@Washington Wizards

Knicks win fourth straight! | Dismantle the Washington Wizards

Knicks win fourth straight! | Dismantle the Washington Wizards

This is nbk nothing but Nicks when s pass the assist you know that it’s number one show that breaks down the game if you play defense stay out my way dribble the ball come down the lane 5 seconds on the shot clock who going to

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Off the bench this nbk nothing but ni Nicks family what’s popping it’s your boy ladies and gentlemen the New York Knicks dismantle the Washington Wizards The Wiz try to make make it close there in the third quarter but for the most part the New York Knicks dismantled them and uh

You know they’re on a four game winning streak the best winning streak this season playing the best basketball of the season so far the New York Knicks are ladies and gentlemen and uh yeah it’s uh it’s it’s looking good 121 to 105 the Knicks take down the Washington Wizards as they rip

Through the I 95 you dig what I’m saying yeah ladies and gentlemen make sure you support the channel you can support us by going to cash app cash app is dollar sign nothing but Nicks or through PayPal at nothing but Nicks that information ladies and gentlemen is in

The description of the video it’s also in your YouTube chat I just put it in there and uh yeah I’m going to pin it to the top of the chat shortly so please make sure you support the channel Tony I’m back yeah back in in person back in person thoughts thoughts on the

Game bro thoughts on the game um well shout out to the chat y black is time um yeah good win good win you know they had to do some next things that make it shaky for us but you know it’s a game of runs and and and I was worried about the

Shooting they got half from three came back a little bit but we closed it out like we were supposed to solid game from Randle and and Brunson again two 30o games again right 30 plus um yeah we rolling we rolling we handle business yeah no doubt about it I mean you know

The Knicks right from the beginning of the game ladies and gentlemen they started off uh on a tear and took a you know 20 plus point lead in the first half at the end of the second quarter the Wizards went on a little bit of a

Run they made it a 20-point lead in the third quarter though the Wizards came out cut a 20-point lead down to six just like that but then the Knicks ladies and gentlemen responded brought it back up to a 16-point lead and for the most part that was all it

Wrote you know the Knicks dominated the remainder of the game once they uh recovered from the Wizards making their little bit of a run the Knicks dominated the remainder of the basketball game and uh walked away with an easy one for the most part ladies and gentlemen uh good games all over the

Board led by Julius Randle Julius Randle had a uh you know a comeback game and that’s something I really wanted to see from Randall as a comeback game you know what I mean he he he uh scored eight points the other night you know what I mean and was able

To come back and dropped 39 points tonight you know for some reason I feel like he was maybe looking at his scoring average and said well from averaging 24 points a game I scored eight last night I need to drop 40 tonight to keep my

Average at 24 points a game S I was waiting for you to stop I was going to say the same thing you know what I’m saying point away yeah he’s like I got to get 40 tonight you know came out and got 39 points seven rebounds five

Assists uh shot 56% from the field 37.5% from the three-point line he was 10 for 13 from the free throw line they just had no answers for Julius Randall whatsoever there was nothing they could do to deal with Julius Randall jayen Brunson 33 points eight assists

Tonight he shot 55% from the field and 50% from the three-point line he was nine for n from the free throw line after that it was spread around Dante Devan chenzo had 10 oan noi had nine Isaiah hartenstein had eight Josh Hart had nine Quinton Grimes had six

Miles McBride had five in a nice dunk for real nice dunk nice dunp they s how about harste with the with the 19 rebounds 19 rebounds and Brunson stole that that 20th one away from him yeah yeah yeah 19 rebounds for Isaiah hartenstein two blocks for iHeart as well you know so

You know the Knicks get a you know get get a win 121 points uh they hold Washington to 105 last night they held uh the Philadelphia 76ers to 9 2 you know the defense is looking good uh you know it’s not a lot to complain about on this current run we can ask

Some questions but it’s not a whole lot to complain about uh but I will ask a couple of questions are you concerned at all that are you concerned at all that if there comes a night when neither Julius Randle or Jaylen Brunson can hit that we’re not going to have that third

Scorer because when I look at OG he not a shot Creator he can get to his spots but he doesn’t finish when he gets to his spot when he’s creating on his own and I’m not sure if we have another shot Creator out there if both of those

Guys aren’t hitting on a night does that concern you at all yes yes but not it’s not a high level because I I mean for the most part we haven’t had a game where both these guys are off right you know I mean usually one

One of them are are on and then um I think we have Playmakers like or or guys like hardenstein maybe that gives him opportunity to run some things through him where he could get guys going um as opposed to like self-c creators um but I mean in so in the long run in

The long run no I think it it it could hurt us like here and there but um one I think another move’s coming that’s one but but two um I feel like we we would get by it because we we talking about a game as opposed to like a a

Series okay you think a series where both of them will be off I think that’s unlikely you you know what I mean now granted we haven’t seen Rand on at all yet and so then there’s another question too if it’s only one of those guys that’s on can you make it through a

Series probably not probably not you know I me unless the team is just rolling you know I mean the rest of the team or is there enough spacing and enough team play and ball movement that somewhere along the line somebody’s going to score because you know in the

Playoff in the playoffs the pressures pick up the pressure picks up the defense gets a lot tighter you know so it definitely makes it tougher to score uh is there enough spacing and ball movement so that uh you know you keep guys you keep the defense honest you

Keep the defense moving you keep the defense on their toes so that we have enough guys that can penetrate and score uh I I I am concerned about it a little bit you know what I mean because you know right now it’s looking like every night one of those you know

Either both of those guys or one of those those two guys are going to have a big night you know that’s what’s going to propel the Knicks forward uh but if there’s a night when both of those guys are just off uh or really really struggling or the defense is really

Queuing in on those two guys because I think sooner or later that’s what they’re going to do they’re going to say let’s queue in on these two guys if we can really make it tough on them see if somebody else can step up but I think for the most part that’s what that’s

What teams have been doing this whole time anyway you know what I mean like it’s not like anybody else was is has has been the the focal point so what I’m saying is I think we could lose a game but we could also win a game you know what I

Mean or I don’t know I don’t know about with both of them you know I mean but with one of them off with one of them having a bad game we already know the team Dynamic we could win the game so I feel like it would be the same thing in

The in the playoffs and then we haven’t seen them both have a bad game at the same time so the chances of that happening in it you I mean more than once in a seven game series yeah I mean I just feel like you know unlikely right

Now I mean we have to see obviously they’re on a four game win streak but you know throughout this season times when you know you know they may end up having a good game in the end but you know there’ be stretches throughout a game where neither one of them was

Playing well or one was out and the other one wasn’t wasn’t playing well like maybe one is in foul trouble or something like that but then uh IQ would you know step up and and carry the torch until the other one or RJ would have a couple of moments you know what I’m

Saying uh I’m hoping that we have those guys cuz we don’t have shot creators um you know we don’t have as many shot creators as we did before so so so you know we’ll have to see because OG you know I mean I I hope that

People aren’t expecting him to be a shot Creator cuz from what I’m seeing it looks like he has to look as though he can develop into that one day right but obviously he’s 26 years old you know let’s see how much farther he goes he has that look he’s not going to

Take a bad shot right he’s going to find someone to kick it out to uh when he does create he hasn’t you know from the time that he’s been here with the Knicks he hasn’t finished finished so I think that is where you know like most of us are

Saying you know another guy needs to be added and I don’t even know if he has to be a super duper Star just another guy I can create now how much of that because I think your your spot on I I haveen it pass judgment yet cuz I

I figured there’s a learning curve you know what I mean so the fact that he’s making the right reads and attempting some of these um I mean cuz there’s times where you’re going to have to try try to create for yourself you know I mean the the defense is going to force

You to that’s part of reading the defense and I think he’s good enough to make the right reads and he is so I just chocked it up to like getting accl Meed as opposed to um yeah because I I ain’t G front at times I’m like he he missing he missing

He missing like RJ down there he’s do he’s doing other things you know I mean that’s that’s affecting the game positively but he hasn’t been finishing at at you know I mean at all if it ain’t a dunk right so you know you know we we’ll see you know I’m just watching it

I’m just watching it to see if you know it starts to as he gets more comfortable uh you know if that starts to develop you know I mean that because I think that I don’t know where I heard it from somewhere you know there you know somebody was saying that Tom tibo

Thinks there’s more and believes there’s more to his game and you know offensively and so we’ll see if he starts to you know they start to show it because he has the look and the way that he can get to his spots it’s like he can

Get to a spot now let’s see him finish it you know what I mean but um did you didn’t think it’s about him just really getting accustomed to the to the system or or or or or the re or you think it’s I mean going to be

A like how much of a work in progress do you think it’s going to be CU I think I thought it was just you know I mean I mean I thought I’m like y give it like a week give it two weeks you know I mean

And let’s see where he really start to feel feel things yeah I mean we are gonna need it from somewhere I mean some of the times like tonight that I seen him have to look for his own shot you know I mean it didn’t look like it was

It it was just a point where he had it created and you know he went and he got himself you know he he got himself to a spot but didn’t didn’t finish it so I’m hoping it’s just now but y he doesn’t look to do it much I don’t know if he

Ever really looks to do it much you know what I’m saying right now but right now he really is relying on other guys to get him the ball and hopefully when he gets more comfortable you know we’ll see you know we’ll just see him get more attempts than

Seven right you know you know you know we’ll we’ll I guess we’ll see where that goes I mean right now all the shot attempts are coming from Brunson Rando and even chenzo unless divon chenzo is going to be that third guy that’s that the Knicks are really looking to to

Score the ball in that unit you know right now he is he’s the only guy tonight the only other guy tonight who was in double digits he had ten he was four for 10 from the field you know uh the way he’s shooting it from three you know he he was 2 for

Seven tonight from three but uh normally he’s just lights out he took a deep one too I was going to say and he’s not shy you know what I mean I didn’t know he I didn’t know he was two for seven I wouldn’t have guessed he he he missed

Five just because you know I mean he don’t hesitate he don’t it don’t feel he don’t feel like he in the slump ever n nah he don’t hesitate he’s letting that thing go and he’s getting more comfortable at just letting it go too you know what I’m saying more and

More comfortable at just I’mma let it go whenever I feel whenever whenever I feel comfortable letting it go I’m going to let it go you know what I mean uh but right now the Knicks are playing really good basketball uh they’re on a four game winning

Streak you know the the the best of the season for the Knicks uh they who do they play next Portland we’ll talk about that a little bit later but they play Portland next should be a game that the Knicks you know should be able to win they’re

Currently in the fourth seed in the Eastern Conference right just moved a half a game above the Miami Heat and the Orlando Magic all right so that’s you know Nicks fans got to feel good about that and maybe we’ll be creeping up on the Philadelphia 76ers if we can start to stack together

Some WIS you know what I mean stack those WIS together ladies and gentlemen fourth seed right now in the Eastern Conference are the Nicks anding you know they’re looking good looking real good you know the way they’re shooting the ball uh you know I the only reason I feel like the Washington

Wizards made that run in the second half it’s because the Knicks kind of fell asleep a little bit really you know the the Wizards came out playing hard you know uh uh you know you know playing aggressive you know and like I don’t care if I foul I’m just I’m

Going after the ball you know what I mean you know they came out with that kind of mentality and I I thought the Knicks just weren’t ready for it at the moment they caught the Knicks by surprise uh and then you know once the ncks were like oh okay this how we

Playing let me get back to it you know I mean and then just dominated the rest of the game and you know what teams are going to make runs like that you know they’re going to make runs like that and it’s when a team does make

A run how do you respond and the Knicks responded the right way you know Cal kosma did his thing tonight though 27 points uh shot 47% from the field 40% from the three-point line Kyle kman looks good I ain’t going to lie he definitely look looks good man

You know and and and I see Tony smiling cuz you know there’s people that talk about from the time uh for a while people have talked about the possibility of Kyle kosman being traded to the Knicks if Kyle kman was traded to the Knicks Dante goes back to the bench Kyle

Co win the starting lineup OG at the two is that what is that what you would Envision not off the Jump no not off the Jump I think I think off the Jump you could you could I mean it can happen and I don’t think it it’s a problem

Um but just to um not mess up anything try to ease things along I can see him starting off the bench you know what I mean and and until he learned the system learns everything you know what I mean especially with OG here learning now granted it depends on

What the matchup is game one too like his first available game you know I mean like if we going up against like the Celtics which you know we still got two games against maybe maybe that be that’s the time you want to yeah I mean just throw in there but I

Mean either way long term I think he will start immediately Maybe get now that’s adding length to your squad you add a o you have a OG and then you have a Kyle kosma right and if they’re both in that starting lineup that’s adding length to

Your squad right there you know what I mean like that’s that’s um that’s super length right there you know I mean and that would be tough really really tough for teams to deal with in my opinion and then you do got third score yeah right now you got to figure

Out how they all play together but and I think he’s still growing too yeah not not no but I know what you mean and he fix the timeline yeah for sure does adding a Kyle kosma does that elevate the team to contention status I think it changes things a lot I

Think it changed things a lot like he’s not a he’s not a certified star but he’s also a guy that if the star becomes available down the line you got another movable piece you know what I mean interesting piece but he he’ll help immediately you know what I mean like that’s that’s

Uh yeah I mean it’s it’s length you can’t not you can’t say oh that’s better shooting than Devan chenzo you can’t say it’s better defense than D chenzo but it does give us that size that we’re lacking and a bonafied scorer and I don’t think he’s a slouch defensively

You know I mean he’s not like some of the other guys um the other guys that um are just offensive threats he’s definitely two-way more of a two-way player than yeah Zack LaVine if you will I mean this season he’s giving you 22.6 points a game 46% from the field 35.7%

From the three-point line you know uh you know he can score 5.8 rebounds a game 4.1 assist you know I mean you know the only thing that I don’t know that he has is the fire you know what I mean now now maybe we don’t need that here you know what I

Mean like some of the concerns of bringing a Zack LaVine here is he don’t have I would I wouldn’t have that with KY kba maybe he’s a guy that is just gonna come in and fit in you know what I mean and maybe that is what we need but

I think at times we going to need that fire you know what I mean that that that like for instance now it’s two different examples but it seems like he he let Jordan P come over there and take the realm and and and and and and you mean

Like and and spoil the kingdom if you will like it didn’t seem like there’s no resistance from him he’s just gonna come in I’m GNA play my game do what I do you know what I mean instead of it’s like you would think he would be some type of leader

Right or or have a leadership role if not commanding the the team and it just seems like he’s just rolling with the punches now okay maybe that’s maybe that would fit in here like that demeanor you know what I mean but I would I would

Want him to have some more you know what I mean like take over um it’s my turn you know what I mean like my team or or some of that in them you know what I mean right but that’s that’s my dilemma with him but but maybe but maybe the don’t

Need him to have that you already got Brun and Randall who have that move out the way I’mma take over you know may fit better that’s what I’m saying maybe it’s it’s exactly what we would need right as opposed to because if you’re building if you’re building with Brunson and Randall

To be which this is what it looks like right now you’re building with Brunson and Randall you know to be those guys then you might not want someone that third head that comes in and says no no no no watch out give me the rock you

Know what I’m saying you know you want that third guy as okay you guys do your thing when when it’s my turn I’ll get mine you know what I mean here’s what I would say and I agree so this is why I don’t and I don’t I’m not I’m not I

Don’t mind it cuz I think it would be two different situations there in in Washington and coming here you know I mean there in Washington he was already there the guys that were directly above him that where he couldn’t be like Oh I’m The

Man are gone you know I mean so now it was that was his opportunity to kind of take the round here it would be a different story but in the same sense maybe he’s a best best suited as third guy right and and it fits right in so again

It’s just things different um Dynamics to think about it so but I wouldn’t be opposed to it at all he’s cheaper um less risk got a descending contract he makes 25.5 he makes 25.5 this season 23.5 2425 21.4 and 2526 and 19 million in 2627 that’s the kind of contract you want yo

Yeah that’s the kind of contract you want super controlled longterm yeah yeah yeah when you think CA that sound like a CA negotiated but when you look at when you look at when you look at uh um jayen Brunson and and Julius Randle having you know upcoming contracts that’s the kind of contract

You want you know what I’m saying that’s what you want and it’s funny because what I was gonna say is if they went if they went that route to me that’s them going all in on Rand and Brunson saying we believe in in them two you know I mean we don’t

Need the third or we don’t need the the A1 A2 we got that already right right right right right right did you you didn’t hear that ringing did you yeah I heard I got I got a little distracted right here oh oh you did hear it ringing

You know what it must been coming out the wrong coming out the wrong I you know my the computerss act crazy sometimes you know what I’m saying it must have been coming out the wrong uh uh line but caller we we’ll get you we’ll get to you shortly caller so just

Just be cool please we’ll get to you shortly all right kri kri C said t with break kman I mean you think so um nah I think number one coming out of what he’s going through right now like like if this don’t break him you know playing playing with p and

Going going through this you I mean like I don’t know yeah I mean you know I you know I don’t know how he does with uh I don’t know I think you know I don’t know how he does with hard coaching or whatever I’ve never known that much about him

Besides besides uh you know just what I’ve seen from afar you know what I mean just what I’ve seen and how about how about that we we bring him in we bringing in two guys with with championship experience going into their Prime you know what I mean right they

Got it when they was pups and then right they they that’s win that’s winners that’s fist of philosophy we want winners right I mean and and look I just seen somebody in the chat say you bringing Kyle kosma you know what it change from the beginning of the Season

You know I mean the starting lineup is already different with Mitch being out and with now with OG here the starting lineup is already different right you got Dante in the starting lineup you got hardstein in the starting lineup and you got OG in the starting lineup right you know mean so that’s

Already a change and then you know you bring in Kyle kosma and you got another uh you know addition to the team you know what I mean but you know it may not be a bad look for the Knicks Kyle kosman signed with CAA uh 2019 with Aron Mintz I know it

Sound like a CAA contract yep in 2019 so you know I wouldn’t put it out the realm of possibility that he becomes a Nick you I mean the coola said that same 25 you could have gave IQ now how does getting kosma make sense well because IQ W IQ wanted to be a

Starter so you had that dilemma as well you know what I mean and it’s not the same 25 it’s not the same 25 because you’d be trading away 25 right you’d be trading away probably Evan forier who would give the Washington Wizard you know if you traded Evan forier now

The Washington Wizards are off of Kyle kma’s contract until 2627 right cuz that’s $19 million and then you got to trade away another you know six to make the money match or TR extion trade exception right you got a trade exception you know what I’m saying

So you know you might have to give up picks or whatever it is so it’s not the same money that you would have given IQ CU iq’s money would have been on top of money that you’re already paying including Evan forier because he hadn’t been traded yet or you know maybe you

Don’t trade him or you might end up you know even if the Knicks didn’t have to even if they didn’t trade Evan forier and you know they just either resigned him for next year uh you know either picked up his picked up his contract so that they could trade him next year or

Let him go you know what I’m saying you know it’s still a little different you’re trading for him uh you know into a player someone that you already have I mean basically speaking you could have traded for Kyle kosma you know just all assuming assuming the Wizards did it you

Could have traded for Kyle kman while still having IQ you know what I mean so I think it’s a little bit different I understand what you’re saying but I think it’s a little bit different but you also get you also L that’s the difference between the two

Of them in the starting unit cuz you wasn’t replacing IQ with Brunson so he would be playing alongside Brunson if he started which I mean granted I did want to see it but it’s a big size difference between IQ and and kman yeah no doubt

About it let me get you a phone call caller you’re live name me where you from please hey hello hey how you doing what’s going on with you yes sir it’s Moses from Queens man how you doing bro I’m good what’s going on Moses how you feeling man yeah I’m fine you

Know I wasn’t going to call him but you know I heard kma you know I didn’t really get a chance to like see what kma’s really about but you know like you said that he adds length now I believe he does ADD no size but how good is he

Uh defensively and secondly you know if you talking about kman I don’t mind getting him because you know me watching uh the game tonight he could really shoot the three from my my perspective I guess I got to see how he plays a little bit more

But my question is how do you get kma in remember they was talking about what’s that guy name um Theon Murray how like he’s like who would you rather have and secondly if if you want both how you gonna get both it’s gonna be difficult you’re not gonna

Get both there wouldn’t be any room for both anyway so you only getting one of them you only getting one of them breaking up yeah I said you only get I said you’re only getting one of them you’re not getting both of them yeah so if you had who who would

You pick um if if if if he was Leon Rose who would you pick uh Devonte or kma who would you pick on a roster who you think is better a tough one yeah I yeah I don’t know if it’s about who’s better but probably who fits

Better yeah who who you think fits better actually that’s a good question I’d have to think about that I mean I think most people would probably say this jonay Murray because of his defensive acument you know and he can you know he can score the ball he’s a

Ball handler he can pull up you know he can do a lot of things offensively some people might go with Kyle Koso because of his contract and also because of his and and I think de jonte Murr has a decent contract too but uh you know because of his length some people might

Go with KY kosma you know because now you match up really really well with teams like Boston and teams like Milwaukee who have a lot of length you really do match up well you know what I mean uh but I think most people would probably go with Murray Tony who would you go

With I think Murray’s younger right KY kman is 28 not sure how old Murray might be like 26 somewhere around there um I think I would go with Murray but yeah like like um kman is not my first choice you know what I mean I think there’s a couple guys I would put

Over him but I wouldn’t be mad at like the kma I’m not like it’s worth the conversation but Murray Murray is high on my list of guys that I think would just fit right in and are able to be moved down the line if if there’s a bigger fish out

There yeah and but the length of that contract and it being descending you know what I mean that has a lot of influence in you know I mean like the front office side of things and and what it can help us do moving forward and and and and

Keeping guys and resigning guys and things of that nature right because deon’s Murray de Jon Murray’s contract is ascending he makes 18.2 this season which makes it easy to trade for him but then it’s 25.4 27.5 29.5 and then a player option in 2728 for 31.5 it’s not like it’s

Terrible right but it it just makes it a little bit tougher when it comes to making those moves later on in the you know whenever you have to make a move and you got to sign sign players this and that you know what I mean but Sim my my question is you know

Well I never really get a chance to you know to see see I mean probably I’ve seen both of them play but I never really I guess I got to watch them consistently consistent me more but my question is you know who you think could reach obviously you know better than I

Do I’m stra I’m a straight Nick fan but who you think would uh be a better fit to push us over the hump like is it Murray or kma well obviously to me that’s a tough one you know secondly to add to that add to that

You know what who do like what else more defensively I mean you said kma could play defense right he’s he’s he’s he’s adequate he’s not going to be like locked down like OG but he’s an ad adequate Defender but Murray plays lock down defense too yeah he’s a Defender yeah

Don’t doubt about it okay so so that’s me that I mean but the question is you know can they can they shoot the three can they what else more can they do besides that you know because remember we saw that against Miami in the play postseason you know why we couldn’t beat

Miami because we didn’t have that much Shooters so I mean but the question is even if you was to go for one of those how would you going how would you get them and who are you going to give up to get one of them right well you know

Forier has to go forier has to go in the trade to make the money work probably another maybe another young player maybe not you know depending on how Leon Rose can negotiate uh definitely draft picks though forier maybe tra exception draft picks that’s if you was Leon you would

Do that right yeah I would for one of those guys yep but who would you rather have though you know I don’t know it’s a tough question that’s I I don’t know man I I’m not sure which one that’s a tough one that’s a tough one that’s a tough one

It’s a tough one I’m not sure exactly which one fits better because people Murray defensively people would say fits better because of his defense but because of Kyle kma’s length that could also fit better and help your help your defense because of his length when you’re playing a team like Boston who’s

Got crazy length and Milwaukee who’s got crazy length you know what I’m saying um which one would right fit in I think both of them would fit in seamlessly to be honest with you because I don’t think Kyle kman is the K the kind of player

That’s just going to be like nah give me the ball I’m a hot dog it you know I think he can play play a role he’s played a role before he knows how to do it you know what I’m saying uh Deon Murray I think can do the same thing

He’s also a Creator so it’s uh it’s uh you know it’s it’s a tough question between the two but the question is you’re not going to get both you’re not get however I would love I would love to have both but how you gonna get both

You you’re not getting both Ain’t No Way ain’t no way you get both list one last thing one last thing I want to say one last thing I want to say like I’ve been hearing that uh Nick should trade Julius Randle now I’m not saying do it but they

Was like yo they should trade Julius Randle for car Anthony towns what’s your thoughts on that I would say nah what’s the reason I I like I like first of all um you know we we we get upset with Julius Randle about some of his defensive mishaps we GNA really get

Upset with Carl Anthony towns about his defensive mishaps you know what I’m saying I think uh Julius Randle brings more fire to the game than Carl Anthony towns does you know what I’m saying and that’s something that this team right here is kind of built with you know that fire

That hunger you know what I’m saying that work ethic the toughness like J is saying in in the chat I’m not sure cat brings that exactly you know I mean right right all right man but listen L there’s one star that wants to come play come play here

With with whatam call him Brunson guess who he is who and we not getting him Joel and he probably does you know that right he he he probably does but n Philly’s not moving him and he’s and they’re not moving him to the Knicks I don’t think he yeah I would

Love to have him but we ain’t gonna get you know probably we give him a whole new process they they could trust him said we could give him a whole new process to trust him all the picks we got I mean bro if if you get Julius Rand

Excuse me Joel embiid you’re gonna have to do the Mellow trade [Laughter] again I’m telling you like we ain’t got no peace to get mbid yeah nah n n i mean if you if you trade for embiid you’re probably trading Randle you know what I’m saying I think

It’s hard to find way to trade enough pieces to put Joel embiid with Randall so you’re probably trading Randall to get Joel embiid you know what I mean yeah plus more is Philly gonna require mple contracts draft picks I already know all of that all of that all of that yeah

Yeah like n no but I would love him to come here though but we ain’t getting him so yo but thanks for taking my call man doubt hopefully they get those guys we’ll see what happens hopefully they get one of them yeah appreciate you appreciate you Moes

Peace yeah that’s a tough one man between those two guys you know what I mean that’s aough one you sure he can’t get both how you I don’t see it I don’t see it n not without um giving out some core pieces some pieces exactly exactly pieces you know I mean we’re not

Probably moving hard I mean I would do it but we not moving you know I mean we’re not moving hard we’re not moving Dean chenzo already right those guys came with Brunson in a sense exactly exactly they kind of came with Brunson right you know

What I mean um but I mean you know uh I don’t know man between Kyle kosma and Deonte Murray I love kma’s contract I love the length that he would add to the team uh I think he does add a little bit more versatility to the team

You know what I mean than than uh Deon Murray does that’s a tough one though yeah I mean I think you go either way you can’t F me you can’t go wrong yeah you know I mean or I wouldn’t be mad either either way you know I mean I

Think Murray is gonna be a larger asking price right you know what I mean so like those are the things I look at like I think for a front office view I think kma would probably be the better because it it it helps them with their

Future plans as far as like again this is with the stance that they believe in Brunson they believe in Randle we’re not trying to flip them or you know what I mean um or or or they adequate a one a 1B so or so if if that’s what they

Feel all right that’s that’s a good move good fit you know what I mean you got OG there you got Co there you got um you added Creator I mean adquate ball handler another guy that’s been through the fires of LA and now New York you know right you know won a championship

With champ Championship so it um yeah I wouldn’t be mad at all to be honest I’m not pulling for it but I wouldn’t be mad at all yeah the next ladies and gentlemen defeat the Washington Wizards 121 to 105 uh they both both teams have 45 rebounds the Knicks with 27 assists the

Wizards with 33 assists on the night 20 turnovers for the Wizards just 14 for the Knicks the Knicks shot 49.4% from the field they shot 38.9% from three uh the one of the best three-point shooting teams in the league the Wizards 47% from the field 35% from three uh the Knicks

87% from the freet throw line the wizard 60 the Knicks would getting to the line too points in the paint Washington 54 the Knicks 52 202 chance points for the Knicks and the Knicks 20 fast break points the Wizards 24 fast break points the Knicks were L and scoring by Julius Randall with

39 the Wizards 27 by uh Kyle kosma Isaiah harste with 19 rebounds for the New York Knicks jayen Brunson with eight assists for the New York Knicks and hartstein had two blocks good all around the game from allaround game from everybody let me get you another phone call caller you’re live

Name me where you from please what’s up Tony what up Sim big you see it what’s going on brother how you feeling where we at I’m good bro how’s everything I’m good man I’m good feeling good man feeling good man uh hey I love what I’m saying so far

I hear you love what I’m saying so far let me ask you this though Ron I asked Tony the same question are you concerned at all about a third shot Creator in the event that Randall or and Brunson are having an off night on the same

Night 100% you know it’s funny you just it’s well I mean I guess that’s how it is you know you took the words right out of my mouth man I just said that let alone like 10 minutes ago on one of these Twitter spaces and let me tell you

Something I think I got to stay away from these Twitter spaces they just they’re a different breed man they’re a different Bunch they they they like to debate I’m not a debate guy I’m just gonna give you how I feel and agree with you or disagree with you

But yeah I just said that I think that uh the Knicks no matter how good they’re looking right now uh uh you know there’s going to come a point like tonight was one of those double I like to say double games where you got the a good showing from Julius and a good

Showing from Brunson that ain’t always going to be the case and as we would have played at one of them would have been off tonight we would have been in danger of losing this game we probably still would have won but it would have been so close that we would have been

Biting on nails because they needed both of these guys to to to win the way they did um the rest of the team stepped up and did a lot but we need another scorer that we can depend on um to to to get us some buckets it doesn’t have to be I

Want to be Donovan Mitchell or the jontay Murray type it really doesn’t have to be it just has to be a guy a professional NBA player that you know can get a bucket and you can depend on in in tough game situations right you know that could be a lot of different

People um but the Knicks have to find one of those guys right now I think they’ve done enough with this team uh um that that shows that we we can hang with a lot of teams around there and the addition of OG is a really good sign but

Um I’m just I am concerned about that yeah Ron what’s your thoughts on what’s your thoughts on KZ and his fit here kma I mean listen the guy never met a shot he don’t like and he’s pretty good at knocking him down so but I just don’t

Know where he would play like I the kosma thing has been brought up a lot but he is technically a power forward in my eyes could he play small forward yes but what we looking for right now the way this team is situated I think is is

A shooting guard I don’t think you put FMA in the shooting guard area like uh you know even if you had to switch like to me when you do stuff like that you want to do it as as as like um you know on on a um on an occasion

Right you don’t want it to be the norm like ogan anobi could guard twos but you don’t want them to have to guard twos day in and day out you know what I mean because at some point you’re gonna go up against the better twos in the league

The faster twos in the league and you’re gonna Force these bigger guys who’s like a 68 250 guy in OG or a 69 what however much uh kosma waste to have to run around all game and I think that would affect I I like the idea but I just

Don’t know where you put what TW would you what twos would you be referring to because when I think of guys like jayen brown I like that matchup hey because OG is what 67 I’m looking at it on 67240 Kyle kma 69 you know I mean that’s not a bad size

4 three that’s 69ine yeah I I agree I agree that’s why I say Down K so you would put OG at the two yeah OG at the two Kyle kma 69221 could play the three I mean cuz he can handle the rock right I mean not I mean like he’s not

Like a you know he’s not Kyrie but you know he’s you know he’s not going to they’re not going to take the ball from him you know he can he can handle the ball uh obviously he can shoot the three I think he’s a guy that’s probably willing

To you know take a third role behind Brunson and Randall I mean it’s interesting about cont scares me a little what’ you say say that again Tony I said we just talked about his contract too if you want to fill him in soon oh yeah yeah

Yeah we’re talking about his uh you know his contract is he’s got a beautiful contract Kyle kosma does he makes I mean like beautiful contract for for what it is right now so Kyle Koso makes 25.5 this year next year is 23.5 25 26 is 21.4 and then in 2627 is

19.4 O that’s a pretty nice contract that is pretty nice that’s a pretty nice contct that’s interesting actually you know listen I I know I I know there’s a way to to make that happen I mean I’m I guess I’m not totally off of it when you bring up the

Whole point of his contract because that’s actually pretty nice I thought he was making a little bit more and I thought it was ascending not descending de escalating so that’s pretty good uh it was just be weird man it would just be a a weird uh Little Mix but it might

Be a something that works works well for the Knicks it might be just like offputting enough that it makes sense for what we got because it kind of going really big at the two does help out a lot with regards to Brunson being so small at the one yeah you know I’m just

Thinking you know I’m just thinking more of you know how we match up against the Milwaukee and Boston teams that’s what my mindset is with a guy like Kyle kosma right because you can always make a substitution if you feel like you’re playing a team that’s a

Little bit smaller you can say you know what let’s pull out KS and put Dante demenzo in not saying start Dante you know over Co or whatever but you know you can just make the substitution if you have to um but when we’re playing you know look how small we are against

Like Milwaukee and Boston having Kyle kosma I mean you know Randle is a 68 power forward uh and then we got a 67 small forward and then we go down to a six four shooting guard you know now you’re talking about a 67 shooting guard

A 69 small forward I guess then a 68 power forward but you know I mean now but now your size really does match up with your taller teams around the league right you know yeah that when you say it like that that actually it’s interesting I mean that’s that’s uh

That’s maybe not too no not not as crazy as I think that might be something that the the Nick should explore uh I don’t know what it would take to get kma in comparison to some of these other guys we’ve been looking at um but that is

Interesting put it like that I’m I’m actually intrigued I mean I guess it would I guess it would you know looking at um looking at what Washington would want to do right I mean they might as well blow it up no sense in having a guy on on on your team until 2026

27 at this point right you know what I’m saying so I mean you it would be easy to say you guys take forier we take Koso you take this trade exception a couple of draft picks and we take them off your hands you know what I’m saying so now

You’re done with this long contract Evan forier is going to be gone you free up that money so now you can make other moves you know what I mean that’s that’s uh that’s actually that makes a lot of sense okay you you got sold me sometimes I’m easily SED you

Guys got me on this one I’m I’m the don’t s your opinion still question marks out there yeah there still question marks don’t get me wrong I still think the John Murray is the guy but okay and that’s the question with the last caller we had he was you know who

Who would you go would you take jeon Murray or would you take Kyle kosma you know what I’m saying and they they both got their benefits you know they both got some Cons with it you know um I would say I would I I like I like I I think actually

I might I might say I I like kma second that sounds crazy to me that I’m even saying it but i’ probably like in that order the jonay Murray HMA and Ben Donovan Mitchell I know that sounds Blasphemous but wow I think that I’d

Like that um and and a in in a you know very far forth my brog reason why I said that is because today on the show I took a look at um some shooting numbers for um all of these guys I looked at brogon after the show but I looked at all of

Them and I think the jontay Murray gives the Knicks the best chance at sustaining you know offensive uh runs because of that mid-range and I just started thinking about the playoffs and how teams might be trying to play tough defense against the Knicks and you know

Uh he he has the ability to slash get inside he’s shooting good from three but even if they try to take away the the interior if they try to take away the three-point shot he is like one of the Kings at the mid-range right now so I

Just feel like he fits really good on the offensive and then defensively we know what he getes we know what he does right to me he’s the he’s the number one um Target yeah yeah we’ll see what uh you know let’s see what the Nicks do I mean right now they’re riding High

They’re on a four game win streak they play who is it Portland and um couple of days can have a chance to be on a five game win streak because Portland’s not that great of a team you know they’re fourth in the Eastern Conference right now lot to feel good

About yeah they could go on a nice little streak guys you know we talked about Jeff and H Nicks and I said so far this year I haven’t noticed that the big the big um loss losses and and then the the nice winning streak I feel like this

Team is there now they can go on that nice winning streak but we went through the dog days and all these back to backs we just coming off another back to back but it’s finally opening up guys it’s opening up last year our largest win streak or our our first win streak came

After our largest losing streak so let’s see how let’s see how long we could uh keep this one going yeah yeah the ncks play the Trailblazers on Tuesday then they play the Mavericks which is obviously going to be a tough game then they play the Grizzlies which is going to be tougher

Than you might think because John Morant is back then they play Orlando than the Rockets so you know there’s still some tough games ahead of them and I feel like oh no never mind go ahead yeah because the Rockets you know they’re 17 and 16 you know you know one of your

Surprise teams in the league right now and then they’re back at home to play Wiz to play the Wizards for the last time this season on January 18th um let me ask you guys a quick question before I get out of here because I don’t know I don’t know if you

Talked about if you did just stop me and I’ll just you know when I I watched the replay I’ll just listen to what you said um did you guys talk about um the OG anobi stuff in regards to Julius R and Jaylen Brunson looking

For him on the court no we no we no we have okay so I don’t know if it’s a concern to you but are you guys concerned at all that that Jaylen and Julius especially Julius maybe you’re not doing enough to kind of get OG involved in the game

Especially in a blowout situation where you got a OG that’s open that you can find them to get them some easy opportunities just to make them you know just to make him feel like he’s a part of the team he’s been he was unselfish tonight he’s been unselfish with the

Niick so far he passed up shots just because a guy passes up shots doesn’t mean he doesn’t want the ball yeah um so I just I brought this I brought it up because I was just thinking about it I’m like I don’t really necessarily like it

And at the end of the day like me looking at what was happening made me feel kind of like what I we used to feel about Julius and RJ when they used to be stat pading at the end of the game because you could kind of clearly see

Julius was trying to get that 40 he boss out the other day when he had 39 he all he had to do was hit a free throw he was mad at himself cuz he missed the free throw and didn’t get the 40 and I felt

Like he was doing stuff to get that 40 tonight so I I just you know what I mean I don’t want to read too much into it but I just didn’t like it I just feel like you got a this is the new guy here

He’s the the Dirty Work guy show him a little love Yeah n n listen I I’m not gonna lie I’ve thought about I thought about it and I kind of liking them I’m like you know I don’t want him to become the Quinton Grimes of you know what Quinton Grimes was in

That in in that lineup because he’s not um you know he’s not going to call for the ball he’s not going to ask for the ball you know what I mean and and so it it feels like in ways he can be you know uh you know he’s just a a second thought

You know what I mean right um but I I do feel like this team is unselfish and at some point they’ll realize like hey we got to try to we got to try to find a way to get him more looks but I also feel like agre Tom

Tibido has to tell him you know uh cuz there are a few times when he attacked the basket and he probably could have went up but then he you know he he’ll dish it off or you know he’s not going to take a bad shot he’s not going to

Take a forced shot you know what I’m saying um you know and you know he’s kind of a quiet reserved guy out there on the floor and he’s going to take what comes to him he’s not going to try to ruffle any feathers so I I would like to

See them look for him a little bit more and maybe it’s just going to take some time for them to add some wrinkles for him too you know like you know you know sometimes you got to take a little bit of time you can’t just put them in and

Say hey we’re gonna hand the ball off to you where RJ used to get it and do the same thing you know what I’m saying so I think they got to figure out what does he do well and how do we work that into the offense and the only the only the only

Thing I would say about that is I’ve seen him turn down too many shots for it to be that you you know what I mean I think he also has to get to the point where he knows when to turn down shots and when to kind of um continue to be

Unselfish because I I think he can be too unselfish at times yeah sometimes I think he is you know but I think that’s just his personality and the way that he plays yeah you know he he’s he’s a ball mover he’s going to move the ball he’s not

Going to take a bad shot he doesn’t seem you know I know there was word out of Toronto that you know he wanted a bigger role in the offense and stuff but you know he just doesn’t seem like the kind of guy that he’s not going to force

It he’s not going to force it he’s going to let it come to him that’s that’s how I see him play you know what I’m saying which is probably what exactly what the Nicks wanted so that they could open it up open up room in the floor for Brunson

And Randall which does put more of the onus on Randall to help get some of those other guys involved I mean Dante is going to take his shots you know what I mean he’s going to take his but I think it does put the onus on him a little

Bit you know to help him find his rhythm help him find his rhythm a little bit because you can see it though when he does decide to go to the basket you can see the ability you know and so I think that’s always the question like is it going to

Come where you know he’s uh you know able to you know create a shot here and there you know what I mean um you know he he can get to his spots but he doesn’t always finish it and then of course he’s he you know he’s he’s

Unselfish player so he’s not going to force it he’s going to find somebody else but you know I think uh you know o over time I think they’ll work out some Kinks for him I hope right hope well listen man uh it’s still a beautiful thing these are good

Problems to have and I hope the Nick fans out there listening understand that this is not a negative thing it’s just a thing that you look at and you like you wonder if the Knicks can improve on certain things and you also don’t want the Knicks to fall back into bad habits

Our top two players have a lot to do they got big roles and they’re gonna have to play a lot of minute and they also have to be are our our go-to guys and we need buckets both of them but you also don’t want them to get too crazy

Into that mindset where they forget how to continue to play Team ball and and look for their guys and keep their guys fresh uh because yesterday not was yester yeah yesterday’s game I just thought what Julius was doing when he didn’t have it looked nuts to me the

Guy’s been playing inside for the last 20 games he decides that he’s not shooting good from the perimeter but he continues to take more shot from the perimeter instead of working himself back inside so like I said you wanted to stop these bad habits and keep playing

Good basketball the way we’ve been going we should be fine yeah yeah ah I mean these are good problems to have you know when your team is winning basketball games and you know you trying to figure out ways to fine-tune it and make it even better good problems to have right

Good problems to have all right guys well listen I appreciate y’all as always y’all know I’m listening uh another great show so far man great win by these n we on a four game winning streak y’all let’s do this four game winning streak longest of the Season baby see if we can

Get a fifth one on Tuesday that’s right let’s go appreciate it Ron one at a time later y’ all right peace that’s one thing we can’t talk about how we can’t predict no numbers on this street because that’s what messed us up last year one one at a time one at

A time exactly one at a time do you have some of the concerns that Ron brought up about you know Brunson and Randall um um concerns about that not as of yet because one thing part of this is what we what we’re seeing also is uh like I’ll say this I’m more

Concerned with what you asked previously about that third that third guy yeah I’m more concerned with that than Brunson and Randall um tibs ain’t playing like he you cut the lead you know I mean like he caught the timeout what less than two minutes into the third quarter playing he ain’t playing

I’m putting guys I’m putting Rand Bren back in at any mishaps you know I mean any any chance of uh you know consecutive bad plays or con consecutive Mis coverage or whatever it is you know what I mean like he’s not playing no more so I expect it for them to kind of

Be relied upon heavy and I don’t know if he’s really giving it a shot this year but in the past he gave guys a shot to kind of withstand the storm right you know what I mean every time it was like oh I should have put them in three minutes

Ago I should have put them in um two minutes ago so I think now he just don’t play around right yeah yeah no doubt big shout out to Robert Dawson new flop thank you for supporting the channel definitely appreciate it with the $10 cash app let me get to a phone call here

Uh I’ll play the intro music first oh wait a minute you didn’t hear the intro music there we go the intro music big bubble what’s up Hey Jo I can’t get no new intro music for the New Year man nah nah the more things change the more they stay the [Laughter]

Same what’s going on man I’m chilling what’s going on with you man much man you know just enjoying the next wi few things uhhuh um now I’mma be real with you something and I’ve been saying this for a while give me kman man give me kman I think I think he one

Of I think he’s probably one of the missing pieces we need if you give me kma I think we up there with the with the Boston Celtics okay so you want Kyle kman over de jonay Murray yes 100% because K KY K was a great defender like on the Lakers he was good

He was a good Defender you know washingon know Wasing you know it’s just let’s be real Washington is trash Washington is trash I mean there a place where players go to be lazy don’t put no work in you know just it’s kind of how the ncks used to be

Son in the mid 2000s you come you come to the next you get paid and you bull crap right let’s just you know call it Spade of spade but if you bring KY kman here man listen you put OG at the two Kyle kman at the three

And you when you get Mitchell Robertson back you’re talking about to me maybe a top three four defense you got switchability you have four players in your starting lineup that can get you that can get you like 15 points bare minimum four players get you 15 got

Randle and W can get you 25 OG can get you 17 and if you want to be real Kyle K can get you 20 he can I mean that’s like eight that’s like 80 points it’s like 80 something points and you start lineup and then again with your defense switchability

You can have Kyle kma OG switch off and play Threes twos you you you can guard every position in that starting lineup and I wouldn’t be scared of no team me only team I proba be scared of the B won probably the Denver Nuggets and maybe maybe the

Clippers but that very team no I wouldn’t be scared about because I think we’ll be able to match with the Boston Celtics and we’ll match up with the with the Milwaukee Bucks um and then if you got and then let’s say you add a guy like Malcolm

Bron to me then you got a great bench a great start at five I I I like that team I think that team can go somewhere I like that team a lot and and also to I think I think OJ be fine don’t get me wrong I was a

Little worried about that because the last two games he hasn’t scored a lot of points but listen he he’s here to do what he does he play great defense and uh he’s been doing all the dirty work I think and it’s going to take time it’s

Gonna take time for uh you know I think Randle and Brunton to trust them sound hey Tony s sounds like uh big bubbles on on the Randle train oh man here you go hey hey let him check back next week and see if he got the same

Energy no no no no no no let’s make something very clear and I I and I told you to do this last year in the playoffs and Y both said y’all would we we got the video let’s see how does in the playoffs all I’m saying fair enough is

It sounds like you’re on the Rand train listen listen has he been listen I okay that’s like that’s likeon doing this and and somebody got an echo going I think it must be big bubble it’s a echo going in the background when I talk oh probably is I won’t I won’t be long

Because I’m about to get I got the show what you doing you messing up the show my bad my bad listen all I’m GNA say is this I like what rand’s doing right now nobody’s ever had a problem with Rand during the regular season this is this

Is the thing nobody problem nobody has a right nobody has nobody had a no no one’s ever had a problem with Randall during the regular season that’s what you’re saying okay see see see here you go yes has people have problem with R Racing yes but look for the most part

You know no right now we don’t it’s just about the playoffs Sim well you know let’s see what he does well yeah yeah yeah we got more spacing let’s see how it looks but yeah I’mma head up but so I’m gon say this though I really want the

Knicks to go get Kyle kman okay all I don’t think I don’t think it’s going to take a lot KY kosma I this is what I would give up KY kosma first round pick a second and maybe I don’t really know who’s on on yeah I think I think that will get it

Done Cal kman the first round pick what are you talking about I think EV for no you can play the music right now yeah you can play the music I meant to say Evan FY in the first round pick will get us calul I think that’d be enough it might be it might

Be and maybe throw another player or another pick I mean for K Kus I’m good I mean two first I’m not giving two first but first and a second and and um Evan for I got one last question for you how’s GMO doing with RJ being

Traded is that still his son or is that that’s step I mean it’s a stepson now it’s a stepson now but know no it’s still his son you know get F man listen Jim was fine we we good over here we we good over here we we good don’t worry about us we

Good you you good listen s all say is that’s his man said play the tape if I’m right and I don’t want to be right play the tape because I I want I want my apologies from you and Tony I just want the apology of what what are you talking

About I’m G get this guy off the line I’m getting him off the line he’s done he’s out of there I don’t know what he’s talking about music yeah he he’s get him out of there I don’t even know what he’s talking about he’s too tired come on here messing up the show

All of that what’s wrong with that dude man what’s wrong with that guy I know you know something wrong when he told you to play the [Laughter] music oh man next game uh the Knicks play the Portland Trailblazers any thoughts on that game there um I mean I don’t believe I don’t

Believe this team believes in trap games anymore I think they come prepared I think tibs is not going to allow them to take anything likely so whatever they do well that’s how tibs is gonna approach it uh this is what they do well and they record don’t matter you know I mean you

Gotta play the game right so right now I’m with you let me get your a phone call Quick caller uh big Josh Josh what’s going on gulio what’s up Sam what’s up Tony how you doing good how you feeling peace family feeling great for game streak I’m

Very very happy about that very very happy and it looks like this move is is working out so far so far so far it looks good yeah I just um I just wanted to call this just to say I think as far as that ball handler is concerned that i’

I’ve definitely been pressing and I think the team still needs I’m not even honestly I’m not even KN that dejonte Murray deal de rozan I’m not even on that train anymore I think this starting lineup is good the way it is we need another guy off the bench that can

Provide that um and if go out and get any one of those guys uh Murray or D rozan they’re going to be starters and I think that can mess the starting lineup up so for me I’m not even on that train anymore I think this team one as

Currently constructed I think they can make a run with this roster as it is right now they can make a run um I think ultimately what will be our downfall is the lack of ball handling um and to me if we can add another ball handler to

That bench to come in um and give us some good minutes as a primary ball handler with runson and Randle playing off of uh particularly at the end of games I think this niick team is is going to be real serious they’re gonna be a problem

They gonna be a problem to De with but I think right now as of right now I think they can make a run but uh ultimately that’s going to be our downfall I still think we need another shot Creator and size we still lack siid you

Know I don’t care if that shot Creator is coming off the bench of starting so I seen you was talking about Alec brks I wouldn’t mind Alec BRS at all because Al BRS to me fans won’t agree with it because of you know what happened before and all that stuff but

Al Brooks was getting buckets there was a point in time where I said that I think Alec Brook should be in that Star Line rather than RJ because he was much more um gifted as far as getting his own shot initiating and being able to go get

His you know what I mean so I think Alec Brooks would be a great fit for this bench he’s 66 um I’m not asking him to be the prototypical point guard so to speak but as someone who’s an initiator off the bench at that size you can still

Have Deuce as your backup point guard but dece doesn’t have to handle the ball as much right right so you can have deuce and Grimes playing off for him and to me I think that Nick team and people are gonna laugh at this and say Josh

You’re crazy but I think that Nick team if we able to get Alec Brooks in here for cheap that that’s can be scary for a lot of teams I mean I know Alec Burke there was a point in time when Alec Burks was the Nick’s best closer even during that time even that

That that year when they made the playoffs right during the that bubble year he was like the Knick’s best closer at at a point in time you know what I’m saying Alec Burks was you know he was good until obviously you know you got into the whole thing where he had to

Play point guard and all of that stuff you know what I’m saying right but you know coming off the bench as a guy who can you know knock down threes handle the ball a little bit uh score for you a little bit he did his job I think he

Could yeah and I think and I think that’s very important for this mck team because as we seen in the third quarter like you know R you know I had I had first of all I had no doubt that Nicks was going to win this game tonight like

At all um DC is a way smaller team than us um they got most them a lot of their points in transition that’s the only way they can score basically but in the half court because we have the size Advantage I had no doubts in my mind that we were

Gonna win but as you know as we’ve seen over the years or particularly last year when brunson’s on the floor and randle’s on the floor together they play 90% of their minutes together you know at times it becomes difficult for the Knicks to score the offense becomes lethargic you know what

I mean um and we depend on them to bail us out so much but if you have a guy coming off the bench and that’s the role that quickly filled he was able to come in there and be instant offense as an initiator right starting things up

Passing it to Brunson Brunson can knock down that catch and shoot three things like that I think that’s what this team still needs and to me Alec Burks being 66 I think that makes the most sense as far as what this team needs right now I

Don’t want to Deonte Murray I don’t want I don’t want another guy that needs the ball in the starting lineup I think the starting lineup is fine just the way it is is just that bench de playing well y are you saying continuity is important I am it’s very

Important so so so important to the fact that Nicks had to make a mid-season trade like they’ve been doing because because the continuity that they tried to sell us on didn’t work right so that’s the reason why they made they made the trade you know what I mean um

But yes I I just really really believe I’m not even really with the you said what you said the continuity didn’t work the continuity didn’t work to the point where the Knicks felt like they had to keep it I’ll put it to you that way they knew that there was a limit

With this roster that this roster can take us they felt like the fit was better they felt like the fit was more was worth more than the continuity and so far they’ve been right I me well I mean it’s it’s semantics we basically saying the same thing they felt like the continuity that

They trid to sell us on come into this season you know there was a limit to it and they had they had to get better that’s why they made the move and the fit was better right so it’s two we’re saying the same thing but ultimately for

This team to really take that next step and to really really compete in my opinion that initiator Off the Bench somebody that can go get their own shot is the most important need for this team right now I’m happy we won four games in a row um I think as currently

Constructed this team can make a run but I think ultimately that’s going to be our downfall um because I think we rely on Brunson and Randle too much to do majority of our ball handling we need one more guy um you know what I mean to

To come in and uh give give us some minutes you know and I think that’s what this team is missing but I’m happy what we’re doing right now it looks like like I said that this move worked and that this team was going to be better and

They are because the fitness is so seamless and I I don’t know if you guys noticed this but when you watch the Knicks on TV they look bigger they just look bigger and it’s so much easier for them to be able to defend much better now particularly the better teams the

Minnesota the Milwaukee they look so much better better on the floor because they can match up well against some teams how um fter I think they look more athletic and faster that’s what I think they look like so so to to you they don’t look

Bigger than with OG a lineup than RJ not really I was looking at that tonight I feel like it’s you know I mean he he’s a little bit longer he’s just a better Defender he he he he understands defense better and he’s faster and he jumps

Higher I mean all that’s true as well I can still feel like they’re like you know they’re more I just don’t think they look to me but I mean I mean I you know either way I mean I’m not saying what you’re saying is wrong but I still think the Knicks

Look bigger physically like when you watch them on TV they look bigger in my opinion um and and that’s paid dividends for us so far you got OG who can switch on like tonight he was guarding P some possessions some possessions he was guarding uh Kyle kosma like to me I

Think that’s you know invaluable like you can’t really uh really really measure that but to me he just adds that and that’s what RJ wasn’t giving us so you know I mean I think this team is is great the starting lineup is great the

Way it is but we just need one more ball handler off that bench and I think this team can really really do some damage in the Eastern Conference really do some damage and he’s so much more of an athlete than RJ and you can see that in the lineup I

Mean you know his ability to you know catch a catch catch a you know a dunk off the rebound in traffic you know uh I mean you can clearly see the athleticism that the Knicks needed in that lineup too but let me ask you though what about what about defensively because I know

You’re a big defensive guy um and I know his ability to switch we we’ve said that you know a lot but I mean you know you’re talking about the offense which is all true but defensively you I mean and when the Knicks are defending in the

Half court you you telling me that you don’t notice a a difference a visual difference on the floor with the Nick fan starting line up and star lineup I mean I I do I notice I I notied me I noticed that he’s in Better positions he

Helps better right uh he makes like the the the um just understanding where I need to rotate better and not missing certain rotations off of a screen and like little things like that now I did see uh KY kma you know hit him with a

Hit him with a cut you know and I was like oh well you know but obviously that only one time you know I’m saying where guys where RJ was going back door all day long you know mean and it’s and and he’s got more length to his arms no doubt about

It I mean yeah I mean I mean that that just the big thing that I noticed and um and that’s why I was in favor of a trade um I even if if they Nick don’t choose to do nothing else for the rest of this this this uh season trade deadline

Passes they hold on to for um you know hopefully they’re able to move him in the offseason if nothing else happen I compare this current Nick team to what a had a few years ago like in Ben Simmons last year they made it to the Eastern Conference Finals I think the Knicks can

Do that with this roster this year okay because a lot of people say and including on national TV and a lot of niick fans that the Knicks need a star I don’t think they necessarily need that because you got two of them already on the roster quiet as kept Julius Randle

Is gonna make all NBA again and he’s G and for the most part if he stays healthy which he has been he’s gonna make it again next season and he’s not and to a lot of people he’s not even the best player on the team it’s Brunson

Right so I think we have stars already here if if we construct the right team around these guys which right now the front office is doing a great job but if we add one to two more pieces to this what we got right now I I think this

Team can do something and I’m not I’m not talking hyperbole a lot of Nick fans don’t want to believe it or whatever but I do I am I am very very high on this team right now um and it’s not just a four game winning stre talking I just

Like the match up better with Milwaukee and Boston I think we match up better um and you know if we get that ball handler in there I feel much more confident about us beating them those uh in the those guys in the seven game series but in a seven game series as of

Right now I feel extremely confident with this have on this current roster right now because of that trade so yeah I can’t wait to see I can’t I can’t wait to see the Knicks play Boston again so we can see that match up see what it looks like yeah me me too

Yeah me too I mean it’s regular season it’s going to be ups and downs in a regular season but uh um I’m excited that you you mention playoffs because normally you don’t you kind of suck in the moment for the most part but um yeah I’m I’m very very high on this roster

Right now and if we need add one more piece doesn’t have to be anything big no star we can add one more ball handler off that bench this team is gonna be scary okay this team is gonna be scary I’m telling see what we can do so see

What we can do yes sir see what we can do so far it’s looking good we played Portland on Tuesday I I expect us to take care of business then we get a good game in Dallas versus Dallas after that so uh yeah I’m I’m I’m excited for you know what what we’re

Doing hopefully we can continue it yeah so see what kind of moves is down the line yeah yeah we we’ll see Sam we’ll see I mean I mean I’m I’m thinking playoffs I mean as of right now that’s you know really what I’m focused on I

Know uh a lot of people want me to stand the moment and things like that’s why you construct the roster to to be able to compete in the playoffs and I think this team with the OG move can compete because of the size I think that was our um one of our biggest

Detriment you know what I mean not having that size to be able to go pound for pound with a lot of those um a lot of teams um and we seen that earlier this season like why why you think we struggled against Minnesota who had

Somebody at 610 at the three or or a Boston right with Jaylen Brown um at the three um and this is no knock on R.J he was put in a position that um you know wasn’t his natural position um but to be honest with you like I told you before

IID rather have Dante de Kenzo attit in RJ because he’s more consistent you know what you’re going to get from him right um and and that’s what this start lineup is showing so if we can add one more ball handler I think we’ll be good to go

For for this season in particular down the road I don’t know but uh this season yeah I’m I’m I’m I’m with it all right let’s see what happens Josh I appreciate it man yes sir you got it appreciate it peaceful it’s great to hear Josh um

Happy happy with the team yeah yeah you know you know I I was looking at it tonight trying to look and see like do I feel like we look longer and I just don’t feel like we look longer I mean I feel like OG is longer than RJ but as a team

As a whole when I’m looking I’m like H you know kind of kind of the same size we got a guy out there that has longer arms um you know it’s just better activity it’s more activity you know he does have longer arms to get into the

Passing Lanes but we still you know it’s a six seven guy just his arms are longer than RJ’s right uh I think maybe he does have a little bit more weight than RJ too but he’s way more athletic than RJ and he’s more aware I think defensively than

RJ like you know at least what RJ was now way more aware you know better Defender than RJ get to this last phone call before we get to the losers Lounge ladies and gentlemen uh we got losers Lounge starting at 11:30 so as soon as we

Finish this call up we’re going to jump over to the losers Lounge you can call in on the losers Lounge as well Callie live name me where you from please this is whiz from La what’s up boy what’s going on with you man how you feeling I’m doing good I’m doing good

It’s good to follow my great grandson Josh man you know I gotta tell him Christmas it’s $2 Christmas present yeah but I probably use I probably gotta catch up you before I catch up him yeah um do that first of all um he had a good point I like his point about

About um having um having us get just a a bench ball handler I like that idea but I do want to bring up the um idea of the fact that people said we cannot get deante and kma I think it is possible um I think um forier both of them can get

Deante that match give them a couple protected first from their and maybe a second or many seconds as they want the jante is out um with with kba is just going to be salary match from pieces and maybe grinds so we throwing you know the the

Cats from Tonto except for OG you know Flynn and my my PA forward we’re throwing Grimes with throwing Taj salary Archie anybody we can those guys got to go just send them all there match of salary for kbar and then they’re going to want the pick because really what

They want is a pick and maybe grounds will be valuable to them if not to flip him later on so it’s not impossible to get to get a find a way to actually get guba if if watching wants to really move on from him so that possibility would

Then bring kma here and it’ll have to be on on the condition that he goes he’s he’s coming from the bench jante takes the two it’s going be kma Dante um Josh Hart you know Duce will be in there somehow and then we you know and that’s

How that’s n man right there which is tis with you know Max so I think that would be a you know fire lineup and therefore kzar alternates with with um with deante at the two alates with OG at the three OG backs up Rand the four Kar

Backs up four also so and the question is only Center because that’s the only place we look at and that’s where we could actually go small and put you know M you know Randall kma OG deante and Brunson and that’s a fire lineup with fire power like you wouldn’t

Believe I don’t know man I think it’s hard to get both of them I don’t know think it’s hard to get it’s hard I didn’t was to be easy I say possible I think it’s I I never you know I’m from Brooklyn son make make it happen we can do de I’m

Jamaican also we always got a BNA B th two donkeys and a banana and some you know some aan sausage and some jerk chicken and boom get the steel done yeah you know it’s it’s it’s a lot and then there’s a lot of cooks in the kitchen true that true that there’s a

Lot of cooks in the kitchen you know what I’m saying like right now OG was a like the perfect addition because of his you know his I don’t want to say temperament but you know he’s not a guy that like I need the ball I want the ball I got to be you

Know this guy or that guy you know what I’m saying he’s going to he’s going to fit in seamlessly anywhere you know what I mean uh so he was he he fitting seamlessly with the Knicks and added exactly exactly what they needed to open up the floor for Brunson and

Randall you know uh um you know with just with his style of play and decision making you know what I’m saying he offensively he’s a much better decision maker than rj2 as far as you know you know he you know not forcing things and stuff like that so it definitely opened

It up uh for everybody out there uh in in that starting unit you know but you know the more you start adding in guys that are used to having the ball in their hands the more tricky it starts to get but obviously one of those guys would be coming off

The bench you know the reason why I mentioned kozma and I guess Deonte Murray could probably you know would probably do the same thing but kosma is a guy that you know in my opinion I don’t think would mind just saying okay you know what I’mma wait my turn you know

What I’m saying I’m not going out there to try to get it and be the star guy I’mma wait my turn uh maybe the jontay Murray is that guy too I don’t know now the thing is would I do that deal if it can done again just like

You’re saying I think it’s a lot to try to put together this I mean that’s the M side this chemical experiment you hope things working don’t blow up in your face so I’m not necessarily going to propose doing it I’m just saying the deal can be done if the front off wants

To do it my preference would just be to Bringing Dante in alone and that would be my only move right now and then make it make it work I I I don’t like the idea of of blowing of adding extra pieces even though we’re not going to be losing anything but

Maybe grinds from the rotation you know and uh you know and and the cats from Toronto just to get you know money money matching so I’m okay with actually either bringing the jante or kma only and making that work and not try to throw in a third you know

Un party to this location but I just wanted to just thought the the idea that can it be can it be done yes it can should it be done probably not just because of the possibility of you know that chemical experiment coming in a nuclear explosion right exactly I’m I’m

Don for yeah only or only right one piece at a time and let it let it Fester a little bit yeah let it a little bit yeah hey W I appreciate you man your show is amazing man I gota get a cash after I got drop some change I

Appreciate that brother you deserve everything you get all everybody drop that cash get that hit that like button let’s support This brilliant brilliant you know analyst thank you know and your part your side part right there at school too he’s all right yeah Tony does his thing man Tony does

Apprciate I appreciate you wz appreciate you bro thank you much respect J no doubt ladies and gentlemen we definitely appreciate it we’re going to head over to the losers Lounge but like whz said support the channel man hit the cash app cash sh is Dallas sign nothing but Nicks or PayPal at but Nick ladies and gentlemen we are on the way out so we can go to the losers Lounge we can start this thing up and as soon as we end this stream it’s going to take you right over to the losers loung my bad I didn’t mean to end it

Like that yet I brought the intro up I didn’t mean to bring the intro up yet you know it’s going to take you right over to the losers Lounge ladies and gentlemen now I’m going to bring the intro in the outro intro and outro same thing

Peace send pass the assist you know that it’s number one show that breaks down the game if you can’t play defense stay out my way dble the ball come down the lane 5 seconds on a shot clock who going win us the game you want to hear Nick

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  1. Tony. you got that player greed, my man, Kuzma can't come play here on his 25 million dollar a year contract unless he's gonna play 35 minutes a night at least because we just traded Quick because he wanted 25 million a year and we didn't want to give him that to come off of the bench
    . OG is our guy and he plays the 3/4 and he can't shoot(except for corner 3s)( so he can't play the shooting guard and Randle is gonna play 38 minutes a night no matter what.

  2. I rather go after Johnathan Issac but I don’t think the magic trade him now plus we can’t move Precious until the summer.
    And Demar Derozan

    I don’t like Kuzma as a good fit on this team starting or off the bench.

  3. Kuzma is the best fit – hes a scorer can guard has size and makes better matchups for us vs teams like the bucks and Celtics in the playoffs let alone the nuggets god willing in the finals

  4. Knicks need to move heaven and earth to get Bridges from the Nets. He would be the perfect fit. 2 big time defensive wings who can shoot the 3. We would be an instant contender. Fournier, plus 3 first round pick.

  5. Adding Kyle Kuzma at this point when you have OG Is absolutely ridiculous. OG and Kuzma cannot play the 2 guard. The fit would be horrible.

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