@Utah Jazz

The Utah Jazz Have A Karl Malone Problem! #NBA

The Utah Jazz Have A Karl Malone Problem! #NBA

The Monty show the Utah Jazz just cannot seem to prioritize their fan base and I don’t get it because again they announced online yesterday that Carl Malone will be featured in a sitdown with John Stockton and they will disseminate that sit down to the masses and I asked again why is Carl Malone

Still part of the Utah Jazz family nobody wants this guy around he does not take responsibility for the children that he fathered he went after alleged Kobe Bryant’s wife you remember Kobe Bryant the Lakers star who Carl Malone went down to LA to try and gravy train a

Championship off of yeah you failed there you failed as a parent you failed as a good human being and yet Ryan Smith the owner of the Jazz continues to bring car Malone back around it’s an epic failure car Malone should be excommunicated and Utah Jazz fans

Deserve better for the best jazz talk on YouTube subscribe to the Monty show

The Utah Jazz continue to work with Karl Malone and push out content featuring Karl Malone, who has been a lightning rod for controversy for many years. Are the Utah Jazz making a mistake forcing Karl Malone on Utah Jazz fans?

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  1. Couldn't agree more. It sucks because he's the best player the Jazz have ever had. That said, I don't feel like you can separate the player from the person.

  2. Doesn’t matter what any of us thinks about his personal life. He was part of the organization. LHM let him walk in FA. He is one of the greatest PF ever to play the game. Gotta move on.

  3. All his sons (including the one you referring to) live with him. He is Jazz best player. He will always be part of Jazz regardless what you think in the Monty Show.

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