@Boston Celtics

Post Game Thread: The Boston Celtics defeat The Minnesota Timberwolves 127-120

#Minnesota Timberwolves at Boston Celtics

TD Garden- Boston, MA




|Time Clock|

|MIN |27|26|32|26|9|120|
|BOS |32|22|25|32|16|127|

###Player Stats

**Minnesota Timberwolves**

|J. McDaniels|24:08|5|2-8|1-4|0-0|0|1|1|1|0|0|1|6|-12
|K. Anderson|39:14|17|7-12|0-0|3-4|2|6|8|5|1|1|0|5|-11
|K. Towns|44:20|25|8-17|2-7|7-7|1|12|13|6|2|0|1|6|-5
|A. Edwards|45:43|29|11-25|3-6|4-4|0|6|6|3|0|0|5|1|-1
|N. Alexander-Walker|40:19|15|5-8|3-5|2-2|2|2|4|3|1|1|1|4|-4
|N. Reid|37:26|19|7-15|3-7|2-2|3|7|10|3|0|3|1|4|2
|J. McLaughlin|16:44|6|2-5|2-3|0-0|0|2|2|0|0|0|0|1|-5
|T. Brown Jr.|7:46|2|1-3|0-2|0-0|0|1|1|1|0|0|0|0|-7
|S. Milton|9:19|2|1-2|0-0|0-1|0|2|2|0|0|1|0|0|8

**Boston Celtics**

|J. Brown|43:09|35|9-16|4-7|13-13|1|10|11|3|2|1|2|1|10
|J. Tatum|42:15|45|13-26|6-11|13-14|0|4|4|2|1|0|1|3|3
|A. Horford|38:16|9|3-8|3-6|0-0|1|7|8|5|0|0|1|3|2
|D. White|43:24|9|3-11|1-5|2-2|2|4|6|6|0|0|2|5|11
|J. Holiday|39:54|12|5-15|2-10|0-0|1|4|5|4|2|1|2|3|8
|S. Hauser|17:58|6|2-6|2-5|0-0|0|4|4|0|0|1|0|2|-2
|L. Kornet|18:18|8|3-4|0-0|2-2|2|3|5|0|0|1|0|1|6
|P. Pritchard|16:22|3|1-4|1-3|0-0|0|1|1|1|0|0|0|0|3
|O. Brissett|5:24|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|2|2|0|0|0|0|1|-6
###Team Stats



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  1. What a great fucking win. Jaylen and Jayson are thim. Two hims.

  2. JaysonBaetum


  3. I’m telling y’all, this JT turn around was absolutely legendary. This is the showing of a top top player of the NBA, H E I S H I M

    I fuckin’ repeat.

    H E I S H I M

  4. Interitus_-

    Woah. HUGE win with no KP. Keeping composure in overtime😍😍😍

  5. thetruth0102

    Jayson Christopher Tatum is a good basketball player

  6. Going into overtime on the first night of the hardest B2B of the season isn’t optimal, but true championship teams are able to overcome this sort of adversity. Tomorrow night is a huge test.

  7. zgamer200

    What a gutty win by the Celtics.

    The 1st of a B2B with MIL tomorrow, no Porzingis, and with the TWolves missing Gobert and Conley, it would’ve been easy for this group to look past them or just shrug and call it a night when they got down in the 4th. But they took the punches from a shorthanded MIN team playing well in spite of that and managed to gut out the comeback. Beautiful stuff.

  8. Icy_Painting_9018


  9. Jaysontatumpepnips

    Loved watching Ant walk off the court immediately

  10. Man, this was an ugly game. But guys like White and Jrue made the plays when they needed to and Tatum took over when he needed to step up.

  11. ImeStopPlayingDennis

    I know we keep saying it but there is LITERALLY ZERO ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE the team last year or the year before clutches this one out

  12. mechewstaa

    Once again, lotta people looking like fools in the game thread declaring this game lost. Never give up on this team, Tatum is him

  13. timeknife91

    I said this in the game thread but I think it bears repeating because it’s important:

    Everyone shitting on D White can kindly go fuck off, god forbid he have an off night and still make plenty of hustle impact plays

  14. CelticsDiehard34

    Not to be a prisoner of the moment but…..BEST WIN OF THE SEASON!

  15. Brad-Stevens

    No idea how we won that

    We looked so bad most of the game, then JT said nah we aint losin

    What a duo. What a team.

  16. ChickenWhiskers

    Jaylen Brown exorcising Ben Wallace’s ghost from himself by going 13-13 at the line

  17. Grantwilliamsbot

    I’d like to apologize for my earlier remarks. I was unfamiliar with our new OT game.

  18. GingerMcJesus

    If you don’t like that you don’t like Celtics basketball

  19. carlostheelf

    Give it up to the team for shooting 30/31 from the line, especially JB a perfect 13/13.

  20. Great W. My main takeaways:

    1) Jayson Tatum is HIM. Jaylen Brown is him.

    2) We need to trick this team into thinking it’s OT when they go into EVERY 3rd quarter from now on.

  21. DieYuppieScum91

    JT went the fuck off at the end. This might be a game that gets Tatum into the MVP conversation. He really hasn’t been talked about so far this season, but he has been that dude for the last several games now after a rough stretch.

  22. theonlyryvers

    As a wolves fan that was an amazing game both ways

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