasn’t even worst injury of the night uh Memphis John Morant yeah that’s another thing for the season chat’s been

Going wild on that one so johnar Toren labram is shoulder yeah so that sucks for a Memphis team that was really starting to pick things up I think they had a nice win was it last night um that’s that’s that’s just sucks man I mean obviously in the midst of an MVP level

Season for johnar for halberton okay yeah right so johnar out for the year halberton we see um but yeah it’s tough news for the Grizzlies who and Moran’s had a tough go of things you know some of that obviously is self-inflicted but this one you know you

Never want to see a guy go down with an injury um so hopefully he makes a full recovery there um so that’s kind of the injury updates from this one um Bobby I don’t know if you’ve been able to find any quotes floating around Twitter I know that buddy heeld according to Jared

Weiss a tweet he says buddy heeld wouldn’t share what he told Joe Missoula but said that he made some contact with Jaylen Brown yet the officials and replay Center made the decision now Amit Amit got his tinfoil hat on I think right now and he’s he’s poking he’s

Poking us a little bit he’s sending me info on James Williams who is the referee that overturned the call on this one apparently James Williams went to high school in Indiana sherad Oh Boy Purdue graduate sherad so there’s a lot of people wondering there’s a little bit of

Favoritism here and here’s the most damning stat of all okay and this is where FanDuel I wish I knew this and had jumped on fandu before I knew this stat the Pacers are now this is according to Amit so if I’m wrong here everyone find

Him the Pacers are now 35 and three with James Williams as the head referee in the last five years that is a hell of a record shirro 35 and three they haven’t been that good over the last five years no what’s going on here Bobby I’m full conspiracy right now I’m

Full conspiracy right now you are and I’m not I’m I’m not F these are all facts everything are you wait are you sure they’re 35 and three according to Amit Amit double check that please because that’s a pretty wild stat you know what here’s the here’s the here’s

The deal we already went through it they put themselves in that position by playing poorly all night and they were H the refs they uh healed hit the ball before he hit Brown’s head there and as shirro said earlier Jimmy according to the rest what about according to your eyeballs

Was it a devastating foul what does that mean he blocked the ball and then follows through and hits his head that’s not exactly what happened he went up and his arm hit his head at the same time that the ball was hit so did it impact the shot in

Extraordinary it doesn’t matter for me yeah for me I I don’t I don’t care about that because it was a I look we’re going to see the two-minute report and there’s a high prob probability they’re going to say oops we got that call wrong which means which means absolutely nothing in

The grand scheme then or now uh the bottom line is the Celtics they shouldn’t have put themselves in that position uh they should have been better than that because they are the best team in the NBA and they need to show that on nights like this even when they’re less

Than full strength and they didn’t they put themselves in position to to allow something like this to inject itself into the conversation because if they’re up by five or four at that point in the game yeah it’s a bad call but it’s not going to it’s not going to factor

Heavily in the outcome it’s just becomes more of a speed bump along the road so that to me is just find a way to get over this it’s you you can’t allow these type of things to consume you if you’re the Celtics you deal with it you you put

Yourself in that position be better make sure you you could have went down the other side of the court and gotten a stop and went to overtime yeah amed’s backtracking on his record his record stat 35 and three he’s he’s totally backtracking on that so they might not

Have been 35 and three that seems that didn’t seem ridiculous but well Jimmy uh you can you can issue the uh it’s an Amit we need to get we need to get Amit on here for an apology cam if if was schooled then we need to get him on here for apologi camp

But I still believe that this guy was well now you set off the chat that was already angry enough I still believe that that he went to high school in Indiana so that’s enough for me to say a conspiracy well he’s from Indiana but I I think he spent time in like

Memphis I don’t care where he freaking hangs his well you you sort of do because you you because we were having this conversation I’m trying to figure out where why how the hell he made that call there’s got to be a reason behind it he’s got to be a Pacers fan or something

Doesn’t make nothing else make sense to me Jimmy the other thing I find interesting about this game is just the chippiness of it and I like that we’re looking forward to the end of the month obviously that was Buddy trolling Joe a little bit wasn’t it interesting there was some am what do

You mean buddy was trolling Joe Go On by telling him he followed him oh yeah just being like we got away with that one but beyond that you saw you saw n har chirping at Joe during the game and then Isaiah Jackson try to fight Luke cornette after after a postup play and

Luke just kind of walked away so there was some tension on that Indiana side obviously n Smith his normal you know inspired approach against the Celtics there some big plays from him throughout this game I mean Indiana gets up for this matchup that there’s no doubt about

It and it just feels like these two teams are on a collision course with the playoffs they’re going to play again at the end of the month for the four fifth fourth and or fifth final and final time here so another one’s coming down the road in a couple weeks here

And the Indiana hopefully they’ll have hell Burton for that one but they just continue to challenge the Celtics in a pretty unique way one that was pretty similar to how the thunder challenge last week so these are two teams emerging with styles that can borrow the Celtics here and I know the chat’s

Pretty upset about sherro but if you want to get on Joe for another thing in this game they played big for a lot of it those and Horford combinations on the bench Horford and porzingis to start and close the game those weren’t great Duos for the Celtics against what the Pacers

Were doing on the other side even with Jaylen Smith out there I mean he was taking a to hor for at times well I I think a lot of that has to do the fact that Joe if we’re being honest and candid has more trust in his bigs than he does his nonrotational

Wings and in guards and and that’s why Brad said what he said the other day right need win yeah and he’s right I mean you you have at this point we’re almost halfway through this season and there’s still trust issues with some guys knew the ended bench and it’s not

Because Joe doesn’t like them or beli in him it’s just that they’re just not that good they haven’t been good all season uh and even when they’ve been given opportunities like tonight to Showcase what they can do they come up short this this was a golden opportunity for you

Know s to have a career night and yeah B and Bon look I Bon I think is a nice kid time I just don’t think he’s an NBA player to be very I mean I I think back to some of the the comments that Nick nurse made about him you know early on

Which was very telling uh and again I just I I don’t know what it is that Joe sees in him other than the fact that I need a warm body to get out there in the floor who can run in offense what about Lamar that seems to be what it is I mean

To be honest Lamar that’s the mystery one to me um I don’t know what play well there there’s there’s something that we don’t no that we’re not seeing that justifies in in Joe’s mind and the mind of that coaching staff why he keep this guy on the bench uh because when he

Plays he he’s not perfect but his athleticism and his energy um he looks like a guy that if you’re looking for a guy to give you something defensively at the wing position and can maybe play a little bit bigger he’s a guy but that’s not happen they want to play a lot of

Zone in this one too which B used to and again that first St for him was just so bad that they couldn’t go back to him and then you know going to spe like I mentioned Jimmy you’re coming in the fourth quarter I know scal was hitting

On this it’s a tough position to play your first minutes at the start of the fourth quarter in a close game especially when you again typically don’t play and that’s why I I lean I lean Joe in my blame pie and I know you guys kind of did too but I just thought

There were some weird rotation decisions I thought the timeout again at the end of the game were that lineup to start the fourth was pretty Stagg it was wild in a close game against a team that can score 10 points within 15 seconds you know you kind of put your

Guys behind in that situation and they they had to claw back good for them for doing it but if we’re gonna give Jaylen Brown criticism we should give Joe Missoula criticism because they had a timeout to use Celtics get the ball back on that Pacers Miss why didn’t they call

Timeout right off the bat draw something up good you know we’re we’re criticizing the players for you know freestyling out there but there’s Joe maou on the sideline as he’s been doing for the last two seasons now with timeouts that apparently he’s saving for another like

A rainy day I I don’t know draw something up call timeout get your guys like together on the same page drop a play for shad’s guy Derek white if if if that’s who should be getting the ball but they have options on this team to just give the ball to Jaylen Brown and

Say you know do your thing they’re better than that they don’t need to do that they have other opportunities to score whether it’s porzingis whether it’s white holiday was hitting Shots tonight he had one of his best offensive nights aside from his boneheaded I don’t know what the guy thought when he

Thought he could dunk from the free throw line that was the only criticism I have for Holiday tonight uh and that was a fourth quarter turnover by the way I want to just show this I’m not going to play the video here but look at how this play

Starts I mean you have three guys on J and white is just screaming for the ball right as you mentioned Jimmy they have a time out there to use in that spot what I call scramble mode Bobby if you’re Joe right here you could call timeout and

Well I think right here if you’re Joe you’re thinking he’s gonna swing it to the wide open guy because if he swings it to to Derek Derek has really three options either step into a three step into a three dribble Drive swing it to your left and then that leads to an Al

Horford is that yeah that’s Al Horford porzingis who do you have there you have porzingis porzingis and Horford yeah so you so if you’re if you swing at to Derek white he’s either gonna take the shot or he’s going to make the assist or the hockey assist that’s what’s gonna

Happen hey look at is that uh someone in there is ignoring Horford so I mean they just stacked the deck against Jaylen carile was just like everybody get in there and just load up again that’s the thing I mean Bobby it’s like everybody knows what’s gonna happen

You know I mean he swings it to dere I mean that’s yeah you’re going to get and Jaylen took a tough shot when you could have swung it and got a great shot great shot right because either Derrick is gonna shoot that porzingis is gonna

Shoot it or Al’s gonna shoot but one of those three guys is gonna have a great look and it goes back to decision- making it goes back to communication it goes back to coaching have the guys with that mindset on the final play you should know it if you’re not going to

Call a timeout it should be because the guys already know make the right play Jimmy they say that all the time and it’s not sometimes you sometimes you as a coach have to make the right play and call a timeout which is the right play yes sometimes that has to be the right

Play when you can’t it it’s it’s um sometimes you can’t assume that these great phenomenal talents see what you see as a coach sometimes you’ve got to actually sit there asses down and say okay look time out we need to get a really good shot here let’s draw something up they clearly weren’t

Organized there and no this is gonna be the debate Jimmy going into the playoffs I think I asked it last game the level of Faith you have and Joe here this is a team that sometimes I think needs a little bit more of a pull from the sideline a little bit more

Structure in these moments especially and he he just seems too conditioned to let it roll out I mean remember game three I think of the Philly Series last year sherro they they just let the players run and they don’t even get a shot off at the end of that

Game and I know they learned later with the um you know white play to end game six they end up getting a shot off there out of a timeout but think about this Bobby you know who they are at this point Bobby when was the last time we had a conversation

About a Joe Missoula atto we haven’t and any does have some good ones but nothing that catches your eye he’s had some good ones but but he hasn’t done that nearly enough to where it’s when you think about some of the things that are strengths of his that

Doesn’t come to mind and it doesn’t come to mind because we don’t see it and to me that’s part of that’s part of what you as a coach should be able to do the guy across from Rick Carlile hell of an atto guy and I’ve and the Rick Rick’s

One of those coaches sometimes he will call a timeout like after his team is down 40 to start a game because he he’s sensing that this 40 run is about to become a 10 run because my guys they need to reset and recalibrate and I need

To get their minds right Joe he’s he’s a players coach but sometimes you need to be a coach and not just a players coach uh and sometimes I I think Joe gets a little too comfortable it’s the rigidness shirro they do good stuff all game again they did a lot of nice stuff

In this game to put themselves in position to win late but you wonder it with some late game execution issu and again to go back to the game as a whole it’s the defense that cost him this one tonight AB but on that play specifically the last two

Plays they did not execute well in those spots yeah I I yeah Joe he just needs to get I think a little bit better in getting a better pulse for when he needs to take the Reigns and just say look this is what we’re going to do uh I know

This is what you’ve been doing was been working but we kind of need very specific things to happen down a stretch like we need to get great shots in the last minute of play and you attacking their defense with three Defenders just sitting waiting for you that ain’t a

Great shot uh particularly if you swing it up top and we got literally three different guys that can that will have one of the three will have an opening look and again I know the chat’s like oh Jimmy we said in the chat before they even revers the call what was he doing

There so it wasn’t about the foul call or the reversal or anything like that we said from the start even before they overturned it that wasn’t great even when it looked like it was about to turn into two free throws potentially for the game right there right so you have to

Compartmentalize both things you have to be able you have to be able to say okay it wasn’t a good decision to to dribble into that you know Corner basically Baseline and you kind of had blinders on um in that situation got lucky with the call and then got unlucky with the

Reversal so a lot of things happened but you don’t have to like any of it now one thing I will disagree a little bit with you guys is you know you guys say oh they shouldn’t have put themselves in that position I actually thought that overall and again aside from that third

Quarter quarter stretch I thought they played pretty good basketball as a team tonight what are you laughing at over there J quotes coming in okay yeah so we got Jaylen Brown is is um um now speaking uh what do you got quotes from um here here’s a tweet from Jared Jared

Weiss uh Jaylen Brown I think he obviously hit me in the head we definitely can do some investigation that’s that’s what I’m gonna say I’ve never heard I’ve never heard head head as part of the ball wow and then he said the ref told

Him that he did not get hit in the head so I don’t know what again I don’t know what the ref was watching if he says Jaylen Brown didn’t get hit on the head but good for Jaylen Brown for actually saying something and then again from Adam Adam himelspach

I know I got hit in the head I think that needs to be investigated it cost my team the game and I’m pissed about it take that Bobby you don’t think that cost him the game well Jaylen Brown says I disagree it did cost us the game so

Well who’s gonna investigate it well luckily we have the the last twom minute report will come up tomorrow investigation which will do absolutely nothing and change it’s gonna be thorough right but listen calls go against you and it is shocking right Jimmy because don’t don’t Lo me in with this

Don’t L me and you’re Jimmy come here Jimmy come here right Jimmy right right oh no you’re on Bobby Island right now with with corette the squares the call on the floor was foul and that should be the benefit of the dealt in that situation there’s no clear indication

Obviously that’s what they’re going to say Jimmy there they’re going to say they didn’t see contact to the head there we saw contact to the head I can we I wish I would repl but we probably get like removed from YouTube if we did it but everyone needs to just go on

Twitter and rewatch that last play and it’s very clear that buddy held’s forearm makes contact with Jaylen Brown’s head I’ve seen way less contact call the follow shirro especially in a review situation again if they missed it live and there wasn’t a review you throw

Your hands up and say yeah I mean it’s a little bit of contact there but what are you going to do they called it a foul and then reviewed it saw that it was a foul and then overturned it that’s the part that I can’t wrap my head around

That’s what’s driving everybody crazy and that’s why almost had scowl jumping over the the that’s not how it should go right yeah if you have a call on the floor and there’s inconclusive evidence you stick with the call on the floor and you know across Sports I feel like there

Should be like a clock that if it hits a number on the clock and you don’t have a call by then it just stands right right so it’s a very strange one I get why people are like they just didn’t see they didn’t look at his head it’s almost

Like they were just focused on whether or not a hand hit the ball and it’s like they just failed to look at the other half according to Jaylen they’re saying that they didn’t see it hit the head and yeah maybe they weren’t paying attention to that Jimmy maybe they weren’t

Reviewing for that and they just looked at the hand right that that would be the explanation right that they weren’t looking at all I can possibly think so anyways you know I we we had to we H again I don’t want there was more to this game but

This is what the players care about this is what the coaches care about this is what no I get it in this Cas the even the opponents are are talking about it so it’s not something that’s just gonna go away it’s not often it’s not often

You hear the opponent say we got away with one right like as they’re walking off I’m look I’m I’m watching the replay on on uh X right now from someone who posted it and you can see like literally you see jayla’s head move yeah he might

Have a bump he might actually have a bump if I’m jayen Brown I’m walking around with an ice pack right now I’m going I’m doing the Paul pierer you can see yeah you can see J and that’s why Jaylen was so confident because you literally see when his forearm comes

Across his head the head tilts to the left y I’m Jaylen Brown and this is very Petty but I I’m a petty I’m G I’m I’m rolling up to the interview with a big ice pack on my head like when Paul Pierce did did it against the Pacers too

I think that was against the Pacers remember when Paul this was probably same ref yeah this was before sh this was before sherro was covered the Zell I think he was in Detroit but way back in the early years Paul Pierce got hit in the head it wasn’t him and Al Harrington

Used to go at it yeah and he showed up to the press conference with like a wrap around his head and just made a big ordeal about the fact that screw out of a call I think that’s what jayen brown should have done but it is it’s you know

Is what it is it’s sour grapes I guess now but it’s still something that um you know we’re going to be talking about and again on to the next one three biggest issues from tonight go free throws ability to slow the game down as we talked about jimy and executing the half

Court and then on top of that your depth well to to me late game execution uh was the for me that was one of the bigger takeways they just didn’t they didn’t make they didn’t make the smart plays when they needed to make them but they yeah

Those but before the before that shot I mean it was a Three-Point Shootout they were I mean shots were falling it was a great you know final stretch of minutes there that unfortunately is overshadowed by the way it ended but that’s why I’m like a little hesitant to say oh like

They shouldn’t have been in that position I give Indiana a ton of credit for playing the way they played and I don’t necessarily think that that was a Celtics issue I do think that there was a little bit of a stretch where the Celtics didn’t come out as hard as they

Needed to in that third quarter and that’s been a pattern I think a little bit for them um maybe they thought that they could run away with it with Halle Burton out but once McConnell went into that game and I was surprised when they took McConnell out I was surprised it

Took him so long to bring him back in in the fourth because what he did for them was just almost in a way mimic halton’s optempo style I mean McConnell they caught them off guard this no doubt I mean he was racing up and down the he

Was just laying it was layup drill for McConnell at that times so good defensively remember that stretch where they had uh I forget who it was holiday they had him like tumbling back to half court with ball pressure and he got the back court call there that was the

Turnover there yep yeah I think he definitely caught them MF guard and that was a again that was a great coaching move on there he’s really good I mean there’s been some teams around the underated I know the suns were super into him a year or two ago and I’m sure

There was interest elsewhere in I always wanted the Celtics to go for him I thought that it might happen but it’s too late now but a couple years ago yeah but he’s just been one of those guys that that’s his game I mean when he gets

That ability when he was in the Sixers that was his game you know like he just he’s just all over the place and and again let’s put this in perspective Celtics come out of this one loss with Tatum down feeling bad about a call the Pacers come out of this not knowing if

The best players is going to be back anytime soon so that’s just a killer for them this was really becoming a fun back and forth to start this season obviously they played in the tournament I hope he’s okay I hope we see this match up in the playoffs it’d

Be really fun that crowd tonight was great and they just continue to play great games going back to last year so to see if halberton goes down and that team struggles to keep it together the rest of the way this is this is tough but you know we’ll wait and see what the

Prognosis is on that injury I did want to ask you before we get out of here shrad though does tonight make you feel anymore like this team needs to make a move and what type of move are you looking at with the deadline a month away here it doesn’t make me feel any

More uh wanting them or expecting them to make a move because they didn’t play with Tatum they didn’t play with Sam and whatever move you make you’re not going to get someone that could fill the void if you don’t have Sam or or Tatum around

So no it doesn’t make me any more uh you know bullish on them them shaking things up a little bit but I I think Brad understands that uh you want to Stack the deck as much as you can with as much talent as you can that can play the

Roles that you understand or that you feel you need to have in order to win a championship and so they will continue to look for that big Wing uh that but that big Wing is not I don’t think necessarily GNA be someone who can go out there and get you 25 points uh

Because those big wings are not available I think it’s going to be someone that’s a little bit more on the defensive side of things who can make an open jump shot I think that’s what you’re looking for someone who can come in there give you some minutes at that

That three four spot maybe a little two guard who can defend and and make an open jump shot you know who you’re describing shro and it’s it’s pertinent with Moranis going down if Memphis falls out of this I think John conar is a really good fit here yeah he could work

That’s and that’s who he is that’s that’s his game he does all the things you just it’s he fits the TP he signed for multiple Seasons a first H hell no not giving no damn first round pick for him we forgot Bobby doesn’t give a ass

About but what else he gon off you get first if that’s a first round it’s got to be one of those conditional ones that that that becomes like a you know a couple of second round picks if it doesn’t fall into within a certain range

That I I can I can live with but I’m not no no no a first one pick for a guy that might be your knife rotation guy well would they give up for uh what the hell are you talking about man two seconds right damn it Bobby yeah that’s what I’m

Saying damn it Bobby I should Tango you after that no first pick for a guy that for a guy that half the League’s NE half of the NBA fans have probably never heard of Jimmy do not do that Jimmy no I’m not going to but he’s two or three

Seconds then testing me yeah I could no two most dude iell can have all the seconds I don’t give a yeah although I’m sure that they matter now because of like salary cap purpos and all that maybe two I can they do need their first you’re right they gotta

Hold on to their first if they can um but again Beyond brassette who we’ll see he is he’s showing a little something right now but you’re right he is what he is there’s nothing below those guys I know people keep kicking around Walsh that’s not happening this year he hasn’t

I’d like to keep kada figure out a way to make that happen yeah and he’s you know they look at him as the fourth guy right now unless they were gonna move on from Luke uh and then you know you got your sh and Banton and Lamar doesn’t

Seem like he’s part of this mix right now so you’re going down to Bret in terms of who this team trusts and once you get beyond that the bench hasn’t developed enough trust in terms of and again we we’re nitpicking now and something catastrophic would have to

Happen to get to this point but the Banton Lamar portion of this bench hasn’t proven it itself enough to be able to you know contribute and you know Jimmy you could potentially if you see a bio guy you like trade two or three of those guys just to offset the money for

A guy like khar if you’re not gonna use those guys anyway and then you can go out and get a bio guy all think happens yeah all that has to happen is that that guy makes less than 12 million and old friend Kio yes and old friend

Kelly oen as well as Chris bu who’s probably not a bio guy but Kelly oen in the last year of his deal he fits the bill yeah and he obviously when we talked to him the other day sounded like he was interested in a reunion so uh would Danny helped

Them out and bail him out let him go to the Celtics that’d be a real impact scoring upgrade on the bench would it trod but yeah but you you I have to understand and remember we’re talking about Danny and so like you’re willing like like you’re open to giving up a first round

Pick Danny’s gonna want like three uh for Kelly or something insane like that but he’s an expiring deal which makes it a little different than it was a year ago you think you think Danny cares about that I don’t know Danny to buy out an expiring guy that’s for sure you

Mentioned the Grizzlies Bobby and I think you know it’s safe to say that without Morant they’re dead in the water this year plus Adams plus Clark right they already to begin with Mor gave him a nice a nice you know little little run there and they were going to be a tough

Out if anything with Mor out and you know they treated for Marcus Smart for a reason thinking that pairing with Morant get a little bit of a winning culture in there make a run of things that’s not happening this year and I guess my question is does Marcus Smart become uh

A hot commodity at the trade down line not talking about Celtics but just around the league could there be a situation where he finds himself back in the Eastern Conference on a on a contending team um because all of a sudden the Grizzlies are selling you

Know and and he’s a guy that I think a lot of playoff teams or Fringe playoff teams or contenders would add to that mix and give you that same thing that the Grizzlies thought they were going to get for for their team you know hard-nosed player defense intensity um

Plays hard wants to win blah blah blah we don’t need to go over all the all the things but is this now a situation where the Celtics could could find themselves playing against an old friend uh in the in the playoffs maybe I can’t see it they’d have to get

Blown away and I don’t think anyone’s blown them away there’s one team that that stands out to me that could use a defensive player and I think you know which one I’m talking about Miami no better really bucks yes bucks yeah Bucks have nothing to offer they’d have to be

Blown away and the Bucks certainly aren’t blowing them away with Bobby Porter or whatever they be giving up in that deal uh you think of Philly Pi they don’t Pi all their picks oh okay there you go so bucks can’t make any upgrades they might get a buyout guy but we

Always know how that goes it’s someone in so you said heat were they heat an option heat do have some stuff shooting though yeah what do they need another Marcus Smart Guy for no the heat wouldn’t be able to blow them away Philly wouldn’t be able to blow them

Away I don’t think unless they really Target that guy is wouldn’t that be something if smart end up on Philly Philly man Maxi smart that would be weird we thought it was weird seeing Horford in a Philly Jersey but no I mean sherro how do you

Look at it because they’re gonna want to run this back next year with everybody out of yeah I I I I think Memphis is just gonna take a red shirt call it a red shirt year and just you know get a high draft pick this year uh and just

Run it back and see what they because they still have no idea what their full compliment of players looks like and I think that they haven’t seen enough of Marcus Smart to feel as though this won’t work uh in fact you know in the in the small snapshot we saw with Marcus

And J playing together they look pretty damn good so I think you’ll see them I think you’ll see them run it back I I think they’ll listen certainly to offers but to your point Bobby I think someone would have to come with some like look we want Marcus and we’re gonna give you

Two first round picks and we’ll give you a player swap on another pick uh first round pick in another year and and something like that is like yeah espe since they gave up to Jones and two first to get him right so they paid a

Hefty sum to get him they’d have to be blown away in terms of fut future assets to uh turn back on that plus I don’t think they’re in the business of looking into the future now they have to start to think about how can they make this

Work in the near term heading into next year because this is just a tough year for them to lose here this really looked like the year where they were GNA build on the two seed last season they’ve made yeah they were the team that they were

My surprise Team of the Year the team that no one was talking about that could make some noise because of of the success they had last year and you add a defensive you know pest like Marcus to the mix it it made a lot of sense that

They would be a problem for teams but obviously the injuries just they have some questions they have some questions I could see them doing a bunch of stuff but smart trade I can’t see and of course the Celtics can’t trade for him because uh they gave him up in the same year so

Right you can cross that off the list not happening yeah let’s not let’s not start that talk up anything else guys about this game we’ve gone for an hour 20 I’m sure we guys it up let’s wrap it up move on to Timber pups who are no longer the timber

Pups they’re wolves man big badass Wolves at this point that’s Ave struggling a little bit recently though right at recent scores here still they’re still top three they’re still top three in the west they gave the Celtics a lot of trouble in that game earlier in the year with their length

And ability throw multiple guys at both Tatum and brown when you think of Edwards who was excellent in that game and McDaniels who’s an all defensive guy Rudy Far Far Away front runner for defensive player of the year right now they’re playing double big so Celtics

Don’t have a great advantage of that’s a look they’re going to there you’re gonna be want to be fully healthy for this game if you’re shorthanded here Minnesota just has too much stuff to throw at you and they lost to the Mavericks yesterday beat up on the

Rockets the game before that lost to the Pelicans lost to the Knicks so they’ve lost three or four coming into this one uh and they actually play tomorrow in Orlando so they’re coming into Boston on a back to back back to back yep oh okay yeah it’s a tough stretch for them it’s

A tough stretch for the Celtics because then they got the bucks then next night Thursday right I will be there Jimmy Pacers Pacers Timber pups and Bucks you’re gonna be in Milwaukee yep flying to Chicago taking train up your old stomping grounds you and Joe sway had a had some fun out

There last playoffs Milwaukee h two playoffs ago yeah that was fun yeah two ago they all run together now they do but they do yeah a couple of big games coming up here so um are you any concern for Tatum didn’t play tonight I know

Bobby you kind of hung on on to what Missoula said or yeah and Missoula is not great with the medical update so he might have misspoke here but he said pregame Tatum had a severe ankle sprain and uh he played through it and it was weird how it lingered he certainly

Needed a couple off games at this point uh it hurt in that um Sacramento game I want to say right after the Warriors game where he suffered it so it’s a little while ago that he suffered that now at the beginning of that West Coast trip it’s mid December we’re talking

January 8th now still dealing with the effects of it so you know what you always say sherro take a little time off here if you need it like don’t just keep pushing through it team can clearly get by as you saw tonight this is the time to do

It better to take off now than take off in April and you know he’s not skipping the allstar game well hell no that’s not happening Tatum will get that check and play well yeah so all right so that’ll do it once again we want to thank our great sponsors um

FanDuel again guys don’t forget you can do a $ five bet and you can get $150 in bonus bucks when you go to Boston and then hellofresh go to free use code sealing Us free and get breakfast for life that is going to do

It for us oh yeah we’re not going to talk about it but no no big Patriots news today so we’re on waitand see mode there to see what goes on with the Pats um but just definitely keep it locked on CNS whether it’s Celtics Patriots we’re

Going to be going live at the moment anything happens uh one way or the other with exactly Patriots press pass John xanis will be on there uh with Taylor he’s outside Gillette right now I think yeah is he just ready to go love it that’s that’s the John we

Know back about to get the Natty Michigan’s about to get the Natty so you know Michigan fans would be insufferable for a while as they usually are back here players on the Celtics I don’t think so right no oh yeah I mean Al’s from Michigan but

He’s a gator Gator he’s a gator tomn Brady only guy I can think of that matters but back here Celtics fall 133 131 nuts and bolts we got screwed by the refs tonight in the final plays of this game We’re not gonna be forgetting about that onto the Timberwolves but we will

Rise onto the Timberwolves Wednesday we will be back here after the game so make sure you guys come on back and hang out with us again I’m Jimmy that’s Bobby that’s shro thank you guys and we will see you Wednesday

The Garden Report goes live following the Celtics 2nd game against the Pacers. Catch the Celtics Postgame Show featuring Bobby Manning, Jimmy Toscano and A. Sherrod Blakely as they offer insights and analysis from Boston’s game in Indiana.

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  1. turnovers jaylen brown….and free throws…and horrid defense …and brissett shooting too much and can't shoot….

  2. Sherrod is SPOT ON with his Derrick White take…the Jays don't have the clutch gene & White has proven multiple times he can make plays in the clutch.

  3. Jb with a 40 piece everyone just worried about the bs call but I'm pumped he's a true top 10 in the league mfs better stay respecting his game he got the bag now give him the respect

  4. If jb would have hit those two bad shots a lot of y'all would be saying damn right he's next in life Tatum is down it's time to show why we paid YOU 😂 jimmy you my guy my fav..pause.. But c'mon mang 40 peice with bad call lost the game let's be happy i c this a loss but i think jb showed his catalog …40 is a elite

  5. I love Derrick White but let's not forget Tatum and Brown and the unicorn take the defense top 3 defenders derrek white is an all-star but if the game is in the line and Tatum is hurt it's brown 100 out of 💯💪

  6. Im sorry, but this is a game JB should've had 50. The game was his. This team fell asleep at the wheel, but overall, im not even mad at the loss. It was a flukey game.

  7. So playing indiana without tatum and hauser now all the sudden they r worst case scenario im the playoffs lmao not embids huge a$$ and not giannis but haliburton im weak

  8. This was a rigged game. It was obvious. "Oh the Celtics could have played better leading up to the last two minutes" is a complete cop out. The entire 4th quarter officiating was a rigged travesty and not one host mentioned it. All of you guys made this a side issue. This was an obviously rigged NBA game and you all want to pretend like it wasn't. You are ALL part of the problem.

  9. The called kornet for the body foul on the follow through on schroder a few games ago but didmt call buddy heild for hitting brown in the head which yeah anytime u get hit in the back of the head is gonna affect ur shot no matter how hard man

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