@Golden State Warriors

Boogie on understanding how/why Draymond came to consider retiring given how far “this whole the narrative [about him] has spun out of control”

“I can only imagine the state of mind that Draymond was in. Obviously, he did some wild bulls–t that these are the consequences of his actions, that being said I can understand why he got to that point mentally.

This whole narrative has been spun out of control. The attack of his character, the attack of him as a human being – the person — taking him outside of the basketball court. And it’s just completely unfair. It can become a lot.

People say well he makes millions of dollars, well money doesn’t take away your emotions. Money doesn’t take away your feelings. Money doesn’t stop you from bleeding, crying, being sad, depressed, any of those things. So for that to be the number one excuse, it doesn’t excuse anything.

I’m glad Draymond could come back with a clear mind and get back to where he is, and hopefully helping the Warriors turn this season around.”

by taygads


  1. Chicken_Dinner_10191

    He thought he was about to be kicked out of the league and so his mindset was “You can’t get rid of me, because I’ma quit!”

  2. Roythaboy

    We’ve let soft fools on twitter who’ve never touched a basketball control the narrative on Dray and it’s very concerning about the state of sports (and things) how easy that can happen. Many fans don’t understand that players are people.

  3. ihaveaquestionormany

    DeMarcus is someone who *really* understands how these narratives can get out of control. The things that people said about him were just as out of pocket as what people say about Dray, if not even more so.

    He also knows Draymond. It’s cool how it seems like almost everyone who knows Dray has his back.

    Dray also talked about getting off his phone for part of this suspension, and I wonder how much impact media and social media has on these guys, being under such an intense microscope and having everyone in the country seemingly feel entitled to give their opinion about you, your personality, and even your mental health… seems toxic af. I’d love for the team to get all the players to commit to being off socials but I’m not holding my breath of course.

  4. sunnynbright5

    Honestly this goes for public figures in general imo. It’s actually insane to deal with a ton of judgment, hate, gossip, slander, assumptions, and lies from thousands of strangers all at once – I really don’t know how people do it. And of course, some people are able to handle it better than others. I’m not saying this to excuse Draymond’s actions (definitely was unhappy about his recent violent actions) but just saying that I can see how these things can bring out the worst in some people. As a regular private person, I get a bit irritated by just one person spreading lies or gossip about me or judging me based off lies.

  5. zer01zer08

    All this aside, we could use a big. Is Boogie available?

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