@Indiana Pacers



Hey guys what is up it is the fast break report here bringing you guys another Vlog and uh we got to talk about the game last night against the Boston Celtics uh for for the Indiana Pacers because uh I’m going to be honest that game went a whole lot better than I

Thought it was going to go because um I actually didn’t even have any plans to watch it so yesterday when I came home from my doctor’s appointment I uh actually was just going to sit down and watch movie uh and I started watching the movie uh because Jason Tatum wasn’t

Playing in this game so I really wasn’t going to watch it because I hate watching games where the other team’s best player sits out and then we win because it feels like the only reason that we won the game is because they didn’t play well here I was sitting

On my bed watching 007 gold and I and the Discord chat starts popping off uh about the tyres halberton injury and if you’re not in the Discord at this point I don’t know what the you’re doing with your life but there’s a link Down Below in the video description we

Talk about the Pacers games at at least once like throughout the G last night it was throughout the entire game we were pretty much talking but we talk about all the time in there you know potential trade ideas um you know the current game going on I could actually

Technically live stream the games in Discord and you know talk with you guys about the game while while we all watch I just stream it from my screen um but we haven’t done that yet that’s something I’d like to do like I I would really like to do something on the

Channel That gives people like an incentive to like maybe do Channel memberships or or stuff like that I don’t know that like that’s something I would like to do down the road at some point I’m not going to do it now but uh the thing is at some point uh maybe not

The disc I don’t know we we’ll see the Discord at some point in time might be invite only um and do a members only thing where like I let you guys like um I stream the game in Discord and we all talk about the stuff going on and stuff

Like that in a voice chat and stuff like that or I give you guys the lowdown on what the next video is going to be about or you know ask you guys what you you want to see from me from content um so we haven’t done that yet but that’s getting there but

Anyway Discord chat starts popping off that tyres Halbert and got injured so of course now because I’m a Pacers fan I’m inclined to put the game on to see what the extent of the injury is and now the game is slightly more interesting now because now we don’t

Have our star player and Boston doesn’t have theirs so I started watching it and I I’m going to be honest man I I love the direction of this team I I’m just going to say that I know I make a lot of trade videos and people have this

Opinion that I don’t like Benedict mathan which is is not true I don’t know why people think that people think just because you include a player in a trade it means you you don’t like them now when it comes to Miles Turner yes Miles Turner has gotten better this year but

Miles Turner is probably the only guy that I’ve ever put in trade videos because I actually legitimately don’t like him um I don’t think I like I just think he’s a very he’s not an ideal fit for the team that’s that’s the thing I don’t like about him but last night okay

Our our Young Guns came out and bald um Benedict mathan got his his opportunity Aaron n Smith was very good TJ McConnell was phenomenal like I’m at a point now where certain guys on our roster that I think are just straight up Untouchable um you know Jaylen Smith is one of them

Tyrese halberton obviously Benedict mathin TJ McConnell and Aaron n Smith like those are the guys that I think you just can’t trade like everybody else is fine those guys you can’t trade um because last night Aaron n Smith TJ McConnell and Benedict mathine were going off um even Jaylen Smith Jaylen

Smith’s a guy that I’d really like to see turn into like a David West type player if that’s possible a guy who can shoot a nice mid-range jump shot get some rebounds play defense um Jaylen Smith’s a guy that I think we’re definitely going to bring back uh I

Think he’s in the final year of a player option or something like that or he has a player option if we can bring him back and resign him I would I would be fine with that like to be honest with you I think Jaylen Smith is becoming very good

Um he’s a guy that I feel uh a lot of people wrote off last year because he had had like a slump sophomore slump we call it and now this year he’s playing very very well um but there are certain guys that are definitely like like neith mathine um

And sticks are three guys and I’m like yeah they’re definitely part of the future along with Halle Burton and TJ McConnell’s also a guy that I’m like I would be shocked if the Pacers got rid of him at this point um I feel like they’re going to want to keep T TJ

McConnell around as long as possible just for that veteran presence and just how good he is as a backup point guard there’s a lot of fans that have mixed emotions on TJ McConnell but it seems like popular sentiment is starting to become more positive than negative um it

Seems like fans are getting stagnant on Andrew neard but I’m not going to go there I don’t want to talk about Andrew nard because I I I don’t I’m not going to throw him under the bus for having you know not the same season he did his

Rookie year you know what I’m saying I’m just not g to sophomore slumps are a thing so but it’s just the idea like this team is finally looking formidable and the Tyreese halberton injury sucks because it comes at one of the toughest times during our season but also people need to understand that

You know it’s only a strain like a lot of people thought he was done for the season I didn’t think so um once I saw the injury I was like okay like he he’s going to be out for maybe a week or two and sure enough that’s what he is and

Our next seven games we should be able to win at least like three or four of them um without Tyrese halberton at least the next two games I mean the next two games we play Washington we play the Washington Wizards and then we play the Atlanta Hawks then I think we play

Denver then we go to Utah then Sacramento and then Portland so the next six games are are all winnable games I mean the hardest one out of all of them is the Denver Nuggets so it’s just the idea like he got I I hate to say he got

Injured at the right time but he got injured at the right time because as soon as halberton comes back that’s when the schedule starts like that’s like the hardest point in our season uh when when tyres halberton comes back because January 30th we have Boston again and

We’re going to need him at that point you know what I’m saying we got Boston uh on the 30th we have Phoenix twice I think we have Denver we have we have a couple teams Dallas Miami um the schedule’s going to start getting harder and harder as we go on through January

Here and into February so I like all this though because I like seeing Aaron n Smith get more opportunity than he than he normally would I like seeing Benedict mathine get more opportunity than he normally would and Benedict Maan was easily the hero of the night I mean

You know halberton goes down with an injury and the dude’s scores 26 points you know I think he had 15 in the first quarter or some crazy like that but it’s nice to know that like we’re we’re starting to see what the players are going to become you know what I’m saying

We’re we’re starting to see that Benedict Maan is definitively going to be the number two guy and I think that’s what we learned last night uh out of everything more than anything else is the idea like people have been asking questions on this team like who is the

Number two guy who’s the guy who steps up when hie can’t right it’s Benedict Maan it’s not going to be Miles Turner it’s not going to be sticks I it might not even be Aaron neith even though he’s capable of it but I think the number two

Guy on our team in the F like going forward is going to be Benedict Maan um you know especially when he’s just he he’s not afraid of anything he’s not afraid of the moment he’s not afraid of any player I mean the kid as a rookie came into the league saying if

LeBron’s the greatest he’s going to have to show me and held his own against LeBron in the first game they played uh so Ben’s getting better and I honestly Jaylen Smith is a guy I would really love to see just turn into a David West

Type guy sticks is a guy that is slowly becoming better and or actually not slowly but he’s rapidly becoming better and like even on the defensive side of the floor now like he’s getting better he’s rebounding he’s blocking shots um like he’s a guy that I just I hope he

Gets some some dog about him like an attitude about him where it’s like he’s the enforcer you know cuz I think Jaylen Smith is capable of that there’s so many guys on this team I are are just capable of so much more than what they’re currently doing that um I understand why

People don’t want to make trades you know um but speaking of of Trades it’s just uh I I I feel like this team is good where it is right now but if they’re going to be better I really don’t know what trade they can make um

It just right now it was nice to see all the young guys basically growing up in front of us last night that’s that’s basically what it was because honestly once once Alberton went down I was like yeah this this shit’s going to get ugly and benedi Maan held his own

Aaron Smith held his own sticks played well Obby toppen played well like everybody on the team played well last night um and it was nice to see like the team is capable of winning a game without Tyrese Albert because I was I’m that’s the one thing that concerns me

The most about this team is the idea that’s like it it feels like if halberton doesn’t play we we are not a very good basketball team and last night it it started to show like hey we can at least be competitive without Tyrese halberton you know we don’t we don’t

Need him to be competitive that that was the the big issue with the team it’s like if he didn’t play they weren’t even competitive and now fast forward a year later and now it’s like that we have a solid Squad you know they’re they’re capable of competing so I think things

Are going to continue to get better um I’m hoping the injury to halberton doesn’t get any worse I don’t think he has a tear they ran an MRI and said there was no tear on his leg so that’s good um but yeah yeah the next couple

Games are going to be fun to watch um it’s going to you know I’m hoping that Rick Carlile during this period now is a great time to give the ball to Benedict mathan I’m just going to say that I’m just throwing that out there if Tyrese halberton is going to be

Out for two weeks those two weeks you let Ben mathan do whatever the he wants you know what I’m saying like like if this is what he’s going to do against Boston against Atlanta against Washington against Denver like let him be the guy let him be the guy that we

All know he can be and want him to be right because like that’s how these these players come into their own when Anthony Edwards was drafted he didn’t take off until after the All-Star break and then like after that they were just like you do it you you’re good enough to

Do it you do it I hope Rick does that with Ben mathine in this like two week period because I have a feeling after the allstar break Ben Maan is going to is going to take off I think we’re going to go from like a 15 Point per game

Score up to potentially a 20 point per game scorer and I I just like all the signs that point to this where if Ben gets opportunity he’s going to be very good same thing with Aaron n Smith by the way Aaron n Smith is a guy that we

Got for an extension that almost feels criminal at this point it feels like highway robbery he’s only making 33 million but it’s just the idea like Aaron asith and Ben mathin with Tyrese halberton if that’s our future I’m satisfied I know everybody wanted OG an anobi at the trade deadline

But Aaron n Smith is like a great value OG an anobi like and I have I actually have a feeling that Aaron n Smith could be better than ogan and Obi down the road because Aaron n Smith has more fluid movement uh like he’s I think he’s a better ball handler I think

He’s up there as far as a Defender you know I think he’s almost on the same level as OG as a Defender he he can shoot the three very well he can dunk like we we wanted an allaround player we got one in Aaron n Smith it’s just a

Matter of giving him opportunity so if I’m Rick I’m just going to call it what it is man if I’m Rick carile for these how for this next two weeks that Tyrese halberton is out it is the Benedict Ma and Aaron n Smith show okay like let them go out there and become

Become a Duo for all I care you know it’s just I I liked watching this game last night because I got to see everybody perform I got to see everybody do what they’re they’re good at things maybe we wouldn’t normally see and that’s what I’m going to actually

Encourage people to do it’s like if you’re going to watch Pacers games watch them for the next two weeks because then you’re going to start seeing what guys are worth keeping what guys are going to be a part of our future and what guys will probably be dealt at the deadline

Um so also there was two controversial calls in this game apparently uh there was a foul in the uh late in the fourth quarter on Jaylen Brown which by the way as a Pacers fan I I think uh it was a foul I do think Buddy heel did hit

Jaylen Brown in the head on the jump shot but also the foul on Chris stps on Ben matham by chrisps porzingis I feel like that was a legitimate foul as well um but this this really felt like a like a a Hallmark moment almost in Ben mathan’s career

Last night because this is the first time he ever put the team on his back and led us to a win he got fouled you know Rick Rick finally trusts him enough to take game-winning shots which I love for him by the way because I I’m like yo if there’s anybody

On this team who should be taking the final shot with halberton out it’s Benedict Maan and sure enough that’s they went straight to him uh from the out- of bounds line they’re like you know what three seconds left give it to Ben Ben gets hacked shoots the free

Throws wins the game you know what I’m saying and for a second-year player to be that good have that mentality and not fall apart in that in that moment I’m like yeah Benedict mathan’s going to be very good so tell me what you guys think about this down below in the comment

Section below I’d love to hear you guys opinions on it I like helps me out subscribe if you guys want to see more I’m the fast break report and I’m out of this peace guys

So the Indiana Pacers finally beat the Boston Celtics last night 133-131 and Bennedict Mathurin had himself a night leading the team with 26pts.

#indianapacers #pacers #bennedictmathurin

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  1. Nesmith is turning into one of the best contracts in the nba, and I feel lucky we have him on the roster.

    Nembhard is having struggles, but like you said, it's way too early to write him off for his play. My main concern is that he has already missed 12 games this season, and I think that is the reason for his inefficiency on offense.

    I've been really impressed by Sticks this year, and he is showing fans why he was worth taking a chance on. Really hope we bring him back.

    Hield is the one player I see as a needed move just because I don't see us bringing him back next season for the price he wants. Brown, I am 50/50 on trading before the end of the trade deadline just because of his finals experience

  2. Pacers have some very very interesting and intriguing pieces for me that is Nesmith / Ijax / Jalen / Mathurin , all 4 have a LOT of potential. I wouldn't want to trade any of those 4 just simply because you see them growing as players every season and every game. With how fast they all are growing it would be really risky trading any of the 4 because they haven't plateaued. The only players really on the team that they kinda are what they are is TJM and Myles, TJM what he is… is fine for a backup pointguard and you love the energy. Myles since he starts will get more criticism mostly because the team desperately needs rebounding when he is on the floor.. thankfully Jalen Smith is covering some of that when he starts besides Myles.

    TLDR: I don't make any trades this year because you simply are not going to improve your bench or role players, and to get a star would need to give up too much. Be a player in the offseason with Free agency imo.

  3. Celtics fans are having a fucking meltdown about that call. Like buddy went up and hip checked the man out of the sky.

  4. Look up stats for Mathurin from when Ty went down last year Jan. 13-29, 2023. His production went way up into 20+PPG. The game Tycame back, had 5 pts and single digit scoring for a long stretch. Very compelling stats. For a guy (Ty) who supposed to make his team mates better, its glaring this doesnt happen with Mathurin.

  5. Agreed! I'd definitely hang on to the young guys. Just offer picks & higher salary vets (Hield, Brown) if the Pacers want to trade for someone. Starting to like your idea of trading for DeRozan.

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