@Houston Rockets

Alperen Sengun & The Houston Rockets Pummel The Pistons 136-113! | Summit State Of Mind 01/02/2024

Alperen Sengun & The Houston Rockets Pummel The Pistons 136-113! | Summit State Of Mind 01/02/2024

Alber and shenon and the Houston Rockets Pummel the Detroit Pistons 136 to 113 let’s talk about it what is going on everyone welcome to another edition of summit State of Mind presented to you by the Apollo podcast Network in this episode we’re going to discuss takeaways from the Rockets

Versus Pistons matchup Alin shenon and Jaylen Green’s take over especially in the third quarter we are going to pre review Rockets versus Nets yo first of all the Rockets did get a huge huge Victory as as much as as as little as it may seem against the possibly the worst

Team in the NBA in a long time uh the the streaking Pistons that ended up finally ending their losing streak coming into Toyota Center thinking that they could maybe go on a win streak no did not happen Steven Silas Kade Cunningham and the the Detroit Pistons came in and absolutely did nothing in

Regards to changing that narrative whatsoever the Houston Rockets do get the victory 136 to 113 we’re going to open this episode once again with another question of the day that’s right go ahead and comment right now drop it right now and let us know who is the

Player of the game from Rockets versus Pistons many different choices you can go aler in shenon obviously 26 points the highest score of the game 26 points four rebounds nine assists three steals N9 of 13 from the field I mean look top to bottom eight of nine from the free

Throw line a plus 20 overall from the floor you’re looking at somebody who absolutely earned it you can Veer it over to Jaylen green who’s been consistently getting better which we are going to talk about a bit later 22 points five rebounds uh six of 12 from

The field five of nine from three there’s a multitude of players that you can go with obviously with a 23o victory with that wide margin you definitely have uh an opport opportunity to decide on who your player of the game is so go ahead and drop it right now

Comment on our YouTube let us know who the player of the game is let’s go ahead and discuss some takeaways right now from this Rockets Pistons matchup look this it was set up I’m I’m first of all I’m so thankful that the Detroit Pistons were able to end that losing streak we

Needed them to end that losing streak I did not want the calendar to turn over turn over you know scenario right now the calendar to turnover January 1 the Rockets are already on a three-game losing streak at home lost three straight games at home and then to come

In to the brand new year with the Pistons on a I think it would have been a 28 game or 29 game losing streak to come into Houston and to try to break it with a brand new you know the the old saying goes new new year new you

Thinking that they can come in here and maybe uh possibly get the win and end that losing streak fortunately it worked out in our favor the Pistons did end up getting that win back Saturday night so it set up a twins night first of all shout outs to amen and AER Thompson who

Ended up uh basically being the theme of the night there were twins everywhere and basically you know it set up a good matchup decent matchup and a matchup that I in my opinion I think the Rockets needed more because of the fact that they were riding a three-game losing

Streak the Rockets you know came in strong right out of the gate during the game a couple of takeaways right out of the gate um I explained it a little bit earlier but I mean goodness gracious Alin Shing goon uh let’s just start there guys the thing is that he didn’t

Even have a hot first half I mean I’m not going to look I’m not gonna split hairs here in terms of talking about alperin shenon we’ve talked about it a lot on our show but Jaylen Duran was was I mean working him over slightly especially in the first half he wasn’t

Scoring that much and then he just went on this tear in the third quarter which we are going to discuss later to give you the totality of the impact of what alarin shenon has had and the last five games in particular look this is these are his stats the last five games 29

Points 8.6 rebounds 5.8 assists 59% from the field ladies and gentlemen this guy this 21-year-old has come in and is averaging that many points that many rebounds 298 and almost 6 29 I’m going to go and say it 298 and six 59% from the field I

Mean what are we doing here like this is not even these aren’t this isn’t 29 Points and you know this isn’t 29 Points nine rebounds six assists this isn’t a like this isn’t a low uh like a lowly team that is you know only scratched like maybe eight or nine wins during the

Season no this is a team that’s vying for the playoffs right now and has absolutely been earning the respect amongst the peers and the players you know we said this in our last episode to try to push him to the all-star game I mean these are Allstar caliber numbers

Including last game as well you’re looking at a guy that’s been I mean he’s been on a ter and and this is the kicker here I’ll reiterate again 26 points four rebounds nine assists three steals in 27 minutes what are we doing this dude has been a stud lately and and it’s

Getting to a point now where they’re doubling him tripling him and I love it because during the game specifically they found a way to almost unlock and it’s insane when you look at it there were a couple of plays throughout the game where if you just squint your eyes

You know long enough you know granted let me just you know preface up by saying that I’m a huge Houston Rockets fan and I’ve been a Houston Rockets fan all my life which means like what I’m going to be a huge fan of the greatest rocket that ever lived H one I’m not

Comparing LP to hem footwork similar um hakee is AEM at the end of the day however if you squint your eyes long enough it looked like they were running almost that inside out offense that AEM made famous in that Rudy T offense that they ran in the mid 90s Alper and shenon

Was doing the exact same thing kicking it out to a Fred Van vet kicking it out to a Jabari Smith kicking it out to a Jaylen green I mean it was so much fun to see and I think that’s something that they need to utilize more speaking of utilizing more they started especially

This past game against the Pistons the Jaylen green and Alin shenon pick and roll I’ve been touting this for a minute now but I really believe this needs to be implemented into the offense on a Perman as a permanent fixture to alleviate some pressure off of Fred Van

Vet because he’s been Fred Van vet’s been running raged almost 40 minutes a game he’s the highest uh highest minutes played per game out of everybody in the NBA I don’t want to run this guy as we get ready as we’re gearing up um towards

The playoffs in March or April I I I need him to stay healthy and ready so how do you do that you alleviate the tension off of him by implementing a pick and roll which they were able to utilize a little bit last night between a Jaylen green and alar shanon speaking

Of which my goodness the way that they were able to operate and able to get themselves going I mean it was huge this is something that we needed to see and we needed to see from both of them to be honest and I’ve said this and I’ve said

This countless times in past episodes those two are your cornerstones in terms of young talented players in terms of the way where they got selected but more importantly the way that it’s been kind of falling upon them you got the the perfect Center in oper in shenon you

Know that brings you that brings you great offense and defense and now you have a you have a solid offensive talent in Jaylen green make it work that’s exactly what they did um like I said I want to kind of dive more into deep them

In the next segment um oh my gosh I’m always hitting my mic um one Jabari Smith Jr let’s talk about that I mean he returned like like I don’t know what happened or what they did or what type of uh therapy he went into or type of

Phys P PT some type of physical therapy cuz I expect this dude to be gone maybe two weeks maybe I mean the the report was promising I think it was like last Thursday or Friday when Oka stated like hey we we’ll reevaluate in a week it looks like it may be a

Short-term injury fantastic I did not expect to see him on New Year’s Day to be able to come in and and be good and not just be that but basically pick up where he left off I mean there was no hitch in the get up in his move sets his

Uh his three-point shots I mean nine points six rebounds uh three of seven from the field three of five from three there more nothing more that you can ask for he’s averaging close to 40% from three at this point he’s picking up right where he left off and he’s playing

Solid defense once again he’s doing this coming back from an ankle injury and it wasn’t just like an easy little roll over like it was looked pretty it looked pretty serious but then you tend to realize that this kid’s only 20 or 21 at this point so these kids heal fast I

Mean a lot faster than I anticipated and thank goodness because we’re going to need Jabari Smith if we can’t have uh well I know they’re going to re-evaluate Dylan Brooks if we can’t have Dylan Brooks we’re going to need Jabari Smith on this floor to be effective The X

Factor came in and played played unlimited minutes obviously didn’t play I played around 27 minutes however I mean most of the Stars play around 27 minutes because uh it was a blowout by the third quarter which we’re going to discuss I mean just having him out there

Was huge I think we needed it and it really helped solidify you know the starters and what they represent and what they bring to the table you know these guys are have garnered this uh this friendship as this chemistry as teammates especially as a starting unit um just getting Jabari back his huge

Space in the floor and whatnot he had this sick pullup as well on uh when Alin Chon was trying to get the ball um in the post but it didn’t seem like they were kind of shading The Double with the defender uh guarding Jabari but kind of

Laying off a little bit because he was kind of shading the double on LP when he Jabari felt like he could do anything else so he felt confident pulled up for three I mean that’s what you need we need that when you can’t dump it to LP

It’s I mean that seemed to have been the set play for that moment um I love the fact that Jabari Smith was able to do that uh shout outs once again to Tar een and amen Thompson as well one of the twins on Twin Night 29 Points combined I

Mean look 17 points for tari 12 points for amen Thompson I needed this game from men like fiercely 12 points four rebounds six assists two steals five of six from the field an absolute Master Class of a game exactly what you need from him especially coming off the bench

Changing Tempo changing energy that’s kind of what I wanted before the season started to have tari and am men kind of come in and and bring like a jolt to the to the offense and the defense and I love the fact that they were able to

Both come in Atari just doing tar things just being the dog that D AWG dog continuing to absolutely uh obliterate the uh the the second units whenever they get on the floor so I’m really happy at the fact that we were able to get a great game out of them overall

Like look the the game was stated and the game was played it was nip and Tuck most uh most of the first half they were able to get out to a lead and then you know the the lead dwindled and then we were we were up by actually was a tied

Game going into the end of the uh sorry no not yeah it was a tight game I’m sorry I’m getting my math wrong I’m trying to like figure my math out but uh it was nip and Tuck basically most of the first half but then the 47 Point

Explosion that is the difference in the game they outscored Detroit 47 to 25 in that in that third quarter that is a 22o discrepancy in terms of how they were able to blow the lead open and it coincides perfectly with my next subject look I want to talk about alperin shenon

And Jaylen green the Takeover that was necessary the Takeover that was needed and the Takeover that ultimately brought these guys exactly to where they needed to be because that third quarter was spearheaded by an alarin shenon and Jaylen green there was one play in particular where Jaylen green uh Al and

I’ll walk you through the play Alin shenon basically set a pick on the right side and then Jaylen green faked going right and then he shook left basically uh almost faded on the drive and then pulled back to the corner pulled back to the corner you know a little you know a

Couple of hesis and and a couple moves later kicks it to Alp was a beautiful play kicks it to Alp in a give and go situation kicks it to Alp Jaylen green the second the ball leaves jaylen’s hands kicks it top immediately Sprints down to the corner I mean it’s the most

Basic offense set but when it can be ran like that in a smooth setup and it that is as perfect of a Twan game as you can get it gives it dishes it out to LP who immedately dumps the giving go bounce pass to Jaylen with a beautiful and I

Mean beautiful English touch finish going from one side of the rim to the other turn around Blaze some sauce on it yo I’mma tell y’all right now juice juice is one thing juice comes and goes but the sauce is forever Jaylen green with a beautiful finish I’ve been saying

This for a long time alperin shenon him taking the leaps him being an Allstar him providing that presence being the clutch player that we need him to be I love that that’s exactly what we need if we’re going to take that next step to making ourselves from perennial uh

Playing playing team to potentially contenders in the Years forward but how do you get that extra leap how do you take that extra Notch forward to get to that place Al pren shenon can’t do it alone Nicol yic could not do it alone he needed someone to step up enter Jamal

Murray that’s what Jamal Murray provided for Nicola yic that is what we’re hoping jayen can provide for Alper and shenon we know we have a star in shenon it’s established I dropped the stats 29 plus points in the last five games watch the floor watch how the coaches and teams

And players respect Alp they need a double triple him they literally it looks like we’re getting to a point now where they’re starting to set up their defense around stopping one alperin shenon how do you alleviate that attention how do you help alperin shenon cuz that’s what matters now the

Complimentary pieces everybody coming together how do we help it how do we keep the floor open so when the double and triples happen how do we make other teams pay enter Jaylen green this game tonight or sorry not last night Jaylen green 22 points five rebounds once again

One assist one steal six of 12 from the field five of nine from three shooting the ball with confidence is Jaylen green there were at least two two occasions where Alp was getting doubled and he kicks it to Jaylen Green from three Jaylen no hesitation Rises up takes the

Three that is exactly what I envisioned this team to be I anytime Jaylen feels down or or out or feels not confident go back to what has made you you go back to that third quarter and watch that explosion happen and I know it’s against and I know what everyone’s going to say

It’s against the lowly Pistons it’s still an NBA team with solid players like it’s not like everyone’s out on that team and they’re running a bunch of g-league talent like Killian Hayes is still good Jaylen Duran is still good like these are guys these are hoopers so

The fact that Jaylen green is able to do that and he’s actually been consistently getting better shooting around 50% these last few games I mean you’re absolutely looking at Improvement when we needed it DIY and I think that we’re going to start seeing that from the perspective

Of these guys now coming in and formulating uh this this new offense and trying to basically come together now you’re going I think once the Swagger has slowly comes back for Jaylen green it’s going to alleviate some tension frer and shenon hence why you got a super efficient alperin shenon uh game

It was n i he only he shot nine of 13 from the field for goodness sake like this is exactly what you would want and there are so many plays in the third quarter where you know even Al shenen oh my gosh the cir the circus and one what

Are we doing like Al shenon comes in on a spin move turns Fades away got to be like 10 15 feet from the basket basically just throws it up nothing but n i mean Al sh he kept taking bre he was like like he knows he’s a bad man by the

Way shout outs to our turkey listeners that are continuing to listen and and oh don’t forget to also continue to vote for alperin shenon please we need to get him to his first All-Star game Let’s band together our fans from Turkey fans from the United States we have fans from

Philippines put in that vote doesn’t matter where you are where you live put in that vote get out bin Shang to the all-star game now that move oh my gosh like that’s when he’s starting to enter like another realm in terms of player like I I can’t there’s not enough

Adjectives there’s not enough uh words to put it together how good Al Alper and Shang gun’s been still far from perfect uh still you know still far from perfect however just getting stronger as these games have progressed like it’s ultimately LED them to where they are now I mean Jaylen green Alper and

Shenon you’re looking at two key just absolute key cogs to continue and and they need to continue this confidence as they play a couple games moving forward especially with Dylan Brooks we’re not sure when Dylan Brooks is going to come back we don’t know I think they’re going

To circle back maybe we’ll hear something tomorrow uh in the Brooklyn game um in terms of whether how far along he’s going to be it’s a pretty tricky injury the the obliques which we’ve talked about but it’s a pretty tricky injury so until that happens we need to depend on these guys to

Basically uh you know carry it forward and and I’m not even just talking about Alber shenon and Jaylen green you know kind of pivoting back out looking at the the macro we looked at the micro of that third quarter and how dominant Jaylen green and oper and Shang goon were but

We’re looking at the macro setup um we need you know Fred Van we need to keep Fred Van Ved healthy so he’s very key for me here that’s why I want to kind of alleviate the minutes that’s why the amend game was so strong so amend to

Play Confident uh to Tar continue to play like a dog cuz what that does is it just alleviates the pressure off the starters to feel like they need to perform at an almost All-Star level every single game having Jabari back is huge basically alleviates tension from the forwards J shante’s going to

Continue to start which I don’t think J Shante gets enough love I mean he’s coming in and doing what he needs to do but alleviating pressure off of those guys Jeff Green included I don’t want him to play 25 minutes a game you know alleviate that pressure off of him these

Young guys need to step up I know what Jeff Green Fred Van vet um I know what Aaron Holliday and all these you know and Jan I know what these vets can do but you need the young players to kind of reach that level now to where they

Can start helping you know now we’re starting to getting the dog days of the Season 30 plus games now so now we really need these young players we really need amen Thompson to start kind of rounding the form uh we need these young guys you know atar continuing to

Build Jabari Smith Contin to build on that confidence Jaylen Green in my opinion is huge in this setup he’s going to be a key cog here maybe the the biggest key um in terms of how this team’s going to going to be moving forward just because we know what Alp is

Alp is going to bring it every game I’m not worried about Al changon at this point uh even even though even though he didn’t even have a strong first half like to be the ability to come back and have a strong second half that’s just

The mark That’s Just the mark of a star I there been plenty of times where Kobe you know had a quiet first half and blow up in the second half or Steph Curry has a quiet first half comes in strong in the second half that’s what stars do

They can turn it on on a dime alpr shenon did just that turning it on on dime I’m not worried about him Jaylen green is someone that I think is going to be really key here as the team continues to build forward especially um with the trade deadline happening

There’s a whole thing that’s going to happen there which we’re going to discuss in the upcoming weeks and upcoming month because that’s when the trade deadline happens happening next month so we’re looking forward to it overall a great game um yeah that’s pretty much all my takeaways in terms of

What this team has uh provided during the game uh Al shonza St Jaylen green continuing to get better oh I want and I explained this a couple episodes ago but I want them to implement more Jabari in the offense he barely shot the ball I

Mean he didn’t he got I’m look at the stats right now three he only got up seven shots we need to get out we need to get Jabari Smith more shots what are we doing the mid-range is money put him in there let him let put him in there

And let him you know let him cook on that mid-range let him you know put him in the spot no one’s going to block that shot you know we we it seems very sporadic to kind of put him in position to where he can get these mid-range twos

So let’s you know let’s let’s kind of implement some consistency here and get him some mid-range jumpers so I’m looking forward to seeing them do that let’s go ahead and move on here to our last topic obviously preview Rockets versus Nets look I mean look the Nets

The Brooklyn Nets are the Brooklyn Nets they’re 15 and 18 against the you know against the Houston Rockets right now who are over 500 at 16 and 15 I mean they’re we act you know to put a little history in perspective we actually do have their pick this year in 2024 so I

Need them to lose as many games as humanly possible if the Rockets can help that let’s do that let’s make let’s basically help them do that so Rockets do need to continue their winning ways um and continue to get these rack up these wins so let’s preview Rockets

Versus Nets right now look the Brooklyn Nets the Brooklyn Nets are the Brooklyn Nets right now uh they have young promising Talent obviously muel Bridges obviously for one being their absolute best player but they’re just just are very mid team they’re not very good so

I’m going to give you all three keys and I’m going to give a final score so my three keys here one continue to build upon what has made y’all great what is that defense defense defense defense we need the defense to continue to play at

A high level it’s going to be it’s a lot more tougher with Dylan Brooks out I get that however you need to continue to do what made yall great so you’re going to have to stop Mel Bridges you’re going to have to stop some of these guys on the

Brooklyn Nets um it’s very doable they’re not a good team so you you need to the rockets in my opinion are the better team so go in there and basically you know put the clamp defense on do what Dylan Brooks and and run what emay taught you and continue to build upon

That and and beat the Brooklyn Nets so my key number one is defense key number two Cornerstone and confidence that’s what exactly what I need and what I mean by that is Jaylen green and Oparin and go and Jabari Smith are big three in terms of young players continue to do

Your thing build that Swagger and I want a big game out of out of the three of them and by big I don’t mean I need them each to score 30 points I’m talking high impact moments high impact game on the offense and on the defense continue to

Build upon that that’s key number two key number three I need the bench to outscore their bench I need tar een and amen Thompson I need tar to continue to be that dog I need amen Thompson to you know continue to build confidence and step up and be you know that number four

Overall pick that we know that you are we want them to continue to build upon that continue to get better and when they do that when you build that confidence and you build that Swagger what does it lead to it leads to wins it leads to victories that’s going to

Include a Jeff Green that’s going to include an Aaron holiday and sporadic minutes like I just need our bench to outscore their bench it’s going to be huge their bench versus our bench is going to be a big time matchup when most of the time when we can outscore their

Another team’s bench we typically get the win so I need our bench to come in Step Up continue I was going to say home C cooking but we’ve lost the last three and we just won our last one so it’s like it’s like mid home it’s like mid

Home cooking I guess I don’t know what you would want to call it but those are my three uh my three keys here in terms of the Rockets uh getting this potential victory over the Brooklyn Nets of course final score one time what am I going to

Do guys I’ve lost one game when I’ve when I’ve predicted a this final score or at least from the rocket standpoint final score I’m going to go 118 to 107 that’s right 118 to 107 defense ends up being the uh the the moment of the day is what basically

Carries them to ultimately a victory over the Brooklyn Nets 118 to7 big games out of alarin shenon obviously Jaylen green continues uh his high-scoring Torrid Pace uh Jabari Smith Jr continuing to uh kind of harp upon that double double action uh continuing to just hit big buckets bench coming in

Doing work Fred fvv doing fvv things J Shante continuing to be a glue uh for this team and they do that we’ll get the win 118 to 107 what do youall think the final score is going to be I know I asked the question beginning of the

Episode but if you’re here by this point drop your score prediction I want to know who you think is going to win uh tomorrow night uh Rockets versus Nets let’s get ready to go home here but once again can’t go home until I give an ad to the people that have powered this

Particular episode that’s right I’m talking about Big City Wings Houston’s Wing joint Apollo’s Wing joint one time when you go there guys when you go there Tuesdays specifically on Tuesdays buy one get one that’s right you buy five Wings you get 10 that’s that’s you get

You five you get 10 so let’s buy one get one they do it for bone in and boneless so whichever you prefer I prefer the gold I prefer well actually I went there yesterday actually as a matter of fact I got the Gold Fever which is end up being

A favorite and then I also got the garlic parmesan so that’s that be my new too so I went ahead and got those got the garlic parmesan got the gold fever and it was absolutely abolutely delicious good stuff um once again find your nearest Big City Wings nearest to

You and you find your nearest location once again Houston’s Wing joint Apollo’s Wing joint great deals and just fantastic food the best wings in the city of Houston be sure to check them out let’s get ready to go home here on episode 197 thank you so much for each and every

One of y’all that I’ve continued to uh Power with us and push with us as the Rockets are pushing for a potential playoff push in the new year so uh I just appreciate each and every one of y’all go and give off the uh the quick sign off obviously uh you can

Follow us on Twitter at Summit sod follow us on Instagram at Summit state of mindpod be sure to follow our Apollo podcast Network through our Twitter our our Instagram at Apollo MBA Apollo oou a follow me on Twitter @ Summit Commish follow my brother my tag team partner my

Co-host the GM Justin JP Mir Bueno shout outs to the Apollo podcast Brethren that continue to kill the game that’s right follow the crown jewel of Houston astion Show’s podcast that’s right BTD Beyond The Diamond be sure to give them your first listen for all Houston astr shows

Content shout outs to our Apollo Texans off the grid iron that just pre that just produced a new episode today a reviewing the last game we got the dub against the Titans that’s right be sure to give them your first listen for all Houston Texans content once again I

Appreciate each and every one of you all for making us your first listen for all Houston Rockets content that’s basically all it from me wanted to get this review out to let you all know how we felt about the Rockets Pistons game and uh yeah we’re going to build upon that over

500 let’s stay over 500 and it’d be nice in the new year to get a little wing streak going got a couple games here at home get a couple away now so we got we we have time to go on a streak here maybe we can go streaking for the new

Year I really like that um proverbial streaking not actual streaking uh let’s go ahead and end this episode as I end every episode with the go Summit go Apollo Happy New Year to all of our listeners and a happy New Year especially to our favorite guys Houston’s team America’s team go Rockets

Oh by the way watch basketball y

#houstonrockets #alperensengun #nba #jalengreen

The Houston Rockets pummel the Detroit Pistons 136-113 led by Alperen Sengun and Jalen Green! Join Kenny (@SummitCommish) as he discusses:

– Takeaways from The Rockets vs Pistons game

– Alperen Sengun & Jalen Green’s huge 3rd quarter

– Jabari Smith’s return to the lineup

– Preview Rockets vs Nets

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  1. Another great review. I’ll give player of the game to both Sengun and Jalen. Both guys played incredible and both deserve it. 🔥

  2. Silas tanking the Pistons after hurting the Rockets and suppressing Sengun. The fact that Sengun and the Rockets thrashed his new team makes it so sweet. Why do teams keep hiring the guy??

  3. At only 21 years old, Alperen Sengun has been easily one of the best players in the league. Coaches and players around the league know it. The future of the nba is Sengun!

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