@Los Angeles Clippers

The SCARIEST Superteam In NBA HISTORY: LA Clippers

The SCARIEST Superteam In NBA HISTORY: LA Clippers

There have been so many super teams in this NBA when we look at the Brooklyn Nets when we look at a lot of other teams like the suns are trying to build around Superstars but the Clippers just seem a lot more different just based on the fact that this team doesn’t play

Selfish whatsoever and I’m going to get more on that selfishness side near the end of the video but the more important thing is how has this Clippers team been able to really gel together while having a lot of superstars on the roster which is kind of hard to do so to answer this

Question we’re going to be looking at three factors and the first factor is most definitely James Harden and aisia zubach if you look back and flashback to the Houston Rockets you’ll remember the duo of Clint capella and James Harden they would run multiple pick and rolls and Harden’s ability to just lob the

Ball off to Clint capella was so special to the point that Harden would get multiple assists he would get 50p Point triple doubles and it was just so easy for him and now when we look at current Day James Harden and zubach are doing the exact same thing that he did with

Clint capella Harden would lob the ball multiple times and this was very good like this was a very efficient thing to go to when your offense wasn’t working and that’s exactly what the Clippers are doing they’re going to these pick and rolls with zubach and harden when the offense isn’t working

And this was on full display especially last night against the Suns and let me show you exactly what I mean on this play zubach acts like he’s going to set harden a screen but instead goes right into the paint which catches nerkish sleeping and Harden notices this right

Away and lobs it up for zubach for a wide open lob and this tandem between these two players caused a lot of Mind Games to the players because it gave Harden wide open shots as well because Here zubach Comes up to set a screen for Harden and instead Harden goes the other

Way by doing a dribble through the legs and his opponent is absolutely gone giving harden a wideopen three-pointer so not only do these pick and rolls give zubot the ability to score more it gives Harden the ability to score a lot easier but when we look at more pick and rolls

Harden’s also very good at dumping it off instead of lobbing it and on this play he gets a screen from zubot and keeps on dribbling to attract and Davis and once ad is attracted he just dumps off the ball to zubot and zubach does his work in the paint and gets himself a

Layup off the backboard even here Harden gets another screen from zubot and as zubot is rolling Harden just attracts Anthony Davis and just flips the ball up for zubach for another wide open layup we can clearly see that this Duo is starting to form something here and the

Crazy part is you have these two guys doing their own thing while you have kawi Leonard Paul George Russell Westbrook still waiting to make an impact on the offensive end and that’s what makes this team dangerous you also got James Harden and he has the ability

To make more decisions when it comes to Fast Break opportunities over here just dumping it off to Terren man and man getting a wide open layup and now we move on to the second thing that really works well for the Clippers and this is practically Paul George and kawi Leonard

Taking turns on the offensive and it is absolutely hilarious how good this steam is like it’s so funny because you have Harden and zubot running their pick and roll and then there’s Kawai and Paul George just waiting to take their turns it’s like they’re having fun out there

And that’s exactly what you want out of this Clippers team but let me break down some clips on Paul George and kawh Leonard and how they practically just take their turns on the offensive end and pick their poison especially when it comes to knowing when and when not to do

Certain jab steps and and get into isolation situations over here Kawai is isolated in the left wing against KD so what he does is that he pump fakes jab steps and just pulls up over Kevin Durant for a wide open jumper and literally Kawai did nothing but Triple

Threat jab step moves and this gets you a long way in the NBA then we move to Paul George taking his turn on the offensive side now he sees that he has a mismatch in Bradley Beal so what he does is that he dribbles the ball then uses

His left leg as momentum to take a giant step and this leaves him deep in the pain and he just lifts up over the tinier Bradley Beal what you just saw was a Paul George master class and this is what you like to call the giant step

When you’re watching PG play keep an eye out for this cuz he loves doing it especially during mismatches but now it’s kawh Leonard’s turn again and this play over here is very interesting and let me show you why over here why Leonard goes around the nerkish screen

Then purposely keeps his left hand up in case Kevin Durant wants to throw a pass back to nurkic and this absolutely clogs the lane and gives kawhai Leonard a rip and once he rips the ball he goes down and transition and just dunks it on

Their heads we see a lot of players like ogan and noi doing the same thing as well as they love clogging up the lanes with their hands and especially that left hand is very important and then the next play they take turns once again and because of James Harden when they run a

Pick and roll with zubot it leaves the defender so helpless because they think they’re going to dump it off the zubot but instead Paul George just pulls up instantly off the pick and roll and it’s very deadly but now we move on to the third factor and this is a couple of

Role players that are playing their role to Perfection number one you got Terrence man knocking down big three-pointers and I’m talking about huge three-pointers he shoots the three-pointers so good especially from the corner and he wenton three for six against the Suns knocking down three very important three-pointers and after

That we shift our attention to Russell Westbrook his ability to be unselfish to the point of going onto the bench is exactly what I’m talking about Russell Westbrook is the reason why the Clippers are doing good that’s what I talked about at the start of the video I was

Going to mention on self fishness and Russell Westbrook is a Class Act he said I’m going to come off the bench and I’m going to play exactly how hard I play when I start games and that’s exactly what he did he came out there and dropped nine points two rebounds and

Seven assists while only playing 15 minutes are you kidding me and alongside Russell Westbrook you got a sniper and Norman Powell who has the ability to space the floor out for you and run pick and rolls with zubach and pull up from from the mid-range and when I’m talking

About space the floor he does exactly that and against the Suns he went two for three from the three-point line shooting it at a 66% efficiency then you have th one of the best players I’ve seen when it comes to putting the ball back there were a lot of possessions

Where the Clippers missed shots and th was there to grab a rebound and put that ball back just a very good backup power forward or Center when you don’t have zubach on the core even there coach in tyou he’s just a very solid head coach and he gets praise from LeBron James as

Well as LeBron James said in his recent interview this is not James Harden’s team this is the tyo LA Clippers and LeBron James was not wrong tyo is running some nice plays to get Kawai Paul George Harden wide open and they’re doing their thing this Clippers team has

A very good chance at being a top three seed in the Western Conference and going out there and winning an NBA championship if you enjoyed today’s video make sure you smash that like button and hit that subscribe button if you are new that’s been all for your boy

MSY Hoops I will catch you guys in the next one

#nba #laclippers
The Los Angeles Clippers Are Ready To Dominate The NBA…..

In today’s video, we understand why the Los Angeles Clippers stand as the most formidable superteam in basketball history!

we break down game-changing footage, offering an exclusive look at each Clippers player and uncovering the secrets behind their unrivaled prowess. We’ll explore the potent combination of James Harden’s pick-and-roll finesse with Zubac’s powerhouse presence that’s shaking up the league.

But the excitement doesn’t stop there – we’ll also take a captivating journey into the partnership of Paul George and Kawhi Leonard. Discover the intricate chemistry that makes them an unstoppable force on the court.


  1. The *Mt Rushmore of L.A. Basketball* all on the same team. This Clippers team features four L.A. legends, all born and raised in So Cal; Kawhi/Moreno Valley, PG/Palmdale, Westbrook/Long Beach, Harden/Lakewood.

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