@Los Angeles Lakers

UNDISPUTED | The refs cover the hole of LeBron in FT – Skip Bayless agree Raptors HC rips officiting

UNDISPUTED | The refs cover the hole of LeBron in FT – Skip Bayless agree Raptors HC rips officiting

A lot of NBA that happened out here in La last night Raptor coach Darko rajakovic first time I’ve ever said his name went on a table pounding rant I know him now after the Raptors lost by a point last night to the Lakers in La it

Was 132 to 131 that was a lot of points but his point was that in the fourth quarter alone the Lakers shot 23 free throws to Toronto’s two free throws Lakers outscored him from the free throw line 19 to won in the fourth quarter yet the the Raptors were only

Outscored in the fourth by two points it was 4442 Lakers in the fourth quarter so here’s what Darko had to say that’s that’s that’s outrageous what happened tonight this is completely BS this is shame shame for the referees shame for the league to allow this 23 free throws

For them and we get two free throws in in the fourth quarter how’s that possible how you going to explain it that that to me they had to win tonight if that’s if that’s the case just let us know so we don’t show up for the game

Just give them a win but that that was not fair tonight Darko calm down okay so he definitely has a point yet lately the Lakers have been the ones complaining in the league offense that LeBron rarely gets the calls he deserves and the irony last night was that in the fourth quarter

LeBron shot zero free throws for the Lakers who shot 23 okay so Richard you being lifelong diard Lakers fan did the Raptors get a raw deal in the fourth quarter I don’t know Skip I mean some of those were intentional fouls uh there was an offensive foul in there there was

There was there was the flagrant that may have been a flagrant one they gave his a flagrant to you know when he elbowed cam reddish in the face I think was qu came across yeah yeah I mean that was that was right right right that was was about

That was what 10 12 free throws right there so those were kind of self-inflicted and then the rest of them you got to expect a team that that has a big man that’s dominating in the paint is going to get some calls and that’s that’s what happened now did I think

There were some calls that that they could have got Toronto on the three-pointer that was banked in I thought maybe there was a foul there was a chance when they went drove for a dunk at one point that looked like a foul but there weren’t a lot of opportunities

Where I thought man they’re missing these calls for Toronto and and they need to be calling this I mean the Lakers were letting them get to the cup with no resistance at times so there wasn’t no fouls it wasn’t no defense at all sometimes so Scotty bares might have

A grip gripe for for one or two plays but outside of that I mean I didn’t see a ton first my first thought was when I listened to him in the rant I said oh that’s going to be finable that that if they had to win just let me know so we

Don’t have to show up okay that’s that right there is going to be finable he sugges it was rigged right that’s what I’m saying and the NBA is not going for that buddy oh they will not go for that trust me they’re going to have they’re going to say something about that you

Talked about the sh 11 free throws with how many Anthony Davis had in in in in in the fourth quarter so so you know but when you hear those numbers I can understand his gri when you hear those numbers and and you guys are breaking it

Down of course you know with with some of the intentional and all of that but they do sound extreme they sound extreme and like whoa something had to go fishy here something had to get funny here in that kind of situation but skip you you talked about it you know he talked about

Hey if we need a star Scotty Bond’s one of the Stars he’s a face of elite no no no he saying yeah that that that that guy on the other other side over there LeBron ads those are face of the league guys those guys over there you guys are

Not Scotty bares is not face of the league kind of guy you know what I’m saying good player good young player good young player but not not face of the league kind of guy right now so I I I see it I said man I I don’t know if if

I’m saying they were cheating or anything like that I I don’t think that’s his situation I also thought about this guy cuz I know we talk about Draymond Green I said to myself h i wonder even if Draymond Green did that same thing quilly just did are we gonna

See because we nobody said that was intentional when quickley did it last night when he hit cam reddish it’s just a thought that went through my head because now uh since he’s back Draymond Green back if he if one of those kind of situations are we gonna call that

Unintentional that kind of situ that’s what I thought about I don’t think this was purpose purposeful um I just think it fell out that way okay okay allow me to say that we have criticized and criticized and criticized some more Anthony Davis on this show to the point

That our man Wayne what’s that yeah yeah little Wayne went to say it’s time for him to go and I believe that Wayne one of the smartest people I know on the face of this Earth and one of the smartest sports fans I know was he was calculated he wanted to

Light a new fire under Anthony and I believe he has cuz ever since Wayne called him out boy Anthony has been playing dare I say at a top five level his fourth quarter last night was a top five player fourth quarter because you scor 20 in the fourth when the other

Team is is just riging threes on you and you go to the free throw line 11 times and make all 11 and even better down the stretch of that game Anthony Davis made nine straight free throws in the last four minutes that’s extraordinary to me

To me for a man that big it’s like Joel embiid can make free throws but for Anthony who’s missed a lot of key free throws in the past for this team to come up that big was special to me and it it was significant to me because he’s

Showing you he can carry the load he can still do it I know we say yeah but where will you be tomorrow night the next night the next night but that was spectacular and remember it’s 132 to 131 so nobody’s playing much defense here and the Lakers still I I’ve seen him

Clamp down on the Clippers and I saw him clamped down on Indiana in that cup final but they weren’t playing any defense last night but the point was that Toronto does have uh a respectable big man in yaka purle I know him I like

Him I think he’s a good guy and I think he’s a smart player and he gives you all he’s got every night and he’ll give you like 11 and eight and he couldn’t play last night so all of a sudden they got a gaping hole in their defense and and

Anthony and LeBron took advantage of it because LeBron’s just feeding Anthony like crazy and he rose and he Shone last night and yet it did come down to one play and Toronto had some beef here although I I I’m with the call on this if we could see it real quick this is

24.8 seconds left Scotty Barnes faced the league made another three and it was cold man it was a cold blooded three and they called RJ Barrett for a moving screen and I thought he did because he he he moves into anthon I thought he was

Moving and I thought it was a fair call they went crazy Toronto did because they thought they were already getting screwed but you guys think that was a reasonable call the right call yeah I mean I think it was a foul I don’t I think Anthony Davis might have

Exaggerated it to a degree um I don’t think that should have knocked him to the ground but I think it was a moving screen have they not caught that before no question uh I think Anthony Davis being on the court and falling to the ground affected that call all right I I

Don’t think that was much of a call right right look here you you know it’s not like he’s continuing to move and you’re right Anthony put some he he put some Hollywood on it he put some Hollywood on okay but if if you don’t call that the

Game is tied at that point maybe we’re having a different conversation and yet Anthony goes late in the game makes the two free throws that makes it a four-point game and then Richard mentioned shudder X Laker makes one off the glass if we could see this at the end and here we go

Richard Richard you got this and it could have been it looked like Austin Reed might have gotten him right it was close looks like he’s it looked like he got him a little bit they could have definitely caught that I wouldn’t have been surprised if they

Caught that and it was a four-point play woo so Richard overall what’s your take away from last night or they could have called wait wait wait look watch this how AR right remember you got to give him the space to come down remember that those rules that they put in so they

Don’t come down on somebody’s heel and hurt themselves so Austin Reed yeah where where is this space to come down so you know what I’m saying you could right here yeah definitely yeah yeah I’m not sure shter call Glass but I don’t know it looked pretty P actually maybe

From that angle he did call Glass if he called glass I mean he’s NBA player so they they got different kind of talent but so Richard we elated deflated last night what’s what’s your emotion off that game I’m not elated about anything right now skip we had 500 team we were

Uh after the tournament we were what four games over 500 five games over 500 feeling good looking good they played great in that championship for the playin and since then we have not played with same kind of effort I mean except for the Clippers game did not play with

The same kind of intensity and so I’m not elated about anything I’m I’m more indifferent I’m more wait and see because we need to continue to win these games we’ve won two in a row uh they need to continue to play Anthony Davis has played well throughout this time so

I got to give him credit because we we criticized him a ton have we yeah right let me tell you what I’m about let me tell you what iated about I’m elated about that right there what I just heard Sherm said and what you keep mentioning

Uh skip is as when Anthony Davis doesn’t play well we talk about it right here do we so every time he plays well we must give equal billing to that every time we would keep bringing it up I don’t care what we Des he deserves that because

When he plays poorly we gonna talk about it so all that he’s doing right now since since since L Wayne has called him out we’re doing right and giving him his just dessert because he is balling right now he’s showing you yeah I can take this thing over if LeBron should one day

Move away you got that right okay we got to get back to the National Football League because uh hold on the Chiefs are only fourpoint favorites in subzero weather over the Miami Dolphins we discuss next

UNDISPUTED | The refs cover the hole of LeBron in free throw – Skip Bayless agrees Raptors HC rips officiting


  1. None of you are acknowledging what EVERYONE KNOWS. 23 – 2 FT differentials, take away 8 intentional end of game fouls, is that NO ONE can expect to beat any team Lebron is in, IF THEY'RE NOT leading by AT LEAST 15 points. The refs will see to that. So, too bad Raptors, your own fault.

  2. If the coach will be ffined,,,,, then get the coillection of Lebums complaints and rants and fine him too? you media are kissing Lbums hole,,,probalbly rimmin it

  3. Skip??????? Special????? Who's ass are you kissing?
    I hope you sanitize that nose of yours….
    AD flop city!
    He said Scottie is GOING TO BE the Face….
    But as long as he resides in Toronto, The league will not allow it.
    You guys just wanna keep your jobs, I get it.
    No passion. I will Skip (no pun intended) watching you guys moving forward.
    And I am actually a Spurs fan!!!
    I get it.
    It's entertainment….
    Like 2nd rate reality TV where nothing is actually real.
    That's Entertainment!
    AD???? Come on! Glass man flopper

  4. I just lost my respect for these fkn clowns too. I don’t know about Skip yet cuz he hates Bron for many other reasons prior to this game, but those to black fools are pathetic. Smh. Call yourselves black and talk about racism and how your kind suffered in slavery and discrimination and then see this and saying nothing’s wrong. Yea ii n*qqa

  5. It's a one point game. So yes, those two missed calls when Barnes and Young got fouled, would have changed the result of the game.

  6. What a debate. Who made lebron and ad face of the league ? The league itself. They just want to make legacies and talk about it. Watch the nba top 10 every night and it’s obvious. They just want ti highlight everything few of these star players do. This entire league is a joke.

  7. The nba called up all the analysts to tell them it’s not rigged. I used to like skip for telling the truth but I’m unsubscribing because nba paid off skip bayless

  8. Of course these guys are defending the lakers and refs.. I guarantee u if it was the other way around, they would be calling for the refs head

  9. NBA is obviously Rigged. NBA could not earn big money if Toronto Raptors excel and win. NBA system will always allow rich teams like the Lakers to always win because this team has more fans, more supporters, more endorsers and MORE PROFIT. And MORE PROFIT for the Lakers means MORE PROFIT FOR THE LEAGUE !!! That is how B*llSh!t is the NBA right now. I feel very sorry for the weak teams and less rich teams. Its obviously not an honest competitive league and what they care is PROFIT AND MONEY.

  10. NBA is obviously Rigged. NBA could not earn big money if Toronto Raptors excel and win. NBA system will always allow rich teams like the Lakers to always win because this team has more fans, more supporters, more endorsers and MORE PROFIT. And MORE PROFIT for the Lakers means MORE PROFIT FOR THE LEAGUE !!! That is how B*llSh!t is the NBA right now. I feel very sorry for the weak teams and less rich teams. Its obviously not an honest competitive league and what they care is PROFIT AND MONEY.


  11. Wait a fucking minute, 23 free throws equals 12 fouls or less if some were 3-point fouls. Considering Toronto fouled on purpose about 4 or five times in the last minute or 2 leaves about 5 or 6 actual fouls during the quarter. GTFOH & quit crying, No rig. Maybe a bad call or 2 that is normal. The Lakers got Wood and Davis in the paint you have no choice but to foul. On the flip side Lakers were letting Raptors go in the paint with less-than-normal defense plus big men normally don't commit fouls on little men.

  12. What’s basketball coming too ? SMH refs on payroll! I use to be a LA fan nott anymore! I don’t want my team winning like that! That’s embarrassing!

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