@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Austin Reaves draws a late whistle where no one comes close to touching him

[Highlight] Austin Reaves draws a late whistle where no one comes close to touching him

by Otherwise_Form1315


  1. never beating the foul-baiting allgeations sadly

  2. Tales_of_Endurance

    Classic Reaves whistle. The moment he goes to antoher team than Lakers, he would lose half of these calls.

  3. skylord650

    Didn’t know reaver has superstar status to get these calls

  4. riptide123

    This one is so good bc the ref waits to see if it goes in because it can’t be an and 1. But second it’s short whistle

  5. Mahomeboy001

    The defender is using his hands to slow down Reaves which is why Reaves stopped to shoot the ball

  6. CrispyBalooga

    Braindead. Reaves cooks Young on the crossover and beats him to the spot and then smartly shoots when he knows the illegal contact will be coming. Anti-Lakers bias is making yall very dumb.

  7. CockroachForeign6419

    From the other angle you can see Young arm is in a area where Reaves can easily rip through and get a foul, but yes very late whistle

  8. nice_kitchen

    The other angle shows this is a textbook blocking foul. Not a hard foul and definitely sold it, but correct call.

  9. lakerconvert

    Taken y’all almost 24 hours to find clips that are still obviously fouls 💀

  10. hansislegend

    I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t post a clip with multiple angles.

  11. Love how the ref waits until the ball hits the rim before blowing the whistle

  12. Kinetik09

    Please pick up a rule book and read it before posting this shit. Yall are clueless as to what actually happens on this play because yall are too busy looking at the ball and you don’t actually know what a foul is.

    Reaves drives by Young on the way to the rim and beats him to the spot. Young then makes contact on Reaves body using his body and arm, thus impeding the drive and throwing Reaves sqbr (speed, quickness, balance, or rhythm) off. Reaves knows he got fouled so he tries to recover and go for the and-1. The only thing egregious about this play is that the ref waits on the shot to either miss or make before blowing the whistle when he should’ve blown it as soon as he saw the contact (which the rule book states he must do but I digress).

    Please learn the actual rules of the game and take this embarrassing shit down. You can get started here:

  13. captain_ahabb

    Post the other angle that shows where Thad’s left arm is.

  14. bypassmorecomments

    Reaves gets so much love from the refs it’s insane

  15. angel2timez

    Where’s the replay? Shoes young leaning into him and reeves selling the foul. So many guys do this, Shai, Fox and even Dennis did it like a couple plays before on dlo and got the call lol

    Edit: also got so many replies that it isn’t about the lakers getting calls it’s the raptors not but todays there’s like 5 videos of calls the lakers got saying they aren’t fouls

  16. Reeves is a flopper and foul baiter but so is this title. He obviously got contact on that play, they just called it a tad late. Not saying it should be a foul ( it shouldn’t imo but they give this call to the offensive player all the time) but there was absolutely contact.

  17. KTownScrambler

    What a dumb, clickbait title! “No one comes close” Thaddeus hit him. It was just a late whistle. So much for unbiased insight here.

  18. Ill_Celery_7654

    Damn the bias on this sub is ridiculous. This is supposed to be a sub dedicated to the NBA and it seems like it’s geared more towards Laker hate than anything else. There were other games last night folks. Talk about something else that involves basketball.

  19. opeth2310

    The karma farming from this game has been hilarious

  20. Left arm on right shoulder. Continuation. Since when can you defend with hands and arms to body?

  21. Is this a foul? Probably not, or at least a softy.

    Was it a late whistle? Hell yes.

    “No one comes close to touching him”? That’s just a karma grab sentence. And false.

  22. pillowpotatoes

    i like how this dude posts a clip that cuts out at the literal second the alt angle is shown.

    if u were to show the replay u would c clear contact instead of ” no one comes close to touching him”

    late whistle, sure, but OP is clearly biased.

  23. norriscolesucks

    well, there’s technically “touching” unless you guys think the nba is played in 2D and if you can’t see it from one angle, then it must not exist.

  24. EmbarrassedHyena3099

    Angle from under the basket shows a clear foul. Stop whining, folks.

  25. Zeetheking1

    Holy shit you’re pathetic. Posting the one angle that seemingly supports your brain dead take and cutting it before showing the alt angle with a clear view of the foul. Get over your dumbass narrative bro.

  26. ShowdownValue

    I 100% believe that if reaves played in Charlotte or Atlanta he would never learn to foul bait, and be a no name role player. His jersey allows him to get away with this

  27. Austin Reaves has one of the best whistles in the nba…it’s so perplexing

  28. Kazaki-dum

    One of my favorite slurs is very relevant to how you 12 year olds are acting in this sub

  29. Darko Rajaković was right in his postgame tirade

  30. MikeEhrmantraut100

    If you guys care to watch a slow-mo from another angle you can see Young’s arm is in the cookie jar and reaves uses it to go up and draw contact.
    Every shift guard does this stop making narratives

  31. PositiveReckoning

    How’s possible that he got the foul call?

  32. jeyrey2000

    The league will do what ever it takes to make sure the lakers are in the playoffs every year. I was at Dallas game last year where Mavs were up by like 20 in the 3rd quarter. Then the refs took over and literally called travel, blocking fouls, fouls at the line and the lakers came back and won the game. Lebron was flopping with sore ankles and then would dunk or run for the ball on next play. It’s sad really that the league can’t let the lakers lose .

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