@Detroit Pistons

Can the Detroit Pistons be fixed? (NBA 2k24 simulation)

Can the Detroit Pistons be fixed? (NBA 2k24 simulation)

Hey everyone it’s almost midnight here and I had a brilliant idea I’ve been making so many Detroit Pistons videos and so much Detroit Pistons content but I often get one similar question what would you do if you were in charge of the Detroit Pistons and I didn’t have an

Answer for anyone until I realized that I could just do this simulation in 2K and see what I can get out of this now I just want to know that this Detroit Pistons puzzle is so hard to unlock already I don’t think that I’m going to do a

Better job because of the job that has already been done by this front office but let’s see all right so I think the main thing is we start in the modern era of course obviously and look these Detroit Pistons it it’s going to be bad but we’ll

See all right let’s do the setup options f a fantasy draft that would help things a lot honestly but budget salary cap hard cap yep yep Yep yep everything here play and tourament start from regular season let’s do one where we start from the offseason start from the regular season and start from today let’s see if we can do that we’re going to try to do three Sims for the today now let’s see we’re going to start

Off as oh buddy going to load the draft class see see what the popular draft class is for this year um this is the downloaded one okay 2K really needs a rating system so I could rate The rosters so I can know that they’re good or not but I trust this one

2 24 draft fine now the main thing here is that this roster has Cade and Jaylen durren 83 bogdanovich 82 Thompson 8 1 Morris 79 baggley 78 Ivy 78 o Ivy 78 man Sasser 77 killing Hayes 76 overall I appreciate you guys feel free to like subscribe and comment and

Whatever you do helps me out it’s free it’s easy thank you and we’ll continue with the rest of the video you see that Monty Killian hay 76 overall anyway whatever wisan 76 overall Stuart 75 overall that’s kind of nuts for someone that’s oh he’s list has a center though

I can see what I feel like if he’s list a power forward he’d be a little bit higher Joe Hara 75 Burke 75 dude there are no liver 73 a mudy love Stanley mudy love Stanley mudy for sure um Knox a 70 oh man these rosters so I think the first order of

Business for this roster also we got to look at the uh future draft picks that we have we don’t have a 20 24 first swap the best with the Grizzlies wait do we not have a pick this why don’t we have a pick this year all right the first round if it’s 1

Through 18 we own oh we’re going to do that if it’s 19 to 30 it’s New York okay so the Pistons make the playoffs the Knicks get that okay the okay we don’t have anything to worry about uh slaughtery protected all right fine let’s look at the rotation shall we

Cade ivat shooting guard AAR Thompson bogdanovich and D see this is what I want the starting lineup for this Pistons team to be and I don’t think that this has been the starting lineup once this whole year right all right Isaiah Stewart 22 minutes Sasser yeah

Burks they really have Burks at like 75 minute like Wiseman no minutes livers no minutes Knox honestly Knox is only a 70 overall so I get it but in a perfect world I would love to have this roster right here as this this is a fine rotation this is a fine rotation

Honestly but my first order of business we got to trade away bogey got to trade away bogey dude I I’m sorry bogonovich for Brook Lopez what oh that’s available all right bdon delivers for stru and Rubio Rubio just retired in real life so I’m going

To say no to that the Pistons do have a wing problem but I need good enough uh offensive uh replacement Duncan Robinson in a first no I can’t do that John Collins and fonia honestly like in 2K I would take John Collins in a heartbeat we might revisit

This trade actually I think I actually really like this cuz John Collins is younger he is slightly more expensive but Pistons aren’t worried about cap space right now but he’s younger like he’s 26 like I I would still believe in this and Bogie’s like 34 Mitchell Robinson oh my God we have

Darren though and we’d have to give up a first I don’t like that at All Gabe Vincent and Ry haimura for B donov and livers two players that would instantly help the Pistons of course Tim harway Jr I don’t like that seems like a lateral move Ben Simmons and Lonnie Walker no we need shooting Aaron Gordon the the I wouldn’t do this trade

Just because the Denver Nuggets wouldn’t do this trade I feel like Aaron Gordon is way too important to that nuggets Championship that this doesn’t seem like a realistic trade in real life I’m just going to stay away from that the Pacers would the Pacers play Too Fast also

That’s a that’s a onee your contract I feel like they play too fast for Bogi anyway Victor Lodo and Jeff Green that’s like extremely buying low and they’re both expiring oh no I can’t I can’t make this trade and do confidence top 10 protected that’s a bad deal Isaiah Joe and ber

Hons I honestly don’t know why the thunder would do well Berton is a bad contract in my opinion so Wiggins a second for a first three years $78 million that’s a not bad deal either I just think that he’s going to be on the decline that 2028 first round that’s

That might be too far than what we’re what we’re trying to plan so I’m going to take the John Collins deal right now I’m going to take the John Collins steel just straight up now that leaves me with a game plan of who whoa whoa whoa whoa we are rebuilding those rotations

Buddy yes John Collins amen assar Thompson Jaden Ivy K Cunningham next order of business is trading Killian Hayes and Isaiah Stewart if there’s even a market for them oh there is a market for Killian Hayes okay uh but okay there 21 offers for Killian Hayes that’s interesting I think that’s

Interesting because I feel like there is a route for Killian Hayes in the league I just don’t think it’s with the the Troy Pistons I think it’s just been too long oh Drummond Drummond and Javon Carter oh that’s a I would take that deal in a heartbeat actually in real

Life I would love to have Drummond back on the Pistons tyum rookie Rubio no Primo T no miles Bri no absolutely not cuz I have I have standards Kelly linck no Sasha I like Sasha a lot I think he’ll be very fun as a shooter be a good

Shooter rimur and Christian oh I don’t want to give up Monty moris though Dorian FY Smith R O’Neal Tavis cwell Pope I don’t think the Nuggets do this deal there’s no way the Nuggets I don’t think the Nuggets do this deal I’d rather have strawther than any of the larance

Jr Chris bue 2027 first bull b Grayson Allen these are all expiring So Isaiah Joe again that’s actually a really good it’s a weird why would why would Thunder do this uh ma cable Gary P in the second or first why do teams want K and Hayes this is really interesting to me Gaff shamet Paul Reed look at that Drummond deal

Again and then we’re going to go Mitchell Robinson why do why do they not want Mitchell Robinson that’s what my I I just don’t want to get rid of D but aim more Christian would at that value is nuts in my opinion that’s Monty Morris I don’t want to give up Monty

Moris uh let’s go back to Isaiah Joe I’m going to do the Isaiah Joe deal yeah that’s a shooter right there I don’t care I’ll figure it out I’ll figure out the rest later I’m going to do the a jod deal killing hay sayara buddy you’re out

Of here all right next on the agenda is Isaiah Stewart buddy you’re gone too you’re gone let’s see trade finder Isaiah Stewart buddy I surprised if there’s a market for him but it’s 18 offers Isaiah livers for look look I Max trubio I would love to have maxu for that Nan Highland that

Bones oh I’ve never I’ve actually never seen him Mason pumy wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute wait wait Mason plumbley and expiring Mason plumbley and no I just got I did the Isaiah Joe deal so I can

Do the Drummond deal yeah definitely I can I can do this yeah all right so now our roster looks like all right Cunningham Ivy Thompson Collins durren Monty Morris Martin Bagley Isaiah Joe at 20 minutes mice pulley Sasser bone still not in the rotation but that’s it’s fine I like

This rotation even though we’re a little short at Power Forward is AAR they have AAR as small forward shooting guard I don’t like that let me have to edit this a little bit so I want to put assar have his uh let’s see his position be yeah Power Forward secondary

Position I’d rather have that than um at shooting guard especially especially for right now I don’t know how much this transfers into 2K but yeah I don’t know how much that transfers in 2K but I’d rather have this first of all Marvin Bagley should be playing of course Isaiah Joe yeah Mason

Plumbley yeah Sasser yeah and I think that this is good and while these might not be like the sexiest trades here I think that this goes a long way towards like building something for the Pistons so let’s try the first month here all right loss loss loss we’re

Going to be bad anyway so okay two three all right four and six beat the Hawks Lo to the caves loose to the Raptors loose to the Nuggets of course we’re losing the teams that we want ooh Derek Lively on 20th I’m not going to ah I’m not going to stop

That people are probably going to want Duran which is going to like suck and I’m not going to like take the Duren trade and decline that for sure I just like where duren’s going to be going soon all right so we end the first week we end sorry we end the first

Month 9 and 11 which look I’m taking that over at 20 28 game losing streak I’m taking that for sure so nine and 9 and 11 that’s fine that’s totally fine like this can definitely work Mason plumbley dayto day all right we’re going have CPU ad just oh John Collins hyper sended right

Nino let’s see let’s see the roster now oh it’s Kade doing a lot but like look at clay Kade progressing look at Ivy progressing look at Duren progressing this is what I like to see even assar progressing this is what I like to see all right

Yeah yep yep yep all right 13 and 13 see this is what we expected from the Pistons this season like like 30 wins never mind oh that’s Brut two to four weeks of sprain left knee come on oh no now we’re probably going to lose a lot of games which is which is

Fine yeah I feel like this team will not oh it’s fully healed nice thank you just the nicked time okay beat the Jazz Warriors loss Obby toppen and TJ McConnell for John Collins and Mason plumbley going to decline that tra buddy so now we’re 22 and 21 which is

Great yaka poal for John Dennis Schroeder and Isaiah Joe we’re going to decline that politely politely we’re going to decline that PO but Pistons receive bogdanovich and sadik Bay from the Hawks it’s tempting but I’m going to decline that I would love to have bogy and sadique Bay I would love to have

Sadi Bay back honestly but not at the cost okay Mason plumbley sprained right ankle that’s oh boy we’ll be a little thin at the big but that’s fine see the Pistons look at this 27 and 22 this is like similar to what the Rockets did with they rebuild they got like some

Veterans and like they’re not going to be like the best team in the league but at least they’re better than what the Pistons have offered right stomach virus we’ll adjust R Thompson we’ll adjust we’ll adjust we’ll adjust I don’t think we’re a playoff team inuries ful

Actually no I don’t think we’ll we’ll be mid so and I feel like this is what the ownership thought that this the roster that they had as is would be enough to make the play in we got stop simulating yes let’s let’s do contract extensions all right

But let’s see we make the playoffs actually I know it’s just 2K and we don’t take it like super seriously but what if I’m really intrigued cuz we’re 34 and 30 right now and I don’t think this is the worst team in the league see I feel like this

Could have been again with the Pistons if they were just a little bit active during the free agency off season man it could all be so easy and I know that this isn’t like but it could all be so easy man this roster the roster that the Pistons

Came in to the season with was absolutely horrendous and like every Pistons fan knew this 4 to six weeks 42 wins is this a playoff team 43 44 okay now we’re achieving we’re overachieving this year most valuable player Giannis obviously let’s see over here see Rookie of the Year l oh yeah

Absolutely there was no way that that wasn’t going to wasn’t going to be the case uh now we get Westbrook Sixth Man of the Year interesting evive Player of the Year as a rookie impressive most improved Christian Bron yeah that’s good clutch play Jaylen Brunson yeah I’m with that

Brandon Harrison yeah sure sure let’s look at the let’s look at the all yeah halberton 91 overall let’s see defensive first defensive second any Pistons assar Thompson all rookie first team that’s good and Marcus sassar all rookie second team good for good for us this is what you

Do now we’re playing oh are we playing team we we are yeah we’re playing Team seven seed but let’s look at these stats real quick let’s look at these stats per game K Cunningham 20 22 22 3 and four a little bit on the low end these

Stats are a little bit on the low end but Isaiah Joe was second leading scorer then you got durren I wait let me see what the Sim stats per game was for this Sim ulation give me a second Sim quarter length yeah no one played the

Sim all right do the Pistons are the Pistons are seven seed I feel like just like where are the Rockets they’re not even here okay I feel like this is what we could have been we could have been the East Coast Rockets is here where we’re a young team we acquire some

Veterans we trade a little a little bit and oh no now we we lost the pick oh this is brutal this is bad um wait the play Detroit we lost the play in so does this does do we get our pick then H wonder if we get our

Pick but look at the winnings who wins who wins Memphis johnar okay Cavs Grizzlies Cavs win the championship thanks to 377 and five from Donovan all right this isn’t this is absurd okay let’s let’s relax all right play retirement anybody nope staff retirements yeah the draft

Lottery do we have our pick did we lose our pick no we lost our pick because cuz we were a little bit too good all right let’s see the NBA let’s Sim the NBA draft then people have said that this is like a weak draft or whatnot I’m not can I

Feel like they’re going to be good players in this draft and I would like the Pistons cuz how of how bad we are in real life to do the best with this pick but hey rookie signing Isaac alanson yeah two for9 we’re -43 in cap oh we got 100 in cap

Hold give me a second player options except yes accept all of these yes I would love this accept that um decline ooh player Option palab Bank hero free agent qualifying offer extended no no get out of here get out of no all of you guys could go no not a mood never

Mind all right moratorium let’s see how much cap room we have all right let’s see how much cap room we have we have a mood a rounce right it’s rounce rights rounce rights who is Big on the books oh my God Joe Harris 20 Joe Harris is making 23 million a

Year oh no no no no no no what do you mean wait what yeah renounce your rights buddy you’re you guys are done okay monk all the big free where did LeBron actually go I I really want to see this um pronounce rights yeah that is please tell me that’s not how much

Joe Harris is making in real life man all right we got $22 million in cap room LeBron is an unrestricted free agent expecting 52 million as a 39y old bro oh my goodness okay let’s look at this roster all right we got Cade we got durren Thompson Collins

Ivy all with one year look at the look at all these oneyear contracts bro the year after this is about to be Pandemonium um but this is the this is the thing here Obby toop and restricted 19 Mike Conley let’s see oh we got to look at the people that are affordable yeah let’s do this I would love to have tus Jones on my team John Wall that seems like it’s cheating

Reggie Jackson for 8 mil let’s get some vets yeah let’s get some vets Reggie Jackson 8 mil 2 years um let’s get some like affordable people oh wow OG luk canar dude the thing about these player is like you can welcome all of these players back I can welcome all of these former

Pistons back cuz now it’s time to have them on my team right uh TJ Warren Isaac aoro little expensive for me torian prince Andrew oh it’s Aaron Wiggins okay um Alec Burks new no no no Daniel Jones Derrick Jones Jr uh no let’s try sadik Bay a little too expensive for

Us Tobias hair is too expensive Robert Covington perfect would love to have have you on the Pistons buddy like these this is I can see this this is fine Christian Wood no that’s that’s a wild contract but we can I can get Drummond for six I’ve Ed of all I

Offers Covington signs for sure for sure Reggie Jackson signs yep Luke Gard signs yeah all right let’s see where germond is negotiate contract yeah we still have some money left we got like a lot of money a lot of usable money dthy Melton no Gary Harris would love to have Gary

Harris on the squad welcome to the Pistons buddy uh UB yeah this this is fine this is fine now our roster consists of let’s see are we missing anything I did I forget something something oh dude why we have five point guards oh no oh no well Highland’s going to have

To go then uh four shooting guards oh no I missed I messed up I messed up I messed up now Gary Harris can play the three okay Canard and Gary Harris can play the three I didn’t mess up a lot it just looks really bad but just in

Case we got 5 million left dck Jones Jr welcome back well you were never here but all right he signs that’s it that’s that’s all we got for this year oh buddy uh look look at Kade Kade making the leap Thompson making the leap durren making the leap this is what I

Want to see out of this team like that’s what I like to see unrealistic all right I’m Bama’s a 90 already at age 20 dude 2K is out of control buddy like look the decline of Durant Booker Beal CH and 80 that’s fair these are all like

Yeah actually I take the wanyama back he’s absurd go bear going down like that that’s crazy um I think this is totally fair I do not see yeah the Bulls got to blow it up dude the fact that after free agency there they still didn’t do anything is

Nuts I might be able to get LaVine for the low I don’t know if I want to do that all right um what so time to spray right knee is for the season no please tell me that this is for this season not next season bro there oh okay

Thank God what that’s crazy have the CPU adjust rotation now this the Cooper flag class yes am I going to tank for Cooper flag no no I’m not going to do that um let’s see here advance the next season I think that I did well made made

The play in this is what I wanted out of the Detroit Pistons team in the in general this is what I wanted now for this season I’m going to do one more season here um Kade Ivy Thomson Collins Duran Sasser baggley is Joe Drummond Highland see now even if Reggie Jackson isn’t

Playing I still like this roster but where is Luke Canard don’t think I do not think we fixed we truly fixed our um oh this is a fine team this is a team that I would want to have it’s very center heavy no I should trade Bagley honestly

For like a a wing a serviceable wing if I can another service of wing right Bagley Paul re Clint capella Naas what that okay we we’re going to circle back to that uh blea bonovich Cody Martin Colin seon Kevin herder notan Isaac draft pick ran Holmes Cameron Johnson ory Smith and Cameron Johnson

For they’re both listed as power forwards but I feel like these are some wings buddy 2K loves them man great I’m going to regret the nas Reed pick only because Jade McDaniels I don’t think that Timber was make this pick wait what team was Nas re on they have him as a

They had nazri as Chicago Bull oh my God okay so I’m going to make the I’m going to make this trade with the Nets cuz I really want I really wanted cam Johnson to join the Pistons event And looks like the Nets want expiring contracts which sure I make this trade yes now it’s a little bit more balanced now in terms of what we want and then we get Cam Johnson Off the Bench this is totally fine with Me that’s totally fine I like this I wonder I wonder how good this will go cuz now it’s like the core is a little bit better all right let’s see here win win Loss look at that 5 and two now we’re not going to be the best team in the league but I feel like this team has some identity it has some shooting you know John Collins broke his wrist but that’s fine all right sore right foot okay we’re just injured eight and seven all

Right I wonder if K Cunningham becomes an All-Star this season cuz I feel like they they are really not being generous with his assist numbers and I don’t like that at all but hey it is what it is he na hurt 17 18 the Pistons win 50 games in this

Simulation I’m going to lose it cuz that that can’t I don’t believe that but that’s how good K Cunningham is and I feel like that’s how good I believe that this team could be with good coaching and actual like floor spacers around K Cunningham got rid of Killian Hayes got rid of

Isaiah livers got rid of Alec Burks got rid of bogdanovich like it’s it’s an absolute win and it’s like it does blow my mind honestly oh no no no I just made a trade on I just made a trade on accident I forget what it is I don’t think it matters

Though who’s on our team now guess I messed up Dorian finny Smith Iron J doesn’t affect the roster any much but I did get rid of Sasser which is fine this is still the rotation Sasser is kind of out of the rotation anyway um I just want to say in real life I

Would never trade Sasser that easily that was a misclick on my part but look at this Pistons team 23 and 13 uh Jaylen Duran Gary Harris Derrick L not the X absolutely not dude absolutely not I’m not giving Jaylen durren Luca I’m not giving Jaylen durren to Luca

I’ll say that that’s no come on now cam Johnson 6 to 8 weeks Jay NY one to two weeks oh man I mean a roster chains we’re going to adjust the rotation so look at us we’re on a nice look at that even without all these injuries 30 and 16 316 Uh no no I don’t want to make any trade offers cuz this is a 33 and 17 team look look at the let’s go to the standings real quick let’s go to the Standings the Detroit Pistons in this reality are currently second in the NBA and that’s not really that far off because you see what the magic were able to do like the magic are I think are currently like in the top four in the Eastern Conference like this isn’t that

Far-fetched in my opinion just make a couple of good deals and you could be there if this core develops I’m not I know I’m not like let’s see feel like I’m not asking like I’m just asking for this front office in real life to to do something man they’re just sitting idy by wasting K Cunningham let’s see if K Cunningham made the All-Star team yes he did this

Is also very feasible with how well he’s playing and how good he is I’m not asking for much also Yannis then kmo three points in a NBA All-Star game is wild to be but hey that’s very funny oh is that shenon as an Allstar see this is nice this is this is really

Nice look at that sangon very this is very possible stuff here come on Char Weaver get it together just rotation broke his nose you’ll be all right ooh contract extension deadline I would like to stop assimilating I need to see if I can extend any contracts real quick not eligible not eligible not

Eligible I do not want to offer contract Isaiah J will not resign no nobody to nobody ask for an extension they be fine that’s fine look 41 42 see this piston scene might win 50 games get a nice vet like Reggie Jackson back 50 games is not

That all you got to do is beat the good beat some good teams beat all the bad teams it’s not that hard right can’t be that hard look at these W’s we beat the P we beat the Sixers by 402 this look at this team bro 53 wins 54

Wins why is this team so good I’m very confused I’m very confused as why his team is so good Most Valuable Player Rookie of the Year Paulo six Man of the Year Paulo was Sixth Man of the Year who who the magic sign ayama am man Thompson

Most improved clutch Player of the Year Coach of the Year under 63 wins wow that’s terrifying actually Nicola yic donic yes yes halberton all NBA first team LeBron LeBron sign with the magic okay for one year $51 million look if that happens man I would absolutely go nuts if that was true uh

Lamelo nice Anthony Davis K Moon Mitchell Trey young Damian lard herb Jones Shay assar Thompson again 87 overall figuring it out three points shooting still awful but he’s still good enough to be good enough you know look at that this is what I believe I believe that if

You put the right team around assr it does not matter if you can’t shoot two-way slasher buddy all right let’s see the the the Pistons are the second seed bro with a roster let’s see how this team is built look at this see K Cunningham 28 points6

Assists three point shooting 40% if he shoots if K cyam ever shoots 39% from the from three-pointers for the season they iy struggling 28% yeah unfortunate 13 points I feel like Ivy ceiling is a lot higher but playing next to Kade I get it assar 11 10 4 like

This is great and look at the Steals and blocks this is great production I know his three point shooting is going to be 23 that’s generous that’s so generous anyway Duren 12 and 10 love that cam John Johnson like like the three-point shooting must be from cam John from John

Collins cam Johnson fny Smith you even got 9 and8 from Drummond like I like this man I feel like even though we kind of have a wing problem still we’re making it work because we got we got I we got Collins being able to space the floor cam Johnson a space

Floor fny Smith able to space the floor a little bit I don’t know duren’s probably not going to no no no no and K Cunningham of course that’s the leap that we need solid team let’s see the standings let’s look at the team stats here let’s they’re probably a good this

Probably a good defensive team let’s see points against per game oh well nope they’re one of the no Pistons are one of the best defenses in the league look at that this is the way and I we don’t need to be the best offense in the league or the number eight offense in

The league I don’t know why but but let’s see three-pointers made three-pointers attempted yep we’re probably on the Lower Side still distance probably on the lower side yeah not the best shooting team but like if we’re able to defend teams like this that is such a big deal but we’re

Not we’re not there yet in real life then we’re probably one of the best we’re one of the we’re the best rebounding team it’s huge uh do we force turnovers no we turn the ball over a lot Ah that’s that sounds like Piston basketball points off turnovers per game no no no

No points in the paint per game yep six bench points per game a lot of balance here let’s see what else what else can we do oh I think it’s a solid team I’m not expect I’m not expected to win uh not expecting to win at

All let’s see I I don’t expect this team would that would be nuts if they actually one at all and I’d be like this is okay Shay versus the Pistons yeah let’s let’s no yeah okay yeah we win the we win the chip the next year that’s this is a tier GM work if Kade if this ever happened that’ be sick now this is definitely not going to happen but that’s very funny how it didn’t really take

Much for us to win the championship now my my point of this all is that Troy Weaver it doesn’t take much for you to at least improve on a team that lost 28 games in a row so anyway y’all thank you guys so much for watching the rest with

Me I appreciate you guys uh feel free to follow me on all my platforms and I’ll see you guys next time bye

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  1. I did the same thing trying to rebuild the Pistons as the GM and the owner and coach basically told me to get rid of everybody.

  2. The Lakers have signed 3 different players in the past 2 – 3 days that's been waived from either the g-league or NBA team and that's more in less than 3 days than the two months the pistons only won a single game. Let that sink in

  3. This video reminded me that DFS is on the Nets and it got me wondering – what would it take to get him from the Nets? I feel like Cam Johnson and obviously Bridges are out of our price range, but is Finney Smith gettable?

    I checked out trade machine and it says him and Lonnie Walker (who i totally forgot ended up with the Nets this past offseason) are both above 40% on 3s this season. I also feel like DFS is a defensive upgrade over anybody we have at the 4 not named Isaiah Stewart.

    What would it take to get those 2 guys? Salary wise, Alec Burks and Isaiah Livers combine to be close enough to match and both really need to be off this roster (I'd argue moreso than Hayes or Stewart). Would 3-4 future 2nds be enough to get the job done, or would we have to use the 2029 1st we can trade? If you could get it done with 2nds, I think I'd do it (I still say you could get a few 2nds from the Bulls by letting them dump Lonzo's contract for like Joe Harris, or Drummond and a 2nd for taking that contract and sending back Morris – who im starting to think is never gonna play this season – and Wiseman so we could actually have a decent back-up center when injuries inevitably happen again to Duren and Stew in the 2nd half of the season).

    None of these kinds of moves suddenly make us a play in team this season, but they should improve the spacing around Cade when he comes back while also saving us from seeing any more games where we lose close games in the Livers and Wiseman minutes (hell, more than a few of the close losses have only been close in the first place because we had to give Livers and Wiseman minutes in them). It should also open the door to more minutes/shots for the developing young players – LW and DFS for the most part would just stand in the corners and take wide open C/S 3s or shots near the rim after cuts in space. Drummond would get most of his minutes from injuries or players in foul trouble, and his shots would be coming purely as a finisher on pick and rolls in those situations.

    You could also afford to send some players ahemHayes and Ausar ahem to the G-League for more minutes/opportunities than they can get on the main roster because now you have actual NBA players to pick up their slack minutes.

  4. Thank you kofie as I watch this at 6am in a tornado just bc the comforting music (great vid btw)

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