@Milwaukee Bucks

Milwaukee Bucks vs Utah Jazz Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Jan 8 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Milwaukee Bucks vs Utah Jazz Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Jan 8 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

And and a lot of teams have just picked up on it you know you you collapse this defense at the point of attack it’s easy pickings in terms of open three-point shots away from the basketball same starters here for both of these teams Markin and misses the dunk again no

Damen Lillard out for personal reasons here tonight there’ll be no campaign coming off the bench he’s in concussion protocol Yannis with the Miss and they’ll count the bucket goal tending on John Collins in the first bucket of the second half for Giannis good second effort by Giannis but something to look

For offensively as Buck switched that initial screen Jazz had a major mismatch with Beasley trying to guard Markin and and they went right at marking and inside I look for more of that dur in the second half hesitation by Colin ston a Jax caught him from behind boy he’s skyed to

Get that one great second effort just great you that’s how you don’t give up on a play and good things will happen for you Beasley sneaking in for two and a good they will start the struggled to shoot from that range in the second half you would start to think the percentages

The season percentages would start playing out for this got 14 points and the team leader on the buck side coming out of that timeout they go Colin seon’s way kind of an ISO for Colin middle of the floorida you know that’s a tough tough play in today’s game because the

Fouls are called so so quickly on any kind of contact but I almost take a foul as opposed to giving him that layup he’s looking for number five and he’s got it it’s another five three-pointer game from with relative ease came in shooting 56% from the corners that’s probably up

Around 60% the way he’s shooting the basketball tonight broen out of [Applause] bounds Chris and aliu toana that’s what happens when the energy Dynamic switches when you’re playing hard you’re playing together you’re connected as a team now you start producing some easy baskets they start missing some of the shots well almost a

Miss for ke George got a good bounce there for George that’s a tough tough uh break for the bucks cuz that thing wasn’t supposed to go down Chris looking like he was looking for Brook Lopez Chris stun trying to size it up here to fonia too much a length you got

To be really Markin Markin is a long basketball player 7 feet long arms midleton Tanis count the bucket he’s not dribbling dribbling dribbling where you can send two and three Defenders it’s just a it’s a quick hitter quick cut and finish and the benefit that make made that halftime

Adjustment here for the box and to cool down the shooting here for the Utah Jazz perhaps been two great halftime adjustments by the bucks these past two games Houston on the defensive end against Shen dun in this game with Giannis getting him off the basketball

All ston had some big buckets to kind of calm this this momentum here for the bucks in the third quarter Alabama they called him to young bull because of just how strong he is getting into the paint be you got to be the young bull fighter you got to offensive uh John

Collins moving screen that’s his third person off you got to be a pick a Door whatever that is you got you got to battle that bull double team coming immediately on the catch jannis crosscourt pass to Beast pump fake pulls up not there it’s a tough shot I mean you catch it shoot Corner that that’s that’s your thing on the move right now I thought maybe one

More pass get it swinging around the perimeter you might find a Chris Milton wide open opposite side wiggling his way around Andre Jackson Jr he has just shown tremendous footwork inside against the Bucks jannis tosses it up hey that’ll work to Brook Lopez who puts it home I

Just looking for a foul thought he was bumped out of bounds but nice nice presence of mind to find the front of the rim for Brook box looking for a stop here marking in with the cross over Yannis and Brooke sandwich Lowry Marin and here comes Yannis those three Defenders again so he kicks it out to Ajax that’s what we need Ajax with a big bucket from the corner Ajax second in command to Achilles in

The Greek army I guess Yannis was Achilles on that play nice kick out to his second in command and knock down that three-point shot seven points for Trey 85-66 this whole crowd thought the Jazz might have lost it go back to the last couple buckets here’s Janis you have fallen out of

Bounds but he was aware that Brook was in the vicinity and then there’s a wall you talked about Lisa and those are the shots that the Jazz are going to bank on you not been able to knock down on a consistent basis but Ajax shooting well over 40% from the three-point line

Especially Corner threes he’s he’s deadly Jackson took a peek at the rim and now going against with Lopez man he’s just a mid-range Marauder against the Bucks here to start this second half you got to find somebody to deal with it whether it’s Bo champ or

Here Comes Pat conon but think you need more length against uh Colin ston PC checks in and giv Malik Heasley a little bit of a rest these with those five three-pointers 507 from behind the arc 17 points Chris Middleton three-point try there’s a guy that’s that’s what you

Need to heat up mean just two for 10 from the field overall here ponio with the miss another opportunity though Utah Jazz Chase it down getting all the long rebounds off a Miss three-point shot and a reach and foul looks like it might be against it is against Brook Lopez [Applause]

Defensively on Collins and shoot for three the first three-pointer of the third quarter for the Utah Jazz got to be aware of that we we can see that being set up from from a mile away I mean literally we saw it from a mile away Bucks have got to recognize that

And be ready to to Spring out there and Chase Collins off that three-point line jannis pulls up from mid-range G like he does Off the Bench Maran Subs out Brook Lopez this is what I like on kin ston see if they target uh and try and

Get the switch that they want they do Middleton on ston ston leaves it short he’s got eight points here in the third quarter you almost got to pre- switch these kinds of situations if you’re the Bucks and anticipate that the screen will be set to get a favorable match up for their

Hot player and the Bucks just clear it out there for cash money and a 3 second defensive 3 second call he took advantage of connections had a connection with his coach from Williams College who knew Greg papovich that’s how he got the in in San Antonio they said they love the environment he’s

Created the Player Development you can see that Chris Middleton good hard take and finishes on the right side keep coming [Applause] cash at the deficit fer to within 20 5 and a half left to play here in the third quarter remember the Bucks had the largest comeback down 26 to Portland

Earlier this season High catch and shoot from Market at Miss Portland might have been the best def possession of the night for the bucks overall Chris he’s an opening drop look at this he make of this substitution I mean again you just looking for anything to give you continued defense energy

Rebounding now this to Maran from the they’re hitting some big shot

Milwaukee Bucks vs Utah Jazz Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Jan 8 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

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