@Detroit Pistons

How active will the Detroit Pistons be at the trading deadline?

How active will the Detroit Pistons be at the trading deadline?

I don’t really know how how you would like kind of view like the Pistons at the deadline like whether you think they’re going to be buyers or Sellers and I you probably talked about this multiple times with a lot of people so far but do you think they they would be more

Buyers towards their veterans and sellers maybe on guys towards the end of the bench like Isaiah livers for example and like pieces that they think maybe they could you know replace more easily yeah I think every indication I’ve gotten is that like they’re trying to

Get like we talked about and I’m I’m not I don’t keep saying Roose O’Neal because I think like because I’ve heard anything I’m just that type of guy like I think they’re going to be buyers looking for those type of players um I think the biggest issue that they faces is this

Right assume Kade Ivy assar Duren are all Untouchable though I don’t think that’s necessarily the case aside from Kade but I more likely than not those you hear them those are the qu for we need to put them in position like you feel good about them staying around so

There’s four guys off the board I’m not sure if you trade boan or Stu that you get players like if you trade boan straight up for somebody are you getting somebody better than boan like I doubt it like why then why would the team make the trade like I I think

Maybe you make trade Boon if you can get like two veterans in return like maybe that happens right Ste like I don’t know if you’re getting a like you’re probably getting a like for like um at that point so then you’re then the issue is you get

To the end of the bench where it’s like they’re playing wisman more around this time I don’t maybe that’s a coincidence maybe not kilan livers baggley uh Burks I think Burks is of the veterans is maybe the one that I could see more going at the deadline because

They have a Marcus Sasser who with more experience can kind of fill that get hot quick micro wave scoring um but I think to your point I think they’re going to be buyers man like not like go get like I said Pascal SE yakum for a half a

Season but just go get three and D Wings who have played in the NBA and have been consistently good for several years like that’s what this roster is missing um like I don’t see them trading boan for I see this all the time on Twitter and I haven’t really addressed it they

Never got offered two first round picks for Bo yeah that was I could tell you who like said that on a podcast but I mean yeah like it was T it was Tim McMahon that said that the Dallas offered two first before they traded for Kyrie that’s not what I heard from

Several people but okay maybe he’s bullshitting that yeah I mean no I mean I mean maybe Dallas did tell him that I maybe Detroit told me something else but all I know is like if people think that Detroit got offered like the the 10th pick and pick 17 for boan like that’s

Not what happened like at most maybe they got offered pick 28 and then 2029 pick 28 right like it’s not yeah there was nothing substantial on the table because Detroit would do that if they got something of substantial draft picks I I promise you that and then and Dallas

Didn’t yeah so but to your point I think their buyers uh just simply just trying to add veteran players who can help this team grow and and uh just make the roster a little bit more make make it a little bit make more sense but the issue

Is what I was saying is trying to if you don’t want to move the core four but you want to get a four like a Tobias or a whatever Jeremy Grant player to play with bogy then it’s like all right well your your pickings for trading are kind

Of slim because other than the the expiring contracts you have at the end of the bench I don’t know if there’s a lot of value in terms of V Court value from for about five or six of those players yeah that’s their real dilemma I think fans sometimes forget what they

Actually got like what they traded to get boan like it was Sabin Lee and Kelly o lenck yeah two bench guys for quote unquote starter and I mean if we didn’t have Kelly oen we probably don’t have boan because Danny Ang has like a man crush on him for whatever reason like I

I don’t I don’t get it but I mean that’s kind of been like just reading articles my assumption is like they want to keep the veterans because they just like they could go off and sell veterans right now if they wanted to like if they just like they could

Maybe get a first reboon and maybe a young player they could do it but you know everything you know Troy has said in like press conferences that just my understanding like they want to keep these bets on this team so you know when they do make a push next year these bets

Are still here and they can contribute for you right yeah I it’s I it goes back to like everybody wants the Pistons to be better but you’re not going to be better if you trade bogy for pick 28 in 2028 right like I don’t know if you’re if you’re

Trying to turn a corner sooner and it’s and bogy yeah his defense is dropping but the guy can still score yeah and I think and I think ultimately once they address some roster issues Bogie’s going to be kind of fill the Alec Burks I think he’s going to be

I could see as soon as next year him being if he’s not moved I could see as soon as next year him being like the six man it’s funny I was reading a Yahoo article and I think it was uh Jake fiser piece and like he kind of teased it like

Tom Tibido might want Alec Burks and then I went on Nick’s Reddit and then that was just a mistake and I asked they’re like oh you can have Evan for’s contract oh was just like yeah we’re good don’t want that because I know he wouldn’t play we’d probably buy him out

Yeah well well I think he expires after this year as you have two a year after this got a club option I believe so you could just wave them and that would clear up 18 M basically yeah so it’s basically the Burks it’s basically Burks his deal yeah which I mean I could

Honestly see happening because for some reason we just love trading with the Knicks yeah maybe I mean maybe you can get a little something extra in that case uh if he plans he use Burks more than he uses fornier so maybe you get a little extra on top like a some seconds

Or something or Quinton Grimes or something like that who knows yeah he’s been playing well I think recently since he’s since the trade I think he’s playing more yeah I mean I talked to Nicks fans they’re done with his ass they like this guy’s a bum they I was like damn I like

Quint Grimes I I do too that was a guy that I wanted the Pistons to go and like trade up to get I thought he was pretty good I was actually I was talking to Sasser the other day yeah and I asked Marcus which team of his four cuz

All four years at Houston he had good teams and I asked him which team was the best and he said the one with Quinton Grimes oh yeah they both went the Houston I forgot about yeah I think that was his first year sasser’s first year in college or his second year but he

Said whatever year he was with Quinton was that was the best team he he had at that time man that’s yeah those were some pretty good teams honestly man talk about a college career it blows my mind that he’s the same age as Killian Hayes it is it blows

My mind I just like this kid so [Applause] [Applause] Good

On Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by James Edwards III the topic of discussion was the Detroit Pistons being active at the trading deadline?

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  1. I said it before and I'll say it again… There will be no changes to this roster this season!

    Prove me wrong Troy….

  2. The worst thing we could do is to panic and trade away young assets for some shot in the dark that might win a couple more games this year. Let's just trade Monty for a bag of Doritos – and call it good.

  3. That front office is 🚮🗑️ and telling the fans they’re going after someone with the money they have but have no reason why any players would take Detroit’s money over anyone else willing to pay with less pressure and a better work environment

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