@Dallas Mavericks

How Do Losses Like this Happen For the Dallas Mavericks Again & Again? | Mavs Postgame

How Do Losses Like this Happen For the Dallas Mavericks Again & Again? | Mavs Postgame

On today’s show the Dallas Mavericks fall to the quote unquote Memphis Grizzlies what is wrong with the Dallas Mavericks who’s to blame for a game like this and does this expose a fatal flaw that Dallas Mavericks have we’ll talk about that in more today’s like a m I’m

Luk donic and this is lock down maver Dallas Mavericks are NBA champions bang it’s good and the Mavericks have won the game thank you you don’t believe you shouldn’t be Here and welcome you are locked on to the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angstead media member and NBA channel manager for the locked on podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show and making lock on Ms your first listen today where the

Best way you can help us grow the show is to listen every day leave a festar review whatever podcast platform you listen to like the video and comment anything below let me know who do you blame who gets the most blame for this loss to the Grizzlies today’s episode is

Brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get 150 bucks in bonus Bets with any winning $5 money line bet that’s 150 bucks if your team wins visit lockon to get started and joining me the postgame Prodigy which you got for me slightly biest that’s it I’m

Speechless thought you thought you were about to like take a nap like slowly slowly slide into I think that’s the problem I had like an hour an hour nap before the stream I I’m actually like wondering if there’s some weird Universal energy thing it feels like

Almost every time my vibes are not good going into a game they end up losing maybe I just feel something in the air today we’ll talk about that energy we’ll talk about that energy because that energy was everywhere we’ll talk about who gets the blame we’ll talk about the

Memphis game plan that I thought worked really well against the Mavericks but I want to start here the person that gets the most blame for this loss it’s got to go squarely on the shoulders of somebody who looked at this game and just said oh they’ve got this completely went in overconfident

Had no regard for the energy or the uh the power that the words that that person said and that that it would matter and just completely disregarded all basketball God rules in life in general and that person is me because yesterday on the show I said

That the MAV would win and I said it twice I double jinxed them and they completely lost and I had I had um I kid you not seven lockedown Mavs listeners come up and tell me that I jinxed this game that was the reason why they lost

In this game and uh yeah but the Mavs lose this game it’s a game they should have won no Derek livley no exom for the Mavericks but no John marant no jiren Jackson Jr he was a late scratch Marcus Smart even went out at the beginning of

The third quarter uh no Stephen Adams still no Brandon Clark like this Grizzlies team is just battered beaten they had just learned that John Morant was going to be out for the year and that was just a a massive blow to that team and apparently they didn’t take it

Like it because they came out and they showed all the hustle all the heart and everything to beat this Mavs team tonight yeah I mean you I feel like it can go one of two ways when you learn that a key piece for you is hurt e

Sometimes teams just are like all right the season is over whatever we’re done or the team comes out it’s like all right we need to just pick up the energy and make up for it and that’s what the Grizzlies did tonight and uh the Mavericks did not match that energy

Whatsoever and yeah guess it is your fault it’s got to be like the yest thing everyone’s to blame everyone’s to blame the podcasters the podcasters that talk about this team they’re jinxing us let me let me tell you this is gonna be a clean podcast this is gonna be a clean

Very clean right out of the dryer like just completely clean the the equipment managers are locked in this is an embarrassing loss for the Mavs like you just just coming off the high of the best win of the Season against the Timberwolves and honestly this win or

This loss feels a lot like the loss against the Jazz right after Christmas the Mavs win that game against the Suns Luca scores 50 everyone’s feeling great they’re coming off that high and then the next game it was the next game right they come off and they lose to that jazz

Game and I remember coming on that was the Cavs coming on the they’re I came on the well it was whenever that jazz game was it was like right after Christmas I came on no they lost so there’s been three they lost they beat the Christmas night then lost to the Cavs without

Their three best players blew a 20-point lead then they beat the warriors on the road and we were happy about that one and then they lost by 50 to the Jazz the next game so they follow up every decent win with a just horrific loss further proves my point that I was almost

Getting to is that the Mavs have these letdown games the Mavs have these let down games and they let these games get to them they come in overconfident and honestly I think they come in without really much of a game plan much of motivation or anything and we know

They’re not getting it from their coaching staff or at least from the head coach because the head coach doesn’t believe in motivating players necessarily he’s said that several times if I have to get you motivated you know then you shouldn’t be in the n ba basically and has said that the only

Thing that motivates players is minutes and point and shots that’s what he thinks the only thing that motivates players he does not take the Ted lasso approach when it comes to coaching and motivating players so where is it coming from with this team do it come from the

Leadership we’ve heard a lot about Kyrie and Luca stepping up and being leaders uh I don’t know that that comes with who’s around the team who’s with the team what what is the team doing and they just don’t get up for some of these games like this and they players that

You’d think would step up and say oh I get an opportunity in this game Josh Green Grant Williams Jaden Hardy even SE even somebody like Seth Curry You’ think that they would step up and try and take advantage of a game like this but give Memphis Credit we’ll talk about a little

Later the game plan that Memphis had but give them credit because they played defense really well and just kind of stopped the Mavericks from doing anything they wanted to do yeah I mean I am taking the honest approach after this where everyone is to blame top to bottom

The coaching staff obviously but I mean is kid wrong in a way like do you need a coach you you’re a profession Prof in the NBA how many how many years have most of these guys been playing competitive basketball their whole lives do you need a coach to tell you hey guys

Every fourth game we can’t come out and do this it’s it is like every fourth game with this team they come out against a team that they’re supposed to beat that they’re supposed to take care of and it is the NBA you’re going to lose games like that from time to time

But then who does it then who does it come from though because it keeps happening we we just we literally just rattled off three instances where they’ve had these letdown games like this who does does it come from Luca I mean I don’t think Luca is particularly great tonight and if you

Want to say he got hurt you know bomo did fall on his knee and it looked pretty painful so okay that was tough and I I did think that his like he couldn’t walk up the court I I don’t understand why this team if Luca can’t walk like he literally cannot walk there

Was that transition opportunity where he’s trying to run full speed up the floor and it’s it it looks like he’s 45 years old and they take him out of the game immediately and he goes right to the locker room so it’s like okay so the training staff knows the coaching knows

The coaches know that Luc is very hobbled in this game why are we putting him back out there even though in the fourth quarter he did look a lot better but it is just like the energy and stuff sometimes from from Luca in games like

These can be lacking but I I I don’t know who to blame it on I’m not in I’m not in the but I didn’t but I didn’t think that even Luca and Kyrie weren’t showing that kind of effort on defense because usually that’s where it comes from right usually they’re putting in

The effort on offense because they want to just create their own shot and you know they can against a team like this usually but then on defense we see them LAX we see them not get back we see them not get in front of guys and try and

Stay in front of guys and I thought they were putting in that effort so then like where does where does the rest of it come from right like where does the lack of motivation or lack of Huffer Huffer hustle and effort come from when it comes to a game like this after they

Come out of a let down is it everyone just everyone on the team just forgetting like how they got to the win that they just got against the Timberwolves like is it is it that I mean I just you got and I you got to give the the Grizzlies Credit in this

One because I thought they played defense really well and we’ll get into the game plan but I just wanted to start with just like how embarrassing a game like this is and yeah like we could take your approach that you’ve had in past games like ah this is a toilet game the

Problem is they’ve had like six toilet the toilet is is clogging right like they keep having these these big highs and these big lows and it’s like all right can we just like even out here a little bit the toilet game excuse is good when it is literally one game

Because those games happen all the time even toite the the 70 what was the record 749 Timberwolves or whatever it was or uh Warriors lost at home to the Timberwolves when the Timberwolves were terrible like games like those do happen and you can just say all right just one

Of those nights when it is every fourth game it stops becoming one of those nights and it’s a trend and it’s a trend this team had last year and if you want to be a great team this team’s not great right now they’re good they’re a good

Team with a decently high ceiling right with with their two superstars that are incredible but they’re not great but if you want to be a great team these are games you can’t have with any regularity you got to weed these games out you got to figure out whatever it is as a team

Here’s here’s what happens on games like these we we don’t you know we don’t show we show up late or we don’t take shoot around seriously or you know we don’t follow a game plan whatever the case may be because we think we can just go out

There and troll for 48 minutes and win a game but you know whatever it is they need to figure it out as a group as a unit that’s what they need to do and I don’t want to hear anything about rotations lineups minutes any like honestly anything like that because you

Should be able to roll the ball out and play with the group that you have out there that you’ve been playing that same T the same team just beat the Timberwolves the other night so it is on effort it’s on intention and maybe it’s maybe it’s that if your defense requires

Effort you’re going to have games like this because they’re not going to be able to put in effort every time so maybe the maybe the The Biggest Blame goes to just the the scheme of the team is that it’s based on effort and like putting in effort all the time which I

Guess every NBA team in scheme is but if it’s solely based on that then you can’t get up try to get up for it and put your 100% in every single game in the regular season I guess no I mean and you I just watching other teams the league I want

To say this because I know that there are a lot of people out there that just don’t have time to watch other teams play is there’s this large clump of G teams that the Mavericks are in which is just these good teams that aren’t great and those teams have these performances

Frequently like it’s a weird thing in the NBA right now where the great teams are like legitimately great and then you do have these teams that have stinkers all like semif frequently so almost lost to those Pistons yeah and the Kings have lost at home to the Hornets like these

Aren’t like things that are specifically unique to the Mavericks but if you do want to get to that upper echelon of teams you do have to weed games like these out and like you said about the effort thing on defense other teams are on the league like that’s how the

Thunder play defense they don’t have like they have some really good defensive pieces but you know they’re kind of under siiz similar to the Mavs they do have ched obviously but they fly around the court they they tip passes they’re very you know they’re very they’re on a string defensively everyone

Flies around their defense has been struggling mightily lately and it looks like they’re almost similar to how the maps look tonight where they’re just kind of gassed and their energy kind of lacking so I don’t know if it’s just like a January thing and these guys are tired

But yeah it’s you can’t have too many it’s cold it’s cold outside the molecules aren’t like traveling as fast you know when it’s seasonal depression or that the molecules are closer together I don’t know whatever whatever is yeah they’re all sad they’re sad and it’s because we’re trying to the Mavs

Are trying to take that step into that next group we talked about yesterday with Isaac where do you think the Mavs can finish okay they can finish they could finish top three if something goes right well the one thing that has to go right is the Mavs taking that step

Forward and we thought that Timberwolves game was a step forward for this team and then they just take like two steps back with with this lost to the Grizzlies coming up let’s talk about the game plan that the Grizzlies had because I think that it was a good game plan I

Think they stuck to it and I think that there’s some things we can learn from it we’ll talk about that coming up today’s episode brought to you by FanDuel FanDuel sports buck has all kinds of odds and props and lines and right now new customers get 150 bucks in

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Themselves down in a lot of ways in this game the game plan I thought though for the for the Grizzlies was was pretty good and it was good because they had the Personnel to be able to to do it even though they were without honestly like a starting FES worth of players

John marant jiren Jackson Jr Marcus Smart eventually Steven Adams Brandon Clark like they just out so many different players but what they did was they allowed Luca and Kyrie to get any switch they wanted because they could switch with a bunch of because they didn’t have to play they didn’t have any

Centers that like they didn’t feel like could at least stay with Luca and Kyrie Xavier Tillman bismack bomo are both switchable is centers they’re smaller what they’re like 68 69 they’re not that big but they’re they’re big bodies and they can stay with Luca and Kyrie at

Least a little bit and so they allowed they allowed the Mavericks to get Luca and Kyrie just one-on-one against either one of those guys or whoever else it was David Rody too and then they stayed with the shooters so the Mavs didn’t create like any open threes in this game I mean

How many did they take in total it was like 26 27 uh in in basically in regulation before garbage time and eight of those are Lucas seven of those are Kyrie like those are not the like catch and shoot shots the Mavs create off of the attention Luca gets the attention

Kyrie gets they were just not creating any of those types of shots they normally do the Mavs average 403s a game they took 27 in this one and like they just took them out of their game plan with their defense it was a start there yeah and they also shoot more Corner

Threes than anyone they only attempted six Corner threes tonight yeah so uh yeah like you said the Grizzlies did I thought they did a really good job defensively like we can talk about the Mavericks how poor they showed up and how poorly they played because they did

But the Grizzlies did do a legitimately good job they were comfortable with Vince Williams who’s been really good for them they were comfortable with him guarding Luca they were comfortable with Marcus Smart guarding Kyrie and like you said they were comtable with really anybody switching on to those guys when

The Mavericks were trying to get switches and they did a good job and um this is where having even like exom helps out tremendously in games like these where you just have another guy where it’s like all right here’s the ball you go and do stuff too so we have

Three guys now who can do things off the dribble well they tried with Hardy they they kept trying to put Hardy in and kept trying to he just couldn’t get the Hardy just hasn’t had like his driving just hasn’t really his his driving hasn’t been there he loses the ball and

It just doesn’t seem like he has the Rhythm there and his his dribble just seems loose to me yeah um but yeah I mean they they tried with it and they played Luka and Kyrie together a lot this game because they kept trying to put them out there and say all right

Let’s let’s one more shot They even played him into the fourth quarter where it just felt like this game the MS were never going to catch up because they couldn’t defend well enough either but they started the fourth quarter and I was like okay kid is really going to try

And they kept him in until like the three minute Mark until it was garbage time yeah and so those guys even played together a lot so it wasn’t like they weren’t playing the stars together it wasn’t like they were just putting too much pressure on one of the stars or the

Other it was that game plan where they took away threes and Luca and Kyrie if that’s going to be the case those two have to be like excellent you have to be excellent at at at what you do and at uh scoring one-on-one against somebody in

Order for you to win a game like this especially when the when you can’t defend well enough yeah also you just got to like do some like get out and transition a little bit more try to just try to generate easier looks couldn’t get stops yeah the Mavericks couldn’t

Get stops at all could stops and they couldn’t get rebounds at all yeah they uh the Grizzlies got an offensive rebound on 41% of their half court possessions I mean that’s that’s an absurd number an absurd number it’s not like this is a massive Grizzlies Steve especially without Stephen Adams so it

It I mean Tilman was working on the boards and the Mavericks got outmatched there but they they’re not a massive Grizzlies team but they the Mavericks basically because of their injuries to Lively to Maxi I guess a little bit uh omx being in the G League that you know

Tonight like they didn’t Mavs didn’t have any size at all and so it played right into Grizzlies hand where yeah it’s they basically it basically was like two wreck teams where there’s couple of tall guys but then the big dudes the big dudes are the ones that

Are able to rebound so Rody got like seven or eight rebounds Tillman got like 10 rebounds you had those guys that are not tall but they’re just big dudes and they just push the Mavs out of the way Mavs look so small in this game over and

Over again uh and they really miss Derrik Lively honestly if they had Lively but not like Kyrie or Luca they win this game it just seems like that would that would be the difference if you just had one guy that could bust what the the the Grizzlies were trying

To do yeah that and uh a guy who can just be somewhat of a deterrence in the paint they were much better in the in the second half defensively I thought but first half I mean it was just like guys can we like just can we just give

Like an ounce of resistance to to Desmond Bane like are we just gonna let him walk right into the paint just whenever he wants like was the game plan like hey guys Marcus Smart can take layups well layups those are easy shots usually we leave Guys open for threes

Nope he can take layups tonight guys we decided as a team we’re cool with giving up two points every time every time down the floor and then when they couldn’t stay in front of somebody then this is where the effort comes in and the the like paying attention and making sure

Everybody’s like crisp and sharp and like on their toes then if you if somebody gets beat which happens it happens to literally every defender in the NBA basically you’re going to get beat when some pretty much every time it happens like the defense like the rules

Are are made so that a Defender can’t like stay in front of a guy like no matter what you know like they they’ll be called for a foul so when you when you get beat everybody’s got to rotate the right way and the Mavericks were playing catchup I felt all night with

The Grizzlies just passing kicking to the open guy and they they eventually found an open guy the Grizzlies got a bunch of open shots uh and they took with 37 threes and hit 14 of them yeah and they’re they’re one of the worst shooting considering they didn’t have

They don’t have a ton of three-point Shooters out there but Bane got nine smart got eight Vince William Vince Williams Z Williams you know both get five Luke canar gets four Kar gets two like Rody gets two like all of a sudden you’re like okay all these guys are

Starting to get threes then the Grizzlies are the ones creating the open threes which is what I was on with uh with Kelsey Wright from from gr grind media and I was like whoever hits the most threes basically this one’s going to win if the Mavs can create the open

Threes they’ll win if the Grizzlies somehow create more open threes then the Mavs have you know not really a shot because then that’s really taking the Mavs out of their game plan somehow and that’s what happened yeah I mean you do have to tip your cap to the Grizzlies

This is when you would like a coach to kind of step in and be like all right guys we need to run something else we need to run you know some screen some off ball stuff I mean it’s just when when it does get into the iso heavy game

That’s when it really starts to get ugly for the Mavericks because like you said earlier Luke and Kyrie have to just be unbelievable like top of their game tough shot tough shot tough shot tough shot and that’s an impossible ask really every single game you know that’s when

You need to start running hey let’s run some flare screens or let’s get somebody in movement or something or let’s have someone lift from the corner or something like it’s just not a lot of movement happening just to my untrained eye it looked like the Mavericks just

Really struggled to get good looks at all in this game they got out coached yeah they did right like it happens in this game but you also you also like look at this game and go shouldn’t necessarily take coaching if you’re if you have that much more

Talent than the other team don’t like to win this game it was not a good not a good performance not a good one coming up let’s talk about what the Mavs need to do going forward let’s talk about what the Mavs need to do against the

Knicks uh if the Mavericks need to get a power forward in in a trade let talk about some of that kind of stuff coming up oh yeah today’s episode brought to you by better help I think I’m going to need better help after this game I think

I need some therapy to sit down and talk through my feelings about a game like this because just frustrates you so much if you have something in your life that frustrates you it doesn’t matter what it is you everybody’s got something in your life that frustrates you that causes you

Anxiety if you have something that you lay in bed and like look at the ceiling and just can’t stop thinking about over and over again or you’ve got to sit and like write something down because you just got to get a thought out of your

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Your first month again betterhelp lockon NBA all right slightly let’s talk about this Dallas Mavericks team uh the the rumors out there Jake fiser of of Yahoo sports was on a a Toronto Raptor spaces today on on Twitter which is a weird thing to say but he talked about the Mavs are

Still looking for a power forward what are your thoughts on where the Mavericks are with their power forwards Grant Williams was really disappointing tonight I don’t know if it was an injury or something but he ended up only playing seven minutes he was kind of questionable before the game where are

The Mavericks their power forwards and why are they looking for one right now where are they going to get one let’s go let’s do that whole conversation I mean they just they just desperately need more sides I don’t think that’s that much of a secret but it’s it’s weird

Though because you need somebody who does a wide range of thing I I don’t think you you you need to go out and just get a four just for the sake of getting a four like people keep saying like Chris buet to me I I don’t want

Chris buet at all personally I don’t think he’s very good like I just don’t want to trade for a four just for the sake of having a four on the team you need somebody who can do things with the ball in their hands and is going to help

You out defensively which is why SE yakum is like such a feels like a pretty seamless fit for this Mavericks team and even if his shooting numbers have been pretty bad this year they’ve been much better I think since the start of December but uh it is just somebody who

Also changes things for you like in a game like tonight where okay we can’t generate any threes and The Grizzlies are clamping down on those threes all right now we have a guy like seak who can get into the paint and get us actually pretty good looks and has the

Size to finish down there so um somebody like that and in my opinion it’s either needs to be if they’re not going after one of the bigger fishes then I don’t really know what they do because I don’t want to trade anything like significant for a

Stop Gap fix or like a panic trade I wasna say I’ve seen like the PJ Tuckers out there and I’m like I I don’t know maybe that helps with your like culture and maybe that helps get you another vet that’s been deep in the playoffs but I

Don’t know if that one that’s changing my life PJ Tucker yeah oh okay I didn’t know that that was a name that people were floating around well I a four you start you just start to think about fours out there you’re like okay well they’ve talked about seak who you

Mentioned Jeremy Grant Kyle kusma is a name out there but I guess he he would bring some size he’s 69 yeah but and he could defend he defended on that Lakers team he doesn’t really shoot the ball that well I was looking at his numbers today and like

All throughout his college career NBA he shot 36% from three one time in his career but maybe if he comes to the Mavericks and gets some more open threes that changes it like Derrick Jones Jr but even derri Jones Junior now is kind of regressing in that a little but yeah

You’re right that they they just need some size you see in a game like this where if they had one more like omx type four you know they could play and that was viable uh they would change a lot of what about what they do yeah but again

It it can’t just be some one-dimensional guy and maybe you know just having some size would help more but it’s just like remember you have to give up things to get things and the Mavericks do have a limited asset pool hold on say that again you have to guys I don’t know like

Teams know like we can see here like Maxi CA is so wash he’s terrible that contract send Maxi Dwight and Tim Hardway for a max player yeah exactly like it doesn’t work like that and the Mavericks have this weird contract situation with all of their guys they don’t have like real mouthwatering

Expiring like they don’t have guys where teams are like next year right yeah like those aren’t contracts that they have so it’s just kind of this weird situation the Mavs are in where it’s just like if you want to get one of these more one-dimensional rooll guys who’s maybe a

Seventh or eighth man for you but he helps you out with size okay then what are you giving up because you’re probably going to have to overpay for it given your assets is the problem I think just because of your contracts and it’s hard to find guys who fit into the

Expiring that you do have like Amar Keith Morris who’s barely making anything or the $4 million doll trade exception you have yeah this is why I’ve been on the on the case if they’re gonna make a big move it’s going to be this summer where this summer they’ll have

Tim Hardaway and ran Holmes on expiring they’ll have the three picks they’ll you know they’ll have a bunch of stuff that they can put in to try some kind of big trade because they do need to take like one big step forward and it’s got to be

The right piece yeah around Luka around Luka and Kyrie so you think wait let’s go back to you think siakam’s a seamless fit maybe not seamless but I think he would fit pretty well I mean I don’t really see why not and and my my whole

Thing with seaka was I didn’t think the Mavericks had what it took to get him yeah but now as time is starting to progress and some of this siging anywhere yeah I mean I don’t know this trade market could line up to work in the Mavs favor cons if if he is

Comfortable signing here for an extension otherwise it’s a terrible move and you should not do it like you should not mortgage any type of future and trade your depleted whatever depleted trade assets you have left for a guy who’s going to be leaving in four months

Or has the risk to because the Sixers are looming large they have a Max cap spot space in the offseason like they’re a scary team to have in free AG you like the Rockets having money is not that scary to me you shouldn’t sign a player

That has known to have asked for trades before and has said that he’s going to resign a place and then doesn’t resign a place and then you know has like bounced around from teams yeah they shouldn’t resign a player like that and maybe lose him in four months

Yeah they shouldn’t be doing that they just did that with Kyrie yeah but Kyrie I knew from the moment it happened that they were comfortable I believed in them different different story Nico had that relationship with him since the you know since high school kid and all that kind

Of stuff that’s that’s a different scenario the SE yakum though he wants the ball in his hands I can’t get I can’t get past that where he wants the ball and I don’t know how much he’s going to get it with Luca and Kyrie he

Will when one of them sits or when one of them’s out like obviously he’ll have that but I can’t get past that and he would definitely make the team better obviously right he would come in and bring a lot of things but yeah I’m just I’m I’m stuck

On I’m stuck on that to see if he would be happy in Dallas which maybe he would be I think he would I mean I I don’t see why he’s currently averaging 16 shots a game this year I think that you can you can find 16 shots in this M’s offense

Right yeah I think pretty comfortably how many is Tim averaging Tim’s Tim barely shot tonight like that was actually a reason why if the Mavs can’t get Tim Hardway Jr going the offense kind of sputters Tim’s at 14 shots a game we could get seak 16 I think pretty

Comfortably well is seak happy with where he is how many shots he’s getting right now I don’t know about that maybe that’s why I mean is it the reporting that he wants to stay that’s why this has all been confusing to me now I think I think it’s all I’ve talked to Shawn

Woodley of lock down Raptors with this it all feels like it’s a leverage play from sakam side to get a bigger signing this off season right like to try and to try and be like I want to stay I’m not g to sign anywhere else like to try and

Keep pushing them and pushing them forward but how yeah I don’t know well that and it makes sense because he does have leverage because if it’s like well if you want to trade me because he is eligible for that fiveyear Max isn’t he which is is a contract I don’t really

Feel super comfortable giving out to him but if he gets traded to a team and wants to be with the team that he feels comfortable signing that contract with because then he hits free agency and he makes less money I don’t know uh if if the price is right I’m all for

It he he makes less years he would be be signed to five with the Raptors but it would be four if he I guess yeah signed with any like signed outright with the Sixers next summer or something like that yeah um but yeah it’s tough we’ll

See uh I’m still I’m standing on one I don’t I don’t think zakum gets traded at all that’s my ultimate prediction I just it’ be such a rapor thing to happen to trade OJ and anobi out of nowhere and not trade seak yeah plus they could

Always just sign him and then trade him again in I trade them down the line if that’s what they want to do or and two I just I don’t think we get a big Mavs move I just don’t especially after games like tonight it sucks because you really

Want one you’re like okay they desperately need to do something they’ll do something I think they will something like I think they’ll they’ll have some kind of trade uh but maybe it’ll be like you know a small a smaller Type move have you seen have you seen the the

Memes going around that compare Grant Williams to dlan Wright and Josh Richardson did you see did you see that tonight I did see it yes do you do you buy that that he’s he’s now falling into that category of a defensive player you bring in that you’re really excited for

Fills a position of need and then all of a sudden it’s just been really disappointing I saw somebody say how did we I saw somebody say how did we make a trade where we traded away Reggie bulock and we lost the trade come on still not still not true by the way

They did lose his Island they lost Reggie Block’s Island his like like literal physical Island and if you lose that in a trade I mean you lose the trade but true true you are like probably losing just in terms of land value you are losing there that trade but

Uh in terms of tax dollars that come back just give me some more time with Grant he was limping I I did see I’m I’m Gonna Keep Believing in Grant I it’s it’s it’s maybe my it’s maybe my uh my my toxic trait it’s it’s

Maybe my red my red flag that I still believe in Grant and Josh like I’m still well you’re not trading Grant right now I’m telling you that right now the the chances of Grant being traded are very slim very unless unless they just need to throw in a contract but they could

Just throw Maxi he’s making the same amount of money so I just think it’s very slim Grant gets traded not not I don’t want him to or anything I I mean I really don’t but well you don’t want to trade somebody at their lowest value either that just doesn’t make any sense

Either so there you go that’s who’s to blame for this team for this team lost tonight against the Grizzlies an awful one uh tomorrow we’ll talk more about the Mavs trades I think I’m go through some of the power forwards if everybody keeps talking about power forwards let

Me just bring up a bunch of them on the show tomorrow and uh we’ll talk about those and then uh maybe some good guests coming up this week we’ll talk about that a little later guys thanks much for listening to lock on Mavs peace out Boom

Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, and the Dallas Mavericks lost to the Memphis Grizzlies who were without Ja Morant, Jaren Jackson Jr. and more… It’s another letdown loss for Jason Kidd and the Mavs, how do they keep happening?

Nick Angstadt @LockedOnNBA & Slightly Biased @SlightlyBiased react to the Dallas Mavericks’ brutal loss to the Memphis Grizzlies and explain how Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, and the Mavs keep losing games like this.

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  1. refs was the 6th man on griz roster… and luka was lost and mad. half of mavs roster are not nba players at all… kidd is 🗑 coach… he is an ex player not a coach material…

  2. MAvs must do trade for two players like Green and Holms and 1st round for one big forward like DFS and one playable strong big body PF/C like Day Ron Sharpe both from Brooklyn… they would win games like with easy even if they miss Livelly and Kleber…

  3. I'm just wattching. They play….. why do they need a head coach? Put a group of people on the court and watch. This is really good job! And yes, GM too! Promisses of being contenders is a joke and show for fans, but blow up of Luka's potential.

  4. How? Quite simple – relying on a single decent big man, having a roster where nobody at 3/4/5 outside of that guy can grab a rebound, poor effort and terrible coaching.

  5. A couple of days ago Mavs had the best Win against one of the best teams in the league in the Timberwolves to having one of the worse losses to one of the worse teams in the Grizzlies. Nick was so sure the Mavs would Win 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭

  6. Jason Kidd is and has been their biggest problem period!!! Hopefully the new ownership sees him as the coaching fraud he is and has always been. Kidd has NEVER won anything at any level as a coach and his career numbers put him in the mediocre to lowsy coaching ranks. I can't stand his odd rotations and starting lineups at the most in opportune times. His refusal to call timeouts when teams are making big runs has always been an issue with him as well. This is also the worst defensive team I've seen in Mavs history. Kidd MUST go!!!

  7. When you tend to loose to bad teams, it's usually a morale problem from within a team. With healthy morale, you gather up enough motivation. If Kidd doesn't like morale-care as a job description, just add somebody else. Like Boby =)).

  8. Yes Slightly it should came from a coach to get them motivated…. so please stop with the praise of Jason Kidd cos he is one of the worst coaches in the league…. he should be fired on spot… so yes please stop with your bad takes….

  9. J Kidd dude does not know nothing about motivation and leadership and coaching style leadership. Whatta the actual F I'm witnessing? Hire DOC RIVERS NOW

  10. I need to highlight the fact that we gave up an unprotected pick swap to facilitate sign and trade of Grant Williams. Lets say that Luka eventually demands a trade or leaves in free agency. This may very well end up a very high pick.

  11. The team is not talented enough to win a game without effort. They lose every trap game there is. I hope they show a reaction vs the knicks. I am sorry for everybody who showed up in the arena. The home crowd deserves better.

  12. It's been clear since forever THJ, green, Grant have no consistency, As best 15 minutes players coming from bench caliber. That means paying them 5 million as most. That is their value.

    THJ, Hardy and Seth are terrible percentage shooters, especially what is no catch and shoot 3pt.

    With Exum and Lively team is way better. But all players seem to get injured every second week. Fragile much

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