@Denver Nuggets

What’s with this Murray hate?

Nuggets fans on twitter talking crazy like he’s not the most important player after jokic….

by mellowhype59


  1. fuccabicc

    It isn’t hate. You get to be critical of a player if he underperforms or does stupid shit. You people defending them have the wildest takes

  2. Imaginary_Bird1048

    For me, you answered your own question. He’s a streaky shooter who has bad nights. When that happens, they lose.

  3. Shit it. This dude is.. the dude. No argument he is the pg1

  4. sloppyfatboyjokic

    He got critical because hes been shit these days,without that joker’s buzzer beating 3 game-winner, we’d only be able to beat the Pistons(3-35) rencently because of mal’s selfish.

  5. I disagree with people who say he’s a streaky shooter. He just sometimes plays selfish ball that almost nobody else in the team plays.

    Usually he has a game like this and plays the right way for 12-15 games before another shocker but I guess he saw the jazz as an opportunity to pad his stats today.

  6. Lol69HaHaHa

    But thats the issue…he is the most importsnt player after Jokic.

    Mans had injury issues, bad shooting nights and just overall being highly inconsistent.

    Hell his best game of the season so far has been against the Pistons…the worst team in the league.

    Lets face it, there are good reasons to want him gonne.

    As a 2nd option, he is one of the worst in league. Certainly the worst among the top teams in the league…at least in the regular season.

    In the playoffs though, man is a beast and thats whats been saving him.

    But let us be clear that there are a ton of guys in the league that could do his job better with Nikola as the first option.

    I really want Jok to sit one out and let Jamal be the number 1 guy against a good team and see how he does.

    Cause what he has been doing recently is just war crimes at this point.

    Hell MPJ and Aaron Gordon have had a bigger impact on our wins than him. At least they can play good defense.

    At this point i genuenly would love for us to get a pg thats more a defense guy than a scorer.

    And can we please petition Jokic to take more shots in a game.

  7. TwoWayMarko

    When murray decides to play within the system , and jokic touches it every posession we become unbeatable , but rn jamal is playing for all nba votes. Taking crazy shots when there is no need to take crazy shots and thats allready at least 3 games i recall he lost us directly. Yes defense sucked too , yes there were other issues but usually the nuggets are in every game as long as the offense doesnt stagnate, and jamals dribbling and probing instead of moving the ball is exactly what makes the offense stagnant and then other guys move less, they start taking tough shots themself and jokic goes into passive mode …all at least partial because of how jamal plays.

    All that beeing said , we all remeber the 2 shitty seasons we had to watch without jamal, wanting him traded is a be carefull what you wish for type of situation.

    He has earned the right to shoot us out of some games i just hope he starts to play more like murray soon again instead of trying to be kobe.

  8. petarisawesomeo

    Mal is a streaky player…always has been, always will be. The last few games have not been good on both ends, but he was on fire for about 10 games before this rough stretch. Folks need to calm down and stop acting like he is the root of all that ails this team.

  9. SilvioDantesPeak

    Glad to see Tyron Biggums cleaned up his act

  10. I love Jamal so much. But he’s been playing too much hero ball recently. It’s not hate it’s just criticism

  11. Ill-Ad-9199

    Jamal’s my favorite player. People calling him selfish or are off-base, he just hits slumps sometimes and has to keep playing through it. Last year in that Suns series he was off and then turned it around to whoop on the Lakers. Same old story, Nuggs are a tight team that carries each other when someone is down. Jamal will bounce back and we aren’t going anywhere without him.

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