@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs Have ‘Exploratory Interest’ In Dejounte Murray!

Spurs Have ‘Exploratory Interest’ In Dejounte Murray!

Okay so I’m going to be completely transparent and honest with you okay uh if my mind gets a little bit foggy it’s because I am I am getting sick I feel it I can feel it I can feel a cold coming um you might be able to hear it in my

Voice um but I’m going to try my best to get through this no no no try no try there is no try okay like Yoda said there is no try I am going to get through this video we’re going to talk about the jonte Murray and the uh

Interest that the Spurs have I want some nasty are we having fun yet all right so Shams he uh he dropped a bomb today he he he dropped an absolute bomb and best believe Twitter lost their Everlasting Minds um so now before we listen to this comment right

Now okay algorithm it always helps just comment uh Yoda said to do it I don’t know just Yoda he said to do it Star Wars I don’t know anything I just it doesn’t matter okay it doesn’t matter just put something something in the comments it helps the video out all

Right so let’s go ahead and listen to Shams and what he has to say about this situation because there’s been so many people taking this not actually watching any of the clips and just saying San Antonio Spurs interested in dejonte Murray so let’s listen to what he

Actually said to see exactly how his Market shakes out but one team that has a level of exploratory interest I’m told is his former team the San Antonio Spurs Spurs obviously building around Victor wanyama Deon vasel among their their their young Talent budding young Talent they have a stable of draft assets as

Well they have a ton of draft picks moving forward and I think they’re going to take a very patient approach in their building process there’s not a real level of urgency of of of going out there immediately but they’re going to be patient and I think they will be you

Know they’re going to pick and choose exactly the spots whether that’s this season in the summer next season they have a Runway they don’t there’s not a a a real urgency but they have a Runway to to make things happen potentially if they want to so that is interesting

You’re a resident now I’m going to only take away my thoughts on this okay this is my take on it and before you get look people are already probably commenting something like oh I want them or oh you of course you wouldn’t want them Clan you already know where this is going

Right but I’m going to try my best to give you my argument on this entire situation and how I feel about it so first and foremost from what he said he said that there’s exploratory interests and I’ll be honest with you I would be quite not only shocked but dis

Disappointed in the San Antonio Spurs if they show no exploratory interest a level of exploratory interest um obviously they should I mean the San Antonio Spurs right now Brian Wright he’s sitting on his throne with all his draft picks there’s so many different things that he can make happen uh

Whether it be a three- team trade uh whether it be maybe possibly getting more assets I I have I have no idea what you know what this would look like but when it comes to a team having interest the thing that I get get a little upset

About and and as long as I’ve been doing this and we’ve been covering so many different reports on on on certain things I get frustrated when people just make the overarching statement that this team wants this player or this team wants this player when we’re not even at

That point yet and I feel like with Spurs fans in particular we do that a lot and I don’t think that this is any type of evidence that the Spurs want de jonte Murray rather than they are exploring all different facets that they can I mean we know that going to want a

Point guard before the draft I mean we we we know this uh you know with the Emanuel quickly stuff coming out and obviously with the uh uh trade deadline there’s there’s no way that the Spurs don’t at least inquire about some guys you know just to have somebody as a

Placeholder or just to be here for a couple years some type of vet that will help out uh the team so I have no doubt in my mind that this is true that they have some type of exploratory interest in De jonte Murray obviously you should explore that and you see what you

Personally could get out of this now with that being said I want to make an argument for three different things okay one going to be briefly business side of it that’s my argument I I don’t think business side of it is going to work um I want to make an argument for culture

And then I want to make an argument for what people actually care about what it would look like on the court having Deon Murray uh with this team currently so business side of it I don’t like uh he’s making right now extension is 120 million uh we already know that the

Spurs at the time of of getting ready to trade him uh they didn’t want to do a or well they couldn’t do a early extension because he wouldn’t get paid that much if they did an early extension so they said hey um not only did they kind of

Facilitate this where they could bring up his Market or bring up his market value by having his usage rate so high him making an All-Star Game and all that good stuff but they also had the foresight to say uh yeah we we’re not going to pay like eventually thinking

$200 million which if he would have stayed with the Spurs that’s exactly what his max it would have looked like that like there’s no way it wouldn’t have because he would have continued to put up you know impressive numbers and increase his market and ask asking price

For us and it would have decreased his uh price for other teams because they would have saw him more so as a one-year rental or something like that right uh so the Spurs traded him at the perfect possible time that they could but with that being said I don’t necessarily

Think it’s a good idea for the Spurs to just go all out and basically pay what 30 million for dejonte Murray who’s right now currently underperforming uh what he’s what he’s getting what he’s getting paid so it doesn’t make a lot of sense now what the Spurs the contract that the Spurs had

Him on he he played up to it like obviously he played up to it it was a really great Team friendly contract but now he’s not worth what I think some spurs fans think he’s worth okay so business side of it don’t think it makes

A lot of sense you’re going to have to get rid of somebody I’m not really willing to give up you know Kellin Johnson for dejonte Murray or anything like that I’m I’m not that’s just me I don’t I wouldn’t do that uh you going give me something a little bit more but

When it comes to this exploratory interest this this could mean three team traits this could mean so many different things and of course as he said as sham said the Spurs are going to be patient they’re going to relax they’re going to kind of see you know what what is it

What does it look like out there you know what can we get out of this and that’s how they should do it and they’ve been very smart over the last years I know I get accused of being a San Antonio Spurs organization Homer that’s not true good moves I like it bad moves

Make me sad that’s it okay and the Spurs been making a lot of good moves uh nonetheless I’ll just be real okay I’m also a Cowboys fan and if you know anything about me you know that I will criticize the crap out of them I have

For many of years now um but my Spurs they’re they’re pretty pretty solid franchise if if you ask me now with that being said business side I don’t really like it uh cultural side so I don’t understand Spurs fans perspective on this uh so when it comes

To Jeremy Sohan there’s so many people that are upset about him personality-wise even in the Spurs fan base and they don’t like him and they’re like ah you know screw this guy he’s jealous of wimy all this all this great stuff um but then when it comes to dejon

It’s like all of that is just thrown out the window we we don’t remember all the cultural things now I I think some people which I won’t go through everything okay I won’t I won’t it’s too much it’s it’s way too much to go over but uh I think some people think that

Well all he did was just post that one thing in the comments about how the Spurs is going to lose 15 years for 15 years it’s like no dude that when he said that the Spurs are going to lose for 15 years he was talking to Kellin

Johnson too I mean Kellin Johnson is on this team he played with him Devon fael is on this team uh he was he was talking about all these guys that they’re going they’re going to lose not saying it directly but he always gives just enough

So he he can Gaslight it like like he always he always has it when he says something it’s always to the point that he could Gaslight and say I didn’t mean it that way you know uh he does this with everything uh when it comes to

Culture if he wanted to sit on the bench or if the Spurs had him sit on the bench he got upset all right uh when they had Derek white start when LaMarcus Aldridge and demard de rozan and the team as a whole wanted Dereck white to start cuz

They said oh gets him gets us at our spots a little bit better and all that good stuff he got upset he unfollowed everybody on the team he instantly took point guard out of his bio it was a lot of weird stuff going on and this is a

Continuous occurrence uh he dissed the front office while with being with the team uh the whole situation with when Primo was was first I mean I know Josh Primo but when he was uh drafted he instantly went to uh Twitter and once again did just enough so he can Gaslight

Us uh and and do the cringe emoj and then say I mean think about that right uh when it was MIP uh he he posted his stats and said I should have got MIP and basically disrespected you know other people that could have could have gotten

MIP it’s a lot of stuff like that it was a lot of M me me culturally I don’t think that he’s a good fit I just don’t okay I’ll be being honest in that I don’t think that he’s a good fit there’s so many different things that I can pull

Pull to also when it comes to culture and then I’ll get into you know obviously basketball perspective in my opinion on that but culturally I don’t get this okay so my team right now all right my San Antonio Spurs every single player on this team I am fully convinced as bad as

They’ve played I am fully convinced that they will do whatever it takes to win no matter what I am not convinced that way with de jonte Murray so with Jeremy Sohan they he he’ll come off the bench uh he’ll play any role that the coaches

Staff ask of him uh he’s not going to diss any his teammates he’s going to do whatever he possibly can even Kellin Johnson as much I criticize him I think Kellin Johnson does not mind coming off the bench I don’t I don’t think he Minds playing any type of role that the team

Needs him even wimy as great as he is as wonderful as he is as generational as he is as far as a talent he does not mind taking on a different role if they needed him to be if he had to be a full-on facilitator he will do it

Winning always comes first and but when it comes to dejonte especially from what we’ve seen I he wants to win but only if it’s his way if you get what I’m saying like for instance uh when he was with with the Atlanta Hawks he was in an elimination

Game and in that elimination game pushed a ref shouldn’t have done that got suspended they lost so that’s something where it’s like you’re you’re not doing everything you possibly can to win uh and funny enough last time he was with the San Antonio Spurs he no I don’t want

To be because this really does sound like I’m just hating I’m just being honest here he choked he absolutely choked when we’re talking about the New Orleans game uh in order to try to make it to the playoffs he choked that was the last game that Spurs fans saw of him

But yet and still they they’re they’re crazy about about this so all right so that’s those are my takes right there as far as culture business side doesn’t really matter I know culturally people are not going to really care about that that just sound like I’m complaining but if

I’m just talking about it objectively okay because just because your character might be kind of you know weird or out of whack doesn’t mean that you can’t be a great player well guys I got news for you dejonte Murray is not necessarily the same player that he was when he was

With the San Antonio Spurs and even that version of dejonte Murray I don’t think Jail’s well with uh Wim banama so what do I mean by that well first and foremost we can just go ahead and talk about facilitation so if I’m just trying to think about every single thing that

I’ve heard today as far as what people think that uh you’re going to get out of De jontay Murray they said well he’ll he’ll jail with wimy because he’s such a great facilitator dejonte Murray with us it was a lot of dump off passes to yaka

Purle that’s what that was uh his usage even if you look at uh uh frequently uh made percentage this just mean like the passes who did he go to uh what frequency which he went to who uh yaka Perle was 19% uh Kellin was 16% Derek

White 133% nearly 13% there’s kind of a jump off there Lonnie nine Devin nine cuz I saw some or 10 then nine some people brought up how Devon fael uh had this great chemistry with DJ not necessarily I I don’t know where that narrative really came from uh it might

Have came from that last game that I just mentioned uh New Orleans cuz Devon went off uh then you have Doug mcdermit nine and then there’s there’s a obvious uh jump off uh from there there’s that N9 to 4% to thus young but if we go over to Trey

Jones you can see that his distri distribution numbers after DJ had left was actually a little bit more impressive even though he had a usage rate of about 19% versus the jonte Murray’s usage rate of 27% he yeton still averaged only a couple uh uh assist worse um so very impressive there

And you can see here that his percentages Kell in 17 or nearly 18 but 17 uh yakob 15 de fael 11 10 9 7 6 5 4 4 three very even all the way through like it’s a very nice gradual uh decrease there as far as who he was getting the

Ball and how he was Distributing now with that being said for the argument that Deonte Murray right now with this team he’s going to be the ultimate distributor and he’ll be able to really get people to their spots he never was that type of player and I don’t NE

Necessarily know where that narrative has come from I don’t know where people got that from but when he was with the Spurs he was a good pick and roll guy I’ve seen some people say that well what about when he was with LaMarcus Aldridge when he was with Lamarcus aldrid it was

The same thing he was good pick and roll not great pick and pop and with somebody as versatile as vikor wanyama you’re going to have to find him in so many different spots and I just don’t believe and the numbers have backed this up as well I don’t believe that dejon Murray

Is that better of a distributor than even Trey Jones so if Trey Jones isn’t having as much success as we would like uh for him to even have what makes us think that de jonte Murray coming is going to say save the day as a distributor he’s never been that type of

Player so what is De jonte Murray really great at well what he’s really great at is mid-range shooting that’s what he’s good at he doesn’t give a lot of Rim pressure he’s not good at finishing around the rim but he’s good at mid-range shots okay that’s great that’s

Wonderful but we have a guy that’s already great at that we have Devon fael and I feel as if you have dejonte Murray right now one thing that a lot of people are are upset about right is when we get screen from wimy all other teams have to

Do is go under the screen they do it with soan they do it with Tre Jones but with Deonte Murray they do the same thing with him and Atlanta they go under the screens all the freaking time I don’t think that him coming to the team he’ll be that much of a better

Distributor than Trey Jones that’s not me that’s not me saying that Trey Jones is like like so much better than DJ I don’t believe that I don’t okay DJ is obviously a better player but I think that from what people are expecting they will get out of DJ I think you can get

That in other ways you can get that with other players you can get people that would actually fit in jail with this team better than the jonte Murray uh Dennis Schroeder is one thing one player that comes to mind and he’s only 12 million so and with DJ I don’t know what

The asking price will be but you’re probably going to give away or give back a couple of their first round picks which with the direction the Atlanta Hawks are going in I wouldn’t want to do that I be completely honest I don’t think that’s a good idea uh so so

There’s that now here’s some other uh things that that came to mind for me so a lot of people also bring up how de jont Murray defensively well defensively he’s going to really help right he’s such a good Defender not this season if you actually go and you watch him with

The Atlanta Hawks it it’s a it’s a revolving door like he he doesn’t play on he never been a point of attack Defender but he’s not playing great defense you can look at the stats and you can say oh well what about the steel Ste numbers which I will always agree

Like yeah yeah steel wise it’s good but there’s been a drop off since from being in San Antonio but still like steel wise yeah he can get a steel here and there but for the most part him as a uh um a defender on ball Defender it has not

Been pretty and with the Atlanta Hawks this is another thing that kind of confuses me a little bit we all can agree right I think we all can agree that Trey young is a better player than win banama when it’s all said and done he won’t be but right

Now today Trey young is an established Superstar right and dejon Murray is an established player in his own right but how come when he went to the Atlanta Hawks it didn’t make any type of difference whatsoever I have a I I have I I just have a feeling that if he came

To the Spurs the the issues that we already have will still be apparent I know a lot of people are saying well he can get those lobs to wimy how often do you recall Deonte Murray being that type of player to give lobs to wimy it’s just it’s just so many

Different arguments that I’m hearing for de jonte Murray but it’s sounding like a completely different player that we’re that we even watch that we even pay attention to but I did notice that when he went to Atlanta Hawks it didn’t necessarily make them any better even though he was playing with a a

Phenomenal talent and Trey young and he is an established now establish Allstar going to that team it made no difference whatsoever and if they can’t make that work right now at least in the short term I don’t see why you would think that him coming to the San Antonio Spurs

Uh will will help us uh right now uh so all different aspects I don’t think it works I don’t think it works as a business sense I don’t think it works culturally I don’t know why Spurs fans want them culturally and I don’t think

It works uh as far as on the court he he just not the player that I think a lot of people are making him out to be now there’s a tweet that I came across and I couldn’t agree more hold on let me see

If I can find it um here it is Gabe Gabe Gabe Gabe Gabe is you need to follow Gabe by the way uh his takes are phenomenal when it comes to the Spurs he’s always given great takes um I don’t think me and him have ever talked uh

Personally but I I really like his I am a fan Gabe if you’re watching this I am a fan from afar my friend uh but let me see let’s see if we can find it yeah so this is what he had to say and he was arguing with people I won’t even

Go through my arguments it gave me a headache but this is what he had to say this would be an awful decision he’s a bad basketball fit and per the words of him and others not the best culture fit either a production hasn’t matched the

Price that is true uh if you go down here let’s just see some of the uh reactions that he has this is a funny response respectively disagree if Murray was enthusiastic about returning to the Spurs then he’d immediately help a young team in need of viable veteran leadership especially at the point guard

Position top free agents don’t flock to San Antonio and Spurs need a boost beyond the draft he says de jonte Murray the only possible player that they could draft or something AB absolutely or trade or something absolutely true also um yeah I I don’t I don’t buy into this

I this is this is just what frustrates me it’s like on paper I understand it dejonte Murray is very talented on paper I get it uh he’s a veteran he’s a veteran point guard right on paper but if you actually watch him play nowadays

It’s not what you think it is at all he would not fit with San Antonio he wouldn’t he just wouldn’t it’s it’s it was a completely different team back then he needed uh kind of a yaka purle that he can dump the ball off to but

When it comes to his his team right there when it when it comes to the Atlanta Hawks one thing that I also o notice is that you have Trey young who always makes players better right usually usually players are pretty dog on good when they play with him John

Collins they look they look pretty dog on good next to Trey young but Trey young didn’t make dejonte look any better even though his usage was also very high he’s kind of the same player um if not digressed uh when it comes to defense on ball defense that is all

Right so anyways let’s see what are some of the other things that we saw in here U he just has some really good rebuttals in here I’m sorry uh here we go why do you say bad basketball fit I’m asking honestly oh that’s nice uh he

Said he doesn’t put pressure on the rim and is an awful finisher and while it’s improved in Atlanta still needs the ball in his hands to be effective that’s another thing I didn’t bring up yeah he’s ball dominant he’s very ball dominant uh I had one person arguing

With me about that cuz I said yeah he’s a ball dominant point guard and they were like every point guard is ball dominant that that’s not what ball dominant means like no that’s that’s not what it means I mean you can be Trey young where he’s ball dominant but he’s

So Elite when it comes to his facilitation and shooting skills till it’s like ah we throw that out the window right it’s fine that you’re you’re ball dominant but really good really really good point guards uh can make make things happen with the ball not necessarily in their hands all the

Time Trey young is a bad off ball player don’t get me wrong but with the ball in his hands uh he is he’s he’s Elite and if now if the Spurs or Spurs fans were saying hey let’s go ahead and go all in on Trey young let’s give away some draft picks

For Trey young I’m for that I understand that but the jonte I I don’t really see it I I feel like you’re getting a a middle of the road uh type of type of player for for no reason giving away picks giving away those picks again uh

And then he says the last thing San Antonio needs is a ball dominant point guard that can’t generate Rim pressure or at least shoot at an elite level so yeah um I would add and facilitate an elite level so I’m I’m just being honest these are my thoughts uh Gabe always

Brings the heat so go follow Gabe I’m rambling at this point I’m tired I’m sleepy I don’t know what’s going on I don’t know where I am right now all I know is did jontay Murray come to the Spurs is a awful idea not a good idea um

If you’re confused about anything I had to say I know I probably rambled in the middle of it uh and if you confused I’ll I’ll comment whatever let me know what your questions are um but those are my thoughts don’t get them it’s silly it’s

Dumb it won’t work but at the same time I am for uh them keeping their ears open to see if there’s any opportunity for maybe a three team trade or something like that that could happen uh being impatient being impatient nonetheless don’t don’t just throw away your first round picks they’re very important

Anyways I’ll give with you guys later till next time Bye


0:00 Intro
1:02 Shams Report
4:28 Business Argument
7:01 Culture Fit Argument
11:51 Basketball Fit Argument
19:35 Great Twitter Take

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  1. As long as Murray knows this is Wemby’s team now, he can come back and mentor the next PG we’re drafting this year. But I think this rumor is a reach. I heard Lakers is also interested in Murray, and there’s a higher chance he’d go there than back to SAS.

  2. How about the headline Wemby being 1 of 6 rookies ever to get 100 blocks in their first 35 games or less (Wemby did it in 31)

  3. How can you talk bad about dejountes contract when you see what vassell is getting paid? And i like vassell, but right now, dejounte is the better player easily. Hes also having his most efficient year offenseively yet. Once his contract is up in 2028 thats when he'll start to decline a little bit and we can trade him then. But he would be a great young, yet still veteran presence on this team while we develop our new point guard that we draft this year.

    And honestly, dejounte murray works way better on this team than keldon does. Keldon has to go regardless, lets be honest here. Hes proving he cant mix with wemby at all.

  4. when read this DJ trade news the only Youtuber I think about is CLAN you 😂. this is where DJ hater for 😂. DJ cares about another all-star vote with some triple-double but Spurs loss.

  5. The big 3 in Atlanta couldn’t even work (Trae, John Collins, and DJ). Why would he make this squad any better? We better off building our current team and getting a good solid PG in this draft. I don’t understand why people love DJ so much. I lost all respect when he dissed our Organization so many times… 🤦🏽‍♂️

  6. I’m all for it. I don’t care about what was said to this fan or that fan. Nobody can’t grow as a person without making mistakes.

  7. I was a HUGE Dejounte fan. I was Wrong!! I don’t want him back cuz of all the cap he said abt the Spurs.

    If, he comes back, oh well but I will never see him in the same light.

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