@Chicago Bulls

IMPRESSIVE Zach LaVine leads Chicago Bulls to OT win vs Rockets | CHGO Bulls Postgame

IMPRESSIVE Zach LaVine leads Chicago Bulls to OT win vs Rockets | CHGO Bulls Postgame

[Applause] [Applause] A What’s going on bulls Nation wow welcome in C show Bulls post game coming to you live from our studios here in the west Lop towntown Chicago I’m peek you can follow me on Twitter at Bulls corek sitting in for our guy Big Dave it’s our friend Stephen Gardner from Cho Sky

Contributor at phnx Suns he is at State rs.3 on the Twitter machine and on the controls with us tonight he is nearing the end of a very long day here at Cho content creation it’s the one and only Greg Gregs how you doing buddy let’s go

He’s ready are y ready the the the Bears the Bears are already looking for an OC but I am looking for the Bulls win I mean you got it we’re I’m I’m looking oh you’re looking for the actual audio Jo in the chat yell Joey’s in the chat

Yelling at me because nichas Johnson is in the chat yelling it Bulls win yeah no Joey really wants you to hit thatn I know he’s going to kill me oh my God I told you you guys we made sure you knew where those video cues were for later on

In post game oh this is forgot about the bull audio already having a meltdown already having a meltdown I’ll find it and when I do I’ll let you know you’ll find it if you find it at some point you feel feel free to just throw it in

Whenever all right interrupt us with a Bulls win que that’s right I’ll find it uh wow okay so as if Monday night wasn’t unnecessarily stressful enough needing ot to beat the Hornets the Bulls are like hey what if we need OT after a 16-point fourth quarter lead Bulls we

There it is I found it hit it again for our guy Big Dave BS hit it for Steven for filling in B will hit it for yourself did it I did it B hit buttons I can hit buttons and you know what a it one final time for our fellow Bulls fans hanging

Out in the chat tonight Bulls win boom appreciate y’all for hanging out late on a Wednesday night uh extra late as the Bulls needed OT 12419 is the final the Bulls improve to 18 and 21 on the season that ninth seat is theirs uh Stephen man I feel

Like before that epic fourth quarter collapse second half of fourth quarter collapse the story tonight was by and large going to be something similar to what you and I talked about in pregame which is the reinvented chemistry of Zack LaVine and Kobe white and how they were going to coexist second time around

With Zach rejoining the starting lineup tonight along with Vu and Zach and Kobe both looked brilliant throughout most of this game playing off one another playing for one another teeing up open shots and good looks for one another and both getting to the rim on their own

When they could and then the six-minute mark of the fourth quarter came and it was the demard Rosen ISO show and I see people in the comments already flipping out about it it was frustrating as hell to watch even as someone who at times has acknowledged look sometimes clutch

Demar is the best chance the Bulls have of getting a bucket that was not the case tonight cuz dear was not cooking very well tonight so to see that final 4 and A2 minutes of the fourth play out the way it did yep and to see that lead

Evaporate and evaporate down to nothing and no ball movement whatsoever and repeatedly going to ISO dear I feel like Bulls fans as a collective populace were just sitting there shaking our head saying what the hell yeah the their offensive process hit one one hell of a

Snag once it got to that six minute Mark in the fourth quarter and I’ll talk about the things that the Rockets were doing defensively that kind of put a little bit of a speed bump in the process in the second half but all of that stuff was independent of what the

Rockets were doing that was just the Bulls right you got Zack LaVine cooking you got Kobe white cooking both of them doing so independent of each other but also in tandem with each other as well as niika vvi y thear was not he just wasn’t it tonight all reliable as

Reliable as he is is not he can have he can have a bad game he had 19 points on 19 Shots tonight five of 19 and six of those came from the free throw line those points those 19 points so that just speaks to they have to be willing

To like Stacy said on the live broadcast be able to give the keys to Kobe but also understand that you do have Zack LaVine who was having a great game as well and we saw what happened going into the end of the fourth quarter and then we saw what happened in contrast in

Overtime yeah Amar took how many shots in in overtime maybe one I think one maybe one and everything else was relegated to who who should have had had it relegated to in crunch time yeah Kobe white Zack LaVine and it made it happen uh rosette 999 maybe the most patient

And forgiving among Bulls Nation when it comes to uh dear tonight in the comments saying dear was meh but I give him a pass he’s carried us in some games uh meanwhile uh Teran 7 saying dear was def Frozen tonight bar didly saying did anybody else want them to lose that game

To teach Acme a lesson and teach Billy a lesson dear has to go um look I I mean I sat there and watched that that fourth quarter lead just disappear and the way that it disappeared and I said as as we were getting ready to watch them you know

Play that final defensive stand when you know you had 1.6 seconds on the clock for Houston they get a shot off they just don’t convert it I sat there and told you guys like you know what like the Bulls deserve to lose this game the way that they played the back half of

This fourth quarter they deserve to lose that game and I guess at the same time you have to credit them especially when they go down two buckets to start overtime that they did not they could have when they lost the first few possessions of OT been like oh my gosh

Heads down Tails between our legs crap and that I mean who knows where it spirals from there credit to them they said we’re not losing this one but the reason that they finally got some buckets going in that ot to come from behind an OT was once again Zack LaVine

And Kobe white yep and that’s where that’s the difference in between what this team was before like we were talking about pregame and where they are now to where they can withstand opposing teams making these runs and cutting their leads in half if not completely usurping what was a lead

And ultimately taken back what the lead that they had early in the game was yeah and they can still take those hits but also still have a counter punch to go to in what we saw with Kobe white and Zack LaVine and that speaks to where this team is and

Obviously it’s important to apply the context like we keep talking about the word the word of the podcast is context context it’s great that the Bulls won and it’s also awesome that we saw Kobe and Zack LaVine coexist in a effective and productive manner it shouldn’t be

That way going forward though it should only be one of those pieces that should be driving this team wherever the car is going to take it moving forward it’s fun to see but at the same time you also got to make sure you’re looking at it

Through the right lens so the so the Bears word of the day was continuity that’s that’s a trigger word around Bulls we don’t like that word word of the day is context continuity context context more important than continuity because the other point I wanted to

Bring up like I don’t know if this was burying the lead but for me the most bizarre sequence in basketball history you talking about the double officials review they call a foul and a flop on the same play I I’m sorry I’m baffled by this it’s either one or the other

You cannot have a foul and a flop it’s one or the other and then they review The Flop and then the coach asked for a review of the review yeah yeah that was the most bizarre thing I think I’ve ever official challenge happens and then after the official not official

Challenge but the official review happens and then a coach either coach can if they don’t like the result of the officials review then challenge the results of that review and it’s nonsensical like nonsensical and you you saw at some point the broadcast showed Billy you know Billy Donovan absolutely

Yelling in the face of one of the refs saying exactly what Stacy had just said on the broadcast what we all had just said here which is how can it be a flop if it is a foul because what happened was they awarded the Rockets a technical freeth throw for Demar flopping and

Awarded the Bulls the ball for the foul that caused dear to do the flopping I’m just so confused what are we doing and they spent like four minutes reviewing this yes and then Houston was like why don’t you review your review what did you think it was going

To happen they were going to overturn it oh about eight minutes of actual real lifetime in crunch time yeah all Rhythm started out yeah like just a just a mess everything about how that game came down to the wire and then ended was just bizarre uh villain Joel and in the

Comments saying ref’s love to rubber band the game like it’s Mario Kart uh meanwhile uh I’m a spooky Kitty is going to get us back on track with this comment who said now Bulls fans are turning on Demar I can’t keep up with this fan base bro okay so here’s the

Thing Demar had an awful night tonight and tonight is absolutely one of the nights where even it’s someone who’s defended Demar ISO being some of the most efficient offense that we’ve seen as Bulls fans for the last two and a half Seasons now yep sometimes it’s the

Wrong call and tonight the strategy was absolutely the wrong call and I think you have to on top of that question if not blame Billy Donovan to let that happen the way it did for sure the focus should have been on the game that we all saw Zack LaVine play tonight and you

Know maybe the Bulls are going to feel calls about all of their key guys as we get closer to that February 8th trade deadline but the absolute headline tonight should have been look 29 NBA teams look look at this Zack LaVine guy that we have he is totally useful and

Amazing in so many ways because in his first game starting again after such a long absence and a couple of games kind of playing around the peripheral Off the Bench we saw not only aggressive attacking the rimac and he he had a couple bunnies that he missed early on

And you’re like oh no but then he started converting it to himim with authority including that Ann one in OT that was tough as nails he had another incredible split the defense drive to the hoop in the fourth quarter he had confident rise and fire catch and shoot

Threes he hit a pullup three off the dribble oh and by the way he was one rebound shy of his career high offensive rebound that got to an easy putback score when the Bulls were starting to let the you know let go of the Rope a little bit in that fourth quarter got

Them off the mud also seven assists also three steals also had a block that’s right Zack LaVine had three Steals and a block and 13 rebounds tonight that should be the headline and instead we’re talking about the way that they almost piss it away in the fourth

Quarter yeah that that just speaks to The Climate the climate here with this team that were’re speaking to but yeah like you like you just perfectly said with everything you said and the energy behind it Zach had himself won hell of a game and for Zack it’s the not just

Scoring being self with the ball a lot of times playing to Kobe playing to Demar and situations where he would have just kept it himself and went put his superhero cape on yeah and in addition to all of that the defense we saw him with a a very very key sequence on both

Or on defense back-to-back possessions I I think it was right before halftime if I’m not mistaken where he got a deflection after navigating some stagger screens and then that led to a dime to Kobe right correct correct correct and then um and then the next possession he

Was able to be aggressive at the point of attack with Fran vet keep him to his strong hand which they wanted to keep him away from the middle of the floor and then him and vous converged and they got to stop right before halftime and it’s just those little things in

Addition to some other things that he did well in rotation defensively that just really speaks to where he was in terms of trying to be a piece that this team has seen in those positions that he’s now back into with his first start since earlier in the season yeah and

He’s just been doing a solid job with the last couple of games and again is it sustainable we don’t know hopefully we don’t have to find out uh the South garon saying good to see Zach finding his game and playing well uh s and coo saying Zach played a

Great except for the fourth quarter I mean I I I think Zach just didn’t get the ball exactly in the like in the back half of the fourth quarter and again he in the first part of the fourth quarter he made some key plays that kept the

Bulls in front for as long as they did uh also adding in uh Kobe is simply a magician seriously I’m confident now in saying build around Kobe you and I had you know a lot of chat tonight about Kobe between ourselves tonight Stephen like everything that he has shown polls

Fans this season the ways in which he has sort of embraced this larger responsibility we also you know see him you know we were talking about a quote he had about his chemistry with Zach in pregame and the way that his maturity and the way that he’s taking on a a a

Leadership role on this team while we also are seeing his game evolving he had a rough stretch where he wasn’t knocking down his threes and you know you saw defens is kind of game planning for him a little bit more this last few games I think this was now four

Straight game with 20 plus again after his cold streak and he’s figuring it out and you were talking about what you’ve seen from Kobe in the his his brain speed catching up with his foot speed and the way that he the game is slowing down for him a little bit and the way

You see him make decisions in the right reads on the floor yeah he is in a space right now and he is the prized possession to come from everything that was that period of that window of play where Zack LaVine was out regardless of the WIS regardless of the change of

Philosophy offensively is Kobe being able to operate in a sustainable manner as a primary piece and everything that stems from that that is the prize possession that’s coming from playing without Zack LaVine you don’t get that if Zach still in a rotation I don’t think but again apping that context

That’s just important because for one even past anything on the floor related for the Bulls that gives fans something to look forward to that they didn’t quite see before Zack LaVine was out right and if you’re trying to sell to your franchise and to your the people that fund your

Franchise exactly all of exactly we appreciate you if you want to sell to them that we do have something already on a roster to look forward to should we full-fledge ourselves go into this rebuild that’s on the Fly not a complete rebuild but a rebuild on the Fly M

That’s the winning piece that comes from all of that and then you bring it back full circle with Zack LaVine back in the mix now it shows you that not only can he do that without Zach and with Zach but he can also do that with the player

That can be as productive as he is as well that’s in the lineup say if they get somebody like we talked about pregame like a jayen ivy a player that can go and score and get their own buckets Kobe doesn’t have to be the man every night he could play in addition to

Somebody else and for them to get their on as well right you know and we saw some games in in Zach’s absence when it was Kobe and dear getting it done or Kobe and V getting it done or even a couple of nights where it was like Kobe

And either IO or Pat getting it done together which I think a lot of bulls fans still have one eye at least on that that next chapter and if Kobe can be the guy or one of the guys in that chapter um and to see him play that well with

Zach having a larger impact on tonight’s game I think is is huge because there is that other possibility that we keep hearing about which is that look the trade market for Zack Caven is kind of dryway right now it’s tumble weeds it’s Barren it’s pick an adjective that

Various NBA national reporters have used over the last couple weeks I was just listening to the latest uncut with Mark Stein and Chris ANS uh earlier today and they both said the same thing they were talking about SE yakum uh deante and Zach and who’s likely to get moved and

Who’s not and they said Zach’s as of that Trio start that might be on the Move least likely to get moved because of the contract because of the way he was absent and has been playing um but if Zach sticks around and Bulls fans just have to face that reality for the

Back half of February March and April and maybe a playing appearence maybe a playoff you would at least like to have hope in this version of Zach being the one that we get and not the one that we saw in October and November who looked bad who looked maybe like he was playing

Through an injury but mostly just looked checked out and if this checked in version of Zach is the one who begrudgingly doesn’t get the trade he wants and sticks around I mean it’s clearly not only better for him but better for his team around him and the

Morale and like you know you talk about winning player that’s uh you know something that Bulls fans have always questioned about Zach can he contribute to winning he sure as hell did tonight yeah he was not the reason they almost lost no he was far from he was matter of fact

He was a lot more of a reason that they won than he was for a reason that they got close to losing yeah and I think like we just keep talking about it’s hard it’s hard I understand it but you have to find a way to cut

Ties because like you like we talked about pregame and then like we talked about while the game was going on you’re just dragging yourself through the mud and prolonging what you ultimately want to get to if you don’t make it happen in this window and I think um

Jake said it when he was talking to us Jake mentioned that shout out Jake he said shout out El capy he he said that you always talk about it you alluding to not getting to what you really want to get to because you’re getting in your

Own way you can’t just you just got to make it happen yeah they have a mult they have multiple ways they can go about doing it and I just don’t want to get too caught up in you know the the now without losing the big you mean the

Ninth seed the ninth seed uh Billy in the comments said Zack B and played well without ego locked in defense played with the flow of the game and the offense Bulls fans need to understand if we get a good trade package good and great if not hold and I think that’s

Kind of from what we’ve heard where AK and Everly’s mindset is they’re not going to trade Zack just to trade him it you know he is under contract and seems like they are under you know the mutual understanding that they’re trying to find him a new home and that that’s

Still probably the case for the next 3 weeks before the trade deadline but they’re not going to trade him and get Pennies on the dollar if that’s what they feel the the best offers are that are coming in and if in the meantime he can come back into solid

Playing form and healthy and the Bulls keep winning more games than they lose as they get closer to that trade deadline then trading Zach gets less and less likely by the day because they’re eyeing that playing tournament that’s true which kind of what comes in

Alignment with that if for them to be at that point is also Zach playing at a certain level yeah which which like we also talked about again we did a lot of talking surprise surprise surprise surprise hopefully the Bulls are winning games in a minute which they winning

Like now and put themselves in a playing position that UPS his trade stock nationally yeah I I mean if they if they had played like this out of the gate this season I wouldn’t be as salty and cranky and bitter and angry as I am uh

On that note let’s take our first ad break we’ll continue on the other side of it breaking down tonight’s game getting more of y’all’s thoughts from Bulls Nation uh more comments from you we’ll get to some super chats throw us a super chat if you feel so inclined

Feeling generous tonight uh and of course while we’re doing that you know what to do hit that like button for our guy brags who is on show I don’t know six or seven of today between hosting and producing how you doing you holding up I’m going to die you’re going to die

No you’re going to you’re going to thrive brags Thrive we’re going to live forever that’s right because y’all out there in Bulls Nation are going to hit brags with those likes uh subscribe also to The Cho Sports YouTube channel if you aren’t already all right here we go Stephen

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Actually got to got to go to Midtown they have beds for your workouts that’s my sing Point uh okay Rolling Along on uh tonight’s dramatic Bulls win over the Rockets can we talk for a second I saw somebody mention in the comments earlier that shenon was cooking voo down the

Stretch of that game I believe he had they said on the broadcast he had 22 points in the fourth or in the second half he finished with 25 mhm so he had 22 of his 25 the fourth quarter didn’t score until this third quarter yeah uh also of course doing the shenon stat

Padding with nine boards five assists couple of steals I’m I we were talking about how he just does not look at all like a basketball athlete but just has these crafty moves footwork that I swear to God he travels every other time he touches the ball but somehow magically

He doesn’t and he I mean he was picking the Bulls interior apart yeah yeah that dude he’s a he is a problem for all that we’ve seen with with uh joic given the Bulls issues when when he comes to town when the boys go to Denver shenon is giv his own

Flavor of that same type of impact I mean for crying out loud they went to in overtime the first like four possessions straight isolations for the center there was one where he brought the ball the floor and they went and spaced out around him and he just went against them

Like it was the allstar game yeah and the center is going against the opping Center in space and I think he got to the free throw line off of that like that dude is just he’s he’s built different and they’re they’re doing a solid job of kind of how they’re

Teetering the offense to get him the ball allot for him to facilitate and also being able to put him in positions in addition to all that he does with the ball in his hands and we’re seeing kind of a lot of the things that makes vich

Good shenon is good with as well right playmaking scenarios obviously playing off of the elbows and playing off of the block and being able to the space the floor in addition to all of that bringing skill to the game the uh I mean I guess it’s it’s

Fine that nobody else really got going you know van vet finished with 20 not super efficient just seven of 19 so like the Bulls barely survived changon going off in that second half um you know you talk about matchups and we discussed a little bit in pregame the fact that

Billy opted to have Caruso stay in that starting lineup instead of Patrick Williams um you know and Pat actually led the bench uh by a lot as far as minutes tonight he played 29 I was next closest with 18 so it’s not like Pat got relegated to the bench yet again and

Billy killed his minut entirely he still went to Pat a lot tonight and I thought despite a quiet statline Pat played some some solid defense tonight wasn’t trying to do too much but what do you make of the fact that as we also touched on a pregame Billy shrunk his rotation down

To nine guys tonight we saw no Javon Carter tonight we also only saw six men minutes of dalen Terry kind of plugging a hole here or there for Billy and really it was just Pat IO and Drummond Off the Bench what did you make of Billy’s rotation

Decision uh it was kind of like what we talked about in pregame it made sense because of the opponent that they were going against and I mean we saw from some of the impact moments that Pat will had um it was kind of made sense in

Terms of how he’s been featured in an effective manner when all of the Bull’s pieces are in rotation at the same time MH and it was it was it was interesting but I think I kind of saw it start making a little bit more sense as we saw

The game play out and we talked about Alex Caruso and what he brings to the starting lineup um especially looking at what makes the Houston Rockets a good team that’s in pick and rooll and we saw Caruso doing a solid job in addition to Kobe white and as well as Zack LaVine

Like we talked about in the opening do all doing a solid job taking turns on gens Fred Van vet and just doing a solid job at the point of attack even Patrick Williams chipped in when he came in at the point of attack a little bit get

Reflections and just kind of muddying up the pace and pace of play and the flow of play for the Houston Rockets in their main piece which is pick and roll right and it just made things tough and from there we kind of saw things play out but

I think it was a solid decision because of that and and you know we we saw we saw a version of Draymond that we know exists tonight uh I mean uh Drummond rather I saw somebody just bring up Draymond in the comments a slip uh Victor said I really hope Pat will Cooks

Draymond this Friday is Draymond going to play this Friday yeah he’s he’s coming back doggy watch out Bulls elbows are going to be flying uh but I mean this is crazy Drummond going back to his reserve wall with Vu going back into the starting lineup played 13 minutes which is what

He was averaging before vu’s injury happened on the season zero rebounds he could not grab the basketball to save his life tonight yeah I mean and like he was still making those drum and hustle plays that we’ve seen him make even playing some of that perimeter defense

That we see him Mak you know getting his hands on some on some balls uh getting his hands in passing Lanes it was just maybe it was a frustration or kind of a lack of comfortability going back to something that he clearly took that starting role and V’s absence got real

Used to it and real comfortable with it and we saw him play some incredible games Drummond had a tough night yeah he did and I think some of it like we talked about during the game um it kind of boils to how the Rockets operate kind

Match up yeah behind shenon is all small ball and I mean extremely small ball with Jeff Green featured as the center essentially right behind shenon he’s all of 69 68 yeah and they’re playing Five out spacing at that point when shenon is off the floor right so naturally with

The Suns or with the Suns excuse me with the with the bulls switching it’s all good bu’s going to five out switching because of what the offense is doing from the Rockets behind shenon that’s pulling Dre away from the porch where he’s most comfortable so a lot of the

Rebounding opportunities that he usually would gobble up he just didn’t have on volume and then in addition to that him having to work back towards the basket from the three-point line instead of already being there yeah we saw some of those moments where he just couldn’t Corral the ball completely and you know

I I I’ll be curious to see if this goes back to being the norm we kind of talked about it uh you know Dave and I were chat and in in some of these games when Drummond just looked like you know Pistons allar version of Drummond that

Like does Billy even just adjust his minutes distribution in the front court at all and maybe some of it like tonight will be matchup dependent because you know didn’t see a whole lot of Drummond in the second half of that game you know after Billy kind of saw what what

Houston was doing because it seems in some degree that Drummond earned at least a closer look at maybe getting a larger share of minutes with everything he did for the Bulls of V’s absence um and even on a night like tonight when Vu is not super efficient he was 05 from

Downtown but fairly efficient other than that um nine of 12 inside the ark like one is your starting center and the other is your backup and you have a really good backup in Andre Drummond I know Bulls fans and some of you hanging out in our comments every night were

Saying yo play Drummond more minutes even when Vu gets back if tonight was any indicator Billy’s putting Drummond back towards that 10 to maybe 14 minutes A Night Roll and I don’t know if it’s outrageous that he is not going to shift that at least right away yeah I don’t

Think it’s outrageous honestly it seems like and it it’s hard to say if you’re looking at it specifically from the window that Drummond was playing without vich in recently but this is the optimized role for Andre Drummond at this point you start giving him too much

Of a leash we start seeing some of the mental lapses and some of the issues where that be him um missing his rotation within coverage defensively the fouls on volume which have always been an issue for him or just the general lack of um having a um being able to sustain his mental

Sharpness over the course of playing a large volume of minutes on a consistent basis that’s been an issue for Dre over the course of his career and I feel like there’s a good contrast between the offensive minded approach from vich and a defensive minded approach with athleticism from Drummond allowing for

Those two pieces to play in tending with each other I mean staggering with each other I think I think is appropriate and look not to say that Vu is single-handedly responsible for it but it’s something that we touched on a little bit in pregame and we’ve certainly touched on longer in his

Absence what Vu does for the ball movement yes in the half court offense that Drummond just he gives you other things he does not give you that and the fact that the Bulls half court offense was bogged down often times when Drummond was in there instead of Vu Vu

Finished fin tonight with three assists but that you know they’re the hockey assists and potential assists on top of that and just look at what the Bulls did at as a team tonight 31 assists on 42 made field goals Yep this team is not really hitting that Mark that percentage

Of assisted made buckets regularly this season so to see them do that tonight and obviously it helps when you’re knocking down as many threes as they did especially in the first half but getting that ball moving why did the Bulls cough up the lead because the ball stopped

Moving why did they Salvage this game in OT because they kept the ball moving again yep and I think that’s a perfect example of what the value vich brings is you talked about him only having three assists of the teams 31 we also saw in that stretch when usovich was out and

Drummond was in how night and day the offense was and that’s this is no indictment this is not an Andre Drummond slander I love Andre Drummond everything he brings to the table he’s very much a old school type player he’s the closest thing to Ben Wallace and um and Dennis

Robin that we’ve seen in the Bull’s uniform since those two have came and left yep that all has value that it brings but what also has value is what vich brings he unlocks a ton of different things offensively because of the attention that he Garners from a

Defense and for the skill that he has in of himself I’m thinking about the play to start the second half with the Rockets going to a lot more switching and they throw the ball into the post to vvi after staggers for Kobe white they get nothing out of that it goes into the

Post of Vu Zack LaVine cuts to the second side and that immediately turns into a handoff going downhill from from vich to Kobe white he’s able to get a pull up in a little bit of a pocket along the Baseline and that’s a bucket you don’t get those type of looks with

Vich in the lineup in terms of getting to a secondary action because things are stagnated the defense doesn’t respect him if he has the ball in those scenarios they only really respect him after he gets the offensive rebound so those little tweaks is just the difference in the values that both of

Those two bring uh I see a lot of people in our comments kind of talking looking ahead to Friday night uh this matchup against the Warriors Warriors only come to town once a year this is a Warriors team that’s uh in in flux uh trying to figure out what’s going on right now

Obviously eager to see if they can get a hold of things with the return of Draymond Green after his suspension people talking about the Draymond uh match up with the bulls front Court um that’s something else you know Bulls fans have been throwing some heat at Bly

Donan this year about playing small ball we saw the Rockets Anda go small ball tonight you know who else got some heat recently for playing small ball cuz this Bulls Legend Steve Kerr current head coach the Golden State Warriors what what do you think we’re going to see in

In that you know Billy verse uh Steve Kerr Clash of you know he he was you know Fielding questions about not playing kaminga down the stretch of a recent loss where they blew a lead uh you know now kaming is basically like saying Steve KT doesn’t believe in me I

Want out of town Bulls fans are talking about maybe making a Zack LaVine trade with the Warriors and maybe getting kaminga back in that trade what what do you think is going to be the headline to that bull Warriors match up on Friday o that’s a that’s a a really good question

I think it’s hard to go with anything that’s not Draymond related because of all of the attention has been around his name the last I don’t know if you heard Stephen but he almost retired that was a great iroll right there talk about talk about ducking talk about ducking accountability man man I

Could go on tangent about that but people holding me responsible and accountable for my actions what is that I can’t put up with that I’m just going to walk away rather just dip I mean got take my ball and go home what Adam Sila tell him I think you’re making a rash

Decision here sir little bit little bit I saw and I saw somebody in the comments earlier saying you know like yeah dr’s kind of annoying whatever like you want the Bulls need somebody like that on their team who can you know throw down uh look I agree and I know our guy Big

Dave also agreed is why we have an award called goon of the night that he christened which R would be the king of should he ever wear a bull uniform correct you need some of that goon in this Bull’s team is a roster full of nice guys a roster full of not many

Scrappers uh that you you need a little bit of that but the point with Draymond recently is that and it seems like the last year or two in particular started with the Jordan pool practice punch right he’s lost control of that equilibrium of of bringing out the right

Amount of crazy on the court so my teammates know and are glad that I have their back if [ __ ] hits the fan but that I can harness that and it seemed like Draymond had recently lost his ability to harness that yep and in addition to

Losing that he also has lost his grip on leadership with that group it feels like a lot of things for as positive as that last that improbable last championship round was for them mhm the things that have stemmed from that has been a lot lot of loose cannon activity from

Draymond and that losing the touch in terms of being that type of player and having that feel for when to push that button and when not to has come in tandle with not having that leadership effect from it right and he’s just really in limbo and that’s really kind

Of been an indictment to everything that they were trying to get back to after that tumultous season where Steph Curry was out of the lineup and Klay Thompson was completely away from the team because of his injury yeah um the uh people in the comments pointing out the

Warriors took a beating tonight they fell to the Pelicans 141 to 105 so you know for this Bulls offense that’s still trying to figure out some new Kinks and some new wrinkles and get Zach in back into the picture he and Vu back in the starting lineup That Warriors defense might be a

Mighty fine way to try to keep that momentum going uh let’s take our second break then we’ll come back to wrap up with a few last thoughts hopefully we’ll hear from our guy willig go goly from the United Center uh get his thoughts on tonight’s game and uh we’ll get to any

And all super chats you have and of course we have to award the Goon of the night I have heard from Big Dave the vote is in I will present it on his behalf tonight uh Stephen do you want the worst thing you can do is show me a button or a

Sound I told you you it in there and then I just start hitting it will there’s all these other sounds I could play about also it’s a really it’s a really fun sound to hear yeah it it really just a happy da yelling yeah if I had a button you know

Like one of those Staples office supply company that made those easy buttons on those commercials back in the day if I had a button just on my desk at home that just made the Big Dave Bulls win sound I would probably play it dozens of times a day that sounds like a Christmas

Gift for anybody that needs to find something from that moving forward I mean I could probably figure out I had a MacGyver one myself I I have the audio track I just need something where I press a button and it does that but not like a key on my laptop keyboard I need

A button like from a board game having a tough day guess what Bulls [Laughter] wi there you go don’t don’t want to do these dishes Bulls win don’t want to pay my taxes Bulls win the Bulls lost Bulls wi truly is the GI that keeps on

Gifing even but Bulls made me stay up extra late on a Wednesday cuz they went to overtime after coughing up a 16-point lead there you go BS win hit that button Stephen you want to talk about combat with me right now I would love it if you

Did let’s do it let’s do it let’s do it you want to take one or two I got one take player one I’m running a point guard again you’re running that point like last time Kobe MF and white that’s right it’s getting easier for businesses to switch to electric

Vehicles that’s something we can all get behind for the health of the planet and for the well-being of all of us who share it you’re so freaking right Stephen the electric grid is evolving to meet your cleaner energy needs as we all move with confidence towards an electric

Tomorrow whether you have one delivery van or like we know our guy brags here does a whole Fleet of shipping trucks brags is a fleet guy for sure ComEd can help you to make the changes to make sense what’s your business owners doow it’s a great question Stephen let me

Give you the answer go to clean to learn more about the resources Fleet rebates and in infrastructure incentives available to help businesses go electric if you own a business one good for you congrats that’s not easy to do that’s awesome two don’t wait start making your plan today to switch to

Electric vehicles good for business good for the planet good for all of us go to clean I’m sorry I didn’t hear you say that one more time uh yeah no problem Stephen I said clean this man is on board go now and see how El going electric connects us to

A better way of doing business and a better future for generations to come tonight’s C Joe Bulls post game also brought to you by of course our friends at draftking Sportsbook and official Sports batting partner of the NBA that’s the National Basketball Association in full NBA is in full swing

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Call 1800 Gambler or visit www.1 1800 gambler. net Mr brags I believe I heard a little jingle over there on your producers desk I believe that means it’s time to have a little goat talk that’s why is the go go is he there is he there where’d he [Laughter]

Go you’re you’re so close BR you’re so close to the Finish Line there he is hey joining us on the goat talk hotline it’s our guy willly go [ __ ] follow him for all his Bulls reporting and updates willor gole on the Twitter machine will great

To see you sir uh what a wild game this was what an absolutely Wild game Bulls cough up a big lead down the stretch Demar ISO ball goes horribly wrong in the fourth Kobe and Zach looked great most of the night then salvaged a near Collapse by making big plays again in OT

What what was your read on this crazy game I mean it was a crazy game for sure I I would say this just off the top um Drew Stevens from The Bigs just had a great interview with Kobe about uh just offense and general when the game slows

Down very animated so I’m looking forward to reading whatever comes out of that discussion but I mean the the Crux of it is like I know a lot of people were frustrated with dear and a lot of people were frustrated with dear from last game when he dribbled the ball out

Of bounds on the Baseline a couple times um first of all Billy kind of came out and immediately said like he chose to go to that spread uh isolation offense last couple possessions because the Rockets send a lot of help and so he didn’t want

To put guys in a position where you know they were sending throwing two to the ball and there wasn’t a good outlet for whether it was dear or Zach to be able to make a play out of that so um Billy kind of put his hand up on that one but

To Kobe’s point and again make sure you guys check out whatever article comes out of this because I’m sure it’s GNA be great but he was very animated just saying like in those moments like you look at any team around the league they’re putting the ball in their best

Players hands and letting them make a play whether they draw two and they kick it out or whether they are able to just isolate and score like that’s how it goes and the Bulls are fortunate to have like three or four guys that can go do

That on any given night but dear has earned you know the right to be put in position to take and make those shots and there’s gonna be nights where it works there’s gonna be nights where it doesn’t but that is the Bull’s best option in close games if you need a

Basket in a half court set at any point in a game that that’s what’s going to happen is DeMar is going to get the ball and so I had no problem with it obviously didn’t look great um but I mean if the ball would have went in it

Would have been Demars the hero but because it didn’t it’s like the offense is good enough and I just kind of disre that idea that I’ve seen a lot on Twitter because that’s really how it goes for all these teams I mean even like Prime Warriors playing against the

Cavs in the finals it was LeBron isolations or Lebron Kyrie pick and rolls versus Steph Draymond or Steph ktie pick and rolls that’s how it goes you put the ball in the best player hands and you let them create a play so that’s what the Bulls did did not work

For you know four minutes and 15 seconds there to end regulation was not pretty um I thought that was Zach’s wor worst stretch of the game thought that was everybody’s worst stretch of the game but they came back and Zach had a couple of huge plays and overtime Kobe had a

Big three and they found a way to like open the floodgates we were talking in pregame will about the interesting decision from Billy to with the reintegration of Zack and Vu to the starting lineup after a couple games off the bench keep Caruso in the starting lineup and send Patrick

Williams back to a reserve role uh and one that as we noted before you joined us Patrick Williams led the bench in minutes tonight nearly played 30 minutes but with that decision to take pat out of the starting lineup and keep Caruso in there uh was Billy asked about that

After tonight’s game and what was his response can we expect to see more of that now that Zack and Vu are back in the lineup and we all know step pointed out in pregame just how bad the net rating was of that you know OG starting

Five that had Patrick Williams as a part of it out of the gate this season uh and what did on top of anything you got from Billy what did you make of that decision yeah I mean so much of the the numbers from that group are just going

To be a result of the team playing terribly and obviously you can’t wipe that part of it away but they really are playing a different brand of basketball right now so um you know we’ll see how that progresses I I don’t looked at the numbers since Zach returned uh Billy was

Asked and he basically just said because Caruso is playing really well and um I mean personally I think cruso is the best option at the four I’ve been saying that all along he’s one of their best players he deserves to be out there in those closing minutes for sure um and I

Think with him It’s Tricky you know we’ve talked about this the last couple of games because of the minutes restrictions but you’re trying to keep him to 24 minutes and you start him and you also want to close he’s playing the first six minutes and he’s playing the

Last six minutes of the half there’s a 12 minute Gap in the middle you know from halfway through the first halfway through the second where he’s on the bench where he’s getting stiff and um that can be difficult so obviously Billy you know has to figure out how to best

Manage his minutes but he wants his best players out there and I think as well as Pat has been playing as much as he has progressed and I think he has bruso is still a better player I think that’s kind of the long and short of

It I mean you kind of touched on it a little bit with your with your first answer but the the version of Zack LaVine that we saw tonight will I mean just night and day so impressive building on the modest things he did in his couple of appearances Off the Bench

Not only scoring you know uh on all levels of the floor knocking down shots confidently whether he was playing off the ball he had a pull-up three that was big getting to the rack facilitating and uh as Stephen pointed out earlier just the defense that we saw the effort on

The boards that we saw from Zack LaVine tonight what do you make of this his first game back starting Kobe white talked about his chemistry with Zach and their you know their practice the other day and now they’re back starting together and he and Kobe and Zach seem

To have some great chemistry together setting each other up for good looks tonight if the Zack LaVine trade doesn’t happen do you see this version of Zach being something that Bulls fans can see not just tonight but consistently down the stretch for a Bulls team that’s trying to remain

Competitive yeah I mean this is kind of the way that Zach needs to play if the Bulls are going to play well I think part of it is that he is marketing himself a little bit um I think tonight was a great example of him just like

Playing Super well and scoring at a high level while also being like really um you know involved in the offense and not really hijacking it at any at any point I mean 25 points on 15 shots 50% on threes got to the line a bunch rebounded well had some really nice assists and

Transition found Kobe on a bunch of transition threes uh this was just a really well-rounded game from Zach and it’s like obviously he can play that way but I think as the Bulls kind of devolved over the last season and a half it just it’s easier for guys to resort

To what they’re most comfortable doing when things aren’t going well um because if they are more comfortable and they’ve gotten to this point in their careers doing exactly that they feel like it’s going to be the easiest way to like get things back on track but for the Bulls

We know what happens when you know there’s too much my turn your turn too much isolation with Zach and dear and V and this is really how they need to play and you know Zach was saying after the game and Kobe said this with uh with reporters this morning um Casey and

Julia both had nice stories on it if you want to go uh read those but just the chemistry that those two have they’ve been together six years um they’re the longest 10y Bulls on the team Kobe’s Ben was Zach his entire career like they’ve developed a good chemistry and Zach just

Said that like he’s a huge fan of Kobe he’s never gonna want to like take away from anything he’s doing well and with him playing as hot as he has been like you got to feed them you want them to continue playing that way because I think ultimately they all know that they

Need everybody playing their best if they’re if the team is going to succeed at the level they want so um I think this version of Zach is fantastic I mean he was he was awesome tonight defensively um I thought there was a stretch there in the fourth quarter like

I said where he kind of started to do a little bit too much but quickly rained it back in um and that’s what helped get the Bulls the lead in overtime so can’t say enough uh about Zach and the way that he defended the way he moved the

Ball he rebounded it was just a really fantastic allaround performance well uh it’s a late night on a week night because because of OT we know you’ve also got a busy day tomorrow bulls have a practice you will be reporting from and you and our guy

Marque have an earlier uh time slot for a fresh Bulls HQ tomorrow 3:30 central time so we will let you go but not until you give us your choice for G the night yeah I’m going with Zach I mean leading scorer was Kobe and he was awesome heading to ton of Threes a

Couple of big ones but just the mindset that I think Zach has had to um you know assume in order to fit in the way that he has um put his ego aside and I think part of it is that he’s kind of like I said before marketing himself to the

Rest of the league but for him to be this efficient of a high volume scorer uh while just playing system basketball was just fantastic so um I think that that just takes a lot of um maturity and putting his ego aside to you know help

For the better of the team and uh just yeah can’t say enough about him Everybody follow will our guy the go Godly will _ goly bond Twitter for all of his Bulls reporting and updates and make sure you read everything he writes all will we appreciate the time

Buddy we will talk to you soon everybody keep an eye out for him and Mark Bulls HQ tomorrow take ah goodness always wonderful to hear from will uh Mr Braggs piggy backing off of will selection I believe it’s time for a certain Empire something something

To be the man you got to beat the man I’m the man that’s right Bulls win that means we’ve got an Empire Today goon of the night to give out it is the brainchild of our dear friend Big Dave Watson schedule a free inhome estimate to get

New flooring today as D would say floors floors floors no matter what is all Empire does y’all all listeners can receive a $350 discount when they use promo code chgo restrictions apply C chgo for details 5882300 bags Empire o that’s a that’s a tired man who

Made a bold choice of going falsetto the entire man I’m surprised he hit that note I almost passed out when I did that that was his last he passed out trying to hit that high not some somebody those right into the keyboard just mere minutes away from finishing

His long day uh brags sir who are you awarding your goon love for tonight for the Bulls this is for a good player right go KN can Define it however you want to Define it well I gotta say I gotta say the the the the the coach of the rockets for reviewing Oka

Yeah reviewing the review that’s some that’s some goon [ __ ] that is some goon [ __ ] that’s some goon [ __ ] totally a valid choice I would do the foul and the Flop Call yeah because there’s no such thing as a fou in the Flop on the same play but the review of

The review is even dumber than the fall and the Flop yeah which was one of the most intriguing sequences I’ve ever seen on an NBA basketball court I dig it I dig it uh Mr stepen G yor the night Ah that’s tough I’m still kind of trying to

Make a decision to this point a lot of candidates tonight I naturally want to say Zach just because he’s back in the starting lineup doing all of the little things that a lot of bulls fans have and as well as the coaching staff have begged him to do right yeah I don’t

Think it’s sustainable but the fact that he did it needs to be applauded I’m G switch it up though I’m gonna say Kobe white I love it I’m gonna say Kobe and his goon is coming from just everything that we’ve seen incrementally grow half some highs half some lows ultimately at

The end of all find sustainability through the absence of Zack LaVine and now come in addition to Zack being back in the rotation that takes a certain level of mental fortitude to go from starting to go to a reserve role for a whole season go back to starting see

Multiple roles being toggle between all of that also develop your skills at the same time and UL become a average average to sometimes even high average point guard starting point guard in the NBA yeah with all the eyes stacked against you it’s true uh you know I I

Gave Kobe my goon love on Monday night for very similar reasons and just like even on a night like tonight when the Bulls offense had some stagnation moments Kobe just has sort of discovered this Knack of getting tough buckets when they need a bucket like that guy has

Been Demar on this team for for two plus years and now that that player is slowly turning into Kobe white which is really cool cuz the Bulls just signed him on a very team-friendly deal last summer uh I’m I’m going to give my love to someone

Who did not play tonight who has not played in a minute and won’t play for a while I’m giving my goon of the night love to Tori Craig Who as a vet role player on the Shelf with a long-term injury was up out of his seat on every

Other Bulls bucket tonight talk about a good teammate Tory Craig cheering on every one of those bull bulls big buckets every Rocket’s timeout because of a big bucket a little mini run or a big run or a boom exclamation point three that one of Tory Craig’s teammates

Hit tonight Tory Craig was up out of his seat greeting his teammates um which you just love to see especially from an injured vet role player who’s not playing yep especially one that could potentially also be traded at any given point it could easily be checked out and

Nobody would question it so shout out shout out big country uh okay well so all of the fake votes are in there’s only one real vote that matters and it is Big Dave’s and as his proxy tonight I can officially tell y’all do you have a

Drum roll bra you want to throw a drum roll in there Bulls win no we’re going to stick with the Bulls win Brax has that One queued up your goon of the night from Empire Today he found the drum roll Zack LaVine comments from our guy Big Dave

Stacy said something about Zach tonight he has never said it’s like there’s five Zack Lavin out there his defense was stellar also Big Dave wanted to give an honorable mention to Drummond for getting zero rebounds true goon [ __ ] in the words of our dear friend Big Dave

But the Goon of the night from Empire Today Tonight does go to Zack LaVine who had himself a hell of a game uh with that brags Let’s uh give some shout outs to our Super Chat uh Loyals and uh have uh have yourself a nice home go to Midtown find a Bed

Exactly we’ve got Luke with the Super Chat saying yo I’m telling y’all if Billy doesn’t run IO 15 plays in a row with tomorrow these next 11 games are winable so true are you the same this is the luk who in pregame said the Bulls

Are about to go on 11 game win streak they got three hey that’s three baby hey Hawkeye with a $5 Super Chat thanks Hawkeye saying yo what’s up guys good to see you and Bulls win three in a row PSI heard peeg screams all the way in the

Bronx when D went to the Bucks oh that’s old news uh Raphael with a999 Super Chat thank you Raphael saying I don’t understand why people think Cody and Zach can’t coexist Kobe got drafted him and Zach were the bright spots in the name redacted redacted big redacted especially after bra doesn’t know where

The neuralizer is all right we don’t we can’t break out the neuralizer right now go go don’t go tossing that name around but yes we have seen some solid Zach and Kobe chemistry redevelop over the years as our guy will touched on as we touched on in pregame and it’s it was

Nice to see it sort of re flourish tonight the way that it did um I believe they combined for 15 assists tonight and a lot of them were to each other which was just chef’s kiss uh Luke threw us another Super Chat saying alsoo we need to check those refs for a concussion

Agreeing with our guy brags here on what the hell was going on in the fourth quarter with that officiating crew uh Iero saying let’s go Bulls to the play in we go do dot dot Kobe Loki looking like step wow that is that is the compliment

That speaks to him earning more goon the night attention right there truly you don’t just throw that that comparison around I believe our guy will the goat said it uh in just earlier this season when Kobe was truly on his lights out tear from behind the three-point line

Shooting like 60% from three over a stretch of 10 games or whatever it was bra did you have something to add or you good okay I think it’s also not just the three-point shooting but it’s the moving and the pace of moving with Kobe and their half couret

You can’t optimize vich and his elbow touches and things of that nature without having somebody that you can move around the chess board with the level of unpredictability and Randomness that Kobe has yeah and he has that flea footed first step and Pacey plays that that is eerily similar to what Steph

Brings it is and look we’re not for real absolutely we’re not for realy comparing Kobe and stuff that but you know Kobe to his credit has developed the defense end of his game as like we know people hunt Steph on the defensive end and some teams still do hunt Kobe absolutely on

Certain switches on the defensive end but he has gotten harder to hunt because of the growth he’s made and as you and I you pointed out when you and I were chatting a lot of that is coach Caruso School that Kobe’s been attending for the last couple of years uh all right

One more from our dear friend the Duke bless his heart throwing us a Super Chat saying it’s 10:42 p.m. has brags slept yet oh man it’s not bagman it’s hoodie man we call this we we call this combine K okay cuz he slept at the combine with

His uh hoodie Hood pulled over the the the brow I like it’s a good look I definitely rock it myself it’s the hard- hitting analysis we do over at CH Bears Ian didn’t you guys start your your first CH bears show today at like 10:00

A.m. or something yes we did yeah and it is 11:00 p.m. that’s that’s 13 hours in C for our guy here we made it give it up for our friend Greg BRS and that’s after that’s after Black Monday yeah so yeah I’m guess and also like I I am a night owl in

Season especially on game nights when the Bulls are playing I’m up late a lot I’ve been seeing this guy sending out firing out tweets between like 1 2 3 in the morning since the Bears season mercifully ended being like I can’t sleep I’m extremely stressed out about

This offseason so yeah I mean don’t get it twisted I’m tired but I’ll be on Twitter spaces till 3:00 in the morning arguing about the decisions made at how Hall today hey man that’s the commitment and the hustle and the passion that Chicago sports fans love and appreciate

Brad got to get some goon of the night attention for that though I mean yes always deserving of some sliver of goon of the night love our Guy Greg brags anytime he stops by to hang out with us Bulls fans because I feel like he needs a

Distraction every once in a while Mark just hate now well it’s because you’re often producing those HQ episodes with Mar and I ruin him every time and Mark has a little man crush on our guy Joy’s path this and he feels like Joey hates him but it’s just because the way the

Producer schedule works out I think I remind him too much of C red Fred is is my thing with him I get you confused sometimes less now that you and I work together and see each other regularly but back in the day you could have you

Know put one of you underneath a giant Solo Cup and flipped you around a bunch of times yes we’re both insufferable jackasses with a with a heart of gold [Laughter] uh that’s it we’ll get out of here let everybody go to sleep brags first and foremost um first though shout out and

Thank you again to our friend Stephen Garner here from CH sky and phnx Suns filling in for Big Dave on pre and post tonight follow him for all of his incredible NBA takes WNBA takes and coverage uh stay true s do3 is the Twitter handle Stephen it’s always a

Pleasure man I feel like doubly lucky that we had to have a couple of shows together in succession I’m glad I was available on a car like that man had to come through clutch like MJ coming through in the clutch like uh KOB z uh our our team handles chore Bulls as

I said will _ Gody follow our guy Mark as well MK Hoops on bulls unor we will hear from y’all or you will hear from Will and Mark tomorrow Bulls HQ 330 Central we will be back Friday for pregame before blls Warriors Dre let’s get crazy for brags and our Guy

Stephen I’m P saying thanks for tuning in bols nation hit the thumbs up on your way out to make sure Braggs has a smile on his face as he heads home after a long day we love you we appreciate you see you re Good we like the May

The Chicago Bulls picked up their third straight win, beating the Houston Rockets at home on Wednesday.

Zach LaVine had his best game of the season, posting a near triple-double. Zach finished with 25 points, 12 rebounds, and seven assists. Coby White also 30 points and 8 assists, including six 3’s. Alperen Şengün, Jalen Green, and Fred VanVleet pushed it the game to OT, but the Bulls got the win over the Rockets.

Join Matt, Big Dave, and Will on the CHGO Bulls Postgame Podcast as they breakdown tonight’s game and look ahead to what’s next for the Bulls.

An ALLCITY Network Production






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  2. Demar had more 3s than 2s he shouldn't have been the option at the end of the 4th q unless he's in the corner shooting a 3 tonight based off tonight's numbers. And not challenging that Zach offensive foul was dumb especially having 3 timeouts at the time. Meanwhile our opps coaches regularly use 1 even both challenges. Zach and Coby bailed Billy out tonight

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