@Boston Celtics

NBA admits officiating mistake against Boston Celtics; looking ahead to tough back-to-back

NBA admits officiating mistake against Boston Celtics; looking ahead to tough back-to-back

[Laughter] I’m just reading this last TW minute [Laughter] report yeah this is fun let’s talk about this right now on the lockdown Celtics podcast be ever ready recognize the city of champ Boston baby we do what you can’t locked on number 18 Tatum and brown J team step back we going to wet

That and slay teams of course the Celtics who else could it be like kg with the lario B corales above average assessing the team status best daily pod no cap salary matching clutch like bir the DJ John on replay Prime Time dapping up the truth on the sideline raining JS

How we started raising B how we finish locked on Celtics home of the winners hey there welcome back to the locked on Celtics podcast it’s right here in the lockdown podcast Network it’s your team every day and I got you covered every day with a free fresh podcast Monday through Friday normally

Plus bonus podcasts when they play on a weekend day like this Saturday when they play the Houston Rockets at home em May yoka comes back I will be there I will give you a podcast on Saturday night as well because I got more than five days a

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Indiana Pacers but uh the NBA makes things worse so much worse I I wasn’t didn’t want to talk about the fouls and all that stuff but uh then the last two-minute report came out so I decided this would be great time to get Tom Wester home on the show Tom we get to

Talk about referees again I love it this is this is fun uh you know I love this because it lets me bust out my absolute favorite take which is that like NBA refs are like I know people complain about them all the time but they might be the last basketball refs on earth

Like if you ask any like any lower level basketball team or you know ad or uh AA coach the amount of trouble people have finding referees is crazy like this refereeing crisis is only going to get worse because nobody wants to be a referee so no one why why would you why

Would you want to be a referee you gotta be a psycho you gotta be crazy yeah well these guys want to be refs and uh some some might argue that they’re not great at it uh but actually okay so this is the part where I say they are the best and the best

Basketball officials in the world uh but they’re the only basketball officials in the world yeah the the last minute report like okay so what gets me is the way they phrase this so for people who didn’t see it here’s the setup Jaylen Brown all of that stuff uh they said was correct they

They got it they got it right uh but after that they made a mistake they said oops we didn’t call uh an illegal screen on Miles Turner uh and and also the file call on Chris thops porzingis was incorrect so side note the Celtics blue uh challenge earlier in the game on what

Was it was a offensive F was was a offensive fou with his elbow kind of yeah swinging around a little bit I that was a Matt Reynolds pretty good at this that was a weird challenge so yeah so I think the Celtics have said like because

I I did a story on this like Matt Reynolds gives like the the yes or no from the sideline and then Joe kind of like rarely overrules him he’ll go with like he’ll support the player from time to time be like okay Jaylen I will I

Will support you in this and and make this you know make this challenge however side note I think Joe Missoula is gonna go to like jayen and be like hey you know what we burned a challenge on Bas based on you and we were wrong right so we’re not GNA do

That anymore in the first three quarters now Joe has said in the first three quarters we only want to challenge out of bounds calls yeah because those are easy to see they are often wrong and you’re not asking a referee to change a judgment call it’s just oh I didn’t see

It go off his hands or whatever and you you have a great chance at winning those that’s why their challenge record is very good yeah not having the challenge for the porzingis foul would have like if they had it there that that should have according to the last two minute report been

Overturned and Boston would have gotten the ball back uh at that point and so I think it’s fair for Joe to go to his his guys and be like I’m I’m not going to listen to you guys because you’re emotional and you don’t you can say what

You got to say but you have to understand that I listened to you I blew it I blew a challenge and we didn’t have it at the end and the refs are you can even say it this way if you want the refs are so bad that I have to have a

Challenge at the end to save us from them and that’s that that would be the end of it uh because if they had the challenge that who knows how this game would have gone would have gone to overtime who knows but regardless the fact that they said in

The last two-minute report that the contact in the head for Jaylen Brown was incidental and it says as the rule book this is a direct quote as the rule book makes clear the mere fact that the contact occurs does not necessarily constitute a foul contact which is

Incidental to an effort by a player to defend an opponent reach a loose ball or perform a normal defensive or offensive movement is not considered illegal so Tom Jaylen Brown getting hit in the head while going up for a jump shot not a foul apparently I love this because what

They’re saying is the head is literally part of the ball in this instance right because like there was contact made I mean I mean I mean like right like I don’t know like what how else am I supposed to interpret this and like Jaylen was joking after the game and said you know

The head was part of the ball and he goes no they didn’t actually say that but they’re in effect saying that that’s kind of what this says I mean look I I I think they got it wrong I think and and I this is a weird one too because like

You know like okay so so you can you can make it results based right like Jaylen missed the shot badly is he I mean I’m not saying he was gonna make that shot for sure but like he missed it looked what’s that he wasn’t gonna miss

A sh Jaylen Brown in that situation I’m sorry he’s not missing a shot by that much that’s what I’m saying it looked affected you know like it was the shot was affected by the contact and like that okay so that’s that’s thing one right thing two it’s like okay okay so

How much contact to the head is allowed like like because there was this whole push to try to make sure that guys didn’t get hit in the head but now we’re saying like Okay some hit in the head is fine affects the shot like okay like at

Some point here where we’re starting to you know really get into uh degrees of things I mean like it’s the NBA just comes off looking bad here I think because they’ve you know I mean like you think back to there was a much more blatant foul right last year I think a

Lot of people want to draw the comparison to um the Lakers game last year right where where the Celtics blatantly fouled LeBron James the NBA came out like graveling apologizing like this keeps us up at night we’re so sorry it’s like that you know not that doesn’t

Need to happen every time that shouldn’t have happened that time that was weird you could just come out and was weird we we messed that up guys our bad and it’s like that that doesn’t fix anything but at least that’s some accountability at least that’s some like yeah we got this

One wrong and this is not that and like so so we’re left then you know those of us who watch the game to either be like okay well I accept this and I’m G to move on or be like what like like and I I yeah I don’t know it’s

It’s it’s it’s a little bit crazy making because that was that that that was a very clear one right context to the head I mean buddy hee very clearly seems to have told Joe moula like yeah I kind of fouled him like the only people who

Disagree is the NBA and they just kind of come off looking defensive here I feel like and then you know and and they’ve they’ve covered their tracks in this way that is very um convenient right where they’re like well we didn’t get the Jaylen brown one wrong um and

And but but the one that we couldn’t look at you know we would have we would have reversed the porzingis one if we could have but you didn’t have your challenge so you know then it kind turns into this like really this is more on

You than it’s on us that looks worse too so it’s just a mess all around man I mean I think you know the the the thing that everybody’s going to have to do and the thing that the Celtics I’m sure are working toward doing right now is just

Kind of letting it go there’s big games coming up there’s there’s much more important games coming up much more important moments coming up than the end of a you know a tough back toback with with without you know your one of your Superstar players and um you know it was

It was a winnable game but I don’t know that the Celtics should necessarily feel like they deserved to win like I don’t think they played that great um which I’m sure we’re gon about to get into but yeah I mean I think if if you’re a

Celtics fan and you want to feel AG grieved and frustrated this is the game to feel grieved and frustrated about because yeah like that was a pretty bad one I never I never like talking about the officials or the officiating and as always say there’s there there’s a

Million other things that could have gone differently that that would have won them this game but this last two-minute report look I’m sorry this is what people are talking about right now because this last two-minute report man just the game is on in the background

Right now I have an NBA TV on my TV in front of me and that this is the play that actually was just they just showed it he very clearly gets hit in the head I mean I just don’t understand it the if the NBA had just come out and said it

Was wrong it was the wrong interpretation sorry like it would have been it wouldn’t have been a whole segment that’s for sure I would have just been like you know hey you know what they blew it you own it you move on you know right they were they gonna

Issue a LeBron type of apology like oh no we’re so sad that we blew this car but no uh that that was just whatever whatever be right we gotta move on we gotta move on uh it’s over it’s done they’re not replaying anything it’s over forget it

So we move on they yeah and that’s it that’s it and I know we got to go to break but the game’s the game right this happened last year the Lakers got screwed and Celtics fans justifiably I think we’re just like and like you know what the opposite is also true sometimes

You get screwed too so that’s how it goes that’s right that’s right that’s right you’re right be mad about it fine go scream fine go but that yeah there’s 29 teams laughing at at the Celtics right now going H yeah so that’s it uh all right let’s let’s get to some of the

Other stuff from this game uh before we move forward uh with the games that are coming up today’s show is brought to you by FanDuel NFL season the regular season done we’re heading into the playoffs now you get into the action yourself with FanDuel America’s number one sports book

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Lockdown NBA wherever you get your podcast all right let’s get back into this conversation with Tom Westerholm uh I I didn’t talk enough I think in in yesterday’s yesterday’s game was uh yesterday’s podcast was more about all this stuff and and Jaylen Brown I didn’t think they had they used porzingis

Enough and and I don’t think I gave Drew holiday enough love for the game that he had uh in fact Let me let me start with porzingis I don’t think they used porzingis enough I think he’s such a mismatch obviously that sometimes I think they get away with from him too

Much uh and they don’t use the mismatch that he is uh part of it is you want them to move the ball you want them to play that that style but I think I think playoff basketball they’re gonna have to start playing some playoff style basketball here and sometimes why not

Make it a point be like hey you know what third quarter when things were going south for the Celtics let’s just feed porzingis let’s just dump it into porzingis and start answering their runs rather than trying to play a different let’s just say hey this is our run

Stopping offense let’s get it to porzingis in the post let’s get some buckets because that’s the all you got to do is score here let’s just get some buckets and not worry about uh all the other stuff their their energy is off the charts go to porzingis in that

Moment yeah and I mean I like that you know kind of slowing it down a little bit getting trying to break up that a little bit I will say I think the Pacers have one of the few rosters in the NBA with like enough bigs to kind of make like like

They they’ve got a lot of bigs and like a lot of guys who they can kind of throw at him a lot of different looks they can kind of put together that that throw that off a little bit I did think I mean porzingis I believe he had seven assists

Um he was he had quite a few really nice passes so I mean it’s not like he was completely uninvolved uh you know he was he was kind of moving the ball around got some um some of those were three-pointers some of those were kind

Of you know roll and kick and um you know really nice looks that way but I mean I I I think you know you look at you look at him you look at holiday like those were those guys I mean they they did play pretty well um I think I

Honestly think like this was just one of those games where um like the other team scored 133 points like you know they there’s going to be offensive issues and there’s going to be things that you didn’t do right um even with Tatum out of the game but like when the other team

Scores 133 it’s you know it’s kind of like well you scored 131 the offense was pretty good there’s probably a few things here and there that you could have tweaked but um you know kind of feels like the the uh the game was lost on the other end I guess yeah but one

Thing that I will bring up is Joe moula uh it was funny after the Utah game where uh will hardy was asked about the Celtics defense and he said well the the Celtics defense starts with their offense and Joe moula damn near had an orgasm on the podium like oh that’s such

A that’s such a beautiful answer that’s such a great answer like okay Joe calm down man he like the the Celtics defense is based off their offense that and and they they need to um yes they needed to get stops they needed to they needed to match TJ

McConnell’s energy and all that stuff but they they also needed to like play the game at their pace and you can you can either play you could match TJ mccon McConnell’s energy and play faster or slow the game down and play at your pace and force them to

Match yours they were kind of stuck in between and it’s like they didn’t dictate the pace they didn’t match their Pace they they just kind of were slow but not slow with a purpose they were like if you want to play slow that’s fine too play a halfcourt run some run

Some sets run some actions where you do get the mismatch and go from there so that that’s where you your defense flows off your offense because now you’re slowing the game to to a pace that you want to play at yeah and then you’re scoring which means you get to go back

And set your defense which allows you to play better right and I think that brings up an important point about this year’s Celtics team which is they have enough talent that if they’re if if they are intentional like if they are the ones who are saying we’re going to go

Fast or we’re going to go slow they’re they have so much talent they’re going to beat everybody like almost every night right like they’re just if you can do what you want to do you’re good enough that you’re gonna win and but and I think that’s a good point right like

If to to your point like like that in between game is like I mean unless you’re doing that on purpose right unless you’re trying to put together like a nice a nice mix of the two but if you’re like if you’re the Celtics you’re good enough that you can you can run

With teams and you can slow teams down like Jason Tatum obviously didn’t play last night but he’s killing people and I ation they have you know Chris porzingis can can post up they can go slow and we’ve seen how deadly they can be when

They run so it’s like if you do what you do on purpose you’re you’re going to be in good shape and that was I think you know kind of looking back at last night’s game that did seem to be lacking for sure yeah so that that that’s my

Bigger thing you know holiday I just want to give holiday some love for you know bouncing back on offense just because you know he had that one really bad game against the OKC just a a horrible game uh and people start getting into like well is he really did

We really show let’s revisit the Marcus Smart thing is that going the way sh like uh after the game after the uh loss to Indiana christops poringa said holiday is sacrificing the most which may be true yeah but holiday to his credit was like yeah I I don’t care that

I’m sacrificing the most he he basically acknowledged like yes I am and I don’t care and so except for Horford which you know he pointed out he like except like Horford wents the bench so it’s like yeah yeah it’s those two right yes so yes so those two guys have that same

Kind of like uh level of uh sacrifice and and that’s great like this is this is what you need you need uh somebody to give up something when you’ve got this much talent together so just just an acknowledgement that he he had this great game he hit one of the most audacious three-pointers

I’ve seen that corner three that step back was a huge huge shot and I’m like I cannot believe that he took that shot the stones on him to take that shot was amazing it was also the second most audacious shot he took because he attempted a dunk that he had no chance

Of putting down that’s right that’s right so crazy confidence man that dude is quiet he is he’s he’s like if you turn took Marcus Smart and you turn the emotion down from like 15 to like five you know he’s just so even keeled um which I think honestly side note it’s a

Horrible time to bring this up gotta go to break but uh that even keeled while still doing a lot of the same stuff is I think a big part of why the Celtics are doing what they’re doing because they’re not prone to a lot of the emotional

Swings which you know as much as I love Marcus Smart sometimes when you ride that roller coaster it’s you know you have ups and downs and uh one thing that that holiday does not do is ride a roller coaster so he takes some crazy shots but he’s an incredible Defender

But he he keeps that you know he keeps that on an even level man and he said it he said that exact same thing last night he’s like my job is to like stay stay even and and get out of the way and he’s doing it all right uh Celtics a big

Backtack uh I don’t know how well let’s just see how big is this backtack we’ll talk about that in just a second Today’s Show is brought to you by our good friends over at betterhelp who know that therapy is important I know that therapy is important I’ve gone to

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Day all day uh so go check it out lockdown sports today uh streaming on YouTube all right let’s get back to this conversation Tom Celtics are facing the Minnesota Timberwolves at home Wednesday night and the Milwaukee Bucks on the road on Thursday this is a very difficult backto

Back uh brutal the games six uh games what uh four and five in seven nights and uh this is this is uh they get Minnesota on a back toback Minnesota’s in Orlando uh tonight so that that’s that’s good you get you get them on a back toback

That Orlando to Boston back to back that’s tough that’s a that’s a long flight to go from you know so I remember one of the toughest Swit trips I had was Boston to Miami back toback that one was brutal uh but so anyway so you get Minnesota there so that that’s good

Milwaukee’s kind of struggling but this is huge and here’s here’s too much information for your listeners my worst flight was Boston to San Francisco when I had a stomach bug oh yeah that is horrible well it sucked for you but it was probably the worst flight for many of

The other people on board as well I kept it together man I I was I was dying but I kept it together wow yeah uh different all right well hope hopefully people aren’t made Sick by what’s coming up against Minnesota and Milwaukee um I think I look the back toback part

Is is really big I think the Celtics uh have an opportunity there uh against Minnesota to maybe take advantage of them being uh a little bit a little bit down maybe they’re catching Milwaukee at the right time because they’re struggling uh if you can get past the

This little stretch then it lightens up a little bit the rest of the way you still get Denver Dallas Miami the Clippers Indie again uh how about this though side note I’m I’m jumping all over the place today they play Indie for the fifth time by the end of January that’s

Incredible um but anyway this back toback what what are you thinking here so many opportunities for Aaron nouth to uh to to to to be mad at the Celtics again just yeah just to take people out scratch porzingis his eye you know maybe land on somebody’s foots maybe uh you

Know kick kick somebody in the face I don’t know anything is possible with Aaron nemith yeah um I look I think this is an interesting back toback I think it’s like especially you look at where Milwaukee’s at right now and just how they’ve been playing and you know that one like

I don’t know you you don’t want to get too wrapped up in narratives at this stage right it’s still early enough that you don’t want to get too wrapped up in that but at the same time Milwaukee’s really struggling they seem really frustrated um and like you would just

Kind of hate if you’re the Celtics to go in there and like you know kind of give them that scheduled win against arrival right like that like you know you kind of want to like you want that team you want to kick them while they’re down a

Little bit because um you know like they’re down right now they they just lost to Utah and um you know they’re and the rockets and the rockets they’re they’re they’re going through it so you would like to continue to make them go through it um so I’m I’m really

Interested in that game I think there’s a lot that can happen there I think Minnesota’s interesting just because they’re so good and like the first time the Celtics played them I thought that was the only game so far the season the Celtics have had a bunch of games right

They they’ve lost a few um you know had some close ones that was the only game where I was like huh like not that they can’t but the only game where I was like H how do they beat this team you know like there’s every other team that

They’ve played this year I’ve been like okay this might have gone different they could try this they could do this Minnesota’s just got so many good defensive pieces so much length so many so many kind of counters on the defensive end that the Celtics like and

To to your point earlier right if the Celtics defense starts with their offense and their offense struggles against a defense like Minnesota’s I’m interested to see what they’ve got so I mean it’s I think it’s a really big backto back and I think you know no

Guarantee on either of those wins and I think that’s one of the reasons why you kind of would have really liked to have had the win on Monday so that you’re not you know looking at this and being like boy you’d hate to be on a three- game

Losing streak after all the good that you’ve done so far this season and and not that they’re going to they’re capable of beating the Timberwolves they’re cap they’re certainly capable of beating the bucks but um yeah I I think it’s I think it’s a good test and I

Think it’s kind of a big one I’m I’m very curious I I think this is gonna be a a fun stretch of basketball here yeah and I I don’t want to make it I don’t want to overblow like say oh this is gonna tell us a lot about this team we

We I think we know what this team is abolutely but it goes It goes back to like the the motivation I think the one thing that it will kind of tell us about this team is their ability to kind of put the the this is the tough part of

The schedule we’ve talked about that January when you are good is a a tough month because you know you’re good you know you can beat all of these teams and so you’re like eh okay I’m tired we just this is game four and five of seven

Nights so you just played three in four nights and you’re about to play another three in four night stretch this is brutal T you know guys guys are tired I hate to tell everybody but I’m sorry these guys are young and Elite athletes they also get tired this is going to be tough

But maybe the Saving Grace is Minnesota comes in having lost to the Knicks the Pelicans beat the Rockets lost to the Mavericks and now they’re playing uh Orlando the the day before now what we’re probably GNA root for as we’re watching this game you probably I mean the game’s over by the time

Everybody’s gonna hear this but as I’m watching this game you’re probably gonna sit there and hope for Orlando just you know come on poo ban Caro just go out there and and be be big and tough and strong and and beat the hell out of these guys and make this a a hardfought

Game that it doesn’t matter who wins it’s just make this a tough game where you you have to really work hard to to get to the end and to to then come in on the back toback the Celtics can take advantage of that and then you got

Milwaukee whose last few games you got loot two losses to the Pacers so Celtics shouldn’t feel so bad uh they beat the Spurs by four they lost to the rockets and they lost to the Jazz so not the best stretch of Bucks basketball right now and then now they’re just waiting

For the Celtics they have a couple of nights before they they face the Celtics and that’s on TNT so everybody’s got to play in that game uh so I I I just feel like this is an opportunity for Boston to take what could be a very difficult back-to-back and maybe squeak by with

Like uh catching catching two teams two good teams uh at a down part of their schedule yeah I mean that would be that would be the ideal for the Celtics I mean the other big thing about the about the Bucks game right is looking at tiebreaker scenarios it’s never too

Early to start looking at that stuff sure sure yeah no big games I mean I think to your point right it’s like it’s less about like oh I want to see what this tells me about the Celtics again you’re right like we know what this team

Is and yeah and they’re really good um well it’s it’s more about just like you know you lose two games here and right now you’ve got this really nice three and a half game lead you know you’re you’re just like just cruising along and you know you lose a couple games here

And that starts to tighten up a little bit Especially since one of those games would be to a team um that that’s uh that’s toward the top with you so yeah more more about the more about the actual implications than the what does it tell us implications right right so

Okay so Minnesota Milwaukee nothing on Friday Houston on Saturday then then uh Toronto this is like every other day a road back to back Houston Dallas which is not so bad they finally get two days off on the 23rd and the 24th like oh pH finally uh and then at

The end of the month they get three home games that start uh a a seven game home stand so that that gets us pretty close to the all-star break so things will start to loosen up a little bit hopefully this this back toback the Celtics can come out on top and then

That Houston game on Saturday with eay coming back it’s gonna be super interesting I don’t even know what to make of that game uh but I’ll be here thank you Tom uh appreciate you hopping on appreciate you man as always I will be here for all of that I will be here

Hey I get to take Friday off from podcasting yay uh but I will be here Saturday night I will be here uh every time they play so next Friday when they play Denver I will podcast uh a week from Saturday when they play or two weeks from Saturday when they play the

Clippers I will be here to podcast so plenty of action here covered entirely on the lockdown Celtics podcast so make sure you are subscribed wherever you get your podcast if you’re a new listener go ahead and subscribe if you are a regular listener one of my every Dar you know I

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The NBA’s last two minute report admits the Celtics were wronged by the officials, but maybe not on the play you’re thinking. John Karalis of Boston Sports Journal and Tom Westerholm discuss that, why the Celtics needed more Kristaps Porzingis, especially in the third quarter, against Indiana, and why this upcoming back-to-back against the Minnesota Timberwolves and Milwaukee Bucks is important, and maybe well-timed.

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Locked On Celtics is a daily Boston Celtics podcast by Boston Sports Journal beat writer John Karalis. It’s an inside look at the C’s from a former professional basketball player who is at practices & games.

#BostonCeltics #Celtics #NBA #JaysonTatum #JaylenBrown


  1. They said the Brown call was right but not the Porzingis foul😂😂😂😂. NBA is ridiculous protecting their refs! It will keep happening because theirs no punishment!

  2. Is there a sports league in the world with overall high quality officiating? Please let me know because it is a clown show in nba, NHL, NFL and MLB

  3. It is what it is.
    Bottom line is JB did get hit in the head, but he is Ok physically.
    The C's still missed too many free throws and forgot how to play D all game.

  4. I don’t know the rules but how did the pacers got the possession after challenging the call?

    It’s a foul against them, should it be a jump ball?

    Or just revert the call (because they won) and still be our possession?

  5. At this point, I’m certain the fans and players would like the refs to held on the same standard and face the same “checks and balance” system the players do. If a ref makes a call that is deemed to alter the course of the game they should be fined and or have a conference call with high ranking officials and or an hour plus of an online course that is recorded and reviewed by the NBA commissioner/team. We all want to see repercussions for their actions. LeBron has been vocal, John has mentioned odd officiating, many notable people have been talking about the horrible officiating.

  6. My new year's resolution is to be as bad in my job as that ref is at his, and not face any consequences, like him. What a fn joke of a crew.

  7. This feels like the NBA is trying to protect their refs from the embarrassment of blowing a call that they REVIEWED in-game

    But they wanted to throw Cs fans a bone by saying the Porzingis foul was a bad call. It just feels backwards

  8. If the hit in the head didn't affect Jaylen then his 2pt shot would only be missed by a margin that Jaylen Brown misses by

    Jaylen Brown's misses shot by an incredibly small margin!

  9. I think in an attempt to make refs feel important and to make more people want to be refs we should scrap the current uniform and allow them to wear full blown suits and stuff and walk in with brief cases and sunglasses (kind of like the secret service) and we give them fancy smart looking tools like an abacus to fiddle around with. We could all pretend they're super important then maybe they'd take their jobs seriously but until we stop dressing them up like footlocker employees nobodies going to take them seriously

  10. You know, if the league wants to allow challenges and reviews, why not make FULL USE of the technology and let the call be reviewed by an official or committee off site in Secaucus or something for the last word. They have access to all the same videos to review and they would be more impartial. On a separate note, i think our current groups of refs need a lot better training

  11. what gets me is jaylen brown said the crew chief told him he didn’t get hit in the head 😂 but it’s his word against the refs so the league isn’t gonna address that

  12. My primary concern is the morale of the players. This incompetence and questionable officiating has the potential to undermine the players confidence and faith in the game. The NBA needs to address this issue ASAP!!!

  13. Celtics are going to take all their frustrations out on the twolves. Big redemption game lfg ☘️☘️☘️☘️💪💪⚡🔥💥

  14. Loved JT's tweet:
    Jayson Tatum
    "Well this was some bs"
    The NBA’s L2M report for Celtics/Pacers:

    • Reversal of the foul called on Buddy Hield vs. Jaylen Brown was correct

    • Officials missed a screen foul on Myles Turner with 2 seconds to play

    • Foul call on Kristaps Porzingis vs. Bennedict Mathurin was incorrect

  15. I don't understand why people compare this to the Tatum Lebron no-foul. That one they clearly missed the call (which happens) but it was not reviewed, it would only be the same if they had reviewed it and still said there was no foul.

  16. Between this and that ludicrous LeBron grovel, it's clear what this is in its entirety. It's the APPEARANCE of accountability to assuage fans for purposes of BETTING. If refs actually get disciplined, fine–but do we really know? Regardless, the amount of equivocation in the explanation smells Denmarky.

  17. This team has looked great after a loss. I fully expect a win against the Timberwolves. Go Celtics

  18. In regards to playoffs: I think the Celtics play Pacers one more time. They're 2 and 2 now? The next game now becomes really important for home-court advantage in the event they see the Pacers in playoffs.

  19. Now I honestly don’t know how to interpret fouls at all.that makes it so confusing honestly. So u can hit people at the same time u hit the ball now? Or even after? He didn’t lose control of the ball… now I literally don’t know the rules. This is crazy

  20. I felt terrible about that lakers win.. I would not be proud of a win like that.. but hey it is on to the next one. Idk if I’m even going to watch because I don’t understand the game anymore. Celtics are losing the next one. We are overrated. Can’t control the 3/4th qtr. can’t execute, every game is down to the wire. We have the best defensive backcourt but can’t get stops. I’m over it. Tj McConnell literally beat us. Tj McConnell. Like what was that inbounds pass.. rigged

  21. I hope the celtics play Al tomorrow but not against the bucks… we want a 18-0 franchise home record more than anything

  22. Pacers fan here, the better team won anyway. We beat you guys in the In Season Tournament also. You better pray we don’t see you guys in a first round matchup. You will be a 1 seed going home by a 8th seed.

    Go Pacers!

  23. Horford isn't a starter. He isn't sacrificing anything by going to the bench. He can't even play back to backs.

  24. The L2M report was even worse than the missed call. What a cover your a** bullshit whitewash. Refs are human – if the league just admitted they missed the call I could let it go. Was it suspicious or just human error doesn't matter never gonna prove it one way or the other but just acknowledge it was the wrong call don't try to justify it the way they did what b.s.

  25. that was no dam incidental foul….an incidental foul should be like a player tripping on a defender's foot and they normally call a foul on that lol…the nba should just scrap that rule all together bcoz they dont call them correctly anyway smh

  26. Draymond Green is the latest legend to change the way the game is played. Now we are allowing knees to the back and karate chops to the head. The sport has entered a new era.

  27. I think they’re saying the JB foul call was correct because they can’t admit they botched both foul calls down the stretch that together would’ve 100% swung the game

  28. So obviously the game is over and can’t be overturned but what the rule should be is that if the league reviews the call in question and it turns out in favor of the team that was wronged the team should be credited with 1 free challenge which can be used at any time, and if the call in question cost a team the game then that team should be credited with 3 free challenges instead of 1. That’s how the league can make reparations best and it’s fair.

  29. I’m sorry but how do you get this wrong, when you get to review the foul on the slow motion camera??? There is no logical explanation, we should be publicly outraged!!!

  30. Lakers were not screwed, because they did not get that call wrong after a challenge! That was just wrong call! WE GOT SCREWED because of the decision being made after a CHALLENGE! Just insane! I can’t understand why we are keeping quiet about this!

  31. Perfect way to start the podcast! What a dumpster fire! Hopefully it just pisses off the Celtics and they refocus.

  32. So when you get hit in the head enough that it clearly affects the shot we can call it incidental contact?🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

  33. @John appreciated, I think any ref even the league says made a bad call to ruin a game should get a 1 month sit down with pay. Thanks for more KP discussion as well

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