
Duke vs. Virginia Full Game Replay | 2023-24 ACC Women’s Basketball

Duke vs. Virginia Full Game Replay | 2023-24 ACC Women’s Basketball

Duke across the way ready to get it rolling Duke in the traveling blue Virginia in the white the opening tip is controlled by the home team the Virginia Cavaliers and already jumping passing Lanes is Richardson takes a steal quickly that is going to be a point of emphasis for Virginia can they handle

The ball same with Virginia coming off a game 27 turnovers against Louisville mayor with the hand off to Donovan opening moments of our first quarter entry pass Richardson sends it back out this is Jackson for three on the offensive glass up and in good work from Kennedy

Brown well Duke has a lot of size not just in that post position in the guards as well and Johnson could be a big excuse me Brown could be a big factor if she continues to stay hot in the offensive glass tried to get it inside on the pass

From Paris Clark and it bounces out of bounds Carol awson is the head coach for the Blue Devils in her fourth season 55 wins that first season was shortened because of covid concerns just four games but now building the program back to prominence and an NCAA tournament

Trip a season ago although as we mentioned a senior lad in roster a year ago and that’s an offensive foul against Duke on the drive well we mentioned cam Taylor early on in this broadcast and that is why she’s such a special player her defensive IQ is excellent coming

Over helping on the drive taking the charge full court pressure from the Blue Devils here in the first quarter broken skillfully by the handling of Johnson unable to convert Jackson the other way for Duke nine and five on the season the Lost Thursday at number 17 Louisville

6144 they were just to two of 19 three-point shooting in that game struggles from Beyond The Arc to the blue doubles shot clock winding down lot of dribbling and a bucket nice move underneath Jaden Donovan for Duke well coach told us that she has been a little

Streaky this year nice to get her going early a miss again for Virginia nothing going offensively for them yet Clarkson battled on the boards to preserve The [Applause] Possession Johnson trying to work off of that screen and She lays it in and that’s what you want when your

Offense is not necessarily in syn take it to the rim either draw a foul or get the easy bucket Johnson who averages 11 and 1 12 points per game as a double digit scorer there was a bump from Clarkson and Virginia be whistle for the infraction

And it will be Clarkson and her first Jon Donovan does such a good job at putting the ball on on the floor and trying to get to the rim she’s long she’s athletic and she can finish really well with either hand underneath the inbounds pass hit the backboard recovered by

Jackson Aon pass Johnson Jackson hustling back Johnson lays it up hit the deck we had a whistle Carla fountain on the calll so Kennedy Brown picked up the foul Kelly yeah a rare Miss in the open court here by Mo Johnson and after she went up it looked like the foul was

Called Carlo Fountain Mark Rush Meadow over Street in charge of the proceedings this afternoon already five turnovers in this game just sloppy you I was expecting Virginia to come out really in sync because of that tough loss underneath Kelly forced the shot up it goes out of bounds and that is off of

[Applause] Virginia by the way you see Clarkson wearing that mask in fact she’s going to come out of the game right now that is for precautionary measures Brunell comes in Johnson also goes to the bench for Coach MOX by the way is expecting this summer second child little baby girl so excited for

Her we appreciate coach MOX earlier this week we had a zoom meeting and she wasn’t feeling all that great but she was more than happy to talk about her team this season dribbling into traffic and now Jackson does not get the bounce it goes out of bounds and that’ll be cavaliere

Basketball how about that family photo that is the most unique and special announcement I have ever seen I mean everything all along the bottom so excited for this group and and got a big brother now that’s one of the most exciting Parts you know going from one

To two as you know is it’s a lot Big Brother e and husband Billy expecting a daughter this summer in kiru will be her name and that means the future is greater The Best Is Yet To Come what a beautiful name and so excited for Coach Mox and Virginia

Really struggling right now on the offensive end another turnover four already early in this game May picked up the dribble just takes the shot and hits it and then Brown hit the deck so a foul called also on the play now potential for Five Points here

On this one time down the floor there’s the screen up top nobody takes mayor and excuse me she’s got her foot on the line so that is a two but the foul happens underneath and now Duke with another opportunity so they keep the possession on the foul call was on Taylor for Virginia Richardson just turns and shoots and hits similar development of the play to the shot by may as well and Duke picking up full Court their defense will pressure these ball handlers the entire game Virginia loss on Thursday at Georgia Tech 6360 Brunell inside had it knocked away looking for a second effort

And that’ll be Duke basketball yeah we talked about the wo of Virginia offensively you got to credit that Duke defense every time a Virginia player has the ball there are hands all over multiple players coming at them anytime it’s been in the paint they are have had suffocating defense

Around them Duke coming to play today mayor is out of the game for Duke Alexus Smith part of the lineup now for Virginia Duke has made four of its last five field goals including two in a row on the last trip down the court Jackson run into a roadblock [Applause]

Off the backboard and in for a three she’ll take it anyway it comes off the glass another long shot for Duke aluchi AOA with the three off the glass and Coach MOX wants a timeout this week it’s game time on CW court side Saturday when NC State faces

Off with Louisville then we’re off to South Bend where Florida State clashes and it was just a three-point loss at Virginia and they shot 34% as a team in the losing effort yeah and that is definitely an area of concern especially for a team that has such good

Three-point Shooters on their roster I can imagine that this game they’re going to try to get those up we haven’t seen a lot though in this one so far this is brown on the drive well defended Virginia able to keep it alive whistle on the jumper intense play Early here in this

First quarter with 526 to go that’s something coach Lawson mentioned too is her the inability of her team to box out on the defensive end there was a game just recently Boston College in in a loss had 24 offensive rebounds and scored 24 points off of those re off of

Those off offensive board so that’s an area Duke has got to do a good job of boxing out and limiting Virginia to one shot yeah that is their one Conference win though the game against BC vaugh was at the line for Virginia Duke is one and two in

Conference play two and three away from Durham Jackson on the drive and she’s got it up ahead Smith trying to beat the field deflect away and taken back by the Blue Devils and Donovan excellent transition defense by Duke this is an open shot from the corner a Miss from Richardson long

Rebound Donovan was able to run it down we’re inside of 5 minutes to go in our first quarter Blue Devils with a 10-point [Applause] lead shock locked down to [Applause] four Richardson tried to jump it low the Turner around trying to beat the clock from Brown as she was looking for a call

Did not get it yeah good patience on the offensive End by Duke they just don’t get the shot vgh will direct a little traffic Taylor hits it and that’s what makes her dangerous is she’s such a threat from 15 ft or she’ll put the ball on the floor and get to the

Basket he tried to go inside to Kennedy Brown defended by Brunell yeah and I like that look for Duke I try to isolate your post player spread out the guards that time had she caught it it would just been she and Brunell on the Baseline and I think that brown could win that

Matchup so Jackson comes out of the lineup mayor back in she’ll trigger the inbounds for Carol awon whose team had one four games in a row before the loss on the road at Louisville this week 6144 trying to go low to Brown had the position in the catch Brunell recovered

And Brunell tries to save it on the Baseline we’re going to stay at this end of the floor and Duke will keep possession 15 seconds on the shot clock yeah I love the high low look again but that time Brunell with some great defense look trying to play high side

Gets her hand on the ball as the shot goes up good block by the way last two games for Virginia they have had 16 blocks Total a veteran play defensively by brunette to recover even though she was beat on the entry pass Brown power dribble double teamed foul called it’s against [Applause] Virginia second on Taylor so now brown will come out for Duke London Clarkson comes back in for Virginia and the drive here cam Taylor gets her

Hand on the ball but as brown turns the arm gets in the way and that is a foul probably the right call by the official Donovan that bounces off pulled in by Jillian Brown races up the court drops it off and two for Virginia Alexia Smith well when you’re struggling to score in the half Court get the ball in transition back the other way out of bounds and that’ll be Virginia basketball well dues takes that V

Virginia fast break and takes one on their own and Sam Brunell has really come up big defensively on these last few possessions that was AOA trying to drive to the rim and Brunell tied her up yeah she’s got a tough assignment this remember this is a a player that is

Really a guard right this is what she wants to be she wants to stay outside shoot the three and she is being asked to play post defense on some very tough posts inside Brunell the veteran player three years at Notre Dame second year in the Virginia program grad student from Ruckersville

Virginia has the basketball launches a three she got fouled on the three-point shot she’s playing with a lot of emotion today Kelly Deo yeah she is a spark Off the Bench for this Virginia team and you know used to being in the starting lineup had a phenomenal freshman year at

Notre Dame and has got battled through injuries but everyone knows her because of her three-point shot that time she gets the foul we’ll try to get it at the foul L yeah that’s the second personal foul on mayor so that sends Brunell to the line for what should be three free

Throws yeah and that is a critical foul because you think about you know there’s not a lot of backup in that point guard position De Jesus hurt her KN this this summer she is not able to play that was the veteran point guard for Coach Lawson and so now

This is the only point guard that is you know really running the show for Duke so it appears that the officials are just making sure that Brunell was in fact behind the three-point line 22t 1 and 3/4 in away from the Basketb relatively clear in that instance feels obvious renell can certainly hit that three-point shot she’s made 17 this season on 51 chances oh and by the way way we talked about her being a veteran player Kelly her and 13th career game today for S Brunell 33 in white orange

And blue yeah and that’s a big deal when you talk about on the other end duk’s inexperience this is a team that has no experience on that end only two years has that’s the most anybody’s been in that Duke system Virginia has so many experienced players not necessarily

Programed kids that have been there for four years although they have that but players like Brunell who have played many years and have big time game experience so the other issue is that the clock kept running after the shot by Brunell so they’re trying to adjust that as

Well clearly she was behind the three-point line and they want to make sure they get the timing right right now it says 257 for the first Quarter Duke is led by as many as 10 in this first [Applause] quarter yeah so with Mayer with two fouls who will likely stay on the bench for a while in this first half you also on the other side side have Cam Taylor who has two fouls as well so that

Is a big loss especially when you think about the interior dominance of Duke inside this is why Brunell has had to play these bigs and and she’s done a tremendous job as I’ve said there’s coach Tia Jackson was a excellent player at Iowa I am old enough

To remember that she played before me and I remember taking a visit to Iowa that was a team that went to the Final Four and Carol Lawson has just a compiled a great staff around her a lot of experience on that [Applause] bench coach Jackson was an assistant for

The 06 national championship game also a Maryland assistant as well one of the best bands in the ACC waiting for play to resume here at John Paul Jones Arena yeah they’ve done a great job of filling this Arena a thousand more season ticket holders from last year to

This year and that is exactly what coach MOX wanted to do when she came to Virginia this is a team that has a lot of history of dominance in women’s basketball and when she took this job she wanted to get Virginia back into contention for an ACC Championship for

An NCA appearance and Beyond and she is compiling a a team a roster she’s done it with experience and and now she has the fans around her to help her do that prior to arriving in Charlottesville she was the head coach at Missouri State took that program to two NCAA

Tournaments a sweet 16 in 2021 and in that year they went 16-0 in conference play not surprisingly two-time Missouri Valley Conference coach of the year aaka Goa Hamilton well she knows how to win and she creates a culture and that’s what she’s talked about so much is it’s

Not just about coming in and getting the right you know kids or whatever you need to create the culture and the system and and then work from there so Brunell Cashes in from the free throw line she’d only attempted 10 free throws All Season she got three after being fouled

On the three-point of time so back to the live action do pumping up a three and the struggles continue for the Blue Devils 70 run for Virginia Duke is now one for five on three-point shots BAU Smith Clarkson had it Stripped Away at the last second goes out of

Bounds and what a beautiful play had her wide open but tremendous help on the Baseline coming over to get that block Reagan Richardson defensively for the Blue Devils off of the inbounds that was Brunell who sprung free and She lays it In how about a 90 run to cut the lead to one Duke wants a three won’t get it Miss from Richardson by the way Virginia doing this without Cam ER and without Mo Johnson both of them on the bench Clarkson had it blocked mbow defensively two blocks on the last two

Possessions before that make for Brunell but that’s again the dominance inside there’s a look at cam Taylor having to watch from the sideline two personal fouls already and we told you about Duke’s ability to block shots over seven per game best in the conference and third in the nation

As far as shot blocking is concerned Richardson into the paint turn around Fall Away High degree of difficulty and she got the bounce ruk does such a good job of putting the ball on the floor Virginia has to do a better job containing the dribble and making it a tough [Applause]

Shot lot of contact near the free throw line and a foul [Applause] called I like the aggressive play by Brunell but she leaned into the player you see her here she’s in position but then pushes forward and bodies on the floor second foul for [Applause] Brunell kanowa to the Duke bench Duke just one of its last eight in field goal attempts and that was that little follow Away by Richardson a moment ago approaching one minute to go in our first [Applause] Quarter Jackson lost it on the drive touchdown pass Brown trying to run it down MBO was able to tip it out of bounds and stop the Virginia break so now another post player comes in because of the foul trouble to Brunell this is now the third string and obviously lauderbach comes in with

Height but not as much experience so lauderbach is the ground student from Appleton Wisconsin and a transfer from Kansas State played three years in that program 67 Center vau misses cable is into the game she’s got the basketball right now for Duke and the handoff Richardson driving to the

Rim contact and a foul is Clarkson tried to defend the drive so that’s the second on London Clarkson as well so t Taylor Brunell and Clarkson all with two well that’s where Richardson has been so deadly in this game he’s putting the ball on the floor and either pulling

Up for a mid-range jumper or taking it to the rim it’s now five points of the game for Richardson at the free throw Line Junior from charlot North Carolina transfer from Georgia second year in the Duke program couple of free throws 8 4% of the season from the strike for Richardson substitution for Virginia noan comes back in again she’s wearing a mask as well also for precautionary [Applause] reasons justno and the Freshman from Sweden Brown the pass to vaugh lauderbach on the offensive glass had it knocked away at the last second Duke is overplaying those passing Lanes so Virginia doing a really good job of getting those back door Cuts just not able to get that pass clean to the receiver BL devil started the season

Strong won five of their first seven games including November 30th on the road to Georgia with a 7265 Victory so played South Carolina and lost 7761 at home in December scooped up by vaugh oh behind the back lets it Fly oh just missed how about yavon with the dribble

And the shot trying to beat the of their scoring from last year and you know this is a consumate teacher you you’ve seen Carol Lawson if you’ve watched any of her social media feeds she is constantly teaching she is helping her team grow and and it’s been a process to get this

Team she said we have to start at the basic level and then eventually we will add to it but you’re watching the youth do a pretty good job right now against the Virginia Cavaliers up 17- 12 right now and three players in foul trouble for Virginia and a nice free throw

Jumper there by cable but Virginia continues to pick up in Full [Applause] Court Mo Johnson back in the game taking over the point guard position yavon did a tremendous job in her absence Richardson almost with a steal [Applause] High post screen looking inside instead gets the kick to Olivia McGee nothing

There still struggling from outside is Virginia as Richardson gets all the way to the rim excuse me okona gets all the way to the rim in the transition bucket Duke loves to get the ball up the floor quickly looking for transition plays and Clark comes off the screen goes in gets

Fouled by okan inside I love the look there because Duke has put so much pressure on this Virginia offense that Virginia has been out of sort they’ve not been able to get the looks they want to within their offense so this time they take it all

The way to the rim and Clark gets the payoff with the foul Paris Clark at the free throw line for Virginia both teams struggled from three-point distance in that first quarter Carol awon team just one of seven Virginia missed both of its three-point attempts and remember coming off the

Game against Georgia Tech where they were just one of 16 from the three-point line I expected them to come back in this one and do a better job from long range there’s still lots of time though [Applause] trying to drive it that was Clark did well to get to the rim did not

Get the desired result Johnson on the handle McGee trying to find an open teammate shot clocks down to six Clark into the paint little Runner side Rim out of nowhere Johnson she shoots and hits and another defensive rebound that’s six now for Virginia and mo Johnson gets the bucket as

Well Duke is playing such good pressure defense but they have just not been able to turn and box out to limit Virginia to one shot Duke led by as many as 10 in that first quarter it’s a difficult shot and Bucket from Donovan well defended still made it

Well clearly Duke feels they have the speed quickness the foot quickness to take that first step and take Virginia off the bouns Cavaliers shot just 29% as a team from the floor in that first quarter but had a 90 run near the latter stages of our first quarter stepping back this is

Johnson that is a two-point bucket Johnson it’s just a freshman by the way comes in with such confidence right here in Charlottesville Virginia she was a ball girl for UA when growing up and how great they got two local kids in that group of three freshman Olivia McGee

Another player that lived close to UVA this is McGee taken by [Applause] cable flips it out with a three foul is called after the miss by AOA lauderbach picks up the Foul so Taylor comes back in for Virginia she’s the leading scorer for this Virginia team almost 15 points per game also leads him in rebounding Kelly close to seven per game and shoots 46% from the floor for the Cavaliers well and given those stats alone you’ve got

To Bree the side of relief if your coach mocks that you’re down just 23 to 18 with your best player on the bench for a lot of that last quarter and that’s that’s the disadvantage that you have if you’re Virginia now she cannot cam cannot come over and try to defend that

Because she has to be worried about foul trouble that was Richardson on the drive and bucket she’s got eight points she leads all scorers so far in our game Johnson has six for Virginia no so if I’m Duke I I want to get the ball into Kennedy Brown

And given the fact that Taylor’s got the two fouls and let her go to work inside that works too another drive from Richardson not afraid to attack the rim oh her first step is just lightning fast so the lead up to [Applause] nine [Applause] unable to calculate that angle for

Johnson kind of a catch and shoot all in one motion Richardson got it back on the deflection by Cameron Taylor about a half minutes to go in our second quarter Duke has led to the vast majority of this game Virginia has not held the lead yet this is cable catch and release [Applause]

Prior to the loss on Thursday at Georgia Tech Virginia had won six of its last eight games yeah two straight ACC losses they’re looking for their first win today McGee a slashing drive that’s a tough catch by Jackson able to avoid the travel and bring it up for Duke

Jackson stopping start lost the handle rolls out of bounds and it’ll be Cavalier basketball when we come back Duke has the lead 2718 this is ACC women’s basketball from Charlottesville Virginia on the seat to the rim and that’s mainly because the Duke defense has been so hard that time

Gets it off the offensive glass able to put it in but she is a tremendous scorer for this UVA team has not taken a three and actually what is surprising does not have a single assist yet in this game two-time player of the year in the state

Of Virginia in high school as an All-American did you notice the behind the back dribble in Rhythm and then the shot all in one motion yeah she’s so good look like Kelly Deo back in the day oh gosh she did not want me 2001 national champions at Notre D what was

The slogan that year get the ball to root it’s all you needed to do and and don’t let Kelly dribble B trying to drive hana’s pass picked off it is Johnson perhaps waiting for reinforcements this is an open three that’s vau fight for the loose ball it bounces

On the end line and that is Duke basketball y I like the lineup for Virginia right now because you’ve got two primary ball handlers on the floor in o Johnson and yanton and with the defense that Duke has been applying you need players that can dribble around

Screens find open players and and have that good basketball IQ great move by coach MOX Jackson traveling violation looked like Donovan maybe committed that violation you know to Duke’s credit they did lose at Louisville on Thursday but they outrebounded the Cardinals 30 3 30 and had seven blocks in that game that game

Both of those things those are good their Specialties as far as the blocks certainly what wasn’t so great was the 27 turnovers that led to 27 points for Louisville and they only made two three-pointers in the game as well on 19 tries this is brown circuitous dribble

Tried to put it up on the glass and got fouled in the process Jillian Brown getting the start today and just a really high IQ kind of player a transfer from Northwestern and she has she plays both sides of the ball so well so Brown fouled Brown and now brown

Is out of the game and brown is at the free throw [Applause] line Second foul for Kennedy Brown on the Duke bench chillian Brown is an 82% free throw shooter in fact Virginia as a team who fourth best in free throw shooting 77% up and down the

Roster I always think that’s a critical Factor as the season progresses but we’ll see well absolutely I mean you get in those late game situations you want players that can knock down free shorts Mo Johnson I thought I saw a little high step there and the ball goes out of

Bounds I mean she played with Flare and intensity she does she took a turn into the trees though of Duke and that’s not an easy shot told you Johnson is from right here in Charlottesville San’s Belfield School twisting move and The Missle the shot from Taylor well they clear out let

Her go to work but she’s not able to put it in they need more of that from Virginia Richardson off the glass oh she has been Unstoppable on the on the drive she gets downhill and nobody can stay in front of her 12 points she’s

The first player in our game to get to double digits and now five of seven from the floor for [Applause] Richardson Taylor [Applause] jumper so she hit a 15-footer earlier in this game and now just a step inside the three point line on that [Applause] one conoa dribbles into the paint forces the shot up she traveled coming up on the Intuit Turbo Tax halftime report will look around the ACC seven games on the Slate highlights and stats from the first half of this game Carol Lawson on one end Coach mocks on the other this is Von

Brown calls out the play Taylor down the lane imbo was [Applause] defending that’s a matchup that is always going to be in favor of Cam Taylor in terms of quickness when you get her out top she will put the ball on the floor and get to the rim around both

How about Taylor from the free throw line this season 90% fourth in the conference especially as a big right there I think we have a a something about post players most of the time people say we cannot shoot free throws but you got to love it when one of our

Own steps up and shoots 90% from the foul line came into the afternoon 53 of 59 and now her teammate Alexia Smith will come into the game chillian Brown goes out mbow who committed that foul to put Johnson at the free throw line or Taylor rather leaves the game for

Duke inside of 2 minutes to go in the second quarter Virginia hanging around and they’ll get the ball back so Tuesday on inside the NFL Nobody Breaks down games like our crew with highlights and Analysis you won’t find anywhere else this week the guys take a look back

At last week of the regular season wow plus they preview super Wild Card Weekend Inside the NFL Tuesday 87 Central only on the CW our own Kelly Deo has ties to the National Football League yeah long ago that’s right my dad played and early 70

Well 70s and ‘ 80s I guess so but it’s been a bit you’d have to be old to remember right I remember so Tom saying Taylor misses side Rim so you give credit to Virginia they had that 90 run in the first quarter D led by as many as 10 in that first

Quarter and that is still their largest lead of the game leading by five and in possession of the [Applause] Ball Donovan trying to establish position got the shot away and was fouled that was K Lawson defending 14 and white for Virginia she got the foul yeah nice to see Donovan starting to look for her own shot again she was doing that early in the game and I think

That is really indicative of what coach Lawson was talking to us about is that she has been a little up and down you see these games where she puts up double digits and you know in the 20s and then she’ll get quiet and so it’s great to

See her when she is really looking for her shot attacking the basket that is and she’s at her best Jaden Donovan at the free throw line Duke is a team 76% from the line and that is sixth in the ACC BL Devils won 26 games a season ago

Lost in the semi-finals to Virginia Tech which not only won the tournament against Louisville but went all the way to the final four eight teams from the ACC played in the NCAA tournament a season ago that goes out of bounds by the way Virginia was given the wnit

Invitation but they they just didn’t have enough eligible players to accept that invitation so three teams out of the ACC including Virginia got invitations to the wnit yeah Virginia was a team that was riddled with injury last season and didn’t believe that they had enough healthy players to go into that

Wnit final 40 seconds of our second [Applause] quarter this from [Applause] Richardson John son with Defenders all around her she got bumped well that’s the veteran move you don’t expect to see from a freshman right there coming down late in this quarter and just dribbles into the defense to draw the foul from

Another freshman Jaden Donovan by the way number three freshman in the country helped coach Lawson pick up a top five recruiting class and has another one coming in next season [Applause] about a 5-second difference game and shot Sixpoint difference on the scoreboard Johnson Taylor shot clock at

Four got the shot away and was fouled and by rule will go to the free throw line for attempts from the strike cam Taylor plays with such power when she gets the ball and she attacks the rim she is almost Unstoppable so Donovan now has two personal fouls kanowa has

Two Kennedy Brown also with two mbos coming back in for [Applause] Duke Donovan coming [Applause] out so the officials are going to put some time back on the clock it’s up to 9.1 that clock kept running after the stoppage you play Taylor at the free throw line played a couple of years at

Marquette this is her 113th game in a Collegiate uniform as well couple of double doubles this season had a double double against NC State mind you 17 points 15 boards for Taylor yeah and then another ACC match up had 26 points in that loss to Clemson so Taylor comes out she’s got eight [Applause] points off the mark So a fourpoint difference at halftime 30 to 26 759 Notre Dame does have a ACC win that was against Virginia got and now the Virginia women trying to overcome the four-point halftime deficit against visiting Duke which won both of the

Meetings in the regular season last year Clark on the dribble Johnson trying to go low to Taylor whistle land foul Donovan and that’s going to be her third and take a look at those leading scores for Virginia good execution on that play they got the two-man game they were

Looking for Johnson up top could have been open for the shot but defended well and then it leaves cam Taylor inside wide open and gets the foul Virginia yet to make a three-pointer oh0 for five in the game turn around Taylor too strong kept alive weak side Clarkson Taylor did such a

Good job of setting up her player to get open in the post now the shot did not hit the rim so the shot clock is winding down Brown going to beat that clock offensive glass Clark lost it Duke has only made one three one of 10 in the first half ironically this

Season both teams set school records in individual games from made threes 14 for Duke 15 for Virginia neither team looks like that today although we’ve got a lot of basketball still to play certainly do Richardson the kick there’s a three-pointer Delaney Thomas all you have to do is talk about

It that’s right that’s all you got to do and it manifests on the basketball court I called that game where Virginia hit 15 threes against Tan in the Cayman Islands and they were on fire coming off a game by the way where they had only made one

Thre so that is the scenario today however they are not following that up the way they did last time that’ll be Duke basketball as it goes out of bounds you were in the Cayman Islands right what I know I didn’t get any invitation he whiz I got one day on the

Beach and that was that it was phenomenal a beautiful spot working with Kelly d was like a day at the beach folks there it is it’s the tagline I just want you to know I haven’t seen Kelly in quite some time and it’s great to work with her this afternoon here in

Charlottesville Richardson scooped to the basket yeah when she turns the corner and gets downhill it is lights out for Duke and for Richardson who is so good getting to the rim first five points of the second half belong to the Blue Devils Richardson driving and scoring she’s got 14 and she leads

Everybody here at John Paul Jones Arena side that Carol Lawson Duke huddle I don’t know what she said in her address to the team at halftime but so far Kelly Deo it has worked well it they’ve done they’ve executed their offense they got the shots that they

Wanted to and then on the other end they have played really good defense the ball has been they’ tried Virginia’s tried to get the ball into the paint but Duke has actually done a good job once they’ve gotten it and you know Carol at lawon knows a thing or two about winning

Basketball games and she would like to come in to John Paul Jones Arena today and and pick up a win of course Virginia going to try to stop that it was interesting in our conversation with Coach Lawson prior to the game she talked about lering yeah as in keeping

The offense simplistic for the Freshman but accelerating that learning curve and it appears like we’re watching them learn more and more very quickly in this game well she’s saying she’s anxious to to start layering right because she’s had to do so much fundamental teaching at that Baseline level and and

Eventually she say she wants to be able to add things and and but right now she needs these players to stay in their Lanes the youth in particular Johnson with a spin and then hit the floor to say mo Johnson is creative with her moves might be an understatement and Virginia has already

Been to the foul line a whole lot today and that was also the difference with Louisville in that game Duke was not able to get to the free throw was just line was just four of nine where Louisville was 17 of 21 and that has been the story today as well Virginia

Virginia 14 of 15 from the foul line and do just four three of four Virginia is a good free throw shooting team 77% is fourth best in the ACC as a team they’ve only missed once so far from the line as Kelly mentioned that was was Jillian Brown who hit the

Deck and the foul goes against Duke and Kennedy Brown and that’s number three on [Applause] her okay so we’re getting clarification on the foul they may have given that to Richardson we’re going to check on that for you that would be three on brown but we’ll we’ll double check

It basket and foul on the Move by Taylor did I just use power about her game I think in the in the second quarter look at the power that she plays with turns it faces puts the ball on the floor and wheels herself to the bucket

Gets the contact and the basket and you see the reception from her teammates 12 times the double digits in scoring this season for Cameron Taylor at the free throw line looking for the old school three-point play 72 times in her Collegian career to double digits as a consistent scorer both at Marquette and

Here at Virginia and now the home crowd is starting to feel the momentum shift Richardson trying to make her move down low by the way she picked up that previous foul so Richardson and brown both have two personals and now Jillian Brown picks up her first personal for [Applause] Virginia May on the inbounds she’s got just two points and one of three from the floor aena May Jackson pounds it into the floor dribbling through the pain and another foul called against Virginia yeah and if that’s on cam Taylor that is three on her she got the

Reach in and those are those things you want to take back as a Defender right there comes in and reaches she had been playing such good defense until that moment ball will stay with Duke on the inbounds so three fouls on Taylor the graduate student from porori Illinois they get it inbounds to

Brown Thomas who hit a three just a moment ago second made three of the game inside to Brown two strong Brunell Le board yeah good Rotation by Brown to come over and again samber now playing good post defense inside on Brown [Applause] four-point lead for Duke yeah at this point for Virginia

They just want the ball in cam Taylor’s hands so tyana Mar just picked up her third [Applause] personal so a couple the shots coming up for Taylor Virginia’s into the bonus here in the third quarter with all the attention inside you have to wonder if maybe that three-point line will become open as the Duke players continue to collapse on Taylor inside so those Shooters have to

Be ready for a kick out two on characteristic misses from the fre throw line for Taylor told you she shoots [Applause] 90% at 26 points in an OT win against Missouri earlier this season trying to go back door deflected away will stay at the center of the floor for Duke in possession yeah good communication by the Virginia [Applause] Defense Brown on the Block spinning Johnson runs it up Johnson cross it over absorb contact shots Off the [Applause] Mark [Applause] a driveing Ashlin Jackson fouled by Brown that’s her second Jillian Brown for Virginia so containing penetration again is becoming a problem for Virginia just saw it from

Cam Taylor now Brown picks up the same kind of foul knocked Away by vaugh recovered by [Applause] Brown Duke two for 11 on three-pointers shot clock down to six Brown puts it on the floor gets by two Defenders yeah beautifully executed high ball screen the horn set gets Brown

Wide open and of course with foul trouble Brown just has an easy look at the basket Kennedy Brown has four points for the senior transfer from Oregon State second year in the Duke program Taylor back iron Richardson into the paint with touch Reagan Richardson for Duke yeah we

Saw that so often in the first half and again those points in the paint continuing to add up 22 to8 is the differential in Duke’s in Duke’s favor 16 points now for Richardson seven of 10 from the floor drown an easy rebound at the other end vaugh almost had a [Applause]

Steal it’s going to be Duke basketball we’ll step aside for just a moment an eight-point advantage for visiting Duke on the CW this is ACC women’s basketball from Charlottesville ACC basketball on the CW is brought to you by to it turbo taxs make your moves we’ll make them [Applause]

Count John Paul Jones Arena crowd looking for a comeback from Virginia Duke has led the entire game shooting 47% that’s right around its season average struggles from the floor for the Virginia Cavaliers shooting just 23% from the floor is Virginia have not hit a three-point shot Tom they only have

Eight made field goals on the day offensive [Applause] foul and that is another offensive foul called on Duke the last was on a screen prior and that time just running right through the defense of Mo Johnson and she is in pain look like she got maybe a

Knee to the thigh remaining in the game first foul against Ashlin Jackson Virginia averages 6 and 1 12 threes per game they’ll take an open layup from Johnson all right use that as the momentum Builder Mo Johnson just in tears a moment ago now just hits a shot

And the crowd starting to come alive again tears of joy after the bucket and a foul called on the Inside that’s against Brown she’s picked up three personals in a short amount of time Johnson had that last open layup little back door Action cutting catching and scoring and Caris Clark in the lineup we have not said her name a lot in this game the transfer from Arizona but this

Is a player that can really put up some points she has started for this team averages 10 points a game had 13 in that loss to Georgia Tech but has been very quiet today Richardson is a strong free throw shooter 84% of the season now 17

Points and three or four from the line for Moran Richardson junor Guard from Charlotte North [Applause] [Applause] Carolina Johnson stumbles got it to her teammate Clark CH loocks of four V on the hustle and kick couldn’t collaborate with Grell out of bounds and dke ball and that’s where V needs to just go to the Rim Time winded down on the shot clock 101 take it [Applause] up

Brown from the free throw line operating she got tied up by London Clarkson foul is on Clarkson in her third catch the biggest stars of TV and film the 29th annual Critics Choice Awards hosted by Chelsea Handler live on Sunday January 14th 7 to10 Eastern 4 to7 Pacific check your local listings for

The Critics Choice Awards [Applause] and Virginia’s problem this quarter has been containment Duke has continue to get into the lane but now they’re trying to go all the way to the rim and Virginia has not been able to guard them and they’ve picked up quite a few fouls

In this third quarter Kenedy Brown now 17 of 21 for the season from the free throw line for the senior for Duke the lead is back up to nine B tried to dump it low in a congested area wrestling for the basketball and the arrow favors [Applause] D struggle for the ball that’s AOA F get tied up AOA freshman from Boston Massachusetts out of Worcester Academy recovers there as Johnson went for the Steal then tries the circus shot and Brunell charges in for the forceful rebound yeah and another drive to the rim for Duke just baiting Virginia to

Try to foul again that time just a Miss shot better defense let’s see if Virginia can capitalize two and 1/2 minutes to go in our third quarter that pass low looking for Brunell is out of bounds and to Duke well the passes have been late and on on

The last few offensive sets there have been open players but the player with ball is not getting them the ball quick enough when they are open so Brunell had run over to coach mock then went back on the court and now Clarkson comes out yeah and I like this

Lineup in the game right now you got Brunell who has been playing really good post defense and Taylor [Applause] inside Tiana May the leading score for d has been Limited in this game just two points this is May trying to get free for the jumper vaugh up ahead Taylor showing off the handling

Skills and she scores and Coach MOX wanted a foul on that one a lot of contact but look at the post with the guard skills I love it putting the ball on the floor and finishing 13 points for Taylor leading scorer for Virginia Thomas inside Brunell and Taylor in the vicinity

Defensively for Virginia we’ve told you about cam Taylor’s ability inside the paint look at her in the guard position taking the ball all the way to the rim there was definitely contact but you know what I don’t mind the officials letting them play and and I actually I

Don’t like the amount of free throws that we’ve had to shoot there’s been a lot of calls inside Taylor had a game high 19 points in the loss against Georgia ATT just a three-point loss on the road earlier this week for Virginia Duke is coming off the loss on the road at [Applause]

Lou Thomas comes out after the free throw attempts Richardson also leading score for Duke was 17 she’s the only player in double digits for the Blue Devils this afternoon Brunell now playing with three personal fouls Five Points in the game for S Brunell Johnson Taylor offensive glass and a foul [Applause]

Called good job by Taylor to stay active on the glass mow just did not get a body on Taylor she’s able to elevate above her Defender and grab that ball off the rim how about this view sitting right up on the rim for Taylor Women’s Hoops again next

Week Miami and Notre Dame going to South Bend wait our fantastic crew will be there so quiet you could hear the rip of a net one of the best sounds in all of sports how about 17 of 20 for Coach Mox and a team from the free throw line 20 free

Throw attempts and they’ve made 17 of [Applause] them Jackson Racing and kicking cable right back to her Jackson Drive yeah they keep going at what’s working Duke putting the ball on the floor getting downhill and finishing four points for Jackson on two of six shooting Taylor off the entry and

Bucket and that time the first roller was open and Virginia full court pressure almost gets a turnover out of it Donovan has it crossed now she does so Taylor is up to 17 points final 40 seconds of the third quarter in a six point game soft bounce off the rim May grabs

It for the recycle and reset MBO driving Hender Taylor offensive foul against Duke cam Taylor is slow to get up her second charge taken in this game you love that kind of dedication from your leader fifth year player look at this takes the contact excellent play by Virginia

Outside of the restricted area foul was on MBO Duke led by four at halftime 3026 we’ve got 23 and 1/2 seconds to go in the third 4539 Duke they have led the entire game get get Virginia looking for its first Conference win a loss at Georgia Tech on

Thursday trying to snap a mini two game losing streak as well Taylor tough twisting shot CLK comes in over the top ball goes out of bounds awarded to Duke 2.8 seconds try to go 97 [Applause] fet no shot attempts into the Third 45 39 45391 championship team at Notre Dame

And our fantastic production crew with you for CW and the presentation of ACC women’s basketball we had our CW Courtside Saturday double header yesterday and now the women take center stage and Duke has the basketball Jackson lost it Clark knocked it away for a moment and the whistle stopped play

It’s going to be Clark picking up the foul well out of the Huddle it was clear that Clark was going to get the basketball and tried to take advantage that is I believe a mismatch as she is playing cable and just not able to get that shot to fall and fortunate she

Picks up that foul cable races in Scoops up the [Applause] miss two of 12 on threes Duke tries the interior and it’s a basket from Jackson so more paint points and another foul for Virginia continues to go at it fakes the pass out to the three-point line and Jackson with the and

One and right now A 2926 lead on the boards for Duke cannot complete the three-point play six points for Jackson Taylor leads the way with 17 for Virginia Johnson at the double digits with [Applause] 10 Taylor getting a breather right now for the Cavs this is brown around several obstacles out of bounds lot of effort nothing to show for it for brown too much dribbling in the Virginia offense at times no cam Taylor in the game I imagine coach is letting her rest

So that she can finish out this fourth [Applause] quarter Duke has won eight of the last 10 meetings between the teams series goes back to 1977 and they will play later this season in Durham in late February shot clocks at two Jackson Johnson hustling Brown from the wings for vaugh slices through the

Defense off the backboard and she spins it in I don’t mind the shot from vau right there but I’m surprised she has not taking her three-point shot and a turnover from [Applause] Duke here’s the missed opportunity I thought from yont Von they are still looking for their first three but still takes it off the dribble goes in and scores v a player that can definitely shoot from Long Range four threes in the game against tane we mentioned earlier where they set

That record with 15 threes three points now for vau this is Brown from the corner High arcing green and she’s ripping the ropes for the Cavaliers and it’s a three-point game and finally finally a three from Virginia then a missed opportunity for Duke Johnson driving had it blocked recovering defensively

Donovan end to endend action 4744 Duke great pointer and the Miss from Jackson Johnson runs it down yeah the extra effort from Johnson looked like it was going to be secured by Duke wow I love that block a moment ago momentum was clearly in Virginia’s favor

And then Duke does what they do best in the ACC coming up with their ninth block of the game Up and Under from Parkson mayor Jackson tries the other side Donovan working on that offensive glass for another possession as we go inside of 7 Minutes in regulation shot clock at

Five Brown from the wing got the kind bounce then a couple of players got tangled up they’re going to call that on Donovan I missed what happened and how about the shooters Touch by the way for brown eight points now for Kennedy Brown Donovan did pick up the foul her

Fourth yeah looks like she just hooked her arm and pulled her down Duke is at 43% shooting for the game 28% for Virginia Duke two of 15 on three-point tries that’s just 13% yeah not a bad three-point shooting team for the season right 35% six in the conference they make six per game

Struggles for both teams from Beyond The [Applause] Arc one of seven on threes for [Applause] Virginia Johnson [Applause] knwa in individual effort from number five another Drive excuse me yeah we’re one of seven games how about that one number 13 against number three and the first loss of the Season wow for NC

State against defending ACC tournament Champs Virginia Tech Liz kitley with a shot at the buzzer to get that win wow takes down undefeated NC State this kly had 27 points and Virginia Tech ended on a 14-2 run to Win It Castle [Applause] Coliseum off of the

Miss it is possible that that went off a Virginia [Applause] player so the lead is eight they’re going to credit the basket with Delaney Thomas another crossover from Johnson against Brown May over the top for the rebound and again that’s what the height of Duke will do it looked like Johnson

Had the lane to the bucket but Brown comes over and stops IT Virginia had cut the lead to three moments ago Duke trying to build on the eight-point lead shot clock inside of 10 okoa spins at the free throw line Thomas trying to work against Taylor

Forces the shot up hits the side of the backboard and a foul right at the end of the shot clock and it looks like it’s going to go against cam Taylor potentially great defense on the first and then locks her arms and that will be the game for cam Taylor five [Applause]

Fouls Duke has done a tremendous job at getting Virginia into significant foul trouble Taylor leaves as the leading scorer with 17 for Virginia Brown against Brunell Brunell got a piece of it here’s Brown for the Cavaliers well Brown will continue to have to play good post defense now that

Taylor is out of the game Julian Brown got bumped foul against Duke a third on Reagan [Applause] [Applause] Richardson Johnson slipped down defended by AA [Applause] with Cam Taylor on the bench now players have to start digging down deep and you see that already from Johnson she’s taken a step up in her game looking more for her shot going to have to see some

Production out of brown and Von and Brunell she can get her three-point shot going that will be big as well but another turnover for Virginia Richardson created that turnover correction on her foul total she has just two personal fouls Taylor who’s on the bench for Virginia had 19 points in the loss of

Georgia Tech led the way for the Cavaliers in that game as well shot clock is at seven Brown stepping behind the line looking for three halfway down it out here’s vaugh vaugh Scoops it in LS [Applause] in y of on the S four from District Heights Maryland with a basket she’s got five [Applause] Points shot clock to seven Thomas Brown and Brunell fight for it brown wins it finds AOA for the open layup so much attention on Virginia there excuse me on Brown and a wide openen shot for Duke and Duke continuing the lead here with all these offense or eighth

Board excuse me by Brown finds okona inside for the two that is her eighth point of the night I got to talk about the game that Kennedy Brown has had she has eight points eight boards four assists that was one of them right there and then three blocks to go along with

That just a great effort by the post player and she has forced a lot of players into foul trouble because of what she’s been able to do [Applause] inside three and A2 minutes to go in our fourth quarter 5446 Duke with the lead they have led just about this entire game Virginia has not had the lead they closed the Gap to three earlier this quarter that’s Johnson tough Miss yeah and Virginia keeps getting it to the rim but they

Have not been able to make those layups that has that been the story in the game today for UA 28% from the field [Applause] May is open for a three another Miss just two of 18 on three-pointers for Duke Brunell off the backboard and in for a

Three and you don’t see a lot of those from the pure shooter brenell but at this point in the game when you’ve only made one total before that you’ll take it the lead is five two of nine on threes for Virginia including the bank shot from Brunell shot clock at

Three Donovan was driving and got fouled we have seen this over and over for Duke uses the screen turns the corner and just too much contact from Clarkson fourth foul on Clarkson that’s now one of three from the line for Donovan The Bigs for Duke have been important in this game

Donovan Brown both came to play two misses and a to be Duke ball it looked like Brunell tapped it and then the ball hit the end line off of Virginia good box out and yeah just as Mo Johnson was trying to get it went right on the line Duke I imagine would be

Content to try to hold on to the ball yeah take some time off the Glock mayor recovers two minutes to go in the fourth Duke by five near steel Brown and Brown Collide and the whistle goes against Virginia’s Brown and that will be Brown’s fourth foul it’s going to put Kennedy Brown at

The free throw [Applause] line that’s three misses in a row right now for Duke and the first Miss from the line of the game for Brown who had been two for [Applause] two off the inbounds Duke basketball now the officials have conflicting thoughts on [Applause]

This we are inside of two minutes to go in regulation so they can take a look at it I thought it went off of yep the knee of vaugh and it looks unless she touches it here no I think that’s Duke ball and that’s what the make from the

Free throw line did it allowed Duke to set up in their full court pressure and now it looks like they will be able to take the ball out once again underneath so two very close calls on the Baseline if this goes into the favor of Duke they’ll be the beneficiary of both of

Those possession [Applause] calls so the play Under review you have to have indisputable video evidence to overturn the call which on the court the ball was awarded to Duke at least initially by Carla Fountain bottom right of your screen meow over Street was thinking maybe it might be Virginia

Ball both for those referees taking a look at the Monitor and with the way that Duke has been able to get to the foul line that has what is what has extended this lead for them those paint touches going up strong forcing Virginia into foul trouble and

You think this game would look very different late in the fourth quarter with Cam Taylor in side yeah Taylor’s on the bench with five personal fouls and 17 points leading score for Virginia Mo Johnson also in double digits with 10 17 for Richardson only player in double digits and she leads him in

Scoring so the ball is awarded to Duke May on the inbounds 154 on the game clock and a full shot shot clock for the Blue Devils and brown and almost a turnover there two possession [Applause] game conoa double pump Johnson has it Johnson trying to get all the way to

The rim and she was fouled and a really good job by Virginia to play smart defense on that last possession they did not need to foul they come up with the defensive rebound and Johnson on the Run goes in and draws a foul of her own third foul on Richardson to put

Johnson at the free throw line 63% from the line on the season for Johnson now with 11 points four for four from the free throw line Gamora Mo Johnson and it’s a fourpoint game how about Virginia from the line of the game 19 of 22 as a team keeping them in this

One on the full court press by Virginia just slows down Duke shot clock at 10 for the Blue Devils leading by four aono out of the corner and it knocked away final minute and you don’t want to be indecisive here I thought Brown should have taken it all the way to the rim

Rell sends it inside vaugh kicks it back out brown that’s for three comes up short taken by Duke Coach MOX is looking for a foul and she gets it vaugh and Clarkson surrounding Duke’s Brown and Virginia got a great look at the basket just could not fall that has

Been the way it has gone from the three-point line for both teams is two of nine for Virginia two of 18 for Duke Brown three or four from the line in the game as vau picked up the foul next Sunday CW women’s Hoops returns with the Top Flight matchup off

The South Bend the Hurricanes face the nationally W Fighting Irish Miami and number 16 Notre Dame next Sunday noon Eastern 9:00 a.m. Pacific only on the CW couple of big free throws from Kennedy Brown adding to her already incredible [Applause] game yeah Kelly how about 11 points and eight Rebounds so it’ll be Paulie on the [Applause] inbounds the seconds are ticking away need to get a shot away taking way too long only 15 seconds on the game clock Johnson misses Clarkson offensive glass he got fouled so we’ve got 11.1 seconds to go and regulation marks into the line and again you got to credit this

Duke defense they have done it all game long you know you you look at that shooting percentage and you can say Okay Virginia just hasn’t made shots but it’s because of the defense Duke has had such great perimeter defense guards have not been able to have clean looks at the

Posts inside and it has just been a battle on the interior first free throw of the game for London Clarkson 77% for the season vaugh is to the [Applause] bench [Applause] couple of free throws Clarks four-point game 11 seconds left we take a look at our player of the

Game it’s brought to you by Progressive Insurance save when you bundle Auto home or motorcycle insurance visit yeah Reagan Richardson came into this game and dominated from the very beginning and that’s what she did well put the ball on the floor and took the ball all the way to the rim and

She was Unstoppable anybody that tried to guard her would get in foul trouble or just could not because of her quickness the first step on Richardson has been too difficult to defend the Junior from Charlotte North Carolina into double digits in scoring for the eighth time this Season also three or four from the free throw line where she’s 84% for the year although it’s been Virginia doing most of the damage from the free throw line 21 of 24 as a team Duke has the ball and the lead 11 seconds Virginia was looking for an offensive foul in the

Inbounding and what a turn of events that could have been giving Virginia another chance but right there that’s Johnson who hits the [Applause] Deck Clark picked up the foul for Virginia now the substitution situationally with 9.8 seconds to go Sam Brunell who banked in a three-pointer one of two made threes in the game for [Applause] Virginia and again now you go back to Virginia not having any timeouts left they cannot Advance the ball

So now there’s a Timeout on the court with one free throw upcoming for Richardson who is now three of five from the line and I don’t know what the officials left [Applause] yeah Carla fountain’s coming over to explain to [Applause] Kelly Richardson has one more on the administrative [Applause] [Applause] technical yeah so they’ll shoot the two free throws because there were too many people on the court after those two free throws which those are done now they will go back to the point of interruption which was just one one free throw remaining and what a portunus situation for Virginia

Could they still have a chance to do it obviously so little time left but no that is a big big free throw made right there well that’s a five-point game just 8 seconds to go as Johnson will hustle it up she’ll lay it up and in now no timeouts for Virginia

So Duke wants to take one you whistle and of course that will enable them to advance the ball on the entry so it is a timeout for the Blue Devils they have two remaining Virginia’s out after the layup by Johnson she is now up to 14 points five

Of 15 shooting and four or four from the free throw Line so Duke has possession they’ve got the three-point lead in three in the second half and Duke just kept having to fight him off in the entire game and they they led the whole way also a steal right there could have been what Virginia needed but too much

Contact and brown will go to the line so that was Johnson on the foul going for the Steal Kennedy Brown 11 points and now six of seven from the free throw line we just handed out our player of the game Brown was certainly a candidate absolutely what a

Game again The Bigs who can shoot free throws cam Taylor Kennedy Brown well done ladies final seconds it was a foul call that midcourt a couple of players got tangled up Clarkson for Virginia as a player down for Duke as well yeah Clarkson set a screen on Jackson and Jackson just blew

Through it it’s Jackson who is also down it’s not that tumble but it is this one we still have three on the game clock foul was on Jackson who’s going to the bench shaking off that Collision now there’s a Timeout on the court officials are going to take a look

At it try to figure out exactly how much time should be on that clock this was a fight from start to finish yep and you know coming into this game I think I just expected Virginia to shoot better now Virginia 30% from the floor in the game 40% for

Duke again they’re trying to make sure they have the timing correct after that collision and the Whistle based on that replay they may add just a little bit Duke trying to put the finishing touch is on the [Applause] victory here Carol Lawson’s team goes Ona Victory and it’s a pretty good likelihood that they will at this point it’ll be five wins in their last six

Games they had a four-game winning streak lost on the road at Louisville and now they go on the road at Virginia and a scrappy Victory to get their 10th win of the season to the Blue Devils and even their conference record at 2 and two Virginia still in search of

That first ACC win yeah and that feels good for Coach Lawson who you know we’ve talked a lot about the youth of this team so coming into a an environment like this and getting a win potentially is a is a great accomplishment for this very young team and they’ve now won nine

Of 11 in the series also Virginia had won six of its last eight games against Georgia Tech before losing on the road this week so some evaluations and adjustments to be done by both teams certainly that’s a rare Miss from the free throw line for the Cavaliers in this game 22 of

26 from the strike he left the clock at three and that’ll do it as May makes the Final Touch Carol Lawson and the Duke Blue Devils go on the road and Win It 60- 56

On the road in Charlottesville, the Duke Blue Devils withstood a late surge by the Cavaliers to get the 60-56 win. Duke did not score a field goal for the final 3:47 of the game, but they won because their defense forced Virginia to shoot just 29.6% in the game. Reigan Richardson was the Blue Devils’ leading scorer with 18 points. Kennedy Brown added 13 points, eight rebounds, and four assists. For Virginia, Camryn Taylor had a team-high 17 points.

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