@Denver Nuggets

Harrison Wind breaks down the sequence where Jokic gets a flopping technical.

Harrison Wind breaks down the sequence where Jokic gets a flopping technical.

by kingcobweb


  1. No-Supermarket9834

    Give the flopping call or out of bounds but not both.

  2. porkadachop

    Ben Taylor, welcome to my ever-growing shit list.

  3. SignificantMoose6482

    Once Joker gets an MVP he will finally get a whistle

  4. makingtacosrightnow

    Horrible call, how the hell is that a flop.

  5. Ill-Ad-9199

    So sick of Jokic always getting away with everything and always racking up soft foul calls. Finally a ref stands up to him.

    Ref had to delay calling the flop because Jokic got in his face and interrupted him. Jokic tried to force a foul call by letting the ball go out of bounds, then got mad when the ref called it right as a simple turnover. Good tech call, really he should’ve been ejected.

    I hope this comment doesn’t break reddit by getting upvoted too much.

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