@Chicago Bulls

Will Derrick Rose Retire With The Chicago Bulls?? #chicagobulls #shorts

Will Derrick Rose Retire With The Chicago Bulls?? #chicagobulls #shorts

Will D Rose retired as a Chicago Bull want to talk about this real quick I sure hope so that’s my initial thought here um as a DI her Bulls fan I would see this would just be a nostalgic move like this wouldn’t be where it’s like oh

The Bulls need to get D Rose to get to this level like no this would be almost like to bring him on as kind of a mentor for these young guards the Bulls have Kobe white I dumo obviously IO growing up in Chicago probably views D Rose as a

Legend in his eyes I mean I know I do so I do think D Rose will eventually retire as a Chicago Bull but let me know predict it down below for me in the comments section will Derrick Rose retire as a Chicago Bull and while you’re answering that hit that sub

Button right down there we’re going to be going live for the game tonight versus the Houston Rockets so make sure you guys are there but hit that sub button don’t miss out will D Rose retire as a Chicago Bull let me know as well

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