@Memphis Grizzlies

This is Actually Good for the Memphis Grizzlies

This is Actually Good for the Memphis Grizzlies

When it was announced by the NBA that ja moram would be suspended for the first 25 games of the season for multiple incidents of him flashing a gum while live streaming most had expected the Memphis Grizzlies likely would struggle to get to the top of the Western

Conference standings as they had done in the prior two seasons because as well balanced as the roster was not having your young Superstar your offensive Firepower was going to make it tough to consistently Win For Those first 25 games now of course no one expected that Steven Adams would suffer a season

Ending injury Marcus smart would also miss considerable time to start the year and with a roster filled with injuries the Grizzlies quickly struggled out of the gate going 0 and six to start the season and would struggle to string wins together in the first 25 games that

Morant was out going 6 and 19 during that stretch and even though we knew jaw was coming back it almost felt like it was a little too late at that point for the Grizzlies to make any meaningful strides in the standings the hole was just too big for them to dig themselves

Out of at that point but then jaw returned and The Grizzlies looked like a different team quickly winning four games in a row they would go on to win seven of their next 11 and you thought maybe there is a world where this team gets themselves into the playing picture

And could maybe make some noise in the playoffs with guys being fully healthy that is until we get the unfortunate news that John Morant will have to undergo season ending surgery for labam Te in his shoulder which is just brutal brutal for John Mor brutal for the Grizzlies and their fans like whatever

Your opinions are of John Morant whether he deserved to be suspended for what he did whether he should have been suspended longer that doesn’t really matter matter you never want to see a player go down with an injury an injury that could impact their overall career

But while the injury is a big hit to the Grizzlies for this season and you’re more than likely going to see this team in the lottery the question now is where do the Grizzlies go from here and you know what this actually isn’t all that

Bad what do I mean by that well let me explain further in this video but first a quick word from our sponsor Underdog fantasy if you haven’t heard of Underdog let me tell you about their platform real quick because I absolutely love this app as it’s super easy to use and

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Making now for the Memphis Grizzlies a team that quickly Rose to the ranks from being a rebuilding Team all the way to contention after landing their franchise player in johnar in the 2019 draft the Grizzlies suddenly found themselves in looking to win now consecutive back-to-back Seasons winning 50 plus

Games finishing second in the Western Conference standings and they were doing this while still remaining a young energetic athletic team and I say that because it Still Remains the case today when you look at their core of jaw jiren Jackson Jr Desmond Bane you’re talking

About a core that is 25 or younger so this isn’t a situation where it’s a team that is trying to make a push to win now and their window to win now is very small say a team like the Clippers or The Warriors so while the news of jaw

Missing the rest of the season is devastating for Grizzlies fans and yes this is essentially a Lost season this isn’t a situation in which this is one of your last chances to win and compete for a title now granted the Grizzlies still have a lot of work to do with

Their current core which I’ll talk about but more so emphasizing this point because it’s not a doomsday scenario like it would be for other teams the other reason that I actually think this is good for the Grizzlies is because they got off to such a bad start that

You could argue this season was more or less already over for them and would it actually make more sense to just throw in the towel now get your younger players some reps development and shoot for a high lottery pick while you get the rest of the guys healthy jaw coming

Back made the team competitive again they started winning but even though they were winning as I said before it was almost too late for them to make meaningful jumps in the standings to bring them back to title contention but they were winning enough games that it was negatively impacting their ability

To get a high lottery pick it was almost like Jaw coming back was bringing the Grizzlies into basketball Purgatory where they wouldn’t be bad enough for a strong draft pick but not good enough to compete for a title and for the Grizzlies a team that isn’t constrained

By a limited window to win now a team that already wasn’t healthy a team that had already lost too many games to put themselves into contention losing as many games as possible is probably the way to go job being suspended for the first 25 games Steven Adams missing the

Season like going into open night you almost kind of knew this season was going to be lost for the Grizzlies anyway and while we all hope that jaw has a speedy recovery and doesn’t suffer any long-term side effects from the shoulder injury in a way this was kind

Of a best case scenario for the Grizzlies this season now you’re talking about a team that is going to have some of the highest Lottery odds in the draft they currently have the sixth highest odds that might jump to fifth if the Blazers pass them in the standings I

Doubt that the other teams below them will pass them can’t see that the Hornets the Wizards Pistons or the Spurs making a jump over the Grizzlies but this now gives the Grizzlies the rest of the season for some heavy minutes and run for jiren Jackson Jr and Desmond

Bane to develop their games further as well as some of their other younger guys on the roster who are in desperate need of development development that hasn’t been prioritized because the Grizzlies have been trying to win and while this is projected to be a weak draft class in

2024 the point wouldn’t really be for the Grizzlies to use that pick in making a selection in the draft but rather packaging the pick in a deal to further bolster their roster weak class or not the higher the pick the more value you’re going to be able to get from that

Pick in a trade and The Grizzlies need as much value as they can when it comes to trade assets because here’s the thing the Grizzlies even when they’re healthy as good as they are they’re not good enough as currently constructed to win a title I know some will disagree with

That but they’re a good regular season team who has had their challenges in the playoffs and I’ve said before on this channel I still think trading for Marcus Smart was a mistake not necessarily bringing in smart when looking at it in isolation but rather what they had to

Give up to get smart moving on from tus Jones and to first round picks I mean smart is a valuable player but he’s not worth that much in a trade and while I get the Grizzlies needed some leadership a veteran voice maturity in the locker room that’s still a high price to pay

For someone like Marcus Smart who in my opinion was a big benefactor of playing in a perfect system in Boston that masked some of his weaknesses and thrived in an environment that needed his defensive intensity to make the Celtics a complete team smart is a great player I don’t mean to minimize that

He’s still one of the best defenders in the league you can’t replace his passion and energy for the game as well as his veteran leadership I just don’t know that this was the right play for the Grizzlies to get them over the hump but regardless the point is the Grizzlies

Still need more pieces to make this a complete team a team that can truly be in contention for a title and scrubbing this season using it as a development year focusing on getting Bane and jiren Jackson Jr enough usage and Reps get jaw healthy get Steven Adams healthy get as

High of a pick as possible regroup in the off season package the pick in a deal to a true foundational player that they can use to build with further to put alongside jaw jiren Jackson Jr and Desmond Bane a piece that is really going to improve their overall offense

Because defensively this team is great it’s on the offensive side where they really need some help this season they’re currently dead last an offensive rating which is pretty bad considering you have teams that are historically bad this year like the Pistons and the Spurs and I know some will say well you can’t

Really look at this season and their offense and attribute that to anything because they’ve been so short-handed but last season they were middle of the road on offense 15th in the league and that limited offense really impacted their ability to make any noise the playoffs and why they got beaten badly in the

First round against the Lakers so I don’t agree with this notion that the Grizzlies will be just fine once they get everyone back and healthy they’ll still be a fun and exciting team to watch but they’re limited on that end of the floor and without that you can’t say

That this team is truly a title Contender they’re just not but again luckily for the Grizzlies they’re fortunate enough that they can have a throwaway season and still have years left ahead of them to get things right make this roster whole and compete at the highest level and getting their play

Is healthy getting a high draft pick either to use the selection and add another young player or package the pick in a trade deal is kind of the perfect scenario where you likely already knew the season wasn’t going to go anywhere when you have Mor missing the first 25

Games of the Year let me know what you guys think though where do you think the Grizzlies Go From Here given the recent season ending injury to John Morant let me know in the comments as always be sure to subscribe and I’ll see you in the next One

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Discussing how Ja Morant’s season ending injury might actually work to the Grizzlies benefit in the long run.

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  1. Whenever they do finally get everyone back smart should come off the bench, him and adams arent spacers (im a boston fan smart will win you 2 games in the playoffs off crazy shooting and lose you 3 or 4 having a 1 or 2-8 night) and the fit the JJJ adams and Ja is better starting

  2. I mean his career ain't over yet.. he still can hustle in the hoods like he used to.. Ja is a gangsta and everyone knows that.. THUGLIFE

  3. Wait. You lost me. “An injury that may impact his career.” As if flashing guns multiple times, and getting suspended two seasons in a row won’t impact his career, the team, the sports, the fans, the image of the league. Really?

  4. It's really the only response you can have given the hand the Grizzlies have right now.

    I don't think trading the pick will really work given this is suppose to be the worst draft since 2000, why would a team give up an impact player to move up? However, Memphis has a good enough development squad that if you can get someone on Mike Miller's level, you probably solve a lot of their offensive problems.

  5. Sucks that he got injured man was lookin forward to seeing them more. But hey, always next year with everyone hopefully healthy

  6. Weirdly enough, and I imagine Ja doesn't think so (at least not atm), but I think this extendo suspension just might be great for Ja in the long run. He'll come back a hero, oh for sure. Many folks here online were saying his suspension shoulda been a year.

    Well, now it is a year.

    If those naysayers are back in the Autumn of 2024, complaining about Ja, almost ever'body will be all, "Whatever, dude," and ignore 'em. Will anybody even remember Ja's "playin' with guns as if they were toys" troubles in the 2024/2025 season?

  7. Your point is flawed since you are missing information. The grizzlies healthy is a championship contender. Last year you forgot to mention we was missing Adams and Clarke for that series. You also for got to mention how Ja and Kannard was hurt that series as well

  8. Grizzlies need to improve their medical staff asap. Ja Morant need a second playmaker to take more of the offensive pressure off him.

  9. nah the narrative to the start the season was that they'll still be competitive since they played well when ja was out the previous season. idk where u got that.

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