@Los Angeles Clippers

Ty Lue Reacts To The Clippers 117-106 Win Over The Memphis Grizzlies. HoopJab NBA

Ty Lue Reacts To The Clippers 117-106 Win Over The Memphis Grizzlies. HoopJab NBA

Hey uh coach you know everyone think about defense they don’t think about you know finishing the play by rebounding the ball and you know when you have zubac out there 20 rebounds helping you guys dominate when it comes to the rebounding battle how does it uh help you guys uh defensively you know

Finishing these plays oh it’s huge you know our half court defense is really good and um we can finish it off with a rebound it’s huge for us and you know only giving up three offensive rebounds when a team shoots 43% from the field is

Huge and so uh zoo was a monster on the glass tonight and uh we needed every bit of it see uh look like Paul’s really going through it the first half just trying to find a shot trying to find Rhythm uh what helped him get get there somewhat

In that third quarter I don’t know I’m just glad he got there I mean I really don’t remember but I’m just glad he got there and T this is uh this is the second time you got to see um them start a big on T

Man and he didn’t make any uh long balls I know he’s not in there to make shots but do you want him being hesitant when he’s out there do you still want him to take take the first available shot yeah take the open shot the shot that they

Giving him and like I said we all have confidence in T man he can make that shot so um you know like I said they was going to roam him and leave him but I thought he did a good job attacking in transition early you know rebound the ball attacking and transition getting

Downhill something we we’ve missed and so that was good to see him do that tonight and is that something you can expect possibly moving forward the way teams are playing you guys what they see in Boston what you saw tonight is that something you might expect moving

Forward no I don’t think so I mean certain teams but I don’t think every night I got you Ty with the with the win you uh closed them up 11 and two one of the top marks in the league for the month can you just discuss just going on

A run this month that after you know trying to work through things in November and struggling and where you are now yeah I mean I give credit to our coaching staff and our players you know just just working through you know all the adversity when we had lost six games

In a row and just trying to figure it out and um everybody’s been putting the work in just trying to get better you know each night and so I give those guys a lot of credit you know and so once we figure out our rotations you know

Figured out how we wanted to play and then you know just having to win games different ways you know kawhai being out PG was out a couple games you know so just having to win games ugly sometimes just you know just how just trying to figure out a way to win

Games and I get this group credit they they’ve done that and so um you know we got a long ways to go we got to continue to keep building but like I said we’re doing some good things and um I just like our attitude where we’re at right

Now just what about the momentum of closing the mon with these two wins just after the two straight losses and what happened in that Boston yeah yeah I mean it’s good you know especially to beat the a really good Memphis team who’s been playing great with j

Um you know no under the weather a little bit tonight but just to to be the good team that has been playing really well um was huge for us especially without Ka you know and so um the Clos of month out was really good nor we got

A tough month ahead of us in January you know a lot of good teams a lot of travel um so this is a good way to you know kind of end our home stand after we play on the first but just this month just ending the home stand and then going on

To the road T how much in a better spot do you feel like you guys are at the end of this month compared to where were leaving Golden State a month ago um before this run began um yeah we had a better spot you know as far as just you know winning

Games you know trying to play the right way um you know and we got a lot of room for improvement and we understand that but you know we talked about it earlier this season let’s win games and continue to get better instead of lose games and

Get better and we’ve been doing that but we had a long ways to go um like I keep saying we’re trending in the right direction we’re doing some good things we’re winning games different ways depending on who’s in the line up um you know and so you know I thought M Coffee

Was really good for us tonight you know you know getting that started and doing a good job defensively and offensively as well you know I thought Russ was really good especially in that first half but just giv us that energy and juice made some big shots and so you

Know it’s a total team effort you know and so um like said every night going into it you know we’re going to play through James PG and kaai but other guys going to have a chance to have big nights and so we’ve been doing it by committee Ty uh obviously this well

Change once kaai is back but the starting lineup that you’ve rolled out the last four games have gotten progressively better as you know each game has gone by kind of how have you seen their growth as a unit and specifically kind of how you guys have started to get going with Terence and

Adir on the floor together yeah I think um having a Mir and T man taking on the defense assignments you know guarding the best players and allowing PG to kind of roam and you know take on that responsibility later in the game especially with him and James having

Score the ball and you know make plays um T man andir have been great you know just starting those games defensively for us and so um it’s been really good you know they they’re getting better um you know M’s getting better each game you know and so um just the two young

Guys having a chance and opportunity to start and play together um and play some valuable minutes has been really good Ty you brought him up a couple times I want to ask you about air specifically not just this season but since you had him he’s done so many

Different things whether it be an energy guy off the bench whether it be out of the rotation entirely he was your best player for a stretch without kaai MPG and then now doing what he’s doing in the starting lineup can you just talk about his tenure here under you and how

Important he’s been he’s been very important you know and it’s tough like you said when you’re playing behind PG and Kawai you know um it’s tough at times you know but you know I give a mere credit like he’s he’s continuing to put the work in you know stay ready

Games three on three two on two whatever we ask him to do he’s putting that work in every single day and for a young player you you always want to compete and you always want to play but you know he hasn’t you know got an opportunity the last couple years but just having

The right attitude the right approach and it’s going to pay off and you see you know as he’s been playing as he’s been stared he’s been doing a really good job thank you thanks let’s get ready for hoop Jab

Los Angeles Clippers Head Coach speaks to the media following the Clippers 117-106 win over the Memphis Grizzlies.


  1. You should of let Russell westbrook close the game out instead of benching him he 14 points in 20 minutes harden had 16 points in 44 minutes

  2. Are you in love with Harden? 44mins? Really!? Russ only played 20mins!?? Where’s the fvckin balance!?

  3. Bro this channel has got progressively better the audio used to be so bad it’s solid asf now and we getting it all!! W Channel

  4. Lue DONT PLAY RUSS ENOUGH . RUSS play half as much as Harden .Would get more points more assist. Russ needs to LEAVE after this year.

  5. Why are people focused on Russ or Harden, they play well together. They can be on the floor together. Just started off rocky. Russ needs Mann's minutes

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