@New Orleans Pelicans

Warriors trying to find footing tonight against Pelicans

Warriors trying to find footing tonight against Pelicans

This pels game I was just doing a little bit of research you know McCollum scores 30 on Monday um they’ve won a bunch in a row here basically six in a row uh after that win over the Kings the other night but they don’t even know Zion’s gonna play it’s questionable he’s

Questionable I mean they might not even need Zion with the way the Warriors are playing right now um the Pelicans have won four or five should to be five or six five to six they lost to the Clippers uh right before they blew out the LA the Sacramento Kings they beat

They had the Kings up they were up on the Kings by 50 at one point in that basketball game by 50 and people forget the pelage at one point last season was in first place in the Western Conference in January and then they got killed with injuries just destroyed but right now

They’re 22 and 15 they’re trying to find their footing um they didn’t make the IST final four uh the n Season Tournament of course the Lakers hung a banner haven’t seen them since thought they would also hung like like 150 on them that day they did they did what did

Zion say we were kind of lack ofical Zion he’s averaging 22 and six um but the Pelicans another long athletic young team and Stephen Curry tonight is going to see a lot of herb Jones he’s going to see a lot of treade mar for the

Third so you got to figure out a way to to win a basketball game and and get quality shots and get some stops on the defensive end and it sounds like Steve c not GNA start kaminga and Andrew wiggin together I saw some numbers yesterday shasi when they play together um the plus

Minus with Wiggins and all the different com likeus 71 Wiggins if you combine Wiggins with any other individual player almost every other one of them is a negative yeah it’s bad it’s bad it’s real bad did you know that the uh pelicans have the best defensive rating

In the last 10 games yes I do that’s a nugy nug I didn’t know look Aton oh I do oh I do I didn’t know that I got but numbers about that I’m not going to bore everybody with numbers and what the the Warriors smoked them last time they

Played yeah but giant uh no Curry had 42 yeah who they they won by they missed a couple guys in that game and the Pelicans were really down bad I’ll pull that up right now it’s happened so early in the season uh where feels like a

Lifetime ago yeah it was the third game of the season Warriors won 130 to 102 130 to 102 that day and it was it was third game of the season for the Pelicans day before Halloween day before Halloween like it was so long ago uh curry with the 42 15 to 22 remember

Curry did play against the pels last year in New Orleans so he went at them at Smoothie King Center uh who played in that game Zion played had 19 points IRB Jones played only had four there was no Troy Murphy the third no Brandon Ingam that day as

Well Jose Alvarado they just got destroyed and it was really the third quarter where the Warriors out scored the Pelicans 39- 21 so that was really the difference of the game but both teams look completely different right now um there’s going to be no dramont green tonight so we’ll see we’ll see

We’ll see with that well you’re saying that Wiggins and kaminga can’t play together I mean to me it it feels like uh they almost had to play those two together to try to figure out how to make it work and I’m not sure how you make that work uh when both guys are

Aren’t the greatest passers I think kaminga is a better passer than Wiggins um so why is it that they can’t play together like what specifically is it from your eye my well my guess is cuz we hav’t seen a lot of it but my guess is both compromise each other’s spacing

Both like to operate in the same area on the basketball court whether it’s a Ducker spot whether it’s the mid block uh both are limited dribblers um I think kaming is a better passer than Wing I think I actually think kaming is an underrated passer I know there’s a lot

Of talk about him not being a passer I actually think he can pass uh I’m not talking about like LeBron James joh or anything that but I think he’s a Wily pass he’s not Eric Pascal yeah no he’s he’s definitely not Eric pasal he’s not a black hole he’ll he’ll move it around

And and play that point5 basketball at times and they both are struggling for the three-point line so then you compromise the spacing so they’re basically the same player I just think kiga is more active U they both struggle to crash the glass consistently so it’s really strange to

Me how why it hasn’t work you would think just on paper wow Wiggins and kiga especially I watching Toronto last night and they’re figuring it out with seak Scotty bars and RJ Barrett now that team looks rejuvenated with that new roster Emanuel quickley as well so I don’t know

I I it’s really shocking I can’t pinpointed as Festus and derail this and they said look man maybe it’s the spacing maybe it’s the lack of dribbling maybe they just do the same things it’s just very strange to me how that can’t work so what do you make of

Andrew Wiggins having a basically a a negative net rating when it comes to playing with any other combination of players on the Warriors I mean it’s no secret he’s lost like like no matter how we try to break this down with metrics to quantify he’s lost he’s had a

Horrible year horrible horrible like I mean it feels like to me either you know if if they stay Pat and he has this year they have no shot if he’s this version of himself I mean he’s averaging 12 points a game shasi 12 points a game that’s what kaminga averaged last year

Right yeah yeah this was averaging 24 at one point in Minnesota that’s wow and so was still ugly I mean this guy’s playing 26 minutes a night he’s now up to 29% for the three-point line so it’s actually up from when he started but he’s just completely lost it’s in the

Westbr I mean he’s completely lost and I don’t know if there’s any coming back for him so what team would want him like everybody keeps bringing up seaka and I’m thinking to myself now that they traded for RJ Barrett to sh Raptors that is they traded for RJ Barrett and uh

Emanuel quickley why the hell would they want Andrew Wiggins in that deal because he’s an expiring contract Pascal seak and they think that they’re going to lose him for nothing I I’m I’m I’m literally making up I’m making up excuses this feels very farfetch maybe they could get something that feels

Another need well that’s what I I would with that know it feels redundant to trade for Andrew Wiggins and have RJ Barrett and Scotty bars are the same roster and then you got Grady dick the young man from Kansas who’s not even playing yeah who plays a

Two3 so I don’t I don’t know why they trade for Andrew Wiggins they already got the guy who’s from Canada that’s RJ Barrett they don’t need another one like it’s crazy to me how Wiggins is falling off the way he has so like the argument for Wiggins has always been like well

Two-way player plays great perimeter defense I’ve been maybe I’m over maybe I’m like way hyperfocused on the defense and you can tell me playing no he’s not not even close and not only is he getting blown by at times to me he falls asleep off ball yeah he does and that’s

The thing that’s frustrating more than anything and then he’s not rebounding he’s active at times on the offensive glass but like and I I feel like it’s unfair cuz I have him under the microscope right now and so maybe all these little things have been there the

Whole time and now I’m just accentuating it because the offense has slipped off but but be I can’t tell you how many times that he’s supposed to be a help defender or he’s supposed to turn a guy a certain way and he gives a guy right

Down the lane to go Blowing by him with his primary hand and I’m sitting like come on wigs make that guy go the other way well off ball I don’t know if he’s been a great defender this year just been atrocious you get him on the ball

And it’s okay but it’s not at that level it’s not the level it was a couple years ago and again I I keep looking at his body he looks a bit frail doesn’t look as strong as he did a couple seasons ago doesn’t look as strong as he did to

Start last season uh before he suffered the r aductor strain and he missed a couple weeks and he wasn’t Bas he basically wasn’t the same after that so he’s just lost on both ends of the Court I don’t know what you do about it he doesn’t deserve a start right now

Kaminga deserves that starting spot but then what happens with Draymond Green can kaminga play with Draymond Green there’s just there’s a lot going on with this roster so I do believe Mike Dunley who was president of San Jose State yesterday watch it in uh watching the

San dieago State azex take on San Jose State it does feel like he’s going to have to make a move because even SK Steve cerry was talking about it uh on Willard the divs and at his presser yesterday it’s tough to play more than 10 guys you got to get your roster down

To about nine reliable guys 10 is too many 10 is way too many well and that’s where I think I would stand in uh in defend cerr that he’s been dealt too many plates to juggle I totally agree with that now I don’t think that he’s

Had you know with the plates that he’s had I don’t think he’s made the greatest saucing I think he acknowledged that with Willard and dibs yesterday I’d like to play that sound at some point but I I just think that they they’ve they haven’t served him well they’ve put too

Many ingredients on the shelf and forced him to use them all his hands are tied you know and you say that around here and everybody wants to say fire Steve cerr fire Steve cerr it’s an excuse but it’s not you got gp2 you got Moody got

Pisy got tjd you got Chris Paul you got Wiggins kaminga they all want to play and somebody’s going to be the odd man out and unfortunately he’s been Moses Moody but you got to you got to get this rotation down and forget the feelings I

Got to go with these guys this is who I’m rolling with these are the rotations now let’s go with some basketball games and the arre weak is not going to be part of that rotation cuz at times he’s just simply unplayable the other night against Toronto he was unplayable but I

I feel like the team or maybe the coach or the organization feels a desire to put him in in crunch situations to get him going well and it feels like a lost cause well they have 100 million reasons to try to get him going you just don’t

Want to DMP a100 million man because now you’re sucking all the value out of him if you’re shopping them you’re trying to play him but damn if he’s going to go Warfare 6 for three points against Toronto then what’s the point of playing them so they got issues here I can’t

Argue with any of they’ve got issues here

Bonta and Joe discuss Warriors upcoming game against the Pelicans.

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  1. Why we talking about jk and Wiggins not being able to play together when no one can play with Wiggins

  2. Wiggins has always been not so good of an off ball defender. Between him, klay, and jk we have 3 POA guys who are less than ideal team defenders. Klay and Wiggins are who they are, but I have hope in JK. He is slowly getting better. Our small lineups don’t help the cause at all tho.

  3. They don’t like each other and they’re fighting for the starting position. That’s why they can’t play together.

    Imagine being at your job and then someone who does the same job is fighting for a promotion just like you but then your job is like oh also you have to do a group project together.

  4. They can’t play together bc Wiggins sucks this season it’s that simple. He has no feel for the game right now so he drags everyone down. If you look at all 3 man lineups with wiggins basically every iteration of wiggins is a negative.

  5. Ppl thought Townz and Gobert wouldn't work last year, and this yr they top of division. Sometimes you have to commit to it, and figure it out. Doesn't help that Wigs is playing the worst of his career.

  6. Don’t think I’ve seen Zion play the warriors. Maybe he’s scared of small ball. Too much running against that team. Might lose weight.🤣

  7. Dubs fan since 2004. Going to the game tonight! I just want to see the boys have fun no matter what. I need it in my life right now. Bring back the joy and competitive spirit please!

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