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Rooks: Special Feature | Who is Nathan Mensah?

Rooks: Special Feature | Who is Nathan Mensah?

JT straight unlooked Mena knew it was going to go first field goal for number 31 I I think Nathan men’s path to the NBA can certainly be one that can be inspirational uh not only for for guys in the United States trying to get into the NBA but also internationally as well you know coming from a country that you know doesn’t have a whole lot of history

With basketball and producing NBA players he can certainly be an inspiration there or or in other countries that are in similar situations that you can defy the odds and you can get noticed and you can you know come to the United States and get a college

Scholarship and go play for an NBA team so I think he can serve as an inspiration not only in Ghana but in many places around the world for for for young kids that are coming up and going to camps and things like that uh that they can see that it is possible no

Matter where you come from that you can get to the NBA if you put the work in you sacrifice you dedicate yourself and uh you take advantage of the opportunity that come along your way uh sacrifice um that’s probably the number one word I would come up with is this kid has

Sacrificed a lot as far as even just family um you know he hasn’t been home in 10 years um you know he’s here on a mission kind of um here to just Elevate his family and his people and so I mean sacrifice is probably the first word I

Would think that comes to mind with that and Nathan just Happ to be a you know an exceptional Talent physically and he’s been blessed with some you know god-given gifts that allowed him to be able to get to this level but we did it to try to educate and Nathan is a prime

Example of that like he’s you know he’s playing in the NBA but um you know he’s going after his master’s degree coming up he graduated with his Bachelor um so he’s kind of the epitome of what we’re trying to do but it’s about education and kind of growing these kids mentally

Um and um being able to expand our continent um with kids that are intelligent and can come back and can run companies and run businesses and be able to join just expand the continent overall so it’s been great I wouldn’t say it was easy uh of course I went

Through the G League path which was a a grateful experience for me just becoming a professional straight out of college so it it kind of like helped shape to the player I am today and I’m continuing to work towards better and bigger things start on a team that made the national

Championship game last year at San Diego State then to be undrafted and and going through the draft process and then to go to summer league and then training camp and then the G League I mean he’s and finally to the NBA now he’s been in so many different stops over the last year

But uh it’s a testament to the player he is and the person he is that he has done something at every single one of those stops to get him to the next one and I think that speaks a lot about his character and also his his basketball

Trajectory as well he kind of brings a spotlight to aybo and for kids in Africa to show you know it’s not just about sports or anything like that like these are really smart uh intelligent humble kids and then he need opportunities and that’s all we try to do is provide those

Opportunities for them to go get uh these educations and Nathan is just one that excelled and you know kind of did that next level which is awesome yeah I feel very proud because uh so many people look UPS to us uh I feel like this a a right step in the right

Direction for the next coming kids to also have a a bigger picture if they dream to be a basketball player so he’s just a phenomenal kid and I couldn’t be with a better organization I’m so proud he got he got an opportunity cuz we were

Worried for a little bit but I knew if he got in there he would he would stick and he’s done a great job so I’m super proud of him and um you know I tell him every day like look I don’t care what happens out there like you’re here and

I’m proud of you for just being here and whatever you do to make it stick you do what you got to do but I believe you know he’s one of those special special kids that he’s going to be around for a long time so


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  1. If you are in Ghana, intelligent and blessed with God given gifts, know there is a path for you in the world if you choose to be more than just anybody.
    Nate was found by mentors in Ghana, and they were able to place him at a great university in a far off land that opened plenty of opportunities.
    And there are more opportunities for the right people.

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