@Sacramento Kings

Why isn’t Sasha Vezenkov playing for the Kings?

Why isn’t Sasha Vezenkov playing for the Kings?

I did want to read a comment I got from simun from Bulgaria okay and it’s a long comment but I think it’s a a question I think a lot of people are wondering the biggest the biggest part of the question is this what’s going on with Sasha

Venkov he was the one player who did not play for the Kings Tonight the one uhhuh anyway here is the comment hey DUS Mo a big fan of your podcast glad I found your channel as your post match episodes are always so entertaining I like post match I like that post match obviously

Some might say that I’m biased when speaking about Sasha since he is Bulgarian and I’m Bulgarian and we want him to succeed badly but trying to dis distance myself from this and to speak from Strictly logic point of view of how Mike Brown treats his players so here’s

My observation in terms of leash length oh okay he’s got a leash length breakdown Okay Kevin herder falls out of the starting five then makes 17 points in garbage time the other night now he’s back in the starting lineup being below average in my opinion again Keon Ellis I

Love the dude by the way he fell the rotation completely completely out of nowhere in my opinion then he plays massive final mans the other night and now he’s back on the rotation Harrison Barnes where do I even start in my opinion after fox sa bonus and Keegan he

Probably has the longest leash himn not starting for some reason is never considered by Mike Brown although he is at most times average uh JTA comes out of nowhere in the rotation plays Some solid defensive minutes but overall he doesn’t offer anything else and then comes Sasha B

Enov dude fell the rotation in the last two to three weeks like literally then he comes the other night and plays 20 minutes and Trail l absence scores 11 points got immediately into the game from the first second was doing things on the offensive end was not worse than

The rest of Team on the defensive end and then today another DMP sorry but biased or no non-biased I don’t see the logic is it that difficult to incorporate a Euroleague MVP with so many versatile qualities in your rotations for 15 or even 10 minutes everybody says he is soft on defense he

Is slow on defense but honestly is he that bad is he that much worse on what we have seen continuously from guys like Barnes and herder what’s your take on this being so close to team and talking to the coaching staff on a regular basis I really can’t figure this out cheers

And keep doing what you’re doing first off shout out Bulgaria you know what I love this Sasha fan is embracing the Kings not just for Sasha he’s not just going oh he’s not playing I’m turning off the guy’s watching each and every Kings game and that breakdown great breakdown his leash length breakdown

Give it up to him I like no and it was I mean it was thought out and I love I love that he states to in my opinion in my opinion like he’s letting us know like hey this is my opinion I’m not acting like this is fact or this is

Where things need to be but I also I think we appreciate that perspective but I also think there’s a lot of Kings fans right now that also appreciate that perspective I wish I had a good answer for you because I’ve had some of the similar questions that we talked about

In the podcast and you know um when Mike Brown’s been asked about soci in the past he’s like oh just the numbers game he’s kind of out of the rotation at this point but you’re right we’re seeing so many guys kind of get chances and it it

Seems like he’s falling out and I’m so curious the next time we get a chance to talk to him you know we don’t get to talk to the you Mike Brown when they’re on the road but if there’s a practice again I’d be curious where he like for a

Progress report on Sasha like and what Sasha needs to do to maybe get into the rotation what’s he looking for because I agree I mean I feel like he comes into the game and yes there’s going to be defensive issues I feel like we’ve repeated this so many times like he’s

Going to get blown by every once in a while but I do think he does such a good job for even some of his shortcomings of being so active with his hands he’s got good length he’s a good rebounder and I I feel like he comes in right away and

He’s ready to go launching a three how many times has he come in and just hit a three right away or miss a three but he’s willing to take the three yes and I just don’t think they have kind of tapped into his abilities enough and given him the appropriate chance to show

What he can do it’s like he he’s got to make every shot that he takes and make the most of his minutes but that’s just not I mean you can’t rely on that you just you just can’t someone’s sitting on the bench not seeing those minutes you

Can’t be like well your job is to hit every three you take because you’re not going to get that many opportunities that there’s just that’s just not realistic for any sport any player whatever um it’s frustrating because I think he is right with some of his opinions in that comment about look like

Why does Harrison Barnes have this type of leash my push back on that is I don’t think he has as long as of a leash anymore I think Harrison’s minutes are going down down down it’s not anymore but he still starts but he still that’s it that’s it because in his opinion on

These comments he’s say seen well Kevin herder has a short leash and he’s getting out of the starting rotation um where Harrison Barnes it’s like it’s foreign to everyone to even think about him coming off theat bench and not starting that position and then you have

A guy like Sasha venkov who his length alone out there and talk about sure he can be slow at times but doesn’t mean that he’s not doing his job with a rotation and or staying vertical when in contesting a shot when someone’s coming at The Rim I I have been very surprised

By this development this year I just thought he would get some more minutes even you know going with some smaller lineups you know I would even mess with I know it would get crazy sometimes but depending on it like play some small lineups I think we saw it a little bit

With Sasha you know early early on at some point but yeah I would like to see some more Sasha and I I don’t know what he has to do to to get consistent minutes and I have a feeling that it’s more defensively than anything and I

Think that is a little unfair because I don’t think it’s as bad excuse me as people think e um yeah I think he’s a smart player y that has has learned a lot more pretty quick yeah but and I don’t even I can’t even sit here and say like but it’s not

Quick enough I just think it’s just maybe not enough for what Mike Brown wants to see this guy was a Euro League MVP last year and I’m not saying all Euro League MVPs are the same and I think so many people when they say that Euro League MVP they’re thinking of what

Luca did it’s like LCA that’s a different category okay I think beita won a Euro League MVP if I’m not mistaken sorry EUR League people if I’m wrong I I just thought my read on Sasha when we watched him over the summer and seeing the king’s pursuit of him in the

Off season was worst case scenario he’s going to help them as a bench player that was my worst I’m like he’s gonna be a venge guy that comes in knocks down shots and right now he’s not that so yeah so interesting and he didn’t play

Tonight which was he was the one guy who didn’t play do you think do you think if Mike Brown was asked again to do you think he’d be more transparent I just I just want to know just because I want to be I I don’t want to be wrong about my

Fans are wondering man my takes and my analysis on like why he is or why he isn’t yeah so I don’t know

Deuce and Mo discuss Sasha Vezenkov’s current role with the Kings and why he might be out of the rotation for Mike Brown.
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  1. His throwback pompadore looks horrible. He looks like he's from an SNL skit on eastern European dudes. 😄

  2. I start to get this feeling that Mike Brown is overthinking and overcoaching. There is no consistency in his decisions and his rotations are too sporadic. Today he loves you – the next day you are trash – no middle ground. It doesn’t help the players at all. You had most of this team last season so it should be easier to decide what your rotation is and stick with it for at least 5 games. As for Vezenkov – there is no way he is the worst player on this team to be the only one who does not play! 🤷🏻‍♂️

  3. Me and my hole family have been discussing Sasha for weeks. It doesn’t make sense. As far as his D he always seems to be where the ball is. His offense skills are legit. He’s probably regretting coming here. I don’t get it

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