@Los Angeles Clippers



All the way ooh ooh Euro time hold on KD hold on kzle it pull out the allord boy K it man see say turn out man listen man we got the Clippers first the Suns amen it should be real good game you already know we going to do the

Stats at the end of the video make sure you stay tuned for that also you already know your boy going remain unfired throughout this whole game we going to enjoy this game together but listen if I got a B on the team I had to go with the Clippers man

I’m might to go with the Clippers hold on is that Kevin Durant I didn’t see KD back that boy k d oh we got the big three here oh hold on bro listen wait wait wait wait wait wait wait is we about we about to finally have the big

Three versus the big three oo Li I mean I’m still got to go to clippers but hold on though I if I if I saw Kevin Durant and Bill here I would have been like I I hesitated a little bit on my decision hold on though this

Going to be a good game right here all right I’mma still go with the clippers but we G to see how it turn out bro big three versus Big Three this this be going crazy let’s go Kevin Durant off B us come on yeah we get we

Getting straight to it man that boy K jel where you been at B dog look though Allan us for the three all right then son son Sons coming out here splashing so far got Russell goldber in there let’s bully it up yeah okay pass out to zubar with a

Vicious slam okay yeah all right zuu nice little set up let no Gordon pass it back Allen all the way back to Booker oh that’s tough us come on that’s B bucket Booker y’all left that man wide smack open like that Westbrook thought about it they g

Go all the way up top nice set up to that boy zuu nice Booker got oh he going to skate to the side could have drew a foul but look he’s still going to Splash it nonetheless he ain’t got to worry about it man that’s Buck

Your Booker PG okay oh he’s going to shoot over him oh my God yo Booker he bit say you too little my boy he straight up shot over you like that one second left throwing it up there and Oh I thought he hit that for a second I

About to say boy but look man pass it out pass all the way back Gordon for three Bine ski they get stay to it then listen second quarter tie ball game Harden dropped that shoulder on that boy threw it up there give him and one stone finish the bu beard man let get

Right Kawai inside that boy Ty with a nice slam I like it it’s a nice way to start off hold on now pass it back KD mid-range come on you know that’s water that’s water every time bro nasty’s mid-range game in the whole NBA

But all the way o o that Euro a t hold on KD we back going getting rzy hold on K Dizzle they pull out the allord that boy K dle they get right boy he going hey he back going crazy right now PG oh boy skated bro that was the

Longest stride ever saw from an NBA player Man created so much space off that was in all right bro that was crazy but look po yeah of course then come on he he why smack open boy y’all crazy y’all crazy two minutes to go for half time

Man Clippers up by like a cool like like six points right now be all the way to the rim he’s gonna force that in over Harden that’s kind of it’s kind of tough Hardin going him bully up like that bro let’s get some get bag yeah you already know what time it

Is beard you know what time it is yes sir nerkish got it try to Bull it up inside oh got denied by zubba Harden got it let’s push the pace he might pull up he oh he thought about pulling up but all the way to the rim pass it back the

Man all the way back to PG yep B ski PG13 I boy wrestle goat Brook going crazy on the side right now po that was an awful pass bro you Wilding on that got it though with a bit slam on the other end all right man less than 50 seconds

Left for halftime power with a nice little pump fake and us come on we going to pull that right there nice come on at the half time and Clippers up by nine inside the zubar that’s that’s a mismatch never mind man wi smack open w smack open man he waiting on

It buet Booker just going up on a DME B hey that boy bucket Booker okay hey they get they get straight to it then bro I see you I see you man KD I don’t know what you was doing right there but got stri for that ball Kawai 101 what a nice

Slam Booker didn’t even he a even try to play no defense on that he just stay just stared at him B though all the way uh some nice trick oroo action in the air kind of tough line nice finish though PG-13 going pull up mid-range it’s crispy

Crispy hey man Clippers trying to pull away a little bit K dizle just hit that incredible shot give him one St finish hold on bro all right bro you you you different bro I ain’t going to lie you different Booker mid-range yeah I mean never there not really much you can do about

That three minutes to go in the third Booker b o had Westbrook lost oh my God that was nasty he had Westbrook lost on that yeah but smiling off of that yeah that was tough PG back to Westbrook going catch a body never mind at to zubot O going to

Get it up in in come on all right he almost stepped on buddy while he was on the ground for a second what we doing okay Booker oh pass nice passing side nice all right bro son need to get back into this game one minute to go on the

Third Booker all the way pass it out wide smacky us come on that man bit was wide smack opening the corner I don’t know what y’all was thinking on that pass it out Westbrook let’s catch your body never mind zubar easy easy man zubot hey that Westbrook and zubot can

Actually be crazy bro it’s like he always end up finding finding uh zubot somehow be all the way with a nice little leg point game fourth quarter K Dizzle pulling up on a dime you know what time it is okay hey Durant Durant about to Durant about to single handly get his

Team back into this game hold on Kawai mid-range us that’s hey that’s deadly bro that’s deadly bro Booker double team on Booker Booker got straight rip for that ball got it if they bullied you for that ball bro Harden got it pass to Kawai he is wide

Smack open brid my boy Ty out the cut with a slam that boy Ty though kaai ooh spin move crispy us that was smother I ain’t going to lie that was some good defense hand all in his face Clippers up by 20 right now this is getting out this is getting outlandish a

Little bit coffee oh my God okay this is getting outlandish bro that was actually a close game now they 20 balling getting active right now hold on they got okay they stri that boy for the ball K Dizzle all the way come on all righty got stra poked in the eye right

There Harden 20-point lead inside the ti pass it back out coffee pump face all the way to the rim and the tricker real Ash to get it in man yo Clippers just got activated all the way right now Booker mid-range crispy hey bro I’m not going to lie to y’all

Bro this is this this was such a close game I don’t know what happened I I don’t know what happened boy I swear this was such a close game this got outlandish out of nowhere it’s a nice finish got stay on your feet though buto almost broke your own

Ankles boys getting them boys getting a borderline 30 ball right now it’s a nice finish yeah this is crazy them boys really getting borderline 30 ball oh yeah yes that’s tough hold on he learn that from James Hardy he said yeah James Hardy teaching me about that step back

Man yo I’m might play the stashi them boys is 30 balling right now this is actually insane like what the heck is going on like TR to P out this stash sheet man 30 balling big three versus Big Three 30 balling that’s tough that’s M tough line

You know what I’m saying hold on bro uh uh okay I got it wait it load up okay it did load up all right I got I got I got the uh I got the stat sheet for y’all boys man this is this is wild I’m ready

To see how many points everybody got man Clippers took it let’s go look at the stat sheet we got our boy Paul George 25 point7 rebounds we got that boy Harden 19 points 10 assists seven rebounds okay zubot 19 points eight rebounds three assists nice all right go over to the

Suns what we got uh Durant 30 point7 rebounds two assist hey at least he did his thing bro uh Booker 20 points five assists and then we got uh Bill 15 points three rebounds two assists hey hope y’all boy enjoy this video If you watching this right now appreciate you

See you in the next video bro b



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