@Chicago Bulls

What to Expect for the Bulls at Trade Deadline w/Salim Sutterwalla

What to Expect for the Bulls at Trade Deadline w/Salim Sutterwalla

Welcome in everyone you were listening to Bull Central uh it’s been a while since I’ve had a guest on the channel and today I’m joined with me by a great podcaster longtime diard Bulls fan uh him and his co-host Edward of uh one of the longest standing Bulls podcasts out

There uh you know him for his great work uh on the Bulls gold podcast it’s my pleasure to welcome to the show Saleem suterwala of the Bulls gold podcast Sim thanks for coming on my man I appreciate you making the time grandal really appreciate you having me on man I love your work

You’ve been doing a great job just uh on both the bull side and the NBA side your your channels have been doing some uh great content and it’s always fun to interact with you and it was really fun meeting up with you finally uh again

Thank you for for asking me to come to the game with you we went to the Magic game uh that was a really it was a really fun time even uh I mean it was it was rough in the beginning and then they came back and almost won but uh it I

Just doesn’t work out that was that was a weird that was a weird game because and and and they basically did a repeat against the Magic in the following Game In the End season tournament right where it’s like they started out horribly I think they had 33 points in both first

Halves and then they ended up coming back and taking the lead in the not in the game we were at the second game they ended up taking the lead and then they they blew it obviously and then yeah the game we were at they tied it at the very

End everyone was uh going crazy and then to be let down by a palano game winner yeah but it was still fun it’s always fun to go to a Bulls game yeah for sure and if I remember Zach actually hit a hit a couple of clutch shots late right

If uh I remember correct he tied it yeah yeah uh and then uh yeah bu Caro got away with a travel against that was another another uh last two minute report uh telling the Bulls that the ref stole a win from them yeah it happens it happens you know uh I forgot

To mention if you haven’t already be sure to give selem a follow on Twitter Saleem orbg Hoops again check out the Bulls gold podcast I’ll leave all link to all that in the description like I said him and Edward they do a great job on their show they have a lot of great

Guests um now like we were talking about the game that we met up right that was that sort of the the peak of the uh Zack LaVine drama I think it was the day before when the news came out you know both Zack and the Bulls were open to

Finding him a new home uh the Bulls were playing horribly at that time um you know s and myself we were talking about you know what in the world is this team GNA do you know they’re a complete mess throughout the game um but sim a lot has

Changed since then since that game uh the Bulls have started making some strides in the right direction guys are playing better they’re playing better style of basketball although I wasn’t as impressed in the most recent two games against the Hornets which maybe we’ll talk about um the younger guys are

Finally starting to show signs of growth and progress ression here and there um granted I still think changes need to be made um we’ll talk about that but what has stood out to you most from the Bulls um and how they’ve been playing so far

You know at least since that five and 14 initial run so obviously I mean I feel like the last five games have been a little rough on offensive side overall but like before that without Zach and seeing like the ball movement uh how quick like so

How they want how Billy wanted them to play coming into the season where they have a lot of quick uh decision making when you come consider the fact when you’re looking at uh pass shoot shoot pass uh Drive type of quick decisions being bang bang bang decisions uh they’re doing that uh they

Were doing that that is and obviously we saw the break out of kind of a Kobe white uh we saw Patrick Williams starting to really get it together and uh granted he obviously didn’t have the same box score numbers as Kobe did but I think you saw a lot better uh activity

From him I think the shot mostly started falling for him again but yeah those are some of the things that really started sticking out and obviously I think defensively they were starting to kind of get cohesive together again as well obviously I mean know not trying to not

Trying to drown Zach here but I think the way he was playing uh both on on both ends of the Court really he was kind of playing selfishly so kind of taking that equation out of the off the team the defense got better the offense like I said was free flowing uh got

Better so they were playing as a fun cohesive unit I’m curious to get your thoughts and I know it’s a small sample size uh have you noticed a difference in Zach’s overall play in just these you know last two games uh since he’s returned it’s been uneven I feel like so

The first game I thought that was was arguing his best game of the season when you consider both ends of the Court like yeah he was he was really lock defensively yeah and and people you know people talk about well how about that Pistons game against when he had 50 I

Really did not appreciate that game from ja mostly because I’m with you too he was he was just gunning uh he he he wasn’t moving the ball he wasn’t like getting easier looks for his teammates he was just on the defense was non existent I mean they lost by what like I

Can’t remember that’s by double digits to freaking Pistons yeah um so like that that to me wasn’t a game that I would say damn this is a really good signature uh Zach game where he is being a Difference Maker he being an Allstar he was just kind of you know hey I’m

Getting mine and that’s all I care about right now uh and so I in a respect of that like this game for sure for felt to me like yeah he that first game back that this was like his best game when he was engaged defensively he was putting

In that effort that we’ve seen him make improve to the last couple of seasons and then offensively I think he you saw a a little bit more uh uh effort and and ability in him from trying to play Within the structure of the offense I mean there’s certain things that Zach

Just doesn’t have a feel for uh you saw a little bits of it where he’s uh instead when he gets a ball he like he does that little pump fake inste of just shooting or or making a quick drive and then he kind of gets into isolation mode

That’s just kind of a habit of his and it’s something he does but I think we saw a little bit better uh decisionmaking overall and then the second game I you know I don’t want to I don’t want to put too much into it just because you know he is coming back after

A long layoff yeah so it could have bit played a part into it but it was kind of you know an an uneven performance from him in my opinion on that second Hornets game uh but yeah that that’s just been my overall assessment of the two games

From Zach so far yeah and you for me uh the first game I thought was was good like you mentioned I think he was very engaged defensively um he contributed in offense in in good ways the second game I wasn’t as impressed and again like you were

Mentioning we kind of have to keep in mind he’s been off for a while it takes a little bit to kind of get your win back up and get back into the flow of the game um I think the thing that had me most concerned about the last one and

I talked about it in my postgame video is that there’s just something about the offense that doesn’t gel well and I’m not saying that that’s on Zach right against like when he’s out there it’s it’s it’s Zach’s fault it’s just that the the offensive flow is not as

Cohesive as you would like to see based on you know those first 19 games or so like not sorry the first 19 games what we saw that I felt was kind of a repeat of what happened last night in the game against the Hornets that was the only

Thing that bothered me is because is like I don’t want to go back to that cuz that was really rough basketball to watch and there were good things that happened in that game last night too but it’s like this is the Hornets team completely depleted you know they don’t

Have their best players Lamela ball Gordon Hayward PJ Washington was out of the lineup that should have been a blowout they should have been early garbage time and then they wi it overtime and I’m not putting it all in Zach because you know dear had you know

Some miscues at the end right there’s too much isolation ball for him and almost cost the Bulls of the game but there’s just the way that the offense was flowing last night had me a little bit worried and I think that was the biggest thing was it’s like I don’t know

Like what what’s what’s going to happen because we got the trade dieline which we can talk about it’s less than a month away no trades have been made by the Bulls so far anyway we’re recording this uh Tuesday evening what do you want to see from this team as we approach the

Deadline and do you think that there is a world where Zach could still remain on the team beyond the deadline as the Zach Saga has gone on uh from the moment that you know trade requests happened to now uh seeing how like Rock Bottom his trade values gotten

I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s still on the team uh because like I look at that conversation with the Lakers and and it’s and it’s DLo and ruy haimura and I’m like uh I do not like ruy I can live with whatever I do not want DLo on the

Team um like he’s like Z but like but he’s like the worst parts of Zach Amplified yeah so like I don’t I don’t want him on a team I don’t want him taking minutes from Kobe I don’t want him taking minutes from IO you know all

That stuff I don’t I don’t I don’t want that on on this roster and then like I said you don’t really get a lot of future assets I don’t even know if that pick would be involved that 2029 pick right and again it’s a Lakers so the

2029 pick getting from a Lakers team that is kind of famous for quick rebuilds uh this being able to snag any superstar that they want it’s like that might as well could be like a late first round pick for you know for essentially an All-Star caliber player so I I think

With the way he that his values gone I could see him uh still being on the roster after the trade deadline it would be disappointing uh in that sense but it’s kind of been like a a situation where uh the Bulls and the Zach and Zach have done this to themselves like you

Know AK started this what like a year ago uh that during the last trade deadline where he was shopping him this offseason he was shopping him um you know he probably had an opportunity to offload Zach and get something of return for him but he kept saying no I want to

Wait wait wait and then all the bad blood came came about and that kind of just tanked his value um and then as far as like what I would like to see like yeah I would like to see like AC traded uh get capitalize on that uh you know

That uh the value that you have and you can probably get a couple of first rounders for him Demar I’m well I would see like if you can get value for him I would do it but I wouldn’t just dump Demar for any random like role players

Just because he does bring value as a ball handler um taking that pressure off of Kobe and and and Pat and giving them a Mentor in no sense so it makes sense to maybe keep him around and obviously V I don’t think he’s going anywhere just

Because that contract is a is a tough sell for a lot of teams but like yeah just kind of a reset to kind of get some future assets you have a couple of young players um you know you go into the off season maybe you get a better pick add

Another young good young guy to this roster reassess and maybe even 2025 you can not necessarily tank I don’t like to use the word tank because I’m not for that you know Pistons type of uh tanking that they’re doing or like you know some of the teams that have done in the past

Like you know the famous process Sixers right um I I’m not for that kind of stuff uh but don’t get me wrong at the same time I would love to get uh Cooper flag who’s supposed to be the number one pick in 2025 yeah uh so I wouldn’t be

Opposed to like some kind of rebuild where you’re trying to add that type of caliber player but yeah I mean I look at this team and I’m at I’m at a p point where it’s like I just don’t see the point of trying to be like a playing Team you know I think

It’s it’s time to prioritize some future uh Team Building aspects too what do you think there is a world where they could be even for this season better than a play in team because I I mean I look at the standings right it’s like there’s five game difference between you know

Where they’re at Ninth versus eighth but then fourth through eight they’re all they’re all even out right now I mean there’s a world where they could make some meaningful progress in the standings with an easier schedule which they have an easier schedule ahead of them do you think there is a world where

They could actually be somewhat competitive granted meaning moves would be need to be made at the trade deadline yeah I’m it’s tough like you look at I I Feel Like New York is going to play a lot better now since that OG trade they they have been playing they

Better since that OG trade um like are the Cavs gonna stay where they are I feel like they’re too talented to just kind of hover around where they’re you know where they’ve been I feel like the Pacers are probably going to make a move they’ll get better um but they’re I mean

They’re they’re a really good team as is you know they’re going to continue to be competitive I think magic you’ll see them fall a little bit but I don’t know how much further they fall so it’s hard for me to see the Bulls really catch like Beyond being staying in that

Playing area like they would almost have to start winning at like a 60 win Pace um and that’s tough and granted the Bulls do have a I think they have like the second the LA like easiest like strength of schedule for the remaining of the season but yeah I just it’s hard

For me to see them being able to like pass and get into like the top six where you avoid that playin situation that’s something I always have to like remind people of sometimes right because it’s like yeah it looks like oh they’re only five games back but you

Also have to remember the other teams need to start losing in addition to the Bulls winning right to actually make that type of jump it’s a big ask um and and again it’s that that hole that really you know the Bulls started off the season that they’re really going to

Have a hard time you know digging themselves out of um I did want to talk you know about Zack LaVine a little bit more you know obviously the guy that’s been in trade rumors the most everyone’s been firing up the trade machine you know what can they get for Zach um I

Guess maybe I’ll ask it a different way in terms of your approach and what you would want to see at the deadline what do you think actually happens at the deadline for the Bulls because I think some people are kind of skeptical of this front office and whether or not

They’ll actually do something do you think that there is a possibility that they just kind of stand Pat and do nothing like they’ve done the last two trade deadlines I mean there there’s always a possibility for that um because yeah like you said they they not only

Last two deadlines but in the sense they’ve generally stood Pat like they’ve had what like four opportunities to really shake up this roster when you consider offseason and they’ve done minimal uh you know transactional moves uh just kind of in the offseason just working around the margins uh which I

Feel like they failed on as for on those moves as well I mean Drummond was a good move but Goran didn’t work out that well outside for that hot month that he had in the beginning of season right uh Javon Carter their big signing has not

Really been you know what we thought he would be uh Tory Craig unfortunately to no fault of his own has I mean you know he’s out right now through injury so yeah it’s very likely that they don’t do anything because that’s what they’re prone to do what I would like to see

Them do is combine Zach and AC to a teams like the Warriors yeah like they’re they really want to win right um teams like the Warriors even like Kings you look at some of these teams uh that are are that are trying to uh get up in

The standings and keep up in like the Wild Wild West uh you you can try to maybe from the Warriors get like moody kaminga maybe a couple of pcks uh take on Chris Paul’s contract maybe or I don’t know maybe Wiggins like he has like a year left so not only would you

Kind of cut salary in long term but you get some young guys get some picks send them Z in AC to help them you know compete in in this window that you know they still have this alltime great player and staff to try to really compete and win there uh Kings too I

Don’t know how much they would be willing to give up I feel like you probably have less uh like players that you can get in return like you probably have to sell for like hoter and like Barnes and maybe a couple of picks but I

I do like that like like I said that Warriors package uh more more ideally like if like I said if you packet Zack and AC uh to send over there I think that’s the only way you’re going to get a meaningful return for Zack cavine is

If you attach Alex kuso to the deal um a team like the Warriors you mentioned they’ve expressed interest in kuso before well a lot of teams have expressed interest in Caruso um I think the only thing that gives me a little bit pause and I’ve talked about this

Before I really don’t want to trade Caruso unless it’s for a significant hle so something like you mentioned if it’s like kaminga Moody you get two picks in the deal um you mentioned taking on Chris Paul’s contract or maybe it’s even you know Klay Thompson he’s on an

Expiring deal um something like that yes there I mean I feel like there’s a lot of people it’s like uh you got to trade Kusa because his value is at an all-time high yes I if if you can get a significant haul in my view and and I

I’m in the minority in this and and I know that but for me I value so much in terms of what he brings from an energy perspective um you know the voice that that he is in the locker room the vocal presence um veteran leadership all that

Kind of stuff I think that’s even valuable on a young rebuilding team right like if the Bulls were to trade Zach dear vevi I think there would still be tremendous value in having a player like Caruso on this team just for the young guys I kind of think back to you

Know the initial rebuild after they traded away Jimmy Butler you had all the you know marinan Wendell Kobe um I mean granted coaching wasn’t the best but it’s like you need to still have those veteran voices on the team to help guide those younger players and Caruso is the

Perfect type for that right because he he doesn’t have much of an ego he doesn’t have to have the ball in his hands um you know it’s like I that’s what gives me pause about trading Kus so even though I know it makes sense right it’s like he’s on a team-friendly

Contract his value is high if you’re not going to win now you might as well try to shop him but that’s the thing that the biggest thing it gives me pause what would be sort of your like what’s the minimum you would be okay with G with uh

With trading for kuso because I feel like there is a point where it’s like ah it’s not worth trading him and you might as well just keep him like a a solid young player and a first round pick okay I think is something I would do like you can get

Like and and obviously young player a is a broad term because there’s young players can you know you know develop to be at various different stages like if I could get a player that looks like he can turn into a solid starter uh that isn’t there yet has the

Potential um to be like this solid like kind of the way AC is in a sense being this really high caliber role player um and then you get a solid first rounder I think I would do that um and I get your

Point too I I I do uh the way I kind of look at it though it’s like I so I feel like so I like the Bulls have some solid young players right yeah but I I don’t feel like they have any Blue Chip guys

That you can say okay this guy is who I’m building around and then I have all these other you know pieces uh that could fit around him so I feel like the Bulls priority should be kind of getting that blue chip guy first I kind of liked

What the Rockets did uh this off season in a sense because I mean and a lot of people were like what the hell are the Rockets doing it made sense what they were doing yeah they had a lot of young like players that have really good potential like uh uh shenon uh Aman

Thompson they just drafted yeah um you have jaari Walker there uh jayen grean he might not you know be the the guy that everyone thought he would be but but you got like three guys there that have really good potential but you need veterans around those guys now um that’s

I can see the Bulls doing in a couple of years like you know I’m not saying like said I don’t want a piston situation where in five you six years you’re still doing this let’s keep getting young guys and this constant spiral of of losing um

I feel like if you if you position yourself well in these next two drafts you can really add those two type of like prospects that maybe are blue chip guys in addition to the guys like Kobe Pat um we’ll see what Dal I mean he’s been playing better and not to say he’s

Like a high level role player by any means but he could be a a really decent you know guy to have longterm um and then you add those two young guys and then you maybe go into one of these off Seasons where you have the cap space to

Go add your Fred Van vet if you will type of player or uh Dylan Brooks type of player that can really add winning at that point then you can say okay we got something going and those guys can be bring some stability into the locker room uh that’s where my mindset is and

That’s why I think even taking advantage of a a guy like AC where you have that value to cash in on uh at this point makes a lot of sense because of that yeah the uh the controversial question do you think a coaching change uh may

Need to happen in order for this team to really uh uh get to the next level whether that be in the form of a rebuild or even what they’re trying to do now and continuing to win maybe like see I’m I’m not I’m not like I think Billy is like an

Average coach yeah I don’t think he’s not as bad as like his worst detractors think he is like I’ve seen some people like Bulls fans out there say like Jim he’s worse than Jim B like are you out of your mind like there’s like there’s this popular Bulls account that said that I

Was like I want to your remind like what are you talking about get out of here like no he’s not worse than Jim boand like he’s he’s not he’s not like you know like a a Quinn Snyder for example like who’s like I would say he like if

You had a Quinn SNY I think that’s like a to me that’s like a top 10ish coach I think Billy’s around maybe like 15 18 in the league average below average in the league um as far as like changes I think maybe like it would be more of a

Sign that the Bulls if they Billy they did move on from Billy it be more of a sign that they are ready to do a rebuild because I don’t think Billy want wants to be part of that type of Team where he’s trying to just coach you know for a

Young play couple of Seasons where a young team that he’s trying to you know work with uh that’s why he left OKC ironically you know they’re in a better position if he maybe had just stuck it with them you know he would have been uh coaching a really good team already so

But yeah I mean I think that in that sense I think a sign would be pointing if you get rid of Billy so okay we’re ready to kind of hit the reset button yeah and and I think about that a lot as well and and it I mentioned this before on on

Twitter and a few people you know disagreed I do think that part of the reason why the Bulls have been hesitant to trigger a rebuild is because they know that that’s not what Billy Donovan wants and they’re and they’re very supportive of Billy right like they they

Said that from the get-go and they they gave him that secret contract extension which you know is going to like they would if they were to let him go they owe him a lot of money and so I think they know that and they don’t because of

That they don’t want to trigger rebuild I mean granted if things got really bad and I they were kind of on that direction right in those first 19 games then you know something like that could happen but I think that’s what you know sort of gives them pause as far as do we

Want to actually go into a full-blown rebuild because we know that our you know our coach doesn’t want that at the same time now they’re starting to look better so they’re going to cling on to this idea of continuity again I I don’t know man I don’t know what this team I I

Don’t know what to expect come the trade deadline because initially I was like oh Zack LaVine definitely like I I actually thought he had already been traded I I thought there was a deal that had been worked out but they had to wait until December 15th when a lot of other

Players became trade eligible I know that more players become trade eligible January 15th um and that’s why you know he was he was sitting I mean the injury I’m not saying like it was a fake injury but it’s like oh well you know you’re kind of injured let’s let’s just kind of

Hold hold out on this um but now it’s like you know there’s no market for Zach um at least you know what’s been reported and now he’s back and he’s playing and I’m just like I don’t know what this team is going to do I I I like

You were saying before I was asking you this I would not be shocked if they stand Pat at the deadline what do you think Van’s reaction would be if that ends up being the case a lot of uh anger I know I know I’ll be angry uh I’m gonna be uh very

Openly mocking the front office if they do once again to that decide to you know stamp Pat and try to push forward with this continuity nonsense because you know they’re a playing team and they can once again get into the playing uh tournament and try to see if they can

Get into the playoffs uh in that route um I mean they I I’ve like so I’ve been in a you know for me it’s not even like recent where I’ve wanted a shake up I’ve wanted a shake up since at the minimum I wanted the big three broken up since not

This past summer since like the the last off season I was like they need to do a strong shakeup of that core because it’s not really working the season where out there that was the season they went to the playoffs but they got beaten pretty badly right where everything kind of fell apart

After Lonzo bald didn’t yeah okay I just want to make sure and I was like I wna I wanted them to really make a strong move uh and maybe find someone that fits with Zach and or Demar better like a center that fits with Zach and Demar better

Uh unfortunately didn’t do that like I said they just did the minimal moves and then as the season went along it looked more obvious that they needed a strong shakeup move but they just kept pushing around with continuity so right yeah it’s like you said you know and like I

Said it’s it’s not it wouldn’t be a shocker and it would be it would be just very disappointing and at the same time not surprising like it’s just it’s just where we’re at as as a fan base too we’re just very you know we’re waiting for this team to really do something um

Pick a direction really cuz right now you’re kind of teetering you know to being like that kind of you know pick not picking a real Direction not not really you’re kind of just riding the the middle of the road and you’re not really going anywhere with it yeah I

Think uh it was very surprising when they didn’t make any mov at the trade deadline last year and so because of that now we’re just not going to be surprised if that’s what ends up being the case I was shocked that because I think the last trade deadline it was

Like 28 teams made some sort of move even if it was incredibly minor and the Bulls were one of the teams that didn’t make a move and you think you look at the standings and it’s like this is one of the teams that needs to actually make

Concrete moves and they didn’t so yeah in a way I almost wouldn’t be surprised um I’ll get you I’ll get you out of here on this a little bit of a different question who’s the player that you’re the most excited to see assuming they’re still with the Bulls in the next two to

Three seasons what player are you the most excited to watch about in terms of their overall progression uh bias thinking because I’m a big pack guy um I see a little bit more offensive uh potential in him just because you kind of seeing the off the

Bound stuff he does yeah like with his pull-up jumper being able to uh you know with a a couple of one-w dribbles I I think we’re kind of seeing even a development of I know a lot of times this early in the season when he would

Drive with his left you know he would dribble off his foot but I think we’ve seen a little bit more development on that as he’s gotten more reps on the court where he’s been able to make strong drives I think for him it doesn’t necess more come down to his handles but

More so learning how to uh with his feet like work on better footwork and use his strength to get to his spots uh that’s what you see a lot of guys like I when you talk about guys like uh Demar or Jimmy Butler for example like those guys

Don’t do anything fancy with the basketball uh you watch dear when he’s when he’s handing the ball he the way he moves his feet the way he uses his hips it’s that’s what Like Pat needs to learn um yeah and the same way with Jimmy like

Jimmy like kind of you know the big thing at Jim Alis is he’s always go always goes right and everyone knows he’s going to go right but he still gets to his spots because he’s strong and he Wills his way to his spot so like those

Are the things that I would love to Pat to kind of uh continue work on and I think like I said offensively I think there’s probably a little bit more pop there for him uh to be able to become maybe like a third option type of player

A solid third option type of player um I you know we can we can all complain about he was the fourth pick in the draft and at this point by maybe he’ll never live up to that but I still I still I’m looking forward to seeing him being that really good two-way player

That uh that you know maybe that isn’t as bad of a pick you know in the next two three years we look back and okay well you know I granted we we didn’t take Calli but still he was still really good turned out to be not a bad pick yeah I mean the

Thing about the fourth pick argument is and I get it right it’s a very high pick but there’s been a lot of bust like busted four picks you people that were drafted fourth or or or lower sometimes right it’s like it happens that that’s kind of my biggest thing when I talk

About you know the draft is in a way it is a bit of a crapshoot in terms of what are you actually going to get because any Prospect they’ve never seen time in the NBA you don’t know how they’re going to pan out granted the higher it’s going to be the

More likely you’re going to get you know a star level player but not always and and and in with that draft especially that was a weak draft class yeah they could have drafted Hal Burton who I think fell like what 12th um you know Anthony Edward’s obviously great great

Player and it’s like lamelo ball and then outside of that especially a lot of the guys that went right after Patrick they’re not anything that special so I don’t know I I I don’t like the argument of oh this was a busted pick I can’t believe we you know wasted a number four

Draft pick on that it’s like really wasn’t that talented of a draft class and I I’m like you I’m still a very big Pat believer obviously there’s a lot of work that he needs to do uh to really improve his overall game but I feel like we’ been seeing that now especially now

That he’s been given more opportunity and that’s what gives me you know confidence about the future of okay if he can just continue getting more reps if they can continue focusing on his development we can see Pat becoming a solid starter you know the whole uh kawhai 2.0 comparisons you know we’re

Not gonna yeah that was always absurd like it unfair like you know like all the love to Stacy no disrespect to him but like calling him the Paw was just like setting him up for failure it’s like it’s just unfair to um unfair to compare him to like Kawai who is you

Know is gonna end up being a generational type of player a guy that you know took two teams was like not two teams but like he took at least one team to a championship and obviously that Spurs team was loaded but he was the finals MVP on there but yeah it’s just

It’s unfair comparison um when you when you consider that so yeah I I like Pat I think like I said I think there’s there’s still more to him and um you know I kind of see it as like Kobe last season we saw him play well you didn’t

The numbers overall didn’t look great they wer we saw he got better and now you come into this season and you see it like there it is this is Kobe breaking out I think something similar for Pat could be in store next season like he’s

Kind of figured it out in in a sense this season and then next season where you see boom now he’s gonna you know have his little breakout if you will the big question is do they resign him which I think they will but do you think they

Yeah I I think I’m I’m worried about the Pistons to be honest because they’re gonna have a lot of throwing big money at them yeah um I you know a lot of people get mad when you’re talking about Pat’s contract and like I would be comfortable doing like four years 100

120 that that’s just me I I get it that’s that’s a it’s 20 25 mil about roughly a year um I would feel comfortable doing like 25 million a year because it’s a percentage of the cap space he’s 22 years old I really believe he’s going to be one of those really

Good two-way guys uh and that’s what those guys are getting paid I mean you saw like a Jeremy Grant got what like four years 160 or something like that yeah you mean Jeremy Grant or Jen McDaniels uh Jeremy jery Grant got a big contract but I I usually like him like

Jaden McDaniels I mean I think yeah that too Jaden McDaniels and who was a comparable player to be honest like yeah and he was in the same draft class as P um they’re very comparable players I think Jaden’s a much better Defender um he’s just a really really good like uh

Probably underrated around the league he’s probably should be like a first team second Team all defense type of caliber player um but they’re similar players overall as archetypes and the similar age and I think he what did he get like a 30 million year it was yeah

So I mean if you compare that it’s it looks it’s it’s reasonable I think yeah I think it is I think it’s a reasonable number for Pat and we’ll see we’ll see what happens I’m just worried about like I said the Pistons coming in and giving

Him a wild like number because they have the cap space and they want to add they need like that three big Wing four on their roster still that can really space the floor for a cade so um that’s my one worry um and the other thing I’ll say

About Pat to I’d like to see him up the volume on the shooting yeah right now he takes about about three a game I think like the sweet spots for him should be five six a game um ideally that happens as his usage goes up more too but yeah U

Those are General thoughts around pad I know it kind of get all over the place with it but no no the other thing I was going to say is as it relates to you know you you said Pistons or any other team throwing big money at him um you

Know if it goes to where it’s unreachable as it relates to the Bulls luxury tax that’s where I get concerned right because then they might not match if it if it means that it’s going to put them over the tax line we know that this ownership is not going to

Pay the luxury tax at least as they currently constructed which kind of goes back to moving on from Zack LaVine why that is GNA be a big uh you know negotiation Point as it relates to any trade talks bringing in expiring money so that way they can get that payroll

Roll off the books but anyway SEL man I really appreciate you making the time on a Tuesday night to come on the channel talk Bulls basketball with me uh keep up the great work on the Bulls gold podcast uh hopefully we’ll get to meet up again

Uh next time I’m in Chicago and maybe catch a game too no for sure I appreciate you having me on and you know I appreciate uh our friendship that we’ve developed over uh the last year or so uh I really appreciate uh you and obviously appreciate your work and thank you again

For having me on man I appreciate it yeah for sure that’s what’s great about you know the uh the Bulls content um world right is we’re all just kind of like gotten to know each other over the years and become friends because we get to like enjoy talking about this team so

Yeah I love it for sure no yeah 100% 100 per. all right man you take care all right thank you thank you you too

One on one interview with Bulls Gold host Salim Sutterwalla

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  1. Honestly if Zach continues playing this way I mean why trade him ? If he continues playing hard defense, and passing the ball and spotting up for the open three and not playing iso I don't understand why we would trade him, I love Zach and honestly all the hate he's getting is kinda crazy I understand why but he's not the only reason the bulls started off as bad as they did literally the team had no heart at the beginning of the season and yes iso ball will definitely hold back how any team will play in general because the ball isn't moving most of the time. I mean the Knicks are good and there a heavy iso type team with brunson and Randall.

  2. Okaayyy Good Morning Chicagoans! It’s tough man… Bulls should hold out until the very last second of the trade deadline and maybe we can find a team that is desperate and that’s serious about their chances at a title. I don’t see Zach getting moved this season due to the low ball offers and this narrative that there isn’t a market for an elite score bs 🙄 I’m calling bluff… Hold out and see what develops during the offseason and by no means do the Bulls trade Zach for subpar players to a contender and definitely not to a conference contender.

    If the Bulls indeed trade Zach (which I don’t advise them to do) make sure he’s sent to the Western conference. I’m only interested in what’s best for this ball club. Trading Zach for nothing or to an Eastern Conference contender does NOT I repeat, does Not help the Bulls moving forward. Put your GM caps on, get out of your feelings and do what’s best for the team regardless on how you feel about Zach.

    I will say this though… You need an elite score if the Bulls manage to get into the payoffs. You can NEVER have enough scoring come playoff time and Zach is one of three (Derozan & Vuc) that have the experience come playoff time with the game on the line. Caruso is not a scorer and will have the responsibility of guarding the opposing team’s best player for all of the casual Bulls fans. This is why I say keep him… Worst case scenario is that we miss the playoffs and then we move off of Zach during the offseason.

    Now Caruso… It’s very simple… Who is going to guard the opposing team’s best player night in and night out. This is why Caruso shouldn’t even be talked about in any trade. Similar to Zach… You can damn near guarantee whatever contender that he gets traded to will make a deep playoff run if not flat out win it all.

  3. There’s literally no options left after Quickley who again has been BALLING dead on arrival. Damn you Bulls fans!!! 😡 Quickley at PG and White at SG would’ve set this team up for years to come… Both are around the same age, both can play off ball, both can shoot and get hot quick OMG, both can play the one or two and both can get anywhere on the court. It’s a dream for pick n roll / pick and pop w Vuc and Williams who also can shoot the three… Did I mention both can get to the rim and Quickley has the best floater game since D Rose and Curry… Okay rant over.

  4. Hey Jamal I'm going to the bulls game at the uc when they play the warriors and I just waned to know if you have any recommendations to anything at the uc or if there's any way I could meet some players lol that would be awesome or even kc Johnson id be ecstatic lol lmk plz thx man Go bulls!!

  5. I think lavine and Demar need to be traded.
    Vuc, I think we should save until the off-season.
    The pacers are looking for a player to pair with Tyrese Haliburton, so if we can trade demar to them and get jarace Walker or jalen smith and a 2025 1st, I'm good. U just throw in the salary filler to match demars' contract we good. I would just want a 2025 1st and ethier jarace Walker or Jalen Smith

  6. Retool and Trade Zach to gsw, sac, 76ers, or nets, trade demar to a contender like miami, bucks, or 76ers, trade vuc to gsw, mavs, or knicks, and trade caruso to a contender

  7. I still think LaVine should be traded, as much as I don’t want him to leave now lol it’s crazy how that works cause I wanted him GONE a few months ago😂

  8. For the bulls fans that is saying keep Zach OBs have not been watching the games. Zach looks lost out there and don’t know how to play his game with this new bulls squad. He doesn’t want to ball hog, which is good, but he also doesn’t know how to fit in just yet. I vouch for trading Zach and trading Demar. Let the young guys keep developing and add pieces that work with them. Vooch works with the young squad and Drummond work as back up

  9. I’m going with they’re not going to get rid of anyone and they’ll wait for lonzo. Continuity is a word that has so many meanings!

  10. Trade demar and vuc. These cats are too slowwww for the type of offense. Al doubled down on Billy and Zach and ayo moving forward.

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