@Los Angeles Clippers

How The LA Clippers Won A Game That Was Too Close For Comfort

How The LA Clippers Won A Game That Was Too Close For Comfort

The LA Clippers played in what was a too close for comfort kind of game on Wednesday night against the Toronto Raptors but came out with a 126 120 win on the day of kawhai Leonard’s extension he had a big game against his former team as did Paul George a double double

For James Harden never hurt anybody as well going to be talking about what made the game so interesting or should I say difficult and how the Clippers got the job done on today’s lock on clipper locked on Clippers your daily Los Angeles Clippers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team

Every [Applause] Day yes sir you are locking in with the clips thank you for making locked on Clippers the first listen of your day your team every day I’m your host Daran vizeri born and raised in LA and in my 19th season as a Clipper fan you can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram

At dim dropper pod And subscribe to my own YouTube channel dime dropper where a vlog of my experience at Wednesday night’s game will be out on my YouTube channel and locked on Clippers free and available wherever you get your podcast including you YouTube let me know what

Made the game so difficult in your opinion more difficult than it probably needed to be given that the Raptors didn’t have Pascal cakam or yaka purle two of their starters and also who was your player of the game and this episode is brought to you by prize pick prize

Pick is the best daily fantasy sports platform in North America all you got to do is go to lockon NBA and use code locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 all right let’s talk about this this one Clippers winning 126 to 120

They have now won six of their last seven games 21 of their last 27 actually I think it might be seven of our last eight yeah it is seven of our last eight games 21 of our last 27 and now are 24 and 13 on the year we have

Won two games in a row after that loss to the Lakers and have a 16 and4 home record I absolutely love that some of some absolutely great numbers on that one talk about great numbers how about the starting lineup for the Clippers Harden Paul George kawh Leonard iFit zubot teren man

15.9 plus 15.9 net rating as a starting five or as a lineup but this game let’s talk about it right Toronto Raptors recently made a trade brought in RJ Barrett brought in Emanuel quickley added some youth to this team Emanuel quickley being a quick young guard no pun intended there but a

Quick young guard that they can run pick and rolls with and you know what with yako purle I think it definitely looks better they were starting Thaddius young at the five these two games in LA and you know what I didn’t even know thus young was still capable of looking

Decent in NBA minutes but he actually did in this game he had eight points four rebounds three assists and two Steals and I thought it was interesting the way the Raptors were blitzing Paul George and Harden at times drop coverage on Kawai and then later in the game they

Were just doubling Kawai behind the three-point line even so they were trying to make other guys hit shots and the first quarter Terren man scoring seven points that set a tone I thought he was absolutely brilliant in this game overall you love to see teren back looking like his confident self on

Offense I think defensively he and others struggled with Emanuel quickly off the bouns also Dennis shuder always been really quick off the bounce even though he’s older now he still is not easy to stay in front of and I thought Terrence got beaten a couple times by Emanuel quickley but overall what you

Have to respect about Terren is he is guarding the elite players every single night giving kawii Leonard and Paul George even though they’re not really getting a break they’re still after the Harden trade having to guard better players as well but they’re giving them he he’s giving them less responsibility

As opposed to when the big four were playing together that were or starting together that was tough so Terren five for five in this game 13 points had a beautiful law pass to Amir coffee at one point had two rebounds and an assist he only played 24 minutes but

He shot five for five from the field and three for three from Deep so guess what that percentage is going up I’m thinking we’re going to be at 28% by the next time I do an episode and by the way I want to address this Kawhi Leonard did

Get an extension I mentioned that at the top of the show but I’m going to get into it in depth and what it means on Friday’s episode so I’m not even going to mention it much even though it’s very big news probably bigger actually definitely bigger than just this one

Game but that deserves an episode in itself so we’ll have that for Friday but yeah the Raptors had a lack of Rim protection you know they had guys like Chris buet getting some minutes but no one really that jonte Porter guy you know it’s his first season oh wait

That’s Michael Porter’s brother I saw him that’s so funny I saw him playing at Pepperdine with mpj after a game because mpj’s younger brother Javon Porter goes to Pepperdine and I’m a backup PA announcer for them but yeah that’s so funny I actually thought he had a really interesting game defensively he switched

Onto um it’s funny because he plays center and He’s listed oh no he’s 610 okay cuz he does look tall but he was switching on to James Harden that time and he did a really good job staying in front and causing some possessions that James was just dribbling and not really

Going anywhere so I got to give him props for that the Raptors switched a lot throughout the game a lot of switching one through four at times in the second half even switching one through five and I thought we needed to do a better job of going to zoo when

Guys like RJ Barrett were guarding him there was one time where we gave it to him in the second half and he had a nice jump hook with his left hand but when team switch one through five and we have zoo playing at such a high level we need

To look to feed him for an easy basket sometimes James Harden Paul George or Kawai going one-on-one isn’t a better matchup I know that sounds crazy but I think there are instances with zubats being guarded by a much smaller guy really close to the basket where we can

Feed him so I thought that was something the Clippers didn’t do enough you also saw a lot of Zone from the Toronto Raptors and I don’t think the Clippers did a fantastic FC job combating it now I know what you might be thinking how can you be talking this much about

Offense when the Clippers still scored 126 points well the reason why is because I feel as though misses led to and even though you know the Clippers shot 53% in this game and 44% from three and 100% from the line their shooting splits were really really good but I thought the possessions in

Which we didn’t score some of it was just bad process of not swinging the ball quickly enough passing up open shots in the zone and as I was mentioning the Raptors were running zone and I thought there were times where nobody filled in the high post and we

Were just moving the ball or not even just moving moving the ball around on the perimeter or just running straight man-to-man type offense where we’ have a screen for Harden again in the paint and I think sometimes we did get good shots at with that like Paul George at one

Point I remember zubot set a screen for Harden Harden got into the paint kicked it out to Paul George for the three with uh the Raptors looked like they were going Zone there and PG hit the three but overall I didn’t really love our zone offense personally Clippers threw some Zone in

There and you know the Raptors they aren’t a very good three-point shooting team they were definitely worse before the trade but you know that’s one of their weaknesses and I thought the Clippers switching was pretty good there was no defensive liability and right now for the Clippers they’ve done a good job

Of holding their own as a team like nobody’s getting really picked on James Harden Norman Powell they’ve all stood up to the task but I thought the Clippers overall the reason why they struggled was the transition game I think Toronto made it a point to get up

And down the court they’re fairly young they’re a younger team now not to say o anobi is like old or anything but getting Emanuel quickly RJ Barrett guys that are under 25 they can get up and down the court and I thought Emanuel quickly Dennis shudder were causing some

Problems for the Clippers and Gary Trent I don’t think we were picking him up quickly enough on the break like just letting him walk in threes at times he had five made shots in the game two threes 12 points Off the Bench but what brought us home eventually was kawi

Leonard and Paul George kawh Leonard was great throughout the game he was awesome in the second quarter especially just getting to his bag nobody really could guard him one-on-one M McDaniels had his try RJ Barrett who has given Kawai some problems in the past couldn’t guard him

Really and then Scotty Barnes took a crack a screen would get involved and kawhai would be able to get a good shot they started just double teaming him straight double teaming him beyond the three-point line same with James Harden that times coming off screens and I

Think James he still made his fair share of decent passes but I don’t think it was as strong of a game for him as the last one of course but Paul George he was missing everything and there were some bad misses in the first half and he

Only had four points at halftime second half podcast P continued where he had left off the last couple of games and he did it on both ends I thought there were times where he was a little bit lazy getting back in transition but overall doing a good job at the point of attack

Good help defense active hands and there was one time in the first half he knocked the ball off Quickly’s leg got a block he was everywhere and in the second half he had 25 points a bunch of catch and shoot threes he was five for eight from three in the second half

Alone and he shot 67% in the second half on 10 for for 15 shooting and I love the way kawhai closed the game he was double team at the top of the key turned the corner on Dennis schruder and went all the way for a dunk which was I love the

Intention there the authority and then Drew multiple Defenders kicked it out to Paul George for a wide openen three that put the Clippers up 124 to 118 and that was all she wrote so it was a weird game moral of the story is you got to win

These weird games where look the Raptors are short-handed you have kept them in the game you are you know giving them life at the end and not getting stops and having some clunky offensive possessions but you got the job done and it was a huge game from your best two

Players Paul George and Kawai Leonard coming up going to be talking more about the way that they played specifically what worked so well for them and of course just evaluating the performance of the team and the players overall going to be talking about that coming

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Game was annoying for me to go to it was my 16th game of the season the traffic going to this game look the LA there was there were a couple of games during like when kids had winter break these past couple of weeks during the holiday

Season where the traffic was on even on weekday week nights as good as you’ll ever get it in Los Angeles going to a game in downtown but this Wednesday night January 10th 2024 the traffic was horrific usually it takes me about an hour and 10 minutes to get the stap center with

Traffic it took me two hours on Wednesday night I got in and it was already 12 to8 so I missed the you know the initial matchups and stuff like that but both teams switched one through four the Raptors were even switching one through five as I mentioned earlier so a

Lot of people guarding a lot of people and the Clippers just have more Talent it was just interesting how we really struggled in transition against them and you got to give them credit I mean Emanuel quickley and RJ Barrett they’ve been playing really well as Raptors so

Far in this game RJ Barrett had 24 points he had he was four for six from three this is a guy that’s never been a very good three-point shooter and he was just making his shots that’s in the scheme you know what I mean like the

Raptor shot 55% from the field and 40 from three and 89% from the line so they shot really well but the Gary Trent 3es is leaving him open in transition that was poor I think we need to have better awareness getting back on D I thought

James Harden as well he had some good hands moments of good hands defensively but there were times where he got beat just a little easily overall I’d say Okay defensive game for him not bad or anything kawh Leonard I thought he had some good defense as well help side and protecting the back

Line when zubot was pulled out of the paint because on Emanuel quickly towards the end of the game we had zubot blitzing because we didn’t want Emanuel quickly just dribbling into those pick and pop I’m sorry those pick and roll threes and there was one moment where

Kawai took away the the roller and the roller tried to make a pass to Scotty Barnes in the corner and it went over his head so that’s all just Kawai you know being aware being ready to rotate and disrupting the offense for Toronto there but if it’s to zubot you know I

Didn’t really mention him too much but he was solid again a double double finishing around the baset setting good screens 12 points 11 rebounds three assists and a block on six for eight shooting he did turn the ball over two times though but overall he continues to

Play at such a high level he’s one of the best top 15 centers in the league in my opinion I know there’s bias there for sure I’m not watching every single team like I am the Clippers but you’d be hard pressed to find 15 better centers than

Him and if you if you’re saying James Harden helped him you’re absolutely right but I’ll tell you this too as good as James Harden is in the pick and roll there are a lot of good pick and roll players as well in the league and if

Zubas just has never played with a great pick and role player until now so James Harden thank you for letting everybody see how much better IIT zubats is than they think but yeah Terren manovich zubot those two starters out side of 213 I thought were fantastic Russell Westbrook

You know he came in in the first quarter and he was getting downhill and getting to the rim at will and I’ve talked about this on the show and I talked about it when he was a Laker he still gets to the rim but a lot of times because they’re

Backing up he’s not fully getting around them and it’s you know he’s missing even more around the basket than ever before and I always thought he did go so fast he’d smoke some layups here and there like he wasn’t the best finisher percentage wise but he was so explosive that it didn’t

Really even matter but this one it was a mixture of he wasn’t finishing he was going a little too fast and I thought playing into Toronto’s hands just a little bit because they wanted to play a little faster Clippers are not as much of a pace team now that Westbrook has

Gotten his role so reduced they don’t have bones Highland in the rotation and Mason plumbley they’re more of a halfcourt team that suits Harden in kawhai Paul George Terrence man Norman pal they can get out and run but everybody else I think they want to play

At this kind of pace now in that pace the slower Pace I think was helping the Clippers I think this new Toronto team is going for a more youthful approach pushing the ball with quick guards as like Dennis schruder and Emanuel quickley and RJ Barrett I think is a lot

Better in transition than the half court he’s still not a great one-on-one Creator so getting him getting downhill in transition action that’s going to benefit him the most and that’s what I think Toronto is trying to do now as far as Westbrook I was going to say it’s a

It was a mixture of him just going too fast and missing around the basket and playing of their hands but also the refs they don’t give Paul George and Westbrook anything like it’s wild like it really is wild I don’t know if he’s going so fast

They can’t see I don’t know if they just don’t respect him anymore but he just doesn’t get calls frequently enough the fact that he had what zero free throw attempts in this game that’s ridiculous in my opinion no yeah he did zero free throw attempts if zubot had zero free

Throw attempts Paul George had zero free throw attempts the only player on our team that got more than two free throws was kawh Leonard and I know I knew that the Raptors were going to end up shooting more free throws and getting more calls with dark o Rak kovic’s rant

He had against the Lakers and you know what he had every right to make that because the calls were a little fishy but yeah Paul George and kawhai Leonard let’s just talk about Kawai on his extension day he was efficient throughout the game he was making threes

He only shot four of them but he made two of them he was 10 for 18 from the field so another extremely efficient game shooting over 50% and even though it wasn’t his most active defensive game like there weren’t that many times where I said good defense kawhai there weren’t

Many times where I said good defense any particular player in this one we just weren’t getting enough stops and I think that was a mixture of maybe a little bit lazy defending it wasn’t as high effort I think as most games and I don’t mean in terms of like body movement I think

In terms of communication and just lack of focus at times not lack of effort a little bit of an underestimation I think as well of this new look Toronto team because they were missing Pascal and they wer in a backtack credit to them they really made

Things tough they didn’t make it a walk in the park and even though the Clippers outscored them 3528 in the fourth quarter it was the Raptors that felt like they were going to come back and potentially tie the game they cut it down a three and that’s when PG had that

Huge dagger to put us up 124 to8 but yeah kawh Leonard with 29 Points three rebounds seven assists he really had seven assists wow didn’t feel like that but he was making some good passes one steal and two blocks as I said 10 for 18 shooting and two for four from

Three and then Paul George I love the resilience and the persistence to put up shots and still be aggressive even though he was not hitting in the first half and he also got some good looks courtesy of guys like Kawhi Leonard like James Harden but I liked how aggressive

He was and the beauty of Paul George you can do it in he can score in so many different types of ways coming off screens for quick hitters you can throw it to him in the mid post he can face up he can score in transition I mean the

Guy is a pleasure to watch when he’s got it going and to be honest I want to say 90% of the games this season he’s brought the right attitude and approach so for us fans that have complained that he’s been inconsistent in past seasons for a star

Not just for any player for a star of course he’s been even better this season he really has and I think with Kawai since he’s come back especially he’s been back to playing defense how he was the first 15 games or so so Paul George mainly the first like five or six games

Or so defensively H you know what no I’d say the first 20 Paul George has had a good defensive season he’s just had his he just has more bad defensive games than kawhai kawhai doesn’t really have any bad defensive games games like that but yeah Paul George in this one 29 Points

Seven rebounds six assists two steals one block on 12 for 22 shooting 5 for nine from three as I mentioned no free throw attempts which I don’t like that stat but he was when when he’s knocking down his three it’s not a big deal and he’s been hitting his three the last

Couple of games but yeah I’m surprised the Clippers at 34 assist didn’t feel like that but anyway coming up going to be talking more about the starting five but also some of the bench players Russell Westbrook James Harden let’s talk about everyone else coming up I got to tell you a little something

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The Clippers win at 126 to 120 the starting lineup has been fantastic it still continues to do their thing now you have Terence man knocking down shots which is great you have the threat of James AR and zubot in the pick and roll with those three on the wings kawhai

Paul George Terence man and then of course you know it’s not just the starting five it’s the closing Five that’s big time and let’s talk about Norman pal in this game against his former team started out a little bit cold to be exact in the first half

Norman Powell let me get those up real quick before I talk about Norman pal actually Daniel Ty he only had four points and four rebounds on one for two shooting in 16 minutes but I thought Ty was really good in his minutes you know doing a solid job protecting the rim

They were blitzing Paul George and Harden as I mentioned earlier and he was doing a pretty good job of making regen the short role and I just think his effort is always good like it really always is I think he got an offensive rebound yeah he got two

Offensive rebounds so just doing the right things playing hard taking hits to the chest and trying to make himself as big as possible so in the ninan clipp of rotation I thought I do I thought and I think Daniel Ty continues to do a very solid job now Norman Palace I was mentioning

Earlier he was one for six in the first half but in the second half he was three for five and he hit two big threes again that Norman pal kawhai Paul Harden Zoo lineup continues to be really hard to guard you’ve got three actually Four really good Shooters and then Zoo three

Guys that can play make and then all four of them can attack Closeouts and make things happen put the ball on the floor when they run off the line so just a lethal lineup That is James Harden I thought in this game he was okay you know it’s funny there are games

Where he doesn’t shoot well and I say he still plays really well because of all the stuff he creates I looked at the Jumbotron and he had 11 assists and I was like really it feels like he has seven or eight so when I went home I watched the assists on where

They can show the stats the video box score and some of these it’s not just James Harden by the way I’m not trying to take a dig on him because it’s just statistical around the NBA some of the assists that he was given was so generous like thr thr the ball to zubot

And he’s taking three dribbles and going up for a jump hook that’s not me just making something up that actually was the case or throwing it to kawhai he’s taking three dribbles and he have Fall Away with a guy’s hand in his face like five of them were basically the player

Making a a shot a tough shot or a contested shot and Harden just was the one that passed him the ball but there were still some really nice passes that Harden made some of which he doesn’t even get the initial assist like for example the one long bounce pass that

Led to Terren man lobbing it to air coffee then there was the lobby had to Paul George for the rare Paul George back cut only his second of the season I can think of uh by the way Paul George a monster dunk uh when he pushed tennis

Shoter off a little bit that was in the third quarter and he started out by hitting two threes right away right before that monster dunk so you saw that PG was starting to heat up right there but yeah that was a good pass by James Harden on that one and then

Russell Westbrook he had some decent passes as well that was that one where he faked like he was going to shoot just by looking at the basket and he rifled it to PG had like the left elbow for the jump shot that was in the second half

But Russ he just had a rough one with the refs not giving him any calls and just going a little too fast he had six points and three assists no rebounds that’s super rare no turnovers on three for n shooting 0 for one from three no free throw attempts in 14 minutes uh

Russ has been really efficient lately so you know only 33% in this one a little disappointing but it is what it is Clippers still won I ain’t complaining he got the least amount of minutes actually of all nine man it really went away from him because he wasn’t playing

That well Amir coffee solid outing for him again six points one rebound one assist and a steal fairly quiet defensively though in my opinion three for five from the field so he was three for three from two 0 for two from three in 18 minutes and Norm 13 points overall

Three rebounds one assist no turnovers I like that the Clippers were low turnover in this game just seven overall for the whole team but the Raptors were kind of oh no the Raptors had 15 turnovers so that’s definitely one of the reasons the Clippers won created some shot clock

Violations as well or at least one I remember but I still wouldn’t the Clippers I’m not bragging about their defense at all in this game they’ve actually got to tighten that up a bit it’s been a little shaky lately James Harden in this game 14 points five

Rebounds 11 assists and a steel I thought he had it feel like he had more than one steel he had some good moments of good hands um but not the most efficient game from him I just thought the process on some of the possessions was was too slow like just him dribbling

For too much and uh some really good one-on-one defense by jeante Porter and I don’t think it was just Harden that was over dribbling at times Kawai sometimes was putting it on the floor a little too much but overall offensively I’m not going to complain too much either because 126 points

Kawhai was still efficient Paul George was efficient and we got good shots all game long we shot 53 from the field and 44 from three but again we are playing against the Toronto Raptors team that doesn’t have two starters so I don’t think we played that great but the thing

Is you’ve got to win the games that you don’t play great in and let me see if I am I missing anyone I think I got everybody’s stats yeah so if I had to rank it I’d say my player of the game was kawhai I think he just had the authority from

Start to finish of it against his former team then Paul George then Zoo then J James than Terren I know Terren man statline looks better for what he is but James Harden is still the conductor of what we’re doing right now he’s still creating good shots for people and yeah

He found guys in the pocket found guys in the right spots um even though I I did say that he got some generous assist which he did but I think he’s on the court he’s part of this team he’s still helping the team win games and you know he just had a

Fantastic game where he shot 75% from the field and 75 from three and that’s the beauty of this team and what a lot of people have been saying about Harden going into this playoffs for the first time all the Skeptics um and that I you

Can AR say I’m one of them because that was something I kept saying before the we got James Harden was in the playoffs is he going to perform is he GNA be big in the big moments well he can shoot five for 13 with this team and it’s not

A big deal because he’s got Paul George and kawhai he is the third score which is what they were looking for in Brooklyn so this is the perfect role for James Harden at this stage of his career where he can pick and choose his spots to be aggressive more and even if he

Doesn’t have it scoring wise as long as he’s creating good shots and still playing with effort defensively then he’s still going to be a net positive all the time for the clips so that’s what I have to say and the stats with that starting five absolutely reflect that I’m very happy

That Terence man is shooting the way he is and Kawhi Leonard and Paul George playing at a very high level again kawh Leonard only missed four games this season out of 37 the guy’s already played 33 games and then Paul George has played 35 games and James Harden and Russell

Westbrook haven’t missed a game and the crazy part is I’ve mentioned it every episode so this whole you can’t say that Jinx stuff this year I’m saying it every episode last year I didn’t try to say anything I’m saying it every episode and the good times are just rolling like

Right now I’m just going to keep knocking on this door I’m knocking on that wood you should be knocking on it banging on and doing whatever you need to do Clippers win it 126 to 120 21 out of their last 27 games have been victories Let the Good Times rule as we

Approach the halfway point and on Friday’s episode we’re going to be talking about all things kawai’s extension Pros cons what I first thought what I thought after a couple hours of rethinking about and hearing all the terms everything coming on Friday you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram

At Dime dropper pod subscribe to my own YouTube channel di dropper where you can find a video post game or video of my experience at the game the attendance numbers aren’t out yet but I don’t think we sold this one out a lot of empty seats in the 300 section um and it’s

It’s a shame cuz we had I think seven consecutive sellouts but I guess the Toronto Raptors on a Wednesday night didn’t entice the crowd people should be getting to these games the Clippers are playing at such a high level and the stars are playing every night the

Process is so different as I mentioned in the last episode the seriousness and every single game we win it’s not about the playoffs and the Long Haul it’s taking it one game at a time trying to stack wins and get as high as we can get

In the standings and play the best that we can and be the best version of us not oh nobody wants to see us in the playoffs or as long as we’re healthy in the playoffs that’s all that matters none of that let me know what you think of the

Episode make sure you subscribe make sure you hit the notification Bell so you know every single time we post a video who was your player of the game and why was the game so tough the ageel proverb continues go Clippers

The LA Clippers played the Toronto Raptors on Wednesday night and got a 126-120 win on the night of Kawhi Leonard’s extension.

The 213 duo had 29 points a piece in what was a too close for comfort game. In today’s episode, die hard LA Clippers fan and Host Darian Vaziri talks about what made the game so competitive despite Toronto being without Pascal Siakam and Jakob Pöeltl. He also talks about the performances of Paul George and Kawhi Leonard. Then he closes by talking about the starters and rest of the team, including what defenses both teams saw.

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  1. They were giving the raptors the calls that they didn't get last night. Because the Lakers are ass and need the leagues help to win against sub .500 teams at home.

  2. Man, I love Russ but he has to find a way to finish those layups. And it's not just about this game. I know he's getting hit a lot of the time, but he has to find a way to finish. His FG% may look reasonable, but he is attempting a lot of very easy shots (compared to someone like PG13 for instance). He should basically have a center's FG%. It may also be a rhythm thing (too few minutes), I don't know, but he has to find a way.

  3. Pg body language during and post match looked a bit off with all that Kawhi contract talk.. Hopefully he signs his soon

  4. The Raptors are long and good they just played the Lakers tough down to the wire! Not every game is going to be a blowout but as long as we win Idc😂

  5. Clippers should review how to beat a doubling on ball handler, it seems they are at lost especially Zubac at tje middle. Zubac is slow and lazy around the basket, Lue should replace him with theis who can spot on top with lateral movement. I dont trust Zubac especial with big men

  6. Teams like the Raptors play fast and hard so if their shots are falling then its gonna be tough and they were making shots last night. In the past we might have lost this one but the Clippers are extremely confident right now so they were able to close the deal.

  7. Great job by Ty Lue to have the courage to bench Russ for the entire 4Q and limit him to just 14 mins. As usual, he shot very poorly from the field at 3/9, of which 4 were missed layups, one air ball and one missed three. It’s alarming how he would still take shots to let the team down. As usual, he delivered a negative 2 plus minus, and negative 0.6 on average since he’s been demoted to the bench. Considering the team were on a great run during the last 27 games, Russ’ negative plus minus during this time is really appalling.

    Russ’ damages are not just his poor and reckless shooting and turnover. His lack of shooting also lead to a 4 vs. 5 on offence, as opponents keep sending a big in the paint while leaving him open where ever he goes. This leaves KL PG a lot more difficult to drive to the basket every time Russ is on the floor and have to settle for outside shots instead.

    There are no guaranteed winning formula, but Ty Lue and the FO know very well by now the best way to reduce the possibility of losing is to keep Russ play less (negative plus minus), shoot less ((25% 3p%) and handle the ball less (2.2x assist to turnover ratio, way way lower than Harden at over 3.1x). True that stats isn’t everything, but when that happens so frequently even when your team is on a tear pretty much suggest his problem is real.

    That said, I really have to give credit to him for all the non basketball stuff: being a good bench cheerleader, trash talking opponents to fire up the team. That’s important for a championship contender.

  8. Team looked lackadaisical throughout the game but the role players like Mann brought the energy! I noticed Mann gets burned quite a bit by smaller guards, but at the same time can negate much of that if hes just aggressive on offense and can bully these smaller players at the rim. Theis also brought the energy tonight. Feels like every game we got someone else stepping up for us.

  9. Going to say this again, Clippers have a gaping weakness that will be exploited if not fixed at the deadline and this game again also showed it. There was no Poetl or Siakim and Clippers struggled, why they struggled because this team has long bodies and long arms; Clippers struggle against teams like this because they gave up all their surplus of long bodies and arms for Harden, if this is not fixed, depending on the matchup, the farthest they go is the second round. No way a Raptors game without their best player took both George and Kawhi playing nearly 40 minutes and had to be darn near perfect to win and the rebounding issue also accounts for this. If you understand Clippers have a length problem and most teams are updating their rosters to account for length you will see this team needs to do the same or it's over, that means if they have to trade mann to get a 6'9-6'10 power forward so be it, however they have to do it the problem has to be fixed.

  10. I have a to give a big shoutout to Paul George and his defense in the first half. He was so locked in. He’s been getting a lot of hate but he’s an incredible player with not many defects as a player. I fucking love this clippers team!!!!!

  11. I have a to give a big shoutout to Paul George and his defense in the first half. He was so locked in. He’s been getting a lot of hate but he’s an incredible player with not many defects as a player. I fucking love this clippers team!!!!!

  12. T Mann 13 of last 21 threes made….. I cant believe ppl doubted him after watching shoot 38-42% fluctuating past 2 yrs over a full season 😅

  13. I think coach Darko’s rant after the Laker game fired up his players. I had a feeling this game was going to be close

  14. Give Toronto some credit, they play very well and are going to be a problem , but overall it was an entertaining game glad clipper took the game tho

  15. Have you noticed that every time Westbrook checks in, our lead disappears.. and when he leaves, we struggle to build back the lead? Please go re-watch all the games if you don't believe me.
    This guy must be traded or benched

  16. The Raptors made it difficult, I love their defense system they implemented but of course WE the BEST!!!😊

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