@Miami Heat

Miami Heat: Overwhelmed by Shai & the Thunder | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: Overwhelmed by Shai & the Thunder | Five on the Floor

Welcome to latest episode of five on the floor of the five reason Sports Network thanks for joining us on your favorite podcast app Google podcast Apple podcast Spotify and red circle also the Five Reasons YouTube channel make sure you hit like subscribe and turn the notifications on also check us out on

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And now today’s episode dogs where here the thing you can check the score Hustle Hard couple scars we bubble frogs just like bu say you in trouble y’ kep the plan got a all B y’all seen the block stop with one hand and P trust have the guts we here

To bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reason Sports Network welcome back to five on the

Floor after the Miami Heat news 128 to 120 at home to the Oklahoma City Thunder an interesting 24 hours for the Miami Heat we haven’t had a chance yet to talk about Eric Spur’s extension we’ll get into that a little bit over the course of this episode I’ve got Sean Rochester

You can follow him at s Rochester NBA I’ve got Greg slander you can follow at Greg slander and of course you can follow me at Ethan J scolnick and at five reason Sports and you know I think what I take from this tonight to start okay is sometimes you need all your

Stars against a team that’s this compelling and this OKC team I we’ve talked about okay when are they going to make the leap I did not think this leap would come this season for them they’ve been accumulating these first round picks they’ve hit on all of them it

Seems like they had to wait on Chad hren for one more year now he’s a rookie of the year candidate Shay gilgas Alexander obviously picked up in that trade with the Clippers way back when where they got all this these picks along with Shay for Paul George Jaylen Williams is

Developing into a star- level player himself and this looks like the build from a previous decade uh when they got Durant Harden and Westbrook and we all know that the Miami Heats stood in their we in terms of C cashing that in for a championship and then Harden ultimately

Left but it looks like Sam presy is doing it again and when I look at this heat loss today just from their perspective you can at the start of the fourth quarter Miss was it your first nine shots I mean like I mean we can talk about a whole bunch of other things

Today but against a team of this quality with this kind of Youth that’s going to keep coming at you I mean they played OKC played um was it 11 11 guys at least eight minutes tonight um you know 10 guys at least 12 minutes they just kept

Coming at you in waves and of course you know Shay was the best player on the floor and he had 28 points on 11 of 17 shooting but I I’ll go to you first on this and again we’re going to get into you know we’ll get into the gamer of the

Night we’ll get into the play of the night and of course we’re going to talk about sp’s extension but I I’ll just start here with you Greg as you look at uh what Miami did right and wrong tonight you you can’t have like I said that kind of shooting uh slump and you

Just can’t have mistakes like they’re rallying to come back at the end of the game and I don’t know what that shot was that t took um he passed on an easy one not easy was on an easy shot but he passed on an open one to take that kind

Of fallway thing which is the kind of thing that we’ve seen Jimmy Jimmy good times this year right like it’s just it it’s whenever they get off a script and they start to do that kind of stuff it it’s it never plays out very well I

Thought really what stuck out for me is that this was played at Oklahoma City’s Pace from the very beginning and the other thing is just the defensive stuff for Miami the fact that they’re not able to clean that up is where I like that that’s the the back

Breaker tonight offense didn’t kill me I know that the stretch in the fourth quarter was ugly but they still if you look at the percentages how they shot from three it’s typically the type of diet that allows them to get somewhere near Victory this just ended up getting

Away from them because I think that they played Oklahoma City’s branded basketball and eventually they just you know you end up you’re playing a team that’s shooting 60% from the field that’s something that you just can’t win when you’re playing and especially Oklahoma City who I went

On Floors yours with Sean one of our very first episodes of the year and said that I thought Oklahoma City was a 55 win team and I’m looking pretty smart today uh I think that they’re that good um so this is not like a bad loss by any

Means but the defensive stuff definitely for me is still uh that’s a it’s a concern I mean there’s a bigger picture conversation to be had and we got into this a little bit when the yich podcast where we didn’t sort of fill it out which is that you know Miami has this

Very impressive group of players 26 years and younger with with bam with Tyler uh with hakz and with yovic and I think the only team in the league that has a better crew uh definitively is OKC and the difference of course is that Miami were drafted from 13 on down OKC’s

Were TP most of them were drafted higher than that but Sean let’s get to the defense then because Greg mentioned it um 59.3% for OKC overall 42.4% from three Miami shooting splits were not bad like he said 46 and 42 you’ll take that most Knights uh particularly at the volume of shots that

They were getting up but what is it defensively because look Bam’s back Haywood was back I mean he did his thing on the offensive end tonight uh he had 19 points was a career high for him and Josh is in there so it’s not like with guys we were talking about before

The year yeah you don’t have Caleb you don’t have Jimmy but you would seem to have enough that you could at least affect OKC in some way they didn’t do that yeah I mean for context and and I agree with what Greg said OKC is the number one half court offense in the

League so going into this you know you have your hands full right so you know I I think the challenge that they present is almost at any time they have five guys that can break down Closeouts you know they’re going to swing the ball which is I think it was Cate that said

Late in the game in the fourth quarter about how it’s it’s hard to get a young team to defend which they do very well and to move the ball which they do you know Shay is great but they move the ball giddy’s good he moves I mean like

They all play so well Jaylen Williams Chad you saw even Chad like backdooring bam how often do you see bam make defensive mistakes like that and they just do a really good job of making rotate and then attacking poor Closeouts and you know Miami unfortunately right now the perimeter defense is leaky and

Uh you know to the other side of the ball like Greg said we finished with a 124 offensive rating we started Haywood heith Nicola yovic bam maabo Tyler herro and haime hawz with no Jimmy Butler with no Kyle Lowry with no Caleb Martin a 124 offensive rating we scored 120 points

And they’re a top 10 defense like I I know you can you can poke holes in certain certain things everyone in the starting lineup scored at least 15 points like the offense wasn’t bad the defense let you down but it’s also against a very elite team not to excuse

It it was just a tough matchup when you’re short-handed yeah I mean this is the kind of game where I you know we talk about games that they really could use Jimmy and it feel felt like this was sort of the top of the list game that

We’ve seen so far because they rely on Jimmy to slow pace at times and and just settle the game down go get to the line go get you know just just go get a bucket and we know his Rim percentages are down we’ve covered all that stuff

But he’s capable of doing those kind of things and it it just didn’t seem you know bam kind of started to force the action late and I I think that’s what really helped them get into it and you mentioned they they had some good performances I mean look Haywood was

Five of seven from three he took 14 shots I mean you know I mean you’re not expecting hey would I but he made half of them uh yic was five of eight overall three of five from three including uh that transition three which wow I mean

If he’s starting to add that stuff um you know bam 25 11 and six uh hakz six of nine from the floor three of five from three which was impressive because he showed no hesitation on the three-point shot tonight he had 21 points five rebounds two assists and you

Mention Kevin Love gave him good minutes um you know Josh gave him okay minutes Duncan struggled I one of the things I think we’re going to talk about a little more in I’ve been working on this piece about Duncan which I fin finally need to get out there because it feels like he

Hasn’t made a shot since I started to work on it is like he doesn’t seem quite as comfortable with ro now he’s back on the bench which is uh interesting to see this play out his numbers are down a little bit recently but you’re right I thought they got good offensive prances

With a lot of people but there’s one stat line that’s gonna that’s gonna uh that people are gonna focus on today which is that Tyler was seven of 21 and there’s been a bunch of these lately he’s been less efficient uh over the past couple of weeks than he

Was earlier in the season and they are he I again he’s taking 21 shots so I mean he’s gonna take 21 shots he makes seven I understand the defense was the biggest problem tonight I thought Tyler actually had some good defensive moments I know defense was the biggest problem

Overall tonight for the team but again when you’re when you’re trying to chase down a team like that you can’t have your two guard be uh that inefficient all right we we are going to talk uh more about all of this stuff and and again I want to get disos extension

Before the end of this because we’ll probably do a full episode on that tomorrow um but I do want to touch on it but first I want to mention the rock Esports gamer of the night and now on five on the floor it’s time for the gamer of the night sponsored by Rock

Esports Center the place to eat drink and play all day host your next birthday party with them located at 15305 South Dixie Highway in Peto Bay they’ve got a 5500 ft state-ofthe-art Center equipped with all the high-end power play all day passes available for just 25 bucks but if you mention five

Reasons it’s just $20 so mentioned five reasons or five RSN you get to play all day for $20 and now the gamer of the night there’s actually a couple directions you could go this one with OKC here because again I mean Shay had 28 uh but I’m going to single out and

Chad I thought really affected things defensively like he did he made things the gamer I thought it was Jaylen Williams right I mean that right I mean he that dude is a dog a baller they they got someone there I mean 19 points9 rebounds 12 assists he

Doesn’t like take a wrong step like I I I really I like he it just looks like he knows how to play like we talk about hakz a lot uh but Jaylen Williams has I don’t know he’s just got a lot of facets to his game like they have absolutely

Killed the draft and and when you get that many picks you’re going to particularly when they’re high picks I mean you’re going to do fairly well but we’ve seen some teams have not I mean Detroit has not killed the draft right like some some teams have not um what

Are you I’m just curious what you guys think before we pivot back to the heat here we talk about them being potentially a 55 win team the West is muddled we know that uh some of the old guard teams like the Warriors Suns uh Lakers struggling a little bit Clippers

I don’t know what to make of them but then then you got Denver sort of up there but then there’s OKC Minnesota played a very tight game with Boston tonight um would you make a move Sean I’m just curious I’ll go back to Greg on

This after would you make a move if you OKC to try to accelerate it at this point or you just keep just keep taking your first round picks and adding them to the mix without having contracts and knowing when extensions are coming up and things like that in front of me I

Don’t think I would I think I would let this play out you know it’s the first year of really competing and contending and you know I think maybe you know let’s say you get to the second round and you lose in a tough six seven game

Series against one of the elite teams in the west I think that’s a great opportunity for growth these young guys come back they’re all still very young it’s the first year with Chad you know you might Tinker pieces but I think that core like you guys said Jaylen Williams

Chad Shay then you start questioning right is giddy longterm you know is he the guy you want Dort you can maybe upgrade there and the bench you know you can start to look at pieces there case Wallace I really like but yeah I think I

Would let it play out I just think that when you try to push it too early can you really get past Denver can you really get past like those teams and if you push it too early and you use your pieces I think sometimes it’s it’s shortsighted instead of being long you

Know looking to the Future it’s funny you mentioned Dort because I I think the heat would love to get their hands on uh on Dort you talk about somebody who could defend uh on the perimeter and the point of attack I was impressed I like

Cas Wallace from what I’ve seen so far I think he’s going to be a play I mean everybody comes out of there is but like I think he’s gonna be a player too but uh I I can’t prounce to say misic the the uh the Serbian uh he’s an inter he’s

An interesting player right he’s an interesting player like he I mean he’s 29 years old we talk about hockey as being 22 he’s 29 years old he’s played International competition a very high level but uh no I I I I really I really like their group I I know what people

Are going to want to know us talk about tonight so let’s just do it what what did we think of uh of Yi’s start tonight because that’s I love that’s what it seems like people care about he he fits next to Bam we’ve been talking about what player fits next to

Bam and this is the guy who fits the profile fits the play style fits the way he’s been approaching the basketball games like with that um again like we talked about Jaylen Williams being a dog with that dog mentality they they need him to play like that and he’s brought that to every

Single game the passing is so underrated the fact I almost feel like they need to put the ball in his hands more um when he’s out on the court but I I think they’ve really found something there it’s crazy the fact that he went down to

Sou Falls came back up and looks like a completely different player after getting some extensive run down there uh I’m thoroughly impressed with Nico yic I I feel like his stock is trending major up you know the number that jumps out to me with yic tonight the minutes I was

Just gonna say that his minutes got bumped today because they only played eight guys and I think it was because of his productivity which I think is a good thing if he struggles limit his minutes but give him the opportunity to go out there and play at least that 20 that

He’s been playing 33 that’s that’s pretty impressive I’m glad you didn’t go to the single game plus minus though I’m I’m glad we’re uh we moved past that as a a measurement of good play now you know what it is is that I’ve got the

ESPN uh I’ve got I got up on my phone and I I didn’t click on all stats so that’s I’m I’m just getting the I’m I’m getting the smaller so I I have a feeling I know what it looks like I’m not gonna even get into it uh but I mean

The overall minutes okay so Tyler 36 bam 36 Haywood 35 so they they’ve bumped they bumped him up tonight they played eight guys I mean it’s like a playoff game I mean it was weird but that’s basically all they had they don’t trust anyone else who was available you’re talking Thomas Bryant

Jamal Kane RJ Hampton Orlando Robinson well right but but they don’t trust anybody else who was available but like all of a sudden they’re he’s trusting Nia yic with 33 minutes in that situation like that’s a that’s a huge development I mean every SPO doesn’t

Want to play yic now SPO I mean SPO played yic I mean Duncan played 25 minutes tonight yic played 33 I mean Duncan was teing low 30s and right and it I don’t really see him coming out of the starting line I the Caleb thing is weird like Weir well I’ll save it

Because we’re gonna get into it in the injury report here in a second but um yeah I I don’t know when he’s coming back so at this point it’s kind of yeah I think he’s just gonna roll with yic uh until until you know until I think until

He really bombs one of the games and then they they may look at something different all right I do want to get into though because we have to take uh care of our great sponsors here including our friend Lynette so we’re going to get to the insurance by linet a

A Aggressive Insurance play of the night and now it’s time for the insurance by linet play of the night sponsored by insurance at a Aggressive Insurance Agency you can reach out to our friend Lynette at 95458 8800 that’s 95458 8800 or insurance that’s insurance with two NS and two T’s

Your best play for Auto Insurance homeowners insurance condo Insurance life insurance or a retirement program reach out to Lynette at Insurance happy birthday Linette by the way um let’s get to uh the play of the night I’ll I’ll leave it to you guys because I

To me there were a couple on the OKC end that we could touch on but was was there anything on the heat side that jumped out of you tonight Greg the yic transition three and then if we’re talking an a aggressive play of the night I would say that when bamat

Bio finally lowered his shoulder on cat late in that game they needed to probably see that sooner um and so if we’re looking for any of the bright spots on the heat side Sunshine pumper himself shall bring you the yovic transition three and the BAM baby hook

It reminded me of Alonzo when skinny big men used to try to guard him back in the day as well yeah I’m glad you mentioned the yic one because that’s probably where I would go also um because anything they do on the break that actually works uh you you’ll take it

Sean yeah I think uh two plays second quarter bam he’s driving to his left and finds I think it was hakz on the Baseline like kind of a nol look pass along the Baseline um and if we want to give the Thunder some credit that uh transition I think it was case Wallace

Jaylen Williams where he basically just caught it and threw it up for him that was that was Unreal so that’s that’s how you run transition um you know take notes take notes I don’t know that the heat are capable of that with their current Personnel unfortunately for them

Uh and I do think there’s again a bigger conversation to be had here about the timeline because we talked about the Heats Bridge timeline you’re trying to win a title now but you’ve got some of these young teams that are going to be a force and a threat and this OKC group

Reminds me a little bit not in terms of the type of personnel necessarily but in their trajectory to the Golden State team that started to form uh and they they they weren’t all as high picks but that started to form uh towards the end of the Heats big three era and then and

You’re just like okay I mean if you the heat there’s going to be some other powers that you’re going to need to deal with here uh as you go forward there’s not I will say this there’s not a team in the East that would scare me as much

In a playoff series as OKC does it’s not a team in the east i i because I think OKC would run the heat off the floor I think I think it need if totally healthy I just it feels like one of those Series where we’d be like they’re

Not athletic enough like that’s that’s we’ve had those kind of series before um Miami would really need Jimmy to be able to grind uh that thing down for them but that’s what happens in the playoffs so it would beting I know I know I know but

I OKC is gonna scare the hell out of everybody uh before we get to the injury report I just want to just a quick thought here we’ll do a longer podcast on this tomorrow uh but I said this this yesterday on Twitter so I’ll just repeat

It their exposure to me is the greatest success story uh from a Personnel standpoint because coaching is Personnel it’s it’s some somebody that you’re bring in uh in Miami Heat history in my view um because it’s it’s when you look at where he was and now an eight-year contract

Extension 120 million good for him I mean again I’ve said this too the heat will spend on basketball operations and coaching they they talk about it they’re top five in spending in those areas they’ve done what it’s taken to retain Andy retain Adam keep Eric keep that crew together because in their view

That’s one of the ways you win at the margins in the league it’s I I don’t want to call Money Ball because you’re spending the money so it’s not really a Moneyball strategy but it is it’s an in it’s a market inefficiency essentially because you know you can spend more

There to make your players that you have better and I know Heat fans are frustrated about well the heat won’t spend this or going to the second apron and we we’ve had these discussions over and over and over coaching salaries don’t count against the tax or the cap right executive salaries don’t count

Against the cap or the tax so if you’re G to spend the extra five million a year 10 million a year or suppos case 15 million a year uh you spend it there because it doesn’t there’s no multiplier on it it it is what it is and you hope that he

Can continue to maximize players and and I I understand the strategy I mean because I mean it to have the kind of stability and now we’re talking about him carrying their tradition um you know he he calls himself a caretaker caretaking this culture into the future

Do you know what’s huge about it too if you’re a free agent and we talk about that free agency is not what it was it’s not but if you’re a free agent and you’re considering Miami you know the coach is gonna be there yeah you know

You know the guy that you’re talking to is set like you don’t have to worry about him getting uh you know blown out in a year or two it’s not happening he’s there for eight years so you know and he has made a lot of the free agent pitches

In recent years he’s been at the Forefront with Hayward with Durant I know they didn’t get either guy but he was the one that made it close Okay J Rich J right J Rich all right no but that stability is is critical for them going forward but it also is it’s one of

Their great success stories and you look at it first thing you know it’s it’s one of Pat’s great success stories because to identify somebody we know Pat was frustrated with the whole you know 0708 team Etc and everything else he’ already moved on from coaching once he moved on

The second time this time to Eric but to pluck someone out of the video first thing to retain Eric when he came then to pluck him out of the video room to have him coaching a team which was handicapped by the fact that they didn’t want to go all in with Dwayne because

They were trying to keep their powder dry for 2010 taking those two teams to the playoffs and then I had a conversation with Eric during late in uh I was thinking the 11 12 season where he told me and he’s since told others after but this was the first time I’d heard it

That he if he was in another organization he would have been fired three times he he says this all the time now but he I remember him specifically telling me we were on the court in Phoenix after a game and he said if if it wasn’t for this if I wasn’t in this

Organization I would have been fired when we acquired LeBron because again LeBron was like who the hell is this guy uh I would have been fired at 9 and8 for sure and of course that’s when we know that they had the team team meeting in the players meeting in Dallas I was

There waiting for 55 minutes for them to come outside the door Dwayne was going the whole thing and then the next day there was a story leaked to about the problems between spoler BR and practice that was the second time okay and the third time was losing the 2011

Finals with a team with that kind of expectations he he believes he would have been fired any of those three times if he was in another organization and Pat didn’t do it and Pat stood up to LeBron for him and now you have LeBron sending a tweet celebrating spos

Extension think of how far we’ve come so it is a this loss tonight yes it hurts because you know you were playing pretty well and this OKC team you had a shot against them it’s meaningless in the grand scheme of things compared to getting this head coach locked in for

Eight years after you’ve now promoted Andy you’ve kept Adam you have your core like we talk about they have their young core on the player side they have their Brain Trust core locked in going forward there are not a lot of organizations around the league that can

Say that and so that’s a very positive thing all right we do want to get to the injury report and then I’m going to go to Shan and Greg for their final thoughts so the injury report and now it’s time for the official five on the floor injury report sponsored by our

Friend Eric Rubenstein the personal injury attorney born and raised in Lauderdale Florida lives in Miami went to St Thomas he’s a South Florida guy and a huge Miami Heat fan but the important thing is he can help you get your money that you deserve when something happens to you so reach out to

Our guy Eric Rubenstein again Eric Rubenstein decom or ask about me I got you on Instagram and now the injury report actually Eric was on the floor today again uh he’s he’s everywhere he was on the flooor C Cent um all right F injury report let’s just get to it Jimmy Butler

Did speak to the media yesterday and we haven’t had a chance to address that and he said that the toe injury could have been a lot worse so they felt like they kind of dodged a bullet there and that he’ll be back sooner rather than later

So we’ll see if that’s Friday if maybe that’s Sunday which is uh Dwayne’s big day uh when he’s uh they celebrate him going into the Hall of Fame or or whether it’s next week but I mean you would hope it would be soon um and then again we’ll see how they reshuffle the

Starting lineup I will say uh the Caleb thing I don’t know I I just I don’t know like he they they’ve listed him as doubtful for like two weeks and doubtful is a weird designation for them like usually it’s it’s out or it’s questionable but it’s doubtful I don’t I

Don’t really know where it’s at and uh that’s one of the things that I think we need to get a little little more information on because we haven’t talked about Caleb a lot but they they’ve missed Caleb like he get you talk about the transition the athleticism he’s got

There you know and then Kyle not playing tonight we knew that it was going to happen um and I wouldn’t be surprised if they extend this break for him a pocket of time to give him a little bit more rest and if you get Jimmy back in the

Lineup you can probably uh you know you can probably you know give Kyle a week or two here where yeah you know he’s he’s not counted upon and then maybe you can you can again if he’s here has a trade trade deadline maybe he’s fresher uh later on uh final thoughts on

Anything that’s happened the past 24 hours Sean well I know it’s going to come up I can see the uh the trade Wheels working in Greg’s mind right now when we talk about when you talk about Caleb like that you can see spinning in there so that’s a different podcast but um one

Guy I don’t think we touched on tonight that was very impressive to me was Haywood heith uh 19 points five rebounds two assists five threes in 35 minutes so I don’t want that to get lost because while you know he can’t go out there and

Shut down SGA he was great on offense he knocked down open threes he made life tough for f SGA he made life tough for Jaylen Williams but those guys you just can’t stop them so shout out to he Heywood for uh another great performance and a

Start my my trade machine wheels are not quite churning yet frankly a lot of people are coming to me with what do you think of this trade that trade this trade that trade I don’t think that they’re there yet um honestly but I do think the more that we watch hakz and

Yovic kind of figuring things out as young players and Haywood heith still being a player that I think you can keep uh long-term at a fraction of the cost you start to ask is Caleb Martin extra or is he somebody that you’re willing to spend

For uh and how much do you have to spend maybe you don’t have to spend nearly as much as you thought you were going to after game seven last year uh by the end of this run but we still will see on Eric bolstra I just want to say that we

Now know who the face of the franchise is who the um succession plan is this is a franchise that has now attached themselves at the hip to Eric spola they were very um I think that all parties were very careful in Adrien War janowski’s article to call out in modern

Sports history the commitment in years and money and what it meant um and I think that it’s an important call out because they basically an eight-year extension for him is unbelievable that type of stability is unheard of in coaching most coaches go year to year and don’t know and and probably have

Conversations with their family about like if we make it through this year this is what we’re going to do and if we don’t we’ll do this this guy’s getting eight-year extensions I just think we should never take it for granted what a great story it is best coaching Sports fpo.cxx

That guy used to email me all the time oh yeah no he he he was very very impressed with his work I I I wonder who still has the job him or SPO anyway uh thanks for our sponsors Rock Esports Center Eric Rubenstein dcom and also insurance by happy birthday

Lynette Heat lose but in the big picture over the past 24 hours they’ve won and we’ll see you on Thursday and then Friday night Orlando comes into town thank you for listening to the five on the floor on the fiveon sports network after all someone needs to listen to my dad

The Miami Heat scored well enough Wednesday night, even without Jimmy Butler. But they could not contain the Thunder’s young players, and lost 128-120. Ethan, Greg and Sean break down the defeat — and reflect on Erik Spoelstra’s 8-year extension.

Sponsors: ROK Esports Center,,

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  1. When Tyler faces an equal but more athletic opponent, he is neutralized. I didnt see the game but wanted Skolnick to address this. I can see the curiosity with Donovan Mitchell. Miami is missing that playmaking athletic guard/wing. Unless Jovic grows to inexpendable quick, I trade him for Dejounte Murray if Mitchell is not available..l

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