@Toronto Raptors

Raptors Blitz Warriors + Siakam Rumour Round-Up | Raptors Show Full Episode

Raptors Blitz Warriors + Siakam Rumour Round-Up | Raptors Show Full Episode

Hello and welcome to the Raptor show on the sports radio network make sure to find the Raptor show wherever you listen to podcast And subscribe and please WR and review the show I’m your host wayl I am joined by my co-host Blake Murphy Alex Wong we’re are going to recap the

Weekend when the Raptors got robbed in Sacramento uh close game where Emanuel quickley was fouled but uh not called by the officials rapers screwed in you’re going to complain about the the last two a report oh there was only one error and it went against the Raptors in a very

Crucial moment but the Raptors made us forget all about that when they uh went out and defeated the Golden State Warriors last night in a wire-to-wire victory feeling great about the game what’s going on what’s going on Alex how you doing man you all right yeah I’m good I’m just looking at the

Standings the race for uh 10th is heating up man in both conferences Raptors are 15 and 21 now just half a game back of Brooklyn and Chicago who are both 16 and 21 that’s going to be the rest of the season for you when you say heating up

What do what do you really mean by that cuz I just I just mean I don’t think the Raptors are going to climb higher than ninth yeah barring a huge run and um yeah I think it’s going to be a battle for that 910 spot yeah we’ve

Got a nice little uh segmentation of the standings where there are eight real teams and then there are Brooklyn Chicago Toronto Atlanta who are in there not even just in the Eastern Conference League wide they’re in this weird and we we talked about this earlier in the year

Where I think at the 20 game mark it was like okay good teams bad teams and then Toronto and Chicago we’re the only inet but Brooklyn and Atlant Brooklyn has fallen off enough and Atlanta never turned it around you know Atlanta for a while there was like well we’re way

Better than the metrics or or way better than our record suggest and they’ve just continually played worse so you’ve got this nice little four team the rest of the league knows what they’re doing and where they are and then you’ve got this little 14 bubble that I guess kind of

Proves the point of the play in although you’d rather them be better than 9th through 12th cuz like right now you look at it and um if you remember the bubble the first year they had to play in none of these teams would even have the right

To play in they’re too far behind the eight seed yeah so that that little mediocre group has to take a step slightly up well you’re gonna get these kind of years and hopefully the Raptors can get out of that because what I’m interested now is the post trade deadline standings

All right Raptors 3 and one we’re a different team no but seriously they do feel really different do you think they could actually climb up Beyond ninth uh they would need to go on a run they need to pull off a win streak Blake’s already shaking his head so you seemed kind of

Skeptical when I said that the highest they could go is ninth no I mean it just doesn’t sound that great cuz when you watch the performances they look more cohesive if they had this team from the start of the season I think they’d be in a totally different position but in any

Case you can only deal with like the facts on the ground and I I guess I’m not too worried about how the Raptors do in the playoffs this year even if they really like advance past that I I just want to see them play a good Brandon basketball and yeah I’m really

Encouraged want be happy I just want to see the Raptors win it’s not a difficult concept to understand yeah I just think five and a half games is too much at this point right like the Heat and the pa the Pacers are cooling down the heat are the heat like you’re not catching

You’re probably not catching up five and a half games like all those teams are five games over 500 it’s a long climb back I would settle for at this point first all we’re getting to watch much more enjoyable basketball which is nice but I think at the start of the season

When we all the three of us were between 40 and 44 wins was our were our predictions I would settle for them getting back to that like 40 win Pace if they’re you know the other thing that hangs over trying to make a prediction here is like well what if you make a

Pascal trade and it makes you shortterm worse ah segment two yeah segment two and probably three Michael gra tomorrow 2:30 oh yeah we’re getting this deal done gr is trying to get on the program today I’m like yo wait till tomorrow oh okay all right um putting gr on Ice yeah

Got something in the clip uh rap I hope so RS finally got off to a quick start last night in uh downtown San Francisco thought they played with a lot of purpose coming out the gate really Blitz the Warriors early and and cruise to a

Win um you know four games in so far in this post OG trade era offense looks really good I think the numbers back that up too uh will what’s standing out to you about just this new roster and the offense that they have now they just clearly have more craters and more

Options to go to um you look at the starting lineup they got four guys who can handle and create their own opportunities thank you we finally have a nor proper basketball team yeah mostly uh took so long bob we we also have and something that um was pretty evident

Yesterday also three guys in the starting group who can post finally so a modern day basketball team yeah like in Pre before this trade for example the Raptors go into the this matchup you probably see um OG getting guarded by Steph they need to hide Steph somewhere on defense and

Yesterday they tried to hide Steph on RJ and you saw RJ off for 37 points including from the very like very very first shot of the game was the Raptors getting RJ a pin down Steph trying to go under on this pin down and RJ confidently stepping into the three and

Then RJ in the post scoring over Steph it’s just like you have so many more options with their group what this also has done is put Dennis on the second unit and I think that Dennis has been excellent with the second unit Gary still more up and down I thought it was

A really good game for Gary yesterday really good game for Chris buet as well the second unit overall was just very strong but you just have multiple creators uh at all times you can run pick and roll actions you can get someone on the other side attacking and

Dribbling off of those two um it’s it doesn’t feel like a fluke like yes the Raptors are shooting threes well and um RJ and Chris definitely shot above their career averages last night but just in general there is much better uh like offensive Talent on this team Blake is that what you’re seeing

Too yeah I mean the the fit goes a long way and even if you think right this second OG overall when you factor in the defensive value and just how many threes he hits at a good clip if you were to say OG is the best player involved in

That trade right now and the Knicks are like he’s setting Nicks records for plus minus over since the trade it’s very much a win-win you would still look at what the Raptors are doing and be like well that trade makes a lot of sense with where the Raptor’s weaknesses were

Offensively like the amount of times we talked about hey could you change the starting lineup or could you change the rotation patterns not even because you thought it might be good but it might be less bad and the problem when you would go into all those rotation patterns was

There just wasn’t enough offensive juice no matter how you be because at that point you’re talking about Dennis Scotty Pascal those were your three guys who you would hope to always have two of them on the floor because otherwise you don’t have enough shot creation on the

Floor and you don’t have enough ball hand hand Ling and passing and now you can add RJ and quickly to that without taking away from it um even if you’re going to over the long run Miss OG’s Corner shooting ability and certainly his defense his defense was very evident

By its absence on Friday against Sacramento you now have turned three guys that you’re trying desperately to keep two on the floor to Five Guys who you can usually have three on the floor it’s just a way better structure offensively and a way better structure to the rotation to add two guys that

Have the offensive packages that they do and you know there is uh yeah there’s an element of RJ’s not going to shoot 13 of 20 and five of eight on threes every night but there’s also an element of you look and this was by the way a bigger Golden State Warriors lineup than

They’ve been starting they started bigger and played cinga and Wiggins together that starting lineup yesterday had only played four minutes together all season be I think because they looked at the Raptors and they were like there’s so much size we can’t we can’t also start psky and go with only one

Wing like one forward and one Center and that’s something you know we saw it against the Hawks before the trade that even though they split that series the Hawks had a lot of trouble with Toronto size and you have not really downgraded in size here and in RJ you have someone

Who can you know is more of a mismatch attacker even if he is not as physically large as OG because he is strong and he does recognize those well and he does a really he did this last night too he does a really good job identifying hey

Who’s the weak spot in transition and and making sure his ATT goes at that guy I mean everyone did that to step yesterday uh it was one of the benefits to I’m sure we’ll talk about the defense on step but one of the benefits of having Scotty on step was that Scotty

Was able to get like early early position and make sure that golden state was scrambling from the the second uh defensive rebound game down so um I don’t know just a lot of positives and a lot of uh things just making more sense together right now okay let’s stand on

The RJ point because we got to give him his Crow yeah we got we got to talk about nine we got to talk about nine yeah um you know Alex you don’t always text me during the Raptor game uh about the Raptor game yeah exactly that’s my

Point but you even I could tell cuz you’re the most C cloud of the three of us am I I think so it’s pretty clear uh have some self-a awareness and uh I’m trying and uh even you were really really impressed with RJ so I’d love to

Hear what you’re seeing from RJ as well I think I told you like the minute RJ came here and I watched like the first game I’ve been telling you that like I’m actually a fan of RJ maybe I can’t help but compare what RJ on the offensive end

To OG just because of the trade like we’ve watched it so much um and we’ve talked about it a lot like OG isn’t really like a a Creator on offense right like he can get you the corner yeah he’s a finisher whereas like the way I see RJ

The way he plays in transition like sometimes he’ll just take the ball and just become Zion Williamson at Mid court and just bully through like three people punch Looney in the chest and like get a layup and like like you mentioned the three-point the three-point shot is

Falling maybe more than we we are expecting M but it’s like when you put RJ out there that’s another guy when there’s like 8 seconds left on the shot clock I’m perfectly comfortable with him creating a good shot and like I just I’m just impressed with him cuz like it’s

All the intangible stuff too like he’s a hard worker he takes this St seriously he was benched at the end of that Sacramento game not like bench like he wasn’t in the closing lineup he was benched and theyve got six guys who have a case to close and he was the odd man

And for him to to have this type of bounceback game um and explode for the 37 like I just I love what he’s bringing to this team and I think all the talk Blake like you mentioned I know you had a great idea of them playing Britney uh

Spear is toxic um when he drops a basket yeah that’s I think that should be his Scotia Bank Arena drop for people that don’t know you know obviously like he was he was mentioned by like what league sources as a toxic asset because of his contract and I know he’s not the key

Part of the deal but I’m so excited about what RJ’s going to bring this to this team like on the offensive end and I think that something that is obvious about RJ’s early success Quickly’s early fit and um you know it’s only four games so grains of salt and and those things

But when you look at what wasn’t working with the Raptors offense prior to the trade and what was working and as their half court offense kind of ticked upward what was it it was like well okay you’re going to lean a little bit more on Scotty Barnes and Pascal sakam because

You’re the best players and you need to play through them and those guys were seeing two bodies three bodies all over the place and the Raptors as they were constructed before really had trouble taking advantage of what that does to a defense and we’re seeing a lot a handful

Of this is not to take credit away from RJ he had a great game but a lot of like those half court possessions he had were because Scotty or Pascal drew a ton of attention and then suddenly the second side of the floor is imbalanced or guys

Are scrambling to close out late Emanuel quickley has done a really nice job once he gets off the ball relocating around the attention that Scotty and Pascal are getting and I think what you’re seeing is you know we knew that Scotty Pascal are very good scorers and were drawing a

Lot of defensive attention but the increased ability for the other guys on the floor to take advantage of that rather than the ball kicks out it swings and then it’s held and the defense resets or it goes to a 32% three-point shooter who just can’t punish you or

Whatever I think this is really taking better advantage of what Scotty and Pascal do for the other guys on the floor too yeah it’s it’s been nice to watch because you have the off ball shooter who can also handle in quickly you have the second side attacker in RJ

So when you generate the initial Advantage someone on the other side when the ball swings out to them can capitalize whether that was catch and shoot threes that he did last night or he can get downhill which he can do on a consistent basis uh you have Pascal Scotty who consistently generate paint

Pressure for you yakob is largely just kind of trying to get out the way but also kinding to create space with his uh screening and then one-on-one you have Pascal who can get you a shot so there’s a lot of options that you can go to and

I think what I appreciate about RJ In the comparison to OG is cuz look I don’t think it’s it’s not insignificant to me that OG was here for seven years and RJ in four games has already surpassed his career high as a raptor it was 36

Against the Knicks two years ago I think um RJ at 37 last night they’re functionally different players when they drive so OG is like a much stronger player than than RJ just overall right but you feel like when OG puts up the ball on the deck he gets bumped out of

Position or off balance more so than RJ now RJ’s also a really physical guy but I feel like he actually likes the bumps invites the bumps so that he can create the next angle to go up for the shot versus I feel like OG gets cut off and

Bumped out of his position too often that’s why we also saw a lot of like the balance issues whatever it’s not even OG has bad OG not getting to the line versus RJ being a magnet for the line right yeah exactly and I think it’s all just about like the subtleties of you

Know how RJ does Drive the ball and of course like in terms of finishing OG is a stronger finisher by the percentages but I think RJ puts you into more positions to finish something so I think for this team it fits better better um but yeah salute to RJ like this is like

Wildly surpassing what we expected cuz obviously we were way more expected for quickly than we were for RJ and here comes R.J like he’s had a lot of Great Moments yeah and I think look quickly is still going to be the guy we evaluate the trade on he’s the best player in the

Trade that then it’s a win but um I have a question for you guys so RJ has 37 last night and then you probably hit a point where guys could come out of the game you know they’re up they’re up 25 um Steve Kerr puts in his bench lineup

With uh Jerome Robinson who just looks Dr like I don’t know that anyone has ever looked more different once they shaved their head than Jerome Rob had had trouble picking him up like I was like Cory Brewer back yeah it’s bad that I can pick pick out Lester

Konz but had trouble with Jerome Robinson uh anyway so RJ stays in the game he takes a three uh he misses a transition bucket and then they’re like okay he comes out maybe he was maybe they were looking to get him to 40 but also he was one point away and I don’t

Know if anyone would have been aware of this live because it’s an odd thing and I don’t even know if an assistant coach would have picked up but Chris bu’s has the record for most points by a Canadian for the Raptors with 38 he had a couple 30-point games just cooking in the

Bubble you think Chris bue was aware and like like when RJ went up for the 1 three I was like is Chris B gonna fly out of nowhere and block this like do you think they know these these like kind of obscure Canadian records and are

Aware of it I actually wouldn’t put it pass Darko um because like I think Darko is a big uh feelings manager as well as as we’re gonna well we can jump ahead like RJ did not get the chain yeah yesterday even the feelings manager part

Though like cuz you would be so he might want to manage bu’s you know want to keep Bush’s record intact okay yeah this I was say this is conspiracy theory this is like I read There was an alien in Florida at a mall this weekend um but

How do you guys spend your weekend my goodness at the mall but like um yeah I wouldn’t put it past um you know Darko what did you guys think of the chain cuz RJ like straight up said on the broadcast after his walkway interview I’m going to go get the chain and Kayla

Kind of set him up get your chain jamama you know assistant coach got the chain cuz you know the warriors were his Scout so he was you know giving credit I mean that was the team he came from after working there for three years this seems

Like this is the problem that I have and so stupid complaining about the chain but like this seems like a premeditated like he was going to give the chain to jam if they won regardless yeah like it didn’t like even if RJ went for 37 like

We’re not going to change the plan like jamama was getting the chain if we won I guess the the basis for that other than this is Jam against his ex team would be RJ is going to have several chances to get a chain and our our thought early in

The year remember there was a while where no one had gotten it a second time and we kind of assumed he was intentionally spreading it around make sure everyone gets a chain there was a game where like Pasco had 30 and they were like Malachi yeah Malachi you only had one

Turnover here’s the chain H yeah shut out the jamama though I I did think can can can I ask you about the defense for a little bit because a key part of you know what this scout would have been is obviously how do you guard Steph Curry

And you know OG wouldn’t have been the Steph Curry guy but you don’t have Fred anymore you’re not box and oneing anymore you could have put quickly or or Dennis on him and what the Raptors opted to do instead Dennis saw time on him off the bench a little bit but Scotty got

The initial assignment Pascal chipped in on that assignment a little bit and what they were really trying to do was top lock Steph which drives him it basically you’re trying to take away Steph’s ability to move off the ball and get free for a three instead inviting him

Hey if you want to cut to the paint if you want to use the space inside the arc that’s all yours we’ll take that but with Scotty’s length and Pascal’s length you’re able to do that and then trust your backline defense it did that kind of crystallize for you will when we’ve

Had had these discussions about Scotty at the point of attack versus Scotty being kind of a weak side backline helper that that is kind of what they’re going for and what the vision is defensively if Scotty’s at the point of attack I think it’s certainly one of the

Benefits because it’s easier to I it’s probably more effective if you’re trying to deny Steph from getting to the ball off ball to put a bigger guy on him like uh like Scotty and part of the top locking um defense is that they were trying to not allow Steph to even use

Like the the ball screen most times uh because he doesn’t have the ball um and so I think that kind of mitigates some of it where I feel like for Scotty getting around screens when his man already has the ball is more of a challenge for him he’s a bigger body he

Has to get around it I think the Raptors should probably switch more often on those it’s also hard to switch though when you have yakob as your five um in any case it’s just a different matchup and what’s been really interesting to note is how different the job has been

For um Scotty night to night since the trade it’s been four games since the trade um night one he’s guarding Donovan Mitchell so a guy who is primarily looking to score has a huge ability to get downhill but also has a huge pull-up threat so kind of having to guard that

Type of score right um then you end up seeing him guard a lot of point guards right you get John Morant the next day uh then you get uh and the John Moran strategy courtesy of Dennis shuder when he came on our show he explained that the whole strategy was we wanted send

Him left yeah and let him do that snaky floater range stuff yes instead of the flamingo dribble which was also quite informative and educational um then the night after that he gets to see dear and fox and fox is such a speed guy um but also plays a lot of triple handoffs you

Know how do you sort of deny him there and then Steph is his own monster with how much he’s off ball and so every night to night there’s not even just one specific thing that Scotty’s doing like it’s such a different matchup each time he’s gone up against the these guys and

I thought last night he did a great job of you know not just denying Steph the ball but helping and rotating and still getting his moments where he’s actually helping off of Step or even helping off just slightly to still contribute some help defense he had a couple great

Blocks that you know sparked the fast break as well was one of his best defensive games of this season if not yeah and so I mean it it’s it’s not a strategy that the Warriors have never seen like they’ve seen Steph and Clay get top locked before um what was also

Smart about this with no Draymond in the game Draymond does so much to set up these other guys and play these two man actions you just don’t see that kind of dynamic level of interaction when it’s like cavon Looney or Dario charage or uh Jackson Triggs Trace Jackson Davis I

Kept calling him Jackson TRS I don’t know why did you treat him like a Rubik’s Cube is Jackson T is that a wine or a country singer it’s a wi okay come to it’s like the12 bot Jan 25th James Harden we’ll be at an LCBO in Toronto by

The way if we’re we’re trying to book a promotional it’s Accolade wines I found out is the the wine company I like that um sorry I forgot what I was gonna say go on no I mean but yeah I think Jama did a good job with the Scout good for

Jama did so did he he deserve the chain I don’t who cares who gets the chain it’s just kind of funny you know if you if you guys GNA make a big deal out of it you know it’s in every open gym clip like this is the camaraderie like this

Is the growth from last year then I get to complain about the chain too I think this is chain politics I think what Darko did with the chain is give people more content okay so it’s a win okay you know I like that I like that yeah look

When you win three out of four games the chain becomes a really fun thing to discuss and and half jokingly debate again when the chain was coming once every five games for a little bit there I I was a little chained out yeah no no

That’s fair um where is open gym clip on on Jama getting the chain I need to see that so uh shout out to that there was one Warriors fan a couple Warriors fan who I think flew in from like really from across the world yeah from Japan

From Japan and wanted to see Steph Curry and they couldn’t even see Steph a three well yeah so I guess this is an edited sign because I also saw a version of their sign 5,500 miles to see you we want Steve CER fired that was an editor I fig

Um but yeah you know shouts to um on the warrior side shouts to Steve Kerr starting uh Jonathan kaminga and Andrew wickens together after saying that they couldn’t play together for a half yeah so he I mean he was proved right I don’t know W by the way are you the wickens

Thing is so complex to me like I I don’t understand how a level got this low where yesterday he turned down so many shots was like not really impacting at all on defense I just I don’t I didn’t understand that version of Andrew Wiggins it’s a he’s St his prime this is

Not to say it’s all Wiggins but they are minus 150 with him on the court and plus 157 with him off the court this year that he is like it’s not just him but him on the floor versus him off the the floor has been the difference between

Like a 48 win pace and a 33 win Pace it’s wild it just doesn’t make sense to me like I I I understand like injuries really like dropping your level in the case of clay who was pretty good last night um I don’t understand what’s happened with Wiggins I don’t really

Either I doot speculation I guess yeah and I I understand a little bit more on the kaminga side Alex do we do we conclude now that like snitching Works kaminga leaks that and then plays 36 minutes the next day and is back in the starting lineup I was going to say

There’s a report from Monty P who covers the Warriors that when Kingo has benched those last 18 minutes against the nuggets and their comeback Joe lob actually sat in on Steve Kerr’s postgame press conference and then to hear Kerr’s response to that and then the next day

The Shams report that we covered came out that kaminga you know felt like he can no longer like reach his potential there and like I think he’s hit like season high in minutes since um shaved his head so like um calling your boss out publicly it might be a good move

Actually um as kaminga has proved but what else is there oh so last week we had how how would you feel if like Ed Rogers was sitting on the on the couch right right off the screen right now anyways so last week steer was under pressure that press conference man damn

Last week last week we played a warriors uh spaces clip we did yeah which you know the Warriors should have listened to yesterday because they they should have respected offense because the Raptors came through and said respect offense um I don’t know if this is going

To top it but we have another Warrior spaces clip play the clip let me let me just tell you real quick so if you guys ever heard of the story of Copus in Greek mythology right it’s basically this one that’s thrown in the depths of hell is

Pushing up a boulder up a cliff but every time he almost gets close to the hill the boulder will always go back down and he has to do it over and over and over and over again for the rest of his life down in hell that’s what it

Means when I say sop check this transition so basically this Ana whole analogy is saying that we’re just watching the same thing on repeats again and again and again and again transition listen let me tell you something um I hear you boss but Steph going two of4 nine points you’re never going to

Win that game you know what I’m saying and that’s it you know I love basketball discourse there’s so many versions of it you know there’s like the the super number side of it there’s a super ey test side of it there’s a super like hot take side of it

And then there’s like the Kendrick Perkins really flowery you know poetic side of it the Joe wolfon discourse and then there’s like the film like super deep into film version of it too so yeah that was uh Jones Kaylin Cooper yeah yeah and then there’s spaces and then

There’s SP I gotta be honest it’s too it’s too the war warriors fans are too spoiled if they’re getting into their Greek philosophy bag already or Greek mythology bag already like Copus did not win four tit like he did not push the bowler up the hill and four times out of

10 he won a championship yeah that’s that’s not cisus has zero rings but that’s the thing about sports it’s like no matter how much you win you you’re just dying to win the next one there different depths like there’s no like cool with like we’re cool with losing

We’re cool with watching like konas you got to get greedy you you you just end up getting more and more greedy like the Raptors wi Championship just made me want to see the Raptors win games even more now Sports is gluttony man um what else man 11 11 is in the rotation Now

Blake 11 uh J jont yes yeah you got you got to keep up the numbers man okay sorry jont who’s playing in the same uh same white t-shirt that that JR’s walking around here in sleeveless in Seattle um 11 looked great I thought um you know he played some fourth quarter

Minutes against Sacramento um on Friday and you know since that Memphis game he’s been getting minutes what have you made of of jonte in the rotation so far Jon expert yeah it’s been it’s been good J exell yeah wow wow uh that’s two of your favorites by the way yeah that’s a

Good one um yeah he’s been he’s been solid I mean like I I tried to level set coming out of that feature obviously he’s a guy that I I think could be an NBA guy um but you saw that Sacramento game the high and low of it I thought

His first stint in that game was pretty rough and I didn’t expect to see him again in that game and then he comes in hits his a couple of his threes gets a little bit of his flow going was a big part of those units that helped keep

That game from getting away from them and helped keep it close for late I thought he was just just a guy yesterday but like we’re talking about these three games in he’s shown you enough at this point I think that you know on Tuesday when they play again I would expect to

See him in that role once again this team team needs a backup center right now even if that’s only 10 11 minutes a game and I I think he’s at least shown you that it’s worth a look here I think the other important piece of it

Is and this is not just related to jonte it’s more about the bench in general but Chris bue looks a lot better in bench lineups that make more sense now like like when you’re not tripling down on the things that guys do wrong like Chris bushe and precious tuua and Jaylen

McDaniels all trying to play together you now have like a big out there who can set the screens and space a little bit bu doesn’t have to be spotting up all the time you’ve got ball handlers who can get bu the ball um you still

Have not a ton of shooting so bushe gets to get all those offensive rebounds it’s uh it’s good I don’t I sorry to turn a jonte question into a Chris question but I I do think Jon’s small minutes presence here as the ninth man does kind of you know crystallize that yeah even

The bench groups now make a little bit more sense yeah I know cuz I did want to talk about dece 5 as well five my van I wanted to talk about van Fred Van cuz he had a monster game against Sacramento and like kind of that that like that’s the like quintessential

Chris bue game yeah and I thought he brought that last night as well and I am curious like are we just seeing a kind of like a positive blip in his performance or do you think this is something like Blake mentioned like now with this new roster kind of makes sense

For him now he’s totally capable of big games like we we’ve seen this um with is just about the consistency and like how many mistakes he manages to sort of cut out and I thought yesterday was as close to like a perfect Chris buet game that we’ve seen like in a baseball analogy

Chris like threw seven Innings and gave up two walks you know what I mean it struck out nine guys like he gave a prime AJ Bernett like no it was like aside from leaving Sarge open for two threes in the second quarter he did everything well I mean seven of seven

From the field speaks for itself but there were even sequences where you know yeah uh the Raptors were playing Zone and credit Darko too I thought their their zones worked really well against the warrior second unit um and that kind of flipped the momentum of the game back

In favor of the Raptors when the Raptors were losing it a little bit to start the second quarter and Chris in that zone was able to cut off a a drive then double team on the Baseline then cut off another Drive help in the lane cut off

Another Drive close out contest a three and then run out ahead of the pack Euro Step throw it back out and then you know drop three Defenders into the paint with that hard drive and that set up RJ for three like that was all in the span of

Like 30 seconds and he made like six plays and I just think that sometimes it’s something where you just got to appreciate like not everybody’s going to do that you know what I mean like that’s it’s the amount of energy that he puts into that and for sure if you got to

Make six plays in 30 seconds chances are pretty good you’re going to make one or two errors in that but I thought Chris actually did a great job of just not making pretty much any errors last night so and the shot you’re talking about psky rushed it like bue was Wendy like

That’s that’s how well bue was barreling down and then yeah to beat everyone down the you were the shock contest in the corner and you beat everyone down the floor still yeah um I thought it was good and look the truth is is that Chris bushe should not have been out of the

Rotation as much as he was this year he should have been playing more minutes but he is 30 years old and they wanted to get an extended look at precious auua again to see you know if he was going to be a part of the future plans or not

They wanted to get Jaylen McDaniels a look because they signed him to a 2-year deal and you know Bill Duffy CL we’ve already heard Rumblings that sign him to William neander money that’s that is almost exactly bu’s contract um but like teams want bue we we started to hear

That around the league so maybe they decided hey if we got to split Harris here bush is the odd man out as a 30-year-old who could potentially be dealt but that was never a merit discussion it was a fit discussion and uh we have to pick two of these three

Guys to play who make sense bue has done a lot with the minutes that he’s been given um when he’s gotten them this year and I think this just kind of affirms that he’s a quality bench big in the NBA it’s no there are not very many bench

Guys out there who are going to look good in ill-fitting situations and who are going to change games for you night tonight but if we go in with bench player expectations bu is a really good piece um I like your point about jonte just being really steady alongside of

Him MH because that’s my biggest takeaway for jonte is just I have not been stressed about him at all he just comes in and and does his job the anti press and he clocks out yeah there’s there’s no like big mistakes he’s not really jumping all that much um he’s not

Trying to do too much he’s taking shots within the rhythm of the offense Emanuel slowly yeah and I think that that steadying presence alongside of Chris who’s like you know running around hair on fire is actually kind of nice they really running around yeah before it was just

Him and precious doing that and I was like all right guys like at a certain point we got to stop doing this yeah but I I’m enjoying the combo so far Yeah couple uh couple quick things before we take the Break um so uh Trey Deuce that’s auto porter

Um killing me with these Trey Duce um finally got his 2022 championship ring last night didn’t have to wait as long as Danny Green did for his Raptors Danny Green waited over a thousand days yes per Jay of the other other network he counted the days I think Auto was around

500 Days yeah 500 Days Danny Green took us long so like right now Roman Reigns has the longest WWE Title reign in modern history and it’s about as long as it took Danny Green to get his ring this guy really has the danen took a rain yeah Danny

Green took a whole Hulk Hogan Peak Hulk Hogan Championship run to get his spring yeah and then uh uh you know van s posted a photo on on IG on the team plane after the game because Otto was flashing his like phone light into the ring like studying his championship ring

And I think uh Chris posted a caption of just like oh the first one is obviously always the most special and it did make me like remember like Chris is kind of a vet in that situation in that he got a ring with the Raptors and like he’s been

Through this Chris was also on a Warriors championship team as a two-way and didn’t get a ring because he was no longer with the it’s a weird I remember when the Raptors won the championship Jordan Lloyd became the first two-way player to win to get a ring because

Chris bu had been the only two-way on the Warriors the year prior and didn’t get a ring and you guys forget Revenge game last night for bu too seriously uh you guys forget that Chris’s autos vet what is he like two months older Chris buet is 6 months older than uto Porter

How does that make sense like in my mind I just like no that that wild I always auto porter was guarding Demar in a playoff series while Chris bue was still like getting his feet wet at Oregon yeah but this is I mean this is part of grind

Now shine later of like f getting such a late start to his career that’s actually the name of his dog that why you used it yeah Chris is always he’s always going to be 25 to me like Kean yeah um like it’s just like one of those things well

It’s like Jr’s always going to be 22 Yeah speaking of Jr and his love of Tommy hillfigure um lastly you know the pizza party came close on Friday so close that north of Brooklyn reached out yes north of Brooklyn reached out to you north of Brooklyn to Aaron

Rose no Aaron Rose reached out actually I I squeeze myself in there as well uh um yeah how did it feel will coming down the stretch their a little fourth quarter comeback seemed like they had a shot were you looking up toppings were you thinking about hooking up the crew

Today oh I was totally going to hook you guys up can you still do yeah I tweeted the garlic knots got to come with that package yeah okay okay by the way we got to go to yeah you know there’s there’s there’s a bar that uh Northern Brooklyn

Operates out of oniri as well quite there’s like a giri Trent J sorry what are we doing today they win games we just got silly uh no I mean I I actually really enjoyed that Sacramento game like of course it was frustrating to see when Sacramento just couldn’t miss from three

Yeah but you kind of figured out like okay they’re going to cool off eventually and when they when they kind of did the Raptors did have the opportunity to cut it in and yeah I mean the fact that quickly was actually fouled going off for the last second

Shot and I don’t know I got to look at it closer was his foot on the line or not you’re approaching darl myy audit teritory no but what I mean is it kind of validated the effort to me no sure sure you know like that they they fought

Through against a team that made 21 threes yeah and then the next game they scored like 0 points oh they lost like 60 to the Pelicans yeah by the by the way an 86% free throw shooter would go three for three at the line about 63% of

The time so about a two-third chance if he gets that foul call we’re going overtime yeah well well there would be enough time for the Kings to get the ball back and maybe they take like a 20% shot or 30% shot or whatever were defending so well that game though uh by

By the way the byus had fouled out too yeah yeah he did so you know yeah by the way the um you know I think we all love that Keegan Murray call and response chance yeah ke can we do that Esure back Arena van S no no jayen

McDaniels it got to be two syllables on both sides right no no I think we could actually do it for Emanuel quickly though you could do it for RJ Barett Cadence of it two syllable two syllable I actually want Raptor fans to pick up on that like why don’t we let’s create a

Vibe let’s create an atmosphere again why don’t we do that like okay anyway shouts to Aki and Ricky at be steak sandwich I had to cash in on some free food this week after missing out oh somebody got a free pizza party then gave me a free steak sandwich they’re

Big big big supporters of the show oh okay where’s where’s the shop uh Little Italy oh okay yeah I’m down no they’re they’re popping they don’t need us to promote oh word all right oh they’re they’re like Beyond popping sorry I was not familiar with your your your shop

But damn that’s a good looking sandwich yeah yeah yeah yeah so we should go in sometime hey congrats to the bear as well yeah not to Joe Koy though yeah sorry this is so off time but the bear did I see right it won in the comedy category yeah comedy family trauma is

Comedy it’s kind of funny it’s a tra just because something funny doesn’t make it a comedy yeah I agree with you it’s fully a drama series yeah yeah but congrats still you know great to see them please watch another show um yeah so when we come back uh Pascal Rumors

Savannah will join us all right second hour and then we’ll go around the NBA and talk about Milwaukee’s equipment manager and other thing oh yeah the is coming down after this break but uh they are well maybe but anyway I’ve been your host will you’ve been listening to the

Raptor show on the sportset radio network welcome back to the Raptor show on the sportsite radio network I’m your host way L continue to be joined by Blake and Alex uh we are going to get to the Daily part of the show where we have to discuss Pascal yakum trade rumors so

Alex what we got man yeah so there was a lot of buzz on Friday um heading into the pizza game against Sacramento about the king and Raptors potentially being in discussions on a trade for Pascal sakam and a friend of the program Shams shiria the Riz God actually talked about

It today on his uh show run it back which he stole from us run it back is one of 10 like most common basketball show names by the way yeah that’s fine um and he said that quote I’m told the Raptors and kings were in active conversations about a pascal trade

Revolving around Harrison Barnes um and at that point and at this point he says the only way that it’ll reignite again is if Toronto comes back to Sacramento So based on what we heard too Michael gra reported that according to League sources the kings were not going to make

Keegan Murray available and that they weren’t interested in paying Pascal the full Max contract because they already are on the hook for full max deals for damont sabonis and dearen fox so I guess by all accounts at this point it doesn’t look like they’ll make um good trade

Partners no I don’t think Sacramento offered what the Raptors need which is like okay if you’re going to put keeg Murray in this deal we can have a discussion but otherwise then no there’s not the rest of the pieces aren’t appealing to me no you’d have to Cobble something together that includes you

Know Kevin herder who has two more years left at like 37 million that’s to me is a you know if in a bigger deal that’s a reasonable enough fer he’s 25 he’s played well but it can’t be the headline item for a guy who’s been all NBA har

The headline I mean Harrison Barn’s the headline salary matcher uh but even Harris Barn like we talked about this with Wiggins how much extra you need to get back to take on that salary that’s not the case for Harrison Barnes he’s a much better player than this and much

Better value but he’s got two years left at 37 million total like that’s a that’s a 37 for Harrison BS total over two years not not per that’s still a lot actually old is he it’s tradeable he’s 31 um it’s tradeable but like it’s not a great uh like that’s you’re doing that

Just to make the salary math work so then you’re looking at Kevin herder and it’s like okay he’s already gotten paid he’s had a down year where he’s fallen out of the rotation at times what else can that look like and then if Keegan Murray is not on the table you know I

Like Keon ell he’s a two-way player Davon Mitchell has the best nickname in basketball but like I don’t know that you can have him on the floor at the end of games given the offensive limitations and he’s already 25 he’s he was a really old Prospect uh coming in so then you it

Just gets a little hard to a a Deal’s going to have to send so many pieces that Sacramento out and none of those pieces as a headline item in a trade probably satisfy the Raptors and certainly not the fan base to let go of you know one of the the top six arguably

Top five players you’ve had in franchise history yeah you didn’t even list a guy in there that I feel confidently what starf the Raptors venkov I mean sure I guess they could throw in Sasha venkov but they don’t use all that much um yeah yeah okay you

Talking Malik monk or who’s the name that I didn’t mention yeah no no no I mean like out of all longm starters for the no this is like a and Monk’s cool but like Monk’s also an expiring contract heading into UFA and I just don’t think the Kings like if

The kings were adding a sakam type I don’t think they’re going to take away one of their best options to play off of seaka and Malik monk anyway it is great timing that the Raptors are on this road trip and so the front office be on the

Road trip visiting all the tra yeah so it’s just reporters on the ground being like wow he’s having a chat with Alvin Gentry wow they’re having a chat with uh Mike dun Mike dun Ley yesterday it’s like all right cool poo poo platter this is I’ll tell you who we won’t be having

A chat with later this week Lawrence Frank I doubt those conversations I see those I want Frank um I want to see MSI have a conversation with Kawai man I want to see M side dressed up at LeBron’s 39th birthday party check those photos guys um gra also reported that

The Warriors aren’t interested in partying with Jonathan kaminga um and he said that quote not ins significant detail is that kaminga is said to have a very close relationship with Warriors owner Joe lob oh who has historically been reluctant to part with any of the young talent that represents the warrior

So-called two timeline strategy so yeah no Jonathan kaminga for now I guess my bigger question for you guys is because I know we’ve talked about kaminga we talked about ke Murray are the Raptors in a position where they have not a lot of Leverage or do you think this is

Going to change in the weeks leading up to the deadline cuz right now all these teams are basically just saying yeah we’re not going to give you the player that you want I mean this is how negotiations go until they get to the actual deadline itself but also knowing that Pascal is

Obviously running up to free agency even though all indications are he would accept an extension on May 31st yeah I mean so for my understanding of this any team that would first okay if the Raptors were to trade pakum this is at least in my mind how it should go they

Need to make that decision we are moving on from Pascal we are not signing to this extension we are instead then going to trade you so then you would go to him and his representation and communicate that thought we are not resigning you we are uh not extending you we are going to

Trade and so at that point you would then ask for a list of teams that they probably would be interested in going to or having a conversation about extending or resigning in that new location extension is pretty much off the table now because it’s only two years so let’s

Say teams that he’d be interested in resigning with you get that list from them and then you go to those teams and then you can actually have a real conversation about we are going to trade value for Value because this is a player that’s going to stay with you long term

From my direct knowledge on this that has not happened there has been no communication where opposing rvel teams have reached out to the Pascal side to be like hey would you resign here because otherwise we’re going to get into this trade talk so that’s where when the Sacramento thing was happening

I was like I’d be surprised if they do this because there’s no contact on that front and look the reality is when you have someone’s bird rights you can exceed the cap to resign them that’s a big factor in this but it’s not everything and we saw with Fred Van v

The Raptors you know had had at least the fallback plan of like well maybe we’ll sign and trade him because we have his bird rights and only a team with enough cap space could sign him away these things do happen it’s not insurance and because he can’t and where

I feel about you know whether siakam’s Camp would tell a a inquiring team yeah we’d be interested in resigning where I have trouble with that even mattering that much anymore is the window’s kind of Gone by like even if Pascal were to say to the Kings yeah I’d consider

Resigning at the end of the season you know use the bird rights on me go over the cap we can figure this out Sacramento has no way to get an assurance of that anymore the time the time the window’s gone they like you can do a verbal but we’ve seen we’ve seen

Things change really quickly in the NBA before and we just do that last year with yakob like yakob was expiring we traded for him anyway with actual value with the full knowledge that he was going to resign with us but James Harden was you know opting out and signing a max deal with

Philadelphia and that was going to take you know or or he was going to get traded to Houston and that would take Houston’s cap space off the table and then Fred Van vet would have to stay like things change and I’m not saying that Pascal’s Camp would be like would

Say one thing and do another what I’m saying is if I’m a team that’s acquiring him that hey we’d be interested in resigning when you can’t actually do it yet is not as comforting as had you done this and that appes more Indiana team that to careful they give up assets and what

They can and can’t lose in free agency um but I do think it’s it’s a factor for some teams yeah but anyway my point is the approach hasn’t come from the Raptors to say we’re going to have that conversation about trading you and we have made this decision to do that and

Then there also hasn’t been conversations on our opposing front offices being like would you resign here because that would tell me that those teams are interested in trading so there’s a lot of noise still but I think a key part is that that hasn’t happened and until I hear differently about that

And I could report differently on that like that’s you know these are just more teams interested in Pascal but kind of curs Interest yeah and and to be honest we’re a month out from the trade deadline still the the OG trade happening when it happened kind of

Shifted the timelines on us a little bit here where it is pretty rare for this early in January talks to really heat up you start to hear like this is supposed to be the time of year we start hearing well the Raptors are still you know listening to offers on

The Bulls would listen to offers on Zack LaVine but we’re already like months into that and then the OG trade kind of kick started what we conceived to be trade season a couple weeks earlier than we normally see like last year there were 15 deadline Week deals and 12 of

Them came down to the wire if I’m remembering right and like happened on Deadline day it’s pretty rare for this stuff to pick up now so maybe those conversations just aren’t happening the other thing and this would be the negative take on what you’re reporting here Will from the Raptor perspective is

Even if those teams would want to sign Pascal longer term they’re treating these trade negotiations as a pure rental and that’s why it hasn’t got to that stake either because you’re telling mess and Company hey we we can’t be assured we contractually cannot sign him to longer term so we’re only talking

About this at rental prices yeah there’s back channels and stuff like that but there is but I’m saying that like if you were negotiating for a trade why wouldn’t you take that stance at least until you know msai calls you back and it’s like we got a deal you got to move

On it or not that’s why it sounds like there Harrison bar on the table and not Keegan Murray yeah I mean you guys can talk more about um 43 in the um in the next segment with what else is going to say you know that’s well you know I

Think you guys should dive into also you know Jay wrote a really good piece um spotlighting a bit of a divide between the front office and Pascal and things like that so uh more 43 talk in the second hour all right I guess you forced

Me into doing it so we’re going to take this break been your host will you’ve been listening to the Raptor show on the sports radio network welcome back to the Raptor show on the sports night radio network I’m your host way Lou I’m joined by co-host Blake

Murphy and we will be joined on the line I think by Savannah Hamilton or Savannah already there sorry producer I missed a note in my ear Savannah is not there yet but Savannah will join us remotely uh she is obviously on the road with the

Raptors um as they travel now to La what a road trip to be on obviously I’ve done the the beat Rider traveling with the team at times and I got to tell you man a Sacramento whatever you you have time for Sacramento or you don’t it’s not the

Liveliest of cities but San Francisco and then multiple days in LA because it’s a you’re playing both the Lakers and the Clippers this is the dream this the dream trip other than like maybe if you can get like two out of the three of New York Chicago Boston with an extra

Off day in New York maybe that tops it but tough to beat uh San and a couple days in La as a as a media trip so I’ve the only time I’ve actually traveled to cover the beat itself was the championship run which was awesome um but you’ve done like more of

These uh back when you were at the athletic and I’m curious like did you have to fight Eric Karine over these where you’re like Eric uh I’m getting first dibs over this La trip no so it’s it’s uh we would sit down and and playoffs is a different thing so even in

The championship round Eric traveled all through the playoffs I only travel for rounds three and four um you know just budgets and things like that but what we would do at the start of the year is basically that kawh shot open up the bank for you to go exactly um they no

They would like give us a budget for the year not like X number of games and Eric and I would have to sit down and try to chop that up and Eric was more of a I mean San Fran was a contested one because the Athletics had office was

Also there so you want to get there and get some FaceTime and stuff like that it’s usually part of a cool bigger trip um but Eric usually made the New Orleans trip his first pick whereas I was more focused on the other Northeast cities New York Chicago Boston um yeah it’s uh

So he I don’t know Mamba the next time I see him there you go um so I don’t know we would get like between the two of us we would do like 25 games or whatever um and then yeah the very last uh the very

Last trip I did was the one where I came off the road right into quarantine because Rudy go Rudy goar invented Co and touched all the microphones and I had been that was a six a six game 11 day trip if I’m remembering right yeah I remember I remember that game OG fought

Uh Rudy goar in that game and it was concerned because it was like but Rudy got the vid that was also the uh the trip with the uh Nuggets game that we talked about the other day where he had seven Steals and put up like 30 plus

Yeah all right joining us on the line is Savannah who um yeah Savannah we were just burning time here and talking about life on the road I mean you’ve got used to life on the road the last couple of years so where are you at now um I mean we’re in beautiful Beverly

Hills so get out of here get out of here wow no wonder you look uh so happy and joyous yeah certainly not where I was staying on a on a more Sho string budget Airbnb style in the the LA stops but glad uh glad it’s suiting you well SV

Yeah um okay thank you very much so yeah SE you’ve been um you’ve been on the road because there’s been a couple notable things that’s happened on the road and it’s been a while since I’ve seen you typically you know we got up to

The 600 booth and then we chop it up and you know I ask you these questions there so I kind of just wanted to catch up with you a little bit um you were there for Detroit in that game right when the trade happened and everything like that

Tell us about that day and what what what’s standing out to you from there oh man well we flew in uh for where were we I think the night before we were in Washington I believe um we flew in Boston sorry Boston it’s all turning into a blur for me already um so

We flew in from Boston got literally into Detroit at I believe 3 in the morning that’s when we were in our hotel room uh and then you know we whatever we go to sleep I was trying to be ambitious and I’m say told myself I’ll go to the

Gym in the morning as if um I ended up sleeping right through my alarm and stuff like that I wake up to a text message from my friend that sent me the W tweet of saying OG just got traded oh and I was hosting the pregame show for

That like day on NBA TV Canada so just threw away my scripts because the big storyline of the day was going to be the losing streak and seeing if the Detroit Pistons were going to set a new record um and now it was about OG and then RJ

And and quickly so uh yeah so that was pretty jarring uh and I know for myself like that the first time that you know I had a show at the same time that there was a a live trade made on the same day so that was an interesting experience um

But a lot of uh yeah a lot of pointers take it away and then and luckily being surrounded by the pros um we got through it just fine what was the mood of the the group at that time s like when you got down to the

Game for example and you saw the players like was there like a noticeable like oh damn because there was so much discussion after the game about how much the the people side of the business you lose a lot of your players in these kind of Trades what was the mood like from

The players that day you know when I by the time I got to the because um of all the news happening I was hit up by different people and had to run and chase scrums and go to coaching presses so like the mood more so in the arena and then as the players

Are coming out to warm up like you know you could tell that they’re putting their like professional face on um but the energy was something there was just something in the air like you can’t put a tangible thing I can’t tell you exactly what it is but you just tell

When someone’s like they’re just they’re there but like are they really there type of thing um and and so that’s how it kind of felt and I think that’s how like everybody was kind of wrapping their minds around the fact that like hey OG was a part of

The franchise for a long time it was a staple um he is Scotty barnes’s friend I know that Scotty was approached in the locker room and actually I was going to go approach him potentially in the locker room as well but sure enough like he just completely like he was asked if

He want speak and he just said no I just kept it moving um and you know that’s Scotty Barn his first big trade seeing somebody like his colleagues get traded right uh so that’s kind of that’s kind of tells you where at least Scotty State of Mind was with Pascal Pascal has been

Here done that before um doesn’t make it much easier of course but as he put it in the press conferences afterwards that he’s like they expect us to be what like robots that’s basically what we’re paid to to do to be um and we just got to

Keep professional we got to win games and we just got to keep it moving basically so you know when you when you hear stuff like that and you hear like hey one player just doesn’t want to talk to meia at all another player is just telling you that it feels like a robot

Like that’s that’s that sense in that in that day so that kind of explains it it’s also I think the difference between being maybe not a sell’s move but making a trade when you’re losing versus making a trade when you’re winning because I was on the road uh during the

Championship season at the trade deadline so they play that game against Atlanta where they only have eight guys and you know cuz kawai’s sitting that one Jord Lloyd actually got like real minutes in that game it was like the only time all year um and that one was

Like it was the same kind of chaos but it was so fun it was like New York the next game it’s like is Mark Gasol going to debut is he going to clear his physicals in time like oh there’s malcol Miller he must have got called up from

The G League that that one is a lot more fun whereas this one I think was a you know it’s happening while you’re losing B it’s happening while you’re losing to the Pistons uh in a record setting game and C it’s a trade where you don’t know

If that’s the only thing that’s going to happen you don’t know what that says about the direction whereas when you’re in a win Now situation you know that whatever chaos you’re dealing with is to make the team better to move toward the playoffs there’s a lot more uncertainty

With this one um Sav obviously it’s only four games and obviously wins make the Vibes better but you if you compare right now to that December 30th game in Detroit and what if felt like after how big a Vibes Whiplash has this been getting the new guys in there and seeing

How it all works and feels I wouldn’t call it really a whiplash quite um I it’s not like you know everyone is celebratory per se because I feel like the wins are something that are expected of you you know I think I think if anything they’re happy that they’re starting to live up

To expectations more than you know accomplishing something amazing here so I feel like they’re just like okay we’re kind of we’re getting back on track that’s what it that’s what I get the sense of so no one’s overjoy I think whenever you know we as media selfishly we love covering winning teams because

Everyone’s so easy to talk to and everyone has been a lot more um open and and sharing like hey what is working versus nobody really wants to talk about what’s not working per se um and so that’s kind of like what’s been the adjustment I’d say at this point in time

Um but like that being said like you know it’s not like it’s a you know they’re they’re not missing OG in terms of like you could you could sense it it’s just more so like Hey we’re adjusting to these new guys it’s still a process the results are starting to

Speak for themselves and how this is all played out so far and we’re just GNA keep rolling with it and if we we win more games then the more the merrier yeah um okay another media question and we’ll get to the actual games and stuff too but it’s just been a

While and this is typically how we would talk um yeah how have uh RJ and Emanuel been to like interviewing and stuff like in terms of just like behind the scenes just getting to talk to them and Shuff like that like OB this is a big change

In their life but um how have they been to deal with so far so Emanuel is a very very happy positive guy okay you can definitely tell he’s like skipping on the court all the time by yeah by the skipping he’s uh he’s pretty easy to

Talk to uh he’s always H he literally always has a smile on his face like it will be a competition between him and Scotty for who smiles more right now I think IQ might be in the lead um outside of that uh RJ he is also he’s great he’s

Professional he’s a like a lot like his dad just very like Polished in and like in terms of his answers um however he’s concise he reminds me a little bit of OG in that way but he’s not as short as OG yeah um and so he’ll give you a little

Bit more meat on a bone but like he’s still very concise with his words and definitely professional and mature it feels like RJ’s been a pro for like 10 years now he kind of has like when he was like a huge top prospect 16 and practicing at the Canada basketball

Senior men’s like I remember going there for like actual men seam stuff and you look over and like RJ’s doing one-on-one drills and stuff there and like he’s not doing media then but you go to Duke you’re going to do you’re going to get your media TR it honestly it reminds me

A lot of like how every hockey player in Canada from the time they’re 15 onward knows how knows exactly to say only the cliches RJ’s a lot more insightful and open than that but that like level of yeah I’ve been doing media since I was

16 in the city of Toronto I’m I’m ready to go only time we’ve seen uh RJ crack up so far is when he tried to uh bring Emanuel quickley directly to Osmos upon Landing in Toronto which I to defend to defend Osmos and RJ Barrett the Osmos location

In Miss Saga the original one is Streetsville that one is like really really good so I I get where RJ is coming from tell the Osmos I had in Sudbury last summer is not the same quality as the original not not quite but sh Osos in general you

Know salute salute um I suppose U okay let’s talk about basketball The Encore fit um we’re seeing it a lot better now RJ with a career performance um at least as a raptor yesterday 37 points he’s had more than that with New York what are you seeing from his Encore fit in terms

Of slotting in because expectations are really high for Emanuel and I think he’s kind of got there to some degree but for RJ it feels like this like brilliant surprise to see what he did last night yeah um I think he’s been definitely a pleasant surprise and I’m

Thinking that like the fit so far I mean like just like look at strictly results only like it’s been relatively seamless I think in the Sacramento game um is where maybe like a little bit of a drop off happened in the fourth quarter um but other than that like you really

Can’t point to too much all things considered being on like just placed on a brand new team with new plays with new terminology and all and and then thrown on the road let alone so you know you got to give him a lot of credit and then

You know yesterday at the at the press conference you know he talked to me to me about he’s like I just want to help my team I’m like well you helped them with 37 points so yeah you dig it you did a good job with that um and I was

Asking him even like what’s working for him uh in terms of you know even his three-point shot like there was one point in the first half where he had five he he was hitting five for six from three and the entire Warriors team were

Like five for 25 from three um and so I was like I asked him like what’s working and he said it’s kind of like the system here the ball movement and that’s actually something that has been the biggest adjustment I think for uh quickley and RJ has been the fact that

They’re not used to the ball move movement here cuz I remember talking to RJ he’s like yeah did you know that in our first two games we had 25 assists and like talking to me as if that’s a lot Meanwhile we’re used to seeing the numbers in the assist range in the 30s

And then even the 40s this season and so I was like oh oh yeah yeah yeah welcome to the Raptors like they they actually passed the ball um that’s kind of like the style of play that they that they run here um and so he said that like the

Last night he’s like yeah I like the fact that they they’re really quick with moving the ball and like that kind of like everybody gets a touch U and you can contribute in different ways through that way as well so um I think the style

Is just really working for RJ here and I think this is kind of something that he needed because you know looking at at where he was in New York he wasn’t getting as much of a role um in and just and his in his results were varied a lot

Of times people were say he was inconsistent and so far like with the Raptors he’s not going to probably have a 37 seven point night every night I I wouldn’t put that expectation on him personally but you know do I think that he’s going to continue to grow and

Evolve with his team and something that coach Darko said that he really liked from what he saw from R.J was his playmaking ability like he’s a guy that knows what he’s doing with the ball but doesn’t need the ball and that’s a huge like like uh uh asset to have on this

Team so I’m very impressed with RJ so far Sav you mentioned there RJ you know pointing out the system and the ball movement there and his conversations with Darko now that the pieces seem to fit a little bit there are more options offensively certainly and the defense is

May be a separate thing that’ll take a little longer but on the offensive side do you think we’ve started to and will continue to get a better sense of Darko as a head coach now that there are a few more tools a few more weapons and the

Answer to everything isn’t well you only got six guys or or uh things of that nature you know they were at one point the worst three-point shooting and free throw shooting team in the league there’s a little bit more offensive punch now you think we’ll learn a little

Bit more about Darko this next little while than we did maybe in the first 20 games or so so it’s funny because before this trade I said I feel like something has to happen with this team before we could give Darko a fair critical analysis um because essentially it was the same team

From last year’s Nick nurse’s team with kind of similar if not slightly dipping results and so it wasn’t it I just didn’t feel like it was a fair a fair plane for for Darko to be assessed on solely um and so now that we have two new assets and clearly this

Has added depths because even Steve Kerr in the press conference commented uh and said that the Raptors are a lot more deep with a quickly and RJ starting with Dennis coming off the bench and now you got Gary coming off the bench uh so that

Just adds that element to it so yes now I would say we look at how darko’s doing and if this is the Judgment you know era I guess of the season for him I mean so far winning three out of the four games um I guess yeah three out of four games

And then the fact that Sacramento’s two-minute report came back where quickly got um like you know whatever grabs or whatever while he was shooting his like three-point shot it could have been a tie game and who knows how that could have ended technically this could be a four-game win streak if this was

The case um but three out of the four so far to start the new year is not bad whatsoever um and it definitely helps when you have that increase of depth as as well as three-point shooting because that’s something that also quickly has proven that he could definitely do as

Well yeah well quickly comes in he’s taking over at Point what was impressive to me yesterday watching quickly is The Scouting Report coming in was he’s a com guard he’s going to score he’s going be a microwave scorer we’ve seen that at times um he can really go off and um

That’s how they beat Memphis for example quickly was really really able to provide that spark plug scoring yesterday I thought it was like really impressive how he kind of ran almost like a traditional Point first quarter he had six assists already no turnovers 10 assists in the game overall um SE

What are you seeing from him in terms of in the point guard role specifically yeah actually this is something that Scotty pointed out to me uh I think where were we back in Sacramento uh he he was telling me he’s like what he’s most impressed with with

These guys is the fact that they are versatile on both ends of the floor um and now focusing more on quickly like that’s exactly what I’m seeing as well a lot of Versatility we could and even having spoke to quickly myself the first thing he told me when he got into

Toronto he said that you know he’s kind of known to be a scorer scorer in New York um but here he wants to be more of a playmaker a facilitator uh which is once again a piece that can knows what they’re doing with the ball but doesn’t

Need the ball and now he wants to step into that point guard rle position uh and and and be that guy that kind of controls the pace of the game I feel like he knows exactly what he’s doing out there because he’s a very very quick

Guard like he’s very fast when you watch him play um but he knows the tempo of his teammates and where like how they need to be positioned and how they need to play and he knows exactly so far he’s like picking this all this stuff up on

The Fly guys keep that in mind he knows where his teammates want the ball and they had a team dinner the other day um and RJ told me that that team dinner was super helpful because they literally tra like chatted through things of like hey where do you want the ball or what’s

Best for you here or in this position or off of this screen or this this that so they’re already working through things and I think you know it’s working when you see the players around them also start to get better and I think that’s the biggest Improvement I’ve seen

Outside of these two guys that we’re focusing on right now is through yakob like that’s we have a whole separate conversation about what we’re seeing from Yak right now but I think it’s kind of the effect of quickly having a lot of control over the game of what he’s doing

But at the same time I feel like you don’t always see him with the ball in his hand too much either it’s not like you know he’s easy he’s really quick to give it up to Pascal or give it to RJ or like just get the ball moving um so he’s

Not like he’s not really isoing too much or nothing so I think that’s what’s been more impressive but but but at the same time you know you if you need a bucket he can knock down a three so he stretches the floor or he’s so fast he

Can just beat you straight off to the rim um and I’m just I’m excited for quickly personally just because you know this is his opportunity to to come into a team and own a starting position kind of like we’ve seen and I know this has been a probably a common comparison but

The same trajectory as what we saw from Tyrese Maxi because I’ve been telling people this too you go to Philadelphia you talk to any of the coaching staff there whether it was Nick nurse’s coaching staff or the one prior they everybody said nobody saw Tyrese Maxi

Coming in and being the player that he’s now and it only happened when he was giv the starting opportunity and so I’m not saying that that quickly is gonna be another Tyrese in fact he just might be another quickly but when you bring a guy

Who is the runner up for a sixthman of the year and you bring him into a starting position and say okay it’s yours see what you can do I think he’s gonna prove himself or or have at least take advantage of the opportunity to prove himself and that’s kind of what

We’ve been seeing him doing right now through that versatility of hey look what I can do I could be your facilitator but I can also buy you a bucket all right uh Sav before we let you go here I thank you I thanked you privately but I’ll thank you publicly as

Well for the help with the jonte porter feature that that I had go up Sav was on the road and got me a postgame quote from him after his debut I didn’t use this particular part of the quote in the story sa but he did tell you that his

Goal was to not mess up uh when he first got the minutes three games in here um briefly I I guess do you think he has accomplished not messing up in his 30 or so minutes um yes I would say absolutely I I even told him that when he told me

That uh I said well you did a good job not messing up I think you uh surprise uh everybody at home so far so keep it up and so yeah he’s been great he’s he’s he knows his role it is good too because he’s not playing scared he’s just

Playing his game and then not making mistakes and the key difference because you can just be out there and just do nothing and kind of like that’s one of my things with MCD when he comes in I’m just like he looks like he’s trying to

Get out the way so many times that you don’t feel his impact and then all of a sudden you notice that there’s one guy not doing anything Jon is involved he’s just not doing too much and he’s picking the right spots it’s a different way of

Not making mistakes actually I I got one more for you s before you you uh you run off to whatever you’re going to do in LA um on an off night no less oh man enjoy yourself all right uh but with Scotty I think there’s so much concern about how

Is his role going to look game to game we have seen his role look different game to game he’s taken up the bulk of the defensive assignments now with OG gone he’s been covering Donovan Mitchell John Morant dearen Fox and Steph Curry hell of a four game stretch and a lot of

Work to be done defensively um and then we’ve seen his offensive role change as well to accommodate quickly coming in at Point RJ coming in as being a wings uh you know Creator who definitely is taking more possessions than OG and doing well with it by the way uh but how

Are you seeing Scotty adapt to all of this I think he’s doing pretty well all things considered okay uh I even like watching him yesterday uh against Golden State like he was face guarding Steph like he was like making it claustrophobic on Steph so that Steph

Could at no point in time get hot because he basically rendered him scoreless in the first half yeah and so when Scotty’s yeah like so like the only two points step got in the first half was from free throws other than that he was missing everything uh layups and

Just wasn’t getting the looks like he was was normally getting so I think Scotty was doing a tremendous job defensively and we all know that defense is like definitely the unsung hero in uh this modern day NBA and so I would be more focused on what I’m seeing from

Scotty defensively before I’m analyzing him too much offensively in this transition period with these two new guys um I would still give it you know let’s talk like the end of the road trip before uh you know we see anything but I mean do I do I think that his offense is

Going to be greatly impacted by these two guys not really because these guys once again are the guys that are okay with not having the ball in their hands too also I mean we saw that open gym clip Messiah was even talking up to to quickly like hey you and Scotty are

Going to just grow together so so you know like I think I think that we could safe to say that like this is still Scotty’s team you know this is still the face of the franchise that is just right now in this adjustment period playing a different role and that’s what the best

Players do they could do a little bit of everything so I’m not too worri about Scotty at this moment yeah I hear you because he is like probably the most versatile piece in the starting five it’s easier for him to accommodate and change his role of course you just don’t

Want to see him lost in the shuffle but uh as long as they’re winning and as long as he’s still involved and gets opportunities no one’s going to be unhappy uh well actually people will still be unhappy but uh I think in the general public we’ll be uh pretty happy

With overall but sa we taken a lot of your time go enjoy uh your few days in LA and um yeah just very jealous that’s all thank you very much I think I’m go for a little bit of a walk or something but take care guys all right snah

Hamilton sportset teammate here yeah great teammate helping me out with the jonte feature I didn’t know she gave you that assist yeah so I mean so I had that feature coming and then the the one night he gets into the game I’m like well I would like like a Capper quote on

This of like it would be weird to have all the leadup and then he debuts and not have something so s hooked it up um talk to him post game by the way with with respect to Scotty’s usage this is a conversation for a bigger segment of its

Own I have seen some people on Twitter worried a little bit that oh Scotty’s usage is only fourth on the team since the trade it’s down to 21.2 % over these four games it was up around 25% before that I would say to just be a I mean a

Little patient it’s been four games and I think we’re clearly seeing Scotty trying to make sure the other guys are are getting involved a little bit more but also usage percentages and everything that’s that’s field goal attempts free throws and turnovers um you are also looking at things like well

He’s coming up with yesterday aside coming up with a lot of assists still and his the amount he’s touching the ball in the front court on a permanent basis how many times he touches the ball is almost unchanged changed he’s playing a few less minutes everyone is that

That’s a positive um he is still touching the ball a lot it’s just a little bit more in the post a little bit more at the elbow rather than face up there he’s still involved and I I think you know patience is warranted here and then the numbers also suggest yeah he’s

He’s still involved he’s just been involved more as a passer and helping RJ and Emanuel quickly find their spots and Sav telling us that you know relaying from Scotty how excited he’s been about some of the things those guys bring I think that then matches up with what the

Numbers have said and what the eye test have said which is that yeah Sky’s trying to make sure the new guys find their footing as they figure out the new kind of offensive pecking order yeah I’ve I’ve already talked about this before but um it doesn’t matter to me

After they when they win you know what I mean as long as it’s like a sustainable way to win and a sustainable way to play it doesn’t really matter to me as much in terms of who gets which role and how do we you know reposition all the roles

Ma Magic Johnson had a low to mid-20s usage most of his career too there you go I’m not saying that that’s the comp say I’m saying that you can uh you can find your way to really and look his usage rate is going to be up closer to

25% than than this 21% Mark just saying there are more than there are more ways to show you’re involved in in the offense than just the usage rate and then it’s also worth noting these are some of the best defensive games of Scotty’s career as well there you go

Okay we’re going to take our last break uh for today been your host will you’ve been listening to the Raptor show on the sports radio network welcome back to the after to show on the sports radio network I’m your host blue to finish the program today we’re going to go around the NBA

Which means we are going to bring Alex bong back onto the program and uh yeah just cherish the last week you know but Alex how you doing man you all right why you holding a baseball now I don’t know man you know how people got the stress balls and stuff yeah sometimes this

Works for me just like just working on your pitch grips yeah just working on my knuckle ball bro W this guy Chris Basset over you never know what I’m you never know what I’m going to throw your way my brother so the Milwaukee Bucks continue to struggle with defense um yes a lot

Yeah yeah this has been a constant struggle so after a loss this weekend uh Giannis said postgame quote we have to be better we have to play better we have to defend better we have to trust one another better we have to be coached better every single thing everybody has

To be better everybody it starts from the equipment manager he has to wash our clothes better M the bench has to be better the leaders of the team have to be more vocal yeah how do you think the Milwaukee Bucks equipment manager felt transcript of the Raptor show

React Yannis Le got to be better Yannis really said the the defense stinks it is cu the jerseys yeah because they smell um I just hope Jr’s listening and this is the this is a level of accountability a championship organization watch your Tommy hillfiger briefs Jr Jr you got to dress better Riz

Better um I think for Giannis it’s good for him to call this out because he’s the team leader and the Bucks have been even though they’ve been successful in terms of record and things like that they have been pretty disappointing and downright frustrating to watch this is a

A team that was used to playing Amazing defense top five level defense on a consistent basis whatever when they got to the playoffs they didn’t have different coverages you know to defend for example Miami but still they have not improved defensively we even talked about at the start of the Season how

Essentially Adrian Griffin folded on his whole defensive strategy five games in cuz his team his players ran him over then you see the reports of Bobby poris confronting him and that getting immediately leaked to the Press you know and stuff like that it’s just like that’s not good that’s not good at a

Certain point you got to show some like level of togetherness and leaking it in that degree just does not show togetherness and so I think jannis is just vocalizing their frustration it’s the worst their defense has been by ranking around the league since giannis’s third year which is way back

In 2015 16 so that’s um several coaches chasing kid doubling double teaming the ball all the time yeah I’m going to defend out of timeouts by spilling my drink on the floor and hoping someone slips like a banana I love that one yeah they’re down to 20th in defense overall

And I think you know more on the more tactical side part of the issue here is that they have tried to do different things obviously and develop different strengths but they haven’t changed the core weakness of the old system which was that it was very very concern

So you’re not forcing turnovers and it really really relied on you to clean the glass well as well and what’s happening now is they’re still not forcing turnovers they’re not getting any of the benefits of being more aggressive but what they’ve been doing has weakened their ability on the boards they’re just

An average defensive rebounding team now and then yeah some of the other stuff like where like opponent’s hitting shots getting the rim a little better whatever but to me the core thing here is you used to have a system where there was a purpose and a very clear strength and weakness to your

System that you were willing to accept and build around and thrive on and now they have lost the strengths without eliminating the weaknesses there’s still dead last enforcing turnovers so to me there’s a little bit of well what’s the point of trying all this other stuff if

You’re not even going to shore up and look the point is so you’re more versatile come playoff time but they haven’t gotten any of the value of moving away from more conservative scheme I don’t even get the sense that they’re solely bought in yeah yeah they

Don’t impress me much man sha Shai TW um if you were the Buc equipment manager and you’re challenged by Yannis what what are you doing differently at your job today nothing I’m probably getting paid like close to Le minimum wage oh no it’s G are we unionizing again no I’m

Just saying like there’s a lot of people in organizations that are underpaid so but how can you step it don’t matter what jannis says pay me some money then how can you step up as an equipment manager like what are ways you you can impress honest this depends on the

Individual I’m talking to every player about hey do you like a more firm starchier Jersey or do you like a more worn in like like form fitting Jersey and then I’m I’m tailoring that instead of throwing one load in I maybe having two different loads one for the guys who

Wanted a little starchier who want a hang dry kind of thing and one for the the guys who wanted a little more lived in okay I like that yeah I’m telling jannis to pay me if you want your clothes dry clean better jannis gives free shoes to like all the stuffff like

He’s he’s very good hey man I got to buy groceries tonight oh here’s a here’s a size 18 pull up to L Blas with a pair of freak fours or whatever the best joke was someone was like why would he call out than asses like that yeah anyway you

Got to be a relative better I didn’t say it I’m just relaying it um Warriors news breaking news Draymond Green show is back he uh dropped a pod so unsubscribe to Raptor show and get on that Draymond Green no don’t wave no don’t do that um we’re still compiling the information

Cuz we’re we’re on air right now but Draymond did tell Sher that he almost retired and and Commissioner Adam Silver damn was the one who kind of talked him out of it apparently he visited Steve Kerr’s house and they had kind of an emotional moment where they both started

To cry um in the yard just talking over the situation in the yard invite him into your house but again we’re we’re Gathering more Intel and we’ll have a more detailed report on this okay um hopefully by tomorrow and then Blake you dropped this note here as well that I

Saw this morning so Bob Meyers um you know architect of the dynasty turned podcaster turned ESPN countdown analyst is now joining the um is he joining as a consultant on the NFL’s Washington commanders general manager so the Washington commanders were recently purchased by majority owner Josh Harris

Who was formerly uh of the 76ers organization and their ownership group so they have cleaned house and as they search for a new head of football operations and head coach he’s tagging in uh Rick Spielman who used to be the GM of the Minnesota Vikings and Bob

Myers to help in the search I guess assuming that hey the the similar to what will what you and I were talking about with uh Messi’s uh potential move to the Premier League that was rumored in the past um that a lot of those skills in terms of culture building and

Talent identification at the executive level and things like that translate across Sports Bob Meers is not going to be able to sit down there and tell you who the next Draymond is that you can get in the seventh round of the NFL draft or whatever should draft Draymond

But should be able to help you maybe build a culture hey this is what you should look for in a top ex Zack and things like that yeah yeah I’m guessing you weren’t that impressed by Sam how’s performance um against the Cowboys yesterday you say sam Hower wrong like

What did you say sam Howell the Washington Commander quarterback quarterback man is that like how he’s got to use Yan Dotson more did your voice just crack like puberty what’s going on anyways is Bob Meyers the side quest King because this man you are no

This man used to be say out the straight face I’ve se you do so many side this man used to be a player right um I think he was famously on UCLA was a player agent before he became a general manager started a pod last year I remember Jay

Cole was one of the guests that was on now he sits next to Stephen A you know doing ESPN countdown and now he’s Consulting for a football team like this is a pretty deep side quest resume is all I’m saying uh um it speaks to his ability to uh make connections with

People yeah that’s how you get on these side quest sorry I’m I’m just this I know your game so well that this is how I know people get into side quest okay okay okay this like how you like write for this is the wrong question to I me

You’re just the wrong you’re just the wrong person to ask it I think you should be answering this question God damn it um next up uh passing this on to Blake who has noted that Nick nurse has found the Philadelphia version of the AR

KS Blake yes so uh I did wres the Ricky Sanchez podcast in the summer and they kind of they asked me this question and and I went back and found a tweet of someone asking me back in June of like okay well Nick nurse is leaving Toronto

Um how is he going to replace arel and the fact that he hangs out with them and jams with them and my answer was a they an LA band but they’re primarily Philly based called Mount Joy they felt to me like the spiritual equivalent of of our

Kel’s and like Nick nurse would get along with them yesterday our K’s post on Instagram our Kels are in Philly for the game and AR Kel’s Nick nurse and Mount Joy are performing to are jamming out together in Philly so uh a I’m going to tap myself on the the back a little

Bit there for picking the band correctly but B yeah um sorry to to Max Kerman I know you ushered in that transition but Nick nurse has a has a new jam band it seems yo here’s the thing you have you you pretty much called the jonte porter signing and then more importantly you

Called him actually getting called up and playing in the rotation and joining uh you named Emanuel quickley as one of five players of the Raptors should potentially try to get if they make a trade and then boom a week later the Raptors actually go trade OJ and Obi for

Manel quickly and now this is this is crazy you called random band Nick nurse is going to hook up with in Philadelphia look I feel better about this one than the than the jonte or uh or um whatever the other the quickly one like the quickly one like that I wrote about five

Guys that article named like 20 people I covered my bases so no matter what they did I I was going to be uh we saw the name in Bol okay give us the Mount Joy uh like I don’t know Playbook or what’s this guy rep yeah I mean they’re they’re

Pretty standard rock band they’re just they’re they’re accessible like they would they would be like they’d be on in the 88 here um and you might have the odd song make it to like you know I don’t know old people not old people radio but I don’t I don’t know what

Tradition radio yeah I don’t know what the other stations are called anymore um um they’re fine like I’m not like a huge fan of theirs but I I did figure that they were yeah spiritually they made sense as the Nick nurse Champion Mount Joy Vance jooy is Vance Joy in there I

Mean not in there I I don’t I think this is a I’m sep Joy different Joy don’t you Joy Luck Club oh brother by the way the buck equipment manager’s name is Trevor pson just wanted to put a name on that his name Trevor Trevor pson yeah so I

Mean you want better service pay them better man tip them or something um a lot of people make a lot less money in these jobs James Harden posted a promo yeah this weekend um CU yeah the Clippers are in town soon so on Thursday January 25th he’s going to be doing a

Bottle signing um with his new j j harden wine at an LCBO in Toronto except the poster does not say the time or the specific LCBO location and it just says pull up um you know which LCBO are you guys pulling up to to find uh you know

Darl Mor’s mortal enemy on the 25th this is so funny I’m sorry man but you know how athletes get sent like a graphic and they’re like oh just tweet it out James hard like oh yeah the elpo that’s that’s like it’s like a place like it’s like like you it’s like Distillery District

Or something it’s like the CN tower it’s like pull up to LC exactly yeah yeah um this is hilarious shouts to James this is actually how men make plans they don’t tell you when and they don’t tell you where they’re just like here’s an idea random LZ poster then go to therapy

And then it doesn’t happen but yeah I’m actually really curious where this uh wine bottle signing will be cuz I don’t know if I’m if I’m kind of I might pull up if I’m bored you know yeah I might pull up man I’m sign a bottle of

Soju um I think he’s probably only signing his own wine but he’s going to be like get out of here man don’t challenge me to a side quest like what you bringing me a mo a moon so you bot hey Darin ham saved his job yesterday I

Believe by uh beating the Clippers not that he did it um but the Lakers got the win you know Darin Ham’s been under a lot of heat and after the game LeBron was asked about the clippers because the Clippers have been playing incredible for like a month and a half now and he

Said quote they look great um And the reporter had called them the James Harden Clippers and LeBron said you said the James Harden Clippers not it’s the T Clippers it doesn’t take T long to get it right it took five games and they’ve been cooking since feel like we’ve seen

This from LeBron’s Playbook before is this a subtweet towards D ham I don’t even think it’s a sub tweet I think he added him like it’s pretty clear that like what was this is not a fit in fit out one game before this LeBron was saying in the locker room that bronny

Could play for the Lakers right now yeah um this is also just a couple days removed from the now famous six sources about the uh the unrest and with the Lakers rotations things like that look and hey tyo coached a good couple seasons in Cleveland with with those

Love Ty I think he’s one of the best coaches yeah ever what no Ty’s a great coach one of the best coaches ever man on Ty one of I love tyo man best coaches ever I don’t know about that anyways uh by the way not insignificant tyo represented by clutch Sports oh yeah

That’s why they were at LeBron’s 39th party tyu was there dressed up was it a work party then with adal with Rich Paul are you you thinking LeBron expensed his Uber to the Lakers because it was a work event if I invite enough teammates can can I get reimbursed for these expenses

Guys um Pat Bev who has the pat Bev pod yes was uh gifted a really nice custom hoodie it was like spray painted with a pat Bev pod logo by a Courtside fan um you know over the weekend which you know significant to me cuz like it’s pretty

Cool that Pat Bev has stands um he also said on the pod he was asked about RJ and Emanuel quickly joining the Raptors cuz pev has famously said earlier this year that the Raptors have no dogs you’re not worried about them if you see Pascal and OG in the alley um he was

Asked if R.J and and IQ are dogs and he says they’re pups he said they’re potential dogs yeah yeah they’re potential dogs so they’re pups right now they call them Steve slowski what did you oh my God what did you I’m trying to fit in guys I’m trying to F I thought

Mount Joy was going to be the whest thing on this segment whato all the banter y I love that drop man dere I want to hear that 30 times this week play that at Alex Wong’s funeral but like um yeah do the Raptors not have any

Dogs what’s going on guys man all I will say is I I’m actually even though I was very skeptical about this I’m actually really enjoying the pet B podcast yeah I is the co-host of the Year player podcast co-host of the Year me award goes to rone uh um and Pat just is

Really committed to the bit like he’s either he’s almost like a pro wrestler in a way to me like I don’t definitely like a pro wrestler he’s wearing a sleeveless hoodie yeah um I I guess my question would be as a followup to this

I mean a if is Scotty Barnes also in the potential dog watch because I I feel like that is the one person who probably could have had a gripe with the the P BF stuff earlier in the year like well if anyone had a gripe they could have you

Know did anything to B be in the three times they played each other so this was going to be my part does he have to revisit the OG one after the Knicks absolutely stomped the 76ers the other day by like 36 and OG was like plus

Infinity or whatever it was and Pat Bev in his like 10 minutes was like minus 100 well that’s the thing with Pat Bev is you can’t actually get him back you know that was the there was that clip with I know the show that you love with

Cameron and mace it is what it is and they were talking about it and he’s always like you know what Pat B says like you know I’m I’m going light it up like what do you mean you’re going to take more charges ma did say that like

You got to play defense harder you’re going to put up eight points tonight CU he never means that he’s going to put up 30 but honestly I just enjoy the entertainment factor of it yeah so yeah good for good for Pat B unnamed media member because I want to get this person

In trouble text me and said OG was not a dog I know that much RJ is um live right now um this guy got a text that said wolf W guys uh you know we love our acronyms and stuff did you guys know that scoot Henderson has a personal Mantra uh

That’s OD do you know what OD stands for will is this like a a different uh dissociative disorder or no no it’s overly disorder overly determin to dominate got you OD uh how do you like how do you like scoot Henderson’s OD approach yeah I’m going to pass it to

Blake this doesn’t this doesn’t hit for me but maybe it hits with Blake I mean overly determined is just like like grammatically a little clunky like determined is not a binary thing you can be more degrees of of determined but I feel like overly is weird there also and

This is a issue that I expressed with OG and the Nicks fan base last week your name scoot you don’t need to try that hard to come up with something different like I get it it’s the scoot zero uh so the shoes are still named after him but

You don’t need your name’s scoot man you’re going to be you are a brand immediately by having that name you don’t need to sub brand off of that I don’t think he’s got shoes yeah yeah new new shoes man new signature shoe from OD and an

OB okay yeah sh sauma team Shuma they’re bit much let’s see what else I got to see the this shoes Luke cornette um on the weekend it was a close game I think it was Celtics Pacers went to the free throw line in the third quarter and

After hitting his second free throw he looked at the Celtics bench and hit the ice in the veins after making a free throw cool or uncool that’s totally cool cuz as a raptor fan I would love to see that happen I would love for yakob to do

That oh yeah after a push shot he’s like no after making two free throw oh well that too yeah I suppose that’s the part that cool or not cool hitting the ice in the veins cool after a free throw that’s cool to me I I like it it was it was

Also especially weird cuz it was in the third quarter it’s not like the end of the game yeah and so after the first one he’s like celebrating to the Celtics bench so my guess here is he had like struggled on free throws recently or something I did not look into it that closely

Obvious obviously a shooter is a shooter he’s at 89% for the season so may I don’t know maybe they’re just having some fun with it but either way uh the fact that it happened in the third quarter I thought actually made it funnier to me I I liked it more after

That yeah um oh two more minutes okay did they call him the the green cornet like the Green Hornet that’s not bad you should actually the Unicorn was the the one like there’s nothing unicorn about him I’m sorry wow are we getting played off early because I unic cornet yeah

What just happened I don’t know uh luk cornette is the one Joe Koy is that a thing am I trying to fit in Again Luke cornette’s the guy who does that fake jump block thing right is that yeah the cornette contest sorry I got conf confus

With him in s where he doesn’t run toward them that way you can’t blow by him he just like goes partway up the Baseline and just wacky inflatable INF fling Tube Man um all right man yeah 90 seconds what you got main host what about the last note you had here the

Orlando Magic the Orlando Magic announced last week they retiring my favorite player growing up Shaquille O’Neal’s jersey number in February it’ll be the first jersey number the magic are retiring do you know the other two franchises that have never had a jersey number retired I know one of them it’s

The fronal Raptors yeah the Raptors and the the Clippers right yeah yeah damn we we both going to announce the Kawaii leard retirement have Lawrence Frank com in from the raaps twice it’s going to be like that photo of like the blood and the holding up the tide bandanas

It’s just us holding up two jerseys kind of crazy the Clippers never I mean I guess it makes sense if you think who they to retire Man Elton BRK on on Wednesday talk about which Buffalo Braves should get retired he was a huge Buffalo Braves guy pre- Clippers know

And ly Vault all right we’re done for today we’re done we’re we’re done I’ve been your host will you’ve been listening to the Raptor show on the sports radio network make sure you find the Raptor show where we listen to podcast subscribe please riew the show thanks once again Savannah Hamilton

Producer and co-host Alex Wong Blake Murphy aboard producer derale Jennifer wck David says J manat see you tomorrow

Will Lou, Blake Murphy, and Alex Wong recap Toronto’s impressive win over the Golden State Warriors on the road and RJ Barrett’s 37-point performance before discussing trade rumours surrounding Pascal Siakam. Raptors sideline reporter Savanna Hamilton provides a behind-the-scenes look at how the team handled the OG Anunoby trade in Detroit, how RJ and Immanuel Quickley have fit in, evaluating Darko Rajakovic in his rookie season and more. Finally, Will, Blake, and Alex go around the NBA.


0:00 – Raptors/Warriors Recap
48:58 – Savanna Hamilton
1:17:21 – Around the NBA


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  1. Love that RJ can deliver those results in a new system….we forget that intuitive free ball basketball is till a very big piece of successful outcomes.

  2. Good to see more of Savannah. She's asking great questions in the post-game availabilities. She's closest to the team, and should be able to provide interesting insights going forward.

  3. Will says it doesn't matter how many touches Scottie gets as long as they win but when Siakam barely gets the ball he loses his mind lmaooo

  4. I love the show guys I just wanna toS/o the editors of the show. Those long breaks that were left in the video made watching the show painful on YouTube. But great job guys

  5. I’m “surprised” that the panel doesn’t think a team that has gone 3/4 (could’ve been 4/4) on a western conference road trip is capable of going on a run?! Maybe you factored in Jak’s injury… Idk, if the “Raptors Show” can’t really be positive about the teams new direction than who can???

    Then again, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. If you’re too optimistic, people accuse you of blowing smoke to the fanbase. Guess you can’t really win…

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