@Los Angeles Lakers

MASSIVE Changes Are Coming For The Lakers…

MASSIVE Changes Are Coming For The Lakers…

The LA Lakers are having a bad time and it looks like changes are coming for the Lakers this season we’re getting all kinds of reports about unhappiness with the coaching staff un happiness with the general roster by LeBron this feels like a team that is ready to make some moves

Now more specifically the report that we’ve gotten most recently is that the roster in the locker room is very frustrated with darham as head coach not necessarily in terms of his acument as a coach but because there hasn’t been any consistency he’s constantly changing the starting unit he’s playing you know one

Game he’s playing a ton of bigs in the starting unit the next game he’s playing ton of Smalls the rotation is all over the place and it’s a huge huge concern for this team because on a Lebron team you’re always going to feel a little bit uneasy you’re always going to feel like

You have a a week of bad games and he’s going to trade you when you add to that a coach that feels like he’s trying to find answers it can really you know provide you the sense of uneasiness constantly and that certainly is not healthy for a team that’s going to go

Through this you know super long season needs to build some camaraderie and we’ve been kind of anticipating the entire season even before the season that this was a Lakers team that was always going to make some kind of move at the deadline just the the way that the they structured D’Angelo Russell

Ruri haimura contracts it added up perfectly to some potential star trades that we’re going to talk about throughout the video but it feels like it’s happening maybe earlier than we had anticipated here’s the biggest issue for the Lakers for the entire video right is you might not think Darin ham is a great

Head coach that’s fine you might not think that the roster is all that good that’s fine you might not think that he’s making the correct decisions with that roster that’s fine this is a a 500 or Worse basketball team right now and if you had told Lakers fans that before

The season they would assume that Bron or ad were Miss in some time or weren’t playing particularly well those guys have been not only pretty available but really really good and Austin Reeves has been solid and they’re still right around a 500 team and if I was a Lakers

Fan that’s the thing that would concern me the most it’s not like you go into the season with The Supporting Cast of D’Angelo Russell Ru Haim mura and you’re like oh my gosh we’re going to go and win 55 games but if Braun and AD are as

Available as they have been and playing as well as they have been and you’re still right around 500 that’s where the concern starts to set in now for me I’m not overly concerned about the lak they’ve kind of over the last couple of Seasons become like the heat of the West

Without as much playoff success like they’re just always going to be involved at the end of the year with the braon and AD they’re always going to you know be part of the conversation and I certainly think that at the deadline they’re going to look to explore a lot

Of different moves first and foremost Zack LaVine appears to be on their list of guys that they would like to try and add makes a lot of sense for their roster as a perimeter Creator as someone that takes a lot of the offensive responsibility away from Lebron and on a

Night in which Austin Reeves isn’t playing particularly well um you know he can just come off the Ben Zack LaVine can start alongside Braun ad a couple you know Defenders and Shooters and that can be your team I personally not a huge Zack LaVine guy uh you know on the

Contract and on some of the injury stuff that he’s dealt with this year he’s only recently coming back from injury so that wouldn’t be my favorite move of all time but there’s some connections there um to the Lakers and it’s been something that’s been rumored for a while so I

Wouldn’t be surprised if they did you know matching salaries and and you know a couple of seconds or something it wouldn’t honestly take that much um and so maybe from that perspective you would think that it would make a lot of sense for the Lakers LaVine is always going to

Be kind of involved here they don’t have the assets um to go out and get someone like Donovan Mitchell in my opinion because they only have like one or two future first that they can trade and one I don’t think they’re going to trade re but even if they did that’s still not

Probably good enough for plus one or two picks to go out and get someone like Donovan Mitchell given that there are other teams that are going to be you know competing to bring him in U pasal yakum is a super interesting one for them I think because the fit of him

Alongside Anthony Davis one permanently moves ad to the five and two it’s just a really interesting combination to think about and then of course when you add kind of Bron alongside that that’s a gigantic front Court although obviously later Rio LeBron has been better at the

Four than at the three but you can figure that kind of stuff out strictly as a talent play if the Lakers went out and got seaka and kept Reeves and it was Reeves you know guy that can shoot and guard LeBron SE yakum ad that’s a really

Really interesting group and it kind of you know SE yakum kind of fits that mold a little bit of a guy that’s just constantly putting pressure you know on the paint defensively that would be an interesting one for me and again I don’t think it would take a ton because toron

Is going to be super motivated to move SE yakum uh because they don’t want to risk him leaving free agency and getting absolutely nothing for him so their combination of assets you know matching salaries and you know one or two picks is probably enough only because of the

Contract situation of course you have to be confident that that se yakum is going to sign in the offseason but apart from that kind of where I’ve landed with the Lakers is that they’re unintentionally in a very weird spot because I had just kind of assumed that there would be a

You know a star available that fits really well with their roster someone like Kyrie I thought was always going to be available towards the deadline but he’s barely played for Dallas so it’s like how are you going to look at trading a guy that like hasn’t really

Played that much and things haven’t gone things have gone well in Dallas’s year they haven’t gone poorly so there there’s no really no incentive for them to look at trading away Kyrie unless we get into some really really weird Shenanigans with LeBron you know the seaka LaVine fits are cool but maybe not

The best options for them as a team they don’t have enough for Mitchell and it feels like a team honestly like they’re not as good but it feels like LeBron’s last Cleveland year where they just kind of made some moves to make some moves and it helped but it wasn’t super

Impactful right like it it wasn’t star trade stuff it was like we’re going to swap some role players for some better role players plus some draft compensation and then we’re going to kind of figure it out from there which is weird because I just had assumed the

Way they structured stuff and the way things work in the NBA that there would have been a a star available for them at the deadline that fits really well and unless you’re a big Zack LaVine guy it’s really difficult to find that player they need someone like LaVine and maybe

Given the fact that it wouldn’t take a ton to get him and the fact that LeBron doesn’t care about the future contract to Zack LaVine he’s you know 39 years old he just wants to win this year maybe they’ll eventually get pushed into doing that but this potentially to me feels a

Little bit more like an organizational split here where you have you know Darin ham over here you have the front office over here you have brown over here and all these different parties have a different idea of what’s better in the long term or in the short term for the

Lakers Bron is always going to push for we need LaVine trade the future pick do this do that and they the front office did a really good job last year of kind of meeting Bron’s needs at the deadline they got you know brought in DLo Vanderbilt like they made a lot of

Really really good changes to help them a lot while also not completely mortgaging their future the darham was able to manage that but this year this kind of move that they made last year where they brought in all these role players and stuff doesn’t feel like enough they feel like they’re in a

Little bit more of a desperate situation in terms of needing another star alongside Bron and as Bron continues to get older and he continues to want to chase titles he’s probably going to continue to push more and more and more for what he wants which in the short

Term is going to be to add another star but if you’re in a situation like it appears the Lakers are where none of those guys are really super available as a front office do you make a move for someone like LaVine that you don’t like

The move but you feel like you have to do something to kind of appease Brun or do you just make a a couple of smaller moves and just hope that Ron and AD being good enough is enough for you in the postseason or as some people have suggested do you start considering

Possible LeBron trade now that’s an outof control suggestion there’s like an almost 0% chance that that happens but you really start to go through the possibilities of what is best for the future of the Lakers if LeBron isn’t the one calling the shots it feels like not

Just with this darham thing but just in general we’re going to really really find out who calls the shots here in this organization right and it feels like in the past it’s definitely been LeBron but as he gets older and as it becomes more and more clear that 500

Basketball team is very realistic even if Bron and AD are available and playing well it feels like the organization might start to take a little bit more control over this and I know that that’s that’s a lot to take away from one Darin ham report but this is just not the

Season that the Lakers or their fans thought they were going to have and often times that changes a lot of stuff now at the end of the day they could make the Lavine trade and it work out perfect Kyrie could randomly become available they could go and get zakum

And that work out really well that’s probably my the one I’m most interested in is the possibility of them trading for SE yakum and it could also always work out like the NBA is a crazy place and we could go we you know we just saw this with Jonathan Kingo randomly being

Like hey I don’t really want to be in Gold State anymore like we see this stuff all the time where guys seem reasonably happy and then a week later they want to go somewhere else it’s part of what makes the NBA so interesting and it’s part of the reason why the Lakers

Positioning themselves as a team to make a move at the deadline from a salary perspective always made a ton of sense cuz people were you know players are always going to want to go to the Lakers so who knows how it’s actually going to work out but with the Lakers just truly

Never know

MASSIVE Changes Are Coming For The Lakers… including news about the future of Darvin Ham as head coach and new trade rumors surrounding Zach Lavine, Pascal Siakam, and others.

#lakers #lalakers #nba


  1. Who'd want to coach or team up with Lebron at this point in his career? All the glory goes to him when things go right and you get all of the blame when things go wrong. And in the last few years things go wrong more often than they go right. Just make him a player/coach.

  2. "…unhappiness with the roster by LeBron…." that means Definite Changes. So, what else is new? Same thing every year, roster musical chairs, LeBron's the DJ.

  3. I'm surprised! Most Laker threads are overfilled with LeBron worshippers and my posts get attacked non stop, but reading the comments here, most all are of the same mind as me: LeBron sucks. Not his game, not his basketball talent, but LeBron the Narcissist. All for LeBron and LeBron for himself.

  4. in this video you said the lakers won free agency what changed? is it that lebron doesnt make his team better? especially when standing around blowing on his hands and cheating on defense? i can tell you rn it aint the coach, too much cope not enough responsibility but thats what this era of basketball is about.

  5. Time to hit the reset button trade LBJ and AD
    AD and filler to GSW for JK, Jackson, an d cap filler probably Wiggins

    Then LBJ to a contending team for daft compensation and salary filler.

    Time to go away from a 39 year old max player that kills roster building with his max deal

  6. D Russell is pure trash. And u got Westbrook in almost every pic in this vid. He's a Clipper now. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤔

  7. The Lakers should go for Dejounte Murray instead. His value is relatively low atm and he adresses all needs. Defense, 3 Pointers, Ballhandling. A trade for DeAngelo, Rui and draft compensation (1st 2029?) would work. He is also a Klutch Agent and he has a pretty fair contract long term.

  8. Your raptors takes are so bad. It makes me wonder about your takes in regards to these other teams i don't follow

  9. Their offense is so one dimensional that it makes it so hard for them to succeed. Theyre desperate to add some consisent 3PT shooting.

  10. We as lakers / laker fans aren’t taking bronny Lebron knows there’s a divorce coming I think rob Jeanie and the rambis’s know there’s a split coming to

  11. This style of roster building just doesnt really work that often these days. Unless you get the perfect players that fit just jamming stars together usually fails in the modern nba.

  12. Personally if I'm the lakers I'm trading ad. I just don't think that the two of them coexist on a championship level roster anymore. If they could somehow swing ad for dmitch and Jarrett Allen I think they would be in a better place honestly

  13. Well, it is that time of the year. It's like a person that has to trade cars every year so he always has the last model, not realizing that the problem it's on them.

  14. If they can get someone flr rui and/or dlo and/or the pick go ahead but if they give up reaves im gonna die from laughter

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