@Toronto Raptors

This is Getting Out of Hand…

This is Getting Out of Hand…

The disrespect is getting out of hand because following rakovich is passionate response to the corrupt officiating that was going on during that Lakers game a lot of pundits and people around the NBA had some things to say about darko’s sort of rant and ended up disrespecting the Raptor’s head coach as well as

Scotty Barnes while doing it so we’ll break down what was said what’s the talk going around the NBA because frankly some of it’s pretty stupid so we’ll discuss that including the Raptors having a very solid game against La CLI last night couldn’t pull out the W against the League’s probably best team

Since the over the past month and a half but still had an inspired performance without the likes of Pascal cakam and yaka purle so lots of stuff to dive into in this video but before we do folks again over 57% of our viewers are not subscribed to the channel so if you want

To stay up to date with all of the latest Toronto Raptors news mean the world to me if you guys could hit that subscribe button but let’s dive into what’s been going on because everyone saw the passionate rant from dark orok following that Lakers game and you know

Hyped a lot of raptors fans up and to be fair a lot of people have come out to support darko’s sort of speech the just horrible officiating at the end of that Lakers game even the Clippers broadcasters gave some respect last night to uh Darko and uh basically what

He had to say regarding the whole situation but there’s also been a lot of shade thrown around and one of the biggest ones that’s been going around Toronto Raptor spheres has been Stephen A Smith who again has has been uh very vocal about his distaste for the Toronto

Raptors being a good team was unhappy about the Raptors winning an NBA championship says it needs to stay in America all that type of stuff and frankly the the disrespect kind of continued last night and wasn’t really to Darko rakovic he kind of ignored all of the officiating just didn’t address

It when the question was sort of proposed about darkos rant didn’t care about it didn’t address it said hey this doesn’t really matter but what he really sunk his teeth into was what Darko had to say about Scotty Barnes because in his rant he passionately called Scotty

Barnes a guy that’s going to be a star an Allstar and the face of the NBA in the future so he’s a guy that should be getting the respect the same way LeBron James and Anthony Davis do you know from the officiating and basically you know

Sure that’s Scotty barns is not the face liia there’s no ifs ANS or buts about it but the fact considering his stats considering what he can do on both ends of the floor there’s no reason he couldn’t grow into that sort of potential especially with the development we saw saw him have this

Summer in terms of his season this year but Stephen A Smith definitely had from the video from his reaction a problem with Darko even if it’s a little bit far-fetched having uh some support of his youngstar player basically coming out in his rant and saying that uh he

Has an issue with dark rakovich call and Scotty barns the face of the league the face of the league somebody needs to remind him of who Anthony Edwards is along with various others so you know named Anthony Edwards who again is a young star on a number one seed

Minnesota to Tim Bru’s team I’m not going to come out here and start bashing other young star players across the NBA by any means but you know dakovich is just going out there supporting his guy a guy that definitely has the potential to grow into that role and then Stephen

A Smith was very dismissive very smug about what he had to say regarding Scotty Barnes even though he did say that Scotty’s putting up some amazing stats I mean you look at stat line in this season Scotty Barnes has been ridiculous close to 21 points per game eight rebounds eight nine rebounds uh

Six assists 1.4 blocks and 1.4 steals which are ridiculous numbers and shooting 38% from behind the three-point line being efficient from the field outside and in and he’s improved his shooting this season as well to a drastic extent I mean you know he’s shooting 42% a corner threes now at this

Point again 38% and shooting at him at a higher clip over 35% of his total shots are from behind the threo line so I mean Scotty Burns has uh really just taken his game to the whole another level so so the fact to completely write him off or just kind of

Roast a coach be a bit arrogant in terms of how you’re speaking about dark rakovich praising one of his top guys frankly it rubs me the wrong way comes off as very disrespectful the wording of how he sort of did it again can’t bring up the copyright for the ESPN stuff but

I mean it just left a bad taste in my mouth what Stephen had to say even though he did you know the words the quotes specifically don’t really articulate what’s how St Smith was addressing it was very coming off it’s like you can’t be saying that about

Scotty Barnes no world will that happens and going almost inferring Darko kind of stupid or you know not smart for kind of saying that so I wasn’t happy with it but the more disrespectful thing that came out was actually from Evan Turner who is a guy I was frankly a fan of and

You know he dated someone from Newland which is a wild story that people don’t know about but uh so he’s around St John’s for a little bit which is obviously my hometown but he came out and said on Instagram basically uh following darkos rant saying you got to

Let your assistant coaches do the rant when you have an accent and then Dennis shudder you could see sort of responded to that just you know the clear disrespect clear kind of you know xenophobia with the the quote there and like I mean Evan Turner did apologize

For this in a weird sort of live stream I mean again the wording from it still kind of was dismissal everything that’s going on and not to be again roast people not to do anything but Evan Turner has been criticized or roasted for his voice in the past so you know

It’s just a bad look I mean Darko is not out there not able to speak English or anything like that he was well articulated obviously he has an accent but he’s not from the US or Canada or any of these places like what what are you really saying here that’s just

Foolish just nonsense there from Evan Turner like it’s pretty shocking to see some of the stuff that’s come out regarding this rant but I mean dark rakovich I agree with what he said definitely inspired a lot of Toronto Raptors fans to get support behind him I

Mean fired them all up so you know you’re going to have haters when you start speaking out on different types of things but shout out to darkar ovic and Scotty Barnes for Scotty elevating his game Darko supporting his players and hopefully the reing does get better because that sort of leaves us into

Tonight’s game against the LA or last night’s game against LA Clippers and again another late one but uh the Trona Raptors had a very inspired performance and basically the Clippers are really good there’s no ifs sends or buts about it this is an extremely difficult game after a really emotional loss the night

Before again on the road backto back against Kawhi Leonard Paul George James Harden Norman Powell who’s ridiculous it’s uh shooting 46% from three this season pretty pretty insane and then also you know zubach who’s a guy that it’s really able to dominate when there isn’t another big man or at least our

Regular starting FR Court here for the Toronto Raptor so I mean the Raptors had an inspired performance I I’m not going to be down on them for the way they played in this game but I mean overall thatat young stepped into the starting lineup for the past two games and has

Been awesome and was pretty good in this game as well eight points you know a real sort of uh big shining lights in this one were Emanuel quickley and RJ Barrett with 25 points and 24 points respectively you know six assists four assists five rebounds our two Acquisitions are two are young and

Promising upand cominging back court has been insane and then also schruder was in the starting lineup and had a very solid game himself with 22 points four assists I mean our starting three sort of in the one two three positions were awesome in this game and it’s showing

That Emanuel quickley and Dennis shuder can play on the court together even though their minutes were still staggered a little bit in terms of how it was adjusted there but they did start together and shuder and quickly our nice sort of dynamic back court and then RJ

Barrett is looking more and more like a steel every time I watch him play he’s extremely efficient around the basket scores really well it’s just a great sight to be seen but one of the things I do sort of want to dress K Scotty hasn’t

Been that great over the past uh or he had two kind of stinkers in his last three and tonight it wasn’t like a horrific game by any means but the biggest problem I have with Scotty Scotty Barnes game and it’s only two turnovers and six assists which wouldn’t

Be horrible he cleaned it up a little bit in the second half but he had times especially where he’s a point forward for the Toronto Raptors that’s sort of his role with this team it’s uh he makes some weird passing decisions and sometimes they don’t always lead to

Turnover sometimes they lead just risky sort of plays and obviously he’s a younger guy getting more and more involved into the offense so it’s something you kind of expect but uh you know Scotty Barnes just kind of calmed it down on a few of those uh pocket

Passes and obviously to create you have to take some risky ones and I get it but some of them are just clearly kind of bad decisions so cleans up his decision- making a little bit you know on his drives when to drive and when to sort of

Make that dime he is obviously an outstanding passer in general but once he cleans up that decision-making slows the game down just a little bit consistently and Scotty Barnes has probably been our most consistent best player of this season but last couple games I’ve noticed especially now where

The roles changed a little bit you know he’s finding his role finding picking forcing his uh possessions a little bit too much at time so you know that’s just the one critique I do have on Scotty Barnes again he’s going to be a star he has been remarkable over the you know

This entire year so not worried about Scotty Barnes whatsoever but also Off the Bench ex jonte Porter and Gary Trent Jr in this one holy smoke scary is back which is great to see he seems to be thriving off with this new Off the Bench roll seems to be bought in you know

Especially in the first half of this one cool down a little bit in the second didn’t take too many shots in the second half I found felt like the Raptors were a bit tired at the end of this which I get it with Pascal seaka being out you

Know extended roles I guess the the bench guys aren’t getting that many minutes but uh Gary knocking down shots is a huge positive for this team and then also Jon Porter who’s a guy that has really stepped up dealt with some foul trouble last night but nine points

Seven rebounds four assists and uh did have a three turnovers in this game again three turnovers four fouls forces it at times but you can tell he is very sort of has a great basketball awareness his basketball IQ seems very strong even the passes are Force it’s almost like

Scotty Barnes to the same extent my same criticisms and against a team like the LA Clippers who have Kawhi Leonard Paul George able to pick off those passing Lanes some size a really strong defense I mean you’re going to have some turnovers if you’re trying to create and

Uh jonte does get a little bit out of control at times but the way makes Reeds is a huge postive and it’s a guy that I’ve been impressed with enough to say hey I’m happy with him sort of as a backup center position now yeah with uh

Yaka purle out he’s kind of with that now I guess that is starting at the center spot but you know Jon’s probably in a little bit more of an elevated role but I have been happy with his performances so no complaints with how he stepped in bue has sort of

Disappointed me a little bit since uh yaka P’s gone down and this one forcing a couple too many drives airball on a three you know had a nice rebound and stuff but I again I think he’s a guy that deserves rotation minutes you know give him that run see how he’s doing

Because when B bush is good he is really good and then McDaniels and 13 minutes in this one not doing anything to really stand out not horrible on ball defense getting a couple fouls but he was sold and then Garett Temple also hit a three

Which is great to see so you know the Raptors again scheduled loss without Pascal seak and Yak Capo backto back on the road against the League’s probably best team over the past month and a half you’re going to lose that game but still an encouraging sort of game for Toronto

And hopefully now you know with the schedule you know it’s a currently a difficult road trip that they’re on but the Raptors can get some wins I mean it’s going to be difficult to catch the upper pack at the Eastern Conference given the sort of position Toronto put

Themselves in at the start of this year but it’s not un it’s not impossible we just have to stay ahead of the teams like the Atlanta Hawks the Chicago Bulls and Brooklyn Nets and then I’ll be sort of encouraged and probably we’ll make a deep playoff R the season but I’d like

To see the Raptors have an encouraging finish to this year clean up the roster and then uh you maybe make a push in the playoffs make a surprise sort of run or you know set up things really nicely for next season but let me know what you

Guys think about the tronto Raptors uh game you know against the Clippers last night against about all the disrespect that’s going on around the league again Dark alich full support for me in terms of that rant let me know what you guys think I’m signing out cheers

The Toronto Raptors head coach, Darko Rajakovic, had a passionate rant following the disaster officiating in the LA Lakers game, and it has sparked some disrespect toward him and Scottie Barnes across the league. Ben Rogers breaks this down while also reacting to the Toronto Raptors’ encouraging loss to the LA Clippers.

0:00 Toronto Raptors News
0:56 Disrespect From Stephen A. Smith Toward Scottie Barnes and Darko Rajakovic
6:22 Raptors INSPIRED Performance vs the LA Clippers

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  1. If you look all the american media was basically saying the samething yesterday bout how the refs where not to blame the raptors fouled on purpose in the 4th and thats why it was so high 😅 fuck outta here

  2. Why are we listening to SAS?? Hes a failed athlete as a baskball player in college and a total joke in my eyes as an analyst. I really wish ESPN got rid of this ass clown instead of Jaylen Rose or Max Kellerman.

  3. wtf has anyone heard Evan Turner speak his like a cartoon character, I bet you if Perry the platypus could speak he gonna sound like Evan Turner

  4. Scottie won’t get the whistle until he stops complaining at every call against him. He has the potential to be a star in the league….stop effing complaining all the time.

  5. This is the disrespect that Toronto idiotic fans are dare calling everthing disrespectful when they haven't won nothing, haven't done anything, and dare overrated their players on the same level as the elites

  6. Smith is an ESPN goof ball. His George Jefferson looking ass still ain't recovered since he found out Max Kellerman is more of a brotha than he is 😂 and Turner's comments just show his ignorance and it's hard to be angry with someone who just doesn't know any better.

  7. Who tf is even Turner?. Just a forty year-old man child. That guy was a numb and he looks like an alien from mars attacks, does he really wanna be dissing man's when he sounds like a clown and looks like the missing link 😂

  8. Darko Rajaković language isn’t English so he may speak out of the ordinary but he is right Scottie Barnes is one of the faces of the league this man won ROTY and living up to its potential still a top 20 in under 25 in a league of 450 active players.

  9. If Scottie got traded to the Knicks tomorrow, Stephan A couldn't kiss his ass fast enough. We'd be hearing what a great player he is and his big his potential is. Blah Blah. Look at OJ, people are talking about his now.

  10. The fact is, coach clearly meant it as he will be “one of” the faces of the league, which he ought to be. The fact they harped on that point and not the point of his rant was because 1) Stephen A has publicly declared his lack of interest in the Raptors as a franchise, and 2) because of that, he doesn’t watch the games. He clearly didn’t watch any of the play he was analyzing so he just made easy points. It’s nothing to care about… the overall reaction to Darko’s rant has been great.

  11. My favorite excuse was cowherd said statistically Scottie doesnt draw calls, and statistically Lakers dont foul that's why there would be a discrepancy lol. that's some circular reasoning lol

  12. If Anthony Edwards, who has all the talent and flash, but no basketball IQ, can be a front runner for the face of the league. Then Scottie has a chance. Stephan A. is a hater, always was and will always be.

  13. Stephen A is a joke, he is outwardly biased against the raptors, and I wouldn't listen to a word that comes out of his mouth. Darko was obviously very emotional during that rant, and maybe he overstated Barnes' potential to be the "face of the NBA," but not because Scottie doesn't have the potential to be in consideration; it's because people like Stephen A and many US correspondents will never give proper credit to anyone playing for a team outside of the US.

  14. Stephen A has always been a clown and always will be. He never had any accomplishments in any professional leagues of basketball. He does not have any critical, analytical, or articulative output whatsoever regarding basketball. He just regurgitates and dick rides on whatever that’s obvious and trendy

  15. Brings up all stars …then mentioned Barnes who has won nothing…if he mentioned pascal they would have rallied behind him …darko is dumb af

  16. Espn cant tell the truth they have to support the nba they pretty much work for them as for tsn they only care the hockey for me as a man that has been watching bball for over 30 years im losing interest in watching too much nonsense

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