@Oklahoma City Thunder

OKC Thunder leveling up, Chet Holmgren unlocked, Jalen Williams landing punches

OKC Thunder leveling up, Chet Holmgren unlocked, Jalen Williams landing punches

The Oklahoma City Thunder are leveling up chat Homen getting unlocked by his teammates and Jay dub is throwing Haymakers on today’s locked on Thunder podcast you are locked on Thunder your daily Oklahoma City Thunder podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day on today’s lock on Thunder podcast we’re

Talking about the Oklahoma City Thunder topping the Miami Heat to salvage the road trip as sgaa continues to show that he’s an MVP caliber candidate Chad holgren is built for moments like this and jdb is throwing hey makers let’s get it going Today’s Show is brought to you

By prize picks it’s the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to right now/ lockon use the code locked in NBA all lowercase locked in NBA for your first deposit match up to $100 and of course you can follow me on Twitter Ryland Styles

Follow the show on Twitter L thunderpod and thank you so much for making us your first listen every single morning every single day we here for you t and Thunder basketball subscribe for free across all podcasting platforms so you never miss an episode the thunder come in last game of

A four-game road trip rotational health for OKC missing some pieces here and there Miami without Jimmy Butler without KY Lowry without Caleb Martin and the Thunder find themselves riding the ship in the middle of this game the game started out sloppy they were once again sluggish defensively and a step slow in

Their rotations and so when you couple that with Miami hitting tough shots because you know in the seldom occurrence where the Thunder played good defense in the first half you know Miami was able to shoot over the top of that defense and knock it down they also got

A lot of gimmies where they were just wide open and NBA players are going to hit that more often than not and so you have to head into this game and and and the Thunder have done a better job of this you know this whole season than

They have this week but you can only control the effort you give defensively and this entire road trip for the most part that effort has not been there you saw the dud in Atlanta explainable by travel the the Brooklyn game it was just a a random occurrence and then

Washington like Washington was masked by how bad they were uh the Wizards were uh the lack of defensive effort you just were able to handle it because they’re Washington you can out score them but that resulted that sluggish bad defense resulted in 69 first half points with

Miami shooting R 60% from the floor but the Thunder did show really good maturity in this game and it shows how they’re leveling up as a team and it’s twofold in this game because this is clearly not what this Thunder team is about this is clearly not who this Thunder team is

This poor defense poor effort poor energy because I you know I know that it feels like such a massive stretch because it’s backto backto back games but when you take a step back we have a much larger sample size someone asked me today when do you start to get concerned

About the defense the the concerning defensive stretch has been like three games there’s 30 more games where they were playing really highlevel defense and and so I think that that’s always important to keep in context of it so it OB it’s obvious that like the first half

Of this Miami game was not what this Thunder team is what is not what they’re about it’s not what they you know hang their hat on and that is building on three straight games of that which has to be frustrating and and you know sometimes you see teams point fingers

You see teams pack it in and just kind of give up in these scenarios but the Thunder instead get right back to business and buckle down in the second half you saw a second half uh lineup change third quarter starts with case Wallace instead of L Dort the Thunder

Going an 110 run in the in the third quarter they eventually go on a 20 to2 run for Oklahoma City remember they give up 68 69 first half points in the second half they give up 27 total points in the third and only 24 points in the fourth

Quarter so that adjustment right there that sign of maturity to be able to flip the switch and turn a game around on the road it is getaway day it’s the first night of a back toback so we talk about excuses we talk about schedule losses that also should be talked about

Whenever teams overcome that right because if they were to have shown that poor effort the built-in excuses would have been there oh you know they’re looking ahead to the next game you know they’re looking at the travel they wanted to get back home you know they’ve

Been on the road for a long time or on the road for a week you know that would have all been there but instead they played their best basketball in the second half and they were able to turn this game into 180 uh on defense the second aspect of which they showed great

Maturity for the Thunder is that they come out in the second half going that 110 run going that 20 to2 run and boom Miami hits him back with a counter punch and Miami Cuts this lead down to seven or so and the Thunder were still able to close out the game and

What was so impressive about that you know what’s so impressive about closing out a game in January what’s so impressive about that is that in order to get on their runs Miami went to the zone defense and you saw last year in South Beach that zone defense gave Oklahoma City fits on National

Television on top of the 40 free throws Miami shot the zone defense was the second most uh criticized part of that game for Oklahoma City it’s given the Thunder fits this year you know in in Minnesota a game that was won by three points that that chunk of the game where

They just could not in the second half you know the first half they go out there and they score 60 something points in Minnesota second half they can’t hit water of a boat right they were able to counteract that the next time they played Minnesota in the paycom Center

And were able to beat Minnesota’s zone defense Miami when they threw that junk zone defense at the Thunder it it allowed them to struggle and allowed Miami to go on that run but the Thunder were able to get past it and were able to deliver a counter to Miami’s counter

And so on the road with 11 lead changes and only one tie it was impressive for this team to close it out and win this game we mention Miami was shooting like 60% in the first half they end up shooting just 46% from the floor still shot 41% from Deep very impressive shot

82% at the line the Thunder shot 5942 both really good numbers for OKC but then again they shot 75% at the charity stripe uh after being the best team in basketball at shooting free throws last week they were now not so much brother the Thunder uh in this

Recent stretch the Thunder actually won the rebounding battle but lost the turnover battle so it was a it was a flip-flop of both aspects they typically lose uh rebound win turnover the Thunder still dominate points in the paint they went up by 12 uh they were able to still

Lose Second Chance points desite but despite outrebounding Miami they lost those 10 to four and they won fast break points by two or so they lost them but overall to finish the road trip two and two after just two Duds is still growth and a sign of maturity from the center

Team who who has never let to this point and it will happen eventually it’s an 82 Game season but to this point they have never lost more than two games in a row to be able to nip those cold streaks in the bud and at least somewhat get back

On the horse right again Washington was not perfect Monday you can go back and listen to that that pod where we recap that game it was it was not even close to perfect but they won the game they did their job and then they come in and resettle themselves against Miami then

The next litness test you know I think that you know every time that we asked Mark about big games he he mentions that you can have a test in every game you as you watch the season unfold that really is true because now you’re you’re wondering another backtack another they

Back toback with travel involved and a team that you just don’t get up for it’s the same scenario almost as last week obviously Boston’s a much bigger win and hopefully the Thunder don’t have the travel issues that they had last week but you’re heading into

You know play your first game at home in a week and playing the worst team in the NBA in the Western Conference at least one one of the worst teams in the NBA and Portland they’re not going to give this game any energy and so how this

Young team comes out and respond bonds will be big you know first came first day back in Oklahoma City for for a stint where you’re only going to be in Oklahoma City for a couple of days before you head out west like all that stuff will factor in tomorrow so that’s

Another chance for this young team to prove their uncommon maturity and you you you can question it whenever they they lose in Boston after a dud they didn’t turn it around immediately but I think that they overall their total body of work continues to show you that this

Team is uncommon for their is uncommon for their experience and a big reason why is the big three I want to talk about chat hren getting unlocked J dub Landing Haymakers and of course sgaa who right now should be considered the MVP favorite we’ll talk about all that

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Today at loock innba that’s lockon NBA your first deposit match up to $100 that’s a really good deal for price lockon NBA we’re back on the lockdown ther podcast on the lock down podcast Network your teams every day JB continues to prove that he can throw hay makers and

So when you watch Jaylen Williams who’s improved in every category from his rookie year to his sophomore year he’s even improved the category that no one thought he could and that’s his efficiency remember last last year all the talk was how efficient he was and

How you can expect a year or two step back in efficiency with a with a more gained role it’s been quite the opposite he’s been more you know efficient but the biggest thing he does for the Thunder team is not in basketball reference the biggest thing he does for this team is throw

Haymakers often times throughout SGA Thunder creb let’s let’s let’s focus on you know the game the season last year where he was like the guy and the Thunder War for the postseason and mid the postseason when SJ would go to the bench right you would be swerving

Punches and you were just hoping to survive you were hoping to not get knocked out you were on the ropes when SGA went to the bench then you got to go back to your corner regroup and that’s SGA coming in and maybe you could be able to salvage a fight in a

Decision what Jada allows the Thunder to do is when sj’s on the bench he can land a Haymaker he can win you a game he can make it to where it’s it’s academic when RJ comes back in it’s over it doesn’t matter which he’s done before but at the

Very least at the very least he can take some and give some punches you’re not just sitting there swerving and hoping you’re not just sitting there biting your time dancing in the ring I hope you can tell I don’t actually watch Boxing or MMA or anything

So I I hope that made sense but but nonetheless the difference in this team success has been the fact that the game doesn’t stall as hard as it did last year without a year in the court obviously you’re going to miss an MVP you’re going to miss a first team on NBA player

Anytime that they’re not playing but when he’s not on the court you don’t just throw your hands up and say oh gosh what are we ever going to do because of all these aspects that he can that he can provide to the team he he fell a

Rebound shy of a triple double 12 assists nine boards 19 points and a steel just one turnover despite taking over the game in segments where he’s like the lead guy one one for three from three 55% from the floor so what Jaden’s been able to do is he’s been able to

Shoot 69% at The Rim which is in the 69th percentile for his position where he’s out of position by the way 47th percentile in the overall mid-range which is in the 82nd percentile uh for for his position 47% in the mid-range shooting the ball 42% on catch and shoot

Threes 92nd percentile 56% on Corner threes 97th percentile overall from three he’s shooting 44% so he’s made a massive leap shooting the ball from three he’s made a massive leap uh in his field goal percentage and he’s even gotten to the free throw and an additional attempt game and what have we

Preached on this show forever forever it’s been the difference in players is how much they can get to the line if you get you know as you get to the line more you’re going to see your your point per game total leap and you’re going to continue to see that

With J because he’s added on that extra muscle to bulk up and be become a really lethal Rim finisher especially going to his left he’s added he’s added moves to his portfolio to his resume that he can do uh you know off the dribble as a creator for himself which is getting to

The mid-range and really knocking it down at the elbow or or getting deeper into the paint uh but still kind of considered in that mid-range area where he can make a defense decide and that ability to make a defense decide is so impressive because of all he can do is a

Score but also the vision to be a passer which falls back to his guard Tendencies back at Santa Clara Jay Dub’s leap this year is easy to to be really excited about but also not give enough credit to because it looks on paper esec and this

Is more so to the outside it looks on paper they like oh the Thunder are much better this year it’s because they had a chat he’s the only difference but job is a totally different player than he was last year like job has made significant strides in his footwork and his body

Control and his shooting ability and he’s gotten back to his roots as a playmaker with the vision to be able to be a play finisher and be able to see where the defense is heading and I think that one of the most important parts of his game

Is his ability to flip the switch into those different roles because he can knock down Corner threes on kickouts from Shay he can cut and finish at the rim and be in the dunker spot and be a play finisher but he also in the second and fourth quarter can absolutely go get

His and can absolutely lead a team and so when you factor all that in on the court with what JB does off the court and and off the court I should say like adjacent to the court because like what I’m talking about is a lot of the

Thunder players when they hit a big shot when they when they have a successful sequence they act business as usual like you saw chat hit a buzzer beater in Golden State against the Warriors send it to overtime and he hardly makes a peep and so that’s just how these guys

Naturally are but someone has to be a able to bring that juice bring that energy and that often times is falling solely on jaub which he’s taken and ran with uh you know in the adjacent court so to say and then the on the court product has been improved upon

Tenfold he has 15 and ones third on the team only three players in double digit and ones this year so far for the thunder it’s Shay chat and Jay duub he is there behind those two other guys but it just still shows his his ability and

The old wies tale of of of adding muscle and bulking up hurt your shot has been dispelled at least for jdub which has to be attributed to um some some of that work he put in the offseason to balance adding a ton of muscle a ton of uh strength while also maintaining

Efficiency and not just maintaining efficiency improving upon it and that’s just improving upon effic efficiency you know improving upon it in a more difficult way in a role where he’s asked to do more I think that you can start to see the ways in which he is a sponge next to

SGA and sj’s talked about how he sees his own game and jdub and how they work out together he is able to manipulate a defense to get them where he wants them to go and to get to his spots on the court and an extremely high

Level and I I I think that with JB you’re seeing the makings of a perennial Allstar now now it’s going to be tough because we’ve mentioned this before in this show in the offseason of like rarely where you see three allars on the same team and and Shay’s always going to

Take a spot and then you have the the the Chad and JB stuff but he is fantastic he is fantastic and and then you saw s just take care of business at this point it is a dare to the league to try to stop him because it’s impossible

To and we can talk about the 28 points and the eight assists and the two rebounds to steal the block two for five from three 64% from the line from the floor but but what you have in Oklahoma city is you somehow have another Indescribable

Player a player in which you get to a certain point and there’s just nothing more you can say it’s been said there’s nothing more you can complement there’s no there’s no dressing up your analysis of SGA he is just one of the best players in the world he’s one

Of the best players this season and I think he should be the MVP leader in the clubhouse to go on this run of of having all these guys playing in Oklahoma City who reach this level is historic and should be appreciated like the fact that you you

Look at him and you’re so repetitive game to game of what the synopsis is that only happens for a few guys like monitor monitor another team for a week and see how often you get repetitive they’re lucky if they have one guy like that like Luca very repetitive to cover LCA because he’s

Gonna go out there he’s gonna make jawdropping just highlight real grabbing plays drop 30 and you’re just going to be in all of Him in all of what he’s able to accomplish it’s the same thing with how is he so efficient how can he score

So at The Rim how can he literally jump through Defenders to split them in the paint and finish at The Rim how can he continue uh to to force defenses to foul and force defenses to shade over and leave open his teammates wide open but what I think is more important to talk

About right now tonight than his game because we’ve talked about his game a ton is his leadership skills and I and and you can view this as as reading too much into it but having been in a lot of his you all of his press conferences in

Oklahoma city either in Zoom or in person when you’re looking at sgaa and he’s doing stuff like this or after the press conference he’s walking off talking about see in the finals when during the press conferences he’s he’s preaching and harping on the fact that

He wants to win he’s here to win he’s done a lot of losing he wants to win now again this could be reading too much into it but it felt like the first half of this game in this road trip sort of a wake a wakeup call of

Getting back down to business getting back down to wanting to win and wanting to to get to that point and obviously they want to win every single night that the ball’s tipped in the air and they wanted to win in in Brooklyn they wanted to win in Atlanta but it just the vibe

The vibe feels different a little bit from SGA as a leader now I think that Chad holgren has shown that he is built for big moments I’ll tell you what I mean coming up next but first want to tell you right now buget friends over at jce

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Basketball the Thunder off to a really bad start in this game and early chat homr buckets really clean things up for the Thunder and and and sort of stabilize them and allowed the game to flow in a way where like sure the Thunder didn’t have their best effort

Defensively their best fast ball as Mark calls it defensively didn’t have uh the cleanest of starts offensively but Chad’s ability to steady things is what preserves a game where the heat never grow a massive lead you never get down by a ton because you have a pocket pass that’s Loose Change on the

L for a little bit and somehow CH just Scoops it up and easily lays it in a couple backtack and ones and he just turns a game on its head offensively because he has fantastic body control fantastic footwork and an uncommon ability to match a moment to understand what a

Situation calls for and it goes back sort of to reading defenses which we talked about on the last podcast of um you know if a defense is giving you threes shoot them don’t come into a situation with a predetermined mindset of hey tonight I’m getting to the rim

Because what if they don’t play that way what if they play off of you you’re going to need to make him pay shooting the basketball so him not coming into it predetermined I think is a big deal for him but the uncoming ability to match situations within a game itself

Like obviously he’s roasted the occasion playing some really good competition but even just what this needs does it need Chad Homen to go Force something and not in the negative way of forcing something but just go create something to spark the team does it need does he need to play

More of a complimentary role he understands what his role should be possession by possession which is really tough for rookies to understand a lot of the times he did not miss a single shot inside the arc he only missed shots from from three-point land and he went one for

Five from three an uncharacteristic shooting Knight but I think that you continue to see his best role unlocked for him he mentioned it against Washington 11 of his makes all 11 of them were assisted on on Monday today seven of his 10 makes were assisted on

Against Miami he can be the lethal play finisher that Oklahoma City has needed he ranks in the 95th percentile in points per possession off Cuts 82nd percenti in transition which is just him running the floor U most of the time and getting spoonfed easy buckets 83rd

Percentile in the pick and roll is a roll man and you and you couple that with his ability to knock down catch and shoot threes shooting a 43% clip on catch and shoot threes and you and you see how he can easily chip in 20 plus points a night

Just based on how the Thunder play basketball cutting behind the action on sgaa drives and and and being dished upon for an easy dunk running the floor in transition off of the typical high steel numbers and high turnover numbers that the Thunder get uh on the defensive

End being in the pick and roll with really SG and Jade up it’s been completely awesome to watch those pairings kind of form you mentioned in Washington he started to see them understand more of how to use chat hren where he was using the dunker spot on

SGA drives he he was used and and found more on the rols with SGA going to the rim and and really waiting it out till he got to the restricted area to to make a decision on if he wanted to go up or pass the chat and by that time you know

The defenses decide once you get down there who they’re going to cover and somebody’s got to be open on the pick and roll and so when you look at his Elite play finishing ability whether it’s popping out from three relocating on the perimeter or getting to their basket

Downhill that is an elite thing that this rookie can do but he can also attack you off the catch on the dribble which he did in this game to get an and one over hameh hakz he can create for himself off the dribble and his ability to finish

Through contact second on the team and hand want 22 only nine behind Shay seven ahead of jdub they’re the only three at Double figures he just shows off that creativeness at The Rim obviously he’s he’s not the the biggest guy but he’s he has the in air strength to be under

Control and finish out a play which is very impressive he threw down a lob that was not even close but he just got to get him in the vicinity of the basket and he can make something happen this lob was in the 300 section one of his

Two aloop today and he still somehow knocked it down and still got to the line off of it uh to make matters worse for Miami 23 points nine rebounds two assists three blocks third block he threw the ball away on you know late in

This game and was able to go get a chase down block was that turnover on purpose some are wondering if that turnover was on purpose to go get a block for Chad homr but he did finish with three because of it so here’s the question

Would you trade a turn over for a block I think that you would when you’re near the top of the list for blocks if you’re chat hren but you know obviously that’s very silly but still what isn’t silly is Chad hren having a fantastic game I I thought that Ken Williams looked much

Better much improved out there you know I don’t want to speculate but of course he dealt with those back injuries that held him out the beginning beginning of the year these last few games he just has looked to step slower than he usually is he has not moved very well on

The floor he looked much sharper in that area in this game especially in the second half really good communicator defensively for him six rebounds which were big only one miss and it was one for two from three seven points six boards two turn two assists four kenish

Williams and it was announced today by TCU that they’re retiring his jersey so in the span of this season they retired as high school Jersey and his TCU Jersey is is thunder Jersey up next maybe one day we’ll see it in the paycom Center me played solid meic was a nice creative

Passer to really help the Thunder bust up the Zone um and and was decisive with the ball even if he wasn’t the one that benefited from the assist getting the ball where it needed to go to be a connector was really good for meic made some really good decisions wasn’t awful

Defensively but one thing I don’t like that the Thunder done a couple of times now is playing Josh and MIT together I don’t think that Josh Giddy and and Vasa mishic can be two of your five Defenders on the floor they’re just not good enough like you you have to have one of

Them hidden and meic is very connective uh and engaged defensively but again it’s just a very tough task for him to become a cover in the NBA and he’s admitted that himself so I think that you can only survive a long stretch with one of those guys on the court I get it

You you want to have Josh K’s rebounding out there in certain bench lineups but it’s a really tough defensive assignment in those situations K Wallace really good at frustrating jump Shooters he did get called for a foul on one jump shot cont test but overall all the tradeoff

Of how often he gets called for fouls when contesting jump shots versus not only the block jump shots but the jump shots where you know he somehow legally pulls off not giving them a ton of Landing space those are what’s impressive because you’ll give away a foul here or

There for the benefit of what he can give you uh frustrating jump Shooters which he did again today against Miami isaah Joe three for six from three awesome 11 points two rebounds some big rebounds down the stretch from Josh giddy I thought played well in the in

The first half just as a spark player uh came in couple nice assists in the high post and then knocked down a three uh obviously the defense is going to uh leave some to be desired I don’t think he’s as rough as as it’s made out to be

But obviously he’s not very um high priority on the defensive end so with Jay Willow I think he provided a spark in his role like his role is to be a a 10 to 12 minute player which is what he is he averages 11 and a half minutes a

Game and if you can knock down a three and get a couple assist assist like that’s your uh kind of high output expectation that you have if you’re a player like that mvp the game let’s go with jdub in this game busy busy busy few days so recap of the Portland game

Tomorrow up next which will come out on Friday morning around midnight or whatever whenever the game ends on Thursday uh recap of the Magic game which will come out on Sunday after like at like midnight after the Magic game and then on Monday stockat where we go through the entire roster other stocks

Heading up or down plus talk about this new television situation for the Thunder and then Tuesday and Wednesday recap the Lakers and Clippers game a back toback with a zero travel not even a travel to a new Arena uh for the Thunder uh great job for them on rare Rarity on the road

Only this can happen uh for the thunder on the LA soil mailbag the next day and then Jazz recap to close out the week but a busy week ahead for lockdown th subscribe anywhere Ure podcast from including on YouTube SP ify Apple follow me on Twitter Ryland Styles follow me on

Threads same thing Ryland Styles and until tomorrow where we recap the Portland game be good and be good to one another

The Oklahoma City Thunder were able to dominate the second half in Miami to beat the Miami Heat on Wednesday. Jalen Williams is landing haymakers for the OKC Thunder bench unit. How has his game changed? Chet Holmgren is continuing to be unlocked as the great Play Finisher Oklahoma City needs. The Thunder are leveling up as a team. Shai Gilgeous-Alexander is an indescribable player. Kenrich Williams moving better, Isaiah Joe triples, Vasilije Micic playing solid minutes.

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  1. 1st💙⛈️🧡💛💙🤍💛🧡❤️💙🤍💛🧡⛈️💙🤍💛⛈️⛈️💙🤍💛🤍⛈️💙🤍💙🤍⛈️⛈️🐶🧡🧡💛

  2. you undersold Micic effect on this game, Coach D was a little late reintroducing him in the 3rd, but he impacted immediately and broke the contest open

  3. If JDub can pass like this I’m calling it right now he will peak as a top 12 player at some point in his career

  4. Putting more pressure, showing more, and sometimes temporarily trapping the ball handler in the high pick and roll was strategic key to win. Strategy sometimes as important as effort.

  5. I like how this team has adjusted to being recognized as one of the best teams in the league. Having an outlying strenuous travel to a road trip, losing two close games, and winning the next two. Not bad at all. We have to keep the momentum rolling and play our west coast rivals with our standard play. We get the W.

  6. Micic, Kenrich Willians, Isaiah, Wingins delivering solid minutes.

    Dort was suposed to be out the league, Thunder can do something really diferent in the league, salary wise crowd rooster despite three or four max salarys than minimuns one year.

    I do belive Dieng, Mann can play, good basketball game win.

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