@San Antonio Spurs

The San Antonio Spurs schedule is softening up this month

The San Antonio Spurs schedule is softening up this month

Let’s catch you up some Spurs news you may have missed look ahead at the Spurs schedule and let’s experiment in an experimental season you are locked on Spurs your daily San Antonio Spurs podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every

Day hey this is H rod and I’m R from the cybertronics and you’re listening to lock spur with Jeff Garcia welcome back to lockdown Spurs right here on the lockdown NBA network I’m your host Jeff Garcia Spurs riter for Ken 5 San Antonio glad to have you back hope everybody’s

Having a great week and uh yeah you guys are the every Dar we appreciate you being here every single day on lock on Spurs making it your first listen you guys are the every dayers today’s episode was brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now new

Customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 money line bet that’s 150 bucks if your team wins visit lockon to get started what are we talking about today I’m going to be catching up with some a few Spurs news and notes uh some things you may

Have missed then we’re going to bring in our guest my colleague at Ken 5 he is Tom patrini we’re going to be just looking at the Spurs schedule ahead when will the Spurs break that losing skid is it softening enough for the Spurs where they can get some wins maybe and they

Better not lose to Detroit tell you that much and then we’re going to have fun if it is an experimental season seon we’re going to throw out some ideas of how the Spurs can experiment uh and perhaps will lead to some wins down the road but

Let’s get you caught up in some Spurs news that you may have missed first of all can can we give a quick shout out to the Austin Spurs I think many Spurs fans are not knowing what’s going on with the g-league team Austin is hot right now

They’re in a hot streak they started the regular season undefeated they’re 4-0 and they’re not just barely getting by they are just beating teams down recently the Austin Spurs beat the G League ignite you know that that team that produced some NBA players they went

On to win 114 to 80 and they’re doing this without the services of City sooko Dominic Barlo so this Austin Spurs team is you know might be a a little silver lining and otherwise down season for the San Antonio team the gleue team is off

To a very good start shout out Lo I’m sorry Austin Spurs make sure to check out their games I think they broadcast them on NBA TV or ESPN three I think so if you have a chance to show some support to the g-league team go do that

Way to go Austin so there’s your first quick Austin Spurs update and other Spurs news uh Trey Jones Is Now joining the Spurs youth basketball league but there’s a pizza incentive everybody so first of all yall don’t know uh the Spurs have have the Spurs youth basketball league uh that that is so

Coveted by the team that papovich usually picks an ambassador every year this year he picked Trey Jones to do it so he’s gon to be serving as the youth basketball leag Ambassador and to kick that off the Spurs and Pizza Hut are going to be having a promotional thing

So basically between January 8 through February 4th fans can place an order with any Pizza Hut in San Antonio and those proceeds will be uh donated to the Spurs youth league and yeah check it out it’s a good cause um you know Trey Jones once again stepping up being a guy for

The community you’d like to see that other the Spurs player you know he’s been really active in the Spurs Community from the holiday season uh to events and the community so shout out Trey Jones and the Spurs uh looking out for the city of San Antonio

And the young athletes of San Antonio as well and in case you missed this this kind of a big one Victor wiama is going to be featured on NBA’s past the rock series season two now it’s a it’s a TV series but it’s only shown on the NBA

App so make sure you get that so basically what it is he’s going to be part of a huge lineup of players and they’re going to go into their behind the scenes life uh from some of their games pregame to postgame you’re gonna get some commentary from wimy and all

The other players are going to be featured in season two as they nav the season uh their onc goals how they prepare for games even some of their personal life as well again the only way to see this is going to be on the NBA

App it’s called P The Rock so make sure you get that NBA app right now to go check it out now the first episode won’t feature wimy but it’s GNA premiere on Tuesday January 9th and the feature player for that uh show is going to be memphis’s jiren Jackson Jr you know only

The son of jiren Jackson you know that guy for the Spurs who helped the team win the 1999 NBA title yeah his son is going to be featured in episode one but as of right now we don’t know when wy’s episode is going to be released but at

Least you know it will be coming and again another glimpse into the life of the Spurs hopefully what will be and shaping up to be a generational player so there is your quick Spurs news and notes coming up next is Tom patrini and myself we’re going to be discussing the

Spurs schedule ahead for the month of January is it softening enough for this team can they pull out some wins when will the losing streak end and then we’re going to have some fun we’re going to give an experiment the experimental Spurs can experiment with this season

That’s next on locked on Spurs hey guys this is Jason David Frank the Green Ranger and you were listening to a locked on Spurs with Jeff Garcia morphing time this episode is brought to you by better help give online therapy a try at loock MBA and get on your

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MBA this is Emily swallow and you are listening to lock on Spurs with Jeff Garcia and we’re back right here on lock on Spurs bringing him back everybody my colleague at Ken 5 he is Tom patrini follow him at real Tom patrini on X and before we hit record uh Tom admitted to

Me that he’s jealous that Optimus Prime is ducking on me he said that’s an honor I mean you you just got to stand in the paint and take those man you know there’s nothing you can do that’s the life of a rain protector right there yeah absolutely uh but we are here not

To nerd out although I wish we would but we’re here to talk about silver and black and your Spurs shock everybody back on a losing skid here we go again hopefully Thomas not as bad bad as the last one eight was it 18 they hit 18

Right I mean as long as they don’t do 28 it’s fine and and you know what if they do do 28 like think about how much fun everyone was having at the on that piston streak everybody was tuned in man it was muchat television speaking of which high p

Uh this game might sound like two dump trucks crashing into each other goodness uh although I will say and we’ll get into this but the Spurs are playing some okay basketball as of late they are they are all things considered the bars been set very low but technically they are

Been are been playing better basketball well we’re going to talk about that in the last segment but about that ly streak Here We Go Again un locked on Spurs we’re going to look ahead of the schedule look at the next five four or five games uh kind of predict when the

Spurs losing skid might and hopefully soon tomorrow night versus Detroit oh my God oh my goodness time can you imagine if they lose to Detroit tomorrow Spurs fan is gonna be in Ina in chaos it’s gonna be bad it’s GNA be some unbearable discourse if the

Spurs if if it’s even close like if it’s a if it’s a competitive game and especially you know Kade Kade Cunningham got hurt in the last game if he’s not playing if you’re going against the cadas Pistons oh no uh because the the Pistons I think they’re a good reminder

For everybody that there’s levels to this you know uh and the level that the Spurs are at right now is certainly not the most fun level to be at for any professional team but at least they have their guy and they have some hope for the future

Right for the near future Detroit is is um Kate is great but it it really for years in in Detroit has been a bottom of the barrel it has NBA franchise and you know the the fans there it’s it’s like it’s like what what do we where do we

Even go from here like they they just play the nuggets and mad respect to nicoa yic because when he plays a team like that he’s just he’s just like screwing around it’s like he’s trying to get like you know 2K achievements unlocked he he only

Shot it like three or four times in the game and he had like 16 assists just like like just playing around and so them yeah you know the yes obviously Spurs and pistons to two worst teams in the league right now um but it’s it’s not like it’s a one

Onea thing like the Pistons are very clearly the worst not just with they they’ve they’ve won what three two three three or four games at this point um but it’s it’s more just the uh the hopelessness that seems to be present in uh Detroit basketball right now um and

The Spurs have a clear path out the Pistons it’s like what do you even do so yeah levels to this uh and and hopefully for the Spurs sake and for for the sake of everybody who talks about this team on the internet and in real life uh man

It’ll be brutal if they lose that game exactly it it will be pretty bad and um you know we’re gonna talk about this later in the next segment excuse me um but hey there are signs that the spars are improving hopefully those little B baby steps will show out versus Pistons

But let’s look ahead at the schedule we’re talking about the next game up for the Spurs uh tomorrow night will be in Detroit versus the the Pistons then they got the Hornets uh I think that’s in San Antonio so it’s the first game of a back toback

And then the Bulls in San Antonio then they go on the road against the Hawks and then the last the first five we’re going to look at here at at Boston so yeah you know the Spurs you know Pistons should be winnable games Hornet should be a winnable game Tom uh

I’m I’m just going to go ahead and say that we are looking at the softest seven game stretch of the Spurs season and that includes the game in Boston uh like obviously Celtics one of one of the best teams in the league but Detroit Charlotte Chicago who’s

Better than when they started the year and they’ve been playing well without Zack LaVine but still you know not they’re like a fringe playin team right now as are the Atlanta Hawks and remember the Spurs own some draft picks from each of these teams um so a nice

Little subplot there then you got the Celtics game then you got the Hornets again and then you’ve got the Wizards who uh are a little bit more talented and experienced right now I guess in the Pistons and the Spurs but uh don’t have many more wins yeah so so you look at that

Stretch and you say okay on paper these are games I I never look any more well except the except the Pistons one I never anymore look at the schedule and say this is a game the Spurs should win it’s not a thought that even enters my brain anymore yeah no uh the the

Pistons one is is a rare exception um but you look at that and you say okay they could win you know three or four of these uh or may maybe more if they get if they get really hot if if what we’ve been seeing from them in the past few games is

Real um then yeah maybe maybe it will translate to victories against some of these weaker teams uh Victor wanyama is on a you know last five games he’s scored 20 in each he’s he’s blocking you know three shots a game leading the league he is really kind of settling into that

Starting center role it looks like where he’s supposed to be where he can anchor that defense and be all seven foot4 that he is um and you know we we go to we got to say that Trey Jones in the starting line lineup after third you almost half the

Season of experimenting and throwing out starting lineups without a point guard in them um you know the the Spurs have been winning third quarters barely look at that but but like like in the in the two games they’ve won the third quarter they they’ve more than just survived it

You know they they’ve gotten they’ve gotten to the last 12 minutes and been like okay it’s a game here and they haven’t closed obviously Milwaukee great te team uh and you know obviously in this game against the the Cavs that they just played they had a chance to win

Late uh and and obviously they’re a young team that is still uh miles and miles away from the rest of the competition in terms of experience level in terms of knowing how to uh operate in those situations and win those games and just you know being

Being calm about it um and they hav’t been able to do that I you like yeah you know it wasn’t it wasn’t just us in the beginning of the Season who thought like hey maybe the Spurs look kind of interesting this year they they could be competitive like from from ESPN and and

Across it’s like I don’t get it they got good players they got wem playing great like why why are they five and 31 or whatever yeah and it’s it’s less about oh they’re due and it’s more about honestly the the strength of schedule in the beginning of the Season while they were experimenting

Was rough even even if they had even if they had Tre Jones in there I don’t know how many more games they’re winning right um and now as as the schedule softens up um we it’s it’s good timing right they’ve been getting their butts kicked for months now

And things are kind of starting to click a little bit for them as much as they can for a team that’s in this stage so things are clicking a little bit now yeah you know I I got I got the Pistons this this tomorrow night’s game as the

Streak breaker it has to be I I got it if if it’s not it yeah will feel like a hundred losses at once it will yeah this it’s going to be brutal if the Spurs lose this game you know but beyond that you know we’re talking about how soft

This SCH getting uh relatively speaking Yeah uh you know for me though Tom I don’t know I shouldn’t be doing this thinking like you know oh maybe this FS are turning the corner because when we saw versus Milwaukee we saw versus Cleveland because I’m I I know fool me

Once shame on me fool me twice kind of thing here because I saw this out in Phoenix early in the season where they go they do their thing oh my God they surprised the Suns what on their gym hit them up man they’re good we turned the

Corner early so I need to see this more you know are they really making progression and they can do that with this soft schedule so I guess I guess the cynical take on that is if you turn the corner where are you going right you know see you’re you’re already curve

Stop yeah you’re already 10 games out of a a playin spot like what if you if you turn the corner where are you going but the the truth is um you know this team is now in a place because they have their Cornerstone and Victor wanyama where um any progress forward is is

Going to be good for him good for the team um and I mean all right let’s look at the last five games for Victor specifically at Portland 30 points six rebounds six assists seven blocks uh that was an insane statline rookie only rookie to ever do it uh

Since blocks have been recorded since D Robinson all of that uh next game 2173 and a block against the Celtics who did a good job on him uh all of this on a minutes restriction he’s averaging like 25 minutes at a game in this

Stretch uh 20 um and you know I I think that he would have like a legit case uh if the West wasn’t so stacked if if the team was doing better um you know he’s he’s looked in these in these last few weeks and and the mindset

Too he just looks locked like he’s locked he he’s yeah well according to him Tom after the game versus Cleveland once the mines restriction is lifted it’s it’s on it’s game on he literally said that it’s game on D every every time he talks I’m listening because like he he just says

Stuff so casually that it sounds like Metro boomman would sample it and put it over the intro to one of his songs you know like like the there was that moment after the after the Bucks game where you know he’s he’s being asked if the Rookie

Of the month stuff motivated him if the allstar thing motivated him and he was like yeah of course of course it did and and the the quote was like eventually I’m going to get what I deserve every game is a statement from now on and he said it and I was like all

Right it’s rock and roll you know the schedule is softening up you know there are some winnable games especially tomorrow at Detroit um so go Spurs go I mean this is your chance to you know kind of you know pick up some W’s get some more Good

Vibes into the locker room get a little bit of the momentum something just anything again the bar set very low for this team so anything uh this any type of a w any type of win even in the last two games even though they’ve been L’s

That it feels like a win for this young team you know being competitive closing the Gap against Cleveland making it a game in the fourth you mentioned it excuse me uh very clearly you know not you know winning the third period know in the last two games so and then yeah

So a lot of stuff to build on hopefully the losy streak will end tomorrow night in Detroit when we get back we’re going to experiment with an experimental season we’re going to have some fun with that we’re going to say okay Spurs you all want to experiment well here our

Ideas at an experiment uh to hopefully maybe for some Player Development and more that’s coming up next on locked on Spurs this is Zach agular the voice of tanoo and you’re listening to locked on Spurs with Jeff Garcia hey I want to talk to you about FanDuel you want to go to

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Bet a layup FanDuel official partner of the NFL hey this is Chris sabot and you’re listening to locked on Spurs with Jeff Garcia and we’re back right here on lockdown Spurs with Tom patrini follow him on X real time patrini uh no uh dog appears today what puppy

Exp I’ll see if I get a furry friend uh walking around here with the in-laws today and they’ve got a bunch of cats and two okay yeah so we we’ll see if anybody comes by they they all kind of do their own thing yeah you know they exactly hey

We’re talking about all things silver and black right here and we’re going to be talking about experiments hey it’s experimental season right we experimented with soan and PG experimenting with Trey Jones Off the Bench Wy roaming free doing what he wants to do so many experiments going on

So we’re gonna have some fun we’re gonna say hey Spurs since you’re experimenting we have some ideas on an experiment and you know Tom and I we talked about this before we hit record so I’ll kick things off here Tom because I think you kind of

Agree with my idea here is how about letting City coko play more in San Antonio versus Austin look how about that if you’re experimenting you want to see what talent you have that fits around wmy moving forward why not bring in the other Frenchman and see how he

Fits in in the rotation and with wmy look in Austin he’s playing pretty well very explosive you know for a I I think he’s still 19 Tom but I wish I was that jacked up built like that when I was 19 my goodness this guy has like no body fat on him athletic

Explosive uh you know can run the floor he looks like he has tools do does he still need refining sure he does but at this point of the season five wins that’s it and no playing probably no definitely no playoffs why not just see what you got with City so I propos spur

Experiment with giving cidi more time in San Antonio your thoughts Tom I think we’ll see some of it uh you’re you’re right that in terms of his I mean physique like he’s he’s built like a tight end like he he looks he looks like he could give Travis Kelsey r for his

Money yes you know like like NFL ready body on a teenager did I ever tell you the time when he I I spoke with him early the season about coming to San Antonio and he’s sitting on a chair in in the locker room and other there

Looking at him go you’re 19 in my head I’m thinking this you’re 19 yeah you sure about that I mean my goodness he’s massive he’s shredded but he’s raw right he’s he’s still raw um he’s coming off of a year in the G League uh he’s played

A lot in the g- League this year and I think that one thing that we’re going to see is as Blake Wesley um gets more time in San Antonio um we’re going to see cidi Soko get more primary reps in Austin and you know I’m sure there are some people who

Are like oh but he’s already he’s been in Austin you know changing the changing the context around him changing the role and what he’s supposed to do can have a big impact you know Blake has been up there the majority of the Season really learning the point guard position

And I I sat down in the locker room with him uh and you know same stuff people always say about the G league and Austin you know getting the Reps in getting the confidence learning how to do the job on the job it makes the difference and

You’ve seen it in Blake Wesley’s play right this year he looks kind of Night and Day from where he was last season where it’s like all right he’s got all these physical gifts he’s going a thousand miles an hour he doesn’t know where the breaks are

Yet uh if if he if the game slows down for him at all if he can slow down a bit if he can learn when to slow down and when to you know use that incredible burst that he’s got then you know that’s what’s going to make or break him as an

NBA player is how how well can he do that um and that’s an experiment that I uh am looking forward to especially with the San Antonio team uh is is seeing a little bit more Blake Wesley um and as far as experiments go how about we experiment with winning some basketball

Games come on man how about that gz Louise as Pop would say for Trey and for wemi and for every other player in that starting unit and the closing unit right because we saw you know when it when it comes winning time you know champen is not in

There champen is starting over Kellin Johnson to basically stagger it and allow Kellin to pack that punch Off the Bench so that you don’t have this big drop off when the starters come out and we’re kind of still seeing a big drop off when the starters come out uh in

That Cleveland game the bench got killed um but you know you you look at you look at the Spurs roster and starting lineup and say okay at the beginning of the year it was can Jeremy soan play play point guard can we can we force this round peg into this square

Hole and make that work and understand why they did the experiment I think it probably the playmaking experience is going to help him if situation situation arises where pop has to play him there in in any play where where Jeremy soan is making a play with the ball in his

Hands hopefully that experience will will help translate it’s still rough I mean he’s he’s still making mistakes um and he like the the end of the game in Cleveland there there was a crucial turnover late uh where uh you could argue that he should have gone up for

For a dunk or a layup Jared Allen was there he kind of dribbled out of it but then then he he tried to pass to Kelvin Johnson pass missed and ball turned over and Spurs lost the game you know um so so that was the guy who was your

Starting point guard for for 20 games and and he’s still very clearly just you know figuring out where to be and what to do just in general right yeah Um and then for so for many games after that Pap was basically go still going no point guard like we just got a collective you know approach to it we’ve got a bunch of perimeter players out there um and you know that that’s good for getting all of those secondary

Playmakers primary reps if you want MH uh but what is bad for is developing and evaluating all of those guys as secondary Playmakers you know if if you I guess the point being I want to see all of those guys in a context that is similar to hopefully what they will

Be with the idealized version of this team and you know I I still believe that Trey Jones uh is probably a a very good backup point guard in the league um game game against the Bucks kind of showed you a why he probably should have been starting sooner and B why he probably

Isn’t the starter long term for this team everything’s smoother you know he’s he’s the passing the fluidity the floor General you go here you go here stuff really help the team right uh but in the closing seconds game on the line you need three points your

Guard is standing in the corner for for the most efficient three-point look you can get and and he bricks it and he’s shooting you know under 30% yeah uh from from three this season uh um although he did hit two in that Cleveland game including one from the same exact spot

Where wemy passed him the ball and after there was a little bit of you know I see after that after that shot ver milwauke right and that’s that’s the kind of guy Trey Jones Is Right but still you know you look at him you say okay he’s undersized he doesn’t shoot

The three ball well his burst is good he’s experienced he takes care of the ball all of the point guard stuff that you could want except the shooting and the size uh but it’s it’s not like he’s like a Civ defensively like he’s pesky

Um but it also the it has it has sparked in me this kind of constant question that I ask myself when I’m watching this team play which is what would they look like with just like like an average lead guard who could hit three-point shots run pick and

Roll limit turnovers he’s this he’s this uh efficient and Um he’s he’s a safety blanket type of of player we refer to him is training wheels in the past he’s he’s just he’s a guy who calms everything down uh and you know I I hope that whatever the experiment includes moving forward uh it includes a real point guard was it

You or was it was somebody who asked Devon Vell about Trey Jones after that game yeah you asked you asked Deon Vell after that game what what’s it like having Trey Jones in there and then Devon Vell is like you know it was we love it he’s like he’s like we love it

That’s you know traditional point guard like he literally said traditional point guard and I’m like you’re gonna have to explain that one to coach Pop I don’t think he’s heard of that yeah coach pop messy with us but regardless you know I mean again this experimental season is I

I you know whatever I some people I argue they’re now in the rotation fit phase of the Season how they fit with wimy but hey you know they’re they’re going to experiment with that now you know there’s certain things to just do to maybe just Shore up their future

Whether it be sissoko or as Thomas mentioning you know playing Trey a lot more because the results are seemingly on the court you competitive thirds can can I just say quickly too yeah I think I think that the for the rest of the season experimenting will remain important

Because I don’t know how much longer you can slow roll the rebuild you know what I’m saying like I totally understand taking this season to evaluate what you have see how it all fits together like you said the roster fit the rotational fit um but this last half of the season is

Really going to be about seeing what certain guys are made of and seeing uh who the team decides they need to stick around and needs to glom onto this core with Victor and and who becomes Expendable because um I expect I certainly expect major additions in the off

Season uh maybe not like a marquee a marquee player but an offseason is similar to what the the Houston Rocket did where you know probably not that much money but you know bring in a couple of Veteran guys uh who can help you win some games

Now um and specifically in the ways that this team clearly needs which I think I think they’ve done enough experimenting to know um what they need you know yeah yeah it’s clear obviously number one is the point guard spot moving forward and then veterans a a more stronger season

Veteran presence on that court but there’s so much to do you know with this uh Spurs franchise right now rebuild isn’t over but boy have they gotten a big leap forward with wimy and hopefully maybe after Allstar break you know that chemistry seasoning will start kicking

In and Spurs can maybe get some more W’s than L’s hey we’re done talking we want to hear from you what do you think about experimenting in an experimental season what would be your experiment and also what about that schedule is Tom’s mentioning it’s softening up a bit you

Think the person gets some wins Tom I’ll be honest I’m not holding my breath but we shall see we shall they lose every one of these next seven games I will be I’ll be shocked disappointed yes and it’s hard to be shocked by how disappointed you are at this point in

This first season but that would both shock and disappoint me yeah just don’t lose tomorrow night versus Detroit’s first please don’t do that please begging you not tomorrow night I think make sure to follow Tom on X real Tom patrini and yeah you want to do that

Right now give him a follow talk all things Spurs and even maybe some racing with you maybe little bit bit I’m trying to think of what My Weirder Niche tweets have been lately yeah I don’t know I it’s always something random that blows up it’s never something you know good

And exciting that I’m working on it’s always like this is just dumb stuff that enters my brain and exits my mouth because I can’t control it I F again make sure to follow my next at real time try and subscribe to lockon sports you get your favorite podcast Ken 5 plus app

YouTube Spotify iTunes the list goes on and on lock on Sports is the first ever 247 streaming Sports channel on YouTube go subscribe to it right now it’s all the local hosts the national host the regional host we’re all there 247 on YouTube lockon sports today tomorrow we’re going to have another guest

Another guest hopefully crossing fingers we got to just confirm they’ll be making their locked on Spurs debut uh we’ll see what that pans out nevertheless we’ll be talking all things silver and black as always probably about that Detroit game hopefully I don’t know I’m not going to

Go there Tom I’m not ready to I I got a knock out and wood every type of material I can find just don’t lose tomorrow night Spurs so we’ll be talking about that and more on tomorrow’s lockdown Spurs but for Tom patrini I am Jeff Garcia we’re going to put a lock on

This episode of lockdown Spurs W He

On this episode of Locked On Spurs, host Jeff Garcia gives a quick San Antonio Spurs news update.

Also, KENS 5’s Tom Petrini joins to discuss the Spurs’ slate of games in January as well as offer experiments the team can use in an experimental season.

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