@Cleveland Cavaliers

Max Strus | Cavs Practice | 1.10.2024

Max Strus | Cavs Practice | 1.10.2024

What does it mean to be here oh man it means the world uh you know we’re we’re out here showcasing our game showcasing what we do in the NBA um do a whole another country um and it’s already been a warm welcome from the fans here in Paris and you could tell

That they love the game and and love the NBA so um we’re excited just to get out on the court and give them a show kind of things we’ be able to see while in Paris I know you guys were really busy but kind of

I mean I the first night we got here got to walk around see the shops you know see the the big fashion industry that they have here and and the love for that and then um got to see eiel Tower yesterday and um trying to go to the lou

Today so trying to get all the the touristy things in and and see what you know Paris is all about um while we’re here but um you know trying to balance that and playing basketball at the same time so really enjoying the city and what it has to offer and um you know

Hopefully and be able to come back in the summer and get to enjoy it a little more yeah they have a lot of stuff um get into tomorrow the game um supposed to be represented by 45 cons fans 45 different countries the biggest NBA international game of all time wow uh

What does that mean for the Cav be able to Cavaliers brand but also the I mean it’s huge for the Cavaliers brand um just to be able to Showcase your game showcase what our team has to offer in front of the world many different worlds um is special so we

Don’t take that lightly we don’t take it for graned and um you know want to come out and show what what we’re made of and and show what we have and um show the true talent that we have on this team so um we’re excited to be here we’re

Excited to play that game and um it’s just even better that there’s going to be that many fans there last one you guys have for your last 11 games kind of got a high going uh what would it mean it’s a quick trip what would it mean to

Get a w here going into allar your guys yeah keeping the main thing the main thing is just winning uh you know we’ve done a good job of that so far um these past couple weeks and if we can stay on that train keep playing the same basketball we’ve been playing um it’s

Just going to be great for the rest of our season so uh definitely want to get a win here it’s important to us and uh you know we’re going to practice today like like we need to win tomorrow and and that’s that’s the plan get that one done no problem

Cleveland Cavaliers forward Max Strus spoke with the media following practice in Paris, France on January 10, 2024.

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