@Minnesota Timberwolves

We Talk Mavs!! | Dallas Mavericks vs Minnesota Timberwolves post-game recap #MFFL #RaisedByWolves

We Talk Mavs!! | Dallas Mavericks vs Minnesota Timberwolves post-game recap #MFFL #RaisedByWolves

[Applause] [Applause] 2023 2024 season let’s get it it’s a great return back we going live to the m real and fit in the fact rapping it up yard in the chat more still on the map the others are we don’t know about that we R the blueprint don’t

Know about that and N we TR we know about that M fail back new Rost C it up with Cur St in hope your appetite for one in hisy grub SE for the after game party we never die we live on a p you ain’t imagine we home like Fosters

Lightning in the sky like Dr and a moner the rules of the game are the same they on every platform say name at wtm have you question on screen keep it court and keep it clean and remember to share and like welcome world and King to the m

Wherever Whenever you hear this pot ladies and gentlemen this this is a glow this is AOW YouTube glow yard gang ml podcast listeners all over the globe guys welcome to a brand spanking new episode we talk M when we talk d mad from fans perspective guys

Listen great win for the home team today great win we gonna definitely get into all that plus more guys like I said it’s your boys rein King back with another one for you guys so listen before we get into all that man if you’re brand new to the channel into Dallas Maverick content

Go ahead and hit the Subscribe button for us guys and go ahead and join the glow family here as we talk Dallas Mavericks also everybody please hit that like button man everybody hit that like button for the Mavs Hughes win tonight against the number one team in the west

Guys all right King you ready I am let’s do this all right man let’s get into this uh let’s get into the takeaways of the game tonight like we said huge win for the Dallas Mavericks as they win against Minnesota 115 to 108 and I could have sworn I just

Clicked on this I don’t know why I didn’t pop up there you go St tripping uh 115 to 108 like I said field go percentage Dallas shoots 45% uh Minnesota shoots 43% uh Dallas shoots 37% from three Minnesota shoots 31 free throws Minnesota 13 to 21 for

61% Dallas 14 of 20 for 70% we got our rebounded 51 to 44 offensive rebounds 18 to 15 I’m surprised with that close defensive rebounds 33- 29 all right King uh before we get into it let me go ahead and R off show this stat here too uh the Dallas Mavericks

Over the last 18 or they’re now ranked 18th for the season in defense the first 18 games they were ranked 23rd best defense last 18 games they ranked 10th best defense in the NBA that’s that’s before tonight and a lot of the stats show tonight man

That that that number might be going up after this game so yeah so yeah man go ahead and uh let the folks at home know man what your take away from the game tonight man Luca who Luca that sound like somebody that sound like a do that don’t work yeah it’s a

Magical Duo it’s like something for in aery tale or whatever or in front of a mirror oh I thought was I that was a name of a d or that don’t work together my B they don’t they don’t work together so you know it’s not real what I’m

Saying but luuka they were magical tonight um really man another game give kudos to the whole team everybody that played except I mean there only a couple players that I really can um really call out um the main guy was uh this is why Josh Green again man like

The the the Josh green with Luca and kyria just I I don’t know it just doesn’t look good and uh I don’t know I just I don’t know bro like that I just keep trying to find ways to understand it I thought maybe this would be a different job screen today it started

Off a little aggressive at the beginning very beginning then that was the end of his offensive game just in the rest of the game um Seth Curry didn’t really do much Seth Curry again we talk about him like I mean we didn’t really necessarily know why he was traded when he’s here

Though we like maybe he could be Spar at time he has been in certain games but then other other games you don’t really see him so it is what it is with Seth uh but other than that though man I mean Grant Williams didn’t have the best game

He tried I guess his hardest um I guess Realo like if I gotta choose the mother two had worse games than him I feel tried hard he tried his hardest it still wasn’t impactful it’s not worth his money he’s not giv that participation trophies now I mean I guess I’m I’m just

Trying my hardest not to get on guys it was it was a good win really other than those three guys I really have nothing B to say about anybody else I got a little gripe about Luca in the first half um but he turned it on in the second half

And just you know became LCA donic um Dwight pow man like Dwight Po’s impact this past three games bro like you know we usually get one of these runs every year where you know Dwight is looking like you know an NBA player and right now he’s looking like an NBA

Player um big game second game in a row against Minnesota where he’s held his own and had a major impact actually I thought he got in cat’s in cat’s head from the beginning really cat and really go go Bears so shout out to Dwight PW man he was doing big things out there

I’m not gonna I call it SP of spade you know it is what it is uh DJJ is who he is he’s just that guy out there playing doing whatever you need him to do uh Tim Hardway Jr I felt like the first three quarters was pretty cool was all right

Was in the flow was good doing what he needed to do and then in the fourth quarter he just couldn’t make anything clutch time is just a is a I guess what is it he’s allergic to it or something like that I guess Tim Hardway is because

It’s rough in the fourth quarter for him but um other than that Luca I felt in the first half he was a little lacad isical um with his shot selection just just in general his play you could tell like he still wasn’t right he was still favoring that ankle and things like that

The whole game uh even on defense uh he wasn’t giving it as all and in the second half it felt like he turned it on as well became Luka made some big stops especially in the post against cat guys like that even Anthony some plays against him uh Kyrie was just amazing

Bro I feel like Kyrie was amazing the second game in a row like this he’s just been incredible um yeah they ran through him a lot it was times where I felt like Luca you know saw that maybe it wasn’t the best interest of him playing the point guard

At the time saying that he got go ahead and just run it for me and he gave it to cyrie and cyrie ran with it bro um I was very proud of the team this is this was the most impressive win of the season

Now um we got it at the right time doing this home standing and all and U we winning man we getting wins so let’s go one at a time we beat a good team yeah we beat a good team well man I got a whole lot to take

Out of this game other than the breakdown of the players overall man uh I was a little nervous because Dallas shot I think at 1.6 for 21 on threes nobody can hit nobody can hit multiple threes other than Kyrie and Luca so that was kind of frustrating overall in the

Game only one other person shot multiple threes and that was Tim Hardway he made two threes y so the three points went falling I was kind of it was kind of reminiscent of the last uh Minnesota game we weren’t able to hit threes like we hit seven threes the whole entire

Game so I thought it was going to be one of them cases again where we couldn’t hit our threes so I was about to get mad on that uh let me let me give kid uh credit on one thing the fact that he emphasized uh coming out the gate with

Kyrie and letting him be aggressive from the jump to get him into a rhythm early in the game his rhythm early in the game helped us to establish you know our our Pace in the game and the lead and all that stuff man he helped us to kind of

Establish that that that energy too man so shout out to him for that uh shout out to I’m going get to Kyrie last um like I said man I don’t really have too many too many bad things to say about anybody today once again um I mean Grant

Williams he was I mean he had nine points I mean he still went hit his open jumpers he hit W uh he W for three he didn’t take a lot of them he only took three so he made one of them so I guess that’s okay uh he did do a couple

Boneheaded plays one of a couple of them were in the paint where he had a shot in the paint these throwing it out to somebody on the outside and threw it out of bounds a couple times so I mean other than that man he didn’t he didn’t do too

Bad I’m not gonna sit and brag about the guy um like you said Dereck Jones J Derek Jones Jr’s defense man he got you a double double today 12 and 10 shout out to him man uh his defense and stuff man like I said he’s undersized at the

Four but I mean he’s been cleaning up man a lot of uh the back back end of the defense for us man here on this run uh we were we were desperately we we on the side so bad today man I I got a I got a little scared when started getting those

Early offensive rebounds on us man I was like yo here here we go uh but uh for Dallas to kind of hang in there man and you know outmatch a a team that was you know definitely larger than us so it was crazy way that they were able to to

Maintain that man so shout out to them on that um the thing that got me too man like I said Dallas shot what 15 for 40 on threes uh free throws they struggled on that a little bit too uh we we we won the game I guess you could say handily

But with those two factors being a negative right our three-pointers and our free throws if Dall had to kind of capitalize on those two it’s no telling what would happened and I think this is our second win so far this year without Derek lley so shout out to him on that

Um overall defense man has been getting better uh you gota you gotta shout out to Pal man I’m sorry D I gotta say it man shout out to pow today man uh pretty much the only Center we had cuz he played Grant I it could have been bad

Y’all he played Grant Williams at the five today I I was a little nervous on that too and I I heard them say during the broadcast that uh Holmes and Mar Morris were both back in the lineup so um he just didn’t play those guys at all and that that’s that’s a little

Dangerous to me but I mean we got the win um so I guess I’m I’m I’m happy for that it’s one of those cases like I told you before it’s like that person that shoots that shot you’re like no no no no no then it goes in like oh yeah yeah

Good shot or whatever right that’s what it felt like and on top of that too this is the first time kyries played the the Minnesota Timberwolves today so this is the first time that LCA and and Kyrie together play the timberwoods which is why another reason why we also was

Saying let’s get these guys together man get these guys healthy with Luca Kyrie and Derek Lively I believe that they’re 10 and five with those three play together so the key man really is to get our big three I’m G call them our big three our key our three key guys I’m

Saying they’re our big three get those three guys healthy and let’s see what we can do from there of course y’all know trade deadline is right here around the corner we’re already on the other side of the of the start of the year so we’ll

Have to see what they can do to add to this to this but Dallas defense is getting better to say we’re under the side so that’s a good thing I feel like we’re going back to the scrim to the gimick defense we had the first year of

Jason kid but I mean it has to work for now till we can get everybody healthy um like you said man Kyrie man I just Kyrie’s aggressiveness came out today man he he did his thing carried the team him and Luca man like I said Luka didn’t

Look 100% I was going I was going to come in and start getting on his defense man he was he was a little like days going Closeouts was boxing out a lot of times on on the on the glass you know he was just doing a lot of things but you

Know he pulled through especially in the fourth quarter he played excellent defense in the fourth quarter when we needed him and Kyrie man both played excellent defense today all around I think everybody did pretty good on defense today man I don’t really think there was any issue everybody the close

The passing lanes were getting locked up man shout out to the team for that man like I said undersiz it could have been ugly you know and shout out to I want shout out to Derek Jones Jr too man for attacking the basket and getting Rudy Gober and Cat in foul trouble that’s

What you’re supposed to do man put pressure on those guys don’t let them be comfortable just sitting in the paint you know what I’m saying so shout out to him man especially when this jumper wasn’t falling you saw what he did man he was getting us some putb dunks and

Stuff on offensive rebounds cleaning the glass playing defense man great defense um shout out to um to Josh Green he played some pretty solid defense today on Ant for U major portion of the game um but you know he like I say off is

Still you know yeah um but he did he did pretty good on defense man I can’t take that away from him today um other than that man like I said everybody Tim Tim you know he Tim it’s Tim I mean I we talk about this all the time man uh

Curry he was out there you know I can’t really can’t really say nothing about cry he was out there uh his shots weren’t falling man we we kind of need that 45% three-point shooting Curry to pop up there man especially now with us not having any sides and US playing a

Lot on the perimeter this why picked him up for it man we need him to help space the floor man if he’s not hitting his shots then it’s like what are you good for right so but it miss my takeaways man like I said great win um it was a

Gutsy win too for the team definitely underand undersized and they they pulled it out man I this right here also too gives you H as far as like let’s just see what this team can do 100% healthy like I said when you got Lely Kyrie and Luca all 100% healthy they’re 10 and

Five with those three play the games so let’s just see what those guys can do when we get Lely back let’s rattle out let’s get a win streak going guys let’s get a win streak going I’m not going to say we are I’m just saying let’s get one

Going you know what saying that’d be nice let that’d be nice if we can be like those teams above us that’s rallying off wins cuz Fenix lost tonight too so that helps us out in the standing so I think we got more wins than them

But we’re tied on losses so I think we moved up I believe I could be wrong I got look at the standings or whatever but yeah I ain’t seen Trey man since last year man but yeah man we uh touch real quick the rebounding rebounding it was Major in

The first half I felt like the timber wolves away was one play where Anthony Edward got like four was it like three offensive rebounds in a row in a row yeah and they were going off I felt like in the second half we kind of turned flipped the table flip the script and

Kind of went off and a different shout out to Kyrie bro Kyrie is huge on the uh on the boards bro for like smallest guy out there you would think it’s like bigger than Grant Williams on the board he has 27 matter of fact hold on I might

Oh okay he had nearly 27 rebounds in three games yeah had another nine rebound game today missed it by one y by one to him and the defense bro like shout out to the the two weakest Defenders on the team allegedly look like the best defenders

You feel me like other than DJJ not to to knock him but like Luca and Kyrie out there playing deep Kyrie defense been Kyrie has been incredible this year outside of the stretches where we had to look for his points we talking about the rest of his game though like the

Allaround rest of his game the rebounding the playmaking the defense defense bro Kyrie been on another level this entire year on all that so I I think I think we good man like luk and Kyrie becoming you can you can see the chemistry really starting to click there

Like they don’t work well together don’t exist together but shout out to them two man for almost getting 70 points again man yeah at one point off and they what was it 6 or 35 Kyrie had Kyrie had 35 Luka had 3 I’m sorry I’m sorry yeah Luka

Had 34 Kyrie had 35 so they one point off of 30 I remember in the fourth quarter at some point Luca looked at him they were trying to give luuka the ball and he said no he pointed to Kyrie and said he on right now on right now that’s

Maturity bro and I was like yes that was the that was a big step from a couple games ago watching him take a step back in front of two guys while Kyrie was out wide open and say Noah this is this his moment right now let him

If the shoe was on the other foot we know Kyrie would did for luuka yes and that’s that’s what you’re supp it’s the correct play bro like Kyrie was on one let Kyrie cook exactly bro Luca can get that easily we just saw this wasn’t a good Luca

Game what was that uh eight assists six rebounds come on man come on that’s crazy Lucas okay game is anybody I saw somebody posted a a post on Twitter talk about the last five games man Tatum doing this and that getting you this point that many points and the guy was

Like uh that’s Luca’s first half points yeah like Luka getting you that in the first half man like that’s nothing luk was having a bad game I was yelling at the TV a lot or yelling at the screen I should say saying come on man and all

That yeah I doing a lot of come on Lucas too man and he still just easily just do that’s easy so yeah uh we still need some sides though man absolutely still got address that but we didn’t have Lively either though yeah bro against I got I got to give they

Props that the whole Grant Williams being the backup five thing could have went could have went way left I still didn’t like it I was I still don’t like it either want to see it dare I say I was uh yelling for POW to return When Grant Williams was in the

Game shout out to d d was there too man like it’s it was it’s ridiculous man P was P was one of the better players today yes he was P was was was top five best play on the floor today for the mck again I mean I’m sorry hopefully his

Value is getting you know at his alltime level for Nico to make that call that’d be nice but he keep playing this they gonna get him a reason not to get rid of bro he playing like a backup center that’s the bad part man I know

But like you said we see this every year he had these stretches like start playing looking like this and then he’ll go right back to being a guy everybody called trash can juice but I hope he don’t though man like I I would hope to

No I wish want him to stay a little bit more consistent man stay like this we don’t have another Choice until we get another big in here or whatever I mean we got no choice so you going to have to play like this man till we can get

Somebody else in here so I would say a big piece as well espe not gonna play ran but yeah something that the so you know how we always and I know people like damn this Show’s becoming power WS you know how we always talk about thewi

And we say we say what have you learned what have you added to your game right that free throw line in his b bro this year p p making moves out that free throw line remember that passing all that out the free throw line is he’s starting to learn how to make

That so I’m like hey we gotta we gotta call it like it is when it really happens he may have added something to his game 10 years later yeah four assist today that’s what I’m bro he’s been passing the ball his assist been on on I watch the

Game I’m not a not a casual I guess but maybe I am but he’s out there passing the ball he looks good call it like it is all right man you ready to get out the game ball yes sir all right man who you giving the game ball to tonight man

Uh I’mma give the game ball to again Mr Kyrie Andrew Irving you want me click on it or you got yeah yeah go ahead I I got you this time if it ever stopped I go ahead hold on hold trying to find trying to find got you there you

Go oh okay okay I a know who you about too uh listen I’m going go ahead and do the same thing man I’m going go ahead and give it to Kyrie dant tril Irving man that’s his middle name I just looked it up I already told you it’s Andrew that’s

Why it’s kai no bro it’s not Trail I just looked it up bro I’m sorry but yeah no he gets a game ball today man like you said this is why we’ve been this why we’ve been asking for Kyrie don’t just let Luca go out there and be the hero

Man you got to help him out that’s why we signed you for man you got be you got to be the guy you got to be the help you know what I’m saying so he’s definitely doing that look like he’s healthy now uh coming out aggressive if we can get him

To be aggressive like this every game man I think we we could beat anybody in the league man just got to get healthy get him to be aggressive we good man oh and also too I forgot that’s what I gonna say too so kid have Sitting Luca out against Portland and then playing

Him against Minnesota that was the right thing to do thank you Jason kid thank you oh man I wish I had you know I should re retweet myself but I’m not gonna I’m not gonna start Twitter Wars you know because man you never win bro when you do that I

Never win bro but I could have sworn I got into a whole Twitter beef because of that but we can get to the glow man yeah man all right ladies and gentlemen y’all know how this goes going to the questions in the comments if you guys have any questions or any comments guys

Addressing us here go ahead and hits with that wtm in front of your question or your comment guys we ask you be respect in the comment section guys also too we would take the Super chats first so if any super chats come in first we address those before the regular chats

And we do got one up here King the MVP core 499 don’t know he is a glow yard member he said what a win much love guys yes sir man appreciate you man appreciate Noah says Rudy is soft cat is soft the timber wolves are frauds they

Beat us twice but we wasn’t healthy and we didn’t have a big and we still won imagine when we’re healthy and get one more trade yeah know I even I didn’t even know the timber Woods were like 18th in offense yeah their defense just dominant uh

Pascal is a glow yard gang member he says sup fellas what up what up man would love to give Kyrie the game ball tonight but the Mavs defense deserves it tonight game ball all around for aford that’s what win wins Rings yeah pass that was a good game good game by the

Team oh the Clippers lost too H oh they lost Los is over the lest one uh oh I guess it’s the L one CU I remember LeBron posted somebody or Paul George Paul George bro I was watching it on playback uh Noah says game ball to Kyrie

He done everything in this game Luka and the team played well too but Kyrie was like Cavaliers Kyrie yeah Kyrie was on one what that Precision he says Luca and Kyrie are unstoppable three- game win streak let’s keep it rolling crazy how tables can turn hash

Gomez you gotta keep Jason k having to think uh Noah says this is our best win of the Season people need to respect our team more we just haven’t been healthy enough and the timber wolves are frauds like I’ve been saying I ain’t scared of them

Yep uh Alex says fan 123 is punching air tonight oh man he probably is we miss fan Thomas says Kyrie lat what is it no what is this litus Leviticus is that Kyrie Leviticus quandarius Irvin J take that is haters that is what this team is capable of and we didn’t even have

Thom Thomas says yo I hate this DP dimes is better than uh Kent Williams right now you gota watch with your eyes and be honest it’s just the truth I hate I I told people on play back Thomas I kept trying to say it’s just it’s an

Indictment to Grant Williams but like Po looks like an NBA player right now and Grant Williams doesn’t yep we had that talk on the last last show rich is a glow gang member he says great game didn’t think we stood a chance so in Mass fashion the star

Showed up and Dwight show he is NBA player hasp WS never LOL oh man uh Noah says yo every King everyone Timmy every time Timmy hits a three you should yell out Timmy y that’s my thing when he hits a three when he does it I’m

Like Timmy so pretty much yell it out two times today yeah and then other times it’s like Timmy under my breath and all like bro that one that one he drove to the basket trying to do it he back I was like here we go again doing

That that one on four one on five I think he’s the only guy I’ve ever seen to always take on the one on five and like never I was at work by myself yelled there I said Tim damn it what are you doing 105 that 105 I think 101 I

Think 1010 bro he go I’m like bro what are you gonna do slow it down slow it down D when he rolled it off the glass or whatever must tell him to do that bro say if you out there on your own just go

And he like I’m gon run it and just try to get my bucket uh Thomas said Timmy still a double agent he probably going to get hurt soon until the deadline is up in the fourth when it mad he folded like always he was gone in the fourth quarter he’s trash

Alex says if we can finesse Drummond and Caruso from the Bulls this team is set do we have enough to pull that off though I mean MoneyWise yeah drum only making three million yeah but I don’t know we still gotta find out the Bulls GNA let go of those guys Noah says I

Don’t respect the timber wolves Rudy let Draymond put him in a choke hoold and aunt and Cat didn’t do nothing they’re just a bunch of soft ass players and Luke and Kyrie kicked their ass and Dwight pow yeah Dwight pow was punking them y’all heard that here I told you

Dwight P was punking cat and Rudy go uh Thomas says I tell you what go ahead you guys to say oh no I was gonna say I forgot about I forgot to talk about the referees too bro oh man the referees were trash today boy I don’t know how

Many time they walked and traveled and bro galloped and skipped uh Thomas says I tell you what if the Mavs could have gotten n Reed like they wanted it we would have our four and probably we one two SE in the west I’d honestly rather have him over

Seak bro is Wy from Dr Thomas been saying it for like they tried hey we said that and they tried you right Tom they tried to get him they tried to get him but he was a restricted free agent they swooped in and matched it man so ni nice man yeah been

Perfect uh Joe with the 499 don’t know he is a glow yard memory say Real’s gear looks nice tonight also y’all watch out for Coy’s fade in a pickup game it could be unpleasant I’m not even going to touch on that pause what happed what’s going oned you wasn’t on playback it was

That fade is not to be messed with just know that Noah says shout out to J kid I guess yeah you I’ll tell you after the show like it’s not even PG it’s just like that man uh Noah says shout out to Jay kid today I thought his rotations

Was good today and shout out to DK Jones Jr going at Rudy Rudy is over is an overrated Defender he cried not making an All-Star team one time soft gez but know going at today man yeah what up Michel he says wolves out here getting rebounds on us looking like kids versus

Adults on preschool goals others can’t hit open shots and uh what’s that DW who’s DW prob Dwight Dwight uh stay catching yeah stay catching catch facial bows uh but best win of the Season all heart on the floor yes yes Michel Noah says we got our rebounded

Bed and the timber wolves were healthy and we was missing players and we still won LCA has to be up these MVP rankings let’s get to the end of the year y told you get to the top get to the end of the year what have you done for me lately

Thomas says the D tonight pause Luca included was probably the best I’ve seen in years uh DJJ made Rudy look like Bon out there green was super active and made a difference on Ball slow clapping these fellas Noah says when cyrie is hitting shots and playing defense he’s so

Dangerous and Rudy uh talking trash to Luca and Luka locked up Rudy causing the turnover yeah oh and and once again bro can we please get kyria a foul call please can that man get one foul call bro I’m tired of looking on here bro he only got one of one on free

Throw which like a technical foul or something you know what I’m saying like this is ridiculous bro I think what I think at one point that’s probably the first time I seen Kyrie say anything to a referee in a while when he got dropped to the floor yeah when he like bro I’m

Getting dropped like where my where my calls at man never seen nobody of his caliber not get no calls bro one free throws he got I felt like the guy waited to see if he made it or not bro and then this is worse than this is I thought I

Thought the I told you before I thought mon Ellis not getting C was worse like that dude for the two years like I kept tell him folks two years with Monte Ellis his his free throw attempts dropped from like four and a half to like 3.2 bro when he’s with Dallas this

Is ridiculous what what Kyrie’s getting bro so if you see that Kyrie can score can average 27 a game and he gets out the free throws D is a glow yard gang member he says this was an amazing win against top team in the NBA W who said Luka andai

Don’t work again uh yes Noah says TGK on his channel saw stats that said we are the second best defensive team over the last something games and that’s a big step to success because on the Western Conference run we had defense yeah we middle of the pack

Now overall I like our size you think we can get the 10 let’s let’s get let’s get the size and we might probably can we already like what we’re gonna probably be 17 or 16 tonight already we be 17 before the death Oh I thought it was 18 okay oh

Yeah before okay yeah yeah that makes sense yeah so you when hold on when when did when did uh Landing landed yesterday so I think with the games that happened yesterday we end up being 17th today okay that’s before the game happened and then we played great defense today so we

May be 16th or something like that that’s I’m saying you think we can get the you think we get the 10 anyway around there uh I yeah I think I think we get above 15 bro okay let’s get loudly back if we can get above 15 that’s Championship level

Defense I think hey especially for us being under the siiz and all that that’s good yeah like you said you got Luka and Kyrie so y let’s just get the defense bro which I’ve been saying that since the summer so yeah uh rise the glow gang

Member he says damn my internet gone on the second half good thing Mavs won Miss your reactions on playback bet it was all hype yeah Ray it was fun in there the second half appreciate you always in there Ray Gina Kim say hey hey fellas

What up Jam uh this was the best one of the season so far everyone looked good minus big booty Grant uh clutch Timmy Seth the worst carry and ie mat toe Maxi got a got super chair uh Noah with the 199 do no he says Kyrie has a chip

And don’t get calls it’s crazy yeah man that’s what I’m saying this dude is a all NBA Allstar player bro should have been Champion should have been the top 75 you argue he should have been top 75 all time right he’s gonna be a Hall of

Famer and don’t get calls bro I’ve never seen that before in my life like I said I thought Monte wasn’t getting calls like this dude is not getting calls at all bro it’s crazy uh let’s see Noah says Luca shot bad in the first half and we still was

In the game that’s how good we can be and then Luka caught fire as well as Kyrie if teams let Kyrie and luuka go off we Unstoppable yes hope my latte is a glow gang member as well he says good win tonight Luca best duo in the league Luke I me Kai

Clutch DJJ made an amazing defensive play Luca is always Luca love this win yes Gina Kim says game ball to luuka Kai was phenomenal and our best for these last couple of games Luca was off but look great defensively honorable mention P he gets his flowers only tonight but shout

Out to him that’s big J you you just said only tonight about about about three four times in a row already it seemed like Johnny be a GL gang member he says Hear This Ms an apology they had no chance at beating the wolves lukai made me eat CRA good good

Wow you know what I always like to hear stuff like this from Johnny man just it shows growth and maturity man maturation maturation but then he’ll go back to it tomorrow don’t worry about it tomorrow later in the show AR says uh Kyrie and Luca best offensive Duo of all time plus

Both are playing defense which is great to see I already told y’all C y’all better listen to stuff I say because they gonna say all the stuff later on I tell yall just remember that you heard it here first Luca Don is the greatest offensive player of all time

Kyrie and Luca Don is the most skilled back court of all time all time all man I can’t argue it man uh Ray says after this NBA social media no post as of now on Mavs winning against top team I mean it’s the Mavs what you expect

Yeah and it’s the Wolves yeah but say the Wolves aren’t like you know they’re not really respected like that even top team we’ been better off beating OKC Thunder right now Noah says the Timberwolves was not that efficient they just had a lot of offensive rebounds and

Tippens yes yeah I think they said that during the game too they were talking about that talking about it’s it’s hurting their efficiency numbers CU they like you said at one point like cat tipped it like three or four times in a row on the fourth when they fin third or

Fourth of where they finally went in so that cuts down on your efficiency or whatever it look good on paper that you got that many offensive rebounds but it’s not like you get an offensive rebound and you capitalizing right after that I I know ant went off that one game

Where everybody didn’t play but other than that I like our defense on Anthony EDS this year yeah don’t you remember we also had a hit a nine-point game that’s what I’m saying I like our defense against him and that might have been one of the games we didn’t have like Derek

Lley or or Kyrie one or both probably so so yeah Gina Kim said like green po has to give me five or more games before I officially become a poow he’ll be great one game and horrible the next say for green who was fine at first but I don’t

Know what’s up with him yeah he play good defense though yeah he about that uh b a glow gang member he says what he do listen DP was the best play on the court he had a more impactful game than luk and Kai combined DP is the savior

The Mavs we are nothing without him heard it first here hey that’s You by I didn’t say it hey man you about to have them power WS in here flooding the room boy uh Andre is the glow gang member says uh Dwight p is good at at basement

Ball he probably at basketball I think he cored okay okay I like we playing basketball uh Noah says I was waiting for the countdown on we talk M I’m so hyped appreciate you Noah appreciate it Jedi says uh a was the or Kang is no a a was the last

Last oh that’s y’ I don’t watch last happen know that’s uh what’s that good night everybody that’s uh that’s Avatar right man we good night everybody we going it’s ridiculous I don’t I don’t that a me no King no can’t believe you right now man I thought we friends bro

Go ahead man what that’s that’s not that’s not that’s Avatar yeah it’s last avatar Last wasn’t the movie trash with M night yeah yeah he messed that up bro but they got a show coming out on Netflix so hopefully it’s better okay live action

Yo yeah I know a lot of people love it all I just I don’t know about it I’m sorry I’m GNA go back and rewatch cor I’m I’m G try to get another chance but yeah last hand is great okay Ang was the last air bender just like Kai is the

Last per score Bender 35 points and only one free throw which was from a technical yeah man that what I just said yeah man he got one free throw off a technical bro like 35 is no free throw I’ve never I swear to Y I’ve never seen

That before in my life from any player of his caliber ever in my life bro it dude shoot like 90% for his career or whatever man from the free throw line they can’t get the free throw line fre throws so is he really good at free throws or he just don’t get free

Throws that’s great question like Jesus man Andre says Dwight p is good at basketball question mark all these head shots finally woke him up yeah maybe so PA but yeah definitely a puse maybe so maybe so Mavs fan say what a statement game them an an or an they an an it’s an

Right an I think an Kyrie One’s Gonna Be selling if Kai keep balling like this I think they gonna sell way M man it’s Kai Kai Jersey already sold out like Kai Jersey was sold out as far as the authentic I might get the authentic now

Bro want to fit in with the crowd I might I might if that uh y had that clearance again after this year I might don’t worry I I’ll get you the I’ll get you the Josh Green bro I got you no I want that Josh Green done I want that if

Y’all got that City Kyrie that one that just came with the black one yeah yeah yeah I I hope they do that bro they don’t do that all the time I want the authentic one though I think I think get only did it twice but then like the first time I

Went to it it wasn’t even like this one like this one we just had was way better than that last one I went to the last one I went to me and my wife went to that one I mean I was like he giving out

35 million in bonus he got a new owner y’all got mystery bags and all I think y y doing I hope I hope so I’m cleaning up again shout out tjk uh no did nobody nobody buy a city stuff be like that the city stuff that year that y that you got

On now because they gave out all that City stuff it seemed like this whole it was all clearance and all I’m like nobody buy that Jersey I just got the shorts I just tell you I show you I got the shorts yeah I’m like did

Nobody I guess not g out Lucas and all that I’m like damn uh Noah says the day is oh go Noah got a Super Chat another Super Chat 199 do no says real opinion on Aquaman 2o I thought it was trash I liked it Noah I

Thought it was better than the first one I haven’t seen either hey hey go hey no go back to our last uh Aquaman spoil a uh discussion on the we uh C we geek we talked about it on there you good Noah says the day is great but the Dallas Cowboys won their

Division and I despise Cowboys not TGK but the ones that say we’re going to the Super Bowl every year but in reality second round exit yeah yeah I know a few of them man it’s the year Bly says okay now what I really think we got lucky that

They got into foul trouble wasn’t making their shots I do give us credit for attacking the basket though was crazy watching us get out rebounded embarrassing yeah there you go B you attack the B how to get in foul trouble because you attacked the basket what you

Said if you go to the the the uh The Bigs in the paint you can get them in foul trouble early if you actually attack the basket and not setle for threes what I think power it I think P realized there was one guy on the court

That he could get into his the guy’s head or whatever and he realized that and got into that guy’s head and he was out the whole game when P was was playing man I’m telling what what was the game on today uh bad was I mean which who’s whose

Channel what you mean like y’all watching on SP Sports watch it oh yeah we watch we watch it on uh on B Sports okay uh they said that in the game like pal since 2018 I believe he’s been been killing the timber wol they showed his stats he think

He shoot like 80% from the field and some other numbers they yeah when they said if you think about it go back and think about it bro go back and look at the games you know what I’m saying remember he had that 12 he had that near triple double who so I’m saying

Like P the secret weapon against Minnesota you tell him he the secret weapon against the number one team in the west wow yeah uh Pascal says uh might did I read a comment already glow Y game either way said honestly I haven’t seen Kai play at that level

Since last year dominated the fourth had that top defense scrambling after that Luca recognized that too and let him cook yes yeah shout out to Luka too man for causing that turnover on Rudy toward the end of the game that pretty much sealed the game yep uh J Kim said I’m

Glad we finally got lucai healthy once L Le gets back which I expect against the Grizzlies or the Knicks it’s really up for the league wolves are frauds but I’m happy we finally beat them yes yeah I definitely want to have him with the Knicks I definitely want him against the

Knicks bro I wanna Ray says TGK and King holding how the PS Banner tonight woof woof hey man woof woof man let me find out man y got that flag up there man Flying high in the in the front yards man salute baby Standing Ovation no you don’t do no salute you do

The oh Jedi says K Kai is the top two dribbl of all time PS he’s not two yes sir yes sir Noah says do y’ know what’s going on with Cat Williams he called out Kevin har Steve Harvey cedc entertaining he’s Wilding hey It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp you know yeah

Man Gina Kim said if we can’t beat these uh fraud fake number one seeds then who’s stopping us really oh if we can beat I’m sorry I’m confident we can beat anybody now and there was no Lively imagine Lively in this game I can’t wait till we’re at full health yeah yeah and

That’s before we made a trade y’all yeah Precision says mths are just a few pieces away in a healthy Rost of competing for a championship yeah that’s we’ve been trying to say all season I’m glad everybody positive today man because and Jason kid not being cute don’t forget about that Bly says Luca

Kai and DJJ saved us kid kot kot I’m sorry uh keep S and G will for DP and I realized he was willing to let us lose the game by continuing that I’m so over him as a coach we only won because those few guys

So hold on hold on B hold on let me get this straight though I see it the beginning you said Luca Kai and DJJ saved us but you said kot kept subbing in G will for DP so what does that mean does that mean you wanted DP in the game instead of

Grant will because he helped save us uh oh because that’s what I’m reading right there Kitty kept subbing out G subbing in G will for DP and I realized he was willing to let us lose the game unless unless he was saying like instead of subing G Will and put in somebody like

Home okay okay okay maybe maybe he was saying that maybe maybe that’s probably what he was saying that’s what I said I said I don’t know why he play homes or or Morris you could put Morris at the four too I think he wanted Dwight PW back in the game but we’ll

See no it says I was I was so hyped after this team I went on the Dallas Maverick shop and your merch too see if I can get a Dwight pow Jersey you can you should go on like or something somewhere else though you can

Get it for on sale man I I don’t even want to uh play with that man any I ain’t gonna lie to you I was Sting there thinking about that today I was at work man what if we had a uh like just P wow she just say p wow we should just

Hasp W that’s it people really buy it though yes I buy one yeah you know what ju I’d buy a power one just real talk a power W just for that hey stay tuned uh GL that might be the number one seller bro I don’t know what you might might do

That I might do that man shout out shout out to the uh to our makers our gear man I might might do this uh TGK TV unofficial official pregame show for the M make sure you check them out if you don’t already up man he says great win

Much needed Vibes are so immaculate absolutely Alex says who do you think is our worst matchup in a seven game series in the west uh the worst right now probably never nuggets until we get a size y’all till we get the get it the size yeah then

Nuggets div says Kyrie was game ball and gobear second game ball for talking is to LCA and making him destroy in the second half LOL yeah they fools well go it was funny I think they were saying that during the show the broadcast they were saying that Gober

Talking noise I’m like bro you ain’t learn the dude been cooking you for the last like three years bro you ain’t learned your lesson yet that’s that’s crazy to me man I see you hold on I’m going click this um Marcus cuz he on Facebook Marcus wtm too bro when you

Sending in appreciate you definitely join this group and know he got a channel as well guys uh but he says uh when will you guys let the voice chat be a thing again I enjoyed a good debate last time uh Fridays yeah we do it on

Fridays man if there’s a game on Fridays yeah if there’s a game on Fridays we have everybody uh come on the members or should I say the members of the channel come on y but uh if there’s not a game on Friday we have uh morning shows with

The with the members the channel on Friday morning so yeah hold on man hold on be rude what I can’t remember the name of the channel but I’mma figure it out right now because I’mma give you love uh why got say pause on love man we

Can’t give each other love we bros man come on um it’s I’m sorry got it because I saw you did a little testing video and I was like he has a new content but it it’s a testing video Marcus it’s Luca Hol podcast y check him out Luca holic

You said it to me I’m trying to look forward yep Ray says Luca is a big part of that defensive rate and leap yep he’s a he’s a huge part of it right he is the part of it when he starts things change no he don’t play defense though no I’m

Sorry I’m sorry what up Ali he says hey hello Rin king and the we talk Mass Community it’s the win we need it we will get it all now hopefully I hope so Ali I hope so uh Thomas says is it just me or has over

The back been slowly ignored out of the game by the refs like traveling almost always see it but it’s never C yes over the back is vicious Thomas I said that the whole game in myself I said so we just not GNA do over the backs anymore push in the

Back travels walks skips frolicking like what are we doing bro like they did all that today and they didn’t get any calls man I surprised they call One Call on on an on top of the key I was like oh wow they they finally caught it hand clap to

The rips something right what up Al she says I thought we were going to lose it for a while there when cat started going crazy but we gathered it back emotionally and got the win why aren’t we subbing and ran though I don’t know about that one we don’t know oh and and

Shout out too to the Mavs man for uh now being 12 and five in Clos in uh clutch games but uh Luke and Kyrie work together though I for got to tell you guess who was number one in the league or they still is they still are number

One right now they number one yeah they still number one actually no no I’m saying guess who who gu oh yeah oh uh in Minnesota I think they 11 and five 11 now it was more than they were 11 they were 11 and four we were 11 and five so

Now we’re 12 and five and now they’re 11 and five so we’re ahead of them now I thought they were two 11 and two oh sorry you right my bad 112 now somebody the Bucks were over us they were like they had 12 than us but

They had more wins I think that’s what it was okay yeah they got 12 and five okay that’s what it was but yeah uh pascow says I love Seth and his shooting but he is just one of a dozen on his team right now the ball rattled out for a lot of

Folks tonight too though yeah they did H my latte says I hate that cat crying crying baby hey my ass when he fouls l wolvves d Ali says High rolling King I hope we will not go to a seven game playoff series against him because uh that will

Be 2024 Western Conference Finals you mean uh the Timberwolves I don’t know I don’t know if the wolves get there we’ll see though uh Frank the glow’ gang member he said what y’all think of the rumor that the Mavs aren’t wanting to involve Josh in trades it’s

Dumb in my opinion yeah I heard that yeah anybody should be an option other than like I said before LCA and Noah said did y’all see when Dwight pow almost got that dunk yeah did did he miss the dunk or did Anthony at actually block it uh I think he just missed it

Okay he almost he almost caught him Lebron called Paul George though J Kim said thoughts on kid still don’t like the decision to play Grant to five over homes and actual Center omx and Lawson should have got some minutes too they’re young and athletic perfect game for them

Hey it’s it’s one of those situations where he played the played what he the situation he wanted to play with a rotation and we got the win so I can’t really cry over it but if he we we’ have lost I’m like bro why are you playing

Grant Williams at the five man it’s ridiculous I I’m not tripping about the old Max and the Lawson part Gina but I am tripping about the Grant Williams part Al says that fake that fake a goar with his acting when Luka went to the hoop with a signature move LCA hand was

Nowhere near his eyes oh man uh Frank says would you now trade for Jeremy Grant right now the best catch and shoot win from three and he can score not shoot who also won of the worst quality shots for a win bro you know what’s funny Frank I would

Think about that whole Grant Williams thing I mean uh uh Jeremy Grant today it’s like when we I don’t see him it’s like yeah get Jeremy Grant but then when I watch him and I play it’s like uh do you really want to pay for that Um a lot of money yeah it’s a lot of money man uh um but then at the same time it’s like you’re going to be asking him to be something like he’s like a number one option in in with the Blazers but over here he’ll be like a third or

Fourth or something a lot of money and a lot of years yeah uh giving up you’re giving up them contracts bro so you probably G give up a bunch of contracts you probably have to give up a bunch that you would love you give up guys that you don’t even care about but

Jeremy Grant still got to be good for five years to I was just about to say them guys you giving up got shorter contracts his contract gonna be he got to be good or you stuck with a bad contract I don’t know Frank that’s one of them that’s one of them cases like

I’m I don’t think I’d be mad if they made the move but I I don’t know there’s better options that’s what I yeah like let let me see what the other options are first like if I can’t if I exhausted all my options and they say they yeah they’ll give us

Him then I probably will Circle back but if I can’t get anybody else on the list and Portland still has Jeremy Grant then we can talk yeah that’s how I feel then let’s let’s go get Jeremy Grant I really hate they signed him to that contract bro yeah that contract

Dumb uh D says r i get it pow last few games has been playing much better but I need to see it consistently before I give him any props no it won’t matter I want him traded I mean I’m not I’m not you’re not wrong D I’m with you I want

Him traded still too I’m not because he’s playing good that doesn’t mean I want to keep him right like Tim hard is playing good and I want to give him traded so you know I I’m I’m with you man but we gotta call we gotta call it

Like it is man he’s he’s having a solid couple maybe few games here man you know but now I’m not saying he gonna be like this all year we’ve seen this before like he’ll have a stretch here man where he’s looking like oh my God the power

Wild are right and then he revert right back to the old Power W toward the end of the season so we’ll see maybe maybe he’ll prove us wrong I don’t know uh Ben’s a glow gang member he says King there are not 75 alltime players better

Than kai Andrew Julius Irving stop it I told you Ben he had like J Irvin if he is at se if he is he like right at like 75 he had the end towards there I don’t know man I can’t it’s difficult man he’s

I still say d Dame should be on there I still say Dame ad shouldn’t be on ad shouldn’t be on there I white should be on there before all three of them y That’s how I feel so this then clay didn’t make it as well like it’s a whole

Bunch of it’s just weird man like but Kyrie has top 75 Talent of all time most that’s why I say why I said earlier being you can argue he’s top 75 yeah he has top 75 talent for sure I’ll definitely give you that uh Ray says R

Don’t say sorry to D It’s like a miracle but he gave DP credit a few playbacks ago yeah he gave him credit he tried he tried to take it back I he he didn’t want to give credit on the last show man so I’m like okay D J

Kim said I forgot about DJJ he also takes part in the lukai game ball missed that open three but made up for with that crazy dump big shout out to my boy yeah uh Precision said I wish Hardy played more minutes tonight after a big game don’t want to discourage his

Confidence he could probably did more than th thj in that fourth quarter probably did more than SEF too absolutely uh Johnny B says Kyrie carried us this game no shots at Luca but Kyrie was in a different bag tonight on both sides five offensive rebounds for the smallest play out there yeah

Johnny B I 100% agree there’s no shots I think Luca would say that yeah that’s not uh it’s not a shot at Lucas just I think Lucas said that by letting him run the offense in the fourth quarter so yeah Noah say it’s official Kyrie is out

Center yeah Kyrie be out hey oh he got 26 rebounds in in three games bro I mean he he he getting more than the center so I mean yeah getting more than Grant Williams oh there go 27 says Kyrie’s 27 rebounds in a three- game stretch it’s a

Career high for him nice yeah yeah he almost had three n rebound games yep Li is a glow gang member he says what’s up Brothers what up li what up li great game good team effort and love our team defense we held them timber wolves to

108 that’s not bad at all not bad at all that’s why I said them numbers better to start climbing uh Thomas says I feel like more than anyone else ant looks like Michael Jordan in the face in his wardrobe his movements Jimmy Butler has nothing on him an looks like it and he’s

Younger so he can be more athletic and all that as far as athletic Michael Jordan got the little what names on his arms and everything on his leg like Jordan yeah but Butler I still think Jimmy Butler better play than Anthony right now got this

Sir uh Logan with $2 Dono he said this is what we like to see Mass winning games yeah man and if I’m includ in the playoffs yes Logan appreciate you yeah let’s let’s rattle these rattle this win streak out man let’s try to get that

Going uh Li says I would like to know at this point of the Season what is your honest opinion on DJJ so far I don’t remember the last time we had a rooll player that’s consistent ever yeah DJJ I’m ready to extend him li like we talk

About uh what’s his name Maxi and those guys and we say why extend them you can extend DJJ like now like give him that five million or whatever yeah if you if you didn’t exem max you could have gave DJJ Max 11 million yep yep easily right like I wouldn’t have No Reservations

About it either nope uh Prince Moses says nice win for the Mavs my question is which Mavericks teams will show up the next game every time you get your hopes up they show you in the following game why you should they Prince Moses that’s why the motto

Of The Showdown is one game at a time yep Pascal says polka dot LCA was off and still hit 34 we are spoiled yeah yeah kind of poke that Luka J Kim said even though we won this game still short while we need a backup center ASAP then we can get a solid

Power forward but we really need a center that can come off the bench and start when needed yeah yes sir TGK said Mavs need to improve on the edges a better backup big and an upgrade of the forward spot and we are tighter contenders yes uh Johnny B said homes was available

Tonight and we we look like eighth graders out there why can’t he get one minute against the team we we saw I think Ben actually post your Tweet in uh playback uh Johnny B when you were saying that on there so I don’t know I don’t

Know hey man don’t don’t try to figure kid out man you hurt yourself uh Miss King says uh do you have any injury updates what’s going on with homes they were homes is available he was available today Miss keing yeah he was available today he was Avail he

Was available and marke was available today I he just just coaching decision so I don’t know only people that was and ex right yeah C Holmes wasn’t uh hurt he was out for personal reasons I don’t know what that could have been but yeah he was available today I don’t know why kid

Didn’t play him Gina Kim says kid would rather play power over 30 minutes Grant at the five and Keith a few minutes before Holmes can even touch the court I really don’t understand that and it’s risky too yeah very risky yep Jedi say we are now 12

And five in clutch games thirdd best in the league all of these clutch Games should prepare us for whatever curveball the playoffs throw at us yeah well when you got two guys Jay that supposedly don’t play well together yeah and we said this last year we was like hey just

Give these guys some time let’s see what they can do and the outside media was throwing them away tell me this this not going to work you you see Tim McMahon after the game asking questions though about Luca defense and all that go watch the presser after the game as far as

Luca Tim McMahon ask like like two questions in a row and then after I think um Tim k asked the question Tim McMahon got back and asked another question again like somebody been pressuring Tim McMahon you can tell by’s questions about defense and all like he was making

Sure he was asking those questions to highight LCA donic uh let’s see what up cam he say Kai got his legs back I know I would eventually turn up yeah yeah Cam man man maky on man we definitely hey he tur up at the right too this home stretch we got oh

And Miss King is a a GL g i I don’t know if I said that but she also says if the Lakers can beat the Clippers we should be able to beat them too yeah yeah we we we were under demand and it’s funny because I I think I went back and forth

With a dude on Twitter man no I didn’t go back and forth with the guy I commented to what he said when he was like talking about the Clippers dominating Luca or whatever like bro you they always had a better team like what are you talking about you always had a

Stack team against Luka he doing it by himself and like you said I think they I he he showed it in the first game we played them so he I’m not I’m not scared of I’m not scared of the Clippers I’m sorry you stack they are man it’s

Context we we didn’t have all our people healthy it’ be a different situation I watch Lively in that game or nothing you know I’m saying like we good I they don’t want to see us I feel matter of fact we didn’t have Lely or Kyrie in

That game bro some said I’m not a lot of those teams have been beating us early in the season haven’t seen Kyrie like every game you feel me like Minnesota literally just saw Kyrie today for the time we played them four times now and it’s the first time they’ve seen them so

So I said let’s just get healthy man and see what we can do we’ve been saying it the whole time let’s get healthy and get these guys Luca Kyrie and Lively play together they are 10 and five yeah and that fifth loss came because Kyrie literally just came back so let’s get

These guys healthy man let’s see what we can do uh Pascal says King I know that retweet you want to do don’t don’t wake up those mouth breathers again that debate was silly Mavs made the right move this time rest and LCA for the better team yes thank you yeah you save

Your guy for the better team you want to win so have faith that your team can beat a a worse team like oh man play him against a free Bingo space but then sit him out against a team you got faing the playoffs or yourself for the playoffs like come on

Bro but then get mad at other players you our guys set against I’m not saying it’s Luca’s fault like that’s that stupid on Jason kid but you don’t sit him against the better teams you sit him against the worst teams what do you when is that became normal like I don’t

Know thank you Pascal J Kim said in the great words of JB don’t let us get one 20 plus game win streak incoming okay realistically maybe 10 at the most either way we not letting no more easy teams beat us and we cooking top C top

Teams man as long as Kyrie on I don’t see any weak teams beating us uh speaking into existence Gina speaking into existence yep one game at a time one game at a time Ray says since Maxi is not playing are we transferring the tcj award now the Grant Williams J right

Oh yeah we been did that right he’s he’s a new he’s a new trash can juice of the of the yes of the Season yes Grant Williams when he became when Dwight P became a better basketball player than him for this Dallas Maverick team he became tcj when Dwight P been out

Playing him he’s a new tcj shout out to D Gina Kim said Tim sucks in transition HCK my God yes Johnny I’m hating on him tonight you lucky he didn’t cost us the game he was trash in the uh bro he take on was it 85 people I think I think some

People in the crowd tried to stop him too he was like I’m going to the uh yelling please stop stop I I stopped yelling because I already know what’s about to happen you can see it in his eyes I was see the think like okay I think that Something’s Gonna click with

Him like let me stop and bring it back out I was like oh here we go what’s the definition Insanity yeah doing the same thing over and over again a different result expecting a different result Pascal says Kyrie is on Michael Parson no call level right now it’s going to get frustrating for

Anyone I just I don’t I don’t get it bro I really don’t get it I need somebody explain that to me man hey your boy Mark might need start going back to how he doing derking them back in the uh the 2000s bro start send them tapes in this

Is getting ridiculous man tap no but I don’t want Mark tapes in I don’t Mark much of anything I just want to fall back J Kim said those cat travels were so obvious but the refs are blind as hell back in the day that was different

Mark man like that’s when I’m like allk standing up but now I’m like don’t do that Mark go sit down Mark go sit down sit down y a was yelling a every second I almost threw my phone how come a big aat gets free throws but not Kai Luca

But they they that I’m sorry they that good no I don’t think they are J can they just I don’t know why the referees get mesmerized don’t call referees see this man hitting the ground damn near every play they don’t call nothing but cat over here messes up the Highlight bro if

They call a free throw it ain’t really he got to finish on the floor and all you know and like slide like yeah made the shot he got hurt recently after not getting a call that was a no he no he I’m sorry he did get a call he got a

Call minut they called it late that’s when pal jumped over him or whatever yep Precision says praying Lively comes back Tuesday against the grids they’ve been warming up and we need to Humble them Teddy Biz you know what’s that you know what’s Wild I don’t think L is gonna play against a

I don’t think so either I think they’ll bring him back for the Knicks you know why because it ain’t even because of uh like size or nothing like that I think because J hurt oh J got hurt bro J was in a sling are you serious I’m this he was on

The sideline of the sling today when they beat the uh they beat the Phoenix Suns they beat the Phoenix Suns without J without oh my okay and and hold on hold on hold on hold on bro hold let me finish the rest okay okay Bradley Bill Bradley Bill Deon book and Kevin Durant

Play and hold up hold up and nerkish I don’t know what he does but he played too they lost to the Grizz without Jabba rent we lost to the G johnar too though you feel so spoiler alert I was watching the uh the Phoenix Suns podcast before

The game for the show and uh once again fourth quarter is what they were talking about but I mean they were all trash in the fourth quarter uh dein Booker was missing free throws um KD was missing buckets you know in the fourth quarter

Uh Trey we miss you man go ahead we do miss Trey a lot uh but yeah I don’t think he plays them but J yeah J’s in the slink something wrong with his arm J Reckless bro you said uh dere Rose something like that Bly says the free throw Kai got was

Because of three second call ref off Squad but it’s all good we still overcome yeah man we got another Super Chat well you already saw that I think Queen the last one year got yeah I got all superj yeah I got all them Frank said you take

Window Carter from Magic yes yes he become uh maybe maybe becomes available because magic is loaded in the front Court downside he’s injury injured but that probably helps loow his lowest price yall take him if it’s not is injury not that serious right is he hurt or injured that’s what I want to

Know yeah is he hurt or is he injured that’s a great question like he injured if he hurt bring him over he could be back up say he’ll be fine I’ll take window Carter right now absolutely Gina Kim said Nas Reed is a dog for real who

You telling man HT his hand wrist and got back right in the game right back in the game we need someone like him I’m happy he didn’t cook us like the past few games man he C this enough M re is that d Ray said he’s injured but not

That serious who A J no um Wendell Wendell okay not this Ser okay yeah I mean I’ll take him J was in the sling was on the blacking on the sideline Professor g m said excellent Team game DJ Ray say it’s kind of like he

Kind of got the uh the uh the Lively injury okay that’s not bad bro come on I’ll take so proud of DJJ it takes balls to believe in yourself to take that dunk after missing those threes DJJ will always take the shot like he’s a confident play he’s everything like DJJ

Is just nice and the team is giving him confidence too yep he says I love you saw the uh who sent me the Tweet was it in the play I think it was in playback as well somebody sent the Tweet where he quoted quoted him saying um sometimes

I’m out there watching luk and Kai it’s amazing and all but I love being on this team man I’ve never experienced anything like this so I think he wants to St man like get him the extension like now wa what you talking about I thought Kyrie’s

Bad for the team he’s a cancer gotcha sorry my bad go ahead who got a better record than Ms or the Suns oh the Suns do because they got three Superstars but we lost the trade J said Jen Kim said saw people hating on AI for his take

Saying he would play with LCA even Kai fans were saying Luka ball hog NBA player or not he’s right and they can’t say he’s bad defensively because of this year don’t listen just just Kyrie is is in the mode of alen Iverson and all so that that’s showing

AI that he can play with and that’s probably why AI said that yeah yep Pascal said Kai such a good ball handle the refs can’t keep up yep Stephen said another game another master class from the goat to White PW tell him tell him Stephen Gina it’s like every other Superstar

Star and role player gets calls but not KY LCA like what’s the agenda against them sometimes I see Steph not getting calls either and Brun at times but really hey man bro luuka got fouled on the n13 they didn’t even call it bro I’m like what in right right in front of the

Right in front of the another another hit on LCA that they didn’t C right right in front of him right in front of the ref hitting the mouth mouth bleeding [ __ ] looking at like okay all right okay no Noah says if you’re getting pumped by Dwight pow like

Rudy did that will wreck your confidence yeah man shout out to the white man Thomas says in the first second when Lucas started jacking up threes I thought oh no here we go but we finally saw Kyrie be like okay you don’t have it I got you I bet Luca was so relieved

When he realized yeah man man that one pass he passed to Kyrie for that one of the I can’t remember which quar it was he passed it for a three and like when Kyrie made it he was like yes like he was like happy like y okay like Kyrie

Got it he’s cooking right now like I saw his reaction when he made that shot I was like okay like Luke understood man go understand like he don’t have to do it all by himself man let Kyrie cook too man what we sign him for yes you don’t

Ever have to be tired let Kyrie cook Yak says yo we got a top four road record in the league we got to take care of these home games we move back to four5 seed yes gota take advantage you’re right y Matthew says what up fellas what up

Matthew what up what up Luca and Kyrie played amazing tonight offensively and defensively I just don’t think it’s sustainable when we play more Elite teams like the rebounding and the size we have yeah we gotta give it to we we gota wait till we got trade deadline coming around the corner Matthew

Hopefully they address that man yep Gina Kim says p a wolves killer send that man to prison also P could take us to the finals and be a piece and US winning and I still wouldn’t get a jersey shout the best okay I G say I was like wait didn’t

Change the tune I you read the wrist of okay okay okay I see what she saying Nick says how about them Cowboys hey shout out to y’all man uh Matthew says I just need Nico to get a few pieces at the trade deadline all I’m asking is is uh for is a

Defensive anchor that can group or grab rebounds and protect the paint I’m looking at a guy like John Collins capella yeah that’s 20 million I don’t want to touch that one yeah Bly says King you tripping my boy I thought you got me R if King keep this pile stuff up we may

Need to discuss King substitution LOL remember and kid love incoming games hey I already told y I don’t believe I don’t expect him to keep it up Bly I already told you man but I told like it is I’m I’m G say I’m gonna say this Bly like as long as we winning

Man I I don’t even care but I’m with king I don’t expect him he does literally every year bro like every year and probably time too he cooking right now though like yeah he cooking he been looking good he probably looking better than he’s ever look bro I give him that

Right but he has that one point in in the season where you like Dam he playing the best basketball of his career like really every season you be like every season bro thewi play really if I had to put King’s house on it by he’ll revert

Back to old Power bro if I really had to put King’s house on bro I I hope I’m wrong that’d be nice I mean that mean we probably winning games right so I mean I mean what it is uh the last one says good win yeah last one

Yeah Matthew says Pascal seum and Lorry marinin is what I want to trade for but I just don’t know if Nico would take that risk I think we’re good enough to win a championship with Luca and cyrie I don’t know if we can get them I think I

Think Nico would take calls for whatever he can get yeah Pascal right now man he’s pulling that same stunt he did with the Hawks yeah he’s not promising anybody uh a contract extension that’s what’s holding his trade up right now you know what so I’m before I even read

This you still make the trade you wantan to know why one you g you can you can get him to to sign whenever if they make the trade it’s already done he can’t make the money right like so no matter where he goes he can’t make the money

Even if he don’t sign with you and like third he’s not gonna make all NBA unless he goes to a different team so he’s not gonna get the so if you go to a different team I don’t see him making it bro talk about this

Year you talking about if you go to a certain team like early enough and they start racking off depending on what team it is and they a high enough seed he may be able to get in there I don’t know I I don’t know if they’ll give it to him for halfway

Through the season compared to other people been more consistent All Season maybe it dep it depending on where you go and what you do but it’s gonna be harder for him but I’m just saying he’s not gonna do in Toronto no matter what yeah can

Okay Nick says cat bail us out so many times by chucking up Elis threes over and over I mean he got Nick too though they said that too on because what’s name was like yeah man i’ rather him chunk the threes up with a hand his face than him actually post somebody up

Because he was killing us in the post they had Tim Hardway a couple times on him in the post I’m like a here we go turn around right right over his shoulder Gina Kim said do you think seak will still be on the Raptors after the

Deadline I saw some sources say he wants to stay there and then test fore agency after the season but I think the rappers want to get get something what I was just saying saw that same thing it’s uh that’s what’s holding up the trades cuz

A lot of those it was like four teams that was in the running to get them and slowly but surely those names are falling off the list because he does he’s not promising anybody he’s gonna sign them and a lot of people don’t want to give up a lot if they not guaranteed

He’s gonna resign back with him so I’m G tell you this like I think somebody said in playback the longer it goes the more it benefits like a Maverick to get uh pakum because the raps got to trade him bro you feel they don’t want they don’t

Want to go through that again he’s not going to sign there again they gave up Fred Van V for nothing which was he’s not going to sign again they have to trade him so if it gets to a point where he’s saying he not GNA sign somewhere

Else you get him for the low meaning you just got to match the contracts and then throw like second rounds in there you say as low as Lucas shoes I’m saying you throw them bad contracts you don’t want no more throw them second rounders and then have pasel seak like you had Kyrie

Irving man listen we had Pascal with this team right now that’s all I’m saying bro like y everybody thinking his value gonna be so high or so hard to get or whatever I don’t think so he’s destroying his own value somebody to get him yeah he really

Is and for what I just saw remember who the the main two players on that team we kept hearing all some oh we we want four or five first rounds for him what they give up OG for one first round oh no one second round I’m sorry my you go there

You go one second round so yes you’re right watch Pascal get get released for like one first round or two second rounds watch what I tell you what what if he just get released for one first either that that’s I’m saying either way if he’s not gonna sign what

If he got released for a swap if he’s not gonna sign real what are they gonna do CA think about it think about this too the Raptors don’t want to sign him for what he wants yes so think about Pascal seak too if I go to another team

And get traded what type of team I’m GNA go I’m gonna want to go to a championship level team right A Team I can actually win right to make it easier for a championship level team to get me I actually can just say I’m not going to

Sign somewhere else and just wait and they will have to trade me somewhere that where a championship level team just give up something for the low to give them something in return where they can get something to get a pascal cakam did you read this oh yeah yeah I

Think I read that one uh Jina Kim says Sons Lost Warriors lost and the Lakers almost lost but I’m fine with them winning my night is complete got super chat Noah with the 199 D no say 10 would rather be on a team with one man roster

Yeah man the way he be one man fast breaks you would think soy my gu not tonight uh let’s see Precision says shout out to Kyrie for leading the Mavs and scoring tonight haven’t seen anybody score more than luk in a game in a long time yeah yep uh Gina Kim

Says uh hold on hold read this Rob in the future I know you’re glor gang remember now and all w at wtm so we know you talking to us but he says good win but damn a win like this makes Jason kid look like a god in CB’s eyes oh

Man he ain’t wrong bro Gina K said can’t believe Twitter saying in be better than Luka offensively the only thing he is better at is getting calls and gets to the free throw line without free throws they’re five players better at scoring than him LCA one yep I feel like he

Better than now so I think after that happened I think um MB he not like one or I think he like two or three now though since then still hiding LCA no Luca is still number one as far as scoring with no free throws oh no no I’m

Talking about talking about free throw attempts oh yeah I meant as far as like when you take the free throws away oh okay now I think he’s high enough where he he scores enough he’s still like top three in the league as far as oh Dam he

Squeez he uh he weed his way in top three because he wasn’t even top five he wasn’t top five at all I think he’s he’s in there now but Luke is still number one that’s without any question yeah cuz guess what what he get today 34 he shot eight he shot eight

Free throws a day how many he make though five so you be five so he got still got 29 29 yep uh Dustin says what up fellas what up Dustin what up he said it’s clear they are trading homes and is risky for injury to play him in my opinion yeah

That’s what it seems like when you get that personal reason stuff you said Dennis SMI yeah you said uh what’s his name Terry when he was leaving the oh yeah got traded who we trade him to no he got traed he just yeah was done was like

Leaving the team uh Nick says what is the timetable for lively Lively you said Derek Fisher hey D I’m just bro it’s a job how many your job gonna let you just keep taking days off he yeah oh okay got you got you Nick says what is the time

Table for L return I don’t know I think the next couple games I’m hoping it’s BR I hope it’s for the Nick’s game man he wasn’t out he was still doubtful today and all so he’ll be probably when he gets when they upgrade him to questionable he’ll probably

Play Joe glow gang member he says I think divs said he is going to get a pile fathead for the wall so he can practice his kissing this pillow gets too soy they still make Fatheads I used to have a Steve Smith one pause I used

To want a fthe head man I had I had a Steve Smith one back in the day Steve Smith Carolina Panther one got my favorite receivers of f Steve Smith man when I played uh Madden uh I traded him for to I would have I would have

Too you if you rate a receiver like on all things other than like hype like Steve Smith can argu be like top 10 in every that’s fine he was short but he was still M cats bro every day and that’s what I’m saying being a 59 dude playing like he’s 6’4 breaking tackles

Like it was nothing stiff strong is on most underrated receiver of all time bro Gina Kim says Tina m in the hot seat oh Tim McMahon I’m sorry and high see he needs to be respectful anyway those guys are ESPN the drama field too I’m happy to see I’m happy he’s finally writing

Some positive is ever since he was called out by a kid yeah Pascal said LOL Cowboys did send tapes and ass sense to the NFL on the no call hoes on Micah Pasco said maybe Harden nor Kai was the problem I’m just kidding we know the history but JK I’m sorry KD jumping

Teams like Harden too you said Harden I’m sorry I said Hardy orch was the problem I don’t know I don’t know what happened with that big three it’s going to be a book at some point or something yeah somebody come out with something orange juice says King I agree Luca’s

Most skilled du Luca most skilled Duo of all time that’s saying a lot as Kyrie played with LeBron and KD arguably all three best players in the world at the time Kyrie played with them yeah orange juice but they not they weren’t back court guys with them yeah so Kyrie

Usually was playing a point guard and they were playing like the small forward or power forward but with luuk and Kyrie they both a guard positioning so I think they’re the most skilled um damn are they the most who else who be in that category bro

Like uh I’m not really sure bro H what you consider like even though they got injured and injuries happened was it Jason kid and Penny Hardway oh dang they one of the most skilled back courts of all time on paper yes like if uh if Fenix got Orlando

Penny then they would be would dumb like it been something stupid that would have been they would definitely have been in an argument bro because Penny I think I think Fenix could have did something man with Penny there he just could stay healthy man and they were still getting

50 wins yeah they were and Penny was still getting you over 20 points a game yeah so talk about blond Head Jason kid yeah 32k that’s kid Gina Kim said if y’all want I might get I might get that Phoenix Jersey how you think that getting that Jason kid Phoenix

Jersey oh man you G have a power out here I mean you gonna have a uh the glow yard out here unsubscribing left and right Jason kid Phoenix Jersey I want throw that Ino the Phoenix fans fa up he don’t want hey I mess around and get the

Uh the penny Hardway F even know he’s my favorite player when he play for Orlando but I might mess around to get the fix Suns uh Penny I like got they got it on what it call on Mitchell Ness I like jerseys like that I tried to get

The um the kijah one uh what’s name Toronto they were sold out there oh it’s on there too it was sold out though I wanted to get the I could see that oh boy that would have been okay because I I like Vince Carter back VC was my dude

Back then so when the King was there was older came and all I remember him playing there so then Keon Clark Off the Bench I thought you gonna say you gonna get that uh Patrick Yan uh seatt SE I thought you say Orlando Magic or that that Orlando Magic One

Get the Seahawk man me get the Seattle suic man a nobody got that don’t nobody have it I don’t think nobody got the Orlando one either G said if y’all want power on the team King I heard you glazing on playback Dam that feel like a

Definite pause uh then we have to get K restraining order P hit K in the face with the tow Yesterday can’t keep hurting my boy hey man got take the good with the bed Stephen says P dominated against one of the biggest teams in the league PA

Double pause people will only give him flowers after his Hall of Fame career is over thank you I’ve been trying to tell folks get in the orange jacket he better Jina K said thj and a second round pick for Wendell or we could go after Denny

And Gaff which one would you rather have or think it’s easy to get uh I think denan Gafford rather when may be easy get the make the call Gina yeah go ahead send it in make the call I don’t think so I feel like we get

A pick with with thj if we gave it to Orlando uh I’m not sure you don’t think Timmy’s more valuable Windell right now uh I’m not sure okay I’m I’m fighting for the pick uh Frank says uh it’s weird with Wendell because he’s been out since November but he hasn’t

Played yet when he was supposedly Ken magic probably don’t need him more no more because the front door Court depth they have I told you bro like he’s not even playing any healthy Timmy’s more value to him we did get a second round pick for uh two second round picks for

Uh for your boy man the winner soldier yeah got I think I think Timmy’s more valuable than W cter Daniel says I think getting seaka would be the Allin move for the Mavericks but they’re basically giving up for the future for a rental I think getting him is unrealistic it would be

All in move though yeah it would that that’s the ultimate that’s like the definition of all in you do that move that bro like your weakest guy in your starting lineup is Dante a yeah H H I’m a cheese here said what y’all think about Brown on the Mavs I do

It sign me up uh Daniel said I think we should do this trade which has been reported earlier DFS and Clon for thj green and a 2022 first I’ll do it sign me up uh Jamie oh Hami I’m sorry says things are going to be very interesting the

Next week all be R extensions can be traded Josh cuff cuff sorry something throat PA yes yeah uh what is the 15th so yeah yes 15 couple days J Kim said off topic but which man base is the worst Knicks or Celtics Philly New York or Boston you said you

Said Boston twice I’m GNA go with Boston says freezy in here I’m GNA say Nicks oh man I should I just saw freezy Dam I should have agreed uh Jame says Wendell was the perfect weak side Defender next to Lively I don’t think W gon be playing

That much power forward though I know y yeah yeah he gonna be a center he’s a center that’s that’s it bro okay okay all right man listen guys we definitely appreciate everybody rocking with us man for this dub tonight from the Dallas marriage man we appreciate everybody joining us here oh go

Ahead Daniel said a smaller move for the Mavs would be Andre Drummond or Jaylen McDaniels I would still go get those guys that make a big move for next summer I feel you either way uh but yeah listen guys we we appreciate everybody rocking with us tonight man for another

One we definitely appreciate it man great win for the MAV tonight of course um we play again those likes up where everybody in here still we got 141 views right now come on y’all get those likes those likes so we get come on man we trying to be like them other channels

Help us please I don’t even know what I don’t know what our what our schedule is I’m over here uh what’s today Sunday we play Tuesday right are you serious bro what’s oh never mind 12 o’clock I’m about to say so Sunday we play Tuesday okay we play

Tuesday so we play uh the Grizzlies on Tuesdays guy on Tuesday guys so we’ll be back for that one of course please everybody if you’re brand new to the channel go ahead and hit that subscribe Button Man subscribe to the channel man if you into Dallas MAV content also

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And follow us on playback. TV we talk Mavs man we talk Mavs on playback. TV we will stream all of the math games there and uh shout out to Pascal man great show as always playback is a game changer for interative with the glow yard y’all are doing the fandom right

For us thank you appreciate it man appreciate it that’s really what it’s for man it’s for y’all man so we definitely appreciate that man so go ahead and uh follow us on playback. TV guys it’s free doesn’t cost you anything man free 99 also too man um if you guys

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The members only only for the members only guys on the morning ones on the morning ones so yeah uh uh also oh and follow my other channel guys I seen a few more people subscribe I definitely appreciate that follow us on cuz we geek follow that channel man uh we gonna

Be talking about um something else just came down today because uh will sent me something I forgot what it was but yeah we have Saturday morning shows every Saturday guys we talk about all things geek uh movies and television stuff Man comic book movies DC Marvel Star Wars

Whatever it is man we do it you see they releasing a blade game yeah yeah yeah and it’s not through insomnia you heard you find you know about that and it from it’s it’s not bethesda’s um oh man does Arcania Arcane or whatever it’s called so so how how that how that happen

Though because insomia has all you got Wolverine you got the Spider-Man you had the Avengers and I’m hearing the blade might be XBox exclusive because Arcane make Xbox complaints they found they got all their ones I’m hearing blade might be okay never mind I’m sorry I going to complain

No more yeah all right man but yeah uh let me see also too follow us on all of our socials Man follow us on all of our social there’s a link Down Below guys to all of our socials uh if you guys want our merch we

We might we might do the power shirts man we got yeah hasht Power Man we we’ll see about that one but uh we might add that to the to the repertoire of uh of our our apparel so if you guys are into uh any of our M uh into the channel merch

Go ahead and scroll over to the store tab man scroll on down to the link or you can just click on the link in our bio on our Twitter page guys so there two different ways you can go to our merch um this will be in podcast form

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Share guys just please like if you can and on our way to elusive 2K man it’s it’s so close but so far away yes sir help us get to The elusive 2K uh Gina says this math win got y’all a lot of likes and Views mffl nation is really up

Tonight great show as always fellas I’ll see y’all on Tuesday good night appreciate G appreciate you Hopey man we keep this win streak going guys so yeah uh that’s probably going to do it for us tonight man we definitely appreciate everybody like I said man shout out to the glow Yard Man we

Appreciate y’all man it’s support that y’all show this channel as we continue to grow uh we will be doing giveaways here pretty soon man soon as we hit that 2K we will start giving away giveaways man so look forward to that share share for that yeah share for that yes sir so

With all that being said man listen it’s your boy real got my boy ke this is we talk Mass man when we talk Dallas Mass from a fans perspective we’ll be back here on Tuesday man at the M play to Grizzly same MTH Time same MTH Channel go Mavs and we Out

We give our thoughts on the game between the Dallas Mavericks and the Minnesota Timberwolves
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  1. Luka had a somewhat mid game (to his standards) and they’re technically missing 2 starters but Kyrie played amazing and these guys pulled off the W against one of the better teams in the league. Good win.

  2. Reffs must have instructions from the top not to call fouls on Kai and Luka… It's been this way whole year so it can't be coincidence… just saying.

  3. Best backcourt in the NBA. I wish Mavs fans would not be so negative. They beat the best team in the West, and Powell actually played good, but everyone still has to have a turn shitting on Powell and Kidd.

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