@Toronto Raptors

Raptors HC Darko Rajakovic Just Entered the Pantheon of Postgame Coach Rants! | The Rich Eisen Show

Raptors HC Darko Rajakovic Just Entered the Pantheon of Postgame Coach Rants! | The Rich Eisen Show

This is going to be in the pantheon of postgame press conference coaches rants oh have you heard this yet I have not okay I have well we give you a setup the Los Angeles Lakers hosted the Toronto Raptors here in this Lakers Town last night and uh the Lakers finally uh

Won a game the other day they beat your clippers for the first time in a long time well second time this year well you know what I’m talking about yeah and they beat your clips and now they won two in a row they beat the Raptors last night 132 131 thanks

To wait for it 36 free throws in the game jeez for the Lakers including 23 in the fourth quarter now whoa yaka purle was not there in the center of this Toronto Raptors defense he’s out he’s injured so Anthony Davis had a night 41 points 20 in the fourth

Quarter 11 of those 20 from the free throw line 11 free throws do you know how many free throws the Raptors had in the fourth quarter probably less than 11 two oh hey 23-2 and then there was an offensive foul on RJ Barrett that wiped out a game tying three-pointer

From Scotty Barnes last night so let’s get to the postgame press conference coach Darko what do you think about the officiating and free throw disparity now mind you you’re not allowed to criticize officials right you will get fined you will get fined you will get fined well Darko is there and he will

Get fined no doubt outrageous what happened tonight this is completely BS this is shame shame for the referees shame for the league to allow this 23 free throws for them and we get two free throws in in a fourth quarter like how to play the game I I understand uh

Respect for all stars and all that but we have star players on our team as well how’s possible that Scotty Barnes who is Allstar caliber player in this league he go every single time to the rim with force and trying to get get to to the rim without flopping and and not trying

To get foul calls he gets two uh free throws for a whole game how is that possible how you going to explain that that to me they had to win tonight if that’s if that’s the case just let us know so we don’t show up for the game

Just give them a win but that that was not fair tonight and this is not happening first time for us Scotty Barnes is going to be allar he’s going to be the face of this league and what what’s happening over here during whole season I’ve been holding it back it’s a

Complete crap no there is no explanation they just they just come up there they review what and they see what they want to see they don’t want to hear us what we got to say they don’t want to hear the players they they they don’t just

Want to protect us over the game they got 36 free throws 23 free throws in in the fourth quarter what are we talking about what are we talking about how are we going to supposed to play well done bro big fan that dark’s going to get a

Beer commercial when he retires that was great what you again wa is that six figures it’s a lot of Euro it’s a lot of Euros 75 probably it’s hard to say what do you think I mean complete crap I like it that is complete crap and he’s caping

For Scotti Barnes face of basketball Scotty Barnes love it I mean look got to speak it into existence action is probably to scoff at what he said but Scotty Barnes is averaging 21 I’m not scoffing I SC I’m just saying in America people at home your first instinct may

Be to scoff but Scotty Barnes is a baller hey man ogan and noi is a Nick now I understand and and a lot of folks focus on the New York Knicks because it’s New York City basketball and they have played very well but RJ Barrett has

Been lighting it up the last two games and he looks pretty damn comfortable in a Raptor’s uniform and Emanuel quickley that’s that’s a good trade for them they’re fun team to watch Toronto and an even more fun team for the postgame press conference now and that’s going to go that’s

Already gone viral everyone’s talking about it because you know it’s it’s it sounds like I don’t know I was expecting to see is that Sasha Baron Cohen you know just going to come out just take his mustache off you know really helps the ites it does add to it right to big

Time Big Time you know who’s upset about it my wife now hold on you don’t like it when we say that no I’m just I’m not talking about Susie okay got it his wife I’m just went wife darko’s wife Darko I don’t even know her I shouldn’t bring

Her into it I mean what do you think I he’s got a valid argument that’s a that’s a huge discrepancy 23 to2 in the fourth quarter mind you I didn’t see the game right I didn’t see how the game was played maybe I mean AD went to the line he was 13 to

14 from the line so he by far had the most trips but I know how aggressive Toronto is being at The Rim like I don’t know any of those things but 23 to2 that’s a lot that’s a lot yeah here I love this this is great quote was Scot

Foster reing last night uh Lebron we knew we had an advantage on the interior tonight we just Tred to get it to you know ad early and often and late and late end quote end quote good quote LeBron hold on I’m checking the officiating last night and see who was doing the game

There you go here’s the final Dennis shudder accidentally banked in here’s the last line of the report Dennis shudder accidentally banked in a three-pointer with 4 seconds to play but Davis hit two more free throws before it Tren three at the buzzer hit two more free throws they

They call the foul with four seconds left dude I mean I guess it was a onepoint and I’m sure listen this is not I I gave you his his resume it’s not like he just showed up from Serbia and doesn’t know the NBA and what you’re supposed to say after a game

About officiating he’s been around he totally start coaching when he was 16 years old I know he’s he’s a real deal and and and and has a ton of respect in the league and I’m just wondering if that respect just went up it certainly did in his locker room I’ll tell you

That no doubt and I’m sure again the Lakers I mean that’s nuts I if you’re an official and you go back and you start looking at the stat sheet it’s oh we called 23 for them two for okay that’s he’s got a point I mean you think maybe

That there should be that sort of self-awareness I wonder if refs do do that in like the Lakers play such a clean game of course they do absolutely they do and guess what if they don’t you know who does the league true that you know they go through the last two

Minutes with a fine tooth comb the Lakers were only called for 16 fouls 26 for Toronto oh we got LeBron we got a sound bite for LeBron we do no Scott Foster last night oh okay okay hit it what do we got um I felt like they fouled and we didn’t [Laughter]

Wow it’s a very simple explanation hold on a minute do we have darko’s response to it do you want to you roack that up one more time we got D darko’s response to LeBron we got to hear it again I mean you just got to hear it well that’s a new drop

Outrageous what tonight this is completely BS this is shame yes it is shame for the referees shame for the league to allow this 23 free throws for them and we get two free throws in in a fourth quarter this is like how to play the game I all I understand uh respect

For all stars and all that but we have star players on our team as well that’s right how’s possible that Scotty Barnes who is Allstar caliber player in this league he goes every single time to the rim with force and trying to get get to to the rim without flopping and and not

Trying to get foul calls he gets two uh free throws for a whole game where’s the crap how’s that possible how you going to explain that that to me they had to win tonight if that’s if that’s the case just let us know so we don’t show up for

The give them a win that’s great that was not fair tonight and this is not happening first time for us Scotty Barnes is going to be Allstar he’s going to be the face of this league and what what’s happening over here during whole season I’ve been holding it back it’s a

Complete crap no there is no explanation they just they just come up there they review what and they see what they want to see they don’t want to hear us what we got to say they don’t want to hear the players they they don’t just want to

Protect us over again they got 36 free throws 23 free throws in in the fourth quarter what are we talking about what are we talking about how are we going to supposed to play Jim morovic right there Jim moric what are we talking about I like the beginning where just like this is

Outrageous this is complete BS it is it’s crap I don’t blame him it’s hilarious and then well I feel like they fouled and and we didn’t the numbers support that do they not wow the National Basketball Association catch the rich eyes and show every single day on the Roku Channel 12

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Rich Eisen reacts to the postgame rant by Raptors head coach Darko Rajakovic after the huge free throw disparity between Toronto and Los Angeles in their loss to the Lakers.

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  1. Remember a little while ago Lebron was complaining about not getting foul calls? Even when they were getting more calls than anyone. And now they're getting even more. That's the NBA. Pathetic sport.

  2. So lets just give teams X amount of foul shots per quarter to make it fair and square, right? It's totally not possible one team committed more fouls.

  3. As great as it is to watch and remember lets not lose focus on the reason behind the rant. Which was the NBA's usual BS biases

  4. 23 to 2 is crazy but 19 to nothing in the last 4 minutes would make it even more interesting!! Nineteen to zeroooooooo

  5. The fix was in. I wonder how much Ben Taylor made last night.
    ($75K is pretty high. I think the max to date for trashing refs is $25K. I hope Adam Silver makes it just $2.5K and makes a point. And then fires Ben Taylor).

  6. Here's how bad this was:
    The Lakers at home needed the refs' most obvious efforts just to "beat" the only team to lose to the Pistons since opening week… by all of 1 point.

  7. When the Lakers are out of the playoff play in game, the NBA are instructed to call the game in favor of the Lakers. Welcome to how the Warriors felt during last season playoffs when the Lakers shot 76 more free throws during the Lakers win and only shot 8 more in the games they lost.

  8. It's not that Obradovic spoke out,it's why isn't everybody speaking out! Who cares about fines, We don't need no stinking fines! Go Serbia!

  9. The refs never want us to win we are forever playing 5 on 8 … this is BS but what else is new … the NBA refs are corrupt … all of Canada will donate money and cover his fine cause this man speaks the truth 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  10. Said this for many years, NBA refs dictate games and it's done purposely. There is no defense because they don't allow defense, well they allow who they want to play defense. It's a travesty the officiating takes away from a good game.

  11. Finally someone said it, it’s total bullshit the way stars get away with crap. Plus Vegas has no pull in games?

    What about cowboys get a bullshit win against Detroit and suddenly Stafford and Goff are playing their former teams ???

  12. Teach your team to not foul that simple lakers let Barnes drive and lay it up with no contest 😒 show some footage where he got fouled ya goof ball

  13. If the game was rigged for the lakers why do we suck why did Denver smoke us last year. The lakers do flop but it’s not lebron cause he only shoots like 6 free throws a game it’s dlo an Austin that be flopping people only say that cause lebron is on the team cause y’all didn’t say it was rigged when Kobe was on the lakers

  14. you guys talk sports and you openly admit you didn't even watch the game or even research the 4th quarter before speaking on it??
    10 of the 23 free throws were in the last 34 seconds cause the raptors were intentionally fouling. people point out the moving screen foul like it wasnt a MOVING SCREEN lol
    the 2 instances if you watch the 4th quarter that the calls were blatant was AR getting a foul like at the 2-3 minute mark he shouldn't of gotten a foul and Barnes should of gotten a foul when he drove on max christie
    but people wanna scream rigged? give me a break all these mouth breathing haters just showing they don't watch the games

  15. and speaking of the 2 minute report the league even said the lakers should of gotten more free throws that the refs missed calls in favor of the raptors that put the lakers at a disadvantage

  16. "How are we gonna supposed to play?" 😂 LOVE thay guy!!! REFS are crap!!! And he's going to be fined for spitting facts? NBA is weak

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