@Atlanta Hawks

Hawks vs. 76ers Postgame Press Conference: Trae Young

Hawks vs. 76ers Postgame Press Conference: Trae Young

Trey just for you guys to close out tonight I know you guys have been competitive in a lot of games this season so for you guys to be on the right side of the win- loss column just what does that say about you guys um I don’t I don’t think it says anything

About us I think it just it’s just sa I mean it’s makes you feel satisfied that some of the work you’ve been putting in can pay off and lead to a win and so we just got to keep doing what we’ve been doing and uh I mean like you said we’ve

Lost a lot lot of close games and been in a lot of games so couple plays here and there could could have changed the outcome and uh tonight we just made a couple more plays that I mean gave us a win so Trey um Tyrese Maxi picked up his

Fifth foul against you and then he also fouled out with you um what did you see like when you were going at him and did you know that he had five fouls going into overtime yeah I did yeah I knew he had I knew he had five fouls uh I knew

He wasn’t going to try to win a foul again and I’ve seen them in transition back pedaling and um thankfully the guys in the stripes called that one uh there’s a lot of other calls throughout the game they probably could have given and and uh that were similar to that

Foul um but they just called it uh similar to last game it’s certain times it’s not necessary about how many times it’s called or certain things go your way it’s the timing in which it happens and uh fortunately enough for us uh we had a certain call like when our way uh

That was a six foul that it was it wasn’t getting it the whole game but the timing of it uh really helped us so that was good uh Trey Ona having 11 of the the team’s first 18 points just curious what did you see in terms of being able

To feed him and and getting him in the right position yeah I mean I usually uh I mean when we play the Sixers it’s kind of similar trying to they they like to play their picking roles Two on Two And so if the biz get a hit I can get

Downhill on the big and kind of force him to to pick either guard me or stay with the the roller and and not let the L go so um I kind of figured going into the game like what it was going to be and so um early on just getting ow and

Some role and pick and roll situations and trying to put um Reed in some pick and roll situations was very uh I mean something that we wanted to do and I mean it was it helped oh get into the game it helped us get off to a fast

Start and so it was good for us thank you graci

Hawks vs. 76ers Postgame Press Conference: Trae Young after 132-139 overtime Win

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