@Indiana Pacers

Indiana Pacers Stay Hot! Woj Trade Update

Indiana Pacers Stay Hot! Woj Trade Update

So this is coming straight from wge W is saying that the Pacers don’t want to include jar Walker in any trade for Pascal seum is this surprising no this is not surprising you don’t have to break the bank for seak if you trade for SE yakum you’re losing leverage because

If you trade for him now you have to resign him now if you wait in the off season you could probably get him for a discount because I don’t think Toronto was going to bring him back and you can work a day L you don’t have to give him

A Max I don’t know why everybody thinking he’s going to get a 4year Max nobody is giving seak a 4year Max unless it’s the Toronto Raptors themselves because they may be in a position where they don’t want to lose them for nothing so they have to just resign them but

Other than the Raptors nobody’s giving SE yakum a full fouryear Max so my thing with the cakam to the PAC of stuff is don’t believe none of it because I’m here to tell you I don’t think it’s going to to happen because business-wise it makes sense for the Pacers to just

Wait until the off seon because like I said if you trade for them you give him all leverage and you have to Max him out but if you wait until the off season you don’t have to just throw a Max contract in his face you can see what the market

Looks like for him because I don’t think the market is going to be wide for Pascal seaka you’re going to hit a paces and you’re probably going to hear teams like the San Antonio Spurs teams like the Detroit Pistons going to hit teams like that now Philly maybe there’s a

Chance SE yakum goes there Philly is going to have cap space maybe there’s a chance yakum goes there but a lot of the top teams don’t have cap space we’re going to be one of the best teams with cap space to sign him so up into the

Trade deadline you’re going to hear the SE yakum to Pacers stuff but I don’t think it’s going to get done I think the Pacers are just going to wait to the off season and see what their options are but as far as jar Walker man and the

Pacers being hesitant to put him in any trades I understand being hesitant putting him in any seak trees but for the right guy he can go like I said before this guy’s a kid he’s not ready to play in the league looks like a high school senior man and I guarantee you if

The Pacers knew what they knew now about him they wouldn’t have drafted him when they got him inh housee they realized this guy isn’t ready and I shouldn’t even have to say they Rick carile realized it Rick carile was trying to win he’s trying to get this team into

The playoffs jarus Walker is not ready for that type of speed he’s not ready for that type of grind when you talking about that playoff grind you talking about guys like Bruce Bryan a guy who surprisingly a lot of Pacer fans has turned their back on 13 rebounds I’m not

Woring about the 18 points I could give a damn about the 18 points because when it comes to Miles Turner the points are going to come and go he’s going to score 18 one night then he can score 10 another night the points is always going

To be up and down but the rebounds is is the key Batman is capable of averaging 10 rebounds come on now you’re not going to tell me a guy with his size is not capable averaging 10 rebounds you see how much of a difference he makes when

He grabs rebounds this team not going to back down even without halberton this team is on a mission they got something to approve like I said before defense is going to have to be the key for this team they kind of have no choice they’re not going to be scoring 130 140 points

Without halberton is going to have to start with defense this is the least amount of points we’ve scored in a win this season seven plays of double figures this how the team going to have to get it done Pacers have won eight out of their last nine games and as far as

The position in the playoffs that Solid Rock Solid the stret with halberton is going to be the defining moment of the season is this team going to rise to the occasion we shall see but don’t get mad at the facts though

#bornreadyjones #nba #indianapacers


  1. It probably makes sense to wait until the offseason to make a big move. Who knows, maybe big-time star requests a trade, and we could go after them.
    Regarding the upcoming games without Hali, I'm hoping we can hover around .500.

  2. Big fan, never miss a release. But, your thought process on Walker doesn't make any sense. They don't want to include him in a trade but they don't think he's worth keeping? Jarace Walker is going to get the slow roll out that the Pacers almost always treat rookies with.

  3. I'm not 100% sold on spending a ton of long term assets for a short term solution. I do think a trade can and should be made to get Buddy to a team that has issues with outside shooting but has depth at rebounding. You just never know when a GM might want something. It's hard to know. No one saw the Haliburton trade coming.

  4. In the summer there will be so many options. I don’t mind trading for Siakam but I wouldn’t give up more than expiring contracts and a guy like Smith + a pick. Praying for us to be decent this road trip. Only 1.5 back from the 3 seed

  5. Can’t rule out competitive teams willing to do sign and trades with the raps so I think it’ll be more than just teams with cap to be interested. So we shall see

  6. You don’t see them giving up Walker, unless it is a trade for an elite player, because even though he might not be ready you see the potential in this young player every time he’s on the floor, and at this stage his passing ability and vision for a big man is unparalleled for someone at his age, and anytime he gets in the on the floor something positive happens. If he gets in the weight room and strengthens up he’s a starter next year at the SF or PF position.

  7. Walker is the intangibles the pacers need. Passing,rebound,defense. Where the pacers lack at the PF. They not playing walker due to smith because hes just better than him right now. Walker is in progress right now well see later about him next season. The pacers are staying put with this team until off season

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