@Toronto Raptors

Thad Young Appreciation Post (I know we usually hate these, but Thad deserves one after being written off as old and washed)

Thad Young Appreciation Post (I know we usually hate these, but Thad deserves one after being written off as old and washed)

by earlyearlgray


  1. Upstairs_Leading4669

    Now I’m not trying to overreact but trading for him might have not been stupid. What was stupid was the first round pick we gave up but Thad Young is a great mentor for the young lads

  2. I always thought Thad should’ve played over Precious.

  3. foofighter1351

    Deserved appreciation thread, this was a tough situation to be put in, plenty people including me didn’t have high hopes at all and he’s been good, consistent, he’s a smart player.

  4. Shoutout Temple too. Both of these guys have been in the league for a long time and tonight was evidence as to why. They can go without 20 games straight and still come out ready.

  5. RemarkableActions

    He filled a hole, but didnt make a difference to win

  6. slicksonslick

    Young is old and washed but he plays like a vet within his limitation. He had an admirable performance tonight.

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