@Golden State Warriors

UNDISPUTED | Skip Bayless reacts to Warriors Draymond Green almost retired until Adam Silver prevent

UNDISPUTED | Skip Bayless reacts to Warriors Draymond Green almost retired until Adam Silver prevent

Draymond Green said on his podcast that he was going to retire until Commissioner Adam Silver talked him out of it this is what Draymond had to say I just told him Adam is too much for me like it’s too much like this is too much it’s all becoming

Too much for me and I’m going to retire and Adam said uh you’re making a very rash decision and I won’t let you do that you know we had a long great conversation very helpful to me very thankful uh to play in a league with a commissioner like Adam uh who’s more

About helping you than hurting you or helping you than punishing you or you know he’s more about the players okay so Kean you know Draymond your response to what he said on his podcast well when I first heard that he was going to retire the first thing I said

Thought about retiring first thing I said is that was a thought going through his mind because it’s a lot he’s got to deal with a lot he just it’s a lot so in the end just like he just said it’s like I gota deal with this I got man I might

As well just retire those are the type of conversations and I’m sure commissioner silver was like y you know just hold on let us work with you let figure it out because clearly I’m laughing because he got about $90 million is so still due to him right he’s got the three years that’s

Left at the 77 plus whatever he’s uh going to finish up earning this year I just can’t see and I love this professional athletes when they say I’m a retire I just you just don’t walk away man it just doesn’t work like that when you have that type of money sitting

There no matter what your situation is the money is this your money you getting ready to just give the NBA back a100 million do no you don’t do that this isn’t I’m broken down I’m at the end I can’t walk anymore and even when they can’t walk anymore at the end they’ll

Sit on the end of the and collect the checks you’re not giving it back so I can I I understand his thought process skip as to maybe this is something that I want to do but it’s just I can’t do it and Adam Silver kind of tells him say

Look we’re gonna get you what you need and let’s just figure this out and so he’s back in Golden State that’s how I see it I I love Draymond he’s one of the mo most authentic and genuine and organic uh human beings he’s speaking the truth

You know and I think this situation he felt like he was speaking the truth but Adam Silver is speaking rationally you know Draymond is speaking emotionally in a moment and and I think Adam Silva recognized that and said hey just calm down take a deep breath take a couple

Days decompress and let’s make a ra make a decision with thought behind it instead of saying hey I’m emotional I got suspended I got all this stuff going on I’m done because you never were done and you would have regretted that decision and I think the point that I

Made before about this Draymond situation I still think it’s more stuff going on off the court that’s affecting on the court I know everybody sitting there like oh I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on his personal life but I know what it looks like when there’s

Outside pressures on a human being and even with what he’s saying in this conversation it seems like there’s outside pressures going on because you’re saying I can’t handle all this it’s like can’t handle all what you can’t handle getting suspended for something you did on the cour or you

Can’t handle this on top of the other things that you have going on you know kind of putting your life in this space where you’re saying man like everything’s kind of falling down on me at one time I need a break and and I think Adam Silver maybe they had a

Conversation that went deeper and he really maybe shed light on some of the things that he had going on and Adam was probably like Hey we’re not we’re not trying to punish you we’re trying to help you we’re trying to recognize the situation and trying to get you better

Okay I appreciate that I appreciate everything that draymond’s brought to those Championship Warriors teams I’ve missed watching them play I enjoy watching him play but my one takeaway here is I don’t think it’s it’s time to go poor Draymond I I don’t think it’s time to turn him into a sympathetic figure

Here because here’s the truth about him he is the biggest cheap shot artist in the history of the NBA and it ain’t even close if you go look at the YouTube videos of years and years of just astonishing shocking cheap shot after cheap shot after cheap shot you say

That’s that’s just crazy that it was time for Draymond to take some time away and I don’t know if this is enough time or not but I I’m with Richard maybe there’s something else going on lately off the floor that he needed to address

But but I it’s it’s not time for for me at least I I don’t as a huge basketball fan I don’t have sympathy for him I don’t think he’s turn he needs to be turned into on his podcast a sympathetic figure I I think it’s just good that

He’s had some time to try to figure all this out because that behavior is completely out of control and it was at the very end when he finally had to take his sabatical but what made you what made you say that skip what what did he say

On his podcast that would make you think oh who am I I was thinking of retiring well okay but but that’s not the just being real yeah he was just he just being real skip because again those sort of things as a player you think about

Like you say man I think I’m I think I’m done Richard man I don’t think I want to play anymore and then you have that conversation and I think that’s what he was doing with Alam silver aligning everything letting him know hey man I got this over here going this over

I think I just want to call it quits yeah okay all right fair enough we do need to then talk about you guys Lakers up next have they finally figured it out they ready to go play college basketball or something

UNDISPUTED | Skip Bayless reacts to Warriors Draymond Green almost retired until Adam Silver talked him out of it


  1. Draymond Green does not need Therapy, therapy wont cure him. It’s encoded into his genetics, he’s born that way. The only way to prevent it from not happening again in NBA is to remOVE him permanently , 😜😱

  2. Draymond played Adam like a fool this is the BS like someone saying I’m gonna kill myself begging for attention to get back on the court

  3. I call BS this is more to change the narrative of the whole story and make this the talk about coming back not about his behavior.

  4. Sucker punched and kicks people then says “it’s too much for me”, I would’ve respected it more if he just said “yeah I did that, so what?”

  5. 1) Sorry but Keshaun is an idiot. Always has been. Always will be. He seems ti believe that athletes are no more than emotionless money-making machines.

    2) Adam Silver is speaking from a position of *profit*. He knows that he's making massive mistakes with not just Draymond, but with the Warriors as well. The Warriors franchise is a $7 Billion+ enterprise!!!! If Draymond retires, what do people think the rest of the Warriors will do. What effect do people think more Hall of Fame stars retiring in mass will do to the league?

    3) The second dude on the panel is also flat out wrong.

    What's going on…on the court, is the league attempting to artificially prop up the younger generation of player at the expense of the previous generations. The Warriors are an anomaly that just keeps winning, and even the horribly officiating refs can barely contain them. Bottomline is the BS going on …on the court; which is why in Draymond's presser he stated that it felt good just to be with his family. Because dealing with the league is just "too much".

    4)Lastly, Skip Bayless is Skip Bayless.
    He hates EVERYTHING about the Warriors, let alone one a player like Draymond.

  6. Retiring? Please do so. The beautiful game of basketball (with young kids watching too) will not miss you, prime Curry and prime Klay made you look good and that's about it….and stop playing victim card, those who you punched are victims. Now stop ruin this beautiful game, just declare retirement and go enjoy your life, you are already a Mr multi-millionaire.

  7. Draymond an attention seeker bruh he just want sympathy, fuck that. We not missing nothing if he retire anyway 😭

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