@Miami Heat

lol wife punching air right now

lol wife punching air right now

by Random_Thinker007


  1. PlumAccomplished2509

    Spo: “I won….but at what cost?”

  2. Psychological-Bee392

    Hahahha I knowwwww. I sorta love how Spo signed this deal after he just got divorced. Actually. I don’t sorta love it. I love it.

  3. BagelFury

    Good for you, Spo. Let that.trollop wallow in regret as she gets wined and dined by part time bartenders and bargain basement realtors at Chili’s and La Carretta

  4. Constantinooo

    “Hey” “Congratulations for the new contract”
    “Do you have time to meet?”. 🤣🤣

  5. WhoopingKing

    is this in 09? he’s wearing what looks like a zoom 3

  6. Off topic, but man that pullover with MIAMI across the chest is 🔥🔥. I had one and wore that thing into the ground, one of my favorite pieces of HEAT gear I’ve ever owned, and I’ve had a few lol

  7. Smokin_on_76ers_Pack

    Y’all acting like that child support check ain’t about sky rocket

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